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IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308
Volume: 03 Special Issue: 03 | May-2014 | NCRIET-2014, Available @ http://www.ijret.org 486
Shweta Y Kulkarni 1
, Jagadish S B 2
, Manjunath M B3
Thermal Power Engg, Dept. of Mechanical Engg. VTURC Gulbarga
Thermal Power Engg, Dept. of Mechanical Engg. VTURC Gulbarga
Thermal Power Engg, Dept. of Mechanical Engg. VTURC Gulbarga
The transfer of heat to and from process fluids is an essential part of most of the chemical processes. Therefore, heat exchangers
(HEs) are used extensively and regularly in process and allied industries and are very important during design and operation. The
most commonly used type of HE is the shell and tube heat exchanger. In the present study, a comparative analysis of a water to water
STHE wherein, hot water flows inside the tubes and cold water inside the shell is made, to study and analyze the heat transfer
coefficient and pressure drops for different mass flow rates and inlet and outlet temperatures, using Kern, Bell and Bell Delaware
methods. This paper purely aims at studying and comparing different methods of STHE and bringing out which method is better for
adopting in shell side calculations.
Keywords: STHE, Heat transfer coefficient, shell &Tube heat exchanger, Pressure Drop, TEMA, Bell Delaware method,
Kern Method & Bell method.
Shell-and-tube heat exchangers _STHXs_ are widely used in
many industrial areas, and more than 35–40% of heat
exchangers are of this type due to their robust geometry
construction, easy maintenance, and possible upgrades. Besides
supporting the tube bundles, the baffles in shell-and-tube heat
exchangers form flow passage for the shell-side fluid in
conjunction with the shell. The most-commonly used baffle is
the segmental baffle, which forces the shell-side fluid going
through in a zigzag manner, hence, improves the heat transfer
with a large pressure drop penalty. This type of heat exchanger
has been well-developed and probably is still the most-
commonly used type of the shell and tube heat exchangers [1].
Heat exchangers are one of the most important devices of
mechanical systems in modern society. Most industrial
processes involve the transfer of heat and more often, it is
required that the heat transfer process be controlled. According
to Oko (2008), a heat exchanger is a device of finite volume in
which heat is exchanged between two media, one being cold and
the other being hot. There are different types of heat exchangers;
but the type widely used in industrial application is the shell and
tube [2]. Mass velocity strongly influences the heat-transfer
coefficient. Thus, with increasing mass velocity, pressure drop
increases more rapidly than does the heat-transfer coefficient.
Consequently, there will be an optimum mass velocity above
which it will be wasteful to increase mass velocity further. The
construction geometry and thermal parameters such as mass
flow rate, heat transfer coefficient etc are strongly influenced by
each other.[3]. There are design charts such as E-NTU
(Effectiveness- Number of Transfer Unit) curves and LMTD
(Logarithm Mean Temperature Difference) correction factor
curves for the analysis of simple types of exchangers. Similar
design charts do not exist for the analysis of complex heat
exchangers with multiple entries on the shell side and complex
flow arrangements (Ravikumaur et al, 1988).
In this way, the design of shell and tube heat exchangers is a
very important subject in industrial processes. Nevertheless,
some difficulties are found, especially in the shell-side design,
because of the complex characteristics of heat transfer and
pressure drop [4].
The flow in the shell side of a shell-and-tube heat exchanger
with segmental baffles is very complex. The baffles lead to a
stream inside the shell, which is partly perpendicular and partly
parallel to the tube bank. The gaps between the tubes and the
holes in the baffles and the gap between a baffle and the shell
cause leakage streams, which may modify the main stream
significantly. Since the tubes of the heat exchanger cannot be
placed very near to the shell, bypass streams S, may be formed,
which influence also the main stream. The flow direction of the
main stream relative to the tubes is different in the window
sections created by the baffle cut from that in the cross flow
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308
Volume: 03 Special Issue: 03 | May-2014 | NCRIET-2014, Available @ http://www.ijret.org 487
sections existing between the segmental baffles. This
necessitates the use of different equations to calculate the
pressure drop in the window sections to those used in the cross
flow sections. The spacing between the tube plates and the first
and the last baffle, which is mostly dictated by the diameter of
the inlet and oulet nozzles, differs in many cases from the
spacing between two adjacent baffles and some of the
aforementioned streams are not present in the first and in the last
heat exchanger sections. This adds to the complexity of the
problem [5].
In designing shell and tube heat exchangers, to calculate the heat
exchange area, different methods were proposed such as Kern
Method, Bell, Bell Delaware etc [6].
The present paper employs all the three methods mentioned
above to study and analyze various parameters of a shell and
tube heat exchanger and compare the results to identify which
method gives the best result.
The kern method was based on experimental work on
commercial exchangers with standard tolerances and will give a
reasonably satisfactory prediction of the heat-transfer coefficient
for standard designs. The prediction of pressure drop is less
satisfactory, as pressure drop is more affected by leakage and
bypassing than heat transfer. The shell-side heat transfer and
friction factors are correlated in a similar manner to those for
tube-side flow by using a hypothetical shell velocity and shell
diameter. As the cross-sectional area for flow will vary across
the shell diameter, the linear and mass velocities are based on
the maximum area for cross-flow: that at the shell equator. The
shell equivalent diameter is calculated using the flow area
between the tubes taken in the axial direction (parallel to the
tubes) and the wetted perimeter of the tubes. The method used
by D.Q. Kern is simple and more explanative. All the parameter
related to heat exchanger are obtained in well manner and brief
without any complication as compared to other method, the
calculation process is quite and simple detailed.
Among all the methods, the Kern method provided a simple
method for calculating shell side pressure drop and heat transfer
coefficient. However, this method cannot adequately account
the baffle to shell and tube to baffle leakage.
In Bell’s method the heat-transfer coefficient and pressure drop
are estimated from correlations for flow over ideal tube-banks,
and the effects of leakage, bypassing and flow in the window
zone are allowed for by applying correction factors. This
approach will give more satisfactory predictions of the heat-
transfer coefficient and pressure drop than Kern’s method; and,
as it takes into account the effects of leakage and bypassing, can
be used to investigate the effects of constructional tolerances
and the use of sealing strips. The procedure in a simplified and
modified form to that given byBell (1963), is outlined below.
The method is not recommended when the by-pass flow area is
greater than 30% of the cross-flow area, unless sealing strips are
Bell (1978) has proposed a graphical method based on the
operating lines in stagewise process design, to estimate the
value of N. This procedure utilizes the inlet and outlet
temperatures of both hot and cold streams in which N is about 3.
In this work, it has been found that for N > 3, Bell’s method
frequently cannot be used to predict feasible designs of
multipass exchangers. Specifically, by following the procedure
used in the development of the Kremser equation in stagewise
process design (McCabe and Smith, 1976)[5]
Shell side flow is complex, combines crossflow and baffle
Window flow, as well as baffle-shell and bundle-shell bypass
streams and other complex flow patterns
In a baffled shell and tube heat exchanger, only a fraction of the
fluid flow through the shell side of a heat exchanger actually
flows across the tube bundle in the idealized path normal to the
axis of the tubes. The remaining fraction of the fluid flows
through bypass areas. The fluid seeks the flow path of less
resistance from the inlet to the outlet of the exchanger.
In the Bell Delaware method, the fluid flow in the shell is
divided into a number of individual streams A through F as
shown in FIG 1.
Fig- 1 cross section of shell and tube heat exchanger
Each of the streams from A to F introduces a correction factor to
the heat transfer correlation for ideal cross-flow across a bank of
tubes such as Jc, JL, Jb , Js, Jr .
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308
Volume: 03 Special Issue: 03 | May-2014 | NCRIET-2014, Available @ http://www.ijret.org 488
In the present study, efforts have been made to study Kern, Bell
& Bell Delaware method and apply these methods in calculating
heat transfer coeffient, Reynold’s number, pressure drops,
overall heat transfer coefficient etc for a heat exchanger which
has been designed and fabricated for our experimental
investigations and compare the results and identify which
method is more efficient in calculating the shell side parameters.
The heat transfer fluid used is water. Hot water flows inside the
tubes and cold water flows inside shell.
4.1 Fluid Properties Considered
Shell side fluid properties:
ρs = 1000 kg/m3
μs = 0.00088 N-s/ m2
Cps = 4.187kJ/kg’K
Ks = 0.00098 kJ/s-m’K.
Tube side fluid properties:
ρt = 1000 kg/m3
μt= 0.00086 N-s/ m2
Cpt = 4.187kJ/kg’K
Kt = 0.00098 kJ/s-m’K.
In the present study, a stainless steel shell and tube heat
exchanger is used to study the various parameters of the heat
exchanger such as heat transfer coefficient, Reynolds’s number,
pressure drop, Overall heat transfer coefficient etc using water
as a heat transfer medium.
Specifications of the heat exchanger are as follows:
Shell diameter (Ds) 0.2m
Tube inside diameter (Di) 0.016m
Tube outside diameter (Do) 0.01924m
Pitch (Pt) 0.03m
Length of shell (Ls) 0.8m
Length of tube (Lt) 0.825m
Length of baffle (Lb) 0.2m
Number of baffles (Nb) 4
Number of tubes (Nt) 18
Number of shell passes (ns) 1
Number of tube passes (nt) 2
Clearance (C) 0.01076m
Bundle to shell diametrical clearance (Δb) 0.028m
Shell to baffle diametrical clearance (Δsb) 0.0254m
Tube to baffle diametrical clearance (Δtb) 0.0005m
Sm = Area of the shell side cross flow section (m2
Pt = Tube pitch (m).
Do = Tube outside diameter (m).
Di = Tube inside diameter (m).
Ds = Shell inside diameter (m).
Lb = Baffle spacing (m)
Ls= Length of shell (m).
Lt = Length of tube (m).
tb = Tube thickness (m).
Gs= Shell side mass velocity (kg/ m2
Gt = Tube side mass velocity (kg/ m2
Us= Shell side linear velocity (m/s).
Ut = Tube side linear velocity (m/s).
ms= Mass flow rate of the fluid on shell side (kg/s).
mt= Mass flow rate of the fluid on tube side (kg/s).
ρs = Shell side fluid density (kg/m3
ρt = Tube side fluid density (kg/m3
Res= Shell side Reynolds number.
Ret = Tube side Reynolds number.
Prs= Shell side Prandtl number.
Prt = Tube side Prandtl number
μs = Shell side fluid Viscosity (N-s/ m2
μt = Tube side fluid viscosity (N-s/ m2
μw = Viscosity a wall temperature (N-s/ m2
Cps = Shell side fluid heat capacity (kJ/kg’K).
Cpt = Tube side fluid heat capacity (kJ/kg’K).
Ks = Shell side fluid thermal conductivity (kJ/s-m’K).
Kt = Tube side fluid thermal conductivity (kJ/s-m’K).
ho= Shell side heat transfer coefficient (W/ m2
hi = Shell side ideal heat transfer coefficient (W/ m2
Nb= Number of baffles.
Nt = Number of tubes.
f = Friction factor.
ΔPs= Shell side pressure drop (Pa).
np = Number of tube passes.
C = Clearance between tubes.
Δb = Bundle to shell diametrical clearance.
Δsb=Shell to baffle diametrical clearance.
Δtb=Tube to bundle diametrical clearance.
Nss/Nc=Sealing strips per cross flow row.
Dotl=Ds - Δb
Ө = {Ds-(2*Lc)}/ Dotl
Fc=Fraction of total number of tubes in a crossflow section.
Jc=Correction factor for baffle cut and spacing.
Ssb=Shell to baffle leakage area (m2
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308
Volume: 03 Special Issue: 03 | May-2014 | NCRIET-2014, Available @ http://www.ijret.org 489
Stb=Tube to baffle leakage area (m2
Fbp = Fraction of the crossflow area available for bypass flow.
Sw= Window flow area (m2
Nc = Number of tube rows crossed in one crossflow section.
Ncw=Effective number crossflow rows in window zone.
ΔPc=Ideal cross flow pressure drop through one baffle space
ΔPw= Window zone pressure drop (Pa).
RL= correction factor for baffle leakage effect on pressure drop
Rb= correction factor on pressure drop for bypass flow.
Experimental study is done on the shell and tube water / water
heat exchanger and various parameters are calculated for
different mass flow rates and at varying inlet and outlet
temperatures. Calculations shown below are made using Kern,
Bell and Bell Delaware methods for a mass flow rate of
.0354Kg/s and further readings are shown for different flow
rates and comparison graphs are drawn.
6.1 Calculation of Shell Side Heat Transfer Coefficient
Using Kern Method:
As = {(Pt – Do)*D*Lb} /Pt
= {(0.03-0.01924)*0.2*.2}/(0.03)
= 0.01435 m2
Gs = ms / As
= 0.0354/0.01435
= 2.47 Kg/m2
De = [4*{(Pt
*√3)/4} – {(π* Do
)/8}] / [(π*Do)/2]
= 0.0325m
Res = (Gs* De) / μs
= (2.47/0.0325)/0.00088
= 91.2
Prs = (Cps*μs) / Ks
= (4.187*0.00088)/0.00098
= 3.76
hs = 0.36*( Ks / De)* (Re^0.55)*( Pr^0.33)*{ (μs / μw)^0.14}
hs = 0.201 W/m2o
6.2 Calculation of Shell Side Heat Transfer Coefficient
Using Bell Method:
Area of the Shell As = PT – OD/PT x Ds x PB
= 0.0143m2
Calculate the shell –side mass velocity
Gs = Ms/ As
= 0.0354/0.01432
=2.46 Kg/m2
Calculate the Reynolds number on shell side
Res = Gs do/ μ
= (2.46*0.01924)/(0.008)
Calculate the Prandtl number
Pr = Cp μ / K
= 3.76
Ideal heat transfer co-efficient is given by
hoc* do/ K = Jh Re Pr1/3
(μ/ μw) 0.14
hoc= 3.445W/m2 o
Now Jh is calculated, from the fig (2) at Reynolds no
Fn tube row correction factor
Tube vertical pitch, P't = 0.87 x PT (for triangular pitch)
= 0.87*0.03
Baffle cut height, Hc = Ds x Bc
Height between Baffle tips = Ds – 2 x (Hc)
= 0.2-(2*0.05)
= 0.1
Ncv = HbT/ P't
Now from the figure (3) at Ncv, we get Fn, i.e, (tube row
correction factor)
Window Correction factor Fw:-
Height of the baffle chord to the top of the tube bundle, Hb is
given by
Hb = Db/ 2 – Ds (0.5 – Bc)
= 0.036
Db = Ds – ΔPbs
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308
Volume: 03 Special Issue: 03 | May-2014 | NCRIET-2014, Available @ http://www.ijret.org 490
Bb = Hb / Db
Now from fig (4) at the cut of i.e, (Bb) we get Ra'=0.14
Now, the number of tubes in a window zone is given by
Nw = Nt x Ra'
Nc = Nt - 2Nw
Rw = 2Nw / Nt
From the figure (5) at Rw we get the value of Fw=1.08
Bypass correction Fb
Fb = exp [-α Ab/ As (1 – {2Ns / Ncv }1/3
=exp [-1.5*(0.0344/0.0143)(1-(2*0.2/3.8)1/3
Ab = [Ds – Db] x Bp
Leakage correction factor FL.
FL = 1 – βL {Atb + 2 Asb / AL}
AL = total leakage area = [Atb + Asb]
Atb = Ct π do / 2 ( Nt – Nw)
= 0.02548*π*0.01924/2(18-2.52)
Asb = CsDs / 2 (2π – θb)
Shell – side heat transfer co-efficient is given by
hs = hco x Fn x Fw x Fb x FL .
hs =0.271W/m2o
6.3 Calculation of Shell Side Heat Transfer Coefficient
Using Bell Delaware Method:
STEP 1: Calculate the shell side area at or near the centre line
for one cross flow section Sm,
Sm = Lb*[(Ds – Dotl) + {(Dotl – Do)*(Pt -Do)}/Pt ]
Sm=.2*[(.2 – .172) + {(.172 – .01924)*(.03 -.01924)}/.03 ]
Sm =0.017 m2
STEP 2: Calculate shell side mass velocity Gs and linear
velocity Us.
Gs = ms / Sm
Gs = .0354 / .017
Gs= 2.082 kg/ m2
Us = Gs / ρs
Us = 2.082 / 1000
Us = .002082 m/s
STEP 3: Calculate shell side Reynolds number Res.
Res = (Gs* Do) / μs
Res = (2.082* .01924) / .00088
Res = 45.52
STEP 4: Calculate shell side Prandtl number Prs.
Prs = (Cps*μs) / Ks
Prs = (4.187*.00088) / .00098
Prs = 3.7597
STEP 5: Calculate the colburn j factor ji.
ji = a1*[{1.33 / (Pt / Do)} ^ a]* (Res^a2)
ji = 1.36*[{1.33 / (.03 / .01924)} ^ .719]* (45.52^-.657)
ji = 0.0987
STEP 6: Calculate the value of the coefficient a.
a = a3 / [1+ {0.14* (Res^a4)}]
a = 1.450 / [1+ {0.14* (45.52^.519)}]
a = 0.719
Where, a1=1.360, a2 = -.657, a3 = 1.450 and a4 = .519 for Res <
100, are the coefficients to be taken from the table given in
Kakac book for the obtained value of Reynolds number and
pitch and layout.
STEP 7: Calculate the ideal heat transfer coefficient hi.
hi = ji *Cps*( ms / Sm)*{( 1/Prs)^(2/3)}*{ (μs / μw)^0.14}
hi = .0987 *4.187*( .0354/ .017)*{( 1/3.7597)^(2/3)}*{ (.00088
/ .00088)^0.14}
hi = 0.3559 W/ m2
STEP 8: Calculate the fraction of total tubes in crossflow Fc.
Consider, Ө = {Ds-(2*Lc)}/ Dotl
Ө = {.2 - (2*.05}/ .172
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308
Volume: 03 Special Issue: 03 | May-2014 | NCRIET-2014, Available @ http://www.ijret.org 491
Ө = 0.581 rad
Fc =(1 /π)*[π +(2*Ө) *sin{cos-1
(Ө)}-{2* cos-1
Fc=(1 /π)*[π +(2*.581) *sin{cos-1
Fc =0.695
Here Lc = 0.25* .2 = 0.05 for 25% baffle cut.
STEP 9: Calculate the correction factor for baffle cut and
spacing Jc.
The value of Jc can be obtained from the fig 2.33 of wolverine
tube heat transfer data book Page No. 107 for the corresponding
value of Fc.
Jc = 1.05
STEP 10: Calculate shell to baffle leakage area for one baffle
Ssb = Ds*(Δsb / 2)*[π - cos-1
Ssb = .2*(.0254 / 2)*[π - cos-1
Ssb = 0.00556 m2
STEP 11: Calculate tube to baffle leakage area for one baffle
Stb = (π*Do)*(Δtb / 2)*Nt*[(1 +Fc)/ 2]
Stb = (π*.01924)*(.0005 / 2)*18*[(1 +.695)/ 2]
Stb = 0.0002305 m2
STEP 12: Calculate
(Ssb + Stb) / Sm
(.00556 + 0.0002305) / .017
(Ssb + Stb) / Sm = 0.349
Ssb / (Ssb + Stb)
0.00556 / (0.00556+0.0002305)
Ssb / (Ssb + Stb) = 0.9601
STEP 13: Calculate the correction factor for baffle leakage
effects JL.
The value of JL can be obtained from the fig 2.34 of wolverine
tube heat transfer data book Page No. 108 for the corresponding
value obtained in step 12 above.
JL = 0.89
STEP 14: Calculate the fraction of the crossflow area available
for bypass flow Fbp.
Fbp = (Lb / Sm)*(Ds - Dotl)
Fbp = (.2 / .017)*(.2- .172)
Fbp = 0.3383
STEP 15: Calculate the correction factor for bundle bypassing
effects due to the clearance between the outermost tubes and the
shell and pass dividers Jb.
The value of Jb can be obtained from the fig 2.35 of wolverine
tube heat transfer data book Page No. 109 for the corresponding
value of Fbp.
Jb = 0.96
STEP 16: The correction factors Js and Jr are equal to 1 for
Res>=100. But for Res<100, Jr can be obtained from Fig. 2.37 of
wolverine tube heat transfer data book Page No. 111.
Jr = 0.88
STEP 17: Calculate the shell side heat transfer coefficient for
the exchanger ho.
ho = hi *Jc*JL*Jb*Js *Jr
ho = 0.3559 *1.05*0.89*0.96
ho = 0.32 W/ m2
Calculation Of Shell Side Pressure Drop Using Kern
Nb = {Ls / (Lb + tb)} – 1
= {0.800/(0.2+0.00162)}-1
Nb+1= 3.96
f = exp {0.576 – (0.19*Ln Res)}
= exp {0.567-(0.19*Ln*91.2)}
= 0.754
ΔPs = [f* Gs
* Ds*( Nb+1)] / [2* ρs* De*{(μs / μw)^0.14}]
)*0.2*3.96]/ [2*1000*0.0325*1]
ΔPs = 0.056Pa
6.4 Calculation of Shell Side Pressure Drop Using Bell
Cross flow zones
ΔPc = ΔPi F 'b F 'L
Ideal tube Pr drop (ΔPi)
(ΔPi) = 8Jf Ncv ρus2
/ 2 (μ/ μw) -0.14
Res = ρus do/ μ
F 'b bypass correction factor for Pr drop.
F 'b = exp [-αAb/ As (1 – {2Ns / Ncc }1/3
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308
Volume: 03 Special Issue: 03 | May-2014 | NCRIET-2014, Available @ http://www.ijret.org 492
Where, α = 5.0, if Re < 100 for laminar region
α = 4.0 if Re > 100 for turbulent region.
F 'L leakage factor for Pr drop.
F 'L = 1- βL {Atb + 2 Asb/ AL}
Window zone pressure drop.
ΔPw = F 'L (2 + 0.6 Nwv) ρuz2
Where Uw = Ws / Awρ
Geometric Mean velocity Uz = √UwUs
= √0.00593x0.00246
Aw = (π/4 x ID2
x Ra) – (Nw x π/4 x OD2
Nwv = Hb/ P't
End Zone
ΔPe = ΔPi [(Nwv + Ncv/ Ncv)] F 'b
Total shell –side pressure drop
ΔPs = 2ΔPe + ΔPc( Nb – 1) + Nb ΔPw
ΔPs =0.1074
6.5 Calculation of Shell Side Pressure Drop Using Bell
Delaware Method:
STEP 1: Calculate the number of tube rows crossed in one
crossflow section Nc.
Nc = (Ds /Ptp)*[1 – {(2*Lc)/Ds}]
Nc = (.2 /.02598)*[1 – {(2*.05)/.2}]
Nc = 3.85 = 4
Where, Ptp = 0.866*Pt
Ptp = 0.866*.03
Ptp = 0.02598
STEP 2: Calculate the ideal cross flow pressure drop through
one baffle space ΔPb.
ΔPb = [(2*fs*ms
*Nc) / (ρs*sm
)]* [(μs / μw)^0.14]
ΔPb = [(2*.000125*.03542
*4) / (1000*.0172
)]* [(.00088/
.00088) ^0.14]
ΔPb = 4.33*10-6
STEP 3: Calculate the window flow area Sw.
)}]-[(Nt/8)*(1-Fc)*π* Do
Sw=0.004 m2
STEP 4: Calculate the number of effective cross flow rows in
window zone Ncw.
Ncw = (0.8*Lc) / Ptp
Ncw = (0.8*.05) / .02598
Ncw = 1.54
STEP 5: Calculate the window zone pressure drop ΔPw.
ΔPw = [{(26 μs ms) /( ρs√( Sm Sw)}*{(Ncw /( Pt - Do)) + (
)}]+[ ms
/ (2 ρs Sm Sw)]
ΔPw = [{(26* .00088* .0354) /( 1000*√( .017* .004)}*{(1.54 /(
.03- .01924)) + ( .2/.0222
)}]+[ .03542
/ (2*1000*.017* .004)]
ΔPw = 0.0638 Pa
STEP 6: Estimate the correction factor on pressure drop for
bypass flow Rb.
The value of Rb can be obtained from the fig 2.39 of wolverine
tube heat transfer data book for the corresponding value of Fbp.
Rb = 0.78
STEP 7: Estimate the correction factor for baffle leakage effect
on pressure drop RL
The value of RL can be obtained from the fig 2.38 of wolverine
tube heat transfer data book for the corresponding value
obtained in step 12 above.
RL = 0.78
STEP 8: Calculate the total pressure drop across shell ΔPs
ΔPS= [{(Nb- 1)*ΔPb*Rb} + (Nb*ΔPw)]*RL + [2*ΔPb*Rb*{1+
ΔPS= [{(4- 1)* 4.33*10-6
*.78} + (4*0.0638)]*.78 + [2*4.33*10-
*.78*{1+ (1.54/4}]
ΔPS= 0.278 Pa
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308
Volume: 03 Special Issue: 03 | May-2014 | NCRIET-2014, Available @ http://www.ijret.org 493
6.6 Calculation of Tube Side Heat Transfer Coefficient
using Gnielinski Correlation:
At = {(π* Di
) / 4}*(Nt / 2)
= {(π*0.0162
= 0.00180 m2
Gt = mt / At
= 0.0291/0.00180
= 16.17 Kg/m sec
Ut = Gt / ρt
= 16.17/1000
= 0.01617 m/sec
Res = (Gt* Di) / μt
= (16.17*0.016)/0.00086
Prt = (Cpt*μt) / Kt
= (4.187*0.00086)/0.00098
= 3.67
f = {(1.58*Ln Ret) – 3.28} ^ (-2)
= {(1.58*Ln 300.83)-3.28}^(-2)
= 0.0304
Nut = {(f /2)*(Ret -1000)* Prt} / {1+(12.7*√ (f /2)*(Prt ^ (2/3))-
- 1)}
hi = (Nut * Kt) / Di
= (-12.4*0.00098)/0.016
hi = -0.78 W/m2 0
6.7 Calculation of Tube Side Pressure Drop:
ΔPt = [{(4* f* Lt* np) / Di} + (4* np)]*[(ρt*Ut
) / 2]
= 2.685Pa
) / 2]
ΔPt =2.685Pa
Shell side results for four sample readings are shown below
Shell side (Cold Water) R1 R2 R3 R4
1 Mass flow rate (Kg/sec) 0.0257 0.0299 0.035 0.0397
2 Temperature at inlet (o
c) 29.7 30.1 30.6 31.2
3 Temperature at outlet (o
c) 32.2 33 33.5 33.9
4 Reynolds number (Kern Method) 66.93 76.45 91.12 102.4
5 Reynolds number (Bell Method) 35.53 45.28 53.97 60.68
6 Reynolds number (Bell Delaware Method) 32.96 38.346 44.887 50.915
7 Prandtl number 3.76 3.76 3.76 3.76
Heat transfer coefficient (W/ m2
’K). (Kern
0.17 0.183 0.201 0.214
Heat transfer coefficient (W/ m2
0.162 0.231 0.271 0.296
Heat transfer coefficient (W/ m2
Delaware method)
0.286 0.302 0.32 0.336
11 Pressure drop (Pa) ( Kern Method)
0.032 0.041 0.056 0.069
12 Pressure drop (Pa) Bell Method) 0.065 0.084 0.1075 0.109
13 Pressure drop (Pa Bell Delaware method)) 0.169 0.215 0.278 0.343
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308
Volume: 03 Special Issue: 03 | May-2014 | NCRIET-2014, Available @ http://www.ijret.org 494
Tube side results for four sample readings are shown below
Fig a. Comparison of Variation of Reynold’s number w.r.t
Flow rate on the Shell side using three methods
Fig b. Comparison of Variation of Heat Transfer Coefficient
w.r.t Flow rate on the Shell side using three methods
Fig c. Comparison of Variation of Pressuer drop w.r.t Flow rate
on the Shell side using the three methods
Fig d. Variation of Reynold’s number w.r.t Flow rate on the
Tube side
Sl.no Tube side Result 1 Result 2 Result 3 Result 4
1 Mass flow rate (Kg/sec), Mt 0.020 0.0231 0.0291 0.0364
2 Temperature at inlet (o
c), Thi 49.8 52.6 54.4 54.8
3 Temperature at outlet (o
c), Tho 34.9 34.7 34.6 34.5
4 Reynolds number, Ret 206.718 238.76 300.775 376.227
5 Prandtl number, Prt 3.674 3.674 3.674 3.674
6 Heat transfer coefficient (W/
’K), hi
-1.106 -1.002 -0.842 -0.693
7 Pressure drop (Pa), ΔPa 1.456 1.836 2.684 3.91
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308
Volume: 03 Special Issue: 03 | May-2014 | NCRIET-2014, Available @ http://www.ijret.org 495
Fig e. Variation of Heat Transfer Coefficient w.r.t Flow rate on
the Tube side
Fig f. Variation of Pressure drop w.r.t Flow rate on the Tube
The shell and tube heat exchanger is analyzed using Kern, Bell
and Bell Delaware methods and heat transfer coeffient,
Reynold’s number, pressure drops are calculated for various
mass flow rates and the results are shown in the graphs above.
We found that, shell side heat transfer coefficient increases with
increasing mass flow rate in all the three methods, but the heat
transfer given by Bell Delaware method is much more than the
other two methods. Also the shell side pressure increase rapidly
with increasing flow rate and this increase is again more in Bell
Delaware method as compared to others.
Since in a baffled heat exchanger, there is a obstruction to flow,
drop in the pressure is definitely more when compared to the
heat exchanger without baffles. Kern method does not take in to
consideration the obstructions due to baffles in calculating the
pressure drops and hence the pressure drop given by Kern
method is unrealistic. Whereas, the pressure drops given by Bell
and Bell Delaware methods, is more realistic, since these
methods consider pressure drop due to bypass and leakage
streams caused by the baffles in the heat exchanger.
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Volume: 03 Special Issue: 03 | May-2014 | NCRIET-2014, Available @ http://www.ijret.org 496
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Enhancements” Hindawi Publishing Corporation International
Journal of Chemical Engineering Volume 2010

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Analysis comparing performance of a conventional shell and tube heat exchanger using kern, bell and bell delaware method

  • 1. IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308 __________________________________________________________________________________________ Volume: 03 Special Issue: 03 | May-2014 | NCRIET-2014, Available @ http://www.ijret.org 486 ANALYSIS COMPARING PERFORMANCE OF A CONVENTIONAL SHELL AND TUBE HEAT EXCHANGER USING KERN, BELL AND BELL DELAWARE METHOD Shweta Y Kulkarni 1 , Jagadish S B 2 , Manjunath M B3 1 Thermal Power Engg, Dept. of Mechanical Engg. VTURC Gulbarga 2 Thermal Power Engg, Dept. of Mechanical Engg. VTURC Gulbarga 3 Thermal Power Engg, Dept. of Mechanical Engg. VTURC Gulbarga Abstract The transfer of heat to and from process fluids is an essential part of most of the chemical processes. Therefore, heat exchangers (HEs) are used extensively and regularly in process and allied industries and are very important during design and operation. The most commonly used type of HE is the shell and tube heat exchanger. In the present study, a comparative analysis of a water to water STHE wherein, hot water flows inside the tubes and cold water inside the shell is made, to study and analyze the heat transfer coefficient and pressure drops for different mass flow rates and inlet and outlet temperatures, using Kern, Bell and Bell Delaware methods. This paper purely aims at studying and comparing different methods of STHE and bringing out which method is better for adopting in shell side calculations. Keywords: STHE, Heat transfer coefficient, shell &Tube heat exchanger, Pressure Drop, TEMA, Bell Delaware method, Kern Method & Bell method. ---------------------------------------------------------------------***--------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. INTRODUCTION Shell-and-tube heat exchangers _STHXs_ are widely used in many industrial areas, and more than 35–40% of heat exchangers are of this type due to their robust geometry construction, easy maintenance, and possible upgrades. Besides supporting the tube bundles, the baffles in shell-and-tube heat exchangers form flow passage for the shell-side fluid in conjunction with the shell. The most-commonly used baffle is the segmental baffle, which forces the shell-side fluid going through in a zigzag manner, hence, improves the heat transfer with a large pressure drop penalty. This type of heat exchanger has been well-developed and probably is still the most- commonly used type of the shell and tube heat exchangers [1]. Heat exchangers are one of the most important devices of mechanical systems in modern society. Most industrial processes involve the transfer of heat and more often, it is required that the heat transfer process be controlled. According to Oko (2008), a heat exchanger is a device of finite volume in which heat is exchanged between two media, one being cold and the other being hot. There are different types of heat exchangers; but the type widely used in industrial application is the shell and tube [2]. Mass velocity strongly influences the heat-transfer coefficient. Thus, with increasing mass velocity, pressure drop increases more rapidly than does the heat-transfer coefficient. Consequently, there will be an optimum mass velocity above which it will be wasteful to increase mass velocity further. The construction geometry and thermal parameters such as mass flow rate, heat transfer coefficient etc are strongly influenced by each other.[3]. There are design charts such as E-NTU (Effectiveness- Number of Transfer Unit) curves and LMTD (Logarithm Mean Temperature Difference) correction factor curves for the analysis of simple types of exchangers. Similar design charts do not exist for the analysis of complex heat exchangers with multiple entries on the shell side and complex flow arrangements (Ravikumaur et al, 1988). In this way, the design of shell and tube heat exchangers is a very important subject in industrial processes. Nevertheless, some difficulties are found, especially in the shell-side design, because of the complex characteristics of heat transfer and pressure drop [4]. The flow in the shell side of a shell-and-tube heat exchanger with segmental baffles is very complex. The baffles lead to a stream inside the shell, which is partly perpendicular and partly parallel to the tube bank. The gaps between the tubes and the holes in the baffles and the gap between a baffle and the shell cause leakage streams, which may modify the main stream significantly. Since the tubes of the heat exchanger cannot be placed very near to the shell, bypass streams S, may be formed, which influence also the main stream. The flow direction of the main stream relative to the tubes is different in the window sections created by the baffle cut from that in the cross flow
  • 2. IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308 __________________________________________________________________________________________ Volume: 03 Special Issue: 03 | May-2014 | NCRIET-2014, Available @ http://www.ijret.org 487 sections existing between the segmental baffles. This necessitates the use of different equations to calculate the pressure drop in the window sections to those used in the cross flow sections. The spacing between the tube plates and the first and the last baffle, which is mostly dictated by the diameter of the inlet and oulet nozzles, differs in many cases from the spacing between two adjacent baffles and some of the aforementioned streams are not present in the first and in the last heat exchanger sections. This adds to the complexity of the problem [5]. In designing shell and tube heat exchangers, to calculate the heat exchange area, different methods were proposed such as Kern Method, Bell, Bell Delaware etc [6]. The present paper employs all the three methods mentioned above to study and analyze various parameters of a shell and tube heat exchanger and compare the results to identify which method gives the best result. 2. KERN METHOD The kern method was based on experimental work on commercial exchangers with standard tolerances and will give a reasonably satisfactory prediction of the heat-transfer coefficient for standard designs. The prediction of pressure drop is less satisfactory, as pressure drop is more affected by leakage and bypassing than heat transfer. The shell-side heat transfer and friction factors are correlated in a similar manner to those for tube-side flow by using a hypothetical shell velocity and shell diameter. As the cross-sectional area for flow will vary across the shell diameter, the linear and mass velocities are based on the maximum area for cross-flow: that at the shell equator. The shell equivalent diameter is calculated using the flow area between the tubes taken in the axial direction (parallel to the tubes) and the wetted perimeter of the tubes. The method used by D.Q. Kern is simple and more explanative. All the parameter related to heat exchanger are obtained in well manner and brief without any complication as compared to other method, the calculation process is quite and simple detailed. Among all the methods, the Kern method provided a simple method for calculating shell side pressure drop and heat transfer coefficient. However, this method cannot adequately account the baffle to shell and tube to baffle leakage. 3. BELL METHOD In Bell’s method the heat-transfer coefficient and pressure drop are estimated from correlations for flow over ideal tube-banks, and the effects of leakage, bypassing and flow in the window zone are allowed for by applying correction factors. This approach will give more satisfactory predictions of the heat- transfer coefficient and pressure drop than Kern’s method; and, as it takes into account the effects of leakage and bypassing, can be used to investigate the effects of constructional tolerances and the use of sealing strips. The procedure in a simplified and modified form to that given byBell (1963), is outlined below. The method is not recommended when the by-pass flow area is greater than 30% of the cross-flow area, unless sealing strips are used[5]. Bell (1978) has proposed a graphical method based on the operating lines in stagewise process design, to estimate the value of N. This procedure utilizes the inlet and outlet temperatures of both hot and cold streams in which N is about 3. In this work, it has been found that for N > 3, Bell’s method frequently cannot be used to predict feasible designs of multipass exchangers. Specifically, by following the procedure used in the development of the Kremser equation in stagewise process design (McCabe and Smith, 1976)[5] 4. BELL DELAWARE METHOD Shell side flow is complex, combines crossflow and baffle Window flow, as well as baffle-shell and bundle-shell bypass streams and other complex flow patterns In a baffled shell and tube heat exchanger, only a fraction of the fluid flow through the shell side of a heat exchanger actually flows across the tube bundle in the idealized path normal to the axis of the tubes. The remaining fraction of the fluid flows through bypass areas. The fluid seeks the flow path of less resistance from the inlet to the outlet of the exchanger. In the Bell Delaware method, the fluid flow in the shell is divided into a number of individual streams A through F as shown in FIG 1. Fig- 1 cross section of shell and tube heat exchanger Each of the streams from A to F introduces a correction factor to the heat transfer correlation for ideal cross-flow across a bank of tubes such as Jc, JL, Jb , Js, Jr .
  • 3. IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308 __________________________________________________________________________________________ Volume: 03 Special Issue: 03 | May-2014 | NCRIET-2014, Available @ http://www.ijret.org 488 In the present study, efforts have been made to study Kern, Bell & Bell Delaware method and apply these methods in calculating heat transfer coeffient, Reynold’s number, pressure drops, overall heat transfer coefficient etc for a heat exchanger which has been designed and fabricated for our experimental investigations and compare the results and identify which method is more efficient in calculating the shell side parameters. The heat transfer fluid used is water. Hot water flows inside the tubes and cold water flows inside shell. 4.1 Fluid Properties Considered Shell side fluid properties: ρs = 1000 kg/m3 μs = 0.00088 N-s/ m2 Cps = 4.187kJ/kg’K Ks = 0.00098 kJ/s-m’K. Tube side fluid properties: ρt = 1000 kg/m3 μt= 0.00086 N-s/ m2 Cpt = 4.187kJ/kg’K Kt = 0.00098 kJ/s-m’K. 5. HEAT EXCHANGER SPECIFICATIONS: In the present study, a stainless steel shell and tube heat exchanger is used to study the various parameters of the heat exchanger such as heat transfer coefficient, Reynolds’s number, pressure drop, Overall heat transfer coefficient etc using water as a heat transfer medium. Specifications of the heat exchanger are as follows: Shell diameter (Ds) 0.2m Tube inside diameter (Di) 0.016m Tube outside diameter (Do) 0.01924m Pitch (Pt) 0.03m Length of shell (Ls) 0.8m Length of tube (Lt) 0.825m Length of baffle (Lb) 0.2m Number of baffles (Nb) 4 Number of tubes (Nt) 18 Number of shell passes (ns) 1 Number of tube passes (nt) 2 Clearance (C) 0.01076m Bundle to shell diametrical clearance (Δb) 0.028m Shell to baffle diametrical clearance (Δsb) 0.0254m Tube to baffle diametrical clearance (Δtb) 0.0005m 6. NOMENCLATURES Sm = Area of the shell side cross flow section (m2 ). Pt = Tube pitch (m). Do = Tube outside diameter (m). Di = Tube inside diameter (m). Ds = Shell inside diameter (m). Lb = Baffle spacing (m) Ls= Length of shell (m). Lt = Length of tube (m). tb = Tube thickness (m). Gs= Shell side mass velocity (kg/ m2 -s). Gt = Tube side mass velocity (kg/ m2 -s). Us= Shell side linear velocity (m/s). Ut = Tube side linear velocity (m/s). ms= Mass flow rate of the fluid on shell side (kg/s). mt= Mass flow rate of the fluid on tube side (kg/s). ρs = Shell side fluid density (kg/m3 ). ρt = Tube side fluid density (kg/m3 ). Res= Shell side Reynolds number. Ret = Tube side Reynolds number. Prs= Shell side Prandtl number. Prt = Tube side Prandtl number μs = Shell side fluid Viscosity (N-s/ m2 ). μt = Tube side fluid viscosity (N-s/ m2 ). μw = Viscosity a wall temperature (N-s/ m2 ). Cps = Shell side fluid heat capacity (kJ/kg’K). Cpt = Tube side fluid heat capacity (kJ/kg’K). Ks = Shell side fluid thermal conductivity (kJ/s-m’K). Kt = Tube side fluid thermal conductivity (kJ/s-m’K). ho= Shell side heat transfer coefficient (W/ m2 ’K). hi = Shell side ideal heat transfer coefficient (W/ m2 ’K). Nb= Number of baffles. Nt = Number of tubes. f = Friction factor. ΔPs= Shell side pressure drop (Pa). np = Number of tube passes. C = Clearance between tubes. Δb = Bundle to shell diametrical clearance. Δsb=Shell to baffle diametrical clearance. Δtb=Tube to bundle diametrical clearance. Nss/Nc=Sealing strips per cross flow row. Dotl=Ds - Δb Ө = {Ds-(2*Lc)}/ Dotl Fc=Fraction of total number of tubes in a crossflow section. Jc=Correction factor for baffle cut and spacing. Ssb=Shell to baffle leakage area (m2 ).
  • 4. IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308 __________________________________________________________________________________________ Volume: 03 Special Issue: 03 | May-2014 | NCRIET-2014, Available @ http://www.ijret.org 489 Stb=Tube to baffle leakage area (m2 ). Fbp = Fraction of the crossflow area available for bypass flow. Sw= Window flow area (m2 ). Nc = Number of tube rows crossed in one crossflow section. Ncw=Effective number crossflow rows in window zone. ΔPc=Ideal cross flow pressure drop through one baffle space (Pa). ΔPw= Window zone pressure drop (Pa). RL= correction factor for baffle leakage effect on pressure drop Rb= correction factor on pressure drop for bypass flow. Experimental study is done on the shell and tube water / water heat exchanger and various parameters are calculated for different mass flow rates and at varying inlet and outlet temperatures. Calculations shown below are made using Kern, Bell and Bell Delaware methods for a mass flow rate of .0354Kg/s and further readings are shown for different flow rates and comparison graphs are drawn. 6.1 Calculation of Shell Side Heat Transfer Coefficient Using Kern Method: As = {(Pt – Do)*D*Lb} /Pt = {(0.03-0.01924)*0.2*.2}/(0.03) = 0.01435 m2 Gs = ms / As = 0.0354/0.01435 = 2.47 Kg/m2 sec De = [4*{(Pt 2 *√3)/4} – {(π* Do 2 )/8}] / [(π*Do)/2] =[4{(0.032 *√3/4}{(π*0.019242 )/8]/[(π*0.0924)/2] = 0.0325m Res = (Gs* De) / μs = (2.47/0.0325)/0.00088 = 91.2 Prs = (Cps*μs) / Ks = (4.187*0.00088)/0.00098 = 3.76 hs = 0.36*( Ks / De)* (Re^0.55)*( Pr^0.33)*{ (μs / μw)^0.14} =0.35*(0.00098/0.0325)*(91.20.55 )*(3.760.33 )*1 hs = 0.201 W/m2o K 6.2 Calculation of Shell Side Heat Transfer Coefficient Using Bell Method: Area of the Shell As = PT – OD/PT x Ds x PB =[(0.03-0.01924)/(0.03)]*0.2*0.2 = 0.0143m2 Calculate the shell –side mass velocity Gs = Ms/ As = 0.0354/0.01432 =2.46 Kg/m2 Sec Calculate the Reynolds number on shell side Res = Gs do/ μ = (2.46*0.01924)/(0.008) =53.7645 Calculate the Prandtl number Pr = Cp μ / K =(4.187*0.00088)/(0.00098) = 3.76 Ideal heat transfer co-efficient is given by hoc* do/ K = Jh Re Pr1/3 (μ/ μw) 0.14 (hoc*0.01924)/(0.00098)=1*53.97*(3.761/3 )*1 hoc= 3.445W/m2 o K Now Jh is calculated, from the fig (2) at Reynolds no Jh=1 Fn tube row correction factor Tube vertical pitch, P't = 0.87 x PT (for triangular pitch) = 0.87*0.03 =0.026 Baffle cut height, Hc = Ds x Bc =0.2*0.25 =0.05 Height between Baffle tips = Ds – 2 x (Hc) = 0.2-(2*0.05) = 0.1 Ncv = HbT/ P't =0.1/0.026 =3.8 Now from the figure (3) at Ncv, we get Fn, i.e, (tube row correction factor) Fn=1 Window Correction factor Fw:- Height of the baffle chord to the top of the tube bundle, Hb is given by Hb = Db/ 2 – Ds (0.5 – Bc) =(0.172/2)-0.2(0.5-0.25) = 0.036 Db = Ds – ΔPbs =(0.2-0.028)
  • 5. IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308 __________________________________________________________________________________________ Volume: 03 Special Issue: 03 | May-2014 | NCRIET-2014, Available @ http://www.ijret.org 490 =0.172 Bb = Hb / Db =0.036/0.0172 =0.209 Now from fig (4) at the cut of i.e, (Bb) we get Ra'=0.14 Now, the number of tubes in a window zone is given by Nw = Nt x Ra' =18*0.14 =2.54 Nc = Nt - 2Nw =18-(2*2.52) =12.96 Rw = 2Nw / Nt =2*2.52/18 =0.28 From the figure (5) at Rw we get the value of Fw=1.08 Bypass correction Fb Fb = exp [-α Ab/ As (1 – {2Ns / Ncv }1/3 )] =exp [-1.5*(0.0344/0.0143)(1-(2*0.2/3.8)1/3 )] =0.1496 Ab = [Ds – Db] x Bp =[0.2-0.028]*0.2 =0.0344 Leakage correction factor FL. FL = 1 – βL {Atb + 2 Asb / AL} =1-0.5[0.011883+2*0.000305/0.01218] =0.4874 AL = total leakage area = [Atb + Asb] =[0.011883+0.000305] =0.01218 Atb = Ct π do / 2 ( Nt – Nw) = 0.02548*π*0.01924/2(18-2.52) =0.011883 Asb = CsDs / 2 (2π – θb) =0.0005*0.2/2(2π-0.18) =0.000305 Shell – side heat transfer co-efficient is given by hs = hco x Fn x Fw x Fb x FL . =3.445*1*1.08*0.1496*0.4875 hs =0.271W/m2o K 6.3 Calculation of Shell Side Heat Transfer Coefficient Using Bell Delaware Method: STEP 1: Calculate the shell side area at or near the centre line for one cross flow section Sm, Sm = Lb*[(Ds – Dotl) + {(Dotl – Do)*(Pt -Do)}/Pt ] Sm=.2*[(.2 – .172) + {(.172 – .01924)*(.03 -.01924)}/.03 ] Sm =0.017 m2 STEP 2: Calculate shell side mass velocity Gs and linear velocity Us. Gs = ms / Sm Gs = .0354 / .017 Gs= 2.082 kg/ m2 -s Us = Gs / ρs Us = 2.082 / 1000 Us = .002082 m/s STEP 3: Calculate shell side Reynolds number Res. Res = (Gs* Do) / μs Res = (2.082* .01924) / .00088 Res = 45.52 STEP 4: Calculate shell side Prandtl number Prs. Prs = (Cps*μs) / Ks Prs = (4.187*.00088) / .00098 Prs = 3.7597 STEP 5: Calculate the colburn j factor ji. ji = a1*[{1.33 / (Pt / Do)} ^ a]* (Res^a2) ji = 1.36*[{1.33 / (.03 / .01924)} ^ .719]* (45.52^-.657) ji = 0.0987 STEP 6: Calculate the value of the coefficient a. a = a3 / [1+ {0.14* (Res^a4)}] a = 1.450 / [1+ {0.14* (45.52^.519)}] a = 0.719 Where, a1=1.360, a2 = -.657, a3 = 1.450 and a4 = .519 for Res < 100, are the coefficients to be taken from the table given in Kakac book for the obtained value of Reynolds number and pitch and layout. STEP 7: Calculate the ideal heat transfer coefficient hi. hi = ji *Cps*( ms / Sm)*{( 1/Prs)^(2/3)}*{ (μs / μw)^0.14} hi = .0987 *4.187*( .0354/ .017)*{( 1/3.7597)^(2/3)}*{ (.00088 / .00088)^0.14} hi = 0.3559 W/ m2 ’K STEP 8: Calculate the fraction of total tubes in crossflow Fc. Consider, Ө = {Ds-(2*Lc)}/ Dotl Ө = {.2 - (2*.05}/ .172
  • 6. IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308 __________________________________________________________________________________________ Volume: 03 Special Issue: 03 | May-2014 | NCRIET-2014, Available @ http://www.ijret.org 491 Ө = 0.581 rad Fc =(1 /π)*[π +(2*Ө) *sin{cos-1 (Ө)}-{2* cos-1 (Ө)}] Fc=(1 /π)*[π +(2*.581) *sin{cos-1 (.581)}-{2*cos-1 (.581)}] Fc =0.695 Here Lc = 0.25* .2 = 0.05 for 25% baffle cut. STEP 9: Calculate the correction factor for baffle cut and spacing Jc. The value of Jc can be obtained from the fig 2.33 of wolverine tube heat transfer data book Page No. 107 for the corresponding value of Fc. Jc = 1.05 STEP 10: Calculate shell to baffle leakage area for one baffle Ssb. Ssb = Ds*(Δsb / 2)*[π - cos-1 (Ө)] Ssb = .2*(.0254 / 2)*[π - cos-1 (.581)] Ssb = 0.00556 m2 STEP 11: Calculate tube to baffle leakage area for one baffle Stb. Stb = (π*Do)*(Δtb / 2)*Nt*[(1 +Fc)/ 2] Stb = (π*.01924)*(.0005 / 2)*18*[(1 +.695)/ 2] Stb = 0.0002305 m2 STEP 12: Calculate (Ssb + Stb) / Sm (.00556 + 0.0002305) / .017 (Ssb + Stb) / Sm = 0.349 & Ssb / (Ssb + Stb) 0.00556 / (0.00556+0.0002305) Ssb / (Ssb + Stb) = 0.9601 STEP 13: Calculate the correction factor for baffle leakage effects JL. The value of JL can be obtained from the fig 2.34 of wolverine tube heat transfer data book Page No. 108 for the corresponding value obtained in step 12 above. JL = 0.89 STEP 14: Calculate the fraction of the crossflow area available for bypass flow Fbp. Fbp = (Lb / Sm)*(Ds - Dotl) Fbp = (.2 / .017)*(.2- .172) Fbp = 0.3383 STEP 15: Calculate the correction factor for bundle bypassing effects due to the clearance between the outermost tubes and the shell and pass dividers Jb. The value of Jb can be obtained from the fig 2.35 of wolverine tube heat transfer data book Page No. 109 for the corresponding value of Fbp. Jb = 0.96 STEP 16: The correction factors Js and Jr are equal to 1 for Res>=100. But for Res<100, Jr can be obtained from Fig. 2.37 of wolverine tube heat transfer data book Page No. 111. Jr = 0.88 STEP 17: Calculate the shell side heat transfer coefficient for the exchanger ho. ho = hi *Jc*JL*Jb*Js *Jr ho = 0.3559 *1.05*0.89*0.96 ho = 0.32 W/ m2 ’K Calculation Of Shell Side Pressure Drop Using Kern Method: Nb = {Ls / (Lb + tb)} – 1 = {0.800/(0.2+0.00162)}-1 Nb+1= 3.96 f = exp {0.576 – (0.19*Ln Res)} = exp {0.567-(0.19*Ln*91.2)} = 0.754 ΔPs = [f* Gs 2 * Ds*( Nb+1)] / [2* ρs* De*{(μs / μw)^0.14}] =[0.754*(2.472 )*0.2*3.96]/ [2*1000*0.0325*1] ΔPs = 0.056Pa 6.4 Calculation of Shell Side Pressure Drop Using Bell Method: Cross flow zones ΔPc = ΔPi F 'b F 'L Ideal tube Pr drop (ΔPi) (ΔPi) = 8Jf Ncv ρus2 / 2 (μ/ μw) -0.14 =8x7.5x3.38x1000x0.0024622 /2x1 =0.6136 Res = ρus do/ μ =1000x0.00246x0.01924/0.00088 =53.78 F 'b bypass correction factor for Pr drop. F 'b = exp [-αAb/ As (1 – {2Ns / Ncc }1/3 )]
  • 7. IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308 __________________________________________________________________________________________ Volume: 03 Special Issue: 03 | May-2014 | NCRIET-2014, Available @ http://www.ijret.org 492 =exp[(-5x0.0344/0.01434)x(1-(2x0.2)1/3 ] =0.04255 Where, α = 5.0, if Re < 100 for laminar region α = 4.0 if Re > 100 for turbulent region. F 'L leakage factor for Pr drop. F 'L = 1- βL {Atb + 2 Asb/ AL} =1-0.7(0.0118830+2x0.000305/0.1218) =0.2820 ΔPc=ΔpiFb’Fl’ =0.6136x0.2820x0.04255 =0.00736 Window zone pressure drop. ΔPw = F 'L (2 + 0.6 Nwv) ρuz2 /2 =0.2820(2+0.6x0.833)x(1000x0.003822 )/2 =0.005116 Where Uw = Ws / Awρ =0.0354/0.00596x1000 =0.00593 Geometric Mean velocity Uz = √UwUs = √0.00593x0.00246 =0.0038 Aw = (π/4 x ID2 x Ra) – (Nw x π/4 x OD2 ) =(π/4x0.22 x0.19)-(2.52xπ/4x0.019242 ) =0.0059 Nwv = Hb/ P't =0.036/0.03 =0.833 End Zone ΔPe = ΔPi [(Nwv + Ncv/ Ncv)] F 'b =0.6136(0.833+3.38/3.38)x0.04255 =0.03254 Total shell –side pressure drop ΔPs = 2ΔPe + ΔPc( Nb – 1) + Nb ΔPw =2x0.03254+0.00736(4-1)+4x0.005116 ΔPs =0.1074 6.5 Calculation of Shell Side Pressure Drop Using Bell Delaware Method: STEP 1: Calculate the number of tube rows crossed in one crossflow section Nc. Nc = (Ds /Ptp)*[1 – {(2*Lc)/Ds}] Nc = (.2 /.02598)*[1 – {(2*.05)/.2}] Nc = 3.85 = 4 Where, Ptp = 0.866*Pt Ptp = 0.866*.03 Ptp = 0.02598 STEP 2: Calculate the ideal cross flow pressure drop through one baffle space ΔPb. ΔPb = [(2*fs*ms 2 *Nc) / (ρs*sm 2 )]* [(μs / μw)^0.14] ΔPb = [(2*.000125*.03542 *4) / (1000*.0172 )]* [(.00088/ .00088) ^0.14] ΔPb = 4.33*10-6 Pa STEP 3: Calculate the window flow area Sw. Sw=(Ds 2 /4)*[cos-1 Ө-{Ө*√(1-Ө2 )}]-[(Nt/8)*(1-Fc)*π* Do 2 ] Sw=(.22 /4)*[cos-1 .581-{.581*√(1-.5812 )}]-[(18/8)*(1-.695)*π* .019242 ] Sw=0.004 m2 STEP 4: Calculate the number of effective cross flow rows in window zone Ncw. Ncw = (0.8*Lc) / Ptp Ncw = (0.8*.05) / .02598 Ncw = 1.54 STEP 5: Calculate the window zone pressure drop ΔPw. ΔPw = [{(26 μs ms) /( ρs√( Sm Sw)}*{(Ncw /( Pt - Do)) + ( Lb/Dw 2 )}]+[ ms 2 / (2 ρs Sm Sw)] ΔPw = [{(26* .00088* .0354) /( 1000*√( .017* .004)}*{(1.54 /( .03- .01924)) + ( .2/.0222 )}]+[ .03542 / (2*1000*.017* .004)] ΔPw = 0.0638 Pa STEP 6: Estimate the correction factor on pressure drop for bypass flow Rb. The value of Rb can be obtained from the fig 2.39 of wolverine tube heat transfer data book for the corresponding value of Fbp. Rb = 0.78 STEP 7: Estimate the correction factor for baffle leakage effect on pressure drop RL The value of RL can be obtained from the fig 2.38 of wolverine tube heat transfer data book for the corresponding value obtained in step 12 above. RL = 0.78 STEP 8: Calculate the total pressure drop across shell ΔPs ΔPS= [{(Nb- 1)*ΔPb*Rb} + (Nb*ΔPw)]*RL + [2*ΔPb*Rb*{1+ (Ncw/Nc)}] ΔPS= [{(4- 1)* 4.33*10-6 *.78} + (4*0.0638)]*.78 + [2*4.33*10- 6 *.78*{1+ (1.54/4}] ΔPS= 0.278 Pa
  • 8. IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308 __________________________________________________________________________________________ Volume: 03 Special Issue: 03 | May-2014 | NCRIET-2014, Available @ http://www.ijret.org 493 6.6 Calculation of Tube Side Heat Transfer Coefficient using Gnielinski Correlation: At = {(π* Di 2 ) / 4}*(Nt / 2) = {(π*0.0162 )/4}*(18/2) = 0.00180 m2 Gt = mt / At = 0.0291/0.00180 = 16.17 Kg/m sec Ut = Gt / ρt = 16.17/1000 = 0.01617 m/sec Res = (Gt* Di) / μt = (16.17*0.016)/0.00086 =300.83 Prt = (Cpt*μt) / Kt = (4.187*0.00086)/0.00098 = 3.67 f = {(1.58*Ln Ret) – 3.28} ^ (-2) = {(1.58*Ln 300.83)-3.28}^(-2) = 0.0304 Nut = {(f /2)*(Ret -1000)* Prt} / {1+(12.7*√ (f /2)*(Prt ^ (2/3))- 1)} ={(0.0304/2)*(300.83-1000)*3.67]/{1+(12.7*√ (0.0304/2)*(3.672/3 - 1)} =-12.4 hi = (Nut * Kt) / Di = (-12.4*0.00098)/0.016 hi = -0.78 W/m2 0 K 6.7 Calculation of Tube Side Pressure Drop: ΔPt = [{(4* f* Lt* np) / Di} + (4* np)]*[(ρt*Ut 2 ) / 2] =[{(4*0.0304*0.825*2)/0.016}+(4*2)]*[(1000*0.016172 )/2] = 2.685Pa .008782 ) / 2] ΔPt =2.685Pa 7. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Shell side results for four sample readings are shown below Shell side (Cold Water) R1 R2 R3 R4 1 Mass flow rate (Kg/sec) 0.0257 0.0299 0.035 0.0397 2 Temperature at inlet (o c) 29.7 30.1 30.6 31.2 3 Temperature at outlet (o c) 32.2 33 33.5 33.9 4 Reynolds number (Kern Method) 66.93 76.45 91.12 102.4 5 Reynolds number (Bell Method) 35.53 45.28 53.97 60.68 6 Reynolds number (Bell Delaware Method) 32.96 38.346 44.887 50.915 7 Prandtl number 3.76 3.76 3.76 3.76 8 Heat transfer coefficient (W/ m2 ’K). (Kern Method) 0.17 0.183 0.201 0.214 9 Heat transfer coefficient (W/ m2 ’K).(Bell Method) 0.162 0.231 0.271 0.296 10 Heat transfer coefficient (W/ m2 ’K).(Bell Delaware method) 0.286 0.302 0.32 0.336 11 Pressure drop (Pa) ( Kern Method) 0.032 0.041 0.056 0.069 12 Pressure drop (Pa) Bell Method) 0.065 0.084 0.1075 0.109 13 Pressure drop (Pa Bell Delaware method)) 0.169 0.215 0.278 0.343
  • 9. IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308 __________________________________________________________________________________________ Volume: 03 Special Issue: 03 | May-2014 | NCRIET-2014, Available @ http://www.ijret.org 494 Tube side results for four sample readings are shown below 8. GRAPHS Fig a. Comparison of Variation of Reynold’s number w.r.t Flow rate on the Shell side using three methods Fig b. Comparison of Variation of Heat Transfer Coefficient w.r.t Flow rate on the Shell side using three methods Fig c. Comparison of Variation of Pressuer drop w.r.t Flow rate on the Shell side using the three methods Fig d. Variation of Reynold’s number w.r.t Flow rate on the Tube side Sl.no Tube side Result 1 Result 2 Result 3 Result 4 1 Mass flow rate (Kg/sec), Mt 0.020 0.0231 0.0291 0.0364 2 Temperature at inlet (o c), Thi 49.8 52.6 54.4 54.8 3 Temperature at outlet (o c), Tho 34.9 34.7 34.6 34.5 4 Reynolds number, Ret 206.718 238.76 300.775 376.227 5 Prandtl number, Prt 3.674 3.674 3.674 3.674 6 Heat transfer coefficient (W/ m2 ’K), hi -1.106 -1.002 -0.842 -0.693 7 Pressure drop (Pa), ΔPa 1.456 1.836 2.684 3.91
  • 10. IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308 __________________________________________________________________________________________ Volume: 03 Special Issue: 03 | May-2014 | NCRIET-2014, Available @ http://www.ijret.org 495 Fig e. Variation of Heat Transfer Coefficient w.r.t Flow rate on the Tube side Fig f. Variation of Pressure drop w.r.t Flow rate on the Tube side. 9. CONCLUSIONS The shell and tube heat exchanger is analyzed using Kern, Bell and Bell Delaware methods and heat transfer coeffient, Reynold’s number, pressure drops are calculated for various mass flow rates and the results are shown in the graphs above. We found that, shell side heat transfer coefficient increases with increasing mass flow rate in all the three methods, but the heat transfer given by Bell Delaware method is much more than the other two methods. Also the shell side pressure increase rapidly with increasing flow rate and this increase is again more in Bell Delaware method as compared to others. Since in a baffled heat exchanger, there is a obstruction to flow, drop in the pressure is definitely more when compared to the heat exchanger without baffles. Kern method does not take in to consideration the obstructions due to baffles in calculating the pressure drops and hence the pressure drop given by Kern method is unrealistic. Whereas, the pressure drops given by Bell and Bell Delaware methods, is more realistic, since these methods consider pressure drop due to bypass and leakage streams caused by the baffles in the heat exchanger. REFERENCES [1]. Jian-Fei Zhang, Ya-Ling He, Wen-Quan Tao1, A Design and Rating Method for Shell-and-Tube Heat Exchangers With Helical Baffles, School of Power and Energy Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049, China [2]. Ebieto, CE and Eke G B, “Performance Analysis of Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers: A case study” Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Port Harcourt, Port Harcourt, Nigeria. Journal of Emerging trends in engineering and applied sciences (JETEAS) 3(5):899- 903. [3]. Sandeep K. Patel, Professor Alkesh M. Mavani “Shell & tube heat exchanger thermal design With optimization of mass flow rate and baffle spacing” International Journal of Advanced engineering Research and Studies IJAERS/Vol.II/ Issue I/Oct.-Dec.,2012/130-135 [4]. Mauro A. S. S. Ravagnani1 , Aline P. Silva1 and Jose A. Caballero2 “Optimal Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers Design” State University Of Maringa1, University Of Alicante2 , Brazil1 , Spain2 . [5]. Edward S. Gaddis a,*, Volker Gnielinski b “Pressure drop on the shell side of shell-and-tube heat exchangers with segmental baffles1” Institute fir Thermische Verfuhrenstechnik, Technische UniversitZit ClausthaI, LeibnizsraJe 1.5, 38678 ClausthaI-Zellerfeld, Germany b Lehrstuhl ldnd Institut fir Then-n&he Verfahrenstechnik, Universitiit h’arlsruhe TH, I CaiserstraJe 12, 76131 Karlsrtlhe, Germany [6]. Sadik kakac, “Heat Exchangers Selection, Rating and Thermal Design”, 2002. [7]. Sunilkumar Shinde, Mustansir Hatim Pancha “Comparative Thermal Performance Analysis Of Segmental Baffle Heat Exchanger with Continuous Helical Baffle Heat Exchanger using Kern method. International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications(IJERA),July-August 2012 [8]. Nenad Radojkovic1, Gradimir Ilic1, Zarko Stevanovic, Mica Vukic1, Dejan Mitrovic1, Goran Vuckovic1 “Experimental study on thermal and flow processes in shell and tube heat exchangers” Mechanical Engineering Vol. 1, No 10, 2003, pp. 1377 – 1384 [9]. Yao, Ye; Zhang, Xingyu; and Guo, Yiying, "Experimental Study on Heat Transfer Enhancement of Water- water Shell-and-Tube Heat Exchanger Assisted by Power Ultrasonic". International Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Conference (2010) [11] John E Edwards, [10]. Young-Seok Son", J ee-Young Shin “Performance of a Shell-and-Tube Heat Exchanger with Spiral Baffle Plates” Dong-Eui University, Busan 614-714, Korea KSME International Journal, Vol. 15. No. n. pp. 1555-1562, 2001 [11]. Tinker t. (1951) “shell-side characteristic of shell- and- tube heat exchangers”, parts ii, iii, and in: proceedings of general discussion on heat transfer, institute of mechanical engineers and american society of mechanical engineers, london, new york, pp. 89. [12]. B.V. Babua, S.A. Munawar, Differential evolution strategies for optimal design of shell-and-tube heat
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