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Building Brand Loyalty
      on the Social Web

        Michael Brito
         http://w w
                  w .britopian.com

    transparency is
    im portant.

Brands need to be


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To Go or Not to Go Social? A Strategic Approach to Social Media
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Social Media is exactly what its name stands for: a medium to reach the public. By no means, it substitutes Marketing Communication Strategy, and Overall Company Strategy. This presentation is discussing those topics in relation to Hotels, as it was presented at the annual XENIA Fair, Athens, Greece on 27th of Oct. 2011.

Social media workshop: part two - Matthew Wallis, Senior Vice President Sales...
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With or without our help, communities of interest are forming around categories and products – and even our brands. This session, led by Wendy Tarr of IBM and Matthew Wallis of Quark, looks at how to get the most out social media and how much influence you can (and should) have: Matthew shares Quark’s experience of building a new community using social media. www.demandgenerationsummit.com

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Pixability TV Episode 16: No More Cats on Skateboards: Effective YouTube Stra...
Pixability TV Episode 16: No More Cats on Skateboards: Effective YouTube Stra...Pixability TV Episode 16: No More Cats on Skateboards: Effective YouTube Stra...
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To gain access to the full video recording, register for free access at: http://pixvid.tv/Xy1FrJ YouTube is one of the most powerful business marketing tools available today. Unfortunately, most companies do a lousy job using it. Too many organizations simply upload videos to YouTube, do nothing to leverage the power of the platform, and then complain loudly when nothing happens. Unlike posting videos of your favorite family pet doing something whimsical, you must take a different approach when using YouTube for business. The results can be dramatic. This webinar examines the art and science of effective online video marketing with YouTube. The results are based on our experience with hundreds of users and our industry-leading studies of 3,000 YouTube businesses. Connect With Pixability: Twitter | @pixability Facebook | facebook.com/pixability e-mail | info@pixability.com phone | 1-888-PIX-VIDEO

video marketingonline marketing analyticsvideo production
700% growth


Howto be “

    Be hum  an.
    Build com unity.
    Don’just listen. Act.
    Be open for criticism.
    Adm wit hen you are w  rong.
    Don’mt ake m  onetization a priority; it
    happen naturally if done right.


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MM Live! Shazam
MM Live! Shazam MM Live! Shazam
MM Live! Shazam

The document discusses using second screen experiences like mobile apps to extend engagement with television content. It notes that many viewers now use their smartphones and tablets while watching TV, presenting an opportunity to keep them engaged through multi-screening. The Shazam app in particular has been successful in driving interactions and online engagement related to TV shows and ads through its ability to instantly identify music, programs, and commercials. Case studies show Shazam integration can significantly increase website traffic and social media activity around a TV property. The document argues this model can work for advertising by providing additional information or enabling purchases beyond a 30-second commercial.

mm liveshazammobile
Integrating Media: Search & Social
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Integrating Media: Search & Social

This presentation reviews the digital media landscape in Ireland and highlights the importance of full media integration with digital. It also presents a case study from Buzz Tracking, our bespoke social media monitoring software tailored for the Irish market.

mediaseosocial media
Lessons from Saturday Night Live's Digital Word of Mouth Strategies
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Lessons from Saturday Night Live's Digital Word of Mouth Strategies

360i's Sarah Hofstetter, Vice President of Emerging Media & Client Strategy, and NBC's Matt Allen, Senior Executive Director of Marketing, spoke at WOMM-U on May 13.

by 360i
Key Takeaways:
    The social w is exponentially

    Research suggests that users do not
    use social media as a tool to make
    purchase decisions.

Howw approach Social M
         e                 edia

      Data Driven
      Global Training & Employee Empow ent
      Conversational & Com unity building
      Global strategy
      External Social Media Guidelines
       – http://w w
                 w .intel.com/sites/sitewide/en_US/social-media.htm

In the Conversation, versus @ the

Data is important!
                                                                                 • Publish Web page
                                                                                 • Publish or maintain a blog
      Social Technographic Ladder of                    13%
                                                                                 • Upload video to sites like YouTube

                                                        CRITICS                  • Comment on blogs
      Leaders in data, research and                     19%                     • Post ratings and reviews

       analytics in the social space                                             • Use RSS
      Im perative to planning for all social           15%                      • Tag Web pages

       m edia program and projects
                                                                                 • Use social networking sites

                                                                                 • Read blogs
                                                                                 • Watch peer-generated video
                                                                                 • Listen to podcasts

                                                                                 • None of these activities

                                                S ourc e : Forre s te r’s NACTAS Q4 2006 De v ic e s & Ac ce s s Online S urv e y


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Social Media & Financial Services Workshop
Social Media & Financial Services WorkshopSocial Media & Financial Services Workshop
Social Media & Financial Services Workshop

The document summarizes key points from a Barclays social media workshop. It discusses understanding audiences through social profiling tools, monitoring social conversations to support customers and reputation, and ways to engage through social networks like joining discussions and crowdsourcing ideas. The workshop covered listening to customers, building partnerships through social platforms, and maintaining an open and authentic social presence.

Pubcon Vegas 2012: Google+ One Year Later - A Case Study
Pubcon Vegas 2012: Google+ One Year Later - A Case StudyPubcon Vegas 2012: Google+ One Year Later - A Case Study
Pubcon Vegas 2012: Google+ One Year Later - A Case Study

Google+ one year later using Search Engine Land as a case study. Also information on new Google+ features from the past year, including Events and Hangouts On Air. #pubcon

social media marketinggoogle+social network
Nielsen Online Retailers Social Media Webinar Clients
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This document provides an overview of how retailers can utilize social media as a framework. While online sales remain a small percentage of total sales, the influence of the internet on offline purchasing is clear. What happens online does not stay online. The document discusses listening to consumer generated media to understand attitudes and needs, and engaging through a company's website and third party tools. Best practices for customer service, product reviews, and crowd-sourcing are also presented.

W is your strategy?

      Listening - using social m edia as “ tim research and
                                           real  e”
       gaining insights from listening to customers.
      Talking - using conversations w custom to prom
                                       ith   ers     ote
       products or services, authentically
      Energizing - building brand stewardship; and identifying
       enthusiastic custom and using them to persuade
      Supporting - making it possible for custom to help
       each other.
      Em bracing - turning custom into a resource for

Yes, w listen … and w
             e              atch … and engage
        Variation of tools: som paid, som
                                e         e
        Tw itter search, Google Alerts,
        Not just listening but





     40%                                      -
     30%                                      Neutral



Tw ay conversations

     Real Stories from Real People @



Supporting the enterprise and IT geeks
      Com unity for IT professionals
      Several different OEM and other
       com  panies participate; and even
       m  oderate content
      It serves as the “ to”
                         go     destination
       for all things geeky

                                              http://com unities.intel.com


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2013 EworksWSI Social media tactical plan
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2013 EworksWSI Social media tactical plan

This social media plan is meant to serve as the foundation to start incorporating social media into your company's marketing strategies. The social media tactical plan helps you to: - Drive more unique traffic to your website - Expand the reach of thought leadership content - Measure the value of social media strategies - Better identify, understand, and engage potential buyers More info and details on http://eworkswsi.com.cy

Global Market Intelligence Survey 2009
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Global Market Intelligence Survey 2009

As a result of the recession into which the global economy slipped in 2008, budgets have been cut in most corporate functions, with intelligence activities being no exception. Yet simultaneous with the thinning resources, demand for high quality market information has probably never been as pressing as during the previous year. This paradox largely defines the spirit of the responses to GIA’s Global Market Intelligence Survey 2009, conducted on six continents during August and September 2009. This presentation shows selected slides from a GIA white paper. To download the entire white paper that you are interested in, please visit http://bit.ly/GIAinsightWP

market intelligencemarket monitoringconsulting
Mobile first, Responsive Design and The Core Model
Mobile first, Responsive Design and The Core ModelMobile first, Responsive Design and The Core Model
Mobile first, Responsive Design and The Core Model

This document discusses designing websites with a mobile-first and responsive approach. It recommends (1) focusing on "core" pages that users rely on the most to accomplish tasks, rather than the front page, (2) designing first for mobile to prioritize important content, and (3) using responsive design with a grid system to display content adaptively across different screen sizes.

mobile firstresponsive designmobile
Tapping into consum innovation
      Joint venture w Asus and Intel
      Thriving com unity of early
       adopters and tech setters
      Tapping this com unity for their
       innovative ideas

                                          http://w w epc.com
                                                  w .w

Energizing the Com unity
      Desktop Processor
      Tested and branded as “ fastest
       processor on the planet”
      Geared for sm niche audience of
       content creators or those w need
           processor speed & efficiency
        –   M ultimedia creation
        –   Anim  ators
        –   Film m  akers
        –   HD Video Editing

Digital Drag Race
      Create a program that:

       – Engages content creators
       – Displays the pow of the processor
       – Builds in functionality to m back
         social behaviors
       – Builds com unity

      The Digital Drag Race concept
       addressed several key issues:

       – It spoke directly to the audience w  e
         w anted to engage w    ith
       – Easy to integrate naturally w  ith       http://w w
                                                          w .youtube.com atch?v=xW
                                                                        /w        dVvurRvBA
       – Visually displayed the “   speed” of
         the processor
       – Easy to add behaviors/functionality
         from Forrester

Digital Drag Race –User Generated Content
      Creation of user battles
      W inner w  ould get a “
                             shot out”  on
       the Intel blogs w links to their
      W hen w opened it up to the
       com unity is w
            m           hen it becam viral

                                    Follow me @britopian


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Social media 101 070612
Social media 101 070612Social media 101 070612
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This document discusses how businesses are using social media platforms. It provides statistics showing that marketing, internal collaboration, and customer service are the top business uses of social media. Factors driving increased social media usage include technological advances, proliferation of smartphones, lower broadband costs, and increased collaboration. The document recommends that businesses define client relationships using a model that shifts from 4Ps (Product, Price, Place, Promotion) to 6Cs (Culture, Credibility, Collaboration, Communication, Conversation, Content). It also provides tips on using Twitter effectively for conversations and reputation management.

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The Insidious Plot to Socialize the Enterprise
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The Insidious Plot to Socialize the Enterprise

This document discusses how social media is changing business and provides strategies for companies to leverage social media. It notes that social media usage is growing rapidly globally and through mobile devices. Customers and employees now expect more social and collaborative experiences. The document outlines seven social business solutions that can drive customer and internal value across enterprises by unlocking the potential of social media. These solutions require changes to marketing, communications, and culture to fully integrate social media.

social businessb2bsocial@ogilvy
6 Steps to Develop Your Social Business
6 Steps to Develop Your Social Business6 Steps to Develop Your Social Business
6 Steps to Develop Your Social Business

This document outlines 6 steps to develop a social business: 1) Listen to social media conversations; 2) Define a game plan with goals and strategy; 3) Engage users with relevant content, questions, and personal connections; 4) Measure engagement using analytics; 5) Evaluate effectiveness and make adjustments; 6) Continually evolve the social strategy based on what is learned. The document provides examples and statistics to demonstrate why brands are investing in social media and the risks of not having a social media presence.

meltwater groupsocial businessmeltwater buzz
The results

             METRIC                                         RESULT
     Total unique visitors                          Exceeded goal by 250%
     Total clicks to product
                                                    Exceeded goal by 360%
     Download interaction rate                      Exceeded goal by 50%

                                                    Average tim spent over 8
     Average tim on site

     Total blog posts                               Exceeded goal by 12%

                               Additional bonus: won an ADDY and an IAC award

The Buzz … Ad /Me dia Indus try

                    Follow me @britopian

The Buzz … De s ig n re late d
     blo g s /s ite s

                     Follow me @britopian

The Buzz … te c h s ite s & o the r s o c ial
     me dia

                      Follow me @britopian


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Six Steps to Developing Your Social Business
Six Steps to Developing Your Social BusinessSix Steps to Developing Your Social Business
Six Steps to Developing Your Social Business

Social Media has "crossed the chasm" into a mainstream phenomenon. Has your brand or business developed and executed a social strategy? What steps do you need to take? Margaret Donnelly, Director of Marketing for Meltwater Group, takes you through the steps that every organization or brand should take to develop their business presence across social networks. This presentation was given at our Meltwater Group client events in New York and San Francisco.

meltwater groupsocial businessmeltwater
2013 Digital Trends
2013 Digital Trends 2013 Digital Trends
2013 Digital Trends

The document outlines 6 key digital trends: mobility, sociability, discovery, connectivity, big data, and screens. Mobility refers to the shift to mobile and always-on access across devices. Sociability covers the growth of social networks to build reputation and influence. Discovery is about content finding audiences from trusted sources rather than just search. Connectivity means content on multiple platforms and devices. Big data allows for highly targeted, personalized content. Screens integrates consumption across TVs, smartphones and tablets in real-time.

portland communicationspublic relationsportland
IT Decision Makers: Audience Cluster Analysis | Michael Brito
IT Decision Makers: Audience Cluster Analysis | Michael BritoIT Decision Makers: Audience Cluster Analysis | Michael Brito
IT Decision Makers: Audience Cluster Analysis | Michael Brito

A slide that segments the IT audience into smaller sub-groups of engineers, developers, CIO/CTO and security architects. This type of audience analysis is meant for B2B marketing.

Did w m
          e ove the needle?

      –Sales increased but hard to track back to social media
      –W becam relevant to this spectrum of consum
         e        e                                     ers
      –Humanized the Intel brand


                           Follow me @britopian

Social Media Evangelism

      SM = Social M
          P             edia Practitioner
      Leveraging the social capital of Intel employees to
       evangelize, listen, respond to their ow m
                                               n icro
       com unities
      Train, plan, organize, collaborate

Our strategy involves …

      Listening  Nielsen, Google, Twitter
      Talking  Consum blog, tw
                       er       itter, FB fan page
      Energizing  Evangelism Digital Drag Race
      Supporting  IT geek com unity
      Embracing  Consum innovation W
                         er           EPC.com

Twitter Best Practices for Brands

           Not the M ecca.
           Branded/Personal Profiles.
           Profile Equity.
           Less structure is better.
           Listen & Observe before engaging.
           Authenticity is important. Be believable.
           Track, M easure and Iterate.
           Having a strategy is good. Execution is
           m im
             ore portant.

                        Follow me @britopian


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PRSSA: How to Build Your Brand and Stand Out from the Competition
PRSSA: How to Build Your Brand and Stand Out from the CompetitionPRSSA: How to Build Your Brand and Stand Out from the Competition
PRSSA: How to Build Your Brand and Stand Out from the Competition

This is a presentation that I did for the San Jose State University PRSSA chapter. It was all about student personal branding using social and digital channels. SJSU

educationpersonal brandingstudents
Multi-Segment Audience Intelligence | Michael Brito @britopian
Multi-Segment Audience Intelligence | Michael Brito @britopianMulti-Segment Audience Intelligence | Michael Brito @britopian
Multi-Segment Audience Intelligence | Michael Brito @britopian

This document provides a matrix for segmenting different types of audiences including C-Suite executives, IT decision makers, engineers and developers, journalists, analysts, and influencers. The matrix also includes categories for brands, competitors, topics related to data security, cloud security, threat detection, malware, security operations, remote working, data privacy, risk management, video conferencing, artificial intelligence, and cloud infrastructure.

social customerintelligencemarket analysis
Multi-Channel Media Intelligence | Michael Brito @Britopian
Multi-Channel Media Intelligence | Michael Brito @BritopianMulti-Channel Media Intelligence | Michael Brito @Britopian
Multi-Channel Media Intelligence | Michael Brito @Britopian

Multi-Channel Media Intelligence is a methodology that dissects all media publications in order to uncover insights and identify market whitespace for public relations and media experts.

Recom ended Reading

                  Follow me @britopian

Thank you.

         Follow me @britopian


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Building Brand Loyalty on the Social Web

  • 1. Building Brand Loyalty on the Social Web Michael Brito http://w w w .britopian.com http://twitter.com/britopian 1
  • 2. Authenticity, transparency is im portant. 2
  • 3. Brands need to be Believable. 3
  • 4. 4
  • 5. 5
  • 6. 700% growth 3,700% growth 6
  • 7. 7
  • 8. Howto be “ Believable” “ Be hum an. Build com unity. m Don’just listen. Act. t Be open for criticism. Adm wit hen you are w rong. Don’mt ake m onetization a priority; it will happen naturally if done right. 8
  • 9. Key Takeaways: The social w is exponentially eb growing. Research suggests that users do not use social media as a tool to make purchase decisions. 9
  • 10. Howw approach Social M e edia  Data Driven  Global Training & Employee Empow ent erm  Conversational & Com unity building m  Global strategy  External Social Media Guidelines – http://w w w .intel.com/sites/sitewide/en_US/social-media.htm 10
  • 11. In the Conversation, versus @ the conversation 11
  • 12. Data is important! • Publish Web page CREATORS • Publish or maintain a blog  Social Technographic Ladder of 13% • Upload video to sites like YouTube Participation CRITICS • Comment on blogs  Leaders in data, research and 19% • Post ratings and reviews analytics in the social space • Use RSS COLLECTORS  Im perative to planning for all social 15% • Tag Web pages m edia program and projects s JOINERS • Use social networking sites 19% • Read blogs SPECTATORS • Watch peer-generated video 33% • Listen to podcasts INACTIVES • None of these activities 52% S ourc e : Forre s te r’s NACTAS Q4 2006 De v ic e s & Ac ce s s Online S urv e y 12
  • 13. W is your strategy? hat  Listening - using social m edia as “ tim research and real e” gaining insights from listening to customers.  Talking - using conversations w custom to prom ith ers ote products or services, authentically  Energizing - building brand stewardship; and identifying enthusiastic custom and using them to persuade ers others.  Supporting - making it possible for custom to help ers each other.  Em bracing - turning custom into a resource for ers innovation. 13
  • 14. Yes, w listen … and w e atch … and engage  Variation of tools: som paid, som e e free  Tw itter search, Google Alerts, Nielsen  Not just listening but ENGAGEM ENT AND ACTION 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% + 40% - 30% Neutral 20% 10% 0% 9 0 2 5 9 0 2 6 5 9 0 2 7 5 9 0 2 8 5 0 2 9 5 / / / / / 9 2 0 1 5 9 0 2 1 5 9 0 2 1 5 9 0 2 3 1 5 9 0 2 4 1 5 9 0 2 1 5 9 0 2 6 1 5 9 0 2 7 1 5 9 0 2 8 1 5 0 2 9 1 5 9 0 2 5 9 0 1 2 5 9 0 2 5 9 0 3 2 5 9 0 4 2 5 9 0 2 5 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / 14
  • 15. Tw ay conversations o-w Real Stories from Real People @ Intel. http://scoop.intel.com http://scoop.intel.com http://scoop.intel.com 15
  • 16. Supporting the enterprise and IT geeks  Com unity for IT professionals m  Several different OEM and other S com panies participate; and even m oderate content  It serves as the “ to” go destination for all things geeky http://com unities.intel.com m 16
  • 17. Tapping into consum innovation er  Joint venture w Asus and Intel ith  Thriving com unity of early m adopters and tech setters  Tapping this com unity for their m innovative ideas http://w w epc.com w .w 17
  • 18. Energizing the Com unity m  Desktop Processor  Tested and branded as “ fastest the processor on the planet”  Geared for sm niche audience of all content creators or those w need ho processor speed & efficiency – M ultimedia creation – Anim ators – Film m akers – HD Video Editing 18
  • 19. Digital Drag Race  Create a program that: – Engages content creators – Displays the pow of the processor er – Builds in functionality to m back ap to social behaviors – Builds com unity m  The Digital Drag Race concept addressed several key issues: – It spoke directly to the audience w e w anted to engage w ith – Easy to integrate naturally w ith http://w w w .youtube.com atch?v=xW /w dVvurRvBA Intel.com – Visually displayed the “ speed” of the processor – Easy to add behaviors/functionality from Forrester 19
  • 20. Digital Drag Race –User Generated Content  Creation of user battles  W inner w ould get a “ shot out” on the Intel blogs w links to their / spaces  W hen w opened it up to the e com unity is w m hen it becam viral e Follow me @britopian 20
  • 21. The results METRIC RESULT Total unique visitors Exceeded goal by 250% Total clicks to product Exceeded goal by 360% pages Download interaction rate Exceeded goal by 50% Average tim spent over 8 e Average tim on site e minutes Total blog posts Exceeded goal by 12% Additional bonus: won an ADDY and an IAC award 21
  • 22. The Buzz … Ad /Me dia Indus try Follow me @britopian 22
  • 23. The Buzz … De s ig n re late d blo g s /s ite s Follow me @britopian 23
  • 24. The Buzz … te c h s ite s & o the r s o c ial me dia Follow me @britopian 24
  • 25. Did w m e ove the needle? –Sales increased but hard to track back to social media –W becam relevant to this spectrum of consum e e ers –Humanized the Intel brand MULTIMEDIA ARTISTS ANIMATORS FILM MAKERS Follow me @britopian 25
  • 26. Social Media Evangelism  SM = Social M P edia Practitioner  Leveraging the social capital of Intel employees to evangelize, listen, respond to their ow m n icro com unities m  Train, plan, organize, collaborate 26
  • 27. Our strategy involves …  Listening  Nielsen, Google, Twitter  Talking  Consum blog, tw er itter, FB fan page  Energizing  Evangelism Digital Drag Race ,  Supporting  IT geek com unity m  Embracing  Consum innovation W er EPC.com 27
  • 28. Twitter Best Practices for Brands “ Not the M ecca. Research. Branded/Personal Profiles. Profile Equity. Less structure is better. Listen & Observe before engaging. Authenticity is important. Be believable. Track, M easure and Iterate. Having a strategy is good. Execution is m im ore portant. Follow me @britopian 28
  • 29. Recom ended Reading m Follow me @britopian 29
  • 30. Thank you. Questions? Follow me @britopian 30