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Chapter 9

           Understanding Employee
 Motivating, Satisfying & Leadership
Sr. Chapter   Chapter Heading
1.    3 Understanding the Global context of business (031012)
2.    4 Conducting Business Ethically and Responsibly (250212)
3.    6 Organizing the Business Enterprise (030312)
4.    7 Understanding Entrepreneurship and Small Business (100312)
5.    8 Managing Human Resources (240312)
6.    9 Understanding Employee Motivating, Satisfying & Leadership (310312)
7.    11 Understanding Marketing Processes and Consumer Behavior
8.    16 Managing Quality and Productivity
9.    17 Managing Information Systems and Communication Technology
10.   19 Understanding Money and Banking
11.   20 Intermediate Term and Lease Financing
       REQUIRED
           SUBMIT IDEA

Marks Distribution
50   Terminal Examination
20   Mid Term Examination
15   Quizzes
15   Final Assignment


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Motivational leadership edited
Motivational leadership editedMotivational leadership edited
Motivational leadership edited

This presentation addresses the following: -Meaning of Motivation and Leadership -Key Features of Motivational Leaders -Providing Motivational Leadership using Specific -Motivational Theories -How to Practice Motivational Leadership

Importance of Motivation
Importance of MotivationImportance of Motivation
Importance of Motivation

This document discusses the importance of motivation and identifies four key factors that motivate employees: the reward system, leadership style, organizational climate, and the nature of the work. It explains that employees are motivated by incentives and rewards that allow them to acquire things. Leadership style and organizational climate also impact motivation by influencing how employees feel about the company and their bonds with coworkers. Matching job roles to employees' interests can make work more motivating.

Ob ppt on motivation
Ob ppt on motivation Ob ppt on motivation
Ob ppt on motivation

This document discusses motivation and its importance for both individuals and businesses. Motivation is defined as the drive that pushes one to work hard and achieve goals even when facing difficulties. For individuals, motivation helps achieve personal goals and increases job satisfaction. For businesses, a motivated workforce improves teamwork, productivity, and ability to adapt to changes. The document then examines various theories of motivation, including Maslow's hierarchy of needs and Herzberg's two-factor theory, and discusses how rewards, leadership, empowerment, and trust can boost employee motivation.

         Classical theory
         Behavior theory
         Contemporary motivational theories
              Theory X & Y
              Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory
              Two factor theory
              Expectancy theory
              Equity theory
        Reinforcement / Behavior modification theory
        MBO
        Job enrichment and job redesign
        Modified Work Schedules
        Managerial Styles
        The contingency Approach to leadership
        Motivation and leadership in the 21st century

A Set of Employment Expectations for
inducements in return of the employee’s
  What does each employee contribute to the organization?

  What will the organization provide to each employee in
Satisfied Employees Are More Productive
and More Committed

Job Satisfaction:
 Degree of enjoyment
 employees derive from doing

 their jobs

High Morale:
 An overall positive employee

 attitude toward the workplace

Low Turnover:
 A low percentage of
 employees leave each year
   Motivation is getting others to do something because
    they want to do it.

   The process which encourages and guides behavior.

   The act or process of stimulating to action, providing
    an incentive or motive, especially for an act.

   Motivation is the internal drive to accomplish a
    particular goal. In a work setting, motivation is what
    makes people want to work.

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Hrm motivational strategies
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Hrm motivational strategies

Motivational strategies and practices can be instrumental and vital to an organizations performance, efficiency, and effectiveness.

Training Program Leadership and Motivation
Training Program Leadership and MotivationTraining Program Leadership and Motivation
Training Program Leadership and Motivation

This is a power point presentation I made at the RV College of Engineering to pre-final year students. The Program is meant students as leaders for the corporate world.

Employee motivation foundations and practices
Employee motivation foundations and practicesEmployee motivation foundations and practices
Employee motivation foundations and practices

Employee motivation foundations and practices, explain about motivation, Maslow’s Needs Hierarchy, employee motivation, Expectancy Theory of Motivation,Goal Setting and Feedback,Organizational Justice,Job Design and Empowerment

employee motivationexpectancy theory of motivationgoal setting and feedback
   Classical Theory of Motivation: workers
    are motivated solely by money
   Hawthorne effect: productivity tends to
    increase when workers believe they are
    receiving special attention from

McGregor’s Theories
 Theory X and Theory Y
Theory X                   Theory Y
1. People are lazy.        1. People are energetic.
2. People lack ambition    2. People are ambitious
   and dislike                and seek
                           3. People can be
3. People are self-           selfless.
   centered.               4. People want to
4. People resist change.      contribute to business
5. People are gullible        growth and change.
   and not very bright.    5. People are intelligent.
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
   General                                 Organizational
  Examples                                   Examples
Self-Fulfillment      Actualization
                                              Challenging Job
Status                                              Job Title
                     Esteem Needs
                       Esteem Needs
Friendship                                    Friends at Work
                      Social Needs
                       Social Needs

Stability            Security Needs
                       Security Needs            Pension Plan

Shelter            PhysiologicalNeeds
                     Physiological Needs               Salary
Two Factor Theory
   Hygiene Factors           Motivation Factors
 • Supervisors               • Achievement
 • Working Conditions        • Recognition
 • Interpersonal Relations   • The Work Itself
 • Pay & Security            • Responsibility
 • Company Policies &        • Advancement & Growth

Dissatisfaction                              Satisfaction

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5 star motivation workshop
5 star motivation workshop5 star motivation workshop
5 star motivation workshop

This document summarizes a workshop on motivation given by Rick Miller of Pro356 Consulting. The workshop examined what is known about motivation and whether typical business approaches align with research findings. Miller discussed the history of motivation theories, from Motivation 1.0 focusing on survival instincts to modern Motivation 3.0 emphasizing self-motivation. Key theorists such as Herzberg and Deming were cited for challenging traditional views of using only external rewards and punishments. The workshop addressed open questions about whether incentive plans achieve long-term goals and how motivation is impacted in today's work environments.

employee motivation
Employee motivation
Employee motivation Employee motivation
Employee motivation

This document discusses employee motivation in 3 paragraphs: 1) It defines motivation and discusses theories of motivation including Maslow's hierarchy of needs, McGregor's XY theory, and McClelland's motivational needs theory focused on achievement, affiliation, and power. 2) It discusses factors that motivate employees both externally like salary and benefits, and internally like achievement and responsibility. 3) It covers reasons for demotivation and why employees leave jobs, such as lack of learning opportunities, feedback, and challenges or bad bosses. The document aims to understand what drives employee actions and how to motivate maximum performance.


Motivation is the process of encouraging people to accomplish goals. It comes from both internal desires (intrinsic) and external rewards/incentives (extrinsic). Motivation is important because it leads to improved employee performance and productivity, helps achieve organizational goals, builds relationships, and reduces turnover. Managers are responsible for motivating subordinates through both financial and non-financial means like recognition, opportunities for growth, and engaging meaningful work. Proper motivation results in maximum utilization of human resources.

Expectancy Theory

Individual        Individual      Organizational           Personal
  Effort         Performance        Rewards                 Goals

           Effort-        Performance-              Rewards-
        Performance         Reward                  Personal
           Issue              Issue                Goals Issue
Equity Theory

Employees evaluate their treatment relative to the treatment
of others
Inputs: Employee contributions to their jobs

Outputs: What employees receive in return

The perceived ratio of contribution to return determines
perceived equity

   Reinforcement / Behavior modification theory
   MBO
   Participative management and empowerment
   Job enrichment and job redesign
   Modified Work Schedules

Reinforcement /
Behavior Modification Theory


        When negative consequences are attached
        directly to undesirable behavior

            Positive Reinforcement
         When rewards are tied directly to

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Importance of motivation
Importance of motivationImportance of motivation
Importance of motivation

1. Motivation is important for organizations and individuals as it leads to improved performance and productivity. 2. Motivated employees and empowered teams are more likely to help businesses succeed and achieve goals. 3. Motivation fosters job satisfaction, self-development, and a positive work environment.

Organizational Mythologies
Organizational MythologiesOrganizational Mythologies
Organizational Mythologies

Organizations create mythologies that become part of the culture. They are stories with great impact. But they are still just stories. Blind acceptance of mythologies costs money, morale, and motivation.

The Impact of Team Leadership on Organizational Performance:Moderated by Orga...
The Impact of Team Leadership on Organizational Performance:Moderated by Orga...The Impact of Team Leadership on Organizational Performance:Moderated by Orga...
The Impact of Team Leadership on Organizational Performance:Moderated by Orga...

This thesis examines the impact of team leadership on organizational performance, moderated by organizational size. A survey was administered to 268 managers in Pakistan's telecommunications sector. Results of normality tests and correlation analysis show that organizational size significantly moderates the relationship between all facets of team leadership (leadership styles, establishing team structure, decision making, managing conflict, building commitment, sharing information) and organizational performance (business performance, organizational effectiveness). Correlation coefficients indicate team leadership has a strong, positive relationship with organizational performance. Additionally, organizational size positively correlates with both team leadership factors and organizational performance. This suggests organizational size plays a moderating role between team leadership and organizational performance.

Management by Objectives
 Collaborative Goal-setting

Collaborative    Communicating
Goal Setting &   Organizational                Evaluation
  Planning       Goals & Plans


                 Verifiable Goals
                  & Clear Plans
Job Enrichment and Job Redesign
Job Enrichment: Adding one or more
motivating factors to job activities

Job Redesign: Designing a better fit between
workers and their jobs
   Combining tasks

   Forming natural work groups

   Establishing client relationships
Modified Work Schedules

               Work share programs

               Flextime programs and
                alternative workplace

               Telecommuting and
                virtual offices
Sample Flextime Scheduling
      6:00 7:00 8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 1:00 2:00 3:00 4:00 5:00 6:00
      A.M.   A.M.   A.M.   A.M.   A.M.   A.M.    NOON      P.M.    P.M.   P.M.   P.M.      P.M.    P.M.

             Flexible             Core          Flexible          Core                  Flexible
              Time                Time           Time             Time                   Time




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As motivation (PLEASE COME TO CLASS!!) You have a really good chance of suc...
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The document discusses motivation theories and techniques for motivating individuals and teams in the workplace. It covers motivation theories from Maslow, Herzberg, and McGregor, including Maslow's hierarchy of needs and Herzberg's hygiene factors. A variety of financial and non-financial motivational techniques are examined, such as piece-rate pay, hourly pay, performance-related pay, fringe benefits, recognition, and teamwork. The document emphasizes that different people are motivated by different factors and there is no one-size-fits-all approach to motivation.

Chapter 12: Teambuilding
Chapter 12: TeambuildingChapter 12: Teambuilding
Chapter 12: Teambuilding

This document discusses team building in organizations. It defines team building as an ongoing process that helps a work group evolve into a cohesive unit where members share expectations, trust and support each other, and respect individual differences. The document outlines guiding principles of team building such as good communication, increased productivity, motivation to achieve goals, and higher levels of trust and job satisfaction. It then describes steps to build an effective team, which include establishing leadership, considering employees' ideas, acting as a harmonizing influence, encouraging trust and cooperation, and facilitating communication. Symptoms that signal a need for team building are also listed, such as decreased productivity and conflicts among staff members.

akichboteam building
Motivating Administrative Staff
Motivating Administrative StaffMotivating Administrative Staff
Motivating Administrative Staff

This document discusses motivating administrative staff in organizations. It defines motivation and lists key elements like intensity, direction, and persistence. Motivation is important for organizations as it leads to improved employee efficiency, achievement of goals, and stability. The top reasons employees stay somewhere include career growth, meaningful work, recognition, and flexibility. Elements of a successful motivation program include knowing employees, giving feedback, employee involvement, business literacy, and vision/values. Practices to motivate include recognition, developing flexible schedules, upward feedback, and training. A proposed solution is creating a private social network for the organization where employees can recognize each other and be recognized.

motivationproject managementadministrative staff
Evaluating Modified Schedules and
Alternative Workplaces
Advantages            Disadvantages
   More satisfied,      Challenging to
    committed             coordinate and
    employees             manage
   Less congestion      Poor fit for some

             The process of
             motivating others
             to work to meet
             specific objectives
Five Fundamental Leadership

 Challenge the process
 Inspire a shared vision
 Enable others to act
 Model the way
 Encourage the heart

    Source: www.theleadershipchallenge.com
Managerial Styles

Autocratic Style
                    Democratic Style
                                            Free-rein Style

               Contingency Approach
    The appropriate style in any situation is contingent on
           the unique elements of that situation

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Introduction of OB, OB and managers roles
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Introduction of OB, OB and managers roles

Organizational behavior is the study of human behavior in organizational settings. It examines how individuals interact within groups and how groups function within larger social systems like companies. The document discusses the importance of organizational behavior and outlines the typical management processes of planning, organizing, leading, controlling, and achieving goals. It also describes the different roles managers play and the key skills they need, including technical, interpersonal, conceptual, and diagnostic skills.

Leadership and Motivation
Leadership and MotivationLeadership and Motivation
Leadership and Motivation

Leadership and Motivation is most important parameters in HR Management practices. How strong the leader and how HRM build leaders will show the direction of the organization.

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This document outlines key topics in human resource management. It discusses 1) human resource planning including job analysis, forecasting labor supply and demand, and matching supply and demand. 2) Staffing including recruiting and selecting employees. 3) Developing employees through orientation, training, and development techniques. 4) Evaluating employee performance through performance appraisals. 5) Providing compensation and benefits including pay, incentives, and indirect benefits. 6) The legal context of HRM including equal employment laws. 7) New challenges like managing diversity, knowledge workers, and contingent workers.

Motivation and Leadership in the
Twenty-first Century

                   Security and pay are
                   no longer enough

                    “Coach” mentality
                    Diversity
                    Flexibility

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Kalyan matka Dpboss Matka guessing sattaKalyan matka Dpboss Matka guessing satta
Satta batta Matka Guessing Satta Matta Matka Indian Matka
Satta batta Matka Guessing Satta Matta Matka Indian MatkaSatta batta Matka Guessing Satta Matta Matka Indian Matka
Satta Matta Matka Kalyan Matka Satta Matka Dpboss Matka Guessing Kalyan Matka
Satta Matta Matka Kalyan Matka Satta Matka Dpboss Matka Guessing Kalyan MatkaSatta Matta Matka Kalyan Matka Satta Matka Dpboss Matka Guessing Kalyan Matka
Satta Matta Matka Kalyan Matka Satta Matka Dpboss Matka Guessing Kalyan Matka
➒➌➎➏➑➐➋➑➐➐Dpboss Matka Guessing Satta Matka Kalyan Chart Indian Matka
Kalyan Today Kalyan Open Satta Matka 143
Kalyan Today Kalyan Open Satta Matka 143Kalyan Today Kalyan Open Satta Matka 143
Kalyan Today Kalyan Open Satta Matka 143
Matka Guessing ❼ʘ❷ʘ❻❻➃➆➆➀ Matka Result
Matka Boss otg Satta Matta Matka Kalyan Matka Indian Matka
Matka Boss otg Satta Matta Matka Kalyan Matka Indian MatkaMatka Boss otg Satta Matta Matka Kalyan Matka Indian Matka
Matka Boss otg Satta Matta Matka Kalyan Matka Indian Matka
➒➌➎➏➑➐➋➑➐➐Dpboss Matka Guessing Satta Matka Kalyan Chart Indian Matka
Matka boss otg matka 420 matka otg matka boss
Matka boss otg matka 420 matka otg matka bossMatka boss otg matka 420 matka otg matka boss
Indian Matka Dpboss Matka Guessing Tara Matka boss otg
Indian Matka Dpboss Matka Guessing Tara Matka boss otgIndian Matka Dpboss Matka Guessing Tara Matka boss otg
Satta Matka Kalyan Satta Matka guessing.
Satta Matka Kalyan Satta Matka guessing.Satta Matka Kalyan Satta Matka guessing.
Satta Matka Kalyan Satta Matka guessing.
Matka Guessing ❼ʘ❷ʘ❻❻➃➆➆➀ Matka Result
Indian Matka Satta Matta Matka Dpboss Matka Boss otg Satta Matka
Indian Matka Satta Matta Matka Dpboss Matka Boss otg Satta MatkaIndian Matka Satta Matta Matka Dpboss Matka Boss otg Satta Matka
Indian Matka Satta Matta Matka Dpboss Matka Boss otg Satta Matka
➒➌➎➏➑➐➋➑➐➐Dpboss Matka Guessing Satta Matka Kalyan Chart Indian Matka
Fix fix fix satta number Indian Matka Dpboss Matka guessing
Fix fix fix satta number Indian Matka Dpboss Matka guessingFix fix fix satta number Indian Matka Dpboss Matka guessing
Fix fix fix satta number Indian Matka Dpboss Matka guessing
➒➌➎➏➑➐➋➑➐➐Dpboss Matka Guessing Satta Matka Kalyan Chart Indian Matka
Fix fix satta matka Dpboss Matka guessing kalyan matka
Fix fix satta matka Dpboss Matka guessing kalyan matkaFix fix satta matka Dpboss Matka guessing kalyan matka
Indian Matka Dpboss Matka guessing satta matka kalyan matka
Indian Matka Dpboss Matka guessing satta matka kalyan matkaIndian Matka Dpboss Matka guessing satta matka kalyan matka
Indian Matka Dpboss Matka guessing satta matka kalyan matka
➒➌➎➏➑➐➋➑➐➐Dpboss Matka Guessing Satta Matka Kalyan Chart Indian Matka
Satta Matka Dpboss Guessing kalyan Indian chart result
Satta Matka Dpboss Guessing kalyan Indian chart resultSatta Matka Dpboss Guessing kalyan Indian chart result
Satta Matka Dpboss Guessing kalyan Indian chart result
Indian Matka Dpboss Matka Guessing Kalyan panel Chart Matka Boss otg
Indian Matka Dpboss Matka Guessing Kalyan panel Chart Matka Boss otgIndian Matka Dpboss Matka Guessing Kalyan panel Chart Matka Boss otg
Indian Matka Dpboss Matka Guessing Kalyan panel Chart Matka Boss otg
➒➌➎➏➑➐➋➑➐➐Dpboss Matka Guessing Satta Matka Kalyan Chart Indian Matka
Satta Matka Dpboss Kalyan Matka Result matka boss otg
Satta Matka Dpboss Kalyan Matka Result matka boss otgSatta Matka Dpboss Kalyan Matka Result matka boss otg
Indian Matka Dpboss Matka guessing matka boss otg Satta matka
Indian Matka Dpboss Matka guessing matka boss otg Satta matkaIndian Matka Dpboss Matka guessing matka boss otg Satta matka
Indian Matka Dpboss Matka guessing matka boss otg Satta matka
➒➌➎➏➑➐➋➑➐➐Dpboss Matka Guessing Satta Matka Kalyan Chart Indian Matka

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Kalyan Satta Matka Guessing Dp boss..143
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Fix fix fix satta number Indian Matka Dpboss Matka guessing
Fix fix satta matka Dpboss Matka guessing kalyan matka
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Indian Matka Dpboss Matka guessing matka boss otg Satta matka

Chap9understandingemployeemotivating 120330144130-phpapp02

  • 1. Chapter 9 Understanding Employee Motivating, Satisfying & Leadership http://www.slideshare.net/Subjectmaterial
  • 2. Sr. Chapter Chapter Heading No.No. 1. 3 Understanding the Global context of business (031012) 2. 4 Conducting Business Ethically and Responsibly (250212) 3. 6 Organizing the Business Enterprise (030312) 4. 7 Understanding Entrepreneurship and Small Business (100312) 5. 8 Managing Human Resources (240312) 6. 9 Understanding Employee Motivating, Satisfying & Leadership (310312) 7. 11 Understanding Marketing Processes and Consumer Behavior 8. 16 Managing Quality and Productivity 9. 17 Managing Information Systems and Communication Technology 10. 19 Understanding Money and Banking 11. 20 Intermediate Term and Lease Financing
  • 4. Marks Distribution 50 Terminal Examination 20 Mid Term Examination 15 Quizzes 15 Final Assignment 4
  • 5. 1. PSYCHOLOGICAL CONTRACTS IN ORGANIZATIONS 2. THE IMPORTANCE OF SATISFACTION AND MORALE 3. MOTIVATION IN THE WORKPLACE  Classical theory  Behavior theory  Contemporary motivational theories  Theory X & Y  Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory  Two factor theory  Expectancy theory  Equity theory 4. STRATEGIES FOR ENHANCING JOB SATISFACTION AND MORALE  Reinforcement / Behavior modification theory  MBO  Job enrichment and job redesign  Modified Work Schedules 5. MANAGERIAL STYLES AND LEADERSHIP  Managerial Styles  The contingency Approach to leadership  Motivation and leadership in the 21st century
  • 6. PSYCHOLOGICAL CONTRACT A Set of Employment Expectations for inducements in return of the employee’s contributions Contributions: What does each employee contribute to the organization? Inducements: What will the organization provide to each employee in return?
  • 7. Satisfied Employees Are More Productive and More Committed Job Satisfaction: Degree of enjoyment employees derive from doing TURNOVER MORALE their jobs High Morale: An overall positive employee TURNOVER attitude toward the workplace MORALE Low Turnover: A low percentage of employees leave each year
  • 8. 3. MOTIVATION IN THE WORKPLACE  Motivation is getting others to do something because they want to do it.  The process which encourages and guides behavior.  The act or process of stimulating to action, providing an incentive or motive, especially for an act.  Motivation is the internal drive to accomplish a particular goal. In a work setting, motivation is what makes people want to work.
  • 9. THEORIES  Classical Theory of Motivation: workers are motivated solely by money  Hawthorne effect: productivity tends to increase when workers believe they are receiving special attention from management 9
  • 10. McGregor’s Theories Theory X and Theory Y Theory X Theory Y 1. People are lazy. 1. People are energetic. 2. People lack ambition 2. People are ambitious and dislike and seek responsibility. responsibility. 3. People can be 3. People are self- selfless. centered. 4. People want to 4. People resist change. contribute to business 5. People are gullible growth and change. and not very bright. 5. People are intelligent.
  • 11. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs General Organizational Examples Examples Self- Self- Self-Fulfillment Actualization Actualization Challenging Job Needs Needs Status Job Title Esteem Needs Esteem Needs Friendship Friends at Work Social Needs Social Needs Stability Security Needs Security Needs Pension Plan Shelter PhysiologicalNeeds Physiological Needs Salary
  • 12. Two Factor Theory Hygiene Factors Motivation Factors • Supervisors • Achievement • Working Conditions • Recognition • Interpersonal Relations • The Work Itself • Pay & Security • Responsibility • Company Policies & • Advancement & Growth Administration Dissatisfaction Satisfaction
  • 13. Expectancy Theory Individual Individual Organizational Personal Effort Performance Rewards Goals Effort- Performance- Rewards- Performance Reward Personal Issue Issue Goals Issue
  • 14. Equity Theory Employees evaluate their treatment relative to the treatment of others Inputs: Employee contributions to their jobs Outputs: What employees receive in return The perceived ratio of contribution to return determines perceived equity
  • 15. STRATEGIES FOR ENHANCING JOB SATISFACTION AND MORALE  Reinforcement / Behavior modification theory  MBO  Participative management and empowerment  Job enrichment and job redesign  Modified Work Schedules 15
  • 16. Reinforcement / Behavior Modification Theory Punishment When negative consequences are attached directly to undesirable behavior Positive Reinforcement When rewards are tied directly to performance
  • 17. Management by Objectives Collaborative Goal-setting Collaborative Communicating Periodic Goal Setting & Organizational Evaluation Review Planning Goals & Plans Meeting Setting Verifiable Goals & Clear Plans Counseling Identifying Resources
  • 18. Job Enrichment and Job Redesign Job Enrichment: Adding one or more motivating factors to job activities Job Redesign: Designing a better fit between workers and their jobs  Combining tasks  Forming natural work groups  Establishing client relationships
  • 19. Modified Work Schedules  Work share programs  Flextime programs and alternative workplace strategies  Telecommuting and virtual offices
  • 20. Sample Flextime Scheduling 6:00 7:00 8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 1:00 2:00 3:00 4:00 5:00 6:00 A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. NOON P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. Flexible Core Flexible Core Flexible Time Time Time Time Time Joe Sue Pat
  • 21. Evaluating Modified Schedules and Alternative Workplaces Advantages Disadvantages  More satisfied,  Challenging to committed coordinate and employees manage  Less congestion  Poor fit for some workers
  • 22. MANAGERIAL STYLES AND LEADERSHIP Leadership: The process of motivating others to work to meet specific objectives
  • 23. Five Fundamental Leadership Practices Challenge the process Inspire a shared vision Enable others to act Model the way Encourage the heart Source: www.theleadershipchallenge.com
  • 24. Managerial Styles Autocratic Style Democratic Style Free-rein Style Contingency Approach The appropriate style in any situation is contingent on the unique elements of that situation
  • 25. Motivation and Leadership in the Twenty-first Century Motivation Security and pay are no longer enough Leadership  “Coach” mentality  Diversity  Flexibility

Editor's Notes

  1. http://www.slideshare.net/Subjectmaterial