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Csl in sessionon on tl evidence
Csl in sessionon on tl evidence
Csl in sessionon on tl evidence
Csl in sessionon on tl evidence

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This is the powerpoint with info concerning domains 1-4 as well as lesson plan examples and strategies.

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This document provides an overview of Research in Action, Inc., which provides consulting, training, and evaluation services to educational organizations. It summarizes some of the company's recent projects, including: - Developing accountability systems, training platforms, and evaluation solutions for state departments of education and organizations like the Bureau of Indian Education. - Providing consultation, such as designing accountability metrics, developing assessment systems, and preparing evidence for peer reviews. - Creating online training through their Homeroom platform and conducting in-person training sessions on topics like student learning objectives and assessment literacy. - Partnering with a range of clients over the past decade including most state departments of education.

Rubrics (Analytic and Holistic)
Rubrics (Analytic and Holistic)Rubrics (Analytic and Holistic)
Rubrics (Analytic and Holistic)

1) A rubric is a guideline that lists the criteria used to assess the quality of student work on a scale, such as excellent to poor. It helps evaluate student performance and provides communication about expectations. 2) Good rubrics clearly describe what is being assessed, are visually appealing, reliable, valid, fair, and connected to the learning goals. Everyone should understand them consistently. 3) Key steps to designing a rubric include identifying learning goals, choosing measurable outcomes, developing or adapting a rubric, sharing it with students, assessing student work, and analyzing results.

Csl in sessionon on tl evidence
Csl in sessionon on tl evidence
Csl in sessionon on tl evidence
Our facilitators 
Becky Russell 
CDE School Lib./Dig. Lit. 
Instructional Specialist

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9 20-11 va-teacher-level_reporting_dval 2

This document provides an overview of teacher-level value-added reporting in Ohio. It discusses key aspects of the reporting including linkage, rollout schedules, accessing reports online, subjects available, and what reports will contain. It also covers implications and cautions of the reports, keys to teacher improvement, and addressing cultural impacts. Scenarios are provided to illustrate different perspectives and prompt discussion from viewpoints of superintendents, principals, teachers, and union leaders.

Faculty assessment presentation april 2014
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Faculty assessment presentation april 2014

This document provides information and guidance for developing effective assessment tasks. It discusses linking assessment to learning outcomes, setting the appropriate level according to the NQF framework, and different types and purposes of assessment. Guidelines are provided for writing good learning outcomes and developing rubrics and criteria for assessment tasks. Different taxonomies for generating outcomes and assessments are explained, including Bloom's and Biggs' SOLO taxonomy. The document also covers reliability and validity in assessment, and provides tips for writing exam papers and checklists for moderation. Participants will work on tasks to develop assessment activities and criteria for outcomes, and compare sample exam papers.

SLO Template steps 1, 2, 3
SLO Template steps 1, 2, 3SLO Template steps 1, 2, 3
SLO Template steps 1, 2, 3

This document provides an overview of Pennsylvania's Student Learning Objective (SLO) process and template. The SLO template is used to identify goals, indicators, and performance measures for teacher effectiveness evaluations. It includes sections for classroom context, the SLO goal, and performance indicators. The goal should be based on key standards and provide a rationale. Performance indicators specify measurable targets for student achievement on valid assessments. The template provides structure and guidance for teachers to set rigorous and meaningful objectives.

Dr. Laura Summers 
Director of School Library, 
Teacher Leadership, Online 
Teaching, and EDU at UCD
By the end of this session, I will: 
•Know the difference between “Teacher Quality” evidence and ‘Student 
Growth” evidence 
•Have some beginning ideas for how to compile different types of evidence. 
•Have some insights on prioritizing aspects of my job
Share a working definition of these 2 things: 
Teacher Quality evidence 
Student Growth Evidence
CDE Teacher Evaluation Rubric 
Quality Standard 1 
Teachers demonstrate mastery of and pedagogical 
expertise in the content they teach. The elementary 
teacher is an expert in literacy and mathematics and is 
knowledgeable in all other content that he or she 
teaches (e.g., science, social studies, arts, physical 
education, or world languages). The secondary 
teacher has knowledge of literacy and mathematics 
and is an expert in his or her content endorsement 

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Lacuesite 2013 accountability

This document summarizes a panel discussion on accountability and professional development. The panel included the president of LACUE, a principal, retired university professor, and university consultant. They discussed how accountability guides their work and recommendations for developing new approaches. Data teams were presented as a model for using assessments to improve instruction through collaborative meetings focused on student work.

SLO ppt 1
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SLO ppt 1

This document provides information about student learning objectives (SLOs) for teachers. It defines SLOs as a process to measure student achievement and educator effectiveness based on content standards. It states that all teachers create SLOs for their specific classes. The document also provides examples of well-written goal statements for SLOs in different subject areas and links to resources on SLOs, standards, and the PA-ETEP website for submitting SLOs. The deadline to submit SLOs via PA-ETEP is November 6.

Mathematical practices look fors rev12.2013
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This document provides look-fors and examples for teachers and students related to seven of the eight Common Core State Standards for Mathematical Practice. It describes characteristics of high-quality math tasks and how students and teachers can demonstrate each practice. For each practice, examples are given for how a task, student, and teacher might exhibit the practice, such as using multiple representations, justifying solutions, and facilitating discussion of mathematical reasoning. The document aims to help teachers design lessons aligned to the standards and observe evidence of the practices.

Other 4 Quality Standards 
Teachers establish a safe, inclusive and respectful learning environment 
for a diverse population of students. 
Teachers plan and deliver effective instruction and create an environment 
that facilitates learning for their students 
Teachers reflect on their practice. 
Teachers demonstrate leadership
Key Words for 
“Teacher Quality” Evidence 
I. Pedagogical Expertise 
II. Respectful Learning Environment 
III. High Quality Instruction/Environment 
IV. Reflect 
V. Leadership
Evidence Ideas for Teacher Quality 
• Backwards Plan – 
• Linked from Drive, Dropbox, etc. 
• Contains ‘big picture’ outcomes, differentiation 
strategies, assessment, etc. 
• Self Reflection (pre/post) 
• Observations that are uploaded and linked 
• Video Clips 
• Photos (think of what it’s capturing)
Evidence Ideas for Student Growth 
Determine what you are measuring 
•Other core areas 
•Digital lit, info lit or 21st c. skills 
*likely embedded with the core content you are 

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Revising Instructional Materials
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Revising Instructional Materials

This document discusses revising instructional materials. It notes that instructional materials must be revised carefully through a methodical process using feedback from experts, students, and field tests. Revisions can improve clarity, address weaknesses, and ensure materials meet learner needs. Data from evaluations informs the revision process. Designers and teachers can both revise materials as needed.

The outcomes assessment phases in the instructional cycle
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The outcomes assessment phases in the instructional cycle

This slide is about the outcomes assessment phases in the instructional cycle and some examples related to it.

instructional cyclephasesassessment phases
Math look fors (updated)
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Math look fors (updated)

The document discusses the seven Mathematical Practices from the Common Core State Standards and provides examples of what these practices may look like for both students and teachers in the classroom. The seven practices are: 1) Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them, 2) Reason abstractly and quantitatively, 3) Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others, 4) Model with mathematics, 5) Use appropriate tools strategically, 6) Attend to precision, and 7) Look for and make use of structure. For each practice, examples are given of how teachers can support the practice and what behaviors students may demonstrate when applying the practice.

21st C. Skills Measures 
Formative Assessment Rubrics 
Student Pre/Post Reflection 
21st C. Skills Rubrics: 
•Tools for Real-Time Assessment of Info. Lit. Skills (TRAILS) 
•Adams 12 Digital Literacy Skills Rubric 
•Google Community – “School Librarian Town Hall” 
•Academy District 20 CO 21st c. Skills Assessment Rubrics
Csl in sessionon on tl evidence
School Unified 
Improvement Plan 
Goal (UIP) Goal 
Which all-school goal are you aligning with for your first goal? (If your school goals are not 
easily available, how are you planning on finding out from your administrator what they 
The gap in writing achievement in the Proficient and Advanced categories between 3rd grade 
boys and girls will decrease from 20 percentage points to 10. Last year’s test scores indicated 
girls are scoring 20 percentage points higher than boys. 
HESLP Target area 
(which 1-2 areas 
would you like to 
improve upon and 
Select a target area from the HESL “Evaluation Rubric” in which you would like to make 
growth. We recommend targeting an area from the “Leadership” or “Instructional Expert” 
areas of the HESLP rubric. After identifying which area (i.e., collaboration), write a brief 
sentence or so explaining WHY you are targeting this area for growth. 
I am focusing on HESLP target area #2 Collaboration and #4 instructional delivery strategies 
(in targeting boys). Past collaboration activities with third grade teachers have been 
inconsistent. I want to establish a yearlong collaboration and co-teaching plan that focuses 
on writing in different content areas. I’m also targeting 3rd grade since this is their first year 
of statewide testing exam. 
My SMART goal 
which is worded to 
show alignment 
between UIP and 
HESL Target area 
Based on your target area, write growth plan goal #1 here. How is this aligned with your 
school’s goal? 
•1st try - By March 2015, I will have collaboratively planned and taught a third grade science, 
social studies, and math unit/lesson; these lessons will include a written element that 
incorporates our building writing curriculum program. 
•Better 2nd try after getting feedback/coaching- By March 2015, focusing on growth areas 
indicated in the MAP test**, the 3rd grade teachers and I will have co-developed student 
writing rubrics and e-portfolios for 3 writing units (that we will co-teach and co-assess in at 
least 2 subject areas) that contains 3 of their pre unit and post unit writings.
Leadership, and/or 
instruction for 
Teacher Quality 
What measurable Teacher Quality evidence can you provide for your principal? 
(Evidence of YOUR growth for your portfolio) 
I will upload 3 collaboratively backward-planned units on google drive so that I can easily 
link this evidence of professional growth with my principal and other stakeholders. These 
plans will include differentiation strategies we used for targeting boys scores. I will share a 
personal reflection of instructional delivery strategies that I tried as a discussion point with 
my principal during evaluation. Lastly, I will upload and link student writing examples (some 
pre-post writing), especially of boys’ writing. 
Student Growth 
What measurable Student Growth evidence can you provide that shows how what you 
taught or implemented resulted in student growth? 
Formative Assessment - Review the Assessment rubrics of the 3 units to analyze student 
growth from 1st unit to 3rd unit. Did growth occur by the end of the 3rd unit? Is their 
writing showing more use of (descriptive writing)? We will ensure that our random 
sampling of student assessment examines boy’s writing growth and that our student 
sampling is reflective of our school’s demographics. 
•We will include student reflection examples - Prior to unit 1, we will ask students write an 
answer to the following prompt: “Look at the assessment rubric. What do you hope to 
learn? At end of unit 3, we will ask student to write a reflection on “What did I learn about 
descriptive writing throughout these 3 units?” 
•In this same pre/post reflection time I will work with the 3rd gr. teachers to include 2-3 
questions for student self-assessment on ability to create an e-portfolio. 
•I will include the answer to the following when submitting formative evidence. “I worked 
with ___ of boys around using more descriptive words in writing. Here are the results from 
our 3 units.” 
Summative measure - Using the MAP data , student achievement in descriptive writing will 
be measured.

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This document provides a guide for assessing four domains established by the Philippine Department of Education: knowledge, process, understanding, and performance/product. It defines each domain and provides examples of assessment questions and tasks that could be used to evaluate students in that domain. The knowledge domain focuses on basic facts and information. The process domain assesses cognitive operations used to solve problems. Understanding refers to grasping big ideas and is assessed using six facets. Performance/product evaluates students' ability to apply their understanding through authentic tasks. Formative and summative assessment are both emphasized to help students master standards and improve learning.

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This document discusses goals for gifted learners' education plans. It emphasizes the importance of setting SMART goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely. Examples of rigorous academic and social-emotional goals are provided. The document also outlines the components of effective written education plans, including presenting student levels, interests, service settings, and methods for differentiating instruction through acceleration, complexity, depth, challenge, and creativity. Guidelines are provided for writing measurable annual goals and selecting appropriate progress measures.

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Block 1 task 1.1 step 3

Teaching, learning, and assessment must be aligned so that students achieve the intended learning outcomes. The teacher develops teaching methods and assessment tasks that support learning activities aimed at achieving the course objectives. Assessment provides students information on what is important to learn, how they are spending their time, and how they see themselves as learners. Student-centered learning shifts the focus from teaching to learning, emphasizing students' mastery of skills and content through cooperative and inquiry-based instructional methods with the teacher as guide. Intended learning outcomes describe what students can do after a course that they could not do before. Reflection is also important for learning as it allows students to relate experiences to decision making and problem solving.

Re-Think our Job 
Like a principal and some other teachers (coaches, for ex.) 
lots of our job is not reflected in the teacher rubric 
1)Can you capture all of your job in your goals? 
2) In thinking what is most important for high teaching 
quality and student growth, what aspects of our job might 
we reduce, replace of think differently?
CDE Teacher Evaluation Rubric 
Highly Effective School Library Program 
Growth Plan Template 
Sample Growth Plan Goal 
Adams 12 Digital Literacy Skills 
District 20 21st Century Skills Assessment Rubrics (Compilation) 
21st C. Learning Objectives 
(aligned with NETS, AASL, and P21) 
Google Community – School Librarian Town Hall
By the end of this session, I will: 
•Know the difference between “Teacher Quality” 
evidence and ‘Student Growth” evidence 
•Have some beginning ideas for how to compile different 
types of evidence. 
•Have some insights on prioritizing aspects of my job
1) Share one thing you learned today 
2) Share one or two things you wish you 
learned or that you’d like to know more 

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New K to 12 Grading System for Parents Orientation

1. The document outlines a new grading system for K-12 students in the Philippines that uses standards-based and competency-based assessment. 2. Formative and summative assessments are used to evaluate student progress, with summative assessments including written work, performance tasks, and quarterly assessments. 3. Student performance is recorded and computed using a weighted scoring system that assigns different percentages to various assessment components depending on the subject area. Final grades are recomputed if students take remedial classes.

by Lu
SLO overview power point 2014
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SLO overview power point 2014

This document provides an overview of Pennsylvania's Student Learning Objective (SLO) process for measuring teacher effectiveness. It reviews the SLO concept, terminology, design, criteria, and template. The SLO process requires teachers to identify goals based on content standards, select performance measures to assess student achievement of those goals, and establish performance indicators and expectations. The SLO template guides teachers through documenting this process in six sections: classroom context, SLO goal and standards, performance measures, growth targets, analysis of student results, and evaluation.

Japanese food
Japanese foodJapanese food
Japanese food

The waiter helps a group of guests understand various Japanese dishes on the menu such as sushi (rice and seaweed wrapped seafood), teppanyaki (grilled beef), shabu shabu (fondue-style cooking meat in broth), sashimi (thin slices of raw fish), sukiyaki (quick fried beef and vegetables dipped in raw egg), and tempura (seafood or vegetables lightly battered and deep fried to remain tender). The guests learn about the ingredients and cooking methods of these dishes to help decide what to order.

Thank you for attending and participating! 
Please fill out a survey about your experience with us today! 
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Csl in sessionon on tl evidence

  • 8. Our facilitators Becky Russell CDE School Lib./Dig. Lit. Instructional Specialist
  • 9. Dr. Laura Summers Director of School Library, Teacher Leadership, Online Teaching, and EDU at UCD
  • 10. Outcomes By the end of this session, I will: •Know the difference between “Teacher Quality” evidence and ‘Student Growth” evidence •Have some beginning ideas for how to compile different types of evidence. •Have some insights on prioritizing aspects of my job
  • 11. Question Share a working definition of these 2 things: Teacher Quality evidence vs. Student Growth Evidence
  • 12. CDE Teacher Evaluation Rubric Quality Standard 1 QUALITY STANDARD I Teachers demonstrate mastery of and pedagogical expertise in the content they teach. The elementary teacher is an expert in literacy and mathematics and is knowledgeable in all other content that he or she teaches (e.g., science, social studies, arts, physical education, or world languages). The secondary teacher has knowledge of literacy and mathematics and is an expert in his or her content endorsement area(s)
  • 13. Other 4 Quality Standards QUALITY STANDARD II Teachers establish a safe, inclusive and respectful learning environment for a diverse population of students. QUALITY STANDARD III Teachers plan and deliver effective instruction and create an environment that facilitates learning for their students QUALITY STANDARD IV Teachers reflect on their practice. QUALITY STANDARD V Teachers demonstrate leadership
  • 14. Key Words for “Teacher Quality” Evidence I. Pedagogical Expertise II. Respectful Learning Environment III. High Quality Instruction/Environment IV. Reflect V. Leadership
  • 15. Evidence Ideas for Teacher Quality • Backwards Plan – • Linked from Drive, Dropbox, etc. • Contains ‘big picture’ outcomes, differentiation strategies, assessment, etc. • Self Reflection (pre/post) • Observations that are uploaded and linked • Video Clips • Photos (think of what it’s capturing)
  • 16. Evidence Ideas for Student Growth Determine what you are measuring •Writing •Reading •Math •Other core areas •Digital lit, info lit or 21st c. skills *likely embedded with the core content you are co-teaching
  • 17. 21st C. Skills Measures Formative Assessment Rubrics Student Pre/Post Reflection 21st C. Skills Rubrics: •Tools for Real-Time Assessment of Info. Lit. Skills (TRAILS) •Adams 12 Digital Literacy Skills Rubric •Google Community – “School Librarian Town Hall” •Academy District 20 CO 21st c. Skills Assessment Rubrics
  • 19. School Unified Improvement Plan Goal (UIP) Goal Which all-school goal are you aligning with for your first goal? (If your school goals are not easily available, how are you planning on finding out from your administrator what they are?) The gap in writing achievement in the Proficient and Advanced categories between 3rd grade boys and girls will decrease from 20 percentage points to 10. Last year’s test scores indicated girls are scoring 20 percentage points higher than boys. HESLP Target area (which 1-2 areas would you like to improve upon and WHY?) Select a target area from the HESL “Evaluation Rubric” in which you would like to make growth. We recommend targeting an area from the “Leadership” or “Instructional Expert” areas of the HESLP rubric. After identifying which area (i.e., collaboration), write a brief sentence or so explaining WHY you are targeting this area for growth. I am focusing on HESLP target area #2 Collaboration and #4 instructional delivery strategies (in targeting boys). Past collaboration activities with third grade teachers have been inconsistent. I want to establish a yearlong collaboration and co-teaching plan that focuses on writing in different content areas. I’m also targeting 3rd grade since this is their first year of statewide testing exam. My SMART goal which is worded to show alignment between UIP and HESL Target area Based on your target area, write growth plan goal #1 here. How is this aligned with your school’s goal? •1st try - By March 2015, I will have collaboratively planned and taught a third grade science, social studies, and math unit/lesson; these lessons will include a written element that incorporates our building writing curriculum program. •Better 2nd try after getting feedback/coaching- By March 2015, focusing on growth areas indicated in the MAP test**, the 3rd grade teachers and I will have co-developed student writing rubrics and e-portfolios for 3 writing units (that we will co-teach and co-assess in at least 2 subject areas) that contains 3 of their pre unit and post unit writings.
  • 20. MEASURABLE EVIDENCE of Collaboration, Leadership, and/or instruction for Teacher Quality Standards What measurable Teacher Quality evidence can you provide for your principal? (Evidence of YOUR growth for your portfolio) I will upload 3 collaboratively backward-planned units on google drive so that I can easily link this evidence of professional growth with my principal and other stakeholders. These plans will include differentiation strategies we used for targeting boys scores. I will share a personal reflection of instructional delivery strategies that I tried as a discussion point with my principal during evaluation. Lastly, I will upload and link student writing examples (some pre-post writing), especially of boys’ writing. MEASURABLE EVIDENCE of Student Growth What measurable Student Growth evidence can you provide that shows how what you taught or implemented resulted in student growth? Formative Assessment - Review the Assessment rubrics of the 3 units to analyze student growth from 1st unit to 3rd unit. Did growth occur by the end of the 3rd unit? Is their writing showing more use of (descriptive writing)? We will ensure that our random sampling of student assessment examines boy’s writing growth and that our student sampling is reflective of our school’s demographics. •We will include student reflection examples - Prior to unit 1, we will ask students write an answer to the following prompt: “Look at the assessment rubric. What do you hope to learn? At end of unit 3, we will ask student to write a reflection on “What did I learn about descriptive writing throughout these 3 units?” •In this same pre/post reflection time I will work with the 3rd gr. teachers to include 2-3 questions for student self-assessment on ability to create an e-portfolio. •I will include the answer to the following when submitting formative evidence. “I worked with ___ of boys around using more descriptive words in writing. Here are the results from our 3 units.” Summative measure - Using the MAP data , student achievement in descriptive writing will be measured.
  • 21. Re-Think our Job Like a principal and some other teachers (coaches, for ex.) lots of our job is not reflected in the teacher rubric 1)Can you capture all of your job in your goals? 2) In thinking what is most important for high teaching quality and student growth, what aspects of our job might we reduce, replace of think differently?
  • 22. Resources CDE Teacher Evaluation Rubric Highly Effective School Library Program Rubric Growth Plan Template Sample Growth Plan Goal TRAILS Adams 12 Digital Literacy Skills District 20 21st Century Skills Assessment Rubrics (Compilation) 21st C. Learning Objectives (aligned with NETS, AASL, and P21) Google Community – School Librarian Town Hall
  • 23. Outcomes By the end of this session, I will: •Know the difference between “Teacher Quality” evidence and ‘Student Growth” evidence •Have some beginning ideas for how to compile different types of evidence. •Have some insights on prioritizing aspects of my job
  • 24. Reflection/Evaluation 1) Share one thing you learned today 2) Share one or two things you wish you learned or that you’d like to know more about
  • 25. Thank you for attending and participating! Please fill out a survey about your experience with us today! https://www.research.net/s/csl-in-session-curiosity
  • 26. On the web: http://cslinsession.cvlsites.org

Editor's Notes

  1. SMART Goal Info: http://www.cde.state.co.us/sites/default/files/Sample%20TL%20Growth%20Plan%201%20Goal.pdf