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Prepared by –
Dr Misbah Ajaz
Dept. Of Microbiology
Ecological Diversity Of
Microbial Ecology
• It studies the diversity of microorganisms by
characterizing bacterial communities in different
environments and determining the factors that
drive diversity in these communities
• Also known as environmental microbiology is
the ecology of microorganisms: their relationship
with one another and with their environment.
• It concerns the three major domains of life—
Eukaryota, Archae ,Bacteria as well as Viruses
Dr Misbah Ajaz,Dept Of
• Most types of microbes remain unknown.
• It is estimated that we know fewer than 1% of
the microbial species on Earth.
• Microbes surround us everywhere -- air, water,
• An average gram of soil contains one billion
(1,000,000,000) microbes representing
probably several thousand species.
Dr Misbah Ajaz,Dept Of
Why is it important to study Microbial Ecology?
• Microorganisms are the backbone of
all Ecosystems,
• In zones where photosynthesis is unable to take
place because of the absence of
light, Chemosynthetic microbes provide energy
and carbon to the other organisms.
• These chemotropic organisms can also function
in environments lacking oxygen by using other
Electron acceptors for their respiration.
Dr Misbah Ajaz,Dept Of

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Food Microbiology - Chapter 3
Food Microbiology - Chapter 3Food Microbiology - Chapter 3
Food Microbiology - Chapter 3

This chapter discusses the various sources of microorganisms that can contaminate food, including plants, animals, air, soil, sewage, water, humans, and equipment. Microbes can be present on the surfaces of plants and animals or in soil, water, or from human handling. Common pathogens that may contaminate foods include bacteria, viruses, and parasites from fecal contamination of soil, sewage, water, or direct contact with infected humans or animals. Proper hygiene, sanitation, food handling and processing are important to prevent contamination and growth of microbes in foods.

Waste water treatment
Waste water treatmentWaste water treatment
Waste water treatment

This document discusses waste water treatment methods. It covers organic matters found in water like natural organic matter from plant and microbial sources, and anthropogenic organic matter from human sources. It then discusses various waste water treatment methods like physical, chemical and biological methods. The physical methods include sedimentation, aeration and filtration. The chemical methods include chlorination, oxidation and neutralization. The biological methods include aerobic and anaerobic processes using microorganisms. It also discusses preliminary waste water treatment steps like primary treatment using gravity settling to separate solids and liquids.

Lecture 2
Lecture 2Lecture 2
Lecture 2

Food spoilage is caused by the growth of microorganisms like bacteria, molds, and yeasts on foods. When microbes contaminate foods, they can cause undesirable changes through their waste products or physical presence, making foods unsuitable for consumption. Common signs of spoilage include offensive smells, mold growth, and changes in color or texture. Proper food handling and storage helps prevent or slow down spoilage by controlling factors like temperature, moisture, and nutrients that microbes need to grow.

• Other microbes are decomposers: ability to
recycle nutrients from other organisms' waste
• Microbes play a vital role in biogeochemical
cycles:N cycle, P cycle, and C cycle all depend
on microorganisms in one way or another
• Due to the high level of horizontal gene
transfer among microbial
communities, microbial ecology is also of
importance to studies of evolution.
Dr Misbah Ajaz,Dept Of
Microbial habitats
• These are found in just about every kind of
• Microbes are incredibly diverse thriving in
environments from the very cold to the
extremely hot.
• They are also tolerant of many other
conditions such as limited Water availability
high salt content and low oxygen levels.
• Not every microbe can survive in all habitats.
Dr Misbah Ajaz,Dept Of
1. Terrestrial Microbial Habitats
• Only one percent of microbes that live in soil
have been identified.
• These organisms take part in the formation of soil
and are essential components of their
• Bacteria and fungi that live in soil feed mostly on
organic matter such as other plants and animals.
• These microbes are very sensitive to their local
• Factors such as the levels of carbon dioxide and
oxygen, pH,moisture and temperature all affect
the growth of microbes in the soil.
Dr Misbah Ajaz,Dept Of
2.Aquatic Microbial Habitat
• Microbes live in both fresh and salt water.
• These organisms include microscopic plants
and animals as well as bacteria fungi and
• As with other microbes the ones that live in
water are adapted to the specific conditions of
their environment.
• Habitats range from ocean water with an
extremely high salt content to freshwater lakes
or rivers.
Dr Misbah Ajaz,Dept Of

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Microbiology of sewage and sewage treatment
Microbiology of sewage and sewage treatmentMicrobiology of sewage and sewage treatment
Microbiology of sewage and sewage treatment

Sewage or wastewater contains water and solids separated from various sources like domestic, industrial, and stormwater runoff. It contains pathogens and organic material. Treatment aims to remove solids, reduce biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), and eliminate pathogens through primary, secondary, and sometimes tertiary processes. Primary treatment removes 50% of solids and 25% of BOD through settling. Secondary treatment further reduces BOD through microbial degradation. Sludge from primary treatment is anaerobically digested by microbes to produce methane and reduce pathogens before disposal or reuse. Disinfection with chemicals or UV light is sometimes applied before releasing the treated water.

Liquid waste
Liquid waste Liquid waste
Liquid waste

Nepal faces challenges from liquid waste due to lack of proper management systems. Using the DPSIR framework, the document analyzes the drivers, pressures, state, impacts and responses regarding liquid waste in Nepal. The main drivers include population growth, urbanization and lack of public awareness. Pressures stem from agriculture, industries and changing consumption patterns. The state of liquid waste management has caused issues like eutrophication and pollution of rivers. Impacts involve health, environmental and economic problems. Responses from the government include policies, treatment plants and campaigns to address liquid waste management in Nepal.

Role of microorganisms in climate change
Role of microorganisms in climate changeRole of microorganisms in climate change
Role of microorganisms in climate change

carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, methane production have a tremendous impact on climate change, microbes play a key role in the production and control of these gases

sciencemicrobiologymicrobial ecology
3. Microbial Habitats on Other
• Microbes also live on other organisms.
• As with the ones found on people these microbes can be
harmful or beneficial to the host.
• Example: Bacteria grow in nodules on the roots of pea and
bean plants.
• These microbes convert nitrogen from the air into a form
that the plants can use.
• In many ways animals and plants have evolved as habitats
for the millions of microbes that call them home.
9Dr Misbah Ajaz,
Dept Of Microbiology,BGSBU-Rajouri
4.Extreme Microbial Environments
• An extreme environment contains conditions that
are hard to survive for most known life forms.E.g,
1. Oligotrophs,
2. Thermophiles,
3. Psychrophiles,
4. Barophiles,
5. Organic solvent tolerant.
Dr Misbah Ajaz,Dept Of
Types of extreme environments
1. Alkaline: broadly conceived as natural habitats above
pH 9 whether persistently, or with regular frequency
or for protracted periods of time.
2. Acidic: broadly conceived as natural habitats below
pH 3 whether persistently, or with regular frequency
or for protracted periods of time.
3. Extremely cold: broadly conceived habitats
periodically or consistently below -17 °C either
persistently, or with regular frequency or for
protracted periods of time.
• Includes mountain sites, polar sites, and deep ocean
Dr Misbah Ajaz,Dept Of
4. Extremely hot: broadly conceived habitats
periodically or consistently in excess of 55 °C
either persistently, or with regular frequency or
for protracted periods of time.
• Includes sites with geological thermal influences
such as Yellowstone and comparable locations
worldwide or deep-sea vents.
5. Hypersaline: (high salt) environments with salt
concentrations greater than that of seawater,
that is, >3.5%.
• Includes salt lakes.
Dr Misbah Ajaz,Dept Of

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Energy Budget.pdf
Energy Budget.pdfEnergy Budget.pdf
Energy Budget.pdf

The document discusses energy budgets at multiple levels - for ecosystems, organisms, and a specific example of the Mallard duck. An energy budget tracks energy inputs, outputs, storage and transfers within a system. For ecosystems, the main input is sunlight which plants convert to chemical energy through photosynthesis. Energy is lost through respiration, heat and lower trophic transfers. Organisms' energy budgets track food intake, storage, expenditure on functions and whether a net gain or loss results. The Mallard duck's annual budget allocates 30% to basic functions, 25% to foraging, 15% each to migration and reproduction, and 10% to maintenance.

energy budgetenvironmentscience
Trickling Filter, Wastewater Treatment method
Trickling Filter, Wastewater Treatment methodTrickling Filter, Wastewater Treatment method
Trickling Filter, Wastewater Treatment method

Trickling Filter A trickling filter is a type of wastewater treatment system. • A trickling filter , also called trickling biofilter, biofilter, biological filter and biological trickling filter , is a fixed-bed, biological reactor that operates under (mostly) aerobic conditions.

trickling filterenvironmental biotechnologywastewater treatment system
Microbial growth control (Physical methods)
Microbial growth control (Physical methods)Microbial growth control (Physical methods)
Microbial growth control (Physical methods)

Why to control microbes? To prevent transmission of disease. To prevent the spoilage of food i.e preservation of food

microbial growth controlsterilizationdesiccation
6. Under pressure: broadly conceived as habitats
under extreme hydrostatic pressure— i.e. aquatic
habitats deeper than 2000 meters and enclosed
habitats under pressure.
• Includes habitats in oceans and deep lakes.
7. Radiation: broadly conceived as habitats
exposed to abnormally high radiation or of
radiation outside the normal range of light.
• Includes habitats exposed to high UV and IR
Dr Misbah Ajaz,Dept Of
8. Without water: broadly conceived as habitats without free
water whether persistently, or with regular frequency or for
protracted periods of time.
• Includes hot and cold desert environments, and some
endolithic habitats.
9. Without oxygen: broadly conceived as habitats without
free oxygen – whether persistently, or with regular
frequency, or for protracted periods of time.
• Includes habitats in deeper sediments.
10. Altered by humans, i.e. anthropogenically impacted
• Includes mine tailings,oil impacted habitats, and pollution
by heavy metals or organic compounds.
Dr Misbah Ajaz,Dept Of
• Etymology:-the word "Oligotroph" Is a
combination of the greek
• An oligotroph is an organism that can live in an
environment that offers very low levels of
• Oligotrophs are characterized by slow growth,
low rates of metabolism, and generally low
population density.
• According to lab definition, oligotroph is an
• that is capable of growth in a medium containing
0.2–16.8 mg dissolved organic carbon per liter.
Dr Misbah Ajaz,Dept Of
• Deep oceanic sediments,
• Caves,
• Glacial and polar ice,
• Deep subsurface soil,
• Aquifers,
• Ocean waters, and
• Leached soils.
• In natural ecosystems, oligotrophs and eutrophs
(copiotrophs) coexist, and their proportion is
dependent on the ability of an individual to dominate
in a particular environment.
Dr Misbah Ajaz,Dept Of

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Bacteria diversity desulfovibrio
Bacteria diversity desulfovibrioBacteria diversity desulfovibrio
Bacteria diversity desulfovibrio

Desulfovibrio are sulfate-reducing bacteria that use sulfate as an electron acceptor during anaerobic respiration. They are curved rod-shaped, gram-negative bacteria found in organic-rich anoxic environments. Desulfovibrio reduce sulfate to hydrogen sulfide during metabolism, which can be used to precipitate heavy metals and aid in bioremediation of wastewater.

06 bioaccumulation
06 bioaccumulation06 bioaccumulation
06 bioaccumulation

Bioaccumulation is the gradual build up of chemicals in an organism over time through uptake from the environment and storage in tissues. Uptake occurs through activities like eating, drinking, breathing and skin contact, while storage deposits chemicals in organs or tissues. Certain chemicals that bind tightly, like mercury, can accumulate even if water soluble. Biomagnification further concentrates chemicals as they move up the food chain, potentially harming top predators. While bioaccumulation aids nutrient acquisition, it can also be detrimental depending on the chemical and organism.


The document discusses biofilms, which are complex aggregations of microorganisms that grow on surfaces in aquatic environments. Biofilms form when bacteria adhere to a surface and excrete a glue-like substance. They are found in places like rocks, water environments, living tissues, and industrial settings. Biofilms pose challenges for human health and industry because they are resistant to antibiotics and cause fouling. However, biofilms can also be beneficial in applications like water treatment. The document outlines the structure, formation process, impacts and threats of biofilms as well as some preventive measures and references on the topic.

• Oligotrophic bacterium sphingomonas sp. :-isolated
from the resurrection bay, alaska retained its
ultramicrosize irrespective of the growth phase,
carbon source, or carbon concentration.
• Cycloclasticus oligotrophicus :-isolated from the
resurrection bay, shared properties similar to
sphingomonas (e.g. Single copy of the rRNA operon,
relatively small size and genome size).
Dr Misbah Ajaz,Dept Of
• A thermophile is an organism
that thrives at relatively high
temperatures. Or
• A thermophile is an organism
capable of living at
temperatures at or near the
Dr Misbah Ajaz,Dept Of
• Composts,
• Sun-heated soils,
• Terrestrial hot springs,
• Submarine hydrothermal vents and
• Geothermally heated oil reserves and oil wells.
• Various geothermally heated regions of the earth, such as
hot springs like those in yellowstone national park.
• The diversity of bacteria of a hot spring in bukreshwar
(west bengal, india) is also a home of thermophile.
Dr Misbah Ajaz,Dept Of
• Few thermophilic fungi belonging to
• Zygomycetes (Rhizomucor miehei, R. pusillus),
• Ascomycetes (Chaetomium thermophile, Thermoascus
aurantiacus, Dactylomyces thermophilus,
Melanocarpus albomyces, Talaromyces thermophilus,
T. emersonii, Thielavia terrestris),
• Basidiomycetes (Phanerochaete chrysosporium) and
• Hyphomycetes (Acremonium alabamensis, A.
thermophilum, Myceliophthora thermophila,
Thermomyces lanuginosus, Scytalidium thermophilum,
Malbranchea cinnamomea)
Dr Misbah Ajaz,Dept Of

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Soil as microbial habitat
Soil as microbial habitatSoil as microbial habitat
Soil as microbial habitat

The document discusses microbial ecology and the composition of soil as an environment for microorganisms. It notes that soil is a complex ecosystem containing a vast array of microbes, plants, and animals. The lithosphere is composed of weathered rock, humus, and nutrients. The rhizosphere around plant roots contains associated bacteria, fungi, and protozoa. Microbes play important roles in soil, including nutrient provision, decomposition, nitrogen fixation, and preventing pathogens. Bacteria, actinomycetes, and fungi are the dominant microbial groups in soil and influence processes like nutrient cycling and plant growth.

Adaptation of microorganism in environment- microbial ecology
Adaptation of microorganism in environment- microbial ecologyAdaptation of microorganism in environment- microbial ecology
Adaptation of microorganism in environment- microbial ecology

The document discusses how microorganisms adapt to various environments. It notes that microbes can adapt to changing conditions within and between hosts through various strategies. These include producing proteins and enzymes to adapt to different temperatures, pH levels, salt concentrations, and other environmental factors. The document also describes several types of extremophiles that have adapted to survive in extreme environments through strategies like accumulating salts to balance osmotic pressure.

adaptation of microorganism in environmentmicrobial ecologyms saajida sultaana mahusook
Wastewater microorganisms
Wastewater microorganismsWastewater microorganisms
Wastewater microorganisms

Wastewater treatment uses microorganisms like bacteria, protozoa, fungi, algae, and small invertebrates to break down organic matter in wastewater. These microbes convert wastewater contaminants into less harmful substances. Bacteria play the most important role in wastewater treatment by consuming organic matter. Other microbes like protozoa and rotifers help clarify the water by feeding on bacteria. The stabilization of wastewater is accomplished biologically using a variety of microorganisms in a wastewater treatment plant.

• ALGAE: (Achanthes exigua, Mougeotia sp. and
Cyanidium caldarium) and
• PROTOZOA:(Cothuria sp. Oxytricha falla,
Cercosulcifer hamathensis, Tetrahymena
pyriformis, Cyclidium citrullus, Naegleria
Dr Misbah Ajaz,Dept Of
• They have been classified based on their optimum temperature
• MODERATE:-(Bacillus caldolyticus, Thermoactinomyces vulgaris,
Clostridium thermohydrosulfuricum, Thermoanaerobacter ethanolicus,
Thermoplasma acidophilum),
• EXTREME:-(Thermus aquaticus, T. thermophilus, Thermodesulfobacterium
commune, Sulfolobus acidocaldarius, Thermomicrobium
roseum,Dictyoglomus thermophilum, Methanococcus vulcanicus,
Sulfurococcus mirabilis, Thermotoga mritima) and
• HYPERTHERMOPHILES:-(Methanoccus jannaschii, Acidianus infernos,
Archaeoglobus profundus, Methanopyrus kandleri, Pyrobaculum
islandicum, Pyrococcus furiosus, Pyrodictium occultum, Pyrolobus fumarii,
Thermococcus littoralis, Ignicoccus islandicum, Nannoarchaeum equitans).
Dr Misbah Ajaz,Dept Of
• The hyperthermophilic extreme acidophiles, with pH optima for growth at
or below 3.0
• E.g sulfolobus, sufurococcus, desulfurolobus and acidianus produce
sulphuric acid from the oxidation of elemental sulphur or sulphidic ores, in
solfataras of yellowstone national park.
• Other microbes that occur in hot environments include metallosphaera
that oxidizes sulphidic ores and stygiolobus sp., which reduces elemental
• Thermoplasma volcanicum that grows at pH 2 and 55°C, has also been
isolated from solfataric fields.
• Thermoplasma acidophilum was isolated from selfheating coal refuse
• Thiobacillus caldus was isolated from hot acidic soils.
Dr Misbah Ajaz,Dept Of
• Psychrophilic are microorganisms
that grow in cold environments: -
✓ Proliferate at 0-10°c
✓ Metabolize in snow and ice at -
✓ Are predicted to metabolize at -
✓ Can survive -45°c.
Dr Misbah Ajaz,Dept Of

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Water microbiology
Water microbiologyWater microbiology
Water microbiology

The document discusses aquatic microbiology and water microbiology. Aquatic microbiology is the study of microorganisms in aquatic environments like lakes, rivers, and oceans, while water microbiology relates specifically to microorganisms in drinking water. The scope of aquatic microbiology is wide and includes plankton, benthic organisms, microbial mats, and biofilms found across various aquatic habitats.

Environmental microbiology 2009
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Environmental microbiology 2009

The document discusses microbiology related to food and water. It describes how food and water can become contaminated with microorganisms from various sources like soil, food handlers, and animal hides. This contamination can lead to food spoilage, foodborne illness, and waterborne diseases. The document outlines various bacteria, viruses, and parasites that can cause diseases when ingested through contaminated food or water. It also discusses methods used to study and control microorganisms in food and water to prevent diseases.

Introduction to Microbiology Lecture _II.ppt
Introduction to Microbiology Lecture _II.pptIntroduction to Microbiology Lecture _II.ppt
Introduction to Microbiology Lecture _II.ppt

Lecture notes

• Cold deserts (antarctica) dryness and drastic variation in
temperature (-55 to 15°c) water availability is a problem, high uv
• Endolithic communities: Algae, pigmented bacteria micrococcus,
deinococcus, yeast cryptococcus and cyanobacteria desiccation
resistant, wind dispersion.
• Sea ice :-major habitat for microorganisms in artic and antarctic
marine ecosystems (-35°c to -2°c).
• Brine inclusions, interstices and ice-water interface form
microhabitats where an extensive microbial community can
develop .
• Sea ice microbial community (simco) :-ice algae (diatoms)
proteobacteria, flavobacteria/cytophaga/bacteroides gram positive:
Planococcus, arthrobacter archaea psychromonas ingrahamii can
grow at –12°c with a generation time of 240h.
Dr Misbah Ajaz,Dept Of
• Permafrost sediments (permanently frozen
• Siberia 400-900m deep, frozen for 3-5 mya ice
sheets and glaciers (antarctica,high mountains)
• Cold cave sediments
• Sediments of glaciers
• Deep sea (1.5 to 11 km mariana trench)
• Man-made environments: Industrialized production of
Dr Misbah Ajaz,Dept Of
• Various species within the genera: Alcaligenes, Alteromonas,
Aquaspirillum, Arthobacter, Bacillus, Bacteroides, Brevibacterium,
Gelidibacter, Methanococcoides, Methanogenium, Methanosarcina,
Microbacterium, Micrococcus, Moritella, Octandecabacter, Phormidium,
Photobacterium, Polaribacter,Polaromonas, Psychroserpens, Shewanella
and Vibrio have been reported to be psychrophilic.
• The genus Moritella appears to be composed of psychrophiles only.
• The psychrophilic which have been cultivated, belong to g- Proteobacteria,
Shewanella, Photobacterium, Colwellia, Moritella and Alteromonas
Dr Misbah Ajaz,Dept Of
• Barophile is a bacterium which prefers to grow or
exclusively grows at moderately high hydrostatic
pressures such as the challenger deep in the
mariana trench which has a depth of 10,994 m.
• Barophilic bacteria are best adapted with growth
pressure greater than 40mpa whereas
moderately barophilic bacteria grow ideally
above 1 atm but less than 40mpa.
Dr Misbah Ajaz,Dept Of

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OLIGOTROPHS ; microbial life at low nutrients.
OLIGOTROPHS ; microbial life at low nutrients.OLIGOTROPHS ; microbial life at low nutrients.
OLIGOTROPHS ; microbial life at low nutrients.

Oligotrophs are organisms that can live in nutrient-poor environments. They are characterized by slow growth, low metabolism, and low population density. Examples include certain bacteria, fungi, and microbes found in deep ocean sediments, caves, glacial ice, aquifers, and leached soil. These oligotrophic environments have very low concentrations of nutrients. Oligotrophs have adaptations like high surface area to volume ratio and resistance to environmental stresses that allow them to acquire nutrients in nutrient-poor conditions. They can also enter dormant states during starvation and undergo cellular changes like reductive division for survival. Specific oligotrophic environments discussed include Antarctica, Crooked Lake, and deeper oligotrophic

oligotrophsmicrobial life at low nutrients.oligotrophic environments
Microbiology world & Microbial habitat
Microbiology world & Microbial habitat Microbiology world & Microbial habitat
Microbiology world & Microbial habitat

Microbes live in nearly every habitat on Earth and have adapted to survive in even the most extreme environments. They play important roles in ecosystems, industrial processes, food production, and the human body. While some can cause disease, many microbes provide benefits like decomposing organic matter, fixing nitrogen, and producing food items and chemicals. Their small size allows microbes to thrive nearly everywhere and they remain largely undiscovered due to their microscopic scale.

Microbial habitats
Microbial habitatsMicrobial habitats
Microbial habitats

Microbes play an important role in bioremediation by using their enzymatic activity to destroy pollutants or transform them into less harmful forms. During their normal metabolic processes, microbes can break down toxic compounds and convert them into simpler, non-toxic molecules. Bioremediation harnesses microbes' natural degradation abilities to clean contaminated sites using biological rather than physical or chemical methods. This approach is often more cost-effective and environmentally friendly compared to excavating and disposing of polluted soils and water.

• Most of the barophilic and barotolerant bacteria belong to
• The coexistence of archaea was shown along with
pseudomonas in mariana trench.
• Filamentous fungi and actinomycetes:-isolated at 1 bar (0.1
• Several alkaliphilic, thermophilic and non-extremophilic
• Several filamentous fungi were isolated from deep-sea
calcareous sediments at 10 mpa pressure that corresponds
to 1000–3000 m depth.
• Non-sporulating filamentous fungi and yeasts have been
isolated from deep-sea sediments at 0.1 mpa45.
Dr Misbah Ajaz,Dept Of
• Pseudomonas in Mariana Trench.
• Filamentous fungi and actinomycetes.
• Photobacterium,
• Shewanella,
• Colwellia and Motiella.
• barotolerant Alteromonas sp.
Dr Misbah Ajaz,Dept Of
• Organic-solvent-tolerant bacteria are a
relatively novel group of extremophilic
• They overcome the toxic and destructive
effects of organic solvents due to the presence
of various adaptive mechanisms
Dr Misbah Ajaz,Dept Of
Dr Misbah Ajaz,Dept Of

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This document provides an overview of key concepts in ecology, including important terms like habitat, species, population, community, ecosystem, niche, biome, and biosphere. It discusses abiotic factors like temperature, sunlight, rainfall, and humidity and how they influence organisms and ecosystems. It also covers biotic factors and interactions between species, including competition, predation, symbiosis (commensalism, mutualism, parasitism). The document discusses how organisms adapt to environmental changes and provides examples of structural, behavioral, and physiological adaptations.

Microbial habitats
Microbial  habitatsMicrobial  habitats
Microbial habitats

Microbes inhabit diverse environments across terrestrial, aquatic, and other organism habitats. They thrive in conditions ranging from very cold to extremely hot and can tolerate limited water, high salt, and low oxygen. Microbes in soil break down organic matter and are sensitive to environmental factors like carbon dioxide, oxygen, pH, moisture, and temperature. Aquatic microbes live in both fresh and salt water and are adapted to their environment. Microbes also live symbiotically on other organisms, with relationships that can be mutualistic, commensalistic, or parasitic. Microbes play important roles in biogeochemical cycles like carbon, nitrogen, sulfur, and phosphorus cycles that recycling nutrients. Bioremediation uses microbes to degrade poll

Concepts of Habitat and Niche
Concepts of Habitat and NicheConcepts of Habitat and Niche
Concepts of Habitat and Niche

This document discusses the concepts of habitat and niche, specifically for soil microorganisms. It defines habitat as a specific physical space occupied by an organism, while niche refers to an organism's functional role in an ecosystem. The document provides examples of how microenvironments and niches are created for microorganisms based on chemical gradients and resource availability in very small physical spaces. It emphasizes that microorganisms can influence and create their own microenvironments and niches, such as within colonies or by associating with clays.

Dr Misbah Ajaz,Dept Of

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Ecological diversity of Microorganisms

  • 1. Prepared by – Dr Misbah Ajaz Dept. Of Microbiology BGSBU-Rajouri Ecological Diversity Of Microbes
  • 2. Microbial Ecology • It studies the diversity of microorganisms by characterizing bacterial communities in different environments and determining the factors that drive diversity in these communities or • Also known as environmental microbiology is the ecology of microorganisms: their relationship with one another and with their environment. • It concerns the three major domains of life— Eukaryota, Archae ,Bacteria as well as Viruses 2 Dr Misbah Ajaz,Dept Of Microbiology,BGSBU-Rajouri
  • 3. continue • Most types of microbes remain unknown. • It is estimated that we know fewer than 1% of the microbial species on Earth. • Microbes surround us everywhere -- air, water, soil. • An average gram of soil contains one billion (1,000,000,000) microbes representing probably several thousand species. 3 Dr Misbah Ajaz,Dept Of Microbiology,BGSBU-Rajouri
  • 4. Why is it important to study Microbial Ecology? • Microorganisms are the backbone of all Ecosystems, • In zones where photosynthesis is unable to take place because of the absence of light, Chemosynthetic microbes provide energy and carbon to the other organisms. • These chemotropic organisms can also function in environments lacking oxygen by using other Electron acceptors for their respiration. 4 Dr Misbah Ajaz,Dept Of Microbiology,BGSBU-Rajouri
  • 5. Continued • Other microbes are decomposers: ability to recycle nutrients from other organisms' waste products. • Microbes play a vital role in biogeochemical cycles:N cycle, P cycle, and C cycle all depend on microorganisms in one way or another • Due to the high level of horizontal gene transfer among microbial communities, microbial ecology is also of importance to studies of evolution. 5 Dr Misbah Ajaz,Dept Of Microbiology,BGSBU-Rajouri
  • 6. Microbial habitats • These are found in just about every kind of habitat. • Microbes are incredibly diverse thriving in environments from the very cold to the extremely hot. • They are also tolerant of many other conditions such as limited Water availability high salt content and low oxygen levels. • Not every microbe can survive in all habitats. 6 Dr Misbah Ajaz,Dept Of Microbiology,BGSBU-Rajouri
  • 7. 1. Terrestrial Microbial Habitats • Only one percent of microbes that live in soil have been identified. • These organisms take part in the formation of soil and are essential components of their ecosystems. • Bacteria and fungi that live in soil feed mostly on organic matter such as other plants and animals. • These microbes are very sensitive to their local environment. • Factors such as the levels of carbon dioxide and oxygen, pH,moisture and temperature all affect the growth of microbes in the soil. 7 Dr Misbah Ajaz,Dept Of Microbiology,BGSBU-Rajouri
  • 8. 2.Aquatic Microbial Habitat • Microbes live in both fresh and salt water. • These organisms include microscopic plants and animals as well as bacteria fungi and viruses. • As with other microbes the ones that live in water are adapted to the specific conditions of their environment. • Habitats range from ocean water with an extremely high salt content to freshwater lakes or rivers. 8 Dr Misbah Ajaz,Dept Of Microbiology,BGSBU-Rajouri
  • 9. 3. Microbial Habitats on Other Organisms • Microbes also live on other organisms. • As with the ones found on people these microbes can be harmful or beneficial to the host. • Example: Bacteria grow in nodules on the roots of pea and bean plants. • These microbes convert nitrogen from the air into a form that the plants can use. • In many ways animals and plants have evolved as habitats for the millions of microbes that call them home. 9Dr Misbah Ajaz, Dept Of Microbiology,BGSBU-Rajouri
  • 10. 4.Extreme Microbial Environments • An extreme environment contains conditions that are hard to survive for most known life forms.E.g, 1. Oligotrophs, 2. Thermophiles, 3. Psychrophiles, 4. Barophiles, 5. Organic solvent tolerant. 10 Dr Misbah Ajaz,Dept Of Microbiology,BGSBU-Rajouri
  • 11. Types of extreme environments 1. Alkaline: broadly conceived as natural habitats above pH 9 whether persistently, or with regular frequency or for protracted periods of time. 2. Acidic: broadly conceived as natural habitats below pH 3 whether persistently, or with regular frequency or for protracted periods of time. 3. Extremely cold: broadly conceived habitats periodically or consistently below -17 °C either persistently, or with regular frequency or for protracted periods of time. • Includes mountain sites, polar sites, and deep ocean habitats. 11 Dr Misbah Ajaz,Dept Of Microbiology,BGSBU-Rajouri
  • 12. continued 4. Extremely hot: broadly conceived habitats periodically or consistently in excess of 55 °C either persistently, or with regular frequency or for protracted periods of time. • Includes sites with geological thermal influences such as Yellowstone and comparable locations worldwide or deep-sea vents. 5. Hypersaline: (high salt) environments with salt concentrations greater than that of seawater, that is, >3.5%. • Includes salt lakes. 12 Dr Misbah Ajaz,Dept Of Microbiology,BGSBU-Rajouri
  • 13. continued 6. Under pressure: broadly conceived as habitats under extreme hydrostatic pressure— i.e. aquatic habitats deeper than 2000 meters and enclosed habitats under pressure. • Includes habitats in oceans and deep lakes. 7. Radiation: broadly conceived as habitats exposed to abnormally high radiation or of radiation outside the normal range of light. • Includes habitats exposed to high UV and IR radiation. 13 Dr Misbah Ajaz,Dept Of Microbiology,BGSBU-Rajouri
  • 14. continued 8. Without water: broadly conceived as habitats without free water whether persistently, or with regular frequency or for protracted periods of time. • Includes hot and cold desert environments, and some endolithic habitats. 9. Without oxygen: broadly conceived as habitats without free oxygen – whether persistently, or with regular frequency, or for protracted periods of time. • Includes habitats in deeper sediments. 10. Altered by humans, i.e. anthropogenically impacted habitats. • Includes mine tailings,oil impacted habitats, and pollution by heavy metals or organic compounds. 14 Dr Misbah Ajaz,Dept Of Microbiology,BGSBU-Rajouri
  • 15. OLIGOTROPHS • Etymology:-the word "Oligotroph" Is a combination of the greek • An oligotroph is an organism that can live in an environment that offers very low levels of nutrients. • Oligotrophs are characterized by slow growth, low rates of metabolism, and generally low population density. • According to lab definition, oligotroph is an organism • that is capable of growth in a medium containing 0.2–16.8 mg dissolved organic carbon per liter. 15 Dr Misbah Ajaz,Dept Of Microbiology,BGSBU-Rajouri
  • 16. OCCURENECE • Deep oceanic sediments, • Caves, • Glacial and polar ice, • Deep subsurface soil, • Aquifers, • Ocean waters, and • Leached soils. • In natural ecosystems, oligotrophs and eutrophs (copiotrophs) coexist, and their proportion is dependent on the ability of an individual to dominate in a particular environment. 16 Dr Misbah Ajaz,Dept Of Microbiology,BGSBU-Rajouri
  • 17. EXAMPLES • Oligotrophic bacterium sphingomonas sp. :-isolated from the resurrection bay, alaska retained its ultramicrosize irrespective of the growth phase, carbon source, or carbon concentration. • Cycloclasticus oligotrophicus :-isolated from the resurrection bay, shared properties similar to sphingomonas (e.g. Single copy of the rRNA operon, relatively small size and genome size). 17 Dr Misbah Ajaz,Dept Of Microbiology,BGSBU-Rajouri
  • 18. THERMOPHILES • A thermophile is an organism that thrives at relatively high temperatures. Or • A thermophile is an organism capable of living at temperatures at or near the maximum. 18 Dr Misbah Ajaz,Dept Of Microbiology,BGSBU-Rajouri
  • 19. OCCURRENCE • Composts, • Sun-heated soils, • Terrestrial hot springs, • Submarine hydrothermal vents and • Geothermally heated oil reserves and oil wells. • Various geothermally heated regions of the earth, such as hot springs like those in yellowstone national park. • The diversity of bacteria of a hot spring in bukreshwar (west bengal, india) is also a home of thermophile. 19 Dr Misbah Ajaz,Dept Of Microbiology,BGSBU-Rajouri
  • 20. Examples • Few thermophilic fungi belonging to • Zygomycetes (Rhizomucor miehei, R. pusillus), • Ascomycetes (Chaetomium thermophile, Thermoascus aurantiacus, Dactylomyces thermophilus, Melanocarpus albomyces, Talaromyces thermophilus, T. emersonii, Thielavia terrestris), • Basidiomycetes (Phanerochaete chrysosporium) and • Hyphomycetes (Acremonium alabamensis, A. thermophilum, Myceliophthora thermophila, Thermomyces lanuginosus, Scytalidium thermophilum, Malbranchea cinnamomea) 20 Dr Misbah Ajaz,Dept Of Microbiology,BGSBU-Rajouri
  • 21. continued • ALGAE: (Achanthes exigua, Mougeotia sp. and Cyanidium caldarium) and • PROTOZOA:(Cothuria sp. Oxytricha falla, Cercosulcifer hamathensis, Tetrahymena pyriformis, Cyclidium citrullus, Naegleria fowleri). 21 Dr Misbah Ajaz,Dept Of Microbiology,BGSBU-Rajouri
  • 22. BACTERIA AND ARCHAEBACTERIA • They have been classified based on their optimum temperature requirements: • MODERATE:-(Bacillus caldolyticus, Thermoactinomyces vulgaris, Clostridium thermohydrosulfuricum, Thermoanaerobacter ethanolicus, Thermoplasma acidophilum), • EXTREME:-(Thermus aquaticus, T. thermophilus, Thermodesulfobacterium commune, Sulfolobus acidocaldarius, Thermomicrobium roseum,Dictyoglomus thermophilum, Methanococcus vulcanicus, Sulfurococcus mirabilis, Thermotoga mritima) and • HYPERTHERMOPHILES:-(Methanoccus jannaschii, Acidianus infernos, Archaeoglobus profundus, Methanopyrus kandleri, Pyrobaculum islandicum, Pyrococcus furiosus, Pyrodictium occultum, Pyrolobus fumarii, Thermococcus littoralis, Ignicoccus islandicum, Nannoarchaeum equitans). 22 Dr Misbah Ajaz,Dept Of Microbiology,BGSBU-Rajouri
  • 23. DIVERSITY IN THERMOPHILES • The hyperthermophilic extreme acidophiles, with pH optima for growth at or below 3.0 • E.g sulfolobus, sufurococcus, desulfurolobus and acidianus produce sulphuric acid from the oxidation of elemental sulphur or sulphidic ores, in solfataras of yellowstone national park. • Other microbes that occur in hot environments include metallosphaera that oxidizes sulphidic ores and stygiolobus sp., which reduces elemental sulphur. • Thermoplasma volcanicum that grows at pH 2 and 55°C, has also been isolated from solfataric fields. • Thermoplasma acidophilum was isolated from selfheating coal refuse piles. • Thiobacillus caldus was isolated from hot acidic soils. 23 Dr Misbah Ajaz,Dept Of Microbiology,BGSBU-Rajouri
  • 24. PSYCHROPHILES • Psychrophilic are microorganisms that grow in cold environments: - ✓ Proliferate at 0-10°c ✓ Metabolize in snow and ice at - 20°c, ✓ Are predicted to metabolize at - 40°c ✓ Can survive -45°c. 24 Dr Misbah Ajaz,Dept Of Microbiology,BGSBU-Rajouri
  • 25. OCCURRENCE AND DIVERSITY • Cold deserts (antarctica) dryness and drastic variation in temperature (-55 to 15°c) water availability is a problem, high uv irradiation. • Endolithic communities: Algae, pigmented bacteria micrococcus, deinococcus, yeast cryptococcus and cyanobacteria desiccation resistant, wind dispersion. • Sea ice :-major habitat for microorganisms in artic and antarctic marine ecosystems (-35°c to -2°c). • Brine inclusions, interstices and ice-water interface form microhabitats where an extensive microbial community can develop . • Sea ice microbial community (simco) :-ice algae (diatoms) proteobacteria, flavobacteria/cytophaga/bacteroides gram positive: Planococcus, arthrobacter archaea psychromonas ingrahamii can grow at –12°c with a generation time of 240h. 25 Dr Misbah Ajaz,Dept Of Microbiology,BGSBU-Rajouri
  • 26. continued • Permafrost sediments (permanently frozen sediments) • Siberia 400-900m deep, frozen for 3-5 mya ice sheets and glaciers (antarctica,high mountains) • Cold cave sediments • Sediments of glaciers • Deep sea (1.5 to 11 km mariana trench) • Man-made environments: Industrialized production of food,refrigeration. 26 Dr Misbah Ajaz,Dept Of Microbiology,BGSBU-Rajouri
  • 27. Examples • Various species within the genera: Alcaligenes, Alteromonas, Aquaspirillum, Arthobacter, Bacillus, Bacteroides, Brevibacterium, Gelidibacter, Methanococcoides, Methanogenium, Methanosarcina, Microbacterium, Micrococcus, Moritella, Octandecabacter, Phormidium, Photobacterium, Polaribacter,Polaromonas, Psychroserpens, Shewanella and Vibrio have been reported to be psychrophilic. • The genus Moritella appears to be composed of psychrophiles only. • The psychrophilic which have been cultivated, belong to g- Proteobacteria, Shewanella, Photobacterium, Colwellia, Moritella and Alteromonas haloplanktis. 27 Dr Misbah Ajaz,Dept Of Microbiology,BGSBU-Rajouri
  • 28. BAROPHILES • Barophile is a bacterium which prefers to grow or exclusively grows at moderately high hydrostatic pressures such as the challenger deep in the mariana trench which has a depth of 10,994 m. • Barophilic bacteria are best adapted with growth pressure greater than 40mpa whereas moderately barophilic bacteria grow ideally above 1 atm but less than 40mpa. 28 Dr Misbah Ajaz,Dept Of Microbiology,BGSBU-Rajouri
  • 29. OCCURRENCE • Most of the barophilic and barotolerant bacteria belong to g-proteobacteria. • The coexistence of archaea was shown along with pseudomonas in mariana trench. • Filamentous fungi and actinomycetes:-isolated at 1 bar (0.1 mpa). • Several alkaliphilic, thermophilic and non-extremophilic microbes. • Several filamentous fungi were isolated from deep-sea calcareous sediments at 10 mpa pressure that corresponds to 1000–3000 m depth. • Non-sporulating filamentous fungi and yeasts have been isolated from deep-sea sediments at 0.1 mpa45. 29 Dr Misbah Ajaz,Dept Of Microbiology,BGSBU-Rajouri
  • 30. Examples • Pseudomonas in Mariana Trench. • Filamentous fungi and actinomycetes. • Photobacterium, • Shewanella, • Colwellia and Motiella. • barotolerant Alteromonas sp. 30 Dr Misbah Ajaz,Dept Of Microbiology,BGSBU-Rajouri
  • 31. ORGANIC SOLVENT TOLERANT • Organic-solvent-tolerant bacteria are a relatively novel group of extremophilic microorganisms. • They overcome the toxic and destructive effects of organic solvents due to the presence of various adaptive mechanisms 31 Dr Misbah Ajaz,Dept Of Microbiology,BGSBU-Rajouri
  • 32. OCCURRENCE AND DIVERSITY 32 Dr Misbah Ajaz,Dept Of Microbiology,BGSBU-Rajouri
  • 33. 33 Dr Misbah Ajaz,Dept Of Microbiology,BGSBU-Rajouri