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The construction of geological maps and profiles
Exercise book
You should print all of the figures in A/4 size (100%)!
You should take along 2 rulers (right angles), compasses, sharp pencils (colours as well), rubber and
protractor in order to implement the exercises!
Please note that some of the figures should be printed twice or three times as indicated below/upper of
the given figure!
You should print it twice!!!
You should print it twice!!!

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Introduction of sequence stratigraphy
Introduction of sequence stratigraphyIntroduction of sequence stratigraphy
Introduction of sequence stratigraphy

This document defines sequence stratigraphy and discusses its basic concepts. Sequence stratigraphy studies genetically related rock units bounded by unconformities. It is based on dividing strata into sequences bounded by sea level changes. Key concepts discussed include depositional sequences, parasequences, flooding surfaces, system tracts, accommodation space, and the importance of sequence stratigraphy for understanding basin evolution and resource exploration.

Foliation and lineation
Foliation and lineationFoliation and lineation
Foliation and lineation

A fabric describes the spatial and geometric relationships that make up a rock at the microscopic to centimeter scale. It includes planar structures like bedding and cleavage, as well as the preferred orientation of minerals. There are different types of fabric including linear fabric formed by elongate minerals, planar fabric formed by platy minerals, and random fabric with no orientation. Foliation specifically refers to any planar arrangement of minerals or structures in a rock. Foliation can be primary, forming during rock formation, or secondary, resulting from deformation. Common types of secondary foliation include cleavage, schistosity, and mylonitic foliation. Lineation describes a preferred linear orientation of features in a rock, often related to deformation processes like intersection of planar

Stuctural geology - Diapirs and Structural feautures By M.P. Billings
Stuctural geology -  Diapirs and Structural feautures By M.P. BillingsStuctural geology -  Diapirs and Structural feautures By M.P. Billings
Stuctural geology - Diapirs and Structural feautures By M.P. Billings

This document provides an overview of diapirs and related geological structures. It discusses evaporite diapirs such as salt domes, describing their shape, composition, internal structure, and economic resources. It also covers shale sheaths, rock glaciers, the origin and structural evolution of diapirs. Additionally, it summarizes serpentine diapirs, sedimentary vents, and mud lumps. Economic resources from diapirs include petroleum, sulfur, salt, potash, waste disposal, underground storage, and helium gas. Computer modeling is used to analyze the structural evolution of salt domes over millions of years.

geologystructural geologydiapirs
You should print it three times!!!
• The bedding layers are horizontal. Complete the geological map!
• Construct the topographic profile (A-B)!
• Give the thickness of each layer!
• Draw a vertical litostatigraphic chart! 1cm=100m
• Construct the geological profile of A-B!
Construct the strike line of one of the layer boundaries and give the dip directions and dip angle of
the layers!
• Construct N-S oriented geological profile from 10 cms of the left edge of the the figure!

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Easc116 Ch. 6 - Sedimentary Rocks
Easc116 Ch. 6 - Sedimentary RocksEasc116 Ch. 6 - Sedimentary Rocks
Easc116 Ch. 6 - Sedimentary Rocks

This document discusses sedimentary rocks and how they provide clues about past environments. Sedimentary rocks form from the compaction and cementation of sediments like weathered minerals, chemical precipitates, and organic remains. Key clues used to interpret depositional environments include sediment size and shape, mineral composition, sedimentary structures like ripples and cross-bedding, fossils, color, geometry of rock units, and cyclical sequences indicating sea level changes. Together these clues can be used to map facies and reconstruct prehistoric landscapes through the principles of uniformitarianism and lateral continuity.

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Sedimentary Petrology

This document discusses the formation and classification of sedimentary rocks. It explains that sedimentary rocks are formed through the weathering and erosion of existing rocks, the deposition of sediments, and the lithification and cementation of those sediments over time. The document also notes that sedimentary rocks make up around 75% of the Earth's crust by volume, though the actual volume of sedimentary rock is between 5-8% of the crust. It proceeds to provide details on the three stages of sedimentary rock formation and classifications.

formation of sedimentary rock types of sedimentary
Sequence stratigraphy
Sequence stratigraphySequence stratigraphy
Sequence stratigraphy

This document provides an outline for a course on sequence stratigraphy. It covers key concepts in stratigraphy including sedimentary depositional environments, facies analysis, sequence stratigraphy principles, and causes of sea level change. Common siliciclastic and carbonate stratigraphic successions are examined. The role of base level and relative sea level changes in controlling sediment accumulation and sequence boundaries is discussed.

sedimentary depositional environmentstypes of sedimentary environmentsdepositional environment setting
0° 5° 10°
15° 20° 30°
45° 60° 90°
The dip is vertical The dip direction of the layer is the opposite as that of the valley floor
The dip direction of the layer is the same as that of the valley floor
the dip is horizontal
the dip is steeper than that of the valley the dip is less than that of the valley
We can see the outcrops of conglomerate, sandstone and claystone on this geological map.
We suppose that the rocks are concordant. Constuct the rock boundaries!
Give the dip direction/dip angle as well!
Construct a geological profile oriented in dip direction!

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Sedimentary structures
Sedimentary structuresSedimentary structures
Sedimentary structures

This document discusses various primary sedimentary structures that form as a result of mechanical processes during sediment deposition. It describes bedforms such as ripples and dunes that form under different flow regimes. It also discusses cross-bedding and other structures including graded bedding, soft-sediment deformation, and bedding-plane markings. Various sedimentary environments and the structures associated with them are outlined, such as turbidites and hummocky cross-stratification.

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Geology module3

This document discusses various geological structures including folds, faults, joints, unconformities, and methods to characterize rock mass quality. It describes key terms like dip, strike, anticline, syncline, and classifications of different fold types. Fault types like normal, thrust, and strike-slip faults are outlined. Engineering considerations of these structures are mentioned regarding their suitability for construction projects and impacts. Methods like Rock Quality Designation (RQD) and Rock Structure Rating (RSR) to evaluate rock mass quality are also summarized.

Sedimentology Lecture 4. concept of sedimentary facies, association and proce...
Sedimentology Lecture 4. concept of sedimentary facies, association and proce...Sedimentology Lecture 4. concept of sedimentary facies, association and proce...
Sedimentology Lecture 4. concept of sedimentary facies, association and proce...

The document discusses sedimentary facies analysis and the concepts of facies, facies associations, and sedimentary processes. It defines a facies as the physical features of a sedimentary deposit that can be used to distinguish it from adjacent deposits. Facies associations are genetically related groups of facies that record particular depositional environments. Sedimentary processes include selective processes that transport and structure sediments, as well as mass processes involving large sediment movements like debris flows, grain flows, mud flows, and turbidity flows.

sedimentology lecture 4. concept of sedimentary faassociation and processes
1. Give the dip direction/dip angle of the layers!
2. Construct the Y-Z geological profile!
3. Construct the Y-W geological profile! (W=in the corner)
4. Give the thickness of the B, C, D and E layers!
The bedding dip is 70/60° in the A point.
The lower boundary of the sandstone is outcroped in the A point. The well thickness is 500m.
Construct the lower and upper boundary of the sandstone!
Construct geological profile along X-Y line (apparent dip!)
Give the real thickness of the layer!
Discordance surfaces
1: 25 000

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Sedimentary depositional environments
Sedimentary depositional environmentsSedimentary depositional environments
Sedimentary depositional environments

This document discusses different sedimentary environments including terrestrial, marginal marine, and marine settings. Terrestrial environments include fluvial systems like braided rivers and meandering streams, alluvial fans, glacial deposits, lacustrine environments, and aeolian deposits in deserts. Marginal marine environments are located along the continental boundary and include beaches, barrier islands, lagoons, estuaries, and tidal flats. Marine environments discussed are coral reefs, continental shelf, continental slope, continental rise, and abyssal plain. Different sedimentary structures form in each environment providing clues to depositional conditions.

by uos
Igneous structure and genesis (structural geology)
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Igneous structure and genesis (structural geology)

This presentation summarizes igneous rock structures formed from the cooling and solidification of magma. It describes both intrusive and extrusive igneous rock structures. Intrusive structures include concordant structures like laccoliths, lopoliths, sills, and discordant structures like batholiths, stocks, dikes, and volcanic necks. Extrusive structures include primary structures like pillow structures, lava flow structures, vesicular structures, and columnar structures. The presentation provides examples and diagrams to illustrate different igneous rock formations and the geological processes that create their characteristic shapes and features.

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Stratigraphy and history of earth
Stratigraphy and history of earthStratigraphy and history of earth
Stratigraphy and history of earth

This document discusses stratigraphy and related geological concepts. It begins by outlining the contents of stratigraphy, including principles of sequence stratigraphy, sedimentary basins, models in sedimentary geology, and applied sedimentary geology. It then discusses key stratigraphic concepts like lithostratigraphy, chronostratigraphy, and biostratigraphy. Finally, it covers principles of correlation, criteria for stratigraphic classification, and elements of correlation like time units, rock units, and correlation methods involving lithological, biostratigraphic, and radioactive dating controls.

Contour lines are indicated at every 100 metre!
How thick is the layers below the discordance surface?
Contour lines are indicated at every 100 metre!

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Introduction to Sedimentary Rocks
Introduction to Sedimentary RocksIntroduction to Sedimentary Rocks
Introduction to Sedimentary Rocks

Sedimentary rocks form through the accumulation and lithification of sediments. Sediments are produced through the weathering and erosion of existing rocks. Once transported, sediments are deposited in layers and compacted over time into sedimentary rock. Sedimentary rocks can be classified based on their composition (e.g. siliciclastic rocks like sandstone form from clastic particles) and texture (e.g. grain size, sorting, rounding influence the rock type). Sedimentary structures provide clues about the depositional environment.

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Introduction to Sedimentary Structures - Part 1
Introduction to Sedimentary Structures - Part 1Introduction to Sedimentary Structures - Part 1
Introduction to Sedimentary Structures - Part 1

Sedimentary bedding and structures provide information about depositional environments. Beds form layers and their thickness indicates the depositional process. Beds are often nested within each other. Bedding patterns include massive, tabular, wedge-shaped and lenticular beds. Bedforms like ripples, dunes and cross-bedding are produced by fluid flows and indicate flow conditions. Other structures provide evidence of channels, erosion and soft-sediment deformation. Together, these features preserve a record of Earth's surface history.

sedimentary rockssedimentologysedimentary structures
Sequence Stratigraphy
Sequence StratigraphySequence Stratigraphy
Sequence Stratigraphy

This document provides an introduction to sequence stratigraphy, which attempts to subdivide and explain sedimentary deposits in terms of variations in sediment supply and accommodation space associated with sea level changes. It defines key terms like parasequence, progradation, retrogradation, transgression, and regression. It also describes the accommodation space equation and causes of changes in sea level and tectonic subsidence. Finally, it discusses sequence stratigraphic concepts like depositional sequences, system tracts, stacking patterns, and sequence boundaries.

sequence stratigraphygeologystructural geology

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Structural Geology
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Structural Geology

This document discusses structural geology and stratigraphy. It defines stratigraphy as the study of rock layers and layering, which is used to study sedimentary and volcanic rocks. Stratigraphy has two subfields: lithostratigraphy which studies physical rock layers, and biostratigraphy which correlates rock layers using fossil assemblages. The document also discusses how William Smith was the "Father of English geology" for creating the first geologic map of England in the 1790s and recognizing the importance of strata and fossil markers. It provides details on lithostratigraphy focusing on rock types and layers, and biostratigraphy which correlates rock ages using contained fossils.

Ch 10 magma generation
Ch 10 magma generationCh 10 magma generation
Ch 10 magma generation

Mantle melting occurs when heat and pressure cause partial melting of the mantle, producing basaltic magma. Basalt is the most common volcanic rock on Earth and can be further differentiated to form other igneous rock types. Evidence for the composition and processes of the mantle comes from ophiolites, dredged samples from ocean floors, nodules contained in basalts, and xenoliths brought up from deep in the mantle via kimberlite eruptions. Together this evidence indicates that the upper mantle is composed predominantly of the minerals olivine, orthopyroxene, and clinopyroxene which make up the rocks dunite, harzburgite, and lherzol

igneous petrologymagma generationmantle melting
topographicmapsnotes-130930200052-phpapp01 (1).docx
topographicmapsnotes-130930200052-phpapp01 (1).docxtopographicmapsnotes-130930200052-phpapp01 (1).docx
topographicmapsnotes-130930200052-phpapp01 (1).docx

Topographic maps use contour lines to represent the three dimensional shape of the earth's surface. Contour lines connect points of equal elevation and the interval between lines indicates the steepness of slopes. A topographic profile can be created by slicing through a map along a line and plotting the elevations to show the shape and gradient of the terrain from the side.


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Model construction and briefing
Model construction and briefingModel construction and briefing
Model construction and briefing

This document provides guidance on constructing sand models for military briefings and planning. It discusses different types of models and focuses on sand models. Key steps for sand model construction include: 1. Preparing the sand and drawing a coordinate grid scaled to the area being modeled. 2. Creating a height chart and modeling the terrain relief through contour lines using the appropriate vertical exaggeration. 3. Adding terrain features like roads, vegetation using colored sand or other materials. 4. Checking the model against maps and photos to ensure accuracy before using it to brief plans or missions. The document also covers improvised field models without boxes through similar construction of a coordinate grid and relief features directly in the ground.

Topographic Maps Notes
Topographic Maps NotesTopographic Maps Notes
Topographic Maps Notes

This document provides information about topographic maps, including: 1. Topographic maps show elevation, shape of the earth's surface using contour lines connecting points of equal elevation. Features like water, terrain, and human structures are shown through different colors and patterns. 2. Contour lines indicate elevation changes - closely spaced lines show steep slopes, widely spaced show gentle slopes. Contour lines never cross or branch. When crossing streams, they bend upstream. Closed contours indicate hills and depressions. 3. Topographic profiles show elevation changes along a line, often with vertical exaggeration to emphasize details. Gradient is the steepness of a slope. Constructing profiles involves connecting elevation points along a contour line slice


This document provides information about topographic maps, including: 1. It defines topographic maps and lists their key features such as elevation, shape of land, water features, and human structures. 2. It explains how contour lines represent elevation and slope on topographic maps, with more closely spaced lines indicating steeper slopes and widely spaced lines indicating gentler slopes. 3. It provides instructions for constructing topographic profiles from contour map data and examples of profiles of different landforms.


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Lab 9 - What do you Measure in a Topo Field?Lab 9 - What do you Measure in a Topo Field?
Lab 9 - What do you Measure in a Topo Field?

1. Students will construct a contour model of an imaginary island by cutting out and pasting together different paper levels to represent 20-foot contour intervals on a topographic map. 2. They will color and cut out the contour levels and paste them in order of increasing elevation on their map. Additional features like streams, swamps, and landmarks will also be added. 3. The completed contour map model will provide an illustration of how topographic maps use contour lines and elevation levels to represent three-dimensional terrain on a two-dimensional surface.

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Wolf Creek Crater was formed by a meteorite impact in northern Western Australia thousands of years ago. It is the second largest meteorite crater in the world, measuring 800m wide and 50m deep. The document provides a contour map of the crater and instructions for students to draw a cross-section of the crater by connecting contour lines on the map with corresponding height lines on a graph. Drawing cross-sections allows viewers to see what the landform would look like from the side.


This document provides an introduction to reading and interpreting maps for geology and geography students. It covers key map elements like the title, scale, legend, and contours. Contours show elevations and can reveal landforms. Cross-sections help visualize terrain in 2D. The document teaches how to identify features like valleys, ridges, and hills based on contour patterns and recommends drawing cross-sections to confirm interpretations. It emphasizes that maps are a projection of 3D space onto a 2D surface.


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18 subsurfacemapping

1) The document discusses various techniques for mapping subsurface geological structures and surfaces from well data, including contour mapping, isopach mapping, and accounting for faults. 2) Key concepts covered include contour line properties, interpolation methods, advantages of computer vs hand contouring, mapping parameters like porosity and production, and techniques for contouring faulted surfaces. 3) The document provides examples of contour maps, isopach maps, depth structure maps, and cross sections to illustrate subsurface mapping concepts and techniques.

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This document provides information on engineering curves and conic sections. It describes different methods for drawing ellipses, parabolas, and hyperbolas including the concentric circle method, rectangle method, oblong method, and arcs of circle method. It also discusses drawing tangents and normals to these curves. Conic sections such as ellipses, parabolas, and hyperbolas are formed by cutting a cone with different plane sections. The ratio of a point's distances from a fixed point and fixed line is used to define eccentricity for these curves.



rgtucurvesed slides
Construction of geological profile from wells
Construct profile in 1: 10 000 scale! The trend of the profile should be 240-60°. Give the coordinates!
The EOV (Coordinate system of Hungary) coordinate of the 1st well is: X 209300m, Y 551500m. The
other wells can be found from the given distance of the 1st well.
200m 270m 340m 230m 200m 200m 370m 300m 270m
Well number
elev. a.s.l. (m)
Lower Oligocene
Eocene marl
Eocene limestone
Eocene bauxite
Eocene coal
Lower Jurassic limestone
Upper Triassic limestone
Upper Triassic marl
Upper Triassic dolomite
Total depth (m)
Well number
EOV Z (elev.)
Ol. gravel
Ol. clay
Ol. sandstone
Eocene tuffitic marl
Eocene marl
Eocene limestone
Eocene sandstone
Eocene coaly clay
Jurassic marl
Upper Triassic limestone
Upper Triassic marl
Upper Triassic dolomite
Total depth (m)
Fault zone

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Exercise book geological mapping 2015

  • 1. The construction of geological maps and profiles Exercise book You should print all of the figures in A/4 size (100%)! You should take along 2 rulers (right angles), compasses, sharp pencils (colours as well), rubber and protractor in order to implement the exercises! Please note that some of the figures should be printed twice or three times as indicated below/upper of the given figure! 1
  • 2. You should print it twice!!! 2
  • 3. You should print it twice!!! 3
  • 4. 4
  • 5. You should print it three times!!! 5
  • 7. • The bedding layers are horizontal. Complete the geological map! • Construct the topographic profile (A-B)! • Give the thickness of each layer! • Draw a vertical litostatigraphic chart! 1cm=100m • Construct the geological profile of A-B! 7
  • 8. • Construct the strike line of one of the layer boundaries and give the dip directions and dip angle of the layers! • Construct N-S oriented geological profile from 10 cms of the left edge of the the figure! 8
  • 9. 9 0° 5° 10° 15° 20° 30° 45° 60° 90°
  • 10. 10 The dip is vertical The dip direction of the layer is the opposite as that of the valley floor The dip direction of the layer is the same as that of the valley floor the dip is horizontal the dip is steeper than that of the valley the dip is less than that of the valley
  • 11. We can see the outcrops of conglomerate, sandstone and claystone on this geological map. We suppose that the rocks are concordant. Constuct the rock boundaries! Give the dip direction/dip angle as well! Construct a geological profile oriented in dip direction! 11
  • 12. 12
  • 13. 1. Give the dip direction/dip angle of the layers! 2. Construct the Y-Z geological profile! 3. Construct the Y-W geological profile! (W=in the corner) 4. Give the thickness of the B, C, D and E layers! 13 W
  • 14. The bedding dip is 70/60° in the A point. The lower boundary of the sandstone is outcroped in the A point. The well thickness is 500m. Construct the lower and upper boundary of the sandstone! Construct geological profile along X-Y line (apparent dip!) Give the real thickness of the layer! 14 100m N
  • 15. 15
  • 17. Contour lines are indicated at every 100 metre! 17
  • 18. How thick is the layers below the discordance surface? Contour lines are indicated at every 100 metre! 18
  • 19. 19
  • 20. 20
  • 21. 21
  • 23. 23
  • 24. 24
  • 26. 26
  • 27. 27
  • 28. 28
  • 30. 30
  • 31. 31
  • 32. 32
  • 33. 33
  • 34. 34
  • 35. 35
  • 36. 36
  • 37. Construction of geological profile from wells Construct profile in 1: 10 000 scale! The trend of the profile should be 240-60°. Give the coordinates! The EOV (Coordinate system of Hungary) coordinate of the 1st well is: X 209300m, Y 551500m. The other wells can be found from the given distance of the 1st well. 200m 270m 340m 230m 200m 200m 370m 300m 270m 37 Well number elev. a.s.l. (m) Lower Oligocene Eocene marl Eocene limestone Eocene bauxite Eocene coal Lower Jurassic limestone Upper Triassic limestone Upper Triassic marl Upper Triassic dolomite Total depth (m) Well number EOV X EOV Y EOV Z (elev.) Ol. gravel Ol. clay Ol. sandstone Eocene tuffitic marl Eocene marl Eocene limestone Eocene sandstone Eocene coaly clay Jurassic marl Upper Triassic limestone Upper Triassic marl Upper Triassic dolomite Total depth (m) Fault zone