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D.V. Madhusudan Rao
Dept. MBA,
School of Graduate Studies,
Jigjiga University, ETHIOPIA
Poverty, Old Age,
Criticism , Rejection
and Death
There is no feeling like fear that robs a man of
his peace of mind and tranquility. Millions and
millions of hours are wasted by mankind when
afflicted by fear. As Winston Churchill said, ā€œWe
have nothing to fear but fear itselfā€. The envy
thought of it saps the vital energy needed to
function as a normal human being.
5/21/2014 Madhusudan Rao D.V. 2
Fear is a feeling of alarm. It is an emotion
caused by the expectation of danger, pain, or
disaster. Therefore, it is clear that the
expectation or awaiting the arrival of the disaster
or pain itself is the culprit. If we can replace the
expectation of danger with any other harmonious
all kinds of havoc.
5/21/2014 Madhusudan Rao D.V. 3
ā€¢ F -- Factious (Imaginary)
ā€¢ E -- Experience (Mental Drama)
ā€¢ Aā€” Acting (Perceiving {run and return})
ā€¢ Rā€” Real (Very vivid {by brooding over several times})
The more we dwell on fears the more substance and form
we give to those fears, making them real experiences in
life. The basic remedy for fear involves two things:
1. Be watchful of thoughts of fear when they arise.
2. Do not dwell on them - cast them out right away.
5/21/2014 Madhusudan Rao D.V. 4

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Pnl programaĆ§Ć£o neurolinguĆ­sticaPnl programaĆ§Ć£o neurolinguĆ­stica
Pnl programaĆ§Ć£o neurolinguĆ­stica

Este documento fornece cinco passos para ajudar profissionais como coaches, nutricionistas e consultores a tratar a compulsĆ£o alimentar de seus clientes de emagrecimento. O primeiro passo Ć© descobrir os gatilhos que levam o cliente Ć  compulsĆ£o, ouvindo sobre momentos ruins e bons em sua vida. O segundo passo Ć© ajudar o cliente a construir soluƧƵes, sugerindo uma "chuva de ideias". O terceiro passo Ć© ajudar o cliente a dominar o impulso, mostrando como pensamentos afetam sentimentos e a

IntroduĆ§Ć£o Ć  PNL - ProgramaĆ§Ć£o NeurolinguĆ­stica
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IntroduĆ§Ć£o Ć  PNL - ProgramaĆ§Ć£o NeurolinguĆ­stica

O documento discute os princĆ­pios e tĆ©cnicas da ProgramaĆ§Ć£o NeurolinguĆ­stica (PNL). A PNL estuda como as pessoas adquirem e organizam conhecimentos e como podem ser modelados padrƵes de excelĆŖncia. A comunicaĆ§Ć£o eficaz, a flexibilidade mental e a ressignificaĆ§Ć£o de experiĆŖncias sĆ£o aspectos importantes da PNL.

programaĆ§Ć£o neurolinguĆ­sticapnlantoninocs
Power of your subconscious mind
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Power of your subconscious mind

Miracles will happen to you, too-when you begin using the magic power of your subconscious mind. This book is designed to teach you that your habitual thinking and imagery mould, fashion, and create your destiny.

ā€¢by Kriti Verma
subconsciouspower of subconscious mindbook
1. Develop faith
2. Cultivate fearlessness:
Act fearless and you become fearless
3. Daily affirmations
5/21/2014 Madhusudan Rao D.V. 5
1. Develop Faith
ā€¢ Perhaps the most effective technique of managing oneā€™s
fears is through FAITH. Regardless of your race, color, or
religion, if you develop faith in God it will help you
combat fears more effectively. Faith helps to develop
certain disciplines in everyday life, such as prayer,
attending church, or going to a mosque on a regular basis
which in turn converts them into mentally strong people.
ā€¢ A category of people happens to stumble upon the
principles of faith due to tragic personal experiences,
which opened their inner eyes to look at life from a totally
different perspective. They, too, become successful in
managing their fears on a day-to day basis.
5/21/2014 Madhusudan Rao D.V. 6
2. Cultivate fearlessness
Cultivate fearlessness: Fearlessness is the opposite of
fear. Fear and fearlessness cannot coexist. When you exert
yourself to cultivate fearlessness, slowly the fears that
haunt you begin to go away. Fear will not become chronic
and habitual, to be transformed into a malady.
ā€¢ Act fearless and you become fearless: Always
remember, you are what you think. If you think of your
fears and dwell on them day and night they assume
form and become real. The subconscious mind is an
obedient servant and it will work out the masterā€™s desire
to its precision. The master says, ā€œI am fearful of this
task, let me make sure that this task is impossible for
5/21/2014 Madhusudan Rao D.V. 7
3. Daily affirmations
ā€¢ Daily affirmations: A dose of daily affirmations is
like a dose of vitamin pills. It will keep you
mentally healthy and invulnerable to the mental
ailment called fear. A healthy and harmonious
mind will not entertain any fears. It is the weak
and unbalanced mind that is exposed to threats
of fear. So you must practice positive
affirmations, on a daily basis to keep the mind
clean and disinfected, so that even in a weak
moment fears cannot enter your mind.
5/21/2014 Madhusudan Rao D.V. 8

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The document discusses techniques for improving self-motivation. It recommends setting specific goals and writing them down, focusing on the goals and avoiding distractions, not procrastinating by breaking goals into smaller tasks, sharing goals with others for support, staying positive by spending time with motivated people, and rewarding yourself for completing tasks to further motivate yourself. Maintaining a positive mindset that you are capable is also key to self-motivation.

There are certain basic fears we all entertain from time to time,
depending upon our circumstances and our particular situation in
life. Half the battle with fears will be won if only we can be
prepared to tackle them no matter when they arise. Awareness is
the key to managing our fears, as it will build readiness to deal
with them, no matter what forms those fears assume. A brief
description to these fears and their common remedies will help us
to manage them on a daily basis. Some of our common fears are:
ā€¢ Fear of Poverty
ā€¢ Fear of Old age
ā€¢ Fear of Criticism
ā€¢ Fear of Rejection and
ā€¢ Fear of Death
5/21/2014 Madhusudan Rao D.V. 9
1. Fear of Poverty
Fear of poverty arises when thoughts of the lack of
money supply haunt someone day and night,
causing him see mental pictures of extreme
humiliation from his family and society as a whole.
He sees extreme poverty around him, reads about
it, and imagines that he will be confronted with this
deadly disease. Many people in our society steal
and become corrupt because of their fear of
poverty. People even develop greed as a reaction to
the fear of poverty. Poverty is mental disease, and it
would become fatal and deadly unless checked
before it assumes its full strength.
5/21/2014 Madhusudan Rao D.V. 10
ā€¢ Step #1. Substitute your thoughts of lack of wealth with thoughts of plenty.
Remind yourself that God is the only source of supply.
ā€¢ Step #2. Count your blessings:
ā€¢ Recite the following frequently day and night (at least seven times a day):
ā€œI had the blues because I had no shoes until, upon the street, I saw a man
who had no feet.ā€
ā€¢ Step #3. Oh, Lord! I thank Thee for these wonderful blessings you have
showered upon me. (Recite this at least seven times a day. Recite it loudly
before going to sleep.)
NOTE: A heart filled with gratitude is the only heart ready to receive more
ā€¢ Step #4. Never criticize wealth, or people with wealth, saying that they
have amassed it in the wrong way. Always rejoice in the success and wealth
of other people.
ā€¢ Step #5. Recite the following affirmation: Day by day, in every phase of
my life, I am getting richer and richer. Thank you, Lord!
5/21/2014 Madhusudan Rao D.V. 11
2. Fear of Old Age
ā€¢ Fear of old age is another common fear we all harbor in our daily lives.
We secretly visit those fearful thoughts very often, especially after one has
crossed middle age, the midpoint in oneā€™s life. The mental drama we stage
on the screen of our mind, life any other fear, makes it vivid and crystal
clear, resulting in the early onset of old age. Rather than looking at the
negative aspect of old age, we must accent the positive aspect of it. But it
becomes an extremely difficult task in a society possessed by the myth of
youth. But any student of Mental Science can overcome this fear by
constantly working at it diligently and with utmost faith.
ā€¢ Always remember that the secret of youth is the power of thought. As long
as one can entertain youthful thoughts, one will remain youthful at heart
(and Mind), and the messengers of atrophy will not attack.
ā€¢ A body is nothing but an extension of the mind itself. In fact, our bodies
exist only in our minds. Therefore, a young mind (filled with youthful
thoughts encased in imagination and excitement of life) is a prerequisite for
a young body, which can put a lid on the aging process or at least,
depending upon oneā€™s degree of belief, prevent premature aging.
5/21/2014 Madhusudan Rao D.V. 12

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How to overcome fear of Old Age
ā€¢ Step #1. Fill your days with activity. An idle mind is the devilā€™s workshop. Write down short-
term and long-term goals.
ā€¢ Step #2. Plan your retirement ahead. Do not consider it as the end of activity, but a change of
vocation. Great accomplishments came from individuals after retirement.
Study Biographies of:
1. Henry Ford
2. Thomas Edison
3. Michelangelo
4. John Milton
5. Winston Churchill
6. Mahatma Gandhi
7. Lee Iacocca
ā€¢ Step #3. Pursue a childhood ambition-like becoming an author, speaker, teacher, priest, or the
life. Go to school if it is required to pursue new interest.
ā€¢ Step #4. Be with young people. ā€œWhy look for the livings among the dead?ā€ If you want to
feel young, spend time with young people.
ā€¢ Step #5. Make your life exciting. Have something to look forward to, and live for. You might
even plan a second honeymoon. Excitement is the fuel that runs the engine of life.
ā€¢ Step #6. Keep a ā€œthought recorderā€. Review it periodically and include thoughts in your
memories. Itā€™s your gift to future generations.
5/21/2014 Madhusudan Rao D.V. 13
3. Fear of Criticism
ā€¢ Many people do not try to do anything new because of fear
of criticism. Inactivity and lethargy that we see prevalent in
the modern world is direct testimony to the fear of
criticism. Most of the time youā€™ll be criticized for doing
something out of the ordinary.
ā€¢ The power of the fear of criticism is so influential that most
people abstain from it. It eats them from the inside out as
they watch the mental dramas of such fear taking a heavy
toll on their lives. It could be fear of criticism from the
immediate family friends, business associates, or society.
Unless and until corrective measures are taken to prevent
this fear from taking firm root in the soil of your mind, it
could destroy the harmony that otherwise reign in your
mental sphere.5/21/2014 Madhusudan Rao D.V. 14
ā€¢ Step #1. Make a list of all possible criticisms you might
hear. Prioritize them on a scale of one to ten.
ā€¢ Step #2. Write down a reply to each of these criticisms
in clear language. By the time you finish writing the
replies, you might muster strength to face those
ā€¢ Step #3. Most of the time, youā€™ll have doubts in your
own mind about the worth of the cause. Review your
own convictions about the causes for which you are
ā€¢ Step #4. Once you are convinced that you really stand
for the cause, the shadows of fear will slowly begin to
ā€¢ Step #5. Pray for guidance.
5/21/2014 Madhusudan Rao D.V. 15
4. Fear of Rejection
ā€¢ Fear of rejection is one of the very common
fears that affect people of all walks of life. We all
need a certain amount of acceptance from loved
ones and society as a whole to perform our best.
When such acceptance becomes rare and not
forthcoming life becomes miserable and,
depending on the degree of rejection, people even
try to end lives. A clear understanding of this type
of fear, and various remedies available to combat
them, will help everyone to straighten out his or
her personal life.
5/21/2014 Madhusudan Rao D.V. 16

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O documento discute feridas emocionais, definindo-as como experiĆŖncias dolorosas da infĆ¢ncia que moldam a personalidade adulta. Explora como as feridas sĆ£o formadas ao longo de estĆ”gios e passos para o perdĆ£o, incluindo reconhecer as feridas e emoƧƵes, estabelecer limites e considerar reconciliaĆ§Ć£o. O objetivo Ć© a cura por meio do amor incondicional de Deus.

feridas emocionaismulheresreligiao
ā€¢ Step #1. Understand rejection. Ninety-nine percent of the
rejection that we feel is figment of our imagination. It is the
result of self-doubt.
ā€¢ Step #2. Persistence is the only known remedy to overcome
fear of rejection. Keep on persisting until success comes at
ā€¢ Step #3. A daily dose of positive affirmations is a good
preventive measure for rejection.
ā€¢ Step #4. Visualize acceptance. See yourself mentally before
the person having a harmonious conversation. Keep on
seeing the mental drama until it is a reality.
ā€¢ Step #5. Bless the person ā€œRejecting youā€. Release your
unconditional love toward that person.
Every time you experience rejection, practice the above five
steps and fear of rejection should trouble you no more.
5/21/2014 Madhusudan Rao D.V. 17
5. Fear of Death
All other fears we discussed above are tributaries of the fear of death. As a matter of
fact, mortal fear is the mother of all fears that a human being consciously or
unconsciously harbors of life in this world, in this form and body, not much has been
taught about death.
ā€¢ The only way to overcome the fear of death is to understand this phenomenon in
every detail, and be ready to face it finally when it approaches. He who entertains
the fear of death is consumed by it, making life impossible as a pleasant and
harmonious experience. To put it simply, fear of death is worse than death itself.
ā€¢ Nobody can understand the phenomenon and the mystery of death without
understanding life itself, as death is part and parcel of life. Anybody who is born in
this world has to die one day, and as such dying is an integral part of life. The only
uncertainty about death is when, where, and how it will happen. Since the scientific
community has shown an increased interest in thanatology (the study of death)
during the last couple of decades, we all can hope that there will be adequate
research and dissemination of knowledge in this darkest continent of enlightenment.
ā€¢ Fear of death is not different from any other fears as it emanates from ignorance or
unfamiliarity. So the first and foremost important task in our effort to contain this
mortal fear is to be thoroughly familiarized with the process of dying as an integral
part of life itself. Nobody can understand death without understanding life, as the
former is an extension of the latter.5/21/2014 Madhusudan Rao D.V. 18
ā€¢ Step #1. Understand life; death will become familiar. Ask
the question ā€œWho dies?ā€
ā€¢ Step #2. Study the phenomenon of death in all its details.
Read any and all the books you can find on the subject.
Knowledge is power.
ā€¢ Step #3. Death is inevitable. So why fear? Embrace it as
ā€œMaha nidraā€ or long sleep.
ā€¢ The most difficult task for any individual to undertake is
task of change; Most of us turn our backs to change because
of the uncertainties attached to it. Everybody welcomes
change, if he or she knows what to expect. This is the
moment of truth when falsities must drop, and you sincerely
want to change for the better. Remove your mask of
pretensions, as you do not have to convince anybody but
yourself that you can change.
5/21/2014 Madhusudan Rao D.V. 19

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Fear man agement

  • 1. FEAR ManAgeMenT D.V. Madhusudan Rao Dept. MBA, School of Graduate Studies, Jigjiga University, ETHIOPIA Poverty, Old Age, Criticism , Rejection and Death
  • 2. Introduction FEAR - MANAGEMENT There is no feeling like fear that robs a man of his peace of mind and tranquility. Millions and millions of hours are wasted by mankind when afflicted by fear. As Winston Churchill said, ā€œWe have nothing to fear but fear itselfā€. The envy thought of it saps the vital energy needed to function as a normal human being. 5/21/2014 Madhusudan Rao D.V. 2
  • 3. WHAT IS FEAR? Fear is a feeling of alarm. It is an emotion caused by the expectation of danger, pain, or disaster. Therefore, it is clear that the expectation or awaiting the arrival of the disaster or pain itself is the culprit. If we can replace the expectation of danger with any other harmonious all kinds of havoc. 5/21/2014 Madhusudan Rao D.V. 3
  • 4. HOW DO WE SPELL FEAR? ā€¢ F -- Factious (Imaginary) ā€¢ E -- Experience (Mental Drama) ā€¢ Aā€” Acting (Perceiving {run and return}) ā€¢ Rā€” Real (Very vivid {by brooding over several times}) The more we dwell on fears the more substance and form we give to those fears, making them real experiences in life. The basic remedy for fear involves two things: 1. Be watchful of thoughts of fear when they arise. 2. Do not dwell on them - cast them out right away. 5/21/2014 Madhusudan Rao D.V. 4
  • 5. TECHNIQUES OF FEAR MANAGEMENT 1. Develop faith 2. Cultivate fearlessness: Act fearless and you become fearless 3. Daily affirmations 5/21/2014 Madhusudan Rao D.V. 5
  • 6. 1. Develop Faith ā€¢ Perhaps the most effective technique of managing oneā€™s fears is through FAITH. Regardless of your race, color, or religion, if you develop faith in God it will help you combat fears more effectively. Faith helps to develop certain disciplines in everyday life, such as prayer, attending church, or going to a mosque on a regular basis which in turn converts them into mentally strong people. ā€¢ A category of people happens to stumble upon the principles of faith due to tragic personal experiences, which opened their inner eyes to look at life from a totally different perspective. They, too, become successful in managing their fears on a day-to day basis. 5/21/2014 Madhusudan Rao D.V. 6
  • 7. 2. Cultivate fearlessness Cultivate fearlessness: Fearlessness is the opposite of fear. Fear and fearlessness cannot coexist. When you exert yourself to cultivate fearlessness, slowly the fears that haunt you begin to go away. Fear will not become chronic and habitual, to be transformed into a malady. ā€¢ Act fearless and you become fearless: Always remember, you are what you think. If you think of your fears and dwell on them day and night they assume form and become real. The subconscious mind is an obedient servant and it will work out the masterā€™s desire to its precision. The master says, ā€œI am fearful of this task, let me make sure that this task is impossible for himā€. 5/21/2014 Madhusudan Rao D.V. 7
  • 8. 3. Daily affirmations ā€¢ Daily affirmations: A dose of daily affirmations is like a dose of vitamin pills. It will keep you mentally healthy and invulnerable to the mental ailment called fear. A healthy and harmonious mind will not entertain any fears. It is the weak and unbalanced mind that is exposed to threats of fear. So you must practice positive affirmations, on a daily basis to keep the mind clean and disinfected, so that even in a weak moment fears cannot enter your mind. 5/21/2014 Madhusudan Rao D.V. 8
  • 9. OUR COMMON FEARS There are certain basic fears we all entertain from time to time, depending upon our circumstances and our particular situation in life. Half the battle with fears will be won if only we can be prepared to tackle them no matter when they arise. Awareness is the key to managing our fears, as it will build readiness to deal with them, no matter what forms those fears assume. A brief description to these fears and their common remedies will help us to manage them on a daily basis. Some of our common fears are: ā€¢ Fear of Poverty ā€¢ Fear of Old age ā€¢ Fear of Criticism ā€¢ Fear of Rejection and ā€¢ Fear of Death 5/21/2014 Madhusudan Rao D.V. 9
  • 10. 1. Fear of Poverty Fear of poverty arises when thoughts of the lack of money supply haunt someone day and night, causing him see mental pictures of extreme humiliation from his family and society as a whole. He sees extreme poverty around him, reads about it, and imagines that he will be confronted with this deadly disease. Many people in our society steal and become corrupt because of their fear of poverty. People even develop greed as a reaction to the fear of poverty. Poverty is mental disease, and it would become fatal and deadly unless checked before it assumes its full strength. 5/21/2014 Madhusudan Rao D.V. 10
  • 11. HOW TO OVERCOME THE FEAR OF POVERTY ā€¢ Step #1. Substitute your thoughts of lack of wealth with thoughts of plenty. Remind yourself that God is the only source of supply. ā€¢ Step #2. Count your blessings: ā€¢ Recite the following frequently day and night (at least seven times a day): ā€œI had the blues because I had no shoes until, upon the street, I saw a man who had no feet.ā€ ā€¢ Step #3. Oh, Lord! I thank Thee for these wonderful blessings you have showered upon me. (Recite this at least seven times a day. Recite it loudly before going to sleep.) NOTE: A heart filled with gratitude is the only heart ready to receive more blessings. ā€¢ Step #4. Never criticize wealth, or people with wealth, saying that they have amassed it in the wrong way. Always rejoice in the success and wealth of other people. ā€¢ Step #5. Recite the following affirmation: Day by day, in every phase of my life, I am getting richer and richer. Thank you, Lord! 5/21/2014 Madhusudan Rao D.V. 11
  • 12. 2. Fear of Old Age ā€¢ Fear of old age is another common fear we all harbor in our daily lives. We secretly visit those fearful thoughts very often, especially after one has crossed middle age, the midpoint in oneā€™s life. The mental drama we stage on the screen of our mind, life any other fear, makes it vivid and crystal clear, resulting in the early onset of old age. Rather than looking at the negative aspect of old age, we must accent the positive aspect of it. But it becomes an extremely difficult task in a society possessed by the myth of youth. But any student of Mental Science can overcome this fear by constantly working at it diligently and with utmost faith. ā€¢ Always remember that the secret of youth is the power of thought. As long as one can entertain youthful thoughts, one will remain youthful at heart (and Mind), and the messengers of atrophy will not attack. ā€¢ A body is nothing but an extension of the mind itself. In fact, our bodies exist only in our minds. Therefore, a young mind (filled with youthful thoughts encased in imagination and excitement of life) is a prerequisite for a young body, which can put a lid on the aging process or at least, depending upon oneā€™s degree of belief, prevent premature aging. 5/21/2014 Madhusudan Rao D.V. 12
  • 13. How to overcome fear of Old Age ā€¢ Step #1. Fill your days with activity. An idle mind is the devilā€™s workshop. Write down short- term and long-term goals. ā€¢ Step #2. Plan your retirement ahead. Do not consider it as the end of activity, but a change of vocation. Great accomplishments came from individuals after retirement. Study Biographies of: 1. Henry Ford 2. Thomas Edison 3. Michelangelo 4. John Milton 5. Winston Churchill 6. Mahatma Gandhi 7. Lee Iacocca ā€¢ Step #3. Pursue a childhood ambition-like becoming an author, speaker, teacher, priest, or the life. Go to school if it is required to pursue new interest. ā€¢ Step #4. Be with young people. ā€œWhy look for the livings among the dead?ā€ If you want to feel young, spend time with young people. ā€¢ Step #5. Make your life exciting. Have something to look forward to, and live for. You might even plan a second honeymoon. Excitement is the fuel that runs the engine of life. ā€¢ Step #6. Keep a ā€œthought recorderā€. Review it periodically and include thoughts in your memories. Itā€™s your gift to future generations. 5/21/2014 Madhusudan Rao D.V. 13
  • 14. 3. Fear of Criticism ā€¢ Many people do not try to do anything new because of fear of criticism. Inactivity and lethargy that we see prevalent in the modern world is direct testimony to the fear of criticism. Most of the time youā€™ll be criticized for doing something out of the ordinary. ā€¢ The power of the fear of criticism is so influential that most people abstain from it. It eats them from the inside out as they watch the mental dramas of such fear taking a heavy toll on their lives. It could be fear of criticism from the immediate family friends, business associates, or society. Unless and until corrective measures are taken to prevent this fear from taking firm root in the soil of your mind, it could destroy the harmony that otherwise reign in your mental sphere.5/21/2014 Madhusudan Rao D.V. 14
  • 15. HOW TO OVERCOME THE FEAR OF CRITICISM ā€¢ Step #1. Make a list of all possible criticisms you might hear. Prioritize them on a scale of one to ten. ā€¢ Step #2. Write down a reply to each of these criticisms in clear language. By the time you finish writing the replies, you might muster strength to face those criticisms. ā€¢ Step #3. Most of the time, youā€™ll have doubts in your own mind about the worth of the cause. Review your own convictions about the causes for which you are fighting. ā€¢ Step #4. Once you are convinced that you really stand for the cause, the shadows of fear will slowly begin to disappear. ā€¢ Step #5. Pray for guidance. 5/21/2014 Madhusudan Rao D.V. 15
  • 16. 4. Fear of Rejection ā€¢ Fear of rejection is one of the very common fears that affect people of all walks of life. We all need a certain amount of acceptance from loved ones and society as a whole to perform our best. When such acceptance becomes rare and not forthcoming life becomes miserable and, depending on the degree of rejection, people even try to end lives. A clear understanding of this type of fear, and various remedies available to combat them, will help everyone to straighten out his or her personal life. 5/21/2014 Madhusudan Rao D.V. 16
  • 17. HOW TO OVERCOME FEAR OF REJECTION ā€¢ Step #1. Understand rejection. Ninety-nine percent of the rejection that we feel is figment of our imagination. It is the result of self-doubt. ā€¢ Step #2. Persistence is the only known remedy to overcome fear of rejection. Keep on persisting until success comes at last. ā€¢ Step #3. A daily dose of positive affirmations is a good preventive measure for rejection. ā€¢ Step #4. Visualize acceptance. See yourself mentally before the person having a harmonious conversation. Keep on seeing the mental drama until it is a reality. ā€¢ Step #5. Bless the person ā€œRejecting youā€. Release your unconditional love toward that person. Every time you experience rejection, practice the above five steps and fear of rejection should trouble you no more. 5/21/2014 Madhusudan Rao D.V. 17
  • 18. 5. Fear of Death All other fears we discussed above are tributaries of the fear of death. As a matter of fact, mortal fear is the mother of all fears that a human being consciously or unconsciously harbors of life in this world, in this form and body, not much has been taught about death. ā€¢ The only way to overcome the fear of death is to understand this phenomenon in every detail, and be ready to face it finally when it approaches. He who entertains the fear of death is consumed by it, making life impossible as a pleasant and harmonious experience. To put it simply, fear of death is worse than death itself. ā€¢ Nobody can understand the phenomenon and the mystery of death without understanding life itself, as death is part and parcel of life. Anybody who is born in this world has to die one day, and as such dying is an integral part of life. The only uncertainty about death is when, where, and how it will happen. Since the scientific community has shown an increased interest in thanatology (the study of death) during the last couple of decades, we all can hope that there will be adequate research and dissemination of knowledge in this darkest continent of enlightenment. ā€¢ Fear of death is not different from any other fears as it emanates from ignorance or unfamiliarity. So the first and foremost important task in our effort to contain this mortal fear is to be thoroughly familiarized with the process of dying as an integral part of life itself. Nobody can understand death without understanding life, as the former is an extension of the latter.5/21/2014 Madhusudan Rao D.V. 18
  • 19. HOW TO OVERCOME FEAR OF DEATH ā€¢ Step #1. Understand life; death will become familiar. Ask the question ā€œWho dies?ā€ ā€¢ Step #2. Study the phenomenon of death in all its details. Read any and all the books you can find on the subject. Knowledge is power. ā€¢ Step #3. Death is inevitable. So why fear? Embrace it as ā€œMaha nidraā€ or long sleep. ā€¢ The most difficult task for any individual to undertake is task of change; Most of us turn our backs to change because of the uncertainties attached to it. Everybody welcomes change, if he or she knows what to expect. This is the moment of truth when falsities must drop, and you sincerely want to change for the better. Remove your mask of pretensions, as you do not have to convince anybody but yourself that you can change. 5/21/2014 Madhusudan Rao D.V. 19