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How to Energize the
Lion in Your Mirror
Becker Morgan Group Inc.
April 1, 2017
Joe Tye, CEO and Head Coach
Values Coach Inc.
Copyright © 2016, Values Coach Inc.
Your first
product is a
better you.
“Being in business is
not about making
money. It’s a way to
become who you are.”
Paul Hawken: Growing a Business
Set a goal so big that
you can’t achieve it
until you grow into
the person who can

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What Got You Here Wont Get You There
What Got You Here Wont Get You ThereWhat Got You Here Wont Get You There
What Got You Here Wont Get You There

A classic in understanding the plateaux and impasse we seem to reach in our lives and how to break thru and go past our past.

Global Leadership Summit 2015
Global Leadership Summit 2015Global Leadership Summit 2015
Global Leadership Summit 2015

This document discusses various leadership topics including: 1. The importance of developing grit, self-awareness, resourcefulness, self-sacrificing love, and a sense of meaning in organizations. 2. Feedback is crucial for growth but can be difficult to receive. Leaders must get better at receiving feedback from others. 3. There are three types of feedback - evaluation, coaching, and appreciation - which serve different purposes but are all important for motivation and improvement. Senior leaders especially need to ensure they continue receiving feedback.

willow creekjim collinsmanagement
Alt-MBA.com - Week 10 - What Got You Here
Alt-MBA.com - Week 10 - What Got You HereAlt-MBA.com - Week 10 - What Got You Here
Alt-MBA.com - Week 10 - What Got You Here

This document discusses improving personal habits and behaviors that may hinder professional growth. It lists 20 common negative habits like taking too much credit, making excuses, and not listening. The document encourages recognizing blind spots and being open to feedback to improve. Effective listening is discussed with nine rules like not interrupting and maintaining attention. Overall, the message is that behaviors that led to success in the past may no longer work and personal growth requires openness to changing habits.

How to Energize the Lion in Your Mirror for Becker Morgan Group
How to Energize the Lion in Your Mirror for Becker Morgan Group
How to Energize the Lion in Your Mirror for Becker Morgan Group
How to Energize the Lion in Your Mirror for Becker Morgan Group

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Book summary - What got you here Won't get you there
Book summary - What got you here Won't get you thereBook summary - What got you here Won't get you there
Book summary - What got you here Won't get you there

1. One of my all-time-favourite books. 2. My first attempt to summarise a book in a presentation form. 3. Works best for career advancement & life betterment.

marshall goldsmithwhat got you here won't get you there
Book Summary - What got you here wont get you there!
Book Summary - What got you here wont get you there!Book Summary - What got you here wont get you there!
Book Summary - What got you here wont get you there!

This document summarizes Marshall Goldsmith's book "What Got You Here Won't Get You There" and discusses why successful people resist change. It notes that successful people often believe (1) they succeeded due to their skills, (2) they can continue to succeed, and (3) they will always succeed. However, this can lead to behaviors that hinder further success, such as overcommitting without listening to others. The document identifies 20 common habits successful people have that can limit additional growth, such as always needing to win, refusing to admit mistakes, or failing to recognize others' contributions. It encourages appreciating these flaws and suppressing them to improve interpersonal relationships and leadership.

the amaatra academyshivananda koteshwarbook summary
Habit 4: Think Win-Win (Sawanya's)
Habit 4: Think Win-Win (Sawanya's)Habit 4: Think Win-Win (Sawanya's)
Habit 4: Think Win-Win (Sawanya's)

The document discusses different attitudes in relationships: win-lose (competitive), lose-win (doormat), lose-lose (destructive), and win-win (cooperative). Win-lose focuses on winning at all costs without concern for others. Lose-win is weak and allows others to take advantage. Lose-lose leads to conflict where no one benefits. Win-win believes all people can succeed through cooperation where relationships are valued over competition. The best approach depends on each situation.

How to Energize the Lion in Your Mirror for Becker Morgan Group
You will never exceed the
expectations that you set
for yourself.
You will never exceed the
limitations that you place
on yourself.
How to Energize the Lion in Your Mirror for Becker Morgan Group

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What got you here won't get you there
What got you here won't get you thereWhat got you here won't get you there
What got you here won't get you there

The document summarizes key parts of a book about overcoming habits that may hold one back from further success. Part 1 discusses common delusions that can arise from past success. Part 2 identifies 20 specific habits to avoid, such as taking too much credit. Part 3 presents a 7-step model for behavioral change, including getting feedback and listening better. Part 4 outlines 8 rules for effectively implementing changes, like focusing on measurable goals and addressing problems directly. The document analyzes how its contents apply to self-improvement.

what got you heresummarygoldsmith
Being Wrong
Being WrongBeing Wrong
Being Wrong

Sue Johnston of It's Understood Communication presents at Scotia Agile Conference, Online, June 24, 2021 Being Wrong: What if the smartest thing you can do is give up the need to look smart?

sue johnstonits understood communicationitsunderstood
Ambition GEN2015
Ambition GEN2015Ambition GEN2015
Ambition GEN2015

This document provides guidance on achieving 10 times more through continually learning, intentionally listening, expansively looking, and completely living. It encourages liberating oneself from the fear of being powerful and shining one's light to inspire others. Quotes from various authors emphasize learning from experience, asking questions, listening to understand different perspectives, and making the most of one's limited time. The overall message is that by embracing personal growth and liberating one's potential, one can achieve exponentially more.

aiesec in indialeadaiesec
Success and failure won’t
change you...
They will make you more
of who you already are.
How to Energize the Lion in Your Mirror for Becker Morgan Group
How to Energize the Lion in Your Mirror for Becker Morgan Group
How to Energize the Lion in Your Mirror for Becker Morgan Group

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What got you here wont get you there
What got you here wont get you there What got you here wont get you there
What got you here wont get you there

This document lists 20 behaviors that can undermine leadership effectiveness, such as winning too much, adding too much value, passing judgment, and failing to give proper recognition. It also lists behaviors like making excuses, clinging to the past, playing favorites, and refusing to express regret. The document encourages listening without interrupting and reading to internalize and apply lessons rather than claiming prior knowledge. It provides links to blogs and social media for further information.

20 Habits That Hold Us Back
20 Habits That Hold Us Back20 Habits That Hold Us Back
20 Habits That Hold Us Back

The document lists 20 habits that can hold people back from achieving higher levels of success. These include an excessive need to win, add one's opinions, judge others, make negative comments, explain why ideas won't work, withhold information, fail to recognize others, take credit that isn't deserved, cling to the past, make excuses, play favorites, refuse to express regret or gratitude, punish messengers, pass blame, and prioritize being oneself over professional growth. Adopting these habits can prevent career advancement by damaging relationships and hindering personal development.

There is no 'I' in marketing - Gastles UA 2015
There is no 'I' in marketing - Gastles UA 2015There is no 'I' in marketing - Gastles UA 2015
There is no 'I' in marketing - Gastles UA 2015

Human beings were not designed as isolated individuals. We're essentially super social apes. This has major implications on how we, marketeers, influence our audiences. This presentations elaborates on popular theories from social psychology and translates them into learnings for marketing. This presentation was given at the university of Antwerp for an audience of master students in applied economics.

psychologyparadox of choicejoin the conversation
How to Energize the Lion in Your Mirror for Becker Morgan Group
Disempowering source #1
Low self-esteem
Low self-esteem is one of the
most potent weapons YOWE has
to prevent you from thinking big
and acting on your dreams
this at least
some of the
time –
Even big shot CEOs
at big companies
(except at that level
it’s called Imposter

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What Got You Here Wont Get You There
What Got You Here Wont Get You ThereWhat Got You Here Wont Get You There
What Got You Here Wont Get You There

This document outlines 20 habits that can hold people back from being successful and proposes methods for overcoming them. It identifies habits like always needing to win, passing judgment, refusing to apologize, and failing to recognize others. The document then recommends a 7-step process for changing interpersonal relationships through getting feedback, apologizing, listening, and following up. It also provides 8 rules for handling change, such as focusing on the right things to change, not hiding from the truth, and acting now rather than later.

human resourcestrainingexecutive
Open Mind Heart & Will (EBs Closing LEAD Session)
Open Mind Heart & Will (EBs Closing LEAD Session)Open Mind Heart & Will (EBs Closing LEAD Session)
Open Mind Heart & Will (EBs Closing LEAD Session)

The document discusses overcoming inner voices of judgment, cynicism, and fear that can hold one back from embracing change and growth. It advocates developing awareness of these voices, having courage to face them without backing down, and showing compassion for both oneself and one's fears. Facing these internal challenges wholeheartedly and engaging them honorably is more important than winning or losing. Distinguishing when to engage voices and when to let go is part of developing wisdom over time.

Making a Difference By Improving Mental Health In and Out of the Workplace
Making a Difference By Improving Mental Health In and Out of the WorkplaceMaking a Difference By Improving Mental Health In and Out of the Workplace
Making a Difference By Improving Mental Health In and Out of the Workplace

Sadly, many practices and behaviors in the workplace and in the world around us can lead to toxicity and poor mental health. In this session, you will learn ways to identify these practices and behaviors, along with methods to create a more positive environment. With this information, you will be better equipped to help yourself and your co-workers, family members, and friends.

rotary internationalrotary convention 2018rotary18
Low self-esteem is
often an excuse
for not trying
Low self-esteem
can keep you glued
to TV…
When your best self
would be taking night
school classes
Disempowering source #2
Self-limiting beliefs

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Trust Me: The Importance of Credibility
Trust Me: The Importance of CredibilityTrust Me: The Importance of Credibility
Trust Me: The Importance of Credibility

This document discusses factors that contribute to credibility as a leader. It identifies honesty, being forward-thinking, inspiring others, and competence as important attributes. It then provides specific behavioral recommendations for developing credibility, including building character, demonstrating integrity, authenticity, transparency, clear communication, and confidence through body language, gestures, eye contact and handshakes. The overall message is that credibility is essential for leadership and can be strengthened through words and actions.

How to win at work
How to win at workHow to win at work
How to win at work

This document provides advice on how to succeed in work social networks by focusing on three key themes: perceptions skills, social networks both online and offline, and generational differences. It emphasizes developing authentic relationships, focusing on your strengths, giving credit to others, and being aware of different generational experiences and communication styles.

Becoming The Lion in Your Mirror
Becoming The Lion in Your MirrorBecoming The Lion in Your Mirror
Becoming The Lion in Your Mirror

Slides used by Values Coach CEO Joe Tye in a presentation for the Indiana Organization of Nurse Executives 10-18-2018

values coachcore valuesculture
beliefs are the
you place upon
The Terrible Too’s
Or whatever other excuse fits
No one would support me
I don’t have the skills
I don’t have time
The Big But’s
You must
believe you are
capable of
achieving your
authentic goals
and >>>>>>>>

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How to overcome self doubt
How to overcome self doubtHow to overcome self doubt
How to overcome self doubt

It is evident that learning how to overcome self-doubt and fear is one of the hardest challenges we may encounter in life. Just how good is our performance depends a lot on how much confidence we have in ourselves because insecurity is an unusual kind of inner torture that can sneak easily in.

self doubtdoubtsfear
Law of attraction
Law of attractionLaw of attraction
Law of attraction

The document discusses various concepts related to achieving success through mental power and overcoming obstacles like fear, uncertainty, procrastination and self-doubt. It provides tips on how to deal with uncertainty by focusing on what is within one's control, preparing and planning, finding opportunities, and accessing resources. It also suggests ways to overcome self-doubt such as letting go of the need to know how goals will be achieved and repeating affirmations. The overall message is about harnessing the power of the mind to achieve greatness through persistence and visualizing success.

Think BIG
Think BIGThink BIG
Think BIG

When you believe in yourself, you can achieve success through positive thinking and action. Developing belief in yourself requires focusing on success over failure, practicing positive self-talk, and surrounding yourself with supportive people who encourage growth. Successful people take responsibility for their accomplishments rather than making excuses. Developing creativity, listening to others, and cultivating ideas are key to achieving more. How you think determines your actions and environment.

booksself helpinspire
That you deserve
to enjoy the fruits
of your success
“Argue for your limitations
and, sure enough, they are
Richard Bach: Illusions
Disempowering source #3
The negativity
of others
Never allow the
emotional vampires to
drag you down

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overcome your fearrrrrrrrrrrr.pptxovercome your fearrrrrrrrrrrr.pptx
overcome your fearrrrrrrrrrrr.pptx

Overcoming your fears like an uphill battle , but by taking the first step absolutely you will overcome that enemy .

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Own Your Own Business
Own Your Own BusinessOwn Your Own Business
Own Your Own Business

The document discusses key points for starting and running a successful business, including: 1. The most important "product" is yourself - you need to attract people to you personally and professionally. 2. Don't get paralyzed by overanalysis before starting your business. Establish your goals and take action. 3. Success requires having the right mindset, including hope, persistence, confidence, optimism, respect, and accountability. 4. Taking action is more important than endless planning - decide to pursue your goals wholeheartedly and don't make excuses to delay getting started.

Biggest roadblock for success fear- techniques to overcome
Biggest roadblock for success   fear- techniques to overcomeBiggest roadblock for success   fear- techniques to overcome
Biggest roadblock for success fear- techniques to overcome

Fear is generally of the unknown and we fear the unfamiliar. To overcome fear, we must transcend it and take action instead of focusing on potential outcomes. The document provides strategies to overcome fear by identifying fears through writing, practicing gratitude, and releasing attachment to outcomes. It argues fear is created by the mind based on real or imagined threats and can be overcome because we are the root cause of our own fears.

At all costs avoid the
company of negative
How to see the Lion
in Your Mirror –
7 Strategies
Strategy #1
Get very clear
about your
personal values
What are
your values?

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Assertiveness.rtfPerfect Personal Assistant ®.docx
Assertiveness.rtfPerfect Personal Assistant ®.docxAssertiveness.rtfPerfect Personal Assistant ®.docx
Assertiveness.rtfPerfect Personal Assistant ®.docx

Assertiveness.rtf Perfect Personal Assistant ® Assertiveness Skills Study Guide 1 Table of Contents Chapter One: Course Overview 3 Chapter Two: Anxiety Inventory 3 Chapter Three: Building Your Self-Esteem 5 Chapter Four: Impressions 6 �� Putting Others at Ease �� Positive First Impressions Chapter Five: Fake it ‘till you Make It 8 Chapter Six: Increasing our Self Esteem 9 Chapter Seven: Self Confidence 10 Chapter Eight: The Power of Thoughts 11 �� Negative Thoughts �� Flip it Around �� Mike’s Thinking Chapter Nine: Wipe Out Worry 14 Chapter Ten: Ask for What You Want 15 �� What Do You Want? �� Case Study Chapter Eleven: Communication 16 �� Interpersonal Communication Skills �� Windows Chapter Twelve: Connecting with People 17 Chapter Thirteen: Behaviour Cost-Benefit Analysis 19 Chapter Fourteen: Assertiveness 20 �� Quiz (how assertive are you?) Chapter Fifteen: Improve your assertiveness 27 A Personal Action Plan 29 Chapter One: Course Overview Learning Objectives Building your self-esteem is essential for confidence and success, and it all begins with you. Of all the judgments you make in life, none is as important as the one you make about yourself. Without some measure of self-worth, life can be enormously painful. Today you will discover some simple techniques that dramatically change how you feel about yourself. You will learn how to recognize the importance of learning self-acceptance and nurturing your sense of self. In this module, you will: Grow in the conviction that you are competent and worthy of happiness. Develop some techniques for making a positive first impression. Learn how to turn negative thoughts into positive thoughts. Learn how to make requests so that you get what you want. Find ways of connecting with people. Personal Objectives Chapter Two: Anxiety Inventory Place a check mark in the box to the right of each category to indicate how much this type of feeling has bothered you in the past several days. 3 Category I: Anxious Feelings 0 1 2 3 Not at All Somewhat Moder- A Lot ately Anxiety, nervousness, worry or fear 1 Feeling that things around you are strange or 0 unreal Feeling detached from all or part of your body 0 Sudden unexpected panic spells 0 Apprehension or a sense of impending doom 0 Feeling tense, stressed, “uptight”, or on edge 0 Category II: Anxious Thoughts 0 1 2 3 Not at All Somewhat Moder- A Lot ately Difficulty concentrating 1 Racing thoughts 1 Frightening fantasies or daydreams 0 Feeling that you’re on the verge of losing con- 0 trol Fears of cracking up or going crazy 0 Fears of fainting or passing out 0 Fears of physical illnesses or heart attacks or 0 dying Concerns about looking foolish or inadequate 1 Fears of being alone, isolated, or abandoned 1 Fears of criticis ...

Build self confidence [shared by mr. waqas saddique]
Build self confidence [shared by mr. waqas saddique]Build self confidence [shared by mr. waqas saddique]
Build self confidence [shared by mr. waqas saddique]

The document discusses various fears that can undermine self-confidence, including fear of rejection, fear of losing a friend or loved one, and fear of failure. It also provides strategies for overcoming these fears and developing self-confidence, such as focusing on strengths, self-talk, taking risks, and learning from past mistakes. Developing self-confidence requires acknowledging abilities and making use of opportunities while avoiding perfectionism.

Truth and Lies
Truth and  LiesTruth and  Lies
Truth and Lies

Do you believe that lies help you solve your problems? If yes, then you are seriously mistaken. Lying delays but redoubles your problems. Stop this bad game, tell the truth and face the consequences of your actions.

narendra goidanimotivational articleslife school pune.
How to Energize the Lion in Your Mirror for Becker Morgan Group
How to Energize the Lion in Your Mirror for Becker Morgan Group
The goals you achieve
The contribution you make
The person you become
Will be determined
by the values that
guide your life

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Increase your confidence and become powerful
Increase your confidence and become powerfulIncrease your confidence and become powerful
Increase your confidence and become powerful

How to get self-confidence is the central issue when tackling about the development of self confidence in an individual who, for long, have believed that his self-worth is deficient. It goes without saying that those confident individuals can bear themselves better than those who have lower sense of the "self". They are the achievers, the people of the limelight, the center of the society. They walk straight, speak their meanings very well and influence people, both subtly and obviously. In short, they are those who care recognizable even from afar.

Impostor Syndrome.pptx
Impostor Syndrome.pptxImpostor Syndrome.pptx
Impostor Syndrome.pptx

A presentation of impostor syndrome, what are the types, causes, and how to deal with it. Impostor syndrome affects everyone and is not a disease.

The magic of thinking big
The magic of thinking bigThe magic of thinking big
The magic of thinking big

This document provides lessons on developing a positive mindset for success. It discusses thinking big, believing in yourself, overcoming fear and excuses, focusing on strengths over weaknesses, setting goals, and learning from setbacks. The key lessons are to think positively, take action, learn continuously, and maintain good relationships.

Strategy #2
Make fear
your ally
Fear is the most
serious of all learning
Edward Hallowell: Worry
The absence of fear is
not courage!
The absence of fear is…

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How To Build Self Esteem (from www.jobxray.com)How To Build Self Esteem (from www.jobxray.com)
How To Build Self Esteem (from www.jobxray.com)

"Our attitude affects our thoughts and actions; a negative outlook coupled with the lack of confidence can quickly turn a perfect life into a horrid suffocating existence. The negative impact of poor self esteem can be seen in all aspects of one’s life and if you’re going through this rough phase, your health, profession and relationships, all are bound to suffer. The good news is that this worldwide epidemic is identifiable and curable, and here's how..."

build self esteemhow to become confidentbuild self confidence
Confident YOU
Confident YOUConfident YOU
Confident YOU

Practical tips on improving your confidence. There are people who live “normal lives” and appear to be “just fine,” but due to their problems with confidence often stumble over obstacles they should never be stumbling over. Tips on how you can get rid of stage fear, meeting new people, starting your own business.

personal brandingenergyfear
The Lion in Your Mirror
The Lion in Your MirrorThe Lion in Your Mirror
The Lion in Your Mirror

Keynote presentation by Values Coach Founder Joe Tye for the 2019 conference of the Association of Clinical Documentation Improvement Specialists, featuring six strategies to be your best self and achieve your most authentic goals.

motivationvalues coachvalues
No Fear,
No Courage…
Big Fear,
Big Courage…
How to Energize the Lion in Your Mirror for Becker Morgan Group

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boost your self confidenceboost your self confidence
boost your self confidence

This document discusses ways to boost self-confidence. It defines self-confidence as having a positive view of yourself and your abilities while acknowledging your strengths and weaknesses. Low self-confidence can stem from negative life experiences and flawed thinking patterns. The document recommends recognizing your strengths, treating yourself with kindness during failures, setting realistic goals, slowing down intense emotions, challenging assumptions, and expressing yourself to increase self-confidence. It also provides links to top videos on boosting self-confidence.

how to build confidenceself confidencehow to calm
Rising above the workplace bully
Rising above the workplace bullyRising above the workplace bully
Rising above the workplace bully

This document provides an overview and summary of a book about dealing with workplace bullies. The book advises readers to change distorted thinking patterns, build assertiveness skills, set boundaries, identify personal goals, and consider three routes of action once personal growth efforts are underway. Readers are guided to develop strategies for short-term survival and long-term success when facing bullying behaviors at work.

How to overcome self limiting beliefs with 5 practical steps
How to overcome self limiting beliefs with 5 practical stepsHow to overcome self limiting beliefs with 5 practical steps
How to overcome self limiting beliefs with 5 practical steps

This document discusses overcoming self-limiting beliefs. It begins by explaining that self-limiting beliefs are self-imposed mental prisons that hinder one from achieving their goals. Common beliefs include not being good enough, smart enough, or from the right family. The author then shares five steps to overcome these beliefs: 1) assess the beliefs, 2) compare them to positive beliefs, 3) take positive affirming steps, 4) face fears, and 5) develop gratitude. Overcoming self-limiting beliefs requires facing hidden issues and replacing negative thoughts with empowering perspectives in order to maximize one's potential.

How to Energize the Lion in Your Mirror for Becker Morgan Group
Three bad things happen
when you in the thrall of
Bad Thing #1
Memory is distorted: past
successes seem small and
insignificant while past
failures seem huge and
certain to be repeated.

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Fear man agement
Fear man agementFear man agement
Fear man agement

This document discusses techniques for managing common fears such as poverty, old age, criticism, rejection, and death. It provides explanations of each fear and offers 3-5 steps to overcome each one. For example, to overcome the fear of poverty it recommends substituting thoughts of lack with thoughts of plenty, counting your blessings daily, and affirming that you are getting richer every day. For overcoming the fear of death, it suggests understanding life and death, studying death in detail, and embracing death as a long sleep. The document aims to help readers better understand and manage fears that are part of everyday life.

Building a Culture of Ownership at Children's Hospital of New Orleans
Building a Culture of Ownership at Children's Hospital of New OrleansBuilding a Culture of Ownership at Children's Hospital of New Orleans
Building a Culture of Ownership at Children's Hospital of New Orleans

This document summarizes the presentation "Building a Culture of Ownership" given by Jamie Wiggins and Joe Tye of Children's Hospital Association. It provides background on Children's Hospital in Louisiana, which originally opened in 1955 and is now a 224-bed pediatric medical center. It discusses efforts after Hurricane Katrina to improve community collaboration. The presentation outlines Children's Hospital's framework for excellence, which includes magnet designation, education programs, leadership development, and quality improvement initiatives. It discusses creating the right culture through empowerment and a culture of "yes". Metrics show improvements in areas like turnover, certification, and patient satisfaction.

culturecorporate culturecore values
Kaleida Health Board Presentation
Kaleida Health Board PresentationKaleida Health Board Presentation
Kaleida Health Board Presentation

Presentation slides used in Joe Tye's presentation for the Kaleida Health board meeting, October 11, 2018

kaleida healthvalues coachjoe tye
Bad Thing #2
Perception is distorted: the
dangers facing you are
blown out of proportion
while you underestimate
the resources you have.
Bad Thing #3
Vision is distorted: you
cannot see the possibilities
for a great outcome
because you are so fixated
on images of doom.
Anxiety tries to
become fear.
Paul Tillich: The Courage to Be

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The Heart of a Nurse Leader, LCMC Health Nursing Symposium 2018
The Heart of a Nurse Leader, LCMC Health Nursing Symposium 2018The Heart of a Nurse Leader, LCMC Health Nursing Symposium 2018
The Heart of a Nurse Leader, LCMC Health Nursing Symposium 2018

The document is a summary of a presentation on nursing leadership and organizational culture. It discusses how effective leaders maximize human potential by helping people live their values and creating trust and innovation. This allows the organization to flourish financially. It emphasizes that culture change requires changing people by giving them tools to inspire values-driven behavior. Leaders must transform challenges into fuel for pursuing a noble mission to gain commitment over mere compliance.

nursingnursing managementleadership
HCA South Atlantic Division Leadership Day
HCA South Atlantic Division Leadership DayHCA South Atlantic Division Leadership Day
HCA South Atlantic Division Leadership Day

PowerPoint slides used by Values Coach CEO and Head Coach Joe Tye in presentation for the executive leadership team of HCA South Atlantic Division, 12-05-2018.

hcahca south atlantic divisionculture of ownership
Key success factors and the board's role for values and culture
Key success factors and the board's role for values and cultureKey success factors and the board's role for values and culture
Key success factors and the board's role for values and culture

This is the conclusion of a presentation by Values Coach CEO and Head Coach Joe Tye on key success factors for positive culture change and the board's role for values and culture, with final comments on values-based leadership.

values coachvaluescorporate culture
Fear can paralyze or it
can catalyze
You’ve heard that the
acronym F.E.A.R. stands
for Fantasized Evidence
Appearing Real.
It also stands for…
Fabulous Excuse
for Avoiding
Are people
afraid of

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Sample Presentation of Values Coach Culture Assessment Survey Results
Sample Presentation of Values Coach Culture Assessment Survey ResultsSample Presentation of Values Coach Culture Assessment Survey Results
Sample Presentation of Values Coach Culture Assessment Survey Results

Slides used by Values Coach CEO and Head Coach Joe Tye to share results of the validated VCI-17 Culture Assessment Survey taken by members of the leadership team at a large healthcare system (organization's identity removed)

values coachculture of ownershipcorporate culture
Creating Memories of the Future
Creating Memories of the FutureCreating Memories of the Future
Creating Memories of the Future

This document outlines Joe Tye's 10-step formula for creating memories of the future: 1) Aspiration, intensely desiring a better future. 2) Authenticity, having a goal so big it inspires personal growth. 3) Attention, choosing what to focus on each day. 4) Articulation, describing the dream in a way that informs and inspires others. 5) Affirmation, positive self-talk when belief is hardest. 6) Asking others for help after first helping them. 7) Action, outwardly manifesting inner commitment. 8) Being accountable to oneself or others. 9) Adapting as the world and dream change. 10) Being adamant in refusing to quit

values coachcore valuesculture
The Heart of a Nurse Leader
The Heart of a Nurse LeaderThe Heart of a Nurse Leader
The Heart of a Nurse Leader

Slides used by Values Coach CEO Joe Tye in presentation for Indiana Organization of Nurse Executives on 10-18-2018

values coachcore valuesculture
How to Energize the Lion in Your Mirror for Becker Morgan Group
Confront your
irrational fears
Worry is like paying
interest on a debt
that you probably
don’t even owe!

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Building a Culture of Ownership on a Foundation of Values
Building a Culture of Ownership on a Foundation of ValuesBuilding a Culture of Ownership on a Foundation of Values
Building a Culture of Ownership on a Foundation of Values

Slides used by Values Coach CEO Joe Tye in presentation for Indiana Organization of Nurse Executives on 10-17-2018

values coachcore valuesculture
Culture of ownership, sysco multicultural summit, 10 02-2018 for slide share
Culture of ownership, sysco multicultural summit, 10 02-2018 for slide shareCulture of ownership, sysco multicultural summit, 10 02-2018 for slide share
Culture of ownership, sysco multicultural summit, 10 02-2018 for slide share

This document contains the text from a presentation given by Joe Tye, CEO of Values Coach Inc., at the Sysco Multicultural Summit in 2018. The presentation focuses on building a culture of ownership within organizations by helping employees live their values, create trust, and foster innovation. Tye discusses the importance of changing individual attitudes and behaviors before expecting to change organizational culture. He provides strategies for personal and cultural change, including committing to daily promises to be responsible, accountable, and resilient; replacing negative self-talk with positive affirmations; and envisioning the future one wants to create. The overall message is that effective leaders help people reach their potential by inspiring them with a shared vision and mission.

28 great book quotes on courage
28 great book quotes on courage28 great book quotes on courage
28 great book quotes on courage

This document contains 24 quotes about courage from a book on the topic. The quotes discuss how courage is needed most when things are going badly, how committing to one's work can be terrifying, and how conquering doubt and fear allows one to overcome difficulties. They also address how naming and confronting fears makes them easier to solve, and how exploring the center of one's fears often reveals nothing substantial.

Toxic worry is abuse
of the God-given gift
of imagination!
How to Energize the Lion in Your Mirror for Becker Morgan Group
Strategy #3
Make adversity
your teacher
Every great accomplishment
was once the “impossible
dream” of a dreamer who
simply refused to quit when
things got tough.

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Creating a Culture of Ownership in Healthcare
Creating a Culture of Ownership in HealthcareCreating a Culture of Ownership in Healthcare
Creating a Culture of Ownership in Healthcare

Slides used by Values Coach CEO and Head Coach in opening keynote presentation for the Hall Render Practical Heath Retreat, March 1, 2018 - Marco Island, Florida.

corporate cultureculture of ownershipjoe tye
Joe Tye presentation for AHA Rural Health Care Leadership Conference
Joe Tye presentation for AHA Rural Health Care Leadership ConferenceJoe Tye presentation for AHA Rural Health Care Leadership Conference
Joe Tye presentation for AHA Rural Health Care Leadership Conference

Annotated and expanded slides used by Values Coach CEO Joe Tye in his presentation with Ryan Smith - CEO of Memorial Hospital of Converse County - at the 2018 American Hospital Association Rural Health Care Leadership Conference. Joe's focus is on building a culture of ownership with values-based leadership strategies.

corporate cultureleadershipvalues
National Association of Neonatal Nurses, 10-12-2017
National Association of Neonatal Nurses, 10-12-2017National Association of Neonatal Nurses, 10-12-2017
National Association of Neonatal Nurses, 10-12-2017

Slides used by Values Coach CEO and Head Coach Joe Tye in his keynote for the National Association of Neonatal Nurses, October 12, 2017, augmented with key lessons for building a culture of ownership.

culturecorporate culturecore values
“It’s not what happens to you it’s
what you do about it.”
W Mitchell
Everything can look like a failure
in the middle!
How to Energize the Lion in Your Mirror for Becker Morgan Group
“Brick walls are not
there to stop you, they
are there to make you
prove how much you
want something.”
Randy Pausch: The Last Lecture

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Slides used by Values Coach CEO and Head Coach Joe Tye in presentation for the 2017 annual conference of the Wyoming Hospital Association, part 2 of 3 parts.

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Slides used by Values Coach CEO and Head Coach Joe Tye in presentation for the 2017 annual conference of the Wyoming Hospital Association, part 1 of 3 parts.

culturevaluesjoe tye
Doctors Hospital at Renaissance, September 27, 2017 (videos removed)
Doctors Hospital at Renaissance, September 27, 2017 (videos removed)Doctors Hospital at Renaissance, September 27, 2017 (videos removed)
Doctors Hospital at Renaissance, September 27, 2017 (videos removed)

This document outlines steps for transitioning an organization from a culture of accountability to one of ownership. It begins by discussing the importance of changing individual behaviors and providing tools to inspire change. A survey of managers at Doctors Hospital revealed issues like toxic negativity and lack of commitment. The document then discusses establishing core values and invisible architecture to build the foundation for a positive culture. It introduces the concept of the Pickle Pledge to reduce complaining. Examples are given of how Midland Memorial Hospital implemented these strategies, resulting in improved outcomes like lower turnover and higher patient satisfaction. The key message is that cultural change requires changing individual behaviors.

The walls are
not optional
Letting them
stop you is
How much
do you
want it?
How to Energize the Lion in Your Mirror for Becker Morgan Group

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Free Your Mind from these Blocks
Free Your Mind from these BlocksFree Your Mind from these Blocks
Free Your Mind from these Blocks

The slide show at this link includes 21 mental blocks to liberate yourself from in order to achieve your most authentic goals and become the person you are meant to be:

The Pickle Challenge for a Positive Culture
The Pickle Challenge for a Positive CultureThe Pickle Challenge for a Positive Culture
The Pickle Challenge for a Positive Culture

Slides used by Values Coach CEO Joe Tye for presentation at The University of Iowa College of Public Health, 2-15-17

values coachcorporate culturejoe tye
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Slide show preview, rural values collaborative, for nmha

Private PowerPoint for discussion with New Mexico Hospital Association for a project to bring the Rural Values Collaborative to critical access hospitals in that state.

joe tye
Strategy #4
Erase the malignant
echo of negative
Negative self-talk is
telling yourself lies…
And then believing
those lies to be true.
The most important
speech any of us
ever give (the one
you were never
trained to give) is...
How to Energize the Lion in Your Mirror for Becker Morgan Group

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Kalyan Satta Matka 420 ,Indian matka 143
Kalyan Satta Matka 420 ,Indian matka 143Kalyan Satta Matka 420 ,Indian matka 143
Kalyan Satta Matka 420 ,Indian matka 143

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Matka boss otg satta Matta matka Indian Matka Tara Matka


satta matkadpbossmatka guessing
What is the first word a
child learns to say?
How to Energize the Lion in Your Mirror for Becker Morgan Group
For a variety of evolutionary
reasons, the human mind
automatically gravitates
toward negative, frightening
and depressing thoughts.
Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi: The Evolving Self: A
Psychology for the New Millennium
Experts refer to ANTs –
automatic negative thoughts

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➒➌➎➏➑➐➋➑➐➐ Indian Matka Dpboss Matka boss otg


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Kalyan Matkawala Milan Day Matka Kalyan Bazar Panel Chart Satta Matkà Results Today Sattamatkà Chart Main Bazar Open To Close Fix Dp Boos Matka Com Milan Day Matka Chart Satta Matka Online Matka Satta Matka Satta Satta Matta Matka 143 Guessing Matka Dpboss Milan Night Satta Matka Khabar Main Ratan Jodi Chart Main Bazar Chart Open Kalyan Open Come Matka Open Matka Open Matka Guessing Matka Dpboss Matka Main Bazar Chart Open Boss Online Matka Satta King Shri Ganesh Matka Results Site Matka Pizza Viral Video Satta King Gali Matka Results Cool मटका बाजार Matka Game Milan Matka Guessing Sattamatkà Result Sattamatkà 143 Dp Boss Live Main Bazar Open To Close Fix Kalyan Matka Close Milan Day Matka Open Www Matka Satta Kalyan Satta Number Kalyan Matka Number Chart Indian Matka Chart Main Bazar Open To Close Fix Milan Night Fix Open Satta Matkà Fastest Matka Results Satta Batta Satta Batta Satta Matka Kalyan Satta Matka Kalyan Fix Guessing Matka Satta Mat Matka Result Kalyan Chart Please Boss Ka Matka Tara Matka Guessing Satta M Matka Market Matka Results Live Satta King Disawar Matka Results 2021 Satta King Matka Matka Matka

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Indian Matka Dpboss Matka guessing matka boss otg Satta matka
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Indian Matka Dpboss Matka guessing matka boss otg Satta matka


satta matkadpbossmatka guessing
Psychologists say that up to
80% of self-talk is negative –
and that we can abuse
ourselves at a speed of 400
words per minute!
You would never tolerate
anyone else speaking to you
the way you allow your
spoiled inner brat to get
away with.
Like graffiti on a subway car –
after a while you don’t notice it
You might even think it’s beautiful

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Satta Matka Dpboss Kalyan Matka Results Kalyan ChartSatta Matka Dpboss Kalyan Matka Results Kalyan Chart
Satta Matka Dpboss Kalyan Matka Results Kalyan Chart


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Matka guessing satta Matta matka Dpboss Matka boss otg

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satta matkadpbossmatka guessing
The Inner Child is
shadowed by an
Inner Spoiled Brat
The split personality of
your Inner Spoiled Brat
If only we won
the lottery!

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Satta Matta matka Indian Matka Dpboss satta matka
Satta Matta matka Indian Matka Dpboss satta matkaSatta Matta matka Indian Matka Dpboss satta matka
Satta Matta matka Indian Matka Dpboss satta matka


sattamatkasatta matka
You don’t deserve
to win the lottery!
A crucial point!
That voice will
always be in the
second person. It’s
not you talking!!!
“I’m not good enough”
You’re not
good enough

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Satta Matta matka 143,Fix fix fix satta.
Satta Matta matka 143,Fix fix fix satta.Satta Matta matka 143,Fix fix fix satta.
Satta Matta matka 143,Fix fix fix satta.

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Satta Matka Kalyan Satta Matka guessing.
Satta Matka Kalyan Satta Matka guessing.Satta Matka Kalyan Satta Matka guessing.
Satta Matka Kalyan Satta Matka guessing.

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Why is
How to Energize the Lion in Your Mirror for Becker Morgan Group
Three steps for using the
power of Metaphorical
Visualization™ to erase the
graffiti of negative self-talk:
Step #1
Visualize the words as
clearly as you possibly can
as graffiti that has been
scrawled on the walls of
your mental attic.

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Fix fix satta matka Dpboss Matka guessing kalyan matka
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Matka boss otg matka 420 matka otg matka bossMatka boss otg matka 420 matka otg matka boss
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Satta Matka Dpboss Kalyan Matka Results Kalyan Chart Call-⑨③④⑧⑧③⑥⑧⑧⑦
Satta Matka Dpboss Kalyan Matka Results Kalyan Chart Call-⑨③④⑧⑧③⑥⑧⑧⑦Satta Matka Dpboss Kalyan Matka Results Kalyan Chart Call-⑨③④⑧⑧③⑥⑧⑧⑦
Satta Matka Dpboss Kalyan Matka Results Kalyan Chart Call-⑨③④⑧⑧③⑥⑧⑧⑦

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satta matkasattamatka
How to Energize the Lion in Your Mirror for Becker Morgan Group
How to Energize the Lion in Your Mirror for Becker Morgan Group
Step #2
Visualize a janitor (The
Janitor in Your Attic™)
painting over the graffiti
and replacing it with
positive affirmations.
How to Energize the Lion in Your Mirror for Becker Morgan Group

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Kalyan Today Kalyan Open Satta Matka 143

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satta matkakalyan sattaindian matka
Step #3
Replace the bad lies you
tell yourself about yourself
with good lies about
How to Energize the Lion in Your Mirror for Becker Morgan Group
You can rewire the hardware by
reprogramming the software!
For your challenge to your
Spoiled Inner Brat to be
credible you must also
take action if what Brat
says is factually accurate.

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Strategy #5
Make your body
play a constructive
part in that inner
Your body tells your
mind how you feel…
Power Posing
How your mouth
tells your mind
what to think…

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How to Energize the Lion in Your Mirror for Becker Morgan Group
Smile from the outside in and
you’ll eventually be smiling
from the inside out.
Strategy #6
Create memories
of the future
Then put foundations
under them.
Build your castles
in the air…

Recommended for you

You can remember
the future more
clearly and more
Than you can
remember the
The difference
between wishful
thinking and
positive thinking…
Wishful thinking is
hoping for something and
waiting for someone else
to make it happen.
Positive thinking is
expecting something and
working to make it

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Do you read your
Joe’s Youroscope
Surprising good news will
come to you from out of
the blue – but it will be
disguised as an unpleasant
chore so pay attention…
Joe’s Youroscope (contd.)
What will at first seem like
an incidental conversation
with a stranger will evolve
into a wonderful client
relationship and personal
Joe’s Youroscope (contd.)
A worry that has been
keeping you awake at night
will prove to have been
interest on a debt that you
do not owe…

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Joe’s Youroscope (contd.)
Call a friend, call a
prospect, and call
your Mom.
How to Energize the Lion in Your Mirror for Becker Morgan Group
Strategy #7
Take to heart the
seven promises of
The Self-Empowerment
Seven Simple Promises
That Will Change Your Life*
* One for each day of the week.

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How to Energize the Lion in Your Mirror for Becker Morgan Group
If you’ve been waiting
for someone else to
empower you, you
should know that…
No one can empower you
but – YOU – and once you
have empowered yourself…
No one can
take that
power away.
If you knew it would
change your life for the
better – profoundly and
permanently – would you
invest …

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A minute a day for
the next 365 days
Would you give up one
television commercial
a day for a year to
change your life?
If your answer
is yes, here’s
what you need
to do.
Every morning start
your day by making that
day’s promise – which
will take you about
15 seconds.

Recommended for you

Repeat the promise
again in in the middle
of your work day.
Once more before you
leave for home.
And one more time right
before you go to bed.
4 x 15 seconds
= 1 minute

Recommended for you

How to Energize the Lion in Your Mirror for Becker Morgan Group
Let’s take a look
at the seven
Monday’s Promise: Responsibility
I will take complete responsibility for my
health, my happiness, my success, and my
life, and will not blame others for my
problems or predicaments.
Tuesday’s Promise: Accountability
I will not allow low self-esteem,
self-limiting beliefs, or the negativity
of others to prevent me from achieving
my authentic goals and from becoming
the person I am meant to be.

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Wednesday’s Promise:
I will do the things I’m
afraid to do, but which
I know should be done.
Sometimes this will
mean asking for help
to do that which I
cannot do by myself.
Thursday’s Promise: Contribution
I will earn the help I need in advance
by helping other people now, and repay
the help I receive by serving others
Friday’s Promise: Resilience
I will face rejection and failure
with courage, awareness,
and perseverance,
making these experiences
the platform for future
acceptance and success.
Saturday’s Promise: Perspective
Though I might not understand
why adversity happens, by my
conscious choice I will find
strength, compassion, and
grace through my trials.

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Sunday’s Promise: Faith
My faith and my gratitude for all
that I have been blessed with will
shine through in my attitudes
and in my actions.
How to Energize the Lion in Your Mirror for Becker Morgan Group
How to Energize the Lion in Your Mirror for Becker Morgan Group
Here’s WHY
it works…

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You keep promising yourself that you
will be responsible, accountable, and
determined; make a contribution, be
resilient in the face of adversity, have a
positive perspective,
and that your faith
will shine through.
Then you catch yourself whining and
complaining, procrastinating,
gossiping, blaming others for your
problems, taking when you should be
giving, and pretending
that you have no power.
Cognitive Dissonance
Which is trying to simultaneously
hold two incompatible beliefs

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At that point, one of two
things MUST happen.
Either you take the easy
way and stop making
the promises…
Or you keep making the
promises until you begin
to change your attitudes
and your
And as you do that, you
will begin to achieve better
results in every dimension
of your life.
Read these seven promises
one more time…

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Ask yourself these
two questions…
Question #1:
If you personally were to take
these seven promises to heart,
would you be better off than
where you are headed now –
personally, professionally,
financially, and spiritually?
Question #2:
If everyone where you work made
a good faith effort to live these
seven promises, would you do a
better job of serving customers
and of supporting each other?
If your answer to these
two questions is…
And if you’re
being honest,
that’s what your
answer will be.

Recommended for you

Then why wouldn’t you
invest those 365 minutes
in yourself? Do it,
because no one can
empower you
but you.
Will you
give up one
minute a
day with…
And one last thing…
Let me introduce you
to the person you
once were
How to Energize the Lion in Your Mirror for Becker Morgan Group

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How to Energize the Lion in Your Mirror for Becker Morgan Group
How to Energize the Lion in Your Mirror for Becker Morgan Group
How to Energize the Lion in Your Mirror for Becker Morgan Group
How to Energize the Lion in Your Mirror for Becker Morgan Group

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How to Energize the Lion in Your Mirror for Becker Morgan Group
How to Energize the Lion in Your Mirror for Becker Morgan Group
How to Energize the Lion in Your Mirror for Becker Morgan Group
How to Energize the Lion in Your Mirror for Becker Morgan Group

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How to Energize the Lion in Your Mirror for Becker Morgan Group
How to Energize the Lion in Your Mirror for Becker Morgan Group
How to Energize the Lion in Your Mirror for Becker Morgan Group
How to Energize the Lion in Your Mirror for Becker Morgan Group

Recommended for you

Wouldn’t it be
nice to become
that you again?

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➒➌➎➏➑➐➋➑➐➐ Indian Matka Dpboss Matka boss otg
➒➌➎➏➑➐➋➑➐➐ Indian Matka Dpboss Matka boss otg➒➌➎➏➑➐➋➑➐➐ Indian Matka Dpboss Matka boss otg
➒➌➎➏➑➐➋➑➐➐ Indian Matka Dpboss Matka boss otg
Satta Matka Dpboss Kalyan Matka Results Kalyan Chart
Satta Matka Dpboss Kalyan Matka Results Kalyan ChartSatta Matka Dpboss Kalyan Matka Results Kalyan Chart
Satta Matka Dpboss Kalyan Matka Results Kalyan Chart
Indian Matka Dpboss Matka guessing matka boss otg Satta matka
Indian Matka Dpboss Matka guessing matka boss otg Satta matkaIndian Matka Dpboss Matka guessing matka boss otg Satta matka
Indian Matka Dpboss Matka guessing matka boss otg Satta matka
Indian Matka Dpboss Matka guessing satta matka kalyan matka
Indian Matka Dpboss Matka guessing satta matka kalyan matkaIndian Matka Dpboss Matka guessing satta matka kalyan matka
Indian Matka Dpboss Matka guessing satta matka kalyan matka
Satta Matka Dpboss Kalyan Matka Results Kalyan Chart
Satta Matka Dpboss Kalyan Matka Results Kalyan ChartSatta Matka Dpboss Kalyan Matka Results Kalyan Chart
Satta Matka Dpboss Kalyan Matka Results Kalyan Chart
Matka guessing satta Matta matka Dpboss Matka boss otg
Matka guessing satta Matta matka Dpboss  Matka boss otgMatka guessing satta Matta matka Dpboss  Matka boss otg
Matka guessing satta Matta matka Dpboss Matka boss otg
Indian Matka Kalyan Matka Satta Matta Matka Dpboss Matka Guessing
Indian Matka Kalyan Matka Satta Matta Matka Dpboss Matka GuessingIndian Matka Kalyan Matka Satta Matta Matka Dpboss Matka Guessing
Indian Matka Kalyan Matka Satta Matta Matka Dpboss Matka Guessing
Satta Matta Matka Kalyan Matka Satta Matka Dpboss Matka Guessing Kalyan Matka
Satta Matta Matka Kalyan Matka Satta Matka Dpboss Matka Guessing Kalyan MatkaSatta Matta Matka Kalyan Matka Satta Matka Dpboss Matka Guessing Kalyan Matka
Satta Matta Matka Kalyan Matka Satta Matka Dpboss Matka Guessing Kalyan Matka
Satta Matta matka Indian Matka Dpboss satta matka
Satta Matta matka Indian Matka Dpboss satta matkaSatta Matta matka Indian Matka Dpboss satta matka
Satta Matta matka Indian Matka Dpboss satta matka
Satta Matta matka 143,Fix fix fix satta.
Satta Matta matka 143,Fix fix fix satta.Satta Matta matka 143,Fix fix fix satta.
Satta Matta matka 143,Fix fix fix satta.
Satta Matka Kalyan Satta Matka guessing.
Satta Matka Kalyan Satta Matka guessing.Satta Matka Kalyan Satta Matka guessing.
Satta Matka Kalyan Satta Matka guessing.
Satta Matka Dpboss Kalyan Matka Results Kalyan Chart
Satta Matka Dpboss Kalyan Matka Results Kalyan ChartSatta Matka Dpboss Kalyan Matka Results Kalyan Chart
Satta Matka Dpboss Kalyan Matka Results Kalyan Chart
Fix fix satta matka Dpboss Matka guessing kalyan matka
Fix fix satta matka Dpboss Matka guessing kalyan matkaFix fix satta matka Dpboss Matka guessing kalyan matka
Fix fix satta matka Dpboss Matka guessing kalyan matka
Matka boss otg matka 420 matka otg matka boss
Matka boss otg matka 420 matka otg matka bossMatka boss otg matka 420 matka otg matka boss
Matka boss otg matka 420 matka otg matka boss
Satta Matka Dpboss Kalyan Matka Results Kalyan Chart Call-⑨③④⑧⑧③⑥⑧⑧⑦
Satta Matka Dpboss Kalyan Matka Results Kalyan Chart Call-⑨③④⑧⑧③⑥⑧⑧⑦Satta Matka Dpboss Kalyan Matka Results Kalyan Chart Call-⑨③④⑧⑧③⑥⑧⑧⑦
Satta Matka Dpboss Kalyan Matka Results Kalyan Chart Call-⑨③④⑧⑧③⑥⑧⑧⑦
Indian Matka Dpboss Matka guessing satta
Indian Matka Dpboss Matka guessing sattaIndian Matka Dpboss Matka guessing satta
Indian Matka Dpboss Matka guessing satta
Kalyan Today Kalyan Open Satta Matka 143
Kalyan Today Kalyan Open Satta Matka 143Kalyan Today Kalyan Open Satta Matka 143
Kalyan Today Kalyan Open Satta Matka 143

How to Energize the Lion in Your Mirror for Becker Morgan Group

Editor's Notes

  1. New picture and revised text needs work
  2. New picture and revised text needs work
  3. I centered text, moved it away from picture, and 1.25 paragraph spacing
  4. I centered text, moved it away from picture, and 1.25 paragraph spacing
  5. I added text – perhaps a fade or zoom in?