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How To Improve Writing Skills
And Speaking Skills In Engl
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How To Improve Writing Skills And Speaking Skills In Engl How To Improve Writing Skills And Speaking Skills
In Engl
Keirsey Personality Types
Please Understand Me II by David Keirsey offers an in depth look into the Keirsey personality types.
For the INTJ, this book serves as a helpful and insightful guide to better understand oneself and
others; the INTJ can also utilize this text to better emphasize and interact with various types of people.
The INTJ s general temperament is a Rational or a NT. Rationals are logical, contemplative, and
inquiring people (Keirsey, 1998, p. 164). They want to understand everything, and this mindset often
makes them appear uninterested and detached from others. Despite this external appearance, Rationals
do care, but they must intentionally focus in order to show their care to others. Overall, NTs are the
world s problem solvers who will happily spend ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
For NTs, unity in systems is a two sided matter (Keirsey, 1998, p. 170). Rationals arrange their world
through order and organization. Order determines what things are higher or lower and before and after
each other. A Rational could be compared to a sociologist who is trying for figure out the hierarchy
and roles of individual parts of a group. Organization helps NTs understand the parts of a complex
system rather than levels and ranks. Rationals strive to make sense of disordered systems by ranking
and arranging things into categories and
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Male And Female Relationships In Prison
It is nothing new that relationships occur within the prisons. This includes male and females.
However, the article we read stated that male and female relationships are quite different. For males,
these relationships are geared with control and violence, as the females it s quite the opposite.
I think that guards should be allowed to encourage familial relationships but not sexual relationships.
I m sure that trying to stop family type relationship would provide quite difficult in the first place.
Having this kind of structure in prison could be beneficial to those that have never experienced it and
would also help some in the rehabilitation process. Sexual relationships in jail would not do any
justice towards rehabilitation but would
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Uri Gurvich
Born in Israel from Argentine parents and now based in New York, alto saxophonist and composer Uri
Gurvich demonstrates a high level of maturity on his new outing, Kinship, the third, and probably the
most accomplished, of his career. Gurvich s previous works, The Storyteller and BabEl, were released
on John Zorn s Tzadik Records, and with them, he proved to possess the remarkable ability to merge
Israeli traditional folk elements with the hard hitting post bop current.
Kinship, a very strong and meaningful word, is associated not only with his roots and family (the
record is dedicated to his grandmothers) but also to his reliable longtime quartet, whose members: Leo
Genovese on piano, Peter Slavov on bass, and Francisco Mela on drums, accompany ... Show more
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Rich in colors and flying with a 6/8 Latin groove, Dance of the Ñañigos loses the initial Afro Cuban
feel when Genovese starts to improvise with a more bluesy feel. Afterward, as the rhythm section
sustains the pressure, Gurvich talks overtly, unveiling his sophisticated technique through a well
articulated phraseology. The piece doesn t end without a lively conversation between the bandleader
and the pianist as they start trading licks. They repeat the trading scene on Hermetos , a vibrant
homage to the Brazilian wizard Hermeto Pascoal.
A great part of the tracks on the album is heavily influenced by different cultures, roots, and folk
traditions. For instance, El Chubut is a politically charged, Latin infused vagary, featuring the voice
and words of the special guest, Bernardo Palombo, while Sasha Argov s Im Tirtzi is a tender and
popular Israeli love song that fits between a bolero and a jazz standard. Another song composed by
Argov, Ha Im Ha Im , is introduced by Slavov s bass licks and boasts the pugnacious musicality of
Genovese and Gurvich, who blow everything away with a kick ass attitude and galloping resolution.
Twelve Tribes , featuring Mela s chivalrous rhythmic charges in a vamp reserved for his abilities, as
well as Blue Nomad are Eastern jamborees offering an array of motivic ideas taken from the
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Jim Cullen And The American Dream
The American Dream, as defined by Cullen, is starting your goal off with a little and ending with
more; it s like a business, you invest in it in order to gain more money. Usually, people will define the
American Dream as being able to achieve your goal because everyone is offered opportunities. Cullen
does acknowledge that people are born with different opportunities, so he talks about the good life.
The good life describes different factors that determine your opportunities. Throughout the other
readings, I ve come to find that most authors portray the American Dream as an idea that has died or
caused sadness, but could be revived.
Everybody defines and accomplishes their American Dream differently; Jim Cullen, the author of The
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Which is not necessarily to say that applied intelligence and effort don t play a role. Hard work may be
required, but it is not as difficult to work in a calm area compared to a place where it s hectic and
uncomfortable. This is a different category because it shows that looks get more priority than books,
but not all the time. This dream guarantees people to have vacations in the beach rather than having to
work all the time. It is not as time consuming compared to the first dream. All in all, Cullen describes
these two dreams as obvious evidence that they are nowhere near alike, but it falls under the category
of, The Dream of the Good Life.
Jim Cullen, the author of the American Dream, describes the transition of Puritans wanting to go to
heaven to people gambling as a possible necessity for achieving a Good Life. The transition described
by Cullen went from people gambling during Sabbath, to taking risks and built up to where people
were gambling on a daily basis. The Puritans objected the idea of gambling and thought it was not
necessary for them to achieve their good life which was heaven. However, during Sabbath, a day
where people did not work because they believed that it was a God of law of God, people had other
intentions, Especially because gambling so often took on the Sabbath...people typically
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Park Service Research Paper
This year the National Park Service celebrates its 100th anniversary. Their mandate is to conserve the
scenery and the natural and historic objects and the wild life therein in an unimpaired condition so that
they might be enjoyed by present and future generations. I interviewed Park Service employee Daniel
Craighead, an Occupational Safety and Health Specialist, to discuss how occupational safety and
training supports the Park Services mandate.
You develop occupational safety training policy documents and presentation materials for the National
Park Service. What is your background in occupational safety and health?
My focus is in training and education of park service employees on the subjects of occupational safety.
I have 15 years experience working in occupational safety and health and I am currently pursuing a
Master of Public Health in Safety and Occupational Health Management. I also I have a Bachelor s
degree in Occupational Safety and Health and certifications ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
The eighth park is Tule Springs National Monument, located just north of Las Vegas, Nevada. Tule
Springs is a desert wash where visitors can see fossils of Ice Age animals such as bison and mammoth.
What type of writing do use when preparing safety training materials? (4:23)
Mostly technical writing style, but that depends upon the materials I am preparing. For education and
training, I usually write outlines for PowerPoint presentations. I use an informative style when writing
articles for newsletters or news bulletins or when reviewing, revising and writing rules and regulations
or policies and procedures.
When you are writing safety materials do you think about the appropriate tone for your audience?
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Organisation Behavier
Faith based International Charity
This faith based humanitarian organisation based on the philosophy of Islam and Quran that if you
save the life of one person; you saved mankind. Therefore, it promotes humanity in its operational
areas. However, due to its identity of being an Islamic organisation, the funds are mainly generated
through Muslim philanthropists and other means such as Zakat. In essence, Islamic identity has been
the motivating factor for generating the resources for programmes to help Muslims rather than
employee motivation.
After the earthquake of 2005 in Pakistan, it faced, like many other humanitarian organisations, two
types of challenges. One was how to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
One: when a blasphemy case was registered against the leader and second when he died. However in
both cases, the management was able to help recover the staff from these shocks. Staff turnover has
been reported to be 0%
While discussing how the management keeps the motivation high, staff mentioned two important
factors of staff motivation, namely, the decentralization of their management structure and enhanced
recruitment and on job learning processes.
Recruitment process must be clean , and there must be continual development and grooming of staff
(including the senior management). A healthy organisation is a learning organisation.
International Non Government Organisation
It is an international development charity that works through volunteers. It is one of the largest
organisations in the world which facilitates volunteers to work in developing countries on various
social and development issues. Currently, it is working with 2,000 skilled professionals in over 40
countries. Challenges
The organisation temporarily closed its operations in Pakistan in 2001 2003 due to security reasons
after 9/11. However, it retained some administration
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Statement Of Purpose For Industrial And Systems Engineering
Statement of Purpose
Everyday, we use a plethora of products. From the toothbrush in the morning, to a fork during lunch
and a pillow in the night. They all have one thing in common: they were made by engineers, engineers
who have always asked the question How to make products with the highest quality possible with the
given resources? This concept has fascinated me from the inception of my college days. This
fascination along with my strong academic base makes me want to pursue Industrial and Systems
Engineering for my graduate study.
Born to a family with a business steeped in management, I was exposed from an early age to the
intricacies of trade. Ever since my adolescence, I wanted to see myself as an entrepreneur.I have
always wanted to deeply explore the techniques of optimization. For this, I believe one should possess
strong analytical ability and problem solving skill, which I believe I possess. I have expertise in ...
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Being exposed to these new fields piqued my interest in the Planning, Production and Control sector.
This made me choose Industrial and Systems Engineering as my graduate study course.
My enthusiasm towards active participation in college events made me involve in various co
curricular activities. I played an integral role in the technical club, SAE CBIT of my institute. I
organized various technical events such as AQUABOT in SAE Convention 2012 and ROBO SLAVE
in Mechanica 2014. My communication and interactive skills made me a core member in the
hospitality committee in SAE Convention 2012. I even participated in blood donation camps and
donated my blood several times.These varied involvements honed my interpersonal and leadership
skills and instilled in me the importance of hard work to
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Essay on Diagnoses of Patrick Solitano Jr
Diagnoses of Patrick Solitano Jr. from Silver Linings Playbook Eddie Ordaz Crafton Hills College
Diagnoses of Patrick Solitano Jr. from Silver Linings Playbook The character for whom I ve chosen to
do my analyses on is Patrick Solitano Jr. or Pat for short as portrayed in the film. Pat is a former
teacher with a likable and inviting personality about him but can be tell by the naked eye he has some
issues going on in his head. In the film he has just spent 8 months in a mental health facility and
comes to live with his parents. The reason for his 8 month in the mental health facility was him
coming home early from work and finding his wife Nikki naked in the shower with the history teacher
Doug Culpepper. Seeing that ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Although during most of his life being surrounded by those who are odd and obsessive as he is they
were also warm and unembarrassed by his idiosyncrasy. With all of that put into context I believe Pat
Jr. has Bipolar I Disorder with mood swings and Delusional Disorder brought on by severe stress but
happens rarely. 296.42 Bipolar I Disorder, moderate severity, with mixed features 297.1 Delusional
Disorder, Jealous type, First episode, currently in partial remission. Treatment for the Bipolar I
Disorder along with Delusional Disorder would be group therapy and family therapy, also finding
happiness through new activities and friendships. Possible Medications: Antidepressants, Lithium,
Antipsychotics, Anticonvulsants, Symbyax, and Benzodiaphenes. I believe the film did a fairly good
job showing the portrayal of Pats disorders with his mood swings to cause him be periodically violent
and obsessive attitude toward his ex wife. Pat loves his parents but becomes easily angered or enraged
by them as well as other people to go along with his old wedding song becoming a big stressor for him
taking him back to the shower incident. He would have benefited from a non stressful familial life and
pressure from his parents or peers early in life. He also would have benefitted
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The United States Constitution And The Rights Of The...
The United States Constitution is a document that embodies the fundamental laws and principles by
which the United States is governed, sets limits on what the government can and cannot do, as well as
defines the natural rights, liberties, and freedoms of American citizens. It is arguably, the most
important document ever crafted in American history and the one document that affects every single
citizen within the United States every single day. It is thanks to this document that the United States
citizens can enjoy the freedoms that they hold today, which are outlined in the bill of rights, as well as
ensuring the citizens a fair form of government through a system of checks and balances, which
guarantees that the government cannot bare qualities of tyranny, corruption, and ineptitude. For
example, natural rights such as the freedom of speech, which is the first amendment in the bill of
rights of the constitution, ensures that the citizens of a government have a voice in government policy
and procedures by allowing them to participate in political discussion, to voice their opinions through
debate, and to express their content or discontent with a government official or policy, as well as
laying the foundation for all other freedoms and rights. The Constitution also prevents the government
from becoming too powerful or tyrannical through the separation of powers, as well as places
limitations on the powers of the government through provisions such as the Establishment
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Similarities Between Tunisia And Egypt
Five years after the arab revolutions began, we can observe many differences as well as similarities
between Tunisia and Egypt. Tunisia was the first country that started the revolts, and since then has
had many successes, including the adoption of a constitution. Despite many of the setbacks,
interruptions, and serious crises Tunisia has been through these past few years, as long as they do not
have any more upheavals of power, the evidence seems to prove they can transform their government
into a more stable democracy. In contrast, Egypt also attempted to become democratic, but soon after
reverted back to an authoritarian and oppressive regime that has become increasingly more
militaristic, and at the moment it seems that a new attempt of becoming democratic is unlikely to start
unless people decide on gathering again and participating in other uprisings. In order to understand
why these two countries moved in such opposite directions, the causes of the riots, external pressures,
religious influences, civil rights political liberties and current problems. To begin, the author Larry
Diamond described democracy as a universal institution among all cultures. Diamond believed
democracy was not just a Western ideal, but in fact could be implemented into every culture in the
world under the correct circumstances. One of the most important circumstances needed to be in place
in order for democracy to thrive is the spirit of democracy, essentially stating that the will of the
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Princess Naupaka Research Paper
Legends, Myths, and fairy tales are all categories of folklore, but they all have different meanings.
Legends are based on history, people embellishing the stories, and people telling them and retelling
them differently. Myths are based on religion, supernatural beings, gods and demigods, and also
explains natural phenomenon. Fairy Tales are based on magic, good vs. evil, fantastic elements,
magical or imaginary creatures, and teaches a lesson or universal truth.The Hawaiians tend to favor
legends more because the stories have been passed through many different Hawaiian islands through
the years.What values are reflected in this culture s lore and why are they important to the bedrock of
the culture itself? This is your thesis statement. You will be proving the importance of ... Show more
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This couple couldn t get married because of their different religions. So Naupaka tore half of her
flower in half and gave it to Kauai so he could always remember her. The next day more flowers
bloomed and they bloomed in half to resemble their relationship. The flowers got their name from the
Princess.This fairy tale reflects on the culture because the flower helps the Hawaiians remember the
Princess Naupaka and how this flower was created.The value of this fairy tale is that whenever the
Hawaiians look at this flower they think of the relationship of Naupaka and Kauai. Oral tradition
contribute to the widespread beliefs in imaginary creatures or magic associated with the Hawaiian
culture because they have to believe the people that were in the princesses generation because they
don t have the technology like we do today to look up the truth of the fairy tale. These beliefs were
readily accepted by the masses because the Hawaiians wanted to believe the gods rather than not to
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Life In Industrialized Cities In The 19th Century
All change is hard at first, messy in the middle and gorgeous at the end (Sharma). Change is what
helps improve the world we live in. During the Industrial Revolution in the eighteenth and nineteenth
centuries, the way people live was drastically changing. In the beginning, living conditions in cities
were terrible, but as regulations were put into effect and as time passed, these living conditions greatly
improved. Life in industrialized cities was an improvement over life in the country as a result of the
Industrial Revolution because of improvements in transportation, working conditions, and the creation
of job opportunities.
Improvements in transportation as a result of the Industrial Revolution made life in the cities an
improvement over life in the country. In order to further development, more railroads were ... Show
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Workers in the cities were unhappy with the working conditions and decided they needed to do
something about it: Organized into strong unions and large political parties, workers were able to
campaign for changes in the law (Clare 48). Workers were able to unite in the form of unions. These
unions fought for better working conditions which led to laws improving working conditions. At first,
city life was extremely poor. This was completely changed with new laws and regulations: Laws were
passed requiring safety standards in factories, setting minimum age limits for young workers,
establishing schools for children whose parents both worked, and creating other standards for the
protection of workers (Newton). As a result of poor working conditions, restrictions were created
which improved working conditions. This made life in the cities better than life in the country because
most of the jobs were located in the cities and these improved working conditions led to better job
satisfaction and healthier
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Paul Cézanne
Another artist of the Impressionism era that was impacted by the great wave of Japanese artwork was
Paul Cézanne. In Cézanne s case, his relationship with Japanese art forms was vague in comparison to
the other Impressionists. He was not an avid collector of Japanese prints such as Degas, nor was he
privy to the fascination with these unique objects. Cézanne was an artist who admired Puget and
Michelangelo for their sculptural volume: he was temperamentally incapable of adopting Japanese
prints as his ideal, (Berger 112). Studies have shown that Cézanne paid closer attention to what was
going on in the art world than his counterparts, therefore, it is hard to determine how Cézanne could
have possibly overlooked Japanese art (Berger 113). ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Looking at figure 8, the spectator can notice the rocky massif emerging in its basic forms, increasingly
grand, looming majestic, as the emphasis shifts away from the foreground and towards a surface tissue
of color, (Berger 113). Cézanne studied this mountain copiously, the theme allowed him to take notice
of new pictorial motifs, and Japanese art showed him the possibility of what may be called free scale ,
in which above and below, before and behind, large and small, become fluid, interchangeable, freely
recombinable, as elements of the formal design, (Berger 114). Katsushika Hokusai s Mount Fuji in a
Storm (Figure 9) was constructed in a similar manner, the inspiration cannot be
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Summary Of Viva La Juicy Perfume
English Comp 1
Visual Analysis
I have composed this assignment myself without borrowing from others. I have read the syllabus, I
understand the definition of plagiarism and the consequences of it, and I realize if I am found to have
plagiarized any part of this essay, I will fail the entire course.
Viva La Juicy Glacé
Viva La Juicy s Glacé perfume ad uses a beautiful, young, blonde woman in a fitted, pink sparkly
dress, lying on a background of white roses and pink ribbons to sale the vision of glamour, freshness,
and a carefree mood through their perfume. The way the woman in the picture is beautifully portrayed,
with all her beauty, glamour, , and also the displaying of the bottle of perfume, shows how this
perfume will give the woman wearing it the same life as portrayed in the ad.
In the perfume ad by Viva La Juicy, the young woman is adoringly glamorous, from her facial
expression to how she is dressed, to the jewelry she wears. Her makeup is soft but accompanied by a
bright pink lipstick to match her rosy pink cheeks. Her skin appears soft and flawless, which is enough
for any girl to want to run out and buy this scent. The expression on her face is a slight, flirty grin. Her
lips are almost puckered. Her soft skin is hugged tightly by the pink, sparkly dress she wears.
Wrapping her wrists lie sparkly gold and silver bracelets to accent the sparkles on her dress. She looks
straight off the red carpet with how perfect her hair, makeup, body, and outfit is. The
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Steve Jobs Influence
Steve Jobs: A Inspiring and Influential Businessman
The iPod, iPad, iMac, and iPhone all share one thing in common other than their elegant design. Their
creator, Steve Jobs, oversaw the creation of many of these extremely personal and innovative
electronics. He thought of technology and devices we did not know we needed or wanted because we
never knew they existed. Although he was often called crazy, but his different ideas and rebelling
personality drove him beyond what many expected of him as he built Apple and other companies.
Steve Jobs is most admired for his co founding of Apple and NeXT, as well as his involvement in
Jobs is best known for his career at Apple, a company recognized for its beautifully designed
electronics. The company started early: Jobs was just 21, [when] he and Wozniak started Apple
Computer ( Steve Jobs ). In his own ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
While Apple was focusing on creating electronics anyone could use, he wanted to create a computer
company specifically designed for scientists and people in higher education (Lakin 117). Jobs was
always known and admired for his great attention to detail. For example, he spent one hundred
thousand dollars just to have NeXT s logo created. (Lakin 118). NeXT was not the only company he
would become involved in, and Jobs bought Pixar Animation Studios from George Lucas ( Steve Jobs
). He was fascinated with the relationship between their software and hardware, and most of all Pixar s
software amazed him . Most importantly, he took Pixar in a different direction, allowing it to become a
much more influential, himself a much more influential person as well. Jobs and Pixar would go on to
send shockwaves through the entire [animation] industry surprising many with what their technology
could do, leaving a lasting impression on filmmakers and what they could achieve (Lakin
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The Case Of Obergefell V. Hodges
The Supreme Court is the highest judicial court in a county or a state and it is the highest federal court
in the United States today. Today I will be reviewing the case of Obergefell v. Hodges which was a
Supreme Court case about same sex marriage. I will review the justice who wrote the opinion of the
court and the justice who wrote the dissenting opinion for this case. The opinion of the court is a
statement that is prepared by the court announcing the decision after a case is tried. It includes a
summary of the facts, a recitation of the applicable law and how it relates to the facts, the rationale
supporting the decision, and a judgment usually presented in writing. In the case for Obergefell v.
Hodges the Supreme Court justice that wrote
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Analysis Of The Brain Is Wider Then The Sky
The poem The Brain is Wider Then the Sky by Emily Dickinson, written in 1862. Emily Dickinson
was a woman who never married. She lived with her parents in Amherst Massachusetts. Emily
believed in feminist. She came from a very church going family but as she got older she stopped going
to church. She was a very smart woman. She attended college at Amherst Academy. Her father was
the founder of Amherst Academy, which today is called Amherst College. Amherst college is still a
well know college in Massachusetts. Emily Dickinson started a book club involving multiple friends,
as well as her loving attentiveness to individuals in times of both suffering and joy. These inquiries
highlight her thoughts on love, marriage, gender roles, art, and death, while unraveling mysteries
ranging from legal discourse to Etruscan smiles. In addition to a foreword by Marietta Messmer, the
volume includes essays by Paul Crumbley, Karen Dandurand, Jane Donahue Eberwein, Judith Farr,
James Guthrie, Ellen Louise Hart, Eleanor Heginbotham, Cindy MacKenzie, Martha Nell Smith, and
Stephanie Tingley. One of Emily s favorite books was the bible. She referred back to the bible in a lot
of her work. The poem The Brain is Wider Then the Sky can be interpreted in many different ways. If
you have knowledge of Emily Dickinson back round you may interpret it differently than others who
do not know much about her life and upbringing. This poem is a four line stanza, most of her work
was. She would
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The Prayer Of Jesus And The Deaf Man Who Had A Speech Problem
Introduction to Mass:
Good morning everyone! I m very pleased that I can celebrate this Eucharist with you. We know that
every Mass is a beautiful time of encounter with Jesus when we want to open our ears and eyes and
listen to his voice. In today s Gospel Mark will tell us the story of Jesus healing the deaf man who had
a speech problem. And we would like to ask the Lord to help us to have eyes that see His gifts, ears
that hear His Words, and love to respond. Let us confess our sins...
Every miracle that Jesus performed was unique. I think that in today s Gospel we can hear one of the
most interesting miracles that Jesus performed. Mark tells us the story of Jesus healing the deaf man
who had a speech problem. Jesus compassion is so great that when the man approaches him, He takes
the man aside and heals him. And this is the first thing that can be very surprising and unique. But
why does Jesus take the deaf man off by himself away from the crowd? It seems that it would be more
effective to cure somebody in the presence of others. In this case everyone would be able to see and
believe that Jesus Christ is the Messiah, that He is one who is sent from God, that He has divine
power. But we see that Jesus thinks in very different way. For him it s not so important human
effectiveness but true and dense encounter with a person. The Lord wants to be alone with him, away
from the noise and activity of the crowd. He wants to be able to communicate with him in
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Compare And Contrast The Yellow Wallpaper And The Painted...
Charlotte Perkins Gilman s The Yellow Wallpaper and Sinclair Ross s The Painted Door are both
stories about women protagonists who feel emotionally isolated from their husbands, who both go by
the name John. Ann in The Painted the Door and the wife whose name may or may not be Jane in The
Yellow Wallpaper are women who deal with emotional isolation. Emotional isolation is a state of
isolation where one may be in a relationship but still feel emotional separation. In these two stories,
both women feel emotionally isolated from their husbands due to lack of communication. In both
stories, lack of communication results from one individual failing to disclose their true feelings and
instead he or she are beating around the bush, hoping the other party will know what they want. If
both parties directly disclose their desires and feelings to one another, there would be a better
understanding of each other which as a result would help save marriages. This paper will look at how
both women lack communication, how they both their approach their emotional isolation differently,
and how their failure to communicate to their husbands and their approach, results in the failure to
save their marriage. The Painted Door and The Yellow Wallpaper are stories that show how both
women protagonists are emotionally isolated due to their failure to communicate their feelings and
desires to their husbands. Instead of direct communication to their husbands, the women find other
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Throughout The History Of Mankind, The Greatest Inventors
Throughout the history of mankind, the greatest inventors were the few who paved their own roads to
success and thought outside the box. Orville and Wilbur Wright were no exceptions to this. In their
quest for manned mechanical flight these two men would shock the world of flight with their new
provoking ideas. The wright brothers would go on to design the first sustainable automated craft. The
Wright brothers were arguably the greatest innovators of the 20th century and would go on to
transform man s dream of flying and have a long lasting effect on flying machines a In 1867 Wilbur
wright was born the third of seven wright children. Wilbur was born in Millville Indiana but would not
stay for long. Wilbur s father, Milton, was a minister ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
After Orville had dropped out of school the brothers would start the begging s of their innovative
careers. In 1889, the brothers opened a printing business. This may not seem like much but they ended
up designing and building their own printing press they used for their shop. The wright brothers
printing store did well for them they mostly dealt with advertisements and a few newspapers here and
there. Despite the success of the store they desired more than printing as it became relatively boring to
them. It wasn t the idea of printing that was so exciting it was building the printing press that Orville
enjoyed the most. In the 1890s bicycles were starting to get very popular and Orville and Wilbur were
infatuated with them. Orville went even as far entering local bike races. The brothers found a new
passion and in 1893 they would go on to open their own bicycle shop. This shop mostly sold bicycles
but also had a repair shop where they would fix them up if needed. Most of the bikes they sold were
bought from outside companies but they would end up making a small amount of them on their own in
the shop. The bicycle shop did well enough to relocate to a larger location but 1895. As interested as
they were in the bicycle business it wasn t long lived and would end up closing in 1908, During these
years working in their bicycle shop is when they really took on their interest in flying. In the 1890s
there was a man who would fly gliders by the name of Otto
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Brett Favre
Research Paper (Brett Favre)
A Living Legend Brett Favre is one of the greatest quarterbacks in the history of professional football.
You are judged by winning, and he s won more games than any other quarterback who has ever
played. But I will remember him just as well for being such a fierce competitor and outstanding leader.
He was the face of the Packers and a great credit to our game. It was an honor to coach against him.
(Mike Shanahan, Denver Broncos Head Coach) Brett s passion for the game, and winning history,
together earned him the respect of the entire football nation. I am going to give you a summary of this
incredible athlete s life, covering both the ups and downs of his bumpy road to success. I am using
factual ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Ron Wolf of the Green Bay Packers had a feeling about Brett Favre the next year and pursued the idea
of trading for him. When this process was taking place Brett had to pass his physical exam. The
doctors told Wolf that Brett would last five years tops, because of a hip condition similar to what took
hall a famer Deon Sanders out of the league. Wolf went with his gut feeling and traded first round
draft pick Tony Smith for Favre. Brett came to Green Bay still in the shadows as he was backing up
starting quarterback Don Magic Man Majkowski at the time. In the third game of the season,
Majkowski sustained an injury to a ligament in this foot. Favre trotted onto the Lambeau Field not
knowing that this would be one of his numerous come from behind victories. Down 23 17 with 1:07 to
go in the fourth quarter, Brett drove the Pack the length of the field, once again throwing the game
winning touchdown pass to defeat the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Brett Favre was more than just the
starting quarterback in the Green Bay community and organization. He was face of the franchise, and
a living legend in the national football league. Before Favre s arrival to Green Bay, The Packers had
only five winning seasons between the years of 1968 and 1991. In Brett s sixteen NFL seasons with
Green Bay, they recorded just one losing season. With the Packers Brett won three consecutive MVP
awards coming in 1994, 1995, and 1996. He was nominated
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Essay about Our Nation s Healthcare System
If there s one thing that Democrats and Republicans agree on, it s that our health care system is in
shambles. It s the laughingstock of the civilized world, to be perfectly honest. The World Health
Organization, part of the United Nations, ranks the United States 37th overall, just ahead of Slovenia
and Cuba, and right behind Dominica and Costa Rica. That s right, ladies and gentlemen; the World
Health Organization ranks the mighty United States just above communist Cuba. In political science,
there is a term called the iron triangle. The best example is the current defense setup in the United
States. The three players are the defense contractors, the Department of Defense, and US Senators on
defense spending committees. The DoD goes to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
They spent more money than financial institutions, if you can believe it. In total, $542,162,633 was
spent on lobbying in Washington. The current proposal by President Obama does not go far enough in
addressing the shortfalls of our system. The new proposal must include a public option, one provided
by the government. Fear not, Conservatives, the implementation of the public option will not involve a
mandate to use the program. When you get sick, which is inevitable given the amount of yelling you
do, you won t have to wait in line behind the other six million sick Americans to kiss the President s
ring to get your antibiotics. In fact, if implemented properly, it won t change much of anything on your
end. Right now, there are very few providers for health insurance in the United States, with many
areas having only one option. Blue Cross Blue Shield, Cigna, Humana, and UnitedHealth are some of
the largest in the country, and much like the gasoline companies, control most of our fuel resources.
The public option is designed to give everyone an option. Essentially, it would be a system that allows
the government to offer a health insurance program, not limiting access based on pre existing
conditions or current job. Implementing a government run system would drive prices down, as
providers would have to bring their prices to a reasonable level. This would largely happen
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Essay Google Glass is an Example of Flawed Technology
When you think of technology, you would think of how great it is to exist in a world full of
technology, or how great technology is in all its wonders. You imagine what the next advancement of
technology would be, or look like. You may probably not be able to imagine the next advancement of
technology, as it is already great the way it is. Well, I m sorry to say that technology is not all
cupcakes, rainbows, and hugs. If you are a tech lover, please disregard this article. Read at your own
will. Also, I would like to clarify that I am not anti technology, but only simply showcasing that other
side of technology. The side that is full of flaws that become ways to ruin human life, and the world.
Today, I will talk about a new device called ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
When people are wearing their Google Glass in their daily lives (they really do), they forget about
their surroundings that lead to misunderstandings. For example, when you are walking down the street
with your Google Glass on the corner of your right eye, you stop paying attention to where you are
going are getting the latest Twitter, or Facebook notification. Then, you bump into people, and you
don t even bother saying sorry, because you are more interested in Lady Gaga s latest Tweet, or that
new photo upload from your friend on Facebook that just can t wait. You become so interested in the
virtual world that you prioritize it over what constitutes society. You wouldn t care to stop to help that
old man that you just tripped after bumping into him. The Internet is just too great to leave it for a
moment, and that it is worth being a GLASS h**e to other people. Next, Google Glass equals loss of
human interaction. When someone is wearing a pair of Google Glass, it is impossible, and frustrating
to have a one on one conversation. It is irritating enough to have people take out their phones, and
start typing when you are talking. Imagine when their eyes wander off somewhere, and that they are
no longer paying attention to what you have to say. This would only result into further
misunderstandings, broken relationships, and bad reputations. Then, we have the factor of mobility
that opens even more doors to
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Crucible Essay Questions
1. Why has Reverend Parris sent for a doctor as the play begins? What advice does the doctor send
back with Susanna Walcott? In the beginning of the play, Reverend Parris sent for a doctor because his
niece Betty is sick and won t wake up (in a coma like state). Since the doctor can t find a medical
explanation for her illness he tells Susanna Walcott to look for a unnatural reason. 2. About what does
Parris question his niece Abigail after Susanna Walcott leaves? After Susanna Walcott leaves, Parris
questions his niece Abigail whether her name is the village is white (is her reputation in the village
good? white represents purity) and why they were dancing in the forest. 3. What is Parris main
concern throughout his conversation with ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
5. What is the rumor regarding what Elizabeth Proctor said about Abigail? The rumor is Elizabeth
Proctor said Abigail s soul is tainted. 6. What reason does Abigail give as to why the Proctors
dismissed her? Abigail claims the Proctors dismissed her because they wanted a slave and she refused
to be treated like a slave. 7. What rumors have circulated the town about Betty Parris? What incident
later is used that proves that Betty is a witch? It is being rumored that Betty flew over over the barn.
Later, Betty starts screaming when they are singing the psalm because she cannot bear to hear the lord
s name. This proves that Betty is a witch. 8. Why does Mrs. Putnam say she contacted Tituba? Mrs.
Putnam says she contacted Tituba to find out who is killing her babies and to communicate to her 7
lost children. 9. Why is Thomas Putnam bitter (in general)? Thomas Putnam is bitter because he feels
like he isn t getting the respect he deserves. 10. Once Mrs. Putnam admits her request of Tituba, whom
does Abigail accuse of conjuring spirits? Once Mrs. Putnam admits her request of Tituba, Abigail
accuses Tituba of conjuring
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Special Interest Group--Human Rights Campaign
The Human Right Campaign is a group that many are familiar with. This group is commonly
associated with their logo, which openly shows their goals and ideals. They work for many things
other than this, but their fight for equality is the most commonly talked about. Many of us have
probably heard about the HRC through our spam file on our email account. You also may have heard
of them through their numerous fights for equality and same sex rights. The Human Right Campaign
is a group involved in many things all for a very amazing cause. They work hard for the things they do
and achieve their desired results with the help of the community and their sponsors.
The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) is a group that works toward equality. Their symbol happens to
be a yellow equals sign on a solid blue background. This has also been seen as two different shades of
red. These colors are typically associated with love and used when events arise that their needs to be
more support of the campaign. This was unveiled when the campaign was appealing to the courts with
an equality case. They had a large amount of support from the Facebook and Twitter communities.
People with profiles on these websites were asked to change their profile pictures to the red version of
their equality logo to show support for LGBT rights in these cases. Their symbol, however, is the blue
and yellow sign. This can be seen in many different places, even on cars as bumper stickers! (About
Our Logo) The Human Rights
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My Experience Of Youtube Videos
I started off watching YouTube videos of different varieties. I first started with a longer video. I
thought that I would try to watch a comedy video to see if I could still catch the jokes that would
maybe need a voice inflection with it. It was a lot harder to laugh at the jokes because I couldn t hear
the tone of voice that they were using. I found that with all the comedy things I normally would watch,
I didn t laugh as much because I couldn t hear the tone of voice.
The next video was a beauty hack video. I don t normally watch these types of videos because they are
mostly makeup beauty hacks, and I don t wear makeup. But I wanted to see what it would be like if
someone who was Deaf wanted to learn beauty hacks. It was pretty hard to ... Show more content on
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Hulu s captions were pretty good though. I liked how Hulu used periods and dashes for each new
person talking. I found that YouTube did not use periods, so it felt sometimes like a long run on
sentence. If there were multiple people talking on the YouTube videos it was hard to tell who was
talking in the captions. There would be no indicator of who was saying what. The last T.V. show I
decided to watch was something completely new. I decided to watch The Golden Girls. I had never
seen an episode before so I didn t know what the style of the T.V. show would be like, and I didn t
know the characters so I couldn t imagine their voice saying the words like I kind of could with the
other videos/T.V. shows. I noticed that when the show was about half way over I couldn t wait for it to
be over. I got really annoyed with having to constantly having to read everything or I d be lost as to
what was happening. With this show I had to read pretty fast because there were so many characters
and they would have line after line. It was a constant looking at the captions and not at the picture.
When I normally watch T.V. I don t use captions. I find them annoying if the captions are on and the
sound is also on. My eye will go down to the captions and not what is happening. When it was only
the captions it was better because the sound was off. But I still got really annoyed having to read
everything if I
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Petruchio A Bad Husband In Taming Of The Shrew
What character traits make a bad husband? Most would answer someone that is unkind, forceful,
impolite, bad with kids, or egotistic. In Taming of the Shrew, readers say that Petruchio is a terrible
husband. However, readers do not understand how women were treated in the 1500 s. Petruchio is not
a bad husband to Kate, because Petruchio is not forceful, he suffers with her, and shows Kate her true
worth. Petruchio is not an awful husband, because he is not forceful. Many things have changed since
1500 s, including how husbands treat their wives. Throughout the story, readers will undergo pity for
Kate and it is difficult not to. Her spouse married her for her dowry, and he does not rightly love her.
However, most 1500 s marriages were this way. The husband was forceful and married for personal
advancement. Most marriages of the time were of necessity, not love (Pearson 2). Some may claim
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Growing up, Kate was recognized as Bianca s bizarre sister. With Petruchio, she is shown her worth.
She is now known as Petruchios affectionate wife. Her entire life she was compared to a girl who was
flawless. Being compared to Bianca causes her to become shrewish. Kate is not Bianca; however, she
does not deserve the treatment she recieves. Kate is surrounded by men that want to sell her off, so
they can grab the real prize, which is Bianca. Baptista acts as a bidder and tries to get rid of his bad
good before he sells his top prize. Baptista allows people to talk disgustingly about Kate. Petruchio
takes her in and shows her that somebody does want her. Petruchio plays games with her to show her
that she can be an intelligent and devoted wife. Petruchio plays the director and shows Bianca that she
is a bright woman that can play any role that her husband requires her to play. Kate is not bound to
being Baptista s hideous daughter. Kate can be free with Petruchio. She is shown her full
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Educational Potential Underachievement, And Cultural...
The paper, Educational Potential, Underachievement, and Cultural Pluralism by Donald Gillies seeks
to address on issue of underachievement in modern educational and political discourse and argues on
the critique and views of the discourse of underachievement among researchers in their works. It is
also clear from the abstract stated by author that this is important issues as the term of
underachievement widely used but highly problematic, masking the ideological assumptions which
concern socially constructed, culturally sensitive, subjective, and relative matters.The author starts
with introduction to underachievement issue with several views and argument from researchers.
Underachievement is one of concern issue of educational in public discourse. According to Whitmore
(1980), underachievement have ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
However, there are also several definition of teaching given by various psychologists. Wells (1982)
defined teaching as an activities involving teachers to explain, deduce, question, motivate, keep record
of students works and etc. Edmund Amidon has defined teaching as an interactive process between
teacher and students in an activities which involve classroom talk while Greens state that teaching is a
task performed by a teacher for the development of a child. Alberta Teachers Association (2012) also
have defined teaching as a specialized application of knowledge, skills and attributes which have been
developed to provide unique service to meet the educational needs in person and society. Basically, the
responsibility of the teaching profession is to choose learning activities, provide students with learning
opportunities, develop the values and guide them in their social relationship to meet the goals of
education in school. That is why the direct interaction between teachers and students plays an
important element in
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Philips vs Matsushita
N.V. Philips (Netherlands) and Matsushita Electric (Japan) are among the largest consumer electronics
companies in the world. Their success was based on two contrasting strategies #8211; diversification
of worldwide portfolio and local responsiveness for Philips, and high centralization and mass
production for Matsushita. Royal Philips Electronics of the Netherlands began as a small light bulb
factory in Holland, and by the turn of the century, was one of the largest producers in Europe. One
product focus made Philips a leader in industrial research which stimulated product innovation.
Consequently, product line was broadened significantly and the flow of exciting new products and
ideas continued through the years. Limited domestic ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
By the 1990s Philips s functional capabilities were unable to meet the Japanese competition. Its
technical capabilities had been weakened by the failure of its attempt to commercialize a new video
product on its own, the CD interactive (CD i). Philips could no longer commercialize major new
consumer electronics products. The Japanese first movers and followers completely dominated
electronics market worldwide. By then only Japanese companies had the integrated technical and
functional capabilities required to commercialize products of new technologies.
By the end on the twentieth century Matsushita Electric became a large diversified industrial group.
Yet it faced severe financial troubles and became a takeover target. In 2000, new CEO Nakamura
reorganized management and placed the company s 30 divisions into four distinct groups with
centralized research and development. With Matsushita in charge of R D allocation, it was able to
direct more funds to key growth areas. Other reorganization actions were undertaken to improve
Matsushita position, by nothing turned the situation around. Philips also carried out a major
restructuring program trying to return it to a healthy footing, simplifying its structure and reducing the
number of business areas, but failed. The root to both companies #8217; misfortune was the change in
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Chinese Politics And Comparative Communist Systems Essay
A Party State exists when the party and the state are interconnected within the state s leadership,
organizations, and society from the top down. Sujian Guo states in his book Chinese Politics in
Comparative Communist Systems, The existence of the party state and the blending of the political
and administrative functions is one of the distinctive characteristics of the communist system world
wide (Guo 9). These Party State Relations occur in all communist countries. There are many key
features of Party State Relations. Firstly, the members of the controlling party (China Communist
Party) have a key role in political decisions. The party holds major influence in major political
appointments, promotions, and dismissals of the members of the legislature, the state administration,
and the judiciary. This influence allows the party to maintain control over the goals and actions of the
government and to ensure that they aligned with that of the controlling party. Another key feature of
the Party State relations is that the parties infiltration of the government allows them to make
decisions in all of the state affairs and institutions because they are led by the party leaders. The Party
State has officials covering all areas of the government, such as; ministers, state presidents, presidents
of parliament and judiciary, officers in the military, the police, etc. The number of positions held by
party leaders creates a strong control over the different divisions of the
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Alfred Hitchcock s Motion Picture Psycho
Alfred Hitchcock s motion picture Psycho, released in 1960, contains peculiar placement of predatory
birds and other fowls with corresponding lines regarding birds from Norman Bates, the primary
antagonist. Throughout the movie, various references concerning birds are can be drawn through the
use of bird s eye view camera angle, location names, and character names. As the movie begins, the
first camera angle used is bird s eye view. Viewers venture, bird like, into Marion Crane s apartment
complex where she and her lover, Sam Loomis, are conversing about their desire to get married.
Marion s last name, Crane, seems to symbolize her character in a physical way like an actual crane:
migratory and defenseless. Like the crane resides in a typically marshy area, Marion s eventual final
resting place is in a marshy swamp near the Bates Motel. After Marion steals $40,000 from her
employer s client to pay off Sam s debt, she runs away from her home, Phoenix. Like the mythological
bird, the city of Phoenix comes to represents Marion s death and rebirth as she leaves her innocent
secretarial job behind for a better life with Sam. Although these references to birds are subtle and can
remain unnoticed, there are other references in the movie that are entirely noticeable. In this film, the
reference to birds in the parlor and the motel room serve as a visual motif for Norman s conflict with
his mother, other women, and himself. The most obvious reference to birds takes place in the
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The Executive Branch Of Government Essay
In the United States, the executive branch of government is comprised of the President, Vice
President, and the Cabinet. In addition to acting as the head of government the President acts as the
Commander in Chief and the head of state. Article II of the Constitution established the general
responsibilities and limits of the President. However, over time the power in the hands of the chief
executive has expanded. While the United States executive branch, more specifically the President,
has a substantial amount of power democracy is still upheld.
The chief executive has many responsibilities which require him or her to be responsible and act
quickly and decisively (Ethridge and Handelman pg. 195). One function of the chief executive is
diplomacy meaning being in charge of the communications and negotiations between national leaders
regarding foreign policy (Ethridge and Handelman pg. 541). The chief executive is responsible for
being a leader in times of crisis. Given their power, they are able to make decisions and plan
government activities quickly. An example of this would be President Obama s use of drones to kill
terrorists. Budget formulation is in the hands of the chief executive to prevent overspending. This
responsibility also gives central control to the chief executive to make sure that money is spent fairly.
It would be irresponsible to allow legislators to decide who gets what, when they have ties to their
constituents. Another important role of the chief
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Property Rights and the Economic System
The property occupies a central place in the economic system . It is associated with: 1) the purpose
and functioning of the economic system ; 2) economic way to connect employees with the means of
production ( as with his or foreign ); 3) forms of production and distribution, exchange and
consumption of the results of labor ; 4) The social structure of society , certain groups , classes and
strata in society; 5 ) the nature of work incentives . Property relations form all other kinds of economic
relations are the backbone and so basic.
Enhanced the importance of the problem of property in connection with the transition to a market
economy , as it is the foundation of the property becoming a new economic organization of society.
Therefore, economic reform must begin with the transformation of property relations.
In Soviet economic literature , including textbooks on political economy , property was considered
simplistic. Socialist property was presented as an economic phenomenon , which automatically does
all employees own all the means of production . In fact, the property a multifaceted socio economic
phenomenon , covering all aspects of the economic life of society.
Property is a complex and multi level category . At the first level , or on the surface phenomena
property expresses the relationship of man to things , man s power over the thing . This power is
manifested in human capabilities own, manage , use the objects property. Man s relation to things ,
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The, Inherit The Wind, By Jerome Lawrence And Robert E. Lee
Those who have studied history, both in school or professionally, will know that history is just a
transcript of time. In every second, of every minute, of every hour, of every day, change occurs. All
turning points in history, such as the fall of Rome, or the Industrial Revolution, or the Columbian
Exchange, are just periods of time where change was taking place at a quick tempo. The 1920s are
also a turning point in the history of America; in that decade, the United States emerges victorious
from the brutality of World War I, the nineteenth amendment that allows women to vote is ratified,
and social norms are challenged. Those that could adapt to the changing times would flourish in post
war America, whereas those that could not depart ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The aversion the citizens have for Drummond is overturned, however, when Drummond exposes
Brady s reluctance to compromise and embrace advancement. Brady claims that the Bible should be
analyzed literally, so, to counter him, Drummond brings up several examples from the Bible that are
not scientifically possible, and rather than accepting that some of his viewpoints may have been
outdated by science, Brady resolutely forges forth with his interpretation of the Bible. His focus on
following his disproven ideals against logic ruins his credibility and, as a result, he is somewhat
shunned. The play s stage directions after Brady becomes discredited state, DRUMMOND moves out
of the courtroom, and most of the crowd goes with him; Reporters cluster tight about DRUMMOND,
pads and pencils hard at work. BRADY sits, ignored, on the witness chair... (Lawrence and Lee 102).
The inhabitants of Hillsboro start to side more with Drummond because he shows that he is open to
differing viewpoints and change. (Drummond isn t completely against the Bible, he states, The Bible
is a book. A good book. But it s not the only book (Lawrence and Lee 98).) Eventually, the jury also
determines that Drummond s logic and incorporation of new ideas is more logical than Brady s refusal
to accept any new theories. They determined that Cates was guilty because he does teach evolution,
but they only gave him a small fine, which shows their support for the progressive
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Onychomadesis Research Paper
Onychomadesis is the separation of the nail plate from the nail bed. It can often look like a more
severe case of Beau s Lines, and leaves the nails with a dull appearance. They will also have white
streaks down the length of them and feel very brittle. There is no discomfort, pain, or swelling with
this disease. A diagnosis is made through examination of the nail plate. The difference between
onychomadesis and Beau s Line s is that there is a complete stoppage of nail production with
onychomadesis. Onychomadesis may be a sign of a greater, underlying problem and is known to be
linked with Hand, Foot, and Mouth disease in children.
Onychomadesis occurs whenever the matrix is damaged and stops producing new cells. Localized
trauma can cause single digit onychomadesis, meaning it only occurs on one nail. Local trauma can be
any damage to the fingernail that harms the matrix. When the matrix is harmed, the fingernails are
unhealthy and will not grow. Multi digit onychomadesis suggests a systemic problem such as fever,
use of drugs, or viral infections (1 MD Edge). This disease can also present itself after chicken pox.
Onychomadesis is cause by a fungus in the family of Moniliacaea (3 Remedy Land).
Diagnosis ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It can also be confirmed through ultrasonography, which is a diagnostic imaging technique utilizing
reflected high frequency sound waves to delineate, measure, or examine internal body structures or
organs (2 Dictionary). This allows physicians to look beneath the proximal nail fold. Another way of
diagnosing onychomadesis is to scrape the nail and test the sample for the fungus mentioned in
paragraph two (3 Remedy
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How To Write A Forensic Investigation Essay
Abstract Law enforcement agencies have relied on forensic art as one of their investigation methods
for many years. The job of a forensic artist is quite difficult because he or she must reconstruct an
image of an individual based on just hearsay and memory from another individual. The purpose of this
study is to research forensic artists, also known as sketch artists, and their ability to draw up a suspect
through the information provided by a witness. Interviews on two different forensic artists provide
insight of the duties and hardships a law enforcement sketch artist takes on. The process of how law
enforcement sketch artists are able to recreate the face of another individual, and how that picture can
be a very useful piece of evidence for crime reports will also be addressed throughout the study. This
study is relevant to anthropology because it touches on how how an individual perceives those around
them and forensics itself is also one of the key topics discussed in biological anthropology.
Statement of the Research Question Sketch artists are capable of reconstructing the faces of suspects
by either the detailed information (or lack of detailed information) given to them by those who were at
the scene of the crime, which is quite a challenging task to do. The overall questions I want to address
and answer are how accurate are the artist s sketches and whether or not TV shows and or movies
accurately depict the everyday life of a forensic artist.
Review of
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How Is Elizabeth Bennet Honest
In her novel, Pride and Prejudice, writer portrays Elizabeth Bennet as strong and intelligent,
nevertheless enchanting in a very utterly female way . Elizabeth s possession of those attributes: the
strength of character and ethical integrity, nice intelligence, and an attractive temperament, build her
associate admirable person. Yet Elizabeth has faults, that makes her a lot of humans. Austen s
portrayal of Elizabeth is realistic and masterful, usually juxtaposing her with characters lacking her
attributes to heighten our appreciation of her. The claim that Elizabeth is robust is indisputable. the
facility of her personal integrity is passing evident in her refusal of Darcy s 1st proposal of marriage.
At the time, she believed Darcy to be ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
She continuously tries to restrain Lydia s frivolity and incapability to do what is fitting, or simply
plain properly manners, in what looks to be a dropping battle. When Lydia interrupts Collins
analyzing aloud of a sermon, Elizabeth bids her preserve her tongue. She powerfully feels the
impropriety and shame of Lydia s consistent and avid seeking out of male interest and company. Once
Lydia is invited by way of Mrs. Forster to join the regiment in the city, Elizabeth endeavors to form
her father quit Lydia. not like her father, WHO in no way restrains Lydia however instead enjoys the
sight of her creating a moron of herself, Elizabeth will attempt. She has the ethical electricity to try to
her responsibility through trying to stop the more degeneration of Lydia s temperament and morals,
and therefore the resultant endangering of her family s
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Abuse Of Power In Animal Farm By George Orwell
Orwell s Animal farm is an allegory for the Russian revolution specifically and for a variety of
themes, related to power, oppression and politics more generally. Analyse how the narrative of Animal
farm allegorically depicts George Orwell s views on at least three different themes. This essay will
unpack key themes power; violence and tyranny, a great power imbalance shown throughout the
novel, oppression; How Napoleon used manipulation to get the results he wanted, and politics;
Napoleons control over the intellectually inferior.
Throughout the novel Animal farm George Orwell perfectly displays during Napoleon s rein how
much control he has over the intellectually inferior, evidence of this happening is shown through the
rewriting of the commandments, Napoleon and his pigs are ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
Symbolic of this is the manipulation used by Squealer and his delivery of the threat of Jones return
Surely you do not want Jones to come back Squealer and Napoleon used this fear to manipulate the
animals to get what they wanted. All the animals agreed on the several commandments on the barn
wall when they were first written, through the slow changing of these Napoleon was able to exercise
his authority and make his bad behaviour acceptable. No animal shall drink alcohol in excess
Napoleon used this commandment change to his advantage and make his constant alcohol drinking
acceptable. Squealers speeches are consistently used as a manipulation tool, when Boxer died
Squealer made a stirring speech and promptly reminded all the animals of Boxers two favourite
maxims I will work harder and Comrade Napoleon is always right Squealer uses these statements as
motivation for the animals to want to work harder on the rebuilding of the windmill and other jobs
around the farm to honor their fallen friend unknown to them that they are cunningly being enslaved
by Squealer and
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Value Analysis
The value of a product will be interpreted in different ways by different customers. Value is subjective.
Just as beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder, value is highly dependent upon perspective. Frequently,
the analyst will discover that the different perspectives will lead to conflicting definitions of value.
But usually its common characteristic is a high level of performance, capability, emotional appeal,
style, etc. relative to its cost. This can also be expressed as maximizing the function of a product
relative to its cost:
Value = (Performance + Capability)/Cost = Function/Cost
Value is not a matter of minimizing cost. In some cases the value of a product can be increased by
increasing its ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This is not an absolute rule, but rather an observation of the consumer products market. Few people
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brands would be more popular than it is today. Although the cost contribution of the basic function is
relatively small, its loss will cause
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Measles Immunizations
Measles is a highly communicable disease that has been eliminated from the United States since 2000.
In 2015, the first death in 12 years associated with measles occurred. The recent trend of refusing
vaccines jeopardizes public health in the United States. A literature review was performed to examine
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for their children. Strategies for intervention are proposed, such as elimination of philosophical/belief
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It is important to have systems that are constructed similarly and able to communicate with each other.
Syndromic surveillance has been accepted as a way to monitor disease outbreaks and bioterrorism
attacks (Chen et al., 2010). According to Henning (2004), Syndromic surveillance systems seek to use
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investigation and follow up of potential outbreaks. Additionally, The fundamental objective of
syndromic surveillance is to identify illness clusters early, before diagnoses are confirmed and
reported to public health agencies, and to mobilize a rapid response, thereby reducing morbidity and
mortality (Henning, 2004). Evaluation of the success of this type of surveillance can be monitored
based on the data reported to and archived by the
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Gaga Research Paper
Gaga s fame was accelerating fast. Her hit song Just Dance was released to the radio in 2008, and
received both popular and commercial acclaim. The song was also nominated for a Grammy Award
for best dance recordings. The second single Poker Face , from the album The Fame earned Lady
Gaga even more success. The song topped singles charts in almost every country. The following year,
in 2009, she released the album Fame Monster . Lady Gaga released Paparazzi , and since then
everything had changed for her. It was a single that pushed her into mainstream music. Gaga s single
Poker Face helped kick start an amazing year for her in 2010. That year, singles Bad Romance ,
Alejandro , and a duet with Beyonce Telephone , along with the Monster Ball Tour, put her first with
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This Way soon made it to number one on the charts. Gaga continued to promote Born this Way
throughout 2012, appearing at popular events and on television while continuing her international tour.
Although her tour came to a halt in 2013 when she announced she needed hip surgery. ... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
The album s genre included rock, disco, folk and dance pop. Joanne had an impressive list of
collaborators, including Mark Ronson, Josh Homme, and Florence Welsh. Featuring singles Million
Reasons , Perfect Illusion , and John Wayne , the album debuted top 200 but quickly lost traction. It
wasn t until her Super Bowl Halftime show in February 2017 that set Joanne on the comeback
trajectory. The album Joanne landed at number two and Million Reasons at number four on the Hot
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How To Improve Writing Skills And Speaking Skills In Engl

  • 1. How To Improve Writing Skills And Speaking Skills In Engl 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site HelpWriting.net. The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help from HelpWriting.net, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. How To Improve Writing Skills And Speaking Skills In Engl How To Improve Writing Skills And Speaking Skills In Engl
  • 2. Keirsey Personality Types Please Understand Me II by David Keirsey offers an in depth look into the Keirsey personality types. For the INTJ, this book serves as a helpful and insightful guide to better understand oneself and others; the INTJ can also utilize this text to better emphasize and interact with various types of people. The INTJ s general temperament is a Rational or a NT. Rationals are logical, contemplative, and inquiring people (Keirsey, 1998, p. 164). They want to understand everything, and this mindset often makes them appear uninterested and detached from others. Despite this external appearance, Rationals do care, but they must intentionally focus in order to show their care to others. Overall, NTs are the world s problem solvers who will happily spend ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... For NTs, unity in systems is a two sided matter (Keirsey, 1998, p. 170). Rationals arrange their world through order and organization. Order determines what things are higher or lower and before and after each other. A Rational could be compared to a sociologist who is trying for figure out the hierarchy and roles of individual parts of a group. Organization helps NTs understand the parts of a complex system rather than levels and ranks. Rationals strive to make sense of disordered systems by ranking and arranging things into categories and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 3. Male And Female Relationships In Prison It is nothing new that relationships occur within the prisons. This includes male and females. However, the article we read stated that male and female relationships are quite different. For males, these relationships are geared with control and violence, as the females it s quite the opposite. I think that guards should be allowed to encourage familial relationships but not sexual relationships. I m sure that trying to stop family type relationship would provide quite difficult in the first place. Having this kind of structure in prison could be beneficial to those that have never experienced it and would also help some in the rehabilitation process. Sexual relationships in jail would not do any justice towards rehabilitation but would ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 4. Uri Gurvich Born in Israel from Argentine parents and now based in New York, alto saxophonist and composer Uri Gurvich demonstrates a high level of maturity on his new outing, Kinship, the third, and probably the most accomplished, of his career. Gurvich s previous works, The Storyteller and BabEl, were released on John Zorn s Tzadik Records, and with them, he proved to possess the remarkable ability to merge Israeli traditional folk elements with the hard hitting post bop current. Kinship, a very strong and meaningful word, is associated not only with his roots and family (the record is dedicated to his grandmothers) but also to his reliable longtime quartet, whose members: Leo Genovese on piano, Peter Slavov on bass, and Francisco Mela on drums, accompany ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Rich in colors and flying with a 6/8 Latin groove, Dance of the Ñañigos loses the initial Afro Cuban feel when Genovese starts to improvise with a more bluesy feel. Afterward, as the rhythm section sustains the pressure, Gurvich talks overtly, unveiling his sophisticated technique through a well articulated phraseology. The piece doesn t end without a lively conversation between the bandleader and the pianist as they start trading licks. They repeat the trading scene on Hermetos , a vibrant homage to the Brazilian wizard Hermeto Pascoal. A great part of the tracks on the album is heavily influenced by different cultures, roots, and folk traditions. For instance, El Chubut is a politically charged, Latin infused vagary, featuring the voice and words of the special guest, Bernardo Palombo, while Sasha Argov s Im Tirtzi is a tender and popular Israeli love song that fits between a bolero and a jazz standard. Another song composed by Argov, Ha Im Ha Im , is introduced by Slavov s bass licks and boasts the pugnacious musicality of Genovese and Gurvich, who blow everything away with a kick ass attitude and galloping resolution. Twelve Tribes , featuring Mela s chivalrous rhythmic charges in a vamp reserved for his abilities, as well as Blue Nomad are Eastern jamborees offering an array of motivic ideas taken from the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 5. Jim Cullen And The American Dream The American Dream, as defined by Cullen, is starting your goal off with a little and ending with more; it s like a business, you invest in it in order to gain more money. Usually, people will define the American Dream as being able to achieve your goal because everyone is offered opportunities. Cullen does acknowledge that people are born with different opportunities, so he talks about the good life. The good life describes different factors that determine your opportunities. Throughout the other readings, I ve come to find that most authors portray the American Dream as an idea that has died or caused sadness, but could be revived. Everybody defines and accomplishes their American Dream differently; Jim Cullen, the author of The ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Which is not necessarily to say that applied intelligence and effort don t play a role. Hard work may be required, but it is not as difficult to work in a calm area compared to a place where it s hectic and uncomfortable. This is a different category because it shows that looks get more priority than books, but not all the time. This dream guarantees people to have vacations in the beach rather than having to work all the time. It is not as time consuming compared to the first dream. All in all, Cullen describes these two dreams as obvious evidence that they are nowhere near alike, but it falls under the category of, The Dream of the Good Life. Jim Cullen, the author of the American Dream, describes the transition of Puritans wanting to go to heaven to people gambling as a possible necessity for achieving a Good Life. The transition described by Cullen went from people gambling during Sabbath, to taking risks and built up to where people were gambling on a daily basis. The Puritans objected the idea of gambling and thought it was not necessary for them to achieve their good life which was heaven. However, during Sabbath, a day where people did not work because they believed that it was a God of law of God, people had other intentions, Especially because gambling so often took on the Sabbath...people typically ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 6. Park Service Research Paper This year the National Park Service celebrates its 100th anniversary. Their mandate is to conserve the scenery and the natural and historic objects and the wild life therein in an unimpaired condition so that they might be enjoyed by present and future generations. I interviewed Park Service employee Daniel Craighead, an Occupational Safety and Health Specialist, to discuss how occupational safety and training supports the Park Services mandate. You develop occupational safety training policy documents and presentation materials for the National Park Service. What is your background in occupational safety and health? My focus is in training and education of park service employees on the subjects of occupational safety. I have 15 years experience working in occupational safety and health and I am currently pursuing a Master of Public Health in Safety and Occupational Health Management. I also I have a Bachelor s degree in Occupational Safety and Health and certifications ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The eighth park is Tule Springs National Monument, located just north of Las Vegas, Nevada. Tule Springs is a desert wash where visitors can see fossils of Ice Age animals such as bison and mammoth. . What type of writing do use when preparing safety training materials? (4:23) Mostly technical writing style, but that depends upon the materials I am preparing. For education and training, I usually write outlines for PowerPoint presentations. I use an informative style when writing articles for newsletters or news bulletins or when reviewing, revising and writing rules and regulations or policies and procedures. When you are writing safety materials do you think about the appropriate tone for your audience? ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. Organisation Behavier MOTIVATION IN WORKPLACE Faith based International Charity Background This faith based humanitarian organisation based on the philosophy of Islam and Quran that if you save the life of one person; you saved mankind. Therefore, it promotes humanity in its operational areas. However, due to its identity of being an Islamic organisation, the funds are mainly generated through Muslim philanthropists and other means such as Zakat. In essence, Islamic identity has been the motivating factor for generating the resources for programmes to help Muslims rather than employee motivation. Challenges After the earthquake of 2005 in Pakistan, it faced, like many other humanitarian organisations, two types of challenges. One was how to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... One: when a blasphemy case was registered against the leader and second when he died. However in both cases, the management was able to help recover the staff from these shocks. Staff turnover has been reported to be 0% Strategies While discussing how the management keeps the motivation high, staff mentioned two important factors of staff motivation, namely, the decentralization of their management structure and enhanced recruitment and on job learning processes. Lessons Recruitment process must be clean , and there must be continual development and grooming of staff (including the senior management). A healthy organisation is a learning organisation. International Non Government Organisation Background It is an international development charity that works through volunteers. It is one of the largest organisations in the world which facilitates volunteers to work in developing countries on various social and development issues. Currently, it is working with 2,000 skilled professionals in over 40 countries. Challenges The organisation temporarily closed its operations in Pakistan in 2001 2003 due to security reasons after 9/11. However, it retained some administration ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. Statement Of Purpose For Industrial And Systems Engineering Statement of Purpose Everyday, we use a plethora of products. From the toothbrush in the morning, to a fork during lunch and a pillow in the night. They all have one thing in common: they were made by engineers, engineers who have always asked the question How to make products with the highest quality possible with the given resources? This concept has fascinated me from the inception of my college days. This fascination along with my strong academic base makes me want to pursue Industrial and Systems Engineering for my graduate study. Born to a family with a business steeped in management, I was exposed from an early age to the intricacies of trade. Ever since my adolescence, I wanted to see myself as an entrepreneur.I have always wanted to deeply explore the techniques of optimization. For this, I believe one should possess strong analytical ability and problem solving skill, which I believe I possess. I have expertise in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Being exposed to these new fields piqued my interest in the Planning, Production and Control sector. This made me choose Industrial and Systems Engineering as my graduate study course. My enthusiasm towards active participation in college events made me involve in various co curricular activities. I played an integral role in the technical club, SAE CBIT of my institute. I organized various technical events such as AQUABOT in SAE Convention 2012 and ROBO SLAVE in Mechanica 2014. My communication and interactive skills made me a core member in the hospitality committee in SAE Convention 2012. I even participated in blood donation camps and donated my blood several times.These varied involvements honed my interpersonal and leadership skills and instilled in me the importance of hard work to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. Essay on Diagnoses of Patrick Solitano Jr Diagnoses of Patrick Solitano Jr. from Silver Linings Playbook Eddie Ordaz Crafton Hills College Diagnoses of Patrick Solitano Jr. from Silver Linings Playbook The character for whom I ve chosen to do my analyses on is Patrick Solitano Jr. or Pat for short as portrayed in the film. Pat is a former teacher with a likable and inviting personality about him but can be tell by the naked eye he has some issues going on in his head. In the film he has just spent 8 months in a mental health facility and comes to live with his parents. The reason for his 8 month in the mental health facility was him coming home early from work and finding his wife Nikki naked in the shower with the history teacher Doug Culpepper. Seeing that ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Although during most of his life being surrounded by those who are odd and obsessive as he is they were also warm and unembarrassed by his idiosyncrasy. With all of that put into context I believe Pat Jr. has Bipolar I Disorder with mood swings and Delusional Disorder brought on by severe stress but happens rarely. 296.42 Bipolar I Disorder, moderate severity, with mixed features 297.1 Delusional Disorder, Jealous type, First episode, currently in partial remission. Treatment for the Bipolar I Disorder along with Delusional Disorder would be group therapy and family therapy, also finding happiness through new activities and friendships. Possible Medications: Antidepressants, Lithium, Antipsychotics, Anticonvulsants, Symbyax, and Benzodiaphenes. I believe the film did a fairly good job showing the portrayal of Pats disorders with his mood swings to cause him be periodically violent and obsessive attitude toward his ex wife. Pat loves his parents but becomes easily angered or enraged by them as well as other people to go along with his old wedding song becoming a big stressor for him taking him back to the shower incident. He would have benefited from a non stressful familial life and pressure from his parents or peers early in life. He also would have benefitted ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. The United States Constitution And The Rights Of The... The United States Constitution is a document that embodies the fundamental laws and principles by which the United States is governed, sets limits on what the government can and cannot do, as well as defines the natural rights, liberties, and freedoms of American citizens. It is arguably, the most important document ever crafted in American history and the one document that affects every single citizen within the United States every single day. It is thanks to this document that the United States citizens can enjoy the freedoms that they hold today, which are outlined in the bill of rights, as well as ensuring the citizens a fair form of government through a system of checks and balances, which guarantees that the government cannot bare qualities of tyranny, corruption, and ineptitude. For example, natural rights such as the freedom of speech, which is the first amendment in the bill of rights of the constitution, ensures that the citizens of a government have a voice in government policy and procedures by allowing them to participate in political discussion, to voice their opinions through debate, and to express their content or discontent with a government official or policy, as well as laying the foundation for all other freedoms and rights. The Constitution also prevents the government from becoming too powerful or tyrannical through the separation of powers, as well as places limitations on the powers of the government through provisions such as the Establishment ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Similarities Between Tunisia And Egypt Five years after the arab revolutions began, we can observe many differences as well as similarities between Tunisia and Egypt. Tunisia was the first country that started the revolts, and since then has had many successes, including the adoption of a constitution. Despite many of the setbacks, interruptions, and serious crises Tunisia has been through these past few years, as long as they do not have any more upheavals of power, the evidence seems to prove they can transform their government into a more stable democracy. In contrast, Egypt also attempted to become democratic, but soon after reverted back to an authoritarian and oppressive regime that has become increasingly more militaristic, and at the moment it seems that a new attempt of becoming democratic is unlikely to start unless people decide on gathering again and participating in other uprisings. In order to understand why these two countries moved in such opposite directions, the causes of the riots, external pressures, religious influences, civil rights political liberties and current problems. To begin, the author Larry Diamond described democracy as a universal institution among all cultures. Diamond believed democracy was not just a Western ideal, but in fact could be implemented into every culture in the world under the correct circumstances. One of the most important circumstances needed to be in place in order for democracy to thrive is the spirit of democracy, essentially stating that the will of the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Princess Naupaka Research Paper Legends, Myths, and fairy tales are all categories of folklore, but they all have different meanings. Legends are based on history, people embellishing the stories, and people telling them and retelling them differently. Myths are based on religion, supernatural beings, gods and demigods, and also explains natural phenomenon. Fairy Tales are based on magic, good vs. evil, fantastic elements, magical or imaginary creatures, and teaches a lesson or universal truth.The Hawaiians tend to favor legends more because the stories have been passed through many different Hawaiian islands through the years.What values are reflected in this culture s lore and why are they important to the bedrock of the culture itself? This is your thesis statement. You will be proving the importance of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This couple couldn t get married because of their different religions. So Naupaka tore half of her flower in half and gave it to Kauai so he could always remember her. The next day more flowers bloomed and they bloomed in half to resemble their relationship. The flowers got their name from the Princess.This fairy tale reflects on the culture because the flower helps the Hawaiians remember the Princess Naupaka and how this flower was created.The value of this fairy tale is that whenever the Hawaiians look at this flower they think of the relationship of Naupaka and Kauai. Oral tradition contribute to the widespread beliefs in imaginary creatures or magic associated with the Hawaiian culture because they have to believe the people that were in the princesses generation because they don t have the technology like we do today to look up the truth of the fairy tale. These beliefs were readily accepted by the masses because the Hawaiians wanted to believe the gods rather than not to believe ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Life In Industrialized Cities In The 19th Century All change is hard at first, messy in the middle and gorgeous at the end (Sharma). Change is what helps improve the world we live in. During the Industrial Revolution in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, the way people live was drastically changing. In the beginning, living conditions in cities were terrible, but as regulations were put into effect and as time passed, these living conditions greatly improved. Life in industrialized cities was an improvement over life in the country as a result of the Industrial Revolution because of improvements in transportation, working conditions, and the creation of job opportunities. Improvements in transportation as a result of the Industrial Revolution made life in the cities an improvement over life in the country. In order to further development, more railroads were ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Workers in the cities were unhappy with the working conditions and decided they needed to do something about it: Organized into strong unions and large political parties, workers were able to campaign for changes in the law (Clare 48). Workers were able to unite in the form of unions. These unions fought for better working conditions which led to laws improving working conditions. At first, city life was extremely poor. This was completely changed with new laws and regulations: Laws were passed requiring safety standards in factories, setting minimum age limits for young workers, establishing schools for children whose parents both worked, and creating other standards for the protection of workers (Newton). As a result of poor working conditions, restrictions were created which improved working conditions. This made life in the cities better than life in the country because most of the jobs were located in the cities and these improved working conditions led to better job satisfaction and healthier ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Paul Cézanne Another artist of the Impressionism era that was impacted by the great wave of Japanese artwork was Paul Cézanne. In Cézanne s case, his relationship with Japanese art forms was vague in comparison to the other Impressionists. He was not an avid collector of Japanese prints such as Degas, nor was he privy to the fascination with these unique objects. Cézanne was an artist who admired Puget and Michelangelo for their sculptural volume: he was temperamentally incapable of adopting Japanese prints as his ideal, (Berger 112). Studies have shown that Cézanne paid closer attention to what was going on in the art world than his counterparts, therefore, it is hard to determine how Cézanne could have possibly overlooked Japanese art (Berger 113). ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Looking at figure 8, the spectator can notice the rocky massif emerging in its basic forms, increasingly grand, looming majestic, as the emphasis shifts away from the foreground and towards a surface tissue of color, (Berger 113). Cézanne studied this mountain copiously, the theme allowed him to take notice of new pictorial motifs, and Japanese art showed him the possibility of what may be called free scale , in which above and below, before and behind, large and small, become fluid, interchangeable, freely recombinable, as elements of the formal design, (Berger 114). Katsushika Hokusai s Mount Fuji in a Storm (Figure 9) was constructed in a similar manner, the inspiration cannot be ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Summary Of Viva La Juicy Perfume English Comp 1 Visual Analysis I have composed this assignment myself without borrowing from others. I have read the syllabus, I understand the definition of plagiarism and the consequences of it, and I realize if I am found to have plagiarized any part of this essay, I will fail the entire course. Viva La Juicy Glacé Viva La Juicy s Glacé perfume ad uses a beautiful, young, blonde woman in a fitted, pink sparkly dress, lying on a background of white roses and pink ribbons to sale the vision of glamour, freshness, and a carefree mood through their perfume. The way the woman in the picture is beautifully portrayed, with all her beauty, glamour, , and also the displaying of the bottle of perfume, shows how this perfume will give the woman wearing it the same life as portrayed in the ad. In the perfume ad by Viva La Juicy, the young woman is adoringly glamorous, from her facial expression to how she is dressed, to the jewelry she wears. Her makeup is soft but accompanied by a bright pink lipstick to match her rosy pink cheeks. Her skin appears soft and flawless, which is enough for any girl to want to run out and buy this scent. The expression on her face is a slight, flirty grin. Her lips are almost puckered. Her soft skin is hugged tightly by the pink, sparkly dress she wears. Wrapping her wrists lie sparkly gold and silver bracelets to accent the sparkles on her dress. She looks straight off the red carpet with how perfect her hair, makeup, body, and outfit is. The ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Steve Jobs Influence Steve Jobs: A Inspiring and Influential Businessman The iPod, iPad, iMac, and iPhone all share one thing in common other than their elegant design. Their creator, Steve Jobs, oversaw the creation of many of these extremely personal and innovative electronics. He thought of technology and devices we did not know we needed or wanted because we never knew they existed. Although he was often called crazy, but his different ideas and rebelling personality drove him beyond what many expected of him as he built Apple and other companies. Steve Jobs is most admired for his co founding of Apple and NeXT, as well as his involvement in Pixar. Jobs is best known for his career at Apple, a company recognized for its beautifully designed electronics. The company started early: Jobs was just 21, [when] he and Wozniak started Apple Computer ( Steve Jobs ). In his own ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... While Apple was focusing on creating electronics anyone could use, he wanted to create a computer company specifically designed for scientists and people in higher education (Lakin 117). Jobs was always known and admired for his great attention to detail. For example, he spent one hundred thousand dollars just to have NeXT s logo created. (Lakin 118). NeXT was not the only company he would become involved in, and Jobs bought Pixar Animation Studios from George Lucas ( Steve Jobs ). He was fascinated with the relationship between their software and hardware, and most of all Pixar s software amazed him . Most importantly, he took Pixar in a different direction, allowing it to become a much more influential, himself a much more influential person as well. Jobs and Pixar would go on to send shockwaves through the entire [animation] industry surprising many with what their technology could do, leaving a lasting impression on filmmakers and what they could achieve (Lakin ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. The Case Of Obergefell V. Hodges The Supreme Court is the highest judicial court in a county or a state and it is the highest federal court in the United States today. Today I will be reviewing the case of Obergefell v. Hodges which was a Supreme Court case about same sex marriage. I will review the justice who wrote the opinion of the court and the justice who wrote the dissenting opinion for this case. The opinion of the court is a statement that is prepared by the court announcing the decision after a case is tried. It includes a summary of the facts, a recitation of the applicable law and how it relates to the facts, the rationale supporting the decision, and a judgment usually presented in writing. In the case for Obergefell v. Hodges the Supreme Court justice that wrote ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Analysis Of The Brain Is Wider Then The Sky The poem The Brain is Wider Then the Sky by Emily Dickinson, written in 1862. Emily Dickinson was a woman who never married. She lived with her parents in Amherst Massachusetts. Emily believed in feminist. She came from a very church going family but as she got older she stopped going to church. She was a very smart woman. She attended college at Amherst Academy. Her father was the founder of Amherst Academy, which today is called Amherst College. Amherst college is still a well know college in Massachusetts. Emily Dickinson started a book club involving multiple friends, as well as her loving attentiveness to individuals in times of both suffering and joy. These inquiries highlight her thoughts on love, marriage, gender roles, art, and death, while unraveling mysteries ranging from legal discourse to Etruscan smiles. In addition to a foreword by Marietta Messmer, the volume includes essays by Paul Crumbley, Karen Dandurand, Jane Donahue Eberwein, Judith Farr, James Guthrie, Ellen Louise Hart, Eleanor Heginbotham, Cindy MacKenzie, Martha Nell Smith, and Stephanie Tingley. One of Emily s favorite books was the bible. She referred back to the bible in a lot of her work. The poem The Brain is Wider Then the Sky can be interpreted in many different ways. If you have knowledge of Emily Dickinson back round you may interpret it differently than others who do not know much about her life and upbringing. This poem is a four line stanza, most of her work was. She would ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. The Prayer Of Jesus And The Deaf Man Who Had A Speech Problem Introduction to Mass: Good morning everyone! I m very pleased that I can celebrate this Eucharist with you. We know that every Mass is a beautiful time of encounter with Jesus when we want to open our ears and eyes and listen to his voice. In today s Gospel Mark will tell us the story of Jesus healing the deaf man who had a speech problem. And we would like to ask the Lord to help us to have eyes that see His gifts, ears that hear His Words, and love to respond. Let us confess our sins... Homily Every miracle that Jesus performed was unique. I think that in today s Gospel we can hear one of the most interesting miracles that Jesus performed. Mark tells us the story of Jesus healing the deaf man who had a speech problem. Jesus compassion is so great that when the man approaches him, He takes the man aside and heals him. And this is the first thing that can be very surprising and unique. But why does Jesus take the deaf man off by himself away from the crowd? It seems that it would be more effective to cure somebody in the presence of others. In this case everyone would be able to see and believe that Jesus Christ is the Messiah, that He is one who is sent from God, that He has divine power. But we see that Jesus thinks in very different way. For him it s not so important human effectiveness but true and dense encounter with a person. The Lord wants to be alone with him, away from the noise and activity of the crowd. He wants to be able to communicate with him in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Compare And Contrast The Yellow Wallpaper And The Painted... Charlotte Perkins Gilman s The Yellow Wallpaper and Sinclair Ross s The Painted Door are both stories about women protagonists who feel emotionally isolated from their husbands, who both go by the name John. Ann in The Painted the Door and the wife whose name may or may not be Jane in The Yellow Wallpaper are women who deal with emotional isolation. Emotional isolation is a state of isolation where one may be in a relationship but still feel emotional separation. In these two stories, both women feel emotionally isolated from their husbands due to lack of communication. In both stories, lack of communication results from one individual failing to disclose their true feelings and instead he or she are beating around the bush, hoping the other party will know what they want. If both parties directly disclose their desires and feelings to one another, there would be a better understanding of each other which as a result would help save marriages. This paper will look at how both women lack communication, how they both their approach their emotional isolation differently, and how their failure to communicate to their husbands and their approach, results in the failure to save their marriage. The Painted Door and The Yellow Wallpaper are stories that show how both women protagonists are emotionally isolated due to their failure to communicate their feelings and desires to their husbands. Instead of direct communication to their husbands, the women find other ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Throughout The History Of Mankind, The Greatest Inventors Throughout the history of mankind, the greatest inventors were the few who paved their own roads to success and thought outside the box. Orville and Wilbur Wright were no exceptions to this. In their quest for manned mechanical flight these two men would shock the world of flight with their new provoking ideas. The wright brothers would go on to design the first sustainable automated craft. The Wright brothers were arguably the greatest innovators of the 20th century and would go on to transform man s dream of flying and have a long lasting effect on flying machines a In 1867 Wilbur wright was born the third of seven wright children. Wilbur was born in Millville Indiana but would not stay for long. Wilbur s father, Milton, was a minister ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... After Orville had dropped out of school the brothers would start the begging s of their innovative careers. In 1889, the brothers opened a printing business. This may not seem like much but they ended up designing and building their own printing press they used for their shop. The wright brothers printing store did well for them they mostly dealt with advertisements and a few newspapers here and there. Despite the success of the store they desired more than printing as it became relatively boring to them. It wasn t the idea of printing that was so exciting it was building the printing press that Orville enjoyed the most. In the 1890s bicycles were starting to get very popular and Orville and Wilbur were infatuated with them. Orville went even as far entering local bike races. The brothers found a new passion and in 1893 they would go on to open their own bicycle shop. This shop mostly sold bicycles but also had a repair shop where they would fix them up if needed. Most of the bikes they sold were bought from outside companies but they would end up making a small amount of them on their own in the shop. The bicycle shop did well enough to relocate to a larger location but 1895. As interested as they were in the bicycle business it wasn t long lived and would end up closing in 1908, During these years working in their bicycle shop is when they really took on their interest in flying. In the 1890s there was a man who would fly gliders by the name of Otto ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Brett Favre Research Paper (Brett Favre) A Living Legend Brett Favre is one of the greatest quarterbacks in the history of professional football. You are judged by winning, and he s won more games than any other quarterback who has ever played. But I will remember him just as well for being such a fierce competitor and outstanding leader. He was the face of the Packers and a great credit to our game. It was an honor to coach against him. (Mike Shanahan, Denver Broncos Head Coach) Brett s passion for the game, and winning history, together earned him the respect of the entire football nation. I am going to give you a summary of this incredible athlete s life, covering both the ups and downs of his bumpy road to success. I am using factual ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Ron Wolf of the Green Bay Packers had a feeling about Brett Favre the next year and pursued the idea of trading for him. When this process was taking place Brett had to pass his physical exam. The doctors told Wolf that Brett would last five years tops, because of a hip condition similar to what took hall a famer Deon Sanders out of the league. Wolf went with his gut feeling and traded first round draft pick Tony Smith for Favre. Brett came to Green Bay still in the shadows as he was backing up starting quarterback Don Magic Man Majkowski at the time. In the third game of the season, Majkowski sustained an injury to a ligament in this foot. Favre trotted onto the Lambeau Field not knowing that this would be one of his numerous come from behind victories. Down 23 17 with 1:07 to go in the fourth quarter, Brett drove the Pack the length of the field, once again throwing the game winning touchdown pass to defeat the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Brett Favre was more than just the starting quarterback in the Green Bay community and organization. He was face of the franchise, and a living legend in the national football league. Before Favre s arrival to Green Bay, The Packers had only five winning seasons between the years of 1968 and 1991. In Brett s sixteen NFL seasons with Green Bay, they recorded just one losing season. With the Packers Brett won three consecutive MVP awards coming in 1994, 1995, and 1996. He was nominated ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Essay about Our Nation s Healthcare System If there s one thing that Democrats and Republicans agree on, it s that our health care system is in shambles. It s the laughingstock of the civilized world, to be perfectly honest. The World Health Organization, part of the United Nations, ranks the United States 37th overall, just ahead of Slovenia and Cuba, and right behind Dominica and Costa Rica. That s right, ladies and gentlemen; the World Health Organization ranks the mighty United States just above communist Cuba. In political science, there is a term called the iron triangle. The best example is the current defense setup in the United States. The three players are the defense contractors, the Department of Defense, and US Senators on defense spending committees. The DoD goes to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... They spent more money than financial institutions, if you can believe it. In total, $542,162,633 was spent on lobbying in Washington. The current proposal by President Obama does not go far enough in addressing the shortfalls of our system. The new proposal must include a public option, one provided by the government. Fear not, Conservatives, the implementation of the public option will not involve a mandate to use the program. When you get sick, which is inevitable given the amount of yelling you do, you won t have to wait in line behind the other six million sick Americans to kiss the President s ring to get your antibiotics. In fact, if implemented properly, it won t change much of anything on your end. Right now, there are very few providers for health insurance in the United States, with many areas having only one option. Blue Cross Blue Shield, Cigna, Humana, and UnitedHealth are some of the largest in the country, and much like the gasoline companies, control most of our fuel resources. The public option is designed to give everyone an option. Essentially, it would be a system that allows the government to offer a health insurance program, not limiting access based on pre existing conditions or current job. Implementing a government run system would drive prices down, as providers would have to bring their prices to a reasonable level. This would largely happen ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Essay Google Glass is an Example of Flawed Technology When you think of technology, you would think of how great it is to exist in a world full of technology, or how great technology is in all its wonders. You imagine what the next advancement of technology would be, or look like. You may probably not be able to imagine the next advancement of technology, as it is already great the way it is. Well, I m sorry to say that technology is not all cupcakes, rainbows, and hugs. If you are a tech lover, please disregard this article. Read at your own will. Also, I would like to clarify that I am not anti technology, but only simply showcasing that other side of technology. The side that is full of flaws that become ways to ruin human life, and the world. Today, I will talk about a new device called ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... When people are wearing their Google Glass in their daily lives (they really do), they forget about their surroundings that lead to misunderstandings. For example, when you are walking down the street with your Google Glass on the corner of your right eye, you stop paying attention to where you are going are getting the latest Twitter, or Facebook notification. Then, you bump into people, and you don t even bother saying sorry, because you are more interested in Lady Gaga s latest Tweet, or that new photo upload from your friend on Facebook that just can t wait. You become so interested in the virtual world that you prioritize it over what constitutes society. You wouldn t care to stop to help that old man that you just tripped after bumping into him. The Internet is just too great to leave it for a moment, and that it is worth being a GLASS h**e to other people. Next, Google Glass equals loss of human interaction. When someone is wearing a pair of Google Glass, it is impossible, and frustrating to have a one on one conversation. It is irritating enough to have people take out their phones, and start typing when you are talking. Imagine when their eyes wander off somewhere, and that they are no longer paying attention to what you have to say. This would only result into further misunderstandings, broken relationships, and bad reputations. Then, we have the factor of mobility that opens even more doors to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Crucible Essay Questions 1. Why has Reverend Parris sent for a doctor as the play begins? What advice does the doctor send back with Susanna Walcott? In the beginning of the play, Reverend Parris sent for a doctor because his niece Betty is sick and won t wake up (in a coma like state). Since the doctor can t find a medical explanation for her illness he tells Susanna Walcott to look for a unnatural reason. 2. About what does Parris question his niece Abigail after Susanna Walcott leaves? After Susanna Walcott leaves, Parris questions his niece Abigail whether her name is the village is white (is her reputation in the village good? white represents purity) and why they were dancing in the forest. 3. What is Parris main concern throughout his conversation with ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 5. What is the rumor regarding what Elizabeth Proctor said about Abigail? The rumor is Elizabeth Proctor said Abigail s soul is tainted. 6. What reason does Abigail give as to why the Proctors dismissed her? Abigail claims the Proctors dismissed her because they wanted a slave and she refused to be treated like a slave. 7. What rumors have circulated the town about Betty Parris? What incident later is used that proves that Betty is a witch? It is being rumored that Betty flew over over the barn. Later, Betty starts screaming when they are singing the psalm because she cannot bear to hear the lord s name. This proves that Betty is a witch. 8. Why does Mrs. Putnam say she contacted Tituba? Mrs. Putnam says she contacted Tituba to find out who is killing her babies and to communicate to her 7 lost children. 9. Why is Thomas Putnam bitter (in general)? Thomas Putnam is bitter because he feels like he isn t getting the respect he deserves. 10. Once Mrs. Putnam admits her request of Tituba, whom does Abigail accuse of conjuring spirits? Once Mrs. Putnam admits her request of Tituba, Abigail accuses Tituba of conjuring ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Special Interest Group--Human Rights Campaign The Human Right Campaign is a group that many are familiar with. This group is commonly associated with their logo, which openly shows their goals and ideals. They work for many things other than this, but their fight for equality is the most commonly talked about. Many of us have probably heard about the HRC through our spam file on our email account. You also may have heard of them through their numerous fights for equality and same sex rights. The Human Right Campaign is a group involved in many things all for a very amazing cause. They work hard for the things they do and achieve their desired results with the help of the community and their sponsors. The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) is a group that works toward equality. Their symbol happens to be a yellow equals sign on a solid blue background. This has also been seen as two different shades of red. These colors are typically associated with love and used when events arise that their needs to be more support of the campaign. This was unveiled when the campaign was appealing to the courts with an equality case. They had a large amount of support from the Facebook and Twitter communities. People with profiles on these websites were asked to change their profile pictures to the red version of their equality logo to show support for LGBT rights in these cases. Their symbol, however, is the blue and yellow sign. This can be seen in many different places, even on cars as bumper stickers! (About Our Logo) The Human Rights ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. My Experience Of Youtube Videos I started off watching YouTube videos of different varieties. I first started with a longer video. I thought that I would try to watch a comedy video to see if I could still catch the jokes that would maybe need a voice inflection with it. It was a lot harder to laugh at the jokes because I couldn t hear the tone of voice that they were using. I found that with all the comedy things I normally would watch, I didn t laugh as much because I couldn t hear the tone of voice. The next video was a beauty hack video. I don t normally watch these types of videos because they are mostly makeup beauty hacks, and I don t wear makeup. But I wanted to see what it would be like if someone who was Deaf wanted to learn beauty hacks. It was pretty hard to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Hulu s captions were pretty good though. I liked how Hulu used periods and dashes for each new person talking. I found that YouTube did not use periods, so it felt sometimes like a long run on sentence. If there were multiple people talking on the YouTube videos it was hard to tell who was talking in the captions. There would be no indicator of who was saying what. The last T.V. show I decided to watch was something completely new. I decided to watch The Golden Girls. I had never seen an episode before so I didn t know what the style of the T.V. show would be like, and I didn t know the characters so I couldn t imagine their voice saying the words like I kind of could with the other videos/T.V. shows. I noticed that when the show was about half way over I couldn t wait for it to be over. I got really annoyed with having to constantly having to read everything or I d be lost as to what was happening. With this show I had to read pretty fast because there were so many characters and they would have line after line. It was a constant looking at the captions and not at the picture. When I normally watch T.V. I don t use captions. I find them annoying if the captions are on and the sound is also on. My eye will go down to the captions and not what is happening. When it was only the captions it was better because the sound was off. But I still got really annoyed having to read everything if I ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Petruchio A Bad Husband In Taming Of The Shrew What character traits make a bad husband? Most would answer someone that is unkind, forceful, impolite, bad with kids, or egotistic. In Taming of the Shrew, readers say that Petruchio is a terrible husband. However, readers do not understand how women were treated in the 1500 s. Petruchio is not a bad husband to Kate, because Petruchio is not forceful, he suffers with her, and shows Kate her true worth. Petruchio is not an awful husband, because he is not forceful. Many things have changed since 1500 s, including how husbands treat their wives. Throughout the story, readers will undergo pity for Kate and it is difficult not to. Her spouse married her for her dowry, and he does not rightly love her. However, most 1500 s marriages were this way. The husband was forceful and married for personal advancement. Most marriages of the time were of necessity, not love (Pearson 2). Some may claim that ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Growing up, Kate was recognized as Bianca s bizarre sister. With Petruchio, she is shown her worth. She is now known as Petruchios affectionate wife. Her entire life she was compared to a girl who was flawless. Being compared to Bianca causes her to become shrewish. Kate is not Bianca; however, she does not deserve the treatment she recieves. Kate is surrounded by men that want to sell her off, so they can grab the real prize, which is Bianca. Baptista acts as a bidder and tries to get rid of his bad good before he sells his top prize. Baptista allows people to talk disgustingly about Kate. Petruchio takes her in and shows her that somebody does want her. Petruchio plays games with her to show her that she can be an intelligent and devoted wife. Petruchio plays the director and shows Bianca that she is a bright woman that can play any role that her husband requires her to play. Kate is not bound to being Baptista s hideous daughter. Kate can be free with Petruchio. She is shown her full ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Educational Potential Underachievement, And Cultural... The paper, Educational Potential, Underachievement, and Cultural Pluralism by Donald Gillies seeks to address on issue of underachievement in modern educational and political discourse and argues on the critique and views of the discourse of underachievement among researchers in their works. It is also clear from the abstract stated by author that this is important issues as the term of underachievement widely used but highly problematic, masking the ideological assumptions which concern socially constructed, culturally sensitive, subjective, and relative matters.The author starts with introduction to underachievement issue with several views and argument from researchers. Underachievement is one of concern issue of educational in public discourse. According to Whitmore (1980), underachievement have ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... However, there are also several definition of teaching given by various psychologists. Wells (1982) defined teaching as an activities involving teachers to explain, deduce, question, motivate, keep record of students works and etc. Edmund Amidon has defined teaching as an interactive process between teacher and students in an activities which involve classroom talk while Greens state that teaching is a task performed by a teacher for the development of a child. Alberta Teachers Association (2012) also have defined teaching as a specialized application of knowledge, skills and attributes which have been developed to provide unique service to meet the educational needs in person and society. Basically, the responsibility of the teaching profession is to choose learning activities, provide students with learning opportunities, develop the values and guide them in their social relationship to meet the goals of education in school. That is why the direct interaction between teachers and students plays an important element in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Philips vs Matsushita N.V. Philips (Netherlands) and Matsushita Electric (Japan) are among the largest consumer electronics companies in the world. Their success was based on two contrasting strategies #8211; diversification of worldwide portfolio and local responsiveness for Philips, and high centralization and mass production for Matsushita. Royal Philips Electronics of the Netherlands began as a small light bulb factory in Holland, and by the turn of the century, was one of the largest producers in Europe. One product focus made Philips a leader in industrial research which stimulated product innovation. Consequently, product line was broadened significantly and the flow of exciting new products and ideas continued through the years. Limited domestic ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... By the 1990s Philips s functional capabilities were unable to meet the Japanese competition. Its technical capabilities had been weakened by the failure of its attempt to commercialize a new video product on its own, the CD interactive (CD i). Philips could no longer commercialize major new consumer electronics products. The Japanese first movers and followers completely dominated electronics market worldwide. By then only Japanese companies had the integrated technical and functional capabilities required to commercialize products of new technologies. By the end on the twentieth century Matsushita Electric became a large diversified industrial group. Yet it faced severe financial troubles and became a takeover target. In 2000, new CEO Nakamura reorganized management and placed the company s 30 divisions into four distinct groups with centralized research and development. With Matsushita in charge of R D allocation, it was able to direct more funds to key growth areas. Other reorganization actions were undertaken to improve Matsushita position, by nothing turned the situation around. Philips also carried out a major restructuring program trying to return it to a healthy footing, simplifying its structure and reducing the number of business areas, but failed. The root to both companies #8217; misfortune was the change in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Chinese Politics And Comparative Communist Systems Essay A Party State exists when the party and the state are interconnected within the state s leadership, organizations, and society from the top down. Sujian Guo states in his book Chinese Politics in Comparative Communist Systems, The existence of the party state and the blending of the political and administrative functions is one of the distinctive characteristics of the communist system world wide (Guo 9). These Party State Relations occur in all communist countries. There are many key features of Party State Relations. Firstly, the members of the controlling party (China Communist Party) have a key role in political decisions. The party holds major influence in major political appointments, promotions, and dismissals of the members of the legislature, the state administration, and the judiciary. This influence allows the party to maintain control over the goals and actions of the government and to ensure that they aligned with that of the controlling party. Another key feature of the Party State relations is that the parties infiltration of the government allows them to make decisions in all of the state affairs and institutions because they are led by the party leaders. The Party State has officials covering all areas of the government, such as; ministers, state presidents, presidents of parliament and judiciary, officers in the military, the police, etc. The number of positions held by party leaders creates a strong control over the different divisions of the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Alfred Hitchcock s Motion Picture Psycho Alfred Hitchcock s motion picture Psycho, released in 1960, contains peculiar placement of predatory birds and other fowls with corresponding lines regarding birds from Norman Bates, the primary antagonist. Throughout the movie, various references concerning birds are can be drawn through the use of bird s eye view camera angle, location names, and character names. As the movie begins, the first camera angle used is bird s eye view. Viewers venture, bird like, into Marion Crane s apartment complex where she and her lover, Sam Loomis, are conversing about their desire to get married. Marion s last name, Crane, seems to symbolize her character in a physical way like an actual crane: migratory and defenseless. Like the crane resides in a typically marshy area, Marion s eventual final resting place is in a marshy swamp near the Bates Motel. After Marion steals $40,000 from her employer s client to pay off Sam s debt, she runs away from her home, Phoenix. Like the mythological bird, the city of Phoenix comes to represents Marion s death and rebirth as she leaves her innocent secretarial job behind for a better life with Sam. Although these references to birds are subtle and can remain unnoticed, there are other references in the movie that are entirely noticeable. In this film, the reference to birds in the parlor and the motel room serve as a visual motif for Norman s conflict with his mother, other women, and himself. The most obvious reference to birds takes place in the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. The Executive Branch Of Government Essay In the United States, the executive branch of government is comprised of the President, Vice President, and the Cabinet. In addition to acting as the head of government the President acts as the Commander in Chief and the head of state. Article II of the Constitution established the general responsibilities and limits of the President. However, over time the power in the hands of the chief executive has expanded. While the United States executive branch, more specifically the President, has a substantial amount of power democracy is still upheld. The chief executive has many responsibilities which require him or her to be responsible and act quickly and decisively (Ethridge and Handelman pg. 195). One function of the chief executive is diplomacy meaning being in charge of the communications and negotiations between national leaders regarding foreign policy (Ethridge and Handelman pg. 541). The chief executive is responsible for being a leader in times of crisis. Given their power, they are able to make decisions and plan government activities quickly. An example of this would be President Obama s use of drones to kill terrorists. Budget formulation is in the hands of the chief executive to prevent overspending. This responsibility also gives central control to the chief executive to make sure that money is spent fairly. It would be irresponsible to allow legislators to decide who gets what, when they have ties to their constituents. Another important role of the chief ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Property Rights and the Economic System The property occupies a central place in the economic system . It is associated with: 1) the purpose and functioning of the economic system ; 2) economic way to connect employees with the means of production ( as with his or foreign ); 3) forms of production and distribution, exchange and consumption of the results of labor ; 4) The social structure of society , certain groups , classes and strata in society; 5 ) the nature of work incentives . Property relations form all other kinds of economic relations are the backbone and so basic. Enhanced the importance of the problem of property in connection with the transition to a market economy , as it is the foundation of the property becoming a new economic organization of society. Therefore, economic reform must begin with the transformation of property relations. In Soviet economic literature , including textbooks on political economy , property was considered simplistic. Socialist property was presented as an economic phenomenon , which automatically does all employees own all the means of production . In fact, the property a multifaceted socio economic phenomenon , covering all aspects of the economic life of society. Property is a complex and multi level category . At the first level , or on the surface phenomena property expresses the relationship of man to things , man s power over the thing . This power is manifested in human capabilities own, manage , use the objects property. Man s relation to things , being ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. The, Inherit The Wind, By Jerome Lawrence And Robert E. Lee Those who have studied history, both in school or professionally, will know that history is just a transcript of time. In every second, of every minute, of every hour, of every day, change occurs. All turning points in history, such as the fall of Rome, or the Industrial Revolution, or the Columbian Exchange, are just periods of time where change was taking place at a quick tempo. The 1920s are also a turning point in the history of America; in that decade, the United States emerges victorious from the brutality of World War I, the nineteenth amendment that allows women to vote is ratified, and social norms are challenged. Those that could adapt to the changing times would flourish in post war America, whereas those that could not depart ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The aversion the citizens have for Drummond is overturned, however, when Drummond exposes Brady s reluctance to compromise and embrace advancement. Brady claims that the Bible should be analyzed literally, so, to counter him, Drummond brings up several examples from the Bible that are not scientifically possible, and rather than accepting that some of his viewpoints may have been outdated by science, Brady resolutely forges forth with his interpretation of the Bible. His focus on following his disproven ideals against logic ruins his credibility and, as a result, he is somewhat shunned. The play s stage directions after Brady becomes discredited state, DRUMMOND moves out of the courtroom, and most of the crowd goes with him; Reporters cluster tight about DRUMMOND, pads and pencils hard at work. BRADY sits, ignored, on the witness chair... (Lawrence and Lee 102). The inhabitants of Hillsboro start to side more with Drummond because he shows that he is open to differing viewpoints and change. (Drummond isn t completely against the Bible, he states, The Bible is a book. A good book. But it s not the only book (Lawrence and Lee 98).) Eventually, the jury also determines that Drummond s logic and incorporation of new ideas is more logical than Brady s refusal to accept any new theories. They determined that Cates was guilty because he does teach evolution, but they only gave him a small fine, which shows their support for the progressive ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Onychomadesis Research Paper Onychomadesis Onychomadesis is the separation of the nail plate from the nail bed. It can often look like a more severe case of Beau s Lines, and leaves the nails with a dull appearance. They will also have white streaks down the length of them and feel very brittle. There is no discomfort, pain, or swelling with this disease. A diagnosis is made through examination of the nail plate. The difference between onychomadesis and Beau s Line s is that there is a complete stoppage of nail production with onychomadesis. Onychomadesis may be a sign of a greater, underlying problem and is known to be linked with Hand, Foot, and Mouth disease in children. Causes Onychomadesis occurs whenever the matrix is damaged and stops producing new cells. Localized trauma can cause single digit onychomadesis, meaning it only occurs on one nail. Local trauma can be any damage to the fingernail that harms the matrix. When the matrix is harmed, the fingernails are unhealthy and will not grow. Multi digit onychomadesis suggests a systemic problem such as fever, use of drugs, or viral infections (1 MD Edge). This disease can also present itself after chicken pox. Onychomadesis is cause by a fungus in the family of Moniliacaea (3 Remedy Land). Diagnosis ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It can also be confirmed through ultrasonography, which is a diagnostic imaging technique utilizing reflected high frequency sound waves to delineate, measure, or examine internal body structures or organs (2 Dictionary). This allows physicians to look beneath the proximal nail fold. Another way of diagnosing onychomadesis is to scrape the nail and test the sample for the fungus mentioned in paragraph two (3 Remedy ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. How To Write A Forensic Investigation Essay Abstract Law enforcement agencies have relied on forensic art as one of their investigation methods for many years. The job of a forensic artist is quite difficult because he or she must reconstruct an image of an individual based on just hearsay and memory from another individual. The purpose of this study is to research forensic artists, also known as sketch artists, and their ability to draw up a suspect through the information provided by a witness. Interviews on two different forensic artists provide insight of the duties and hardships a law enforcement sketch artist takes on. The process of how law enforcement sketch artists are able to recreate the face of another individual, and how that picture can be a very useful piece of evidence for crime reports will also be addressed throughout the study. This study is relevant to anthropology because it touches on how how an individual perceives those around them and forensics itself is also one of the key topics discussed in biological anthropology. Statement of the Research Question Sketch artists are capable of reconstructing the faces of suspects by either the detailed information (or lack of detailed information) given to them by those who were at the scene of the crime, which is quite a challenging task to do. The overall questions I want to address and answer are how accurate are the artist s sketches and whether or not TV shows and or movies accurately depict the everyday life of a forensic artist. Review of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. How Is Elizabeth Bennet Honest In her novel, Pride and Prejudice, writer portrays Elizabeth Bennet as strong and intelligent, nevertheless enchanting in a very utterly female way . Elizabeth s possession of those attributes: the strength of character and ethical integrity, nice intelligence, and an attractive temperament, build her associate admirable person. Yet Elizabeth has faults, that makes her a lot of humans. Austen s portrayal of Elizabeth is realistic and masterful, usually juxtaposing her with characters lacking her attributes to heighten our appreciation of her. The claim that Elizabeth is robust is indisputable. the facility of her personal integrity is passing evident in her refusal of Darcy s 1st proposal of marriage. At the time, she believed Darcy to be ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... She continuously tries to restrain Lydia s frivolity and incapability to do what is fitting, or simply plain properly manners, in what looks to be a dropping battle. When Lydia interrupts Collins analyzing aloud of a sermon, Elizabeth bids her preserve her tongue. She powerfully feels the impropriety and shame of Lydia s consistent and avid seeking out of male interest and company. Once Lydia is invited by way of Mrs. Forster to join the regiment in the city, Elizabeth endeavors to form her father quit Lydia. not like her father, WHO in no way restrains Lydia however instead enjoys the sight of her creating a moron of herself, Elizabeth will attempt. She has the ethical electricity to try to her responsibility through trying to stop the more degeneration of Lydia s temperament and morals, and therefore the resultant endangering of her family s ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Abuse Of Power In Animal Farm By George Orwell Orwell s Animal farm is an allegory for the Russian revolution specifically and for a variety of themes, related to power, oppression and politics more generally. Analyse how the narrative of Animal farm allegorically depicts George Orwell s views on at least three different themes. This essay will unpack key themes power; violence and tyranny, a great power imbalance shown throughout the novel, oppression; How Napoleon used manipulation to get the results he wanted, and politics; Napoleons control over the intellectually inferior. Throughout the novel Animal farm George Orwell perfectly displays during Napoleon s rein how much control he has over the intellectually inferior, evidence of this happening is shown through the rewriting of the commandments, Napoleon and his pigs are ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Symbolic of this is the manipulation used by Squealer and his delivery of the threat of Jones return Surely you do not want Jones to come back Squealer and Napoleon used this fear to manipulate the animals to get what they wanted. All the animals agreed on the several commandments on the barn wall when they were first written, through the slow changing of these Napoleon was able to exercise his authority and make his bad behaviour acceptable. No animal shall drink alcohol in excess Napoleon used this commandment change to his advantage and make his constant alcohol drinking acceptable. Squealers speeches are consistently used as a manipulation tool, when Boxer died Squealer made a stirring speech and promptly reminded all the animals of Boxers two favourite maxims I will work harder and Comrade Napoleon is always right Squealer uses these statements as motivation for the animals to want to work harder on the rebuilding of the windmill and other jobs around the farm to honor their fallen friend unknown to them that they are cunningly being enslaved by Squealer and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Value Analysis VALUE ANALYSIS THE CONCEPT OF VALUE The value of a product will be interpreted in different ways by different customers. Value is subjective. Just as beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder, value is highly dependent upon perspective. Frequently, the analyst will discover that the different perspectives will lead to conflicting definitions of value. But usually its common characteristic is a high level of performance, capability, emotional appeal, style, etc. relative to its cost. This can also be expressed as maximizing the function of a product relative to its cost: Value = (Performance + Capability)/Cost = Function/Cost Value is not a matter of minimizing cost. In some cases the value of a product can be increased by increasing its ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This is not an absolute rule, but rather an observation of the consumer products market. Few people purchase consumer products based on performance or the lowest cost of basic functions alone. When purchasing a product it is assumed that the basic function is operative. The customer s attention is then directed to those visible secondary support functions, or product features, which determine the worth of the product. From a product design point of view, products that are perceived to have high value first address the basic function s performance and stress the achievement of all of the performance attributes. Once the basic functions are satisfied, the designer s then address the secondary functions necessary to attract customers. Secondary functions are incorporated in the product as features to support and enhance the basic function and help sell the product. The elimination of secondary functions that are not very important to the customer will reduce product cost and increase value without detracting from the worth of the product. The cost contribution of the basic function does not, by itself, establish the value of the product. Few products are sold on the basis of their basic function alone. If this were so, the market for no name brands would be more popular than it is today. Although the cost contribution of the basic function is relatively small, its loss will cause ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Measles Immunizations Abstract Measles is a highly communicable disease that has been eliminated from the United States since 2000. In 2015, the first death in 12 years associated with measles occurred. The recent trend of refusing vaccines jeopardizes public health in the United States. A literature review was performed to examine elements of this topic; to include modeling of risks for reemergence of this endemic, examination of the vaccine manufacture process and the reasons why parents are choosing to decline immunizations for their children. Strategies for intervention are proposed, such as elimination of philosophical/belief based exemptions and fines, as well as addressing and tracking rising diseases as bioterrorism is tracked. The Center for Disease ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It is important to have systems that are constructed similarly and able to communicate with each other. Syndromic surveillance has been accepted as a way to monitor disease outbreaks and bioterrorism attacks (Chen et al., 2010). According to Henning (2004), Syndromic surveillance systems seek to use existing health data in real time to provide immediate analysis and feedback to those charged with investigation and follow up of potential outbreaks. Additionally, The fundamental objective of syndromic surveillance is to identify illness clusters early, before diagnoses are confirmed and reported to public health agencies, and to mobilize a rapid response, thereby reducing morbidity and mortality (Henning, 2004). Evaluation of the success of this type of surveillance can be monitored based on the data reported to and archived by the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. Gaga Research Paper Gaga s fame was accelerating fast. Her hit song Just Dance was released to the radio in 2008, and received both popular and commercial acclaim. The song was also nominated for a Grammy Award for best dance recordings. The second single Poker Face , from the album The Fame earned Lady Gaga even more success. The song topped singles charts in almost every country. The following year, in 2009, she released the album Fame Monster . Lady Gaga released Paparazzi , and since then everything had changed for her. It was a single that pushed her into mainstream music. Gaga s single Poker Face helped kick start an amazing year for her in 2010. That year, singles Bad Romance , Alejandro , and a duet with Beyonce Telephone , along with the Monster Ball Tour, put her first with the public. In 2011, singles Judas , Born This Way , and Edge of Glory all reached top ten, and Born This Way soon made it to number one on the charts. Gaga continued to promote Born this Way throughout 2012, appearing at popular events and on television while continuing her international tour. Although her tour came to a halt in 2013 when she announced she needed hip surgery. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The album s genre included rock, disco, folk and dance pop. Joanne had an impressive list of collaborators, including Mark Ronson, Josh Homme, and Florence Welsh. Featuring singles Million Reasons , Perfect Illusion , and John Wayne , the album debuted top 200 but quickly lost traction. It wasn t until her Super Bowl Halftime show in February 2017 that set Joanne on the comeback trajectory. The album Joanne landed at number two and Million Reasons at number four on the Hot ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...