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Expository Paragraph. Ho
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😂How To Write A Good Expository Paragraph. Ho 😂How To Write A Good Expository Paragraph. Ho
The Liana White s Murder Case
On July 12, 2005, Liana White, wife and mother, disappeared in northern Edmonton. At 5:45 am that
morning a woman called to report an abandoned car, left open with personal effects, including Mrs.
White s licence, scattered around it (Edmonton Journal, 2007, para. 2, 4). The next day her husband,
Michael White, made a public plea for his wife s return as they continued searching for her
whereabouts (Harding Shaw, 2005, Timeline of Events, para. 3). By July 14, Michael had become a
suspect and the police were all too happy when he decided to lead a search party of his own, in the
hopes that, if Michael was in fact the reason for Mrs. White s disappearance, he would lead them right
to her (Edmonton Journal, 2007, A Turning Point., para. 14). ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
In 2000 Michael had to payout $34,000 to the government for crashing a car, two years earlier, on an
Edmonton military base. Since then they have continued to have financial troubles with $336,000
worth of outstanding debt for their two vehicles and housing mortgage (para. 10, 11). This could have
created some anger or frustration in Michael since society has an exceedingly patriarchal mindset and
he may have experienced feelings of failure, not living up to set gender roles in providing for the
family. If he believed in the cultural values of male dominance, than having debt, and for so long
could have been a catalyst. Slowly, knowing that he was not performing well at providing for his
family, Michael may have been becoming increasingly dissatisfied until he finally decided to take
action. It has been shown that men resort to violence as a resource to re establish order in situations
where it has been disrupted, in a way to avoid endangering their male status (Brookman, 2005, p.
152). Similarly, it has been shown that communities with male dominant norms have presented higher
rates of spousal assault than areas where men and woman are equal (Pozzulo, Bennell, Forth, 2015, p.
356). So Michael White s actions could partially be explained by him trying to regain status in his
house by showing control over his wife when he could not control their debt. It renewed his sense of
power when he was losing it
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Essay about The New Trade Theory
New Trade Theory
The new trade theory began to emerge in the 1970s when a number of economists pointed out that the
ability of firms to attain economies of scale might have important implications for international trade
(Wickramasekera, Cronk Hill 2013). This theory is based on two major concepts that are economies of
scale and first mover advantage. To elaborate: Economies of scale are unit cost reductions associated
with a large scale of output as it is able to spread over the fixed costs over a large volume of quantity
(Wickramasekera, Cronk Hill 2013 p90). First mover advantages are the economic and strategic
advantages that accrue to early entrants into an industry and the ability to capture scale economies
ahead of later ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Further more, with other benefits such as low costs in research and development, strong clinical
research capabilities, and low sovereign risk, Australia is advancing as one of the most prominent
players in the pharmaceutical industry (Productivity Commission 2003). Australia s population
represents 0.3% of the world s population and consumes around 1% of the total global pharmaceutical
sales. The industry generated a total revenue of $6.1 billion in the year 2002 (ALRC 2014).
The research and development of the pharmaceutical industry is very important as the industry relies
on it to develop new products to maintain and sustain the growth of the industry (ALRC 2014).
According to the Australian Government Law Reform Commission, every year, the total spending in
research and development in pharmaceutical industry, which includes drug discovery, pre clinical
testing and clinical trials on drugs is around $300 million (ALRC 2014). Mergers and acquisitions are
intensifying in the global pharmaceutical industry, especially over the last 10 years. With factors like
exorbitant research and development costs, the relatively shorter product life cycles, and the rarity of
discovering a new life changing drug acting as catalysts, leading pharmaceutical companies now have
more cause to step out and look for external collaboration. This results in an increasing number of
smaller biotechnology companies merging with bigger pharmaceutical companies (The
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Death with dignity Essay
Dying With Dignity
On Tuesday, March 24, an elderly Oregon woman, acting with the aid of a doctor, dosed herself with
potent chemicals and died. The woman had lived with breast cancer for more than 20 years. By all
accounts her final hours were private and peaceful, as she became one of the first people in American
history to end her life lawfully with the aid of a physician (Oregonian A1).
She was able to end her life peacefully due to controversial legislation passed in her state. The Death
with Dignity Act was passed by the state of Oregon in 1994. It allows physicians to prescribe a lethal
dose of medication so that a terminally ill patient can end his or her life. The requirements set forth by
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Jones. In his dissent, he stated, It does not violate the Controlled Substances Act s nonpreemption
provision. It neither exceeds the Attorney General s statutory authority under the Controlled
Substances Act (The Federal Register 12). Therefore, this action would be detrimental to all those who
do not choose to wait for death. In November of 2004 Ashcroft appealed to the Supreme Court and
they will hear the case later this year. It is likely the Supreme Court will interpret the regulations in
accordance with the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals but if it fails to do so Oregon will be forced to repeal
the statute.
This law has brought peace to 171 terminally ill and suffering individuals in a very painless and
humane manner. Only 3 of the 43 patients experienced complications in 2003. The only complications
reported in these 3 cases were vomiting. One half of all patients became unconscious within four
minutes of ingesting the lethal medication and all died within 20 minutes. The range of time from
ingestion to death was five minutes to 48 hours (Sixth Annual Report T3.9).
Physician assisted suicide accomplishes much more than ending suffering before death. The right is of
the individual and should be respected by our government. It is a fundamental freedom that we all
should have. It allows a person to die with dignity and prevents the illness from killing them before
they die. The Death with Dignity Act is very similar to other forms of euthanasia
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Biography of Eugene O Neil Essay
Biography of Eugene O Neil Eugene O neill Through poverty and fame, An artist or nothing (Miller
p6), was the motto of a man named Eugene O Neill, who wrote from his soul in an attempt to find
salvation. In the year 1888, the Barrett House hotel in Time Square, New York saw the birth of a man
who would be called the greatest American playwright. His father James, was an actor, and was
famous across the United Sates for his role in the popular play Monte Cristo. Eugene s mother was a
beautiful woman named Ellen who was also gifted with a great artistic talent. Through out his life, he
would travel all over the world, marry three women, have three children, and write some of the best
American Drama that would ever be written. Much of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
His problems, arose when he entered into Princeton University in 1906. He held strongly to the
philosophy of all play and no work (Miller p4), and he was eventually suspended. This was because he
was caught by the yard master breaking power cables and windows in the University train station. His
suspension was to last only for two weeks but he never returned to campus. Officially he was expelled
from the school for poor academic standing. Eugene moved into a New York apartment with his friend
Frank Best after leaving Princeton. He held a trivial job as secretary to the president of a small
shipping company. He spent his earnings and his father s allowance on wild living, he met James
Findlater who was to become his best friend and bases for the character Jimmy Tomorrow from
Iceman Cometh and was the same character in Tomorrow which was one of O Neil s only short
stories. James would eventually introduce Eugene to Kathleen Jenkins, the daughter of a wealthy New
York business man. Her parents objected to any marriage taking place and so did his. They would
eventually elope though in the fall of 1909 when Eugene discovered his father was sending him to
Honduras to look for gold. Fourteen days after the wedding, Eugene found himself in Mexico where
he ended his journey south due to a tough battle with Malaria. He would return to New York after his
recovery, but still refused to live with his wife. He took up a job with his father s acting troop but
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A Clean Well-Lighted Place Response
The short story A Clean Well Lighted Place , by Ernest Hemingway was nothing more than a plotless
story. Although there was lack of plot, in my opinion, the author s used several languages to get
through his audience such as myself. Through much of the story the author was able to make more
than just one detail jump out to me as the reader. First, Hemingway allowed me to see the distinction
between the older and younger waiter. Secondly, I was able to see how Hemingway portrayed his
literary devices such as symbolism and irony through the character s behavior and mannerisms.
Another thing that drew me in as a reader was how the author marks the many themes that could be
interpreted such as the theme of nonexistence and night time. Fascinating enough that wasn t the only
theme I was able to analyze through my reading of, A Clean Well Lighted Place . There were themes
of the dominant and overwhelming sense of the word nada which was a very repetitive word
throughout the reading. Lastly, the author used themes of mortality, oldness, and lonesomeness with a
simple drawing of an old man whose misery exists beyond his plenty of money. ... Show more content
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After reading the short story we do know that one particular location is at The Café which is ironically
but not always a clean well lighted place. Among other things we know that story is set at a late night
setting and the café is quiet with only the older waiter, younger waiter, one customer, and the old man.
There were many Spanish references so one can assume it s a Spanish café or a café in a Spanish
country but there is a little detail regarding the settings to assume either or. One other delightful detail
was when the older waiter stopped at a bar on the way home but wasn t to his liking again referencing
the authors ironic literacy due to the fact that the bar was well lit, but wasn t clean enough for
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The Philosophy Of Total Quality Management
Total Quality Management (TQM) is the art of managing quality of whole activities of any
organization. TQM is a philosophy and we can say it is also a set of guiding principles that represent
the foundation of a continuously improving organization. It is the application to improve all the
processes within an organization and exceed customer needs issues of customer satisfaction and
guidance on implementing the marketing concept.
Total quality management deals completely with the quality word. It focuses on the quality of
products, quality of services, quality of management of staff, quality of services deliver to patrons and
so on. So the question is arising what is quality? In general terms quality relates to the feature or
characters or value of a product or service or similar offering.
Quality in Academic Library
An ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Attempts to implement TQM regularly fail because top management does not lead and get committed
instead it delegates and pays edge service. Commitment and personal involvement is required from
top management in creating and deploying clear quality values and goals consistent with the
objectives of the organization, and in creating and deploying definite systems, methods and
performance measures for achieving those goals. These systems and methods guide all quality
activities and encourage participation by all employees.
Continuous improvement
Continuous improvement of all activities is at the heart of TQM. it is recognized that customer
satisfaction can only be obtained by providing a high quality product, continuous improvement of the
quality of the product. It is seen as the only way to maintain a high level of customer satisfaction. As
well as recognizing the connection between product quality and customer satisfaction, TQM also
recognizes that product quality is the result of process quality. As a result, there is a focus on
continuous improvement of the organization s processes.
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The True Meaning Of Justice In Plato s The Republic
Philosophers for centuries have deliberated the true meaning of justice and what it means to be a just
human. Is it a social contract made by men? Or is it a virtue possessed by certain people within their
souls? Plato in his book The Republic gives us his view of how justice is a human virtue and extension
of ones soul.
Socrates envisioned a city later called the city of pigs . His idea of an ideal utopia was people living in
constraint of their basic needs. People would lead simple lives and perform tasks they were naturally
good at. This way the whole city would be interdependent on each other, everyone working to their
own and contributing to the economy. Farmers, builders, traders were necessary as their skills would
help people gain the basic needs of life such as food, shelter and clothing. Each person performing one
job would make them specialized in their trade, ensuring production remains at the highest efficiency.
(Plato, the republic, 369 373) Socrates says, And if so, we must infer that all things are produced more
plentifully and easily and of a better quality when one man does one thing which is natural to him and
does it at the right time, and leaves other things. said Socrates. (Plato, the republic, 222)
Socrates does talk about three different classes that include the proletariats, the craftsmen and the
traders who would reside in the city. He believed in absolute simplicity and thought that since
everyone worked towards a common goal, the city would
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The Culture Of The Middle East
It is noted that every Middle Eastern Country are publicly fascinated of the Dabke dance. Each of the
Middle Eastern nation claims they are the best at dancing Dabke. They also claim to have to have
invented the dance (Hussein, 2016). However, there is the truth and reality behind the dance. Dabke is
also referred to as Dabka or even Dabkeh. It is those names that the Middle Eastern people refer to the
actual dance that is normally used by different dialect. The dance is universal irrespective of someone
s roots and cultural background. Whether one comes from Iraq, Lebanon, or even Palestine, the dance
is still the same. The term Dabka basically means the act of stomping (Haugbolle, 2010). The dance
found its inception back in the early 1990s before the segmentation of the Middle East took place. The
Middle East was segmented through the colonization process. The colonies were either the French or
the British. The Middle East was a single peaceful land that had a common Dabke art. The Dabke art
was widely used in celebrations, joyful events, at the weddings, at the graduation, and also in
birthdays. Therefore, Dabke was well known to be a tradition that was shared. Meaning the tradition
was not owned by anybody and it originated in the Middle East intended for everyone to celebrate.
The Dabke dance was a Levantine folk dance. Meaning it found its inception from the Middle East
Region. Some of the Middle East Region where the dance originated include; Syria Jordan,
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The Pros And Cons Of Interracial Marriage
By the power vested in me by the supreme Court, Over the objection of the State of Virginia, I
pronounce you man and wife. show words (actual clip?)
Mildred Loving, a 18 year old African American lady and her husband Richard Loving, a 25 year old
white man, were a couple who went against the laws of virginia. Due to the ban on interracial
marriage in their home state of Virginia. They got married in the state of Washington D.C on June 2,
1958. They returned back to their hometown in Virginia as soon as the marriage was official and
licensed their certificate on their bedroom wall. After a few weeks of their marriage, sheriff Garnett
Brooks stormed into the couple s bedroom at two o clock am. He took the couple to jail for violating
the Virginia law which forbade interracial marriage. Richard was bailed out the next day, however,
pregnant Mildred spent nights there. Judge Bazile stated that Almighty God created the races white,
black, yellow, malay and red, and he placed them on separate continents. ... The fact that he separated
the races shows that he did not intend for the races to mix. Show on screen. The couple were given a
choice to either spent one year in jail, or leave the state for 25 years and not to return together. The
couple accepted the plea bargain, and left the state and lived in Washington, D.C. for a time. They had
three children in Washington, Sidney, Donald, and Peggy. Despite the risk, the couple returned and
lived secretly in Virginia. Unhappy
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Double Effect
The objective of this paper is to prove that the Doctrine of Double Effect (DDE), proposed by Saint
Thomas Aquinas, is a valid moral principle. It has been concluded that the DDE is a valid moral
principle as it allows one to justify whether an action will cause two diverse effects and whether the
effects are permissible. It is crucial to establish the validity of the DDE because it has been applied to
defend a significant number of contemporary controversial issues (McIntyre). In order to determine
whether the DDE is a valid moral principle, the definition of the doctrine itself as well as conditions
involved will be demonstrated. In addition, each condition will be applied to differentiate two
examples that result in the same outcomes. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The doctor was aware that his choice would result in the death of one patient. However, the death of
one patient compared to five was able to justify that action. Therefore, the doctors choice of dividing
medication into four equal proportions to save the lives of four out of five patients is able to satisfy all
the conditions of DDE and therefore it is permissible for the doctor to make such a decision.
The doctor s choice in the Organ Shortage scenario is impermissible. From a quantitative point of
view, it may seem the doctor s choice is permissible as it resulted in the death of one patient as
opposed to four. However, the death of the patient is not a side effect of curing the four other patients.
Moreover, the death of the fifth patient has been used as a means to achieve the good end. The doctor
s choice fails to meet the conditions of DDE as the doctor withheld medication from a patient whose
life depended on the medication. Therefore, it has been concluded that the doctor s choice is
The above scenarios may seem identical as the doctor made the decision that was able to save the
greatest number of people. However, it has been identified that the circumstances were different and
As the two similar actions are distinguished, the creditability of the DDE in relation to justifying
controversial issues has been proved. Since the DDE has established a moral
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Pt1420 Project
1st.Name and detailed description of the project. Name of the IFI that handled the project?
The Millennium development goal.
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD): the World Bank. It aims to reduce
poverty in middle income and creditworthy poorer countries by promoting sustainable development,
through loans, guarantees, and non lending including analytical and advisory services.(The Levin
Institute, n.d.).
1. Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger.
2. Achieve universal primary education.
3. Promote gender equality and empower women.
4. Reduce child mortality.
5. Improve maternal health.
6. Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases.
7. Ensure environmental sustainability.
8. Develop a global partnership for development ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
To be more impact full to this project the authority must involve more privet citizen and Privet
Company s to make sure the success of MDG and should not just leave it to the government only.
Negative impacts and how they could have been avoided?
The negative impact is in some region this goal has not left enough people out of poverty. The sky is
to meet millennium goal is pull out the poverty. Poverty is the cause of all the problem.
2nd.Name and detailed description of the project. Name of the IFI that handled the project?
International Development Association (IDA): The IDA was organized by the World Bank in 1960 to
provide additional financial assistance to the poorest developing countries. In order to provide
resources on better terms than those that are available from the World Bank, the IDA provides special
credits. These credits are zero interest loans that have longer payment periods of 35 to 40 years and a
grace period of ten years. These types of loans are offered to the poorest countries to help them pursue
their development goals, sometimes despite disease and conflict.(The Levin Institute, n.d.).
Type of medal: silver medal
Positive impacts and how they could have been even more
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Neil Flambe And The Bard s Banquet Essay
Neil Flambé and the Bard s Banquet
The fifth installment in the Neil Flambé Capers written by Kevin Sylvester, Neil Flambé and the Bard
s Banquet is 310 pages long and was published by Simon Schuster Books for Young Readers, an
imprint of Simon Schuster Children s Publishing Division. It was copyrighted in 2015 by Kevin
Sylvester, and is the first edition. I decided to choose this book because I have read all the other books
in the series, and also because I really like mysteries. Celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay has commented
Good fun on this series.
The protagonist of the book is a talented but cocky teenage chef Neil Flambé, who has a super
sensitive nose. Because of this, Neil has been dragged into a number of cases involving food, with
most of them involving near death experiences. He runs a restaurant, Chez ... Show more content on
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They find his clothes and some blood in the back of an old theatre. Thinking he is dead, they decide to
pursue the jewel instead. Stumped by the clues, they ask Isabella s friend Rose for help. They find
themselves tangled with centuries old clues about the works of Shakespeare and food. Also looking
for the jewel are the Crayfish brothers and Lord Lane, who staged his own murder to shake the
Crayfish brothers off his tail. Neil and his friends think that they have found the jewel, which is a
signature of William Shakespeare himself, but Rose is captured by Reggie and Ronnie Crayfish. They
save Rose and head to Buckingham Palace to cook a meal for the Queen. Then, Neil realizes that the
real jewel is in an old globe. Opening it, he discovers one of Shakespeare s lost plays, one that Kemp
must have stolen. My final thoughts for this book are that it was a really interesting book. What I liked
most about it was that how the author kept making us think that something else was actually the
solution to the case. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes
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The War Of World War II Essay
World War II is known as the largest and bloodiest war in history. Well over 50 million people died in
the six years of the war claiming the most lives in any war in history. The War consisted of the Allies
and the Axis Powers. The Allies being Great Britain, France, the Soviet Union, The United States, and
China and the Axis Powers being Germany, Japan, and Italy. Despite the many countries that
participated in the war, Germany and the Nazi party were considered to be the main enemy. Many
great battles were fought in WWII and many weapons of warfare were utilized in combat. Million
upon millions of lives were lost to the Second World War. While many believe Hitler and the Nazi
army to be the cause of WWII, there were other events that set the war in motion and caused the rise
of the Nazi army. Many people assume that Hitler and the Nazi party were the only cause of starting
World War II, but there were many other events that took place before World War II. It mainly started
at the end of World War I. Germany realized that they could not win the war against Allies and instead
signed a treaty. With the peace treaty, Germany owed England and France over 10 billion dollars. This
destoyed Germany s economy. Unemployment rose 40% and there was anger and uprising all
throughout the nation. The people of Germany were enraged and distraught with the state of things.
The people of Germany were humiliated by the loss of the war and the payment that was owed due to
the Treaty. Hitler
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Circumplex Model of Marriage and Family Therapy
Circumplex Model of Marriage and Family Therapy Paper
Dindy Williams
APRIL 4, 2011
Sharla Hansen
Circumplex Model of Marriage and Family Therapy Paper
The Circumplex Model of Marriage and Family Systems was developed in an attempt to bridge the
gap between research, theory and practice. The model, together with the assessment tools developed to
use with it, are specially designed to assess the functionality of families and develop a treatment plan.
The hypothesis of the Circumplex Model is that balanced couple and family systems tend to function
better than unbalanced systems.
Cohesion, flexibility, and communication are the three dimensions of the Circumplex model. These
dimensions were the ones most commonly used out of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Roles are shared and rules changed. In the rigid relationship the leader is controlling and makes all the
decisions. Rules do not change. In the chaotic relationship, there is little or no leadership. Decisions
are not well thought out. Roles are unclear.
Communication is the third dimension and is not depicted on the model. It is a facilitating dimension
necessary for facilitating changes in the other two dimensions. This dimension is measured by
listening skills, speaking skills, self disclosure, clarity, continuity tracking and respect and regard.
Balanced family systems have good communication.
Self reporting instruments and rating scales were developed to access the status of couples and
families on the dimensions of the Circumplex Model and to test hypotheses derived from the model
(Olsen, D. H., 2000, May). FACES III is the name of the self reporting instrument.
The Circumplex model can help a large variety of people. It can be beneficial for ethnic and cultural
diversity. If the questions answered on the FACES questionnaire place a couple on the model as an
unbalanced, it doesn t mean they are dysfunctional, as long as all the family members fall into a
similar pattern. The model also maps changes in the family dynamics. Over 250 studies have been
done supporting the hypothesis that balanced systems are more functional that unbalanced systems.
The goal of the family therapist is to help families to
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Types Of Databases By Kazi Rashid Number
All you need to know: Types of Databases By Kazi Rashid number:RAS14002716
September 28
This document contains all the information about the advantages and disadvantages of different
database models.
By Kazi Rashid
Unit 21 Data Analysis and Design
All about Databases
Databases, we use them most of the time in our lives from organising files to storing music on our
What are databases?
Databases are an organised way of storing data.
Before computers many databases were stored in paper folders. The disadvantage of this was that
searching for files was very time consuming.
Now that we have computers life has become much easier for people. We are able to store lots of data
through software, allowing people to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
A simple way to show the uses of flat file databases are using spread sheets. Looking at the table
above the rows contain particular information about the person and the columns contain the different
categories, this is known as the field.
What are the benefits of Flat file databases?
The main benefits of using a flat file data base is that they are easy to setup. This means that you don t
need expert knowledge on PCs to understand how to use them. They are also easy to understand as
they have a simple design and layout. Users can access information from them simply when you have
small amounts of data.
What are the negative of using a flat file database?
One of the main negatives about flat file databases are that data is often repeated as there is no
referential integrity. Referential integrity means that there is a direct link of two different attributes in
a database. This helps the computer understand that certain data does not need to be repeated
continuously. Without this, to be able to change information about a particular person or item, then
you have to update each entry you have made about the item. This can also be very time consuming.
Another negative about flat file databases is that you can make errors that can cause many problems
with finding information. Looking at the example below, this table shows the number of purchases a
single customer has
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Babylon Revisited Thesis
Throughout the time period in which the moderns were coming of age and were bearing the weight of
responsibility from the world around them there were many authors that came forth. One such author
was F. Scott Fitzgerald, who was probably one of the greatest American authors of the twentieth
century. One of his many stories that was of interest within class was Babylon Revisited . Within the
story it goes over the life of a man who has recently come off of being a drunk and is in the midst of
attempting to get his daughter back. He had made the mistake of locking his wife out after a fight
between the two in a bar, and now that she is dead he is blamed for that. His daughter is stuck with her
aunt and now that he is no longer the man he once was he believes he should have his daughter back
and be given another chance. However, it is not the daughter he must convince, rather, he must
convince her now legal ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It has driven decision to be made, has ruined lives, and in some ways explains how we have gotten to
this point in time. One such life that alcohol has ruined in a way was Charlie s, who is the main
character in Fitzgerald s Babylon Revisited . Everything changed for him when his wife died due to
being exposed to the cold night air for an elongated period of time since they had gotten into a fight
when he had found her with a different man. His daughter, Honoria paid the price for his decision of
locking her out, she also paid for all the drinks that he had taken in a way. An innocent girl was
deprived of her father being there for her when she needed him, just because he though getting drunk
was a good idea for a year and a half. It is said that his daughter had grown a lot in 10 months, which
shows that he has not seen her for nearly a year. Losing your children is just one consequence that has
been shown many times throughout history, due to decisions that people have
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Response To Plato s Apology
Plato s Apology is a written dialogue of Socrates and the court in which he is on trial. Socrates is
accused of corrupting the youth with his radical ideas about life as well as being impious and not
believing in the Gods. Throughout the dialogue, Socrates reveals that he has some strong opinions
regarding death and harm. In this paper, I will show that, based on the Apology, Socrates will agree
that Shelly has harmed Audrey and that Audrey would be wrong to fear her own death. I will also use
various parts of his dialogue on death and harm to support my thoughts as to why he would think that.
I will then conclude with my argument as to why I think Shelly has harmed Audrey.
To begin, I think that Socrates would believe that Shelly has harmed ... Show more content on
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In the Apology, he says, To fear death, gentlemen, is no other than to think oneself wise when one is
not, to think one knows what one does not know. No one knows whether death may not be the greatest
of all blessings for a man, yet men fear it as if they knew that it is the greatest of evils. And surely it is
the most blameworthy ignorance to believe that one knows what one does not know, (Lines 29 a b).
Socrates is trying to say that in order to fear something, you must have some knowledge of what it is
like. As another example, Socrates may say something like if you have never gone swimming in a
pool, you should not fear a pool because you do not know what it is like . In his opinion death could
be a wonderful thing. In the quote above, Socrates says, No one knows whether death may not be the
greatest of all blessings for a man, (Lines 29 a b). His argument is that death could be even more
wonderful than life; it s just that people do not know about it enough. If Audrey were to fear death, she
would be claiming that she knows something about death and according to Socrates, only the superior
beings, whether they be Gods or man, know about death. She is also making an assumption that death
is something to be feared. So if Audrey fears death, she will no longer be virtuous because she will be
making assumptions about things of which she has no prior knowledge. That is, in Socrates eyes,
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Dream Toolbox Research Paper
Dream tools
As a professional automotive technician, he or she relies mostly on the knowledge he or she has
acquired throughout the years of training and experience. But without tools, a technician is pretty
much useless when it comes to repairing the vehicle. That is why I have comprised a list of tools that
would be in my Dream toolbox . The tools that I have chosen consist of diagnostic aids, driveline
repair tools, and air impact wrench that can be used for a number of uses consisting of; light engine
work, steering and suspension work, and electrical systems work. The tools I have listed will benefit
me as a technician by helping me diagnose and test vehicle quicker, allowing me to fix more vehicles
in a shorter amount of time.
The first tool I would place in my dream toolbox would be the Snap on MODIS Ultra Modular
Diagnostic and Information System (MODIS). The MODIS Ultra is a diagnostic scan tool that allows
for technician to vehicle connection. The use of the scan tool can vary from reading simple check
engine diagnostic ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Ranging from 29mm to 36mm, the socket set is mostly used to remove axle nuts in vehicles. Used
more in the steering and suspension, driveline and powertrain systems, these sockets come in handy
when technicians have to remove axles or wheel hubs. The large nut that holds an axle together is well
oversized for any conventional socket set, and since the use of an impact wrench will be used to
remove the nut, it is recommended to use the proper impact socket so that the regular chrome socket
does not break or shatter, causing a potentially harmful accident. Manufacture by Snap on tools, the
socket set costs $243 and is well used in the industry as many steering and suspension components do
tend to wear more. And when needed, the socket set can come in handy. And with their lifetime
warranty, it is free to replace if
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To Kill A Mockingbird And Mississippi Burning Analysis
To Kill a Mockingbird , written by Harper Lee and Mississippi Burning directed Alan Parker can be
compared and contrasted with each other. Both texts share many themes especially the theme of
prejudice where one group of people had bigoted views against another. It is shown in the form of
racism throughout the two stories where whites discriminate the blacks. In the town of Maycomb and
Mississippi, there is bias, discrimination and injustice between the blacks and whites. Both Harper Lee
and Alan Parker explore this theme of prejudice through what their characters stand for, the events that
took place during both text and the context behind both stories.
Atticus and Mr Ward are dedicated to supporting people who are subjected to racism. Atticus and Mr
Ward and Mr Anderson stand for the justice of blacks. Atticus defends Tom Robinson, a black man, to
try to prove him innocent even though people call him a nigger lover and also has the disadvantage in
the trial. The only thing we ve got is a black man s word against the Ewells... The jury couldn t
possibly be expected to take Tom Robinson s word against the Ewells. With the odds against him,
Atticus still persist in giving Tom Robinson the fair trial he deserves. Mr Ward is also the same, he
believe in justice for all. You don t have the guts. (Anderson)... Not only do I HAVE the guts, I have
the AUTHORITY! (Ward). Mr Ward was willing to change his own ways to help the black people of
Mississippi. They both made a significant attempt to give the black people of Maycomb and
Mississippi justice, they both had to overcome hardships to do what they believed what was right.
Furthermore, both text have events that are similar which explore the theme of prejudice. In both
stories there are two court scenes one where Tom Robinson is trial for the rape of Mayella Ewell and
the other was where a groups of white men are trialled for bombing a black man s house. In this
country, courts are the great levellers and in our courts all men are created equal. However Tom
Robinson was innocent but only could get another trial and the white men were guilty but had their
sentence suspended. In our courts when it s a white man s word against a black man s the white man
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The United States Patriot Act
Kaylyn Dailey
Professor Carter
American Gov. Term Paper
Patriot Act On September 11, 2001, the Unites States suffered massive destruction caused by
terrorism. Four planes were hijacked by terrorist. Nearly, three thousand lives were lost when two
planes crashed into the World Trade Towers, one crashed into the Pentagon, and the final plane
crashed in Pennsylvania before it could reach its final destination. An immense fear spread across the
country and out of this fear came the Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate
Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct the Terrorism, also known as the USA Patriot Act.
The Patriot Act was signed into law on October 26, 2001 by President George W. Bush. The act
expanded the surveillance capability of both domestic law enforcement and international intelligence
agencies. When this law was passed it was under the assumption to deter and punish terrorist acts in
the United States and around the world, to enhance law enforcement investigatory tools, and for other
purposes (The USA Patriot). The Patriot Act has given the government the power to spy on the
average American through monitoring phone records and calls, gaining banking and credit
information, and even track a person s internet activity. This is an unbelievable amount of power
intelligence agencies wield all under the umbrella of national security. This power has gone too far, is
unjustified, unconstitutional, and infringes on the privacy of the
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The, The Beast, And The Lion Of Us President Barack Obama...
Nicknamed as the beast , the limousine of US president Barack Obama was featured by several media
in internet and news. And the latest it surfaced on news headlines when it broke down while it was on
trip halfway between David Gurion international airport and Jerusalem. Some sources in secret service
said that it was mistakenly filled up with gas instead of diesel. Afterwards, a truck towed it away
during the US president s trip to Israel. It might be a minor setback to the US president s trip
nevertheless the presidential limousine still remains one of the best armored and equipped vehicle in
the world. The Beast is one among extraordinary limousine that fascinates us and makes us wonder
what makes limousines special. Here we discuss the surprising facts about limos. Firstly on US
president s limo the beast :
US President s the beast is highly equipped and armored. It features the following:
Armored body Is 8 inches thick and capable of stopping assault rifle, shotgun blast, and IED
(improvised explosive device) attack. Its door is as heavy as of that Boeing 757 airplane which makes
it impervious to biochemical attack.
Armored window Its window is capable of stopping any sniper bullets and even armor piercing bullets
from wannabe sniper assassin. It opens 3 inches which allows the driver to talk to other secret service
agent walking alongside vehicle.
Equipped trunk The car s trunk contains all the necessary survival tools or gizmos in case of
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The Role Of The Hero s Journey In The Hunger Games
The Hunger Games Essay The movie The Hunger Games follows the Hero s journey. The first part of
the Hero s journey is Departure. Katniss receives a call to adventure when her younger sister Prim is
called as a tribute for the Hunger Games. Next Katniss accepts the call right away. She volunteers in
place of her sister in order to save her life. Katniss then receives aid from a guy named Peeta, who was
chosen as the male tribute for her district. Katniss and Peeta had met before, briefly. Peeta threw
Katniss bread when she was starving in the rain. A guide Katniss encounters is Haymitch. He gives
advice and training to Katniss and Peeta on how to win the Hunger Games Haymitch previously won
the games for their district). A particular item that has significance to Katniss would be a bow and
arrows. She is very skilled with the weapon and uses it to hunt. ... Show more content on
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Peeta helps Katniss later on in the games after the members of his alliance are killed. They fake their
love for each other in order for both of them to survive. Rue shows Katniss how to get rid of the
people camped below her. After Katniss gets stung by very dangerous bees she passes out and Rue
helps heal the bee stings. Katniss leaves District 12, her home, and travels to the capital. After her
training for the Hunger Games is done she is sent into the arena. Characters that try to prevent her
from staying alive are the Game Makers. They will try to steer the competitors away from the edge of
the arena with bizarre
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Kodak vs Fujifilm
George Eastman was one of the first to demonstrate the great convenience of dry plates to wet plates
in 1878, making photography easier for all. Since that time, they have been great innovators in their
section of the world, America. Moreover, a huge American Icon was born. In 1884, the business
changed from a partnership to a company with 14 shareholders, Eastman Dry Plate and Film
Company was formed. In 1885, Eastman American Film opened overseas in London England, and the
start of innovative worldwide company was. After hiring a fulltime chemist, unheard of in those times,
the name Kodak was born and the Kodak camera was introduced into the market. The marketing
slogan You press the button we do the rest, was the birth of snapshot ... Show more content on
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This attention to detail and ability to out pace Kodak technology had endeared Fuji to its professional
market, and serve as a bridge to build credibility on all of Kodak s markets. It had taken its market
share now, and was edging out Kodak on lower price and even lowers profits just to get ahead. Fuji s
most advertised success in Kodak s market happened in the 1984 Olympics in Los Angeles and every
year since. Kodak tried to come back by getting the TV contract, but Fujifilm had surpassed Kodak.
George Fisher Kodak s new CEO, has been successful in attracting new talent who worked in the
technology department, Fuji s strength. He hired Daniel Carp a sales veteran for Kodak who worked
all over the world. Daniel traveled the sales markets and made adjustments to up Kodak s share and
Fisher wanted to tap that information and use it. He was promoted to President and COO and Carp
fully realized that the changing and emerging markets were in taking advantage of that face and his
contacts around the world. To help foster the change, Kodak admitted that they had to set up shop
were the talent was, and to back that up. So they bought a successful software company in Silicon
Valley, and marketing that alliance to the world they were on their way to climbing out of their
In their restructuring four Main
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A Brief Note On Hansen Mechanical Contractors ( Hmc )
Hansen Mechanical Contractors (HMC) is a large construction company who has changed the way
sick time and personal time off (PTO) is paid and taken. In past years (up until 2013) sick time was
only able to be taken in the calendar year and if not taken would be lost. Each employee was given
seven sick days per year. Sick time could not be rolled over or cashed out at the end of the year. HMC
decided starting January 1, 2014 that they would change this policy in hopes of giving their employees
an incentive to not use sick time and take less days off per year. Sick time was changed to PTO time
and they were given seven PTO days per year. The change to PTO time gave the employees the
incentive to not use their PTO time and to instead be paid 50 cents on the dollar for time not used at
the end of the year. This business situation should be addressed to see the impact that this change has
had on the company and to see if the company s goals with the new policy are being achieved.
Part B1: Summary of Data
The data collected to do this analysis is the employee s attendance records by year (2013, 2014, 2015)
from the imaging system. The attendance records are a record of how much sick and PTO time was
taken for the entire year. The amount of time taken is then entered into a table by employee. There are
33 employees who will be entered into the table by year. The accounting system also holds this data
which I used to double check the numbers against the attendance
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Rhetorical Analysis Of Self Reliance By Ralph Waldo Emerson
In Ralph Waldo Emerson s essay titled Self Reliance he speaks on the topic of the individual, creating
the idea that an individual being independent leads to greatness. Emerson s writing within this memoir
is relatable to young individuals who are looking for themselves, an individual must avoid conformity
and false consistency while following their own thoughts making themselves an individual. Within the
essay, Emerson uses a range of rhetorical devices to prove that every individual can do great by being
an individual and not like everyone else, something that young people everywhere should hear while
growing up with the heinous act of peer pressure. In Self Reliance , Emerson adopts the rhetorical
strategy of aphorisms to annex what he thinks by enriching his thesis, while allowing a pause in the
reader s mind to comprehend just what he is saying. Emerson s honest aphorism advises people to
actually believe in themselves in order to be triumphant by saying, To believe your own thought, to
believe that what is true for you in your private heart, is true for all men, that is genius (Emerson 1)
and Trust thyself: every heart vibrates to that iron string (Emerson 3). The aphorism demonstrates that
believing in themselves, and what is important to them, the reader, is what everyone else does, that
being an individual is a genius idea. Comparing this to what society, especially the younger
individuals with in society, they themselves hear differently, that they
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Noble Eightfold Path
The first symbol of Buddhism is the Buddha. The Buddha, moreover, known as the Enlightened One
or the Awakened One. Buddha conveys the philosophy of self perfection its essentials are contained in
the most important and simple teachings, Four Noble Truths and the Noble Eightfold Path are
essential to understanding the religion of Buddhism. The Four Noble Truths affirm that life is full of
suffering; it is caused by craving. Suffering will stop only when craving ends, and it can be achieved
by following the Noble Eightfold Path. Generally, the Path consists of right understanding, right
purpose, right speech, right action, right way to earn a living, right effort, right mindfulness, and right
concentration. Before earning the name Buddha, he was a prince named Siddhartha Gautama, who
lived in India. He walked away from his royal life to search for spiritual peace. When he walked away
to his journeys, his life changed he learned many great truths. He could ve selfishly escaped into
enlightenment, but instead, he shared and taught others the paths that he had found. That began to
make him more likely to a Buddha. Buddhism taught people to reach the enlightenment, learn how to
be happy, and acquire knowledge of deep truth, which also what Buddha had. ... Show more content
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Karma is one of the beliefs in the Hinduism religion. It is the law of cause and effect. It s the belief
that explains the importance of each living. The law of karma governs what happens to people s souls
after death; when a person dies, their soul is reborn in a new full body. Souls were rewarded or
punished for the good and bad they have gone; If people lived well, they might be born into a higher
class. But if they lived badly, they could be born in a lower class, or even be reborn as an animal in
their next life. According to these beliefs, people s social class reflected on what they had done in their
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The Rise and Fall of the Warrant Chief System in the Cross...
Prior to the advent of the British Colonialists to our shores more than four hundred years ago, the
traditional institutions held sway as the organisational structure around which the socio political,
cultural, administrative and economic life of the people revolved. It was therefore, not surprising that
the colonialists who came to exploit us with their imperial motives and to imposed their own social
order on the indigenous existing nationalities that later coalesced into the present day Nigeria, found it
expedient to enlist the support and cooperation of traditional rulers in securing their hold on the
conquered territories.
Indeed, the traditional rulers proved so indispensable in this regard that where non seemed to have ...
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This was a very crude version of indirect rule. To this extent, many Warrant Chiefs solely constituted
colonially backed usurpers of power and had little or no legitimacy beyond the fact of them being
installed by the colonial state. Without any pedigree and claim to traditional legitimacy, they held to
power and used it for their own parochial ends.
The Warrant Chiefs main source of power was the control of Native Courts and of labour, for
example, for colonial road and waterways constructions.4 These artificially created chiefs were given
the authority to arrest and detain people who committed offences; and debtors who could not meet
their financial obligations owed to others. They also acted as tax collectors for the Colonial masters.
Native courts were graded A to D according to the Native Court Ordinance No.44 of 1933, with Grade
A courts empowered with full judicial powers including capital powers, each subsequent grade having
diminished capabilities. In the Eastern Region, there were no Grade A Courts, 5 at Grade B(divided
between Calabar and Onitsha), 54 at Grade C(of which29 were in Ogoja province), 492 at Grade D
(with 93 in Ogoja) as well as 45 Native Appeal Courts ,each also possessing status as courts of the
first instance. Of these, 12 were in Ogoja province.5 As the courts grew in number
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Yolo Bypass Wildlife Environment
For almost as long as humans have been on Earth, we have changed landscapes drastically to suit our
needs, historically often without regard to the damage caused in the process. This has changed over
time, with the passing of legislation like the Endangered Species Act and the Clean Water Act, the
creation of national and state parks, and efforts being made to restore degraded ecosystems. While we
may never see perfect natural systems again, especially in areas heavily populated by humans,
reconciliation is possible. Reconciliation ecology takes the concepts of restoration ecology, in which
managers seek to restore an ecosystem to how it used to be at a particular time, and combines them
with inevitable human presence. It uses these factors ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
While providing a source of money needed to accomplish management programs at the YBWA, the
rice fields also provide a food source for ducks and temporary habitat for waterfowl, as the fields are
re flooded post harvest. This is a vast improvement from the previous strategy of burning the fields
post harvest, as that was a source of air pollution. Most of the 15,000 acres of the YBWA is
inaccessible to recreational hikers, though there are a few trails scattered throughout. Provided hikers
are conscientious, their impact is likely to be minimal and come incidentally from car runoff. Most of
the species I saw at the YBWA seemed to not mind the presence of cars or hikers much, though the
blackbirds continuously flushed as I hiked along the parking lot C trail. Hunting impacts individual
ducks immediately, but may be compensatory. In addition to these uses of the YBWA, the ecosystem
is actively
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Comcast Packet Forgery
Comcast Packet Forgery case in 2007 explains how network neutrality received public visibility. In
May 2007, Comcast installed a new software/tool on its networks which conveniently and selectively
interfered with some of Comcast customers TCP/IP connections. A Comcast subscriber Robb Topolski
ran a tool called a packet sniffer which was used to seed files on BitTorrent and discovered that
unexpected TCP RST packets were causing inbound connections to his computer to die. Based on his
observations, he speculated that Comcast may have been responsible for this interference. Computers
use TCP as a standard protocol to exchange information on the Internet. When a computer receives
TCP packets which it believes it should not have received or when it thinks it has closed a connection
but keeps ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In many cases, the surge of forged RST packets will cause software to fail in its attempts to do
something a user asks of it. For instance, a BitTorrent client elsewhere on the Internet may fail in
downloading a rare document that is available as a BitTorrent seed from a Comcast user. In the case of
a typical Gnutella node, RST forgery will destroy the node s ability to discover and establish proper
communications with other parts of the Gnutella network. Gnutella connections are generally started
in either direction: Comcast user connects outwards, or other Gnutella nodes connect inwards. In both
of these examples, Comcast s packet forgery prevents the transfer of data rather than delaying it.
Hence, the characterization of Comcast s packet forgery as delaying certain traffic is only true under
special conditions, and is definitely not true in general. According to the white paper two conditions
that maybe considered
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Sacagawea Research Paper
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Naslund, Haley Sacagawea Essay pd. 4
Haley Naslund
Ms. Moseley
English 1, pd. 4
8 September 2015
Sacagawea is a historical figure that most everyone know about. Actually people think they know
about her, but evidence doesn t show much about her life. There are many journals or biographies
about her life but little has all the facts.
Meriwether Lewis is known as Lewis and he wa an American explorer whose mission was to find and
conquer new land across the Western United States. Clark short for William Clark is the partner in
Lewis and Clark he was just as a leader like Lewis with the same goal of crossing the US territory.The
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Character Analysis Of Mr. Smith Goes To Washington
Throughout the film Mr. Smith Goes to Washington the main character, Mr. Smith, shows his
unfaltering patriotism and devotion toward being an honest man, promoting liberty and freedom. The
politicians in the film seem to be the exact opposite of Mr. Smith because they forget that everything
is about the people and doing what is right. Many politicians today share both the qualities of Mr.
Smith as well as the other politicians, which could be improved.
The story begins with a man named Sam Folley dying, a senator that had to be replaced. This troubled
a group of politicians breaking the law with a piece of legislation that would benefit a member of the
group substantially as well as those that helped, known as graft. Mr. Smith was chosen ... Show more
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Afterwards he sees all the newspapers that make him took terrible, twisting what his good heart had to
give into something worse. He began to punch every reporter he found in the face and ended up in a
bar where most of them congregated. They then held him down and proceeded to explain that he can t
do anything because he has no experience and is just an honorary stooge .
Senator Smith felt terrible after that experience and confronted Joseph Paine how he felt. Mr. Paine
explained that he was new and that it would take no time to start doing something that carries weight.
Mr. Paine encouraged Smith to write his own legislation and present it to the Senate. This filled Mr.
Smith with purpose, so he began to work on his legislation. He needed Ms. Saunders help though, and
she didn t think much of him because he was too sappy . His idea was to make a boy s camp in the
summer so they could experience the outdoors and each other coming from different places. The only
problem was that the same place that he wanted the camp was where a dam was to be built, part of the
bill that would benefit the group of people, and Ms. Saunders realized that this would cause problems.
Senator Smith read his legislation to the senate and was instantly shut down by his colleague Joseph
Paine because the land problem. The Senate then attacked Mr. Smith and used newspapers to argue if
he should even be in the Senate. Ms. Saunders couldn t take Smith being hurt and taking part in it, so
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Americ A Unique Combination Of Many Cultures Essay
America is a unique combination of many cultures. We are a very diverse nation and we represent
many different countries throughout our culture. America allows different beliefs and cultures to
represent the diversity that this country has. Some people see diversity as an asset, while others see it
as a downfall. We have many different religions in the country, which occasionally causes problems.
Different races and views of races also cause problems, and is a current major issue in America. China
is extremely different from America, but we do share some similarities. China is not a diverse country
in any way.
America is a melting pot of cultures, bringing together foods from different parts of the world, but the
food culture of those countries is often not accurately represented. American Chinese food is such a
staple in American food culture, but it doesn t imitate the diversity of food in China. We use more
flavor than Western culture. We do flour more creatively in China. We can make it a lot of different
forms. People are surprised by the Russian and Korean influences that affect northern China (Steeley).
Beer is a big thing in northern China, but the southern Chinese diet is pretty different. In some cities,
places to eat gear more toward foreigners. These places try to serve American food, but it isn t food
we are used too. Chinese American food includes unusual pizzas or vegetable salads without lettuce.
French fries would show up randomly a lot, just like a
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Nonviolent Resistance In Pray The Devil Back To Hell
There are many different ways human beings deal with oppression. One way is nonviolent resistance,
which is a term for describing a range of methods to deal with conflict without the use of violence.
Individuals such as the Liberian women and Mohandas Gandhi claim that nonviolent resistance is
justified through acts of harmonious protests and more likely to produce peaceful and constructive
outcomes. Harmonious protests justify the concept of nonviolent opposition because it achieves public
sympathy. In Pray the Devil Back to Hell, the Liberian women marched down the streets, and as they
continued to march other women would leave their homes and join in to support their strive for peace.
Through this act of peaceful resistance, the women gained recognition and support from society which
made the government rethink the flaws in their system and began to listen to the women in order to
bring social change. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Some may argue that nonviolent resistance is ineffective because they believe force needs to be
utilized in order to receive attention and fulfillment of your needs. However, nonviolent opposition is
more likely to produce more constructive rather than destructive outcomes. In Mohandas K. Gandhi s
excerpt On Nonviolent Resistance, he states that Everywhere wars are fought and millions of people
are killed. The consequence is not the progress of a nation but its decline... (Gandhi 6). Gandhi
believes that violence and war is tangential to the original goal and that violence will only allow a
nation to move away its goal. However, peaceful and nonviolent acts focus on the subject at hand and
follows a strategy aimed at mobilizing the people and undermining its opponents pillars of
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  • 2. The Liana White s Murder Case On July 12, 2005, Liana White, wife and mother, disappeared in northern Edmonton. At 5:45 am that morning a woman called to report an abandoned car, left open with personal effects, including Mrs. White s licence, scattered around it (Edmonton Journal, 2007, para. 2, 4). The next day her husband, Michael White, made a public plea for his wife s return as they continued searching for her whereabouts (Harding Shaw, 2005, Timeline of Events, para. 3). By July 14, Michael had become a suspect and the police were all too happy when he decided to lead a search party of his own, in the hopes that, if Michael was in fact the reason for Mrs. White s disappearance, he would lead them right to her (Edmonton Journal, 2007, A Turning Point., para. 14). ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In 2000 Michael had to payout $34,000 to the government for crashing a car, two years earlier, on an Edmonton military base. Since then they have continued to have financial troubles with $336,000 worth of outstanding debt for their two vehicles and housing mortgage (para. 10, 11). This could have created some anger or frustration in Michael since society has an exceedingly patriarchal mindset and he may have experienced feelings of failure, not living up to set gender roles in providing for the family. If he believed in the cultural values of male dominance, than having debt, and for so long could have been a catalyst. Slowly, knowing that he was not performing well at providing for his family, Michael may have been becoming increasingly dissatisfied until he finally decided to take action. It has been shown that men resort to violence as a resource to re establish order in situations where it has been disrupted, in a way to avoid endangering their male status (Brookman, 2005, p. 152). Similarly, it has been shown that communities with male dominant norms have presented higher rates of spousal assault than areas where men and woman are equal (Pozzulo, Bennell, Forth, 2015, p. 356). So Michael White s actions could partially be explained by him trying to regain status in his house by showing control over his wife when he could not control their debt. It renewed his sense of power when he was losing it ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 3. Essay about The New Trade Theory New Trade Theory The new trade theory began to emerge in the 1970s when a number of economists pointed out that the ability of firms to attain economies of scale might have important implications for international trade (Wickramasekera, Cronk Hill 2013). This theory is based on two major concepts that are economies of scale and first mover advantage. To elaborate: Economies of scale are unit cost reductions associated with a large scale of output as it is able to spread over the fixed costs over a large volume of quantity (Wickramasekera, Cronk Hill 2013 p90). First mover advantages are the economic and strategic advantages that accrue to early entrants into an industry and the ability to capture scale economies ahead of later ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Further more, with other benefits such as low costs in research and development, strong clinical research capabilities, and low sovereign risk, Australia is advancing as one of the most prominent players in the pharmaceutical industry (Productivity Commission 2003). Australia s population represents 0.3% of the world s population and consumes around 1% of the total global pharmaceutical sales. The industry generated a total revenue of $6.1 billion in the year 2002 (ALRC 2014). The research and development of the pharmaceutical industry is very important as the industry relies on it to develop new products to maintain and sustain the growth of the industry (ALRC 2014). According to the Australian Government Law Reform Commission, every year, the total spending in research and development in pharmaceutical industry, which includes drug discovery, pre clinical testing and clinical trials on drugs is around $300 million (ALRC 2014). Mergers and acquisitions are intensifying in the global pharmaceutical industry, especially over the last 10 years. With factors like exorbitant research and development costs, the relatively shorter product life cycles, and the rarity of discovering a new life changing drug acting as catalysts, leading pharmaceutical companies now have more cause to step out and look for external collaboration. This results in an increasing number of smaller biotechnology companies merging with bigger pharmaceutical companies (The ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 4. Death with dignity Essay Dying With Dignity On Tuesday, March 24, an elderly Oregon woman, acting with the aid of a doctor, dosed herself with potent chemicals and died. The woman had lived with breast cancer for more than 20 years. By all accounts her final hours were private and peaceful, as she became one of the first people in American history to end her life lawfully with the aid of a physician (Oregonian A1). She was able to end her life peacefully due to controversial legislation passed in her state. The Death with Dignity Act was passed by the state of Oregon in 1994. It allows physicians to prescribe a lethal dose of medication so that a terminally ill patient can end his or her life. The requirements set forth by ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Jones. In his dissent, he stated, It does not violate the Controlled Substances Act s nonpreemption provision. It neither exceeds the Attorney General s statutory authority under the Controlled Substances Act (The Federal Register 12). Therefore, this action would be detrimental to all those who do not choose to wait for death. In November of 2004 Ashcroft appealed to the Supreme Court and they will hear the case later this year. It is likely the Supreme Court will interpret the regulations in accordance with the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals but if it fails to do so Oregon will be forced to repeal the statute. This law has brought peace to 171 terminally ill and suffering individuals in a very painless and humane manner. Only 3 of the 43 patients experienced complications in 2003. The only complications reported in these 3 cases were vomiting. One half of all patients became unconscious within four minutes of ingesting the lethal medication and all died within 20 minutes. The range of time from ingestion to death was five minutes to 48 hours (Sixth Annual Report T3.9). Physician assisted suicide accomplishes much more than ending suffering before death. The right is of the individual and should be respected by our government. It is a fundamental freedom that we all should have. It allows a person to die with dignity and prevents the illness from killing them before they die. The Death with Dignity Act is very similar to other forms of euthanasia ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 5. Biography of Eugene O Neil Essay Biography of Eugene O Neil Eugene O neill Through poverty and fame, An artist or nothing (Miller p6), was the motto of a man named Eugene O Neill, who wrote from his soul in an attempt to find salvation. In the year 1888, the Barrett House hotel in Time Square, New York saw the birth of a man who would be called the greatest American playwright. His father James, was an actor, and was famous across the United Sates for his role in the popular play Monte Cristo. Eugene s mother was a beautiful woman named Ellen who was also gifted with a great artistic talent. Through out his life, he would travel all over the world, marry three women, have three children, and write some of the best American Drama that would ever be written. Much of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... His problems, arose when he entered into Princeton University in 1906. He held strongly to the philosophy of all play and no work (Miller p4), and he was eventually suspended. This was because he was caught by the yard master breaking power cables and windows in the University train station. His suspension was to last only for two weeks but he never returned to campus. Officially he was expelled from the school for poor academic standing. Eugene moved into a New York apartment with his friend Frank Best after leaving Princeton. He held a trivial job as secretary to the president of a small shipping company. He spent his earnings and his father s allowance on wild living, he met James Findlater who was to become his best friend and bases for the character Jimmy Tomorrow from Iceman Cometh and was the same character in Tomorrow which was one of O Neil s only short stories. James would eventually introduce Eugene to Kathleen Jenkins, the daughter of a wealthy New York business man. Her parents objected to any marriage taking place and so did his. They would eventually elope though in the fall of 1909 when Eugene discovered his father was sending him to Honduras to look for gold. Fourteen days after the wedding, Eugene found himself in Mexico where he ended his journey south due to a tough battle with Malaria. He would return to New York after his recovery, but still refused to live with his wife. He took up a job with his father s acting troop but ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 6. A Clean Well-Lighted Place Response The short story A Clean Well Lighted Place , by Ernest Hemingway was nothing more than a plotless story. Although there was lack of plot, in my opinion, the author s used several languages to get through his audience such as myself. Through much of the story the author was able to make more than just one detail jump out to me as the reader. First, Hemingway allowed me to see the distinction between the older and younger waiter. Secondly, I was able to see how Hemingway portrayed his literary devices such as symbolism and irony through the character s behavior and mannerisms. Another thing that drew me in as a reader was how the author marks the many themes that could be interpreted such as the theme of nonexistence and night time. Fascinating enough that wasn t the only theme I was able to analyze through my reading of, A Clean Well Lighted Place . There were themes of the dominant and overwhelming sense of the word nada which was a very repetitive word throughout the reading. Lastly, the author used themes of mortality, oldness, and lonesomeness with a simple drawing of an old man whose misery exists beyond his plenty of money. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... After reading the short story we do know that one particular location is at The Café which is ironically but not always a clean well lighted place. Among other things we know that story is set at a late night setting and the café is quiet with only the older waiter, younger waiter, one customer, and the old man. There were many Spanish references so one can assume it s a Spanish café or a café in a Spanish country but there is a little detail regarding the settings to assume either or. One other delightful detail was when the older waiter stopped at a bar on the way home but wasn t to his liking again referencing the authors ironic literacy due to the fact that the bar was well lit, but wasn t clean enough for ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. The Philosophy Of Total Quality Management Total Quality Management (TQM) is the art of managing quality of whole activities of any organization. TQM is a philosophy and we can say it is also a set of guiding principles that represent the foundation of a continuously improving organization. It is the application to improve all the processes within an organization and exceed customer needs issues of customer satisfaction and guidance on implementing the marketing concept. Total quality management deals completely with the quality word. It focuses on the quality of products, quality of services, quality of management of staff, quality of services deliver to patrons and so on. So the question is arising what is quality? In general terms quality relates to the feature or characters or value of a product or service or similar offering. Quality in Academic Library An ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Attempts to implement TQM regularly fail because top management does not lead and get committed instead it delegates and pays edge service. Commitment and personal involvement is required from top management in creating and deploying clear quality values and goals consistent with the objectives of the organization, and in creating and deploying definite systems, methods and performance measures for achieving those goals. These systems and methods guide all quality activities and encourage participation by all employees. Continuous improvement Continuous improvement of all activities is at the heart of TQM. it is recognized that customer satisfaction can only be obtained by providing a high quality product, continuous improvement of the quality of the product. It is seen as the only way to maintain a high level of customer satisfaction. As well as recognizing the connection between product quality and customer satisfaction, TQM also recognizes that product quality is the result of process quality. As a result, there is a focus on continuous improvement of the organization s processes. Fast ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. The True Meaning Of Justice In Plato s The Republic Philosophers for centuries have deliberated the true meaning of justice and what it means to be a just human. Is it a social contract made by men? Or is it a virtue possessed by certain people within their souls? Plato in his book The Republic gives us his view of how justice is a human virtue and extension of ones soul. Socrates envisioned a city later called the city of pigs . His idea of an ideal utopia was people living in constraint of their basic needs. People would lead simple lives and perform tasks they were naturally good at. This way the whole city would be interdependent on each other, everyone working to their own and contributing to the economy. Farmers, builders, traders were necessary as their skills would help people gain the basic needs of life such as food, shelter and clothing. Each person performing one job would make them specialized in their trade, ensuring production remains at the highest efficiency. (Plato, the republic, 369 373) Socrates says, And if so, we must infer that all things are produced more plentifully and easily and of a better quality when one man does one thing which is natural to him and does it at the right time, and leaves other things. said Socrates. (Plato, the republic, 222) Socrates does talk about three different classes that include the proletariats, the craftsmen and the traders who would reside in the city. He believed in absolute simplicity and thought that since everyone worked towards a common goal, the city would ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. The Culture Of The Middle East It is noted that every Middle Eastern Country are publicly fascinated of the Dabke dance. Each of the Middle Eastern nation claims they are the best at dancing Dabke. They also claim to have to have invented the dance (Hussein, 2016). However, there is the truth and reality behind the dance. Dabke is also referred to as Dabka or even Dabkeh. It is those names that the Middle Eastern people refer to the actual dance that is normally used by different dialect. The dance is universal irrespective of someone s roots and cultural background. Whether one comes from Iraq, Lebanon, or even Palestine, the dance is still the same. The term Dabka basically means the act of stomping (Haugbolle, 2010). The dance found its inception back in the early 1990s before the segmentation of the Middle East took place. The Middle East was segmented through the colonization process. The colonies were either the French or the British. The Middle East was a single peaceful land that had a common Dabke art. The Dabke art was widely used in celebrations, joyful events, at the weddings, at the graduation, and also in birthdays. Therefore, Dabke was well known to be a tradition that was shared. Meaning the tradition was not owned by anybody and it originated in the Middle East intended for everyone to celebrate. The Dabke dance was a Levantine folk dance. Meaning it found its inception from the Middle East Region. Some of the Middle East Region where the dance originated include; Syria Jordan, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. The Pros And Cons Of Interracial Marriage By the power vested in me by the supreme Court, Over the objection of the State of Virginia, I pronounce you man and wife. show words (actual clip?) Mildred Loving, a 18 year old African American lady and her husband Richard Loving, a 25 year old white man, were a couple who went against the laws of virginia. Due to the ban on interracial marriage in their home state of Virginia. They got married in the state of Washington D.C on June 2, 1958. They returned back to their hometown in Virginia as soon as the marriage was official and licensed their certificate on their bedroom wall. After a few weeks of their marriage, sheriff Garnett Brooks stormed into the couple s bedroom at two o clock am. He took the couple to jail for violating the Virginia law which forbade interracial marriage. Richard was bailed out the next day, however, pregnant Mildred spent nights there. Judge Bazile stated that Almighty God created the races white, black, yellow, malay and red, and he placed them on separate continents. ... The fact that he separated the races shows that he did not intend for the races to mix. Show on screen. The couple were given a choice to either spent one year in jail, or leave the state for 25 years and not to return together. The couple accepted the plea bargain, and left the state and lived in Washington, D.C. for a time. They had three children in Washington, Sidney, Donald, and Peggy. Despite the risk, the couple returned and lived secretly in Virginia. Unhappy ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Double Effect The objective of this paper is to prove that the Doctrine of Double Effect (DDE), proposed by Saint Thomas Aquinas, is a valid moral principle. It has been concluded that the DDE is a valid moral principle as it allows one to justify whether an action will cause two diverse effects and whether the effects are permissible. It is crucial to establish the validity of the DDE because it has been applied to defend a significant number of contemporary controversial issues (McIntyre). In order to determine whether the DDE is a valid moral principle, the definition of the doctrine itself as well as conditions involved will be demonstrated. In addition, each condition will be applied to differentiate two examples that result in the same outcomes. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The doctor was aware that his choice would result in the death of one patient. However, the death of one patient compared to five was able to justify that action. Therefore, the doctors choice of dividing medication into four equal proportions to save the lives of four out of five patients is able to satisfy all the conditions of DDE and therefore it is permissible for the doctor to make such a decision. The doctor s choice in the Organ Shortage scenario is impermissible. From a quantitative point of view, it may seem the doctor s choice is permissible as it resulted in the death of one patient as opposed to four. However, the death of the patient is not a side effect of curing the four other patients. Moreover, the death of the fifth patient has been used as a means to achieve the good end. The doctor s choice fails to meet the conditions of DDE as the doctor withheld medication from a patient whose life depended on the medication. Therefore, it has been concluded that the doctor s choice is impermissible. The above scenarios may seem identical as the doctor made the decision that was able to save the greatest number of people. However, it has been identified that the circumstances were different and As the two similar actions are distinguished, the creditability of the DDE in relation to justifying controversial issues has been proved. Since the DDE has established a moral ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Pt1420 Project 1st.Name and detailed description of the project. Name of the IFI that handled the project? The Millennium development goal. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD): the World Bank. It aims to reduce poverty in middle income and creditworthy poorer countries by promoting sustainable development, through loans, guarantees, and non lending including analytical and advisory services.(The Levin Institute, n.d.). 1. Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger. 2. Achieve universal primary education. 3. Promote gender equality and empower women. 4. Reduce child mortality. 5. Improve maternal health. 6. Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases. 7. Ensure environmental sustainability. 8. Develop a global partnership for development ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... To be more impact full to this project the authority must involve more privet citizen and Privet Company s to make sure the success of MDG and should not just leave it to the government only. Negative impacts and how they could have been avoided? The negative impact is in some region this goal has not left enough people out of poverty. The sky is to meet millennium goal is pull out the poverty. Poverty is the cause of all the problem. 2nd.Name and detailed description of the project. Name of the IFI that handled the project? International Development Association (IDA): The IDA was organized by the World Bank in 1960 to provide additional financial assistance to the poorest developing countries. In order to provide resources on better terms than those that are available from the World Bank, the IDA provides special credits. These credits are zero interest loans that have longer payment periods of 35 to 40 years and a grace period of ten years. These types of loans are offered to the poorest countries to help them pursue their development goals, sometimes despite disease and conflict.(The Levin Institute, n.d.). Type of medal: silver medal Positive impacts and how they could have been even more ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Neil Flambe And The Bard s Banquet Essay Neil Flambé and the Bard s Banquet The fifth installment in the Neil Flambé Capers written by Kevin Sylvester, Neil Flambé and the Bard s Banquet is 310 pages long and was published by Simon Schuster Books for Young Readers, an imprint of Simon Schuster Children s Publishing Division. It was copyrighted in 2015 by Kevin Sylvester, and is the first edition. I decided to choose this book because I have read all the other books in the series, and also because I really like mysteries. Celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay has commented Good fun on this series. The protagonist of the book is a talented but cocky teenage chef Neil Flambé, who has a super sensitive nose. Because of this, Neil has been dragged into a number of cases involving food, with most of them involving near death experiences. He runs a restaurant, Chez ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... They find his clothes and some blood in the back of an old theatre. Thinking he is dead, they decide to pursue the jewel instead. Stumped by the clues, they ask Isabella s friend Rose for help. They find themselves tangled with centuries old clues about the works of Shakespeare and food. Also looking for the jewel are the Crayfish brothers and Lord Lane, who staged his own murder to shake the Crayfish brothers off his tail. Neil and his friends think that they have found the jewel, which is a signature of William Shakespeare himself, but Rose is captured by Reggie and Ronnie Crayfish. They save Rose and head to Buckingham Palace to cook a meal for the Queen. Then, Neil realizes that the real jewel is in an old globe. Opening it, he discovers one of Shakespeare s lost plays, one that Kemp must have stolen. My final thoughts for this book are that it was a really interesting book. What I liked most about it was that how the author kept making us think that something else was actually the solution to the case. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. The War Of World War II Essay World War II is known as the largest and bloodiest war in history. Well over 50 million people died in the six years of the war claiming the most lives in any war in history. The War consisted of the Allies and the Axis Powers. The Allies being Great Britain, France, the Soviet Union, The United States, and China and the Axis Powers being Germany, Japan, and Italy. Despite the many countries that participated in the war, Germany and the Nazi party were considered to be the main enemy. Many great battles were fought in WWII and many weapons of warfare were utilized in combat. Million upon millions of lives were lost to the Second World War. While many believe Hitler and the Nazi army to be the cause of WWII, there were other events that set the war in motion and caused the rise of the Nazi army. Many people assume that Hitler and the Nazi party were the only cause of starting World War II, but there were many other events that took place before World War II. It mainly started at the end of World War I. Germany realized that they could not win the war against Allies and instead signed a treaty. With the peace treaty, Germany owed England and France over 10 billion dollars. This destoyed Germany s economy. Unemployment rose 40% and there was anger and uprising all throughout the nation. The people of Germany were enraged and distraught with the state of things. The people of Germany were humiliated by the loss of the war and the payment that was owed due to the Treaty. Hitler ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Circumplex Model of Marriage and Family Therapy Circumplex Model of Marriage and Family Therapy Paper Dindy Williams BSHS/312 APRIL 4, 2011 Sharla Hansen Circumplex Model of Marriage and Family Therapy Paper The Circumplex Model of Marriage and Family Systems was developed in an attempt to bridge the gap between research, theory and practice. The model, together with the assessment tools developed to use with it, are specially designed to assess the functionality of families and develop a treatment plan. The hypothesis of the Circumplex Model is that balanced couple and family systems tend to function better than unbalanced systems. Cohesion, flexibility, and communication are the three dimensions of the Circumplex model. These dimensions were the ones most commonly used out of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Roles are shared and rules changed. In the rigid relationship the leader is controlling and makes all the decisions. Rules do not change. In the chaotic relationship, there is little or no leadership. Decisions are not well thought out. Roles are unclear. Communication is the third dimension and is not depicted on the model. It is a facilitating dimension necessary for facilitating changes in the other two dimensions. This dimension is measured by listening skills, speaking skills, self disclosure, clarity, continuity tracking and respect and regard. Balanced family systems have good communication. Self reporting instruments and rating scales were developed to access the status of couples and families on the dimensions of the Circumplex Model and to test hypotheses derived from the model (Olsen, D. H., 2000, May). FACES III is the name of the self reporting instrument. The Circumplex model can help a large variety of people. It can be beneficial for ethnic and cultural diversity. If the questions answered on the FACES questionnaire place a couple on the model as an unbalanced, it doesn t mean they are dysfunctional, as long as all the family members fall into a similar pattern. The model also maps changes in the family dynamics. Over 250 studies have been done supporting the hypothesis that balanced systems are more functional that unbalanced systems. The goal of the family therapist is to help families to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Types Of Databases By Kazi Rashid Number All you need to know: Types of Databases By Kazi Rashid number:RAS14002716 September 28 2014 This document contains all the information about the advantages and disadvantages of different database models. By Kazi Rashid 23/09/2014 Unit 21 Data Analysis and Design All about Databases Databases, we use them most of the time in our lives from organising files to storing music on our computers. What are databases? Databases are an organised way of storing data. Before computers many databases were stored in paper folders. The disadvantage of this was that searching for files was very time consuming. Now that we have computers life has become much easier for people. We are able to store lots of data through software, allowing people to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A simple way to show the uses of flat file databases are using spread sheets. Looking at the table above the rows contain particular information about the person and the columns contain the different categories, this is known as the field. What are the benefits of Flat file databases? The main benefits of using a flat file data base is that they are easy to setup. This means that you don t need expert knowledge on PCs to understand how to use them. They are also easy to understand as they have a simple design and layout. Users can access information from them simply when you have small amounts of data. What are the negative of using a flat file database? One of the main negatives about flat file databases are that data is often repeated as there is no referential integrity. Referential integrity means that there is a direct link of two different attributes in a database. This helps the computer understand that certain data does not need to be repeated continuously. Without this, to be able to change information about a particular person or item, then you have to update each entry you have made about the item. This can also be very time consuming. Another negative about flat file databases is that you can make errors that can cause many problems with finding information. Looking at the example below, this table shows the number of purchases a single customer has
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  • 18. Babylon Revisited Thesis Throughout the time period in which the moderns were coming of age and were bearing the weight of responsibility from the world around them there were many authors that came forth. One such author was F. Scott Fitzgerald, who was probably one of the greatest American authors of the twentieth century. One of his many stories that was of interest within class was Babylon Revisited . Within the story it goes over the life of a man who has recently come off of being a drunk and is in the midst of attempting to get his daughter back. He had made the mistake of locking his wife out after a fight between the two in a bar, and now that she is dead he is blamed for that. His daughter is stuck with her aunt and now that he is no longer the man he once was he believes he should have his daughter back and be given another chance. However, it is not the daughter he must convince, rather, he must convince her now legal ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It has driven decision to be made, has ruined lives, and in some ways explains how we have gotten to this point in time. One such life that alcohol has ruined in a way was Charlie s, who is the main character in Fitzgerald s Babylon Revisited . Everything changed for him when his wife died due to being exposed to the cold night air for an elongated period of time since they had gotten into a fight when he had found her with a different man. His daughter, Honoria paid the price for his decision of locking her out, she also paid for all the drinks that he had taken in a way. An innocent girl was deprived of her father being there for her when she needed him, just because he though getting drunk was a good idea for a year and a half. It is said that his daughter had grown a lot in 10 months, which shows that he has not seen her for nearly a year. Losing your children is just one consequence that has been shown many times throughout history, due to decisions that people have ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Response To Plato s Apology Plato s Apology is a written dialogue of Socrates and the court in which he is on trial. Socrates is accused of corrupting the youth with his radical ideas about life as well as being impious and not believing in the Gods. Throughout the dialogue, Socrates reveals that he has some strong opinions regarding death and harm. In this paper, I will show that, based on the Apology, Socrates will agree that Shelly has harmed Audrey and that Audrey would be wrong to fear her own death. I will also use various parts of his dialogue on death and harm to support my thoughts as to why he would think that. I will then conclude with my argument as to why I think Shelly has harmed Audrey. To begin, I think that Socrates would believe that Shelly has harmed ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In the Apology, he says, To fear death, gentlemen, is no other than to think oneself wise when one is not, to think one knows what one does not know. No one knows whether death may not be the greatest of all blessings for a man, yet men fear it as if they knew that it is the greatest of evils. And surely it is the most blameworthy ignorance to believe that one knows what one does not know, (Lines 29 a b). Socrates is trying to say that in order to fear something, you must have some knowledge of what it is like. As another example, Socrates may say something like if you have never gone swimming in a pool, you should not fear a pool because you do not know what it is like . In his opinion death could be a wonderful thing. In the quote above, Socrates says, No one knows whether death may not be the greatest of all blessings for a man, (Lines 29 a b). His argument is that death could be even more wonderful than life; it s just that people do not know about it enough. If Audrey were to fear death, she would be claiming that she knows something about death and according to Socrates, only the superior beings, whether they be Gods or man, know about death. She is also making an assumption that death is something to be feared. So if Audrey fears death, she will no longer be virtuous because she will be making assumptions about things of which she has no prior knowledge. That is, in Socrates eyes, highly ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Dream Toolbox Research Paper Dream tools As a professional automotive technician, he or she relies mostly on the knowledge he or she has acquired throughout the years of training and experience. But without tools, a technician is pretty much useless when it comes to repairing the vehicle. That is why I have comprised a list of tools that would be in my Dream toolbox . The tools that I have chosen consist of diagnostic aids, driveline repair tools, and air impact wrench that can be used for a number of uses consisting of; light engine work, steering and suspension work, and electrical systems work. The tools I have listed will benefit me as a technician by helping me diagnose and test vehicle quicker, allowing me to fix more vehicles in a shorter amount of time. The first tool I would place in my dream toolbox would be the Snap on MODIS Ultra Modular Diagnostic and Information System (MODIS). The MODIS Ultra is a diagnostic scan tool that allows for technician to vehicle connection. The use of the scan tool can vary from reading simple check engine diagnostic ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Ranging from 29mm to 36mm, the socket set is mostly used to remove axle nuts in vehicles. Used more in the steering and suspension, driveline and powertrain systems, these sockets come in handy when technicians have to remove axles or wheel hubs. The large nut that holds an axle together is well oversized for any conventional socket set, and since the use of an impact wrench will be used to remove the nut, it is recommended to use the proper impact socket so that the regular chrome socket does not break or shatter, causing a potentially harmful accident. Manufacture by Snap on tools, the socket set costs $243 and is well used in the industry as many steering and suspension components do tend to wear more. And when needed, the socket set can come in handy. And with their lifetime warranty, it is free to replace if ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. To Kill A Mockingbird And Mississippi Burning Analysis To Kill a Mockingbird , written by Harper Lee and Mississippi Burning directed Alan Parker can be compared and contrasted with each other. Both texts share many themes especially the theme of prejudice where one group of people had bigoted views against another. It is shown in the form of racism throughout the two stories where whites discriminate the blacks. In the town of Maycomb and Mississippi, there is bias, discrimination and injustice between the blacks and whites. Both Harper Lee and Alan Parker explore this theme of prejudice through what their characters stand for, the events that took place during both text and the context behind both stories. Atticus and Mr Ward are dedicated to supporting people who are subjected to racism. Atticus and Mr Ward and Mr Anderson stand for the justice of blacks. Atticus defends Tom Robinson, a black man, to try to prove him innocent even though people call him a nigger lover and also has the disadvantage in the trial. The only thing we ve got is a black man s word against the Ewells... The jury couldn t possibly be expected to take Tom Robinson s word against the Ewells. With the odds against him, Atticus still persist in giving Tom Robinson the fair trial he deserves. Mr Ward is also the same, he believe in justice for all. You don t have the guts. (Anderson)... Not only do I HAVE the guts, I have the AUTHORITY! (Ward). Mr Ward was willing to change his own ways to help the black people of Mississippi. They both made a significant attempt to give the black people of Maycomb and Mississippi justice, they both had to overcome hardships to do what they believed what was right. Furthermore, both text have events that are similar which explore the theme of prejudice. In both stories there are two court scenes one where Tom Robinson is trial for the rape of Mayella Ewell and the other was where a groups of white men are trialled for bombing a black man s house. In this country, courts are the great levellers and in our courts all men are created equal. However Tom Robinson was innocent but only could get another trial and the white men were guilty but had their sentence suspended. In our courts when it s a white man s word against a black man s the white man ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. The United States Patriot Act Kaylyn Dailey 11/27/16 Professor Carter American Gov. Term Paper Patriot Act On September 11, 2001, the Unites States suffered massive destruction caused by terrorism. Four planes were hijacked by terrorist. Nearly, three thousand lives were lost when two planes crashed into the World Trade Towers, one crashed into the Pentagon, and the final plane crashed in Pennsylvania before it could reach its final destination. An immense fear spread across the country and out of this fear came the Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct the Terrorism, also known as the USA Patriot Act. The Patriot Act was signed into law on October 26, 2001 by President George W. Bush. The act expanded the surveillance capability of both domestic law enforcement and international intelligence agencies. When this law was passed it was under the assumption to deter and punish terrorist acts in the United States and around the world, to enhance law enforcement investigatory tools, and for other purposes (The USA Patriot). The Patriot Act has given the government the power to spy on the average American through monitoring phone records and calls, gaining banking and credit information, and even track a person s internet activity. This is an unbelievable amount of power intelligence agencies wield all under the umbrella of national security. This power has gone too far, is unjustified, unconstitutional, and infringes on the privacy of the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. The, The Beast, And The Lion Of Us President Barack Obama... Nicknamed as the beast , the limousine of US president Barack Obama was featured by several media in internet and news. And the latest it surfaced on news headlines when it broke down while it was on trip halfway between David Gurion international airport and Jerusalem. Some sources in secret service said that it was mistakenly filled up with gas instead of diesel. Afterwards, a truck towed it away during the US president s trip to Israel. It might be a minor setback to the US president s trip nevertheless the presidential limousine still remains one of the best armored and equipped vehicle in the world. The Beast is one among extraordinary limousine that fascinates us and makes us wonder what makes limousines special. Here we discuss the surprising facts about limos. Firstly on US president s limo the beast : US President s the beast is highly equipped and armored. It features the following: Armored body Is 8 inches thick and capable of stopping assault rifle, shotgun blast, and IED (improvised explosive device) attack. Its door is as heavy as of that Boeing 757 airplane which makes it impervious to biochemical attack. Armored window Its window is capable of stopping any sniper bullets and even armor piercing bullets from wannabe sniper assassin. It opens 3 inches which allows the driver to talk to other secret service agent walking alongside vehicle. Equipped trunk The car s trunk contains all the necessary survival tools or gizmos in case of emergency. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. The Role Of The Hero s Journey In The Hunger Games The Hunger Games Essay The movie The Hunger Games follows the Hero s journey. The first part of the Hero s journey is Departure. Katniss receives a call to adventure when her younger sister Prim is called as a tribute for the Hunger Games. Next Katniss accepts the call right away. She volunteers in place of her sister in order to save her life. Katniss then receives aid from a guy named Peeta, who was chosen as the male tribute for her district. Katniss and Peeta had met before, briefly. Peeta threw Katniss bread when she was starving in the rain. A guide Katniss encounters is Haymitch. He gives advice and training to Katniss and Peeta on how to win the Hunger Games Haymitch previously won the games for their district). A particular item that has significance to Katniss would be a bow and arrows. She is very skilled with the weapon and uses it to hunt. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Peeta helps Katniss later on in the games after the members of his alliance are killed. They fake their love for each other in order for both of them to survive. Rue shows Katniss how to get rid of the people camped below her. After Katniss gets stung by very dangerous bees she passes out and Rue helps heal the bee stings. Katniss leaves District 12, her home, and travels to the capital. After her training for the Hunger Games is done she is sent into the arena. Characters that try to prevent her from staying alive are the Game Makers. They will try to steer the competitors away from the edge of the arena with bizarre ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Kodak vs Fujifilm George Eastman was one of the first to demonstrate the great convenience of dry plates to wet plates in 1878, making photography easier for all. Since that time, they have been great innovators in their section of the world, America. Moreover, a huge American Icon was born. In 1884, the business changed from a partnership to a company with 14 shareholders, Eastman Dry Plate and Film Company was formed. In 1885, Eastman American Film opened overseas in London England, and the start of innovative worldwide company was. After hiring a fulltime chemist, unheard of in those times, the name Kodak was born and the Kodak camera was introduced into the market. The marketing slogan You press the button we do the rest, was the birth of snapshot ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This attention to detail and ability to out pace Kodak technology had endeared Fuji to its professional market, and serve as a bridge to build credibility on all of Kodak s markets. It had taken its market share now, and was edging out Kodak on lower price and even lowers profits just to get ahead. Fuji s most advertised success in Kodak s market happened in the 1984 Olympics in Los Angeles and every year since. Kodak tried to come back by getting the TV contract, but Fujifilm had surpassed Kodak. George Fisher Kodak s new CEO, has been successful in attracting new talent who worked in the technology department, Fuji s strength. He hired Daniel Carp a sales veteran for Kodak who worked all over the world. Daniel traveled the sales markets and made adjustments to up Kodak s share and Fisher wanted to tap that information and use it. He was promoted to President and COO and Carp fully realized that the changing and emerging markets were in taking advantage of that face and his contacts around the world. To help foster the change, Kodak admitted that they had to set up shop were the talent was, and to back that up. So they bought a successful software company in Silicon Valley, and marketing that alliance to the world they were on their way to climbing out of their complacency. In their restructuring four Main ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. A Brief Note On Hansen Mechanical Contractors ( Hmc ) Hansen Mechanical Contractors (HMC) is a large construction company who has changed the way sick time and personal time off (PTO) is paid and taken. In past years (up until 2013) sick time was only able to be taken in the calendar year and if not taken would be lost. Each employee was given seven sick days per year. Sick time could not be rolled over or cashed out at the end of the year. HMC decided starting January 1, 2014 that they would change this policy in hopes of giving their employees an incentive to not use sick time and take less days off per year. Sick time was changed to PTO time and they were given seven PTO days per year. The change to PTO time gave the employees the incentive to not use their PTO time and to instead be paid 50 cents on the dollar for time not used at the end of the year. This business situation should be addressed to see the impact that this change has had on the company and to see if the company s goals with the new policy are being achieved. Part B1: Summary of Data The data collected to do this analysis is the employee s attendance records by year (2013, 2014, 2015) from the imaging system. The attendance records are a record of how much sick and PTO time was taken for the entire year. The amount of time taken is then entered into a table by employee. There are 33 employees who will be entered into the table by year. The accounting system also holds this data which I used to double check the numbers against the attendance ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Rhetorical Analysis Of Self Reliance By Ralph Waldo Emerson In Ralph Waldo Emerson s essay titled Self Reliance he speaks on the topic of the individual, creating the idea that an individual being independent leads to greatness. Emerson s writing within this memoir is relatable to young individuals who are looking for themselves, an individual must avoid conformity and false consistency while following their own thoughts making themselves an individual. Within the essay, Emerson uses a range of rhetorical devices to prove that every individual can do great by being an individual and not like everyone else, something that young people everywhere should hear while growing up with the heinous act of peer pressure. In Self Reliance , Emerson adopts the rhetorical strategy of aphorisms to annex what he thinks by enriching his thesis, while allowing a pause in the reader s mind to comprehend just what he is saying. Emerson s honest aphorism advises people to actually believe in themselves in order to be triumphant by saying, To believe your own thought, to believe that what is true for you in your private heart, is true for all men, that is genius (Emerson 1) and Trust thyself: every heart vibrates to that iron string (Emerson 3). The aphorism demonstrates that believing in themselves, and what is important to them, the reader, is what everyone else does, that being an individual is a genius idea. Comparing this to what society, especially the younger individuals with in society, they themselves hear differently, that they ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Noble Eightfold Path The first symbol of Buddhism is the Buddha. The Buddha, moreover, known as the Enlightened One or the Awakened One. Buddha conveys the philosophy of self perfection its essentials are contained in the most important and simple teachings, Four Noble Truths and the Noble Eightfold Path are essential to understanding the religion of Buddhism. The Four Noble Truths affirm that life is full of suffering; it is caused by craving. Suffering will stop only when craving ends, and it can be achieved by following the Noble Eightfold Path. Generally, the Path consists of right understanding, right purpose, right speech, right action, right way to earn a living, right effort, right mindfulness, and right concentration. Before earning the name Buddha, he was a prince named Siddhartha Gautama, who lived in India. He walked away from his royal life to search for spiritual peace. When he walked away to his journeys, his life changed he learned many great truths. He could ve selfishly escaped into enlightenment, but instead, he shared and taught others the paths that he had found. That began to make him more likely to a Buddha. Buddhism taught people to reach the enlightenment, learn how to be happy, and acquire knowledge of deep truth, which also what Buddha had. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Karma is one of the beliefs in the Hinduism religion. It is the law of cause and effect. It s the belief that explains the importance of each living. The law of karma governs what happens to people s souls after death; when a person dies, their soul is reborn in a new full body. Souls were rewarded or punished for the good and bad they have gone; If people lived well, they might be born into a higher class. But if they lived badly, they could be born in a lower class, or even be reborn as an animal in their next life. According to these beliefs, people s social class reflected on what they had done in their past ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. The Rise and Fall of the Warrant Chief System in the Cross... INTRODUCTION Prior to the advent of the British Colonialists to our shores more than four hundred years ago, the traditional institutions held sway as the organisational structure around which the socio political, cultural, administrative and economic life of the people revolved. It was therefore, not surprising that the colonialists who came to exploit us with their imperial motives and to imposed their own social order on the indigenous existing nationalities that later coalesced into the present day Nigeria, found it expedient to enlist the support and cooperation of traditional rulers in securing their hold on the conquered territories. Indeed, the traditional rulers proved so indispensable in this regard that where non seemed to have ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This was a very crude version of indirect rule. To this extent, many Warrant Chiefs solely constituted colonially backed usurpers of power and had little or no legitimacy beyond the fact of them being installed by the colonial state. Without any pedigree and claim to traditional legitimacy, they held to power and used it for their own parochial ends. THE WORKINGS OF THE WARRANT CHIEF SYSTEM. The Warrant Chiefs main source of power was the control of Native Courts and of labour, for example, for colonial road and waterways constructions.4 These artificially created chiefs were given the authority to arrest and detain people who committed offences; and debtors who could not meet their financial obligations owed to others. They also acted as tax collectors for the Colonial masters. Native courts were graded A to D according to the Native Court Ordinance No.44 of 1933, with Grade A courts empowered with full judicial powers including capital powers, each subsequent grade having diminished capabilities. In the Eastern Region, there were no Grade A Courts, 5 at Grade B(divided between Calabar and Onitsha), 54 at Grade C(of which29 were in Ogoja province), 492 at Grade D (with 93 in Ogoja) as well as 45 Native Appeal Courts ,each also possessing status as courts of the first instance. Of these, 12 were in Ogoja province.5 As the courts grew in number ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Yolo Bypass Wildlife Environment For almost as long as humans have been on Earth, we have changed landscapes drastically to suit our needs, historically often without regard to the damage caused in the process. This has changed over time, with the passing of legislation like the Endangered Species Act and the Clean Water Act, the creation of national and state parks, and efforts being made to restore degraded ecosystems. While we may never see perfect natural systems again, especially in areas heavily populated by humans, reconciliation is possible. Reconciliation ecology takes the concepts of restoration ecology, in which managers seek to restore an ecosystem to how it used to be at a particular time, and combines them with inevitable human presence. It uses these factors ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... While providing a source of money needed to accomplish management programs at the YBWA, the rice fields also provide a food source for ducks and temporary habitat for waterfowl, as the fields are re flooded post harvest. This is a vast improvement from the previous strategy of burning the fields post harvest, as that was a source of air pollution. Most of the 15,000 acres of the YBWA is inaccessible to recreational hikers, though there are a few trails scattered throughout. Provided hikers are conscientious, their impact is likely to be minimal and come incidentally from car runoff. Most of the species I saw at the YBWA seemed to not mind the presence of cars or hikers much, though the blackbirds continuously flushed as I hiked along the parking lot C trail. Hunting impacts individual ducks immediately, but may be compensatory. In addition to these uses of the YBWA, the ecosystem is actively ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Comcast Packet Forgery Comcast Packet Forgery case in 2007 explains how network neutrality received public visibility. In May 2007, Comcast installed a new software/tool on its networks which conveniently and selectively interfered with some of Comcast customers TCP/IP connections. A Comcast subscriber Robb Topolski ran a tool called a packet sniffer which was used to seed files on BitTorrent and discovered that unexpected TCP RST packets were causing inbound connections to his computer to die. Based on his observations, he speculated that Comcast may have been responsible for this interference. Computers use TCP as a standard protocol to exchange information on the Internet. When a computer receives TCP packets which it believes it should not have received or when it thinks it has closed a connection but keeps ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In many cases, the surge of forged RST packets will cause software to fail in its attempts to do something a user asks of it. For instance, a BitTorrent client elsewhere on the Internet may fail in downloading a rare document that is available as a BitTorrent seed from a Comcast user. In the case of a typical Gnutella node, RST forgery will destroy the node s ability to discover and establish proper communications with other parts of the Gnutella network. Gnutella connections are generally started in either direction: Comcast user connects outwards, or other Gnutella nodes connect inwards. In both of these examples, Comcast s packet forgery prevents the transfer of data rather than delaying it. Hence, the characterization of Comcast s packet forgery as delaying certain traffic is only true under special conditions, and is definitely not true in general. According to the white paper two conditions that maybe considered ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Sacagawea Research Paper Edit with the Docs app Make tweaks, leave comments, and share with others to edit at the same time. NO THANKSUSE THE APP Naslund, Haley Sacagawea Essay pd. 4 Haley Naslund Ms. Moseley English 1, pd. 4 8 September 2015 Sacagawea is a historical figure that most everyone know about. Actually people think they know about her, but evidence doesn t show much about her life. There are many journals or biographies about her life but little has all the facts. Meriwether Lewis is known as Lewis and he wa an American explorer whose mission was to find and conquer new land across the Western United States. Clark short for William Clark is the partner in Lewis and Clark he was just as a leader like Lewis with the same goal of crossing the US territory.The ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Character Analysis Of Mr. Smith Goes To Washington Throughout the film Mr. Smith Goes to Washington the main character, Mr. Smith, shows his unfaltering patriotism and devotion toward being an honest man, promoting liberty and freedom. The politicians in the film seem to be the exact opposite of Mr. Smith because they forget that everything is about the people and doing what is right. Many politicians today share both the qualities of Mr. Smith as well as the other politicians, which could be improved. The story begins with a man named Sam Folley dying, a senator that had to be replaced. This troubled a group of politicians breaking the law with a piece of legislation that would benefit a member of the group substantially as well as those that helped, known as graft. Mr. Smith was chosen ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Afterwards he sees all the newspapers that make him took terrible, twisting what his good heart had to give into something worse. He began to punch every reporter he found in the face and ended up in a bar where most of them congregated. They then held him down and proceeded to explain that he can t do anything because he has no experience and is just an honorary stooge . Senator Smith felt terrible after that experience and confronted Joseph Paine how he felt. Mr. Paine explained that he was new and that it would take no time to start doing something that carries weight. Mr. Paine encouraged Smith to write his own legislation and present it to the Senate. This filled Mr. Smith with purpose, so he began to work on his legislation. He needed Ms. Saunders help though, and she didn t think much of him because he was too sappy . His idea was to make a boy s camp in the summer so they could experience the outdoors and each other coming from different places. The only problem was that the same place that he wanted the camp was where a dam was to be built, part of the bill that would benefit the group of people, and Ms. Saunders realized that this would cause problems. Senator Smith read his legislation to the senate and was instantly shut down by his colleague Joseph Paine because the land problem. The Senate then attacked Mr. Smith and used newspapers to argue if he should even be in the Senate. Ms. Saunders couldn t take Smith being hurt and taking part in it, so she ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Americ A Unique Combination Of Many Cultures Essay America is a unique combination of many cultures. We are a very diverse nation and we represent many different countries throughout our culture. America allows different beliefs and cultures to represent the diversity that this country has. Some people see diversity as an asset, while others see it as a downfall. We have many different religions in the country, which occasionally causes problems. Different races and views of races also cause problems, and is a current major issue in America. China is extremely different from America, but we do share some similarities. China is not a diverse country in any way. America is a melting pot of cultures, bringing together foods from different parts of the world, but the food culture of those countries is often not accurately represented. American Chinese food is such a staple in American food culture, but it doesn t imitate the diversity of food in China. We use more flavor than Western culture. We do flour more creatively in China. We can make it a lot of different forms. People are surprised by the Russian and Korean influences that affect northern China (Steeley). Beer is a big thing in northern China, but the southern Chinese diet is pretty different. In some cities, places to eat gear more toward foreigners. These places try to serve American food, but it isn t food we are used too. Chinese American food includes unusual pizzas or vegetable salads without lettuce. French fries would show up randomly a lot, just like a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Nonviolent Resistance In Pray The Devil Back To Hell There are many different ways human beings deal with oppression. One way is nonviolent resistance, which is a term for describing a range of methods to deal with conflict without the use of violence. Individuals such as the Liberian women and Mohandas Gandhi claim that nonviolent resistance is justified through acts of harmonious protests and more likely to produce peaceful and constructive outcomes. Harmonious protests justify the concept of nonviolent opposition because it achieves public sympathy. In Pray the Devil Back to Hell, the Liberian women marched down the streets, and as they continued to march other women would leave their homes and join in to support their strive for peace. Through this act of peaceful resistance, the women gained recognition and support from society which made the government rethink the flaws in their system and began to listen to the women in order to bring social change. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Some may argue that nonviolent resistance is ineffective because they believe force needs to be utilized in order to receive attention and fulfillment of your needs. However, nonviolent opposition is more likely to produce more constructive rather than destructive outcomes. In Mohandas K. Gandhi s excerpt On Nonviolent Resistance, he states that Everywhere wars are fought and millions of people are killed. The consequence is not the progress of a nation but its decline... (Gandhi 6). Gandhi believes that violence and war is tangential to the original goal and that violence will only allow a nation to move away its goal. However, peaceful and nonviolent acts focus on the subject at hand and follows a strategy aimed at mobilizing the people and undermining its opponents pillars of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...