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How To Write Good Essays
Powerpoint Presentations
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How To Write Good Essays Powerpoint Presentations How To Write Good Essays Powerpoint Presentations
Classical Period Research Paper
During the Classical period, it was common for music to be louder, faster and not written for the
church like it had been written in the Baroque or Renaissance period. Instead of the music being
performed in churches, it was performed in concert halls or in the palace. Some of the most
recognizable artists during that time were Mozart, Beethoven, and Hayden. A lesser known artist,
Muzio Clementi, an Italian born pianist, who was alive during 1752 to 1832 and lived most of this life
in England during the Classical period. Even though, his music was not as successful as some of the
other artists of this time such as Mozart, he was considered the the father of the piano. This was
because his techniques helped to influence many other pianists ... Show more content on
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We can relate some of Beethoven s symphonies that we learned about in class like symphony number
five to Muzio s symphonies because they both consisted of four movements and were both written in
an allegro form. The instruments that were used in the two symphonies are similar; they both use
string instruments like violins and cellos and percussion instruments. Usually, symphonies consist of
string, brass, percussion, and woodwind instruments, but do not have to use every instrument that is in
those categorizes they just use a few or none at all for each. They also do not just use one violin or one
flute there is usually a couple of each instrument so that there can be variety of sounds. For instance, if
the piece calls for a certain instrument to be played multiple ways then they would use more than one
of those instruments, so that all the pressure would not be placed on one performer. For the Great
National, Clementi used a variety of instruments that would be typically used such as violins, the
piano, and trombones. We also learned about absolute music which is music that does not have a
written story to it like most modern songs do today that have lyrics to it, but in absolute music its more
about the instruments and the music itself. Clementi s symphony is considered to be absolute music
because there are no words and does not make up a story, the music itself coveys a power story. It was
their intent that the music would be able to be strong by itself to create a sort of story that did not need
words to convey a powerful message. That is similar to anyone s symphonies like Hayden s or Mozart
s that we studied in
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Police Enforcement And Criminal Investigation Essay
Law enforcement, in some form, has existed for centuries and since its creation there has been
numerous improvements. Improvements have come about because of community changes and the
need for more effective ways of policing the people. As crimes became more fierce and complex so
did the need for the investigation and solving of these crimes. Criminal investigative techniques were
not just born from thin air, some thought and planning had to go into figuring out the proper ways to
go about doing things. Pioneers of the criminal justice and criminal investigation field such as August
Vollmer, Alphonse Bertillon, Edward Henry, and Edmond Locard have made superior contributions to
the development of criminal investigative techniques. These techniques have impacted the way police
operate today and set a substantial base for law enforcement to build on. Alphonse Bertillon devised a
system simply called, The Bertillon System. This was a first attempt at criminal identification and was
thought to be reliable and accurate. Bertillon developed an anthropometric system of physical
measurements of body parts, especially components of the head and face. This system was used
primarily to determine if a person in custody had committed a previous crime. Archives of these
records began to be compiled. A form of this system is still used today, but we now call them
mugshots . (Bertillon System of Criminal Identification, 2011). Although mugshots are still used
today, anthropometry was
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Armenian Genocide Essay
The world becomes a better place when there is humanity. Humanity exists when there are people who
have the desire to give, instead of take. When these generous people give without the expectation of
taking back, the world automatically offers them the better. There was poverty in all the villages of
Armenia. Armenian Christians were continuously under attacks. The attacks against Christian
Armenians occurred throughout the year 1915. This is the age that is well known for the Armenian
Genocide, which was carried out by the Ottoman Turks. Escaping the Ottoman forces, my
grandmother, Sosek Boghosian, found herself as a refuge in Iraq. Horrific acts continued to be
committed to my grandmother s descendants.
Many people had no place to live or sleep. I have interviewed my grandmother to make myself more
educated about the Armenian Genocide. She contributed to the Armenian culture in many different
ways. Mrs. Boghosian studied about the genocide from her beloved mother. Following her mother s
footsteps, she became more generous day by day. She contributed to the Armenian Culture by teaching
her children and grandchildren how to help one another. This was followed by donating food, clothes
and shelter for the kids in orphanages. These unfortunate children lost their guardians in the genocide,
along with 1.5 million other deaths.
The Armenian people lived in a very safe environment until some obstacles beset them. When the
Turks were informed that the Armenians were living a
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An Analysis Of Suicide Note By Janice Mirikitani
The term Asian American refers to an extremely diverse group of people, with varying cultures,
histories, views of mental illness, and views of suicide. It has been estimated that almost 50 distinct
Asian American ethnic groups speaking 30 different languages reside in the United States alone,
(Hapa). Many Asian Americans are very traditional family s Asian Americans are more likely than
other Americans to value marriage, parenthood, hard work and career success (Saw) . The poem
Suicide Note by Janice Mirikitani, is a poem about a young Asian American who commits suicide by
jumping out of her dormitory window in college. Later someone in the poem finds a suicide note that
the main character leaves behind explaining why she committed ... Show more content on
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A lot of children that come from an Asian culture background a prefer to die then to have a bad grade
in school. The thinking of suicide comes from The pressure to succeed and the shame that results from
the failure to do so, which are associated with psychological distress and suicide, have been
documented among youth in Asian countries, such as Sri Lanka, China and Japan (Saw). Furth more
this example shows us that many Asian American culture hate to seea family member bring shame to
their family and would rather them to not fail in life but to always succeed. In the poem Suicide Note
the main character explains in her Note that she is not smart enough (Kirszner l.3) The main character
feels that she is not smart in enough in school. In a summary before the poem the author explains that
Her suicide note contained an apology to her parents for having received less than a perfect four point
grade average (Kirszner 683). This example shows that the main character had to have a great grade in
school if not she would not feel content with herself. Education is one of the most important goals in a
life of an Asian American citizen and if not accomplished very well could result in Depression or even
Suicide. Janice Mirkikitnia poem Suicide Note, also shows the parental expectations are high for
Asian American children. A research conducted concluded that Asian Americans reported that they
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An Exploration of the Malay Kompang
Name: Chan Tsui Sze Dora
Matriculation Number: U1210644K
Seminar Group Time: 1330 1530
Seminar Group Instructor: Cikgu Zubir
Assignment: Research Paper in Malay Music
Date: 10 April 2013
Word Count: 2245
Chapter 1: An Introduction to the Kompang 3 1.1 Features of the Kompang 4 1.2 Features of
Kompang Music 4 1.3 Performance Context 6
Chapter 2: Influences on the Malay Kompang 7 2.1 Arabic Influences 7 2.2 Portuguese Influences 9
2.3 Thai Influences 11 2.4 African Influences 12
Chapter 3: Future Changes in the Malay Kompang 14
3.1 Pop and Media Influences 14
3.2 Western Influences 15
Chapter 4: Conclusion ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Additionally, there are even more types of Pukulan found in various forms of dance music (Abdullah,
2005). A summary of the different Pukulan specific to the Kompang Ezhar community is shown in
Figure 1 below:
Figure 1: A summary of the various types of Pukulan found in the Kompang Ezhar (Abdullah, 2005)
In Kompang, rhythm is mainly characterized by the interlocking of different parts divided within the
Kompang ensemble. Interlocking is basically done with two or more Kompangs playing
simultaneously, with one part playing the Basic beat which is usually the downbeats; another part
playing the Rhythm beat which is usually the off beats; and an additional part(s) playing the Leading
beat which is usually characterized by triplets or a syncopated rhythm that creates a unique
interlocking texture specific to the Malay Kompang musical genre (Hahril, 2010). In addition,
instrumentation is a musical element that is relatively fixed in Kompang; there is usually a group of
Kompangs playing together, and occasionally, accompanying voice.
1.3 Performance Context
In the Singaporean context, the Malay Kompang is usually seen performed at weddings and
celebratory ceremonies, or at traditional showcases. As the Kompang is usually performed in large,
open spaces, it
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Karl Polanyi 1944
Karl Polanyi s (1944/1957) Societies and Economic Systems, The Great Transformation, provides a
historical background to the structure of markets before the modern era. It is important to first
differentiate between markets and the market economy in order to understand the factors that make up
economies. The market economy is a self regulating system of markets that is directed by market
prices and nothing but market prices (p. 43). Polanyi argues that having an economy of some form is
essential to the survival of a society, however, he notices that pervious societies successfully existed
with no evidence of market control (p. 43). Markets have existed since the Stone Age, but their role
was no more than incidental to economic life because it did ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
44). Max Weber was one of the first contemporary historians to reject the idea that primeval
economies provide no significance to modern economy, he emphasizes the changelessness of man as a
social being (Polanyi, 1944, p. 46). Polanyi (1944) explains that man s economy, as a rule, is
submerged in his social relationships meaning that individuals place their social standings, social
claims, and social assets at higher value, rather than economic motives/material goods (p. 46). In
primitive economies, production and distribution is enforced through the principles of reciprocity and
redistribution. Reciprocity is observed in families and kinship; this is explained through an example of
Trobriand Islanders of Western Melanesia culture (Polanyi, 1944, p. 47). This civilization uses a
matrilineal system; the male in the family is recognized for his good behaviour if he offers the best
crops to his sister and her family; however, if he fails, his reputation (which is extremely valuable) is
at risk and he will not earn material benefits in exchange (Polanyi, 1944, p.
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Coffee Grounds
The Ways You Can Use Coffee Grounds to Fertilize Lawns, Repel Insects and Perform Other Chores
around the House
Every single year, thousands of pounds of already used coffee grounds are being thrown away in the
garbage and then shipped to a landfill where it will add more garbage to the growing amounts of waste
all over the world. The next time you finish with your coffee, instead of throwing the coffee grounds
away, try using them and test if they are effective in the following cases:
Used coffee grounds are an amazing addition to the compost pile in your hose. The reason why coffee
grounds are excellent compost addition is their high content of nitrogen. Nitrogen gives energy to the
bacteria in your compost that they need to break ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This same substance makes the used coffee grounds an excellent fertilizer. If you mix used coffee
ground with the soil you are going to use for planting, you will speed up the growth of the microbes in
the soil. The nitrogen will provide the plant with nutrients as well. People believe that used coffee
grounds are acidic. However, this is not correct, because these acids are water soluble and get washed
away in the coffee. Your soil will be free of acids.
Wood staining To stain your wood by yourself and give it a nice tone you can use coffee grounds.
Place the coffee grounds in a French press or a coffee pot, add boiling water and leave them to rest for
2 hours or during the night. In the morning, filter out the grounds and pour the liquid in a container.
Soak a paintbrush in the liquid and apply it on the wood. Leave it to dry for 10 minutes and repeat
until you get the right color. You can even rub used coffee grounds on the wood if you want a darker
shade of brown.
Bug repellent Coffee ground can be an effective mosquito repellent because these bugs don t like the
strong scent of coffee. Studies showed that used grounds can even serve as an insecticide because they
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Franklin D. Roosevelt And The New Deal
Born on January 30, 1882, in Hyde Park, New York, Franklin D. Roosevelt was stricken with polio in
1921. He became the 32nd US president in 1933, and was the only president to be elected four times.
Roosevelt led the United States through the Great Depression and World War II, and greatly expanded
the powers of the federal government through a series of programs and reforms known as the New
Deal. Roosevelt died in Georgia in 1945.
President Roosevelt s parents made a living both on real estate and trade. Roosevelt was schooled by
tutors until age 14 because they didn t believe in sending him to school. His household revolved
around him, even with his mother being his dominant figure into adulthood. Franklin Roosevelt
attended the Groton ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
They were married for 40 years. Eleanor Roosevelt is known for 10 quotes and she is rumored to have
run his presidency.
At 28 Franklin Roosevelt was invited to run for New York State Senate. He campaigned to the fullest
and was able win the election. Assuming the governorship at the onset of the Great Depression,
Roosevelt devoted himself to relieving the burden on New Yorkers. He advocated for a federal old age
pension, and created the Temporary Relief Administration to provide assistance to the unemployed.
He soon formed an alliance with Louis Howe, which would help shape his political career for the next
25 years. Franklin Roosevelt found personal as well as professional success, in Politics.
Franklin D. Roosevelt accepted the nomination for vice president, as James M. Cox s running mate.
On August 10, 1921, Roosevelt was on vacation at Campobello Island, New Brunswick, Canada, and
he was diagnosed with polio. He tried numerous things to cure the terminal illness and even bought
the Warm Springs resort in Georgia in an effort to find a cure.
Franklin Roosevelt believed that having polio would effect his political career and everything would
be over. But His wife Eleanor Roosevelt and Louis Howe encouraged him to continue his career
despite his illness. He didn t believe he was terminally ill although he never regained mobility in his
legs. Roosevelt taught himself to walk short distances with his brace, and was
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Air Campaign Waged by Germany in The Battle of Britain Essay
The Battle of Britain is the name given to the World War II air campaign waged by the German Air
Force against the United Kingdom during the summer and autumn of 1940. The Luftwaffe or German
Air Force was trying to pave the way for a sea and airborne invasion of Britain as an extension of
Hitler s Blitzkrieg campaign in Western Europe. The Battle of Britain is significant because it was the
only battle throughout World War II which was fought only in the air. The Battle of Britain also
marked the turning point in the war. The Luftwaffe was overconfident in their ability to gain complete
air superiority over the British Channel and the invasion area. The Luftwaffe intended to prevent both
the RAF from striking against their attack but ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The Germans would make small advancements throughout the length of the battle, but they could
never make a large enough dent in the RAF to change the outcome of the battle. Britain had its hand in
every major component of the battle which what caused them to win the Battle of Britain and defeat
the Germans in the first major campaign fought entirely by air forces. The courageous pilots of the
RAF were the heroes that helped safeguard Britain which gave way to Churchill s speech about the
few men who risked their lives for so many others. The popular saying is, Never...was so much owed
by so many to so few.
Goering and Hitler The commander in chief Reichsmarschall Hermann W. Goering was an unstable
leader for the Luftwaffe. Although Goering was a pilot in WWI he had not kept up with the changes in
air power since his time in WWI and had little knowledge of strategy. Goering was prone to make
impulsive and erratic decisions which made it difficult for the Luftwaffe to get a jump on the RAF.
Because of Goering s erratic decision making, Hitler would intervene when he thought necessary
which would make the results even worse. Hitler had no clue about aerial strategies or tactics which
Churchill picked up on and realized that it would give the RAF a great advantage. Goering and Hitler
were never on the same page with one another and Goering would only tell Hitler what he wanted to
hear. As Hitler was preparing to move along with Operation Sea
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Disadvantages Of A Broadway Strike
Any negotiator considering items to included in contract cannot afford to overlook the impact of the
united states entertainment industry throughout the world Wilson, J. (1991). Artist often need to deal
with low compensation compared to the one, who have been with the industry for a long time, hence,
it was quite essential to have a couple of union for providing a fair value for the artists. The strike is
often considered as a last remedy to provide benefits for the labors and workers. It would be
disadvantage for both producers and the artists, as we have seen writers guide of America organized
the longest strike, which cost the industry so much money. It is always considered to negotiate face to
face with the concerned person to provide a fair value, which the union is demanding, Labor staged a
Broadway strike harsh working conditions. It would take lawsuits strikes, and hardliner negotiations
for Hollywood artists to receive more rights. This often required artists to take risks, such as
suspensions or firing in the hope of better treatment (O.C.,Ferrell, G.A. Hirt, L. Ferrell, 2014).
.Striking carries out normal operations of business at it s best and impossible at its worse. Strike can
cause low wages and poor condition (O.C.,Ferrell, G.A. Hirt, L. Ferrell, 2014). So many problem can
arrive because of a strike,. When striking it may involve law suits which is a cumbersome process and
it greatly and dearly impacts the entire industry and losses can be in
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Drug Trafficking Papers
Drug Trafficking
Drug trafficking is the production of drugs done illegally that violate the drug prohibition laws.
Throughout the years, drug trafficking has been progressing and expanding to the point to where it is
now worldwide. Organizations involved in drug trafficking have been improving their networks,
constantly upgrading their transportation and equipment, having new methods to transport the drugs
and communication throughout the system, and finding information on their employees to use against
them which makes it harder for law enforcement to keep up and take action to reduce the problem of
drug trafficking.
The illegal transportation of drugs started to become serious whenever the Medellin Cartel began to
dominate the cocaine business. The Medellin Cartel was ran by the Ochoa Vazquez brothers Jorge
Luis, Juan David, and Fabio; Pablo Escobar, Carlos Lehder, George Jung, and Jose Gonzalo
Rodriguez Gacha. In 1975, the Colombian police found 600 kilos of cocaine stashed in a plane. Drug
traffickers responded to the police by killing 40 people in one weekend which is known as the
Medellin Massacre. The massacre led to the uprising of various killings, assassinations, kidnappings,
and the discovery of a hit list that contained U.S. businessmen, embassy members, and their families.
It was then when violence was beginning to grow in Miami and drug traffickers were involved, that
the Vice President of the United States, George H.W. Bush, and government officials
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The Photographer I Chose William Henry Jackson
The photographer I chose is William Henry Jackson. This photographer stood out to me because his
photography was outstanding especially of the great outdoors. After going through the pain staking
process of choosing a photographer he really stood out the most because of his photos of the outdoors.
Even though he is an amazing artist he did marvelous work in the American West. He was more than
just a photographer he also did some work as a painter in his early and later parts of his career.
William Henry Jackson was also a publisher like most artists are. But, he was always a lover of art.
Early in his career at the age of 19 in 1862 he joined as a private in Company K of the 12th Vermont
Infantry of the Union Army. He served during the American Civil War for about nine months and
during his time he fought in a major battle, which was the Battle of Gettysburg. He spent most of his
time sketching during his time in the army. He was assigned to guarding a supply train. In 1863 his
regiment was dismissed. William Henry Jackson was well known for his photography of the American
West. The reason he did photography about the American West was because in 1866 his brother and
William took a Union Pacific Railroad train to the last stop which was near Nebraska. He then got a
job as a bullwhacker on a wagon train. This company traveled along the Oregon Trail. In Omaha he
open up a photography business with his brother in 1867. He did many long excursions in the Omaha
region to
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Technology And Analytical Method Support Communications At...
Does this technology and analytical method support communications at all levels of the organizations
you selected? General Motors is a large automotive manufacturing company that utilizes material
requirements planning and linear regression models. General Motors has a very large and complex
logistics system that incorporates hundreds of other companies into its processes. From distributors to
suppliers, General Motors must be able to communicate throughout the process in order to achieve a
successful operation. The MRP system that GM uses allows for better communication, but it wasn t
always this way. In fact, when General Motor s executive director of global logistics, Mr. Edgard
Pezzo, took over GM s logistics division, he noted that MRP systems needed to be improved to
eliminate excess inventory and improve the efficiency of item routing (Ludwig, 2014). Pezzo also
worked diligently to improve communication at all levels. He made it easier for internal stakeholders,
such as purchasers, manufacturers, finance, and more, to communicate with external stakeholders, like
suppliers, so that they could collaborate and participate in planning models to prepare for any scenario
that might come along (Ludwig, 2014). Apple, the infamous manufacturer of popular products like the
iPhone and iPad, is another corporation that utilizes smart material requirements planning systems and
analytical models like linear regression. Apple has over 200 suppliers that provide the
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The Main Features of the Reforms Passed by the Government...
The Main Features of the Reforms Passed by the Government in the 19th Century that Affected
As we can see from question one prisons needed serious reform. This is because the purpose of prison
was to hold people until they were hung or transported therefore no one cared about reforming them.
So the purpose of prisons has to change for the conditions to change. This is because if the purpose
changes from holding prisoners till death to holding prisoners until there sentence is up people will put
more effort into reforming them so the conditions will get better and the way to do this is for people
like Elizabeth Fry to implement the changes needed. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
He gave good food, clothing and bedding to prisoners although they received good treatment they
were still tret like prisoners. They did not pay for any of these items and the jailer was not to charge
the prisoners as he was getting a salary. There were no irons or chains and there main punishments
consisted of no visitors at all, and hard labour and probably the worst punishment of all solitary
confinement. Each prisoner had their own cell and the chaplain and doctor visited regularly to check
on the prisoners and try to reform them through God. The warden had to visit at least once a day to
check on the prisoners and exercise them.
Sir George Paul although he only reformed one prison set the way for others to follow in his footsteps
and reform other prisons.
Elizabeth Fry was the next reformer who formed an association called the Association for the
improvement of female prisons at Newgate. This was an association that fought for the rights of
women in prisons.
She wanted the opportunity while women and children were in prison to try to teach them. She also
wanted to try to bring the faith of Christianity into their lives in order to try to reform and turn them
into better people. She also believed in segregation and women s rights along with female jailors. She
wanted this because she wanted to stop disease and
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Ardennes Offensive Advantages And Disadvantages
The Allies faced various disadvantages during the Ardennes Offensive:  Since the Allies had reached
the German border after the Normandy landings by this time, they faced an important intelligence
disadvantage. The Germans used only telephones and tele printers within the German borders. Radios
were not used as the Allies had cracked Enigma by then.  The Allied aircraft reconnaissance suffered
due to the autumn fog and withheld them from making optimum use of air power especially the tank
busting Typhoons of the RAF or Mustang fighters from the USAAF which would have been used
against German tanks. Though the weather was typical for the Ardennes in winter, the ground was
hard enough for military vehicles to cross and this suited the armored attack Hitler envisaged. 
Germans used charcoal instead of wood to reduce smoke detection. The Battle of Bulge Military
Situation maps: 16th December 1944 On the morning of 16th December, the Germans launched an
attack on the Allied forces through the Ardennes. The plan for Dietrich s 6th Army was for the three
infantry divisions to punch a hole on either side of Udenbrath, and then swing north west to form a
hard shoulder facing north while the four armored divisions drove through the ... Show more content
on Helpwriting.net ...
Lack of fuel and manpower on the western front made it inevitable had the German offensive would
fall through unless Allied supplies could be captured intact and that was a long shot in any case. Hitler
had been defeated by Allied air superiority, by the defenders of Bastogne, by poor coordination among
his own forces (especially between the Fifth and Sixth Panzer Divisions) and by a new weapon, the
proximity fuse which could make a shell go off at a distance from its target through the use of radars.
However, in the end it was his extreme military belief that attack is the best defense , that proved fatal
to the German
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Elucidate The Potential Of 5-Ala Case Study
Therefore, we are aiming to elucidate the potential of 5 ALA/PDT to target the genetic materials of
MCF 7 and HepG2 cancer cell lines effectively after inducing cytotoxicity and genotoxicity by two
cytogenetic parameters; micronucleus test and alkaline comet assay.
In this experimental study, we will elucidate the potential of 5 ALA/PDT to target DNA and induce
DNA damage to the genetic materials of MCF 7 and HepG2 cancer cells and record cytotoxicity and
genotoxicity by micronucleus test and alkaline comet assay.
2. Materials and Methods
All chemicals, including 5 ALA, were purchased from (Sigma/Aldrich, VA, USA), unless mentioned.
Stock solution of 5 ALA (100mM) was prepared in phosphate buffer saline (PBS) and kept in dark at
20ºC. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
after application of 5 ALA/PDT treatments, MCF 7 and HepG2 cells were incubated for 24h before
2.3. Cytotoxicity
Cytotoxicity was carried out using the trypan blue staining/ exclusion method (5×105 cells/well). 20µl
of cell suspension was added to 20µl of 0.4% trypan blue and then viable and dead cells were counted
by Bio Rad TC20™ Cell Automated Counter. The percentage of viability was determined by the
following equation and data were represented as the mean ± SD.
% of viability = (number of viable cells/ total cell number) x 100
2.4. Evaluation of DNA Damage
Assessment of DNA damage was evaluated by micronucleus test and comet assay after treating cells
with 5 ALA and/or laser irradiation as PDT.
2.5. Micronucleus Test
The micronucleus (MN) test was carried out according to Fenech [17] with some modifications. MCF
7 and HepG2 cells were treated with cytochalasin B (5µg/ml), 44h before the end of treatments, to
block cytokinesis and stop cell division at the metaphase/anaphase transition of mitosis. After
applying different treatments with 5 ALA/PDT, cells suspensions were centrifuged at 1000 rpm for 10
min and the supernatant were discarded. Small drops of the resuspended cells pellets were spread
upon clean
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Levi s Changing Position Of Levi Strauss
3 4 5
6 7 8
Levi Strauss, the inventor of the quintessential
American garment, was born in Buttenheim,
Bavaria on February 26,
1829 to Hirsch Strauss and his second wife, Rebecca
Haas Strauss; Levi had three older brothers and three older sisters. Two years after his father
succumbed to tuberculosis in 1846, Levi and his sisters emigrated to New York, where they were met
by his two older brothers who owned a NYC based wholesale dry goods business called J. Strauss
Brother Co.
Levi soon began
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Health Education in Finland
In Finland, Parliament decides on the legislation on education, funding and education policies. The
Government and the Ministry of Education responsible for educational policy planning and
implementation. Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Culture to determine education policy
guidelines and strategic policies. The Ministry of Education oversees the entire state budget tied to
educational opportunities and training in preparing legislation and government decisions. A key player
in the national education policy implementation and development of education is the National Board
of Education. (Opetushallitus 2013a.) Secondary education and vocational training may be arranged
municipalities, joint municipal authorities, registered in the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
Cultural and ethnic are challenges for the future. For all the people, age or cultural difference without
looking, is guaranteed the opportunity to participate in society and to promote health. The nurses
encounter different cultures of people in their work. This makes it important to study the multi cultural
nursing in health care programs. (Mäntyharju, E. Siili, T. 2010.) Nurse students participate
constructively in the activities and decision making. They work with their rights and obligations in
accordance with the work and in everyday life. They are pursuing gender equality and non
discrimination laws. They act fairly and in accordance with the requirements of working in different
cultural backgrounds of the people at home country and in international operations. (Opetushallitus
2010.) In 2011, the Finnish nurses was abroad totaled 3 580. In Sweden were 1 345 Finnish nurse,
Norway 535, in England 350, in Switzerland 285, in USA 205 and in Germany 175. It must be
remembered that, for example Finnish nurses qualification can work abroad. (Ailasmaa 2013.) 2
EDUCATION IN ETHIOPIA Ethiopia is one of the world s poorest countries. To tackle poverty to
improve education is of great importance, and Ethiopia has committed itself to ambitious expansion of
education for all. The basic number of schools has doubled over the past ten years, as well the number
of teachers. (Ulkoasiainministeriö 2010.) Compulsory education of 6 14 years of age who attend
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A Brief Note On High Performance Computing ) Frameworks...
HPC (high performance computing) frameworks are based on both software and hardware platforms.
The mechanism called fault tolerance is nothing but process which allows system (frequently software
based) to continue working properly in case of failure of its components (one or more faults) on MPI
(message passing interface). In HPC systems like grid computing, cloud computing etc. fault tolerance
method highly applicable in order to ensure that long operating applications are finished their tasks
according to time. Therefore, there are different types of fault tolerance methods introduced in
The goal of this section is to present the study on various fault tolerance methods with its working and
issues associated for HPC systems on MPI computations. Fault tolerance methods are basically
divided into five main research points listed below:
Migration methods
Redundancy methods
Failure masking methods
Failure semantic methods
Recovery methods
Paste your text here and click on Next to look at this text redact do it s factor. don t have any text to
check? don t have any text to check? Click Select Samples .Data migration is the method of
transferring data between storage types, formats, or computer systems. Data migration is typically
performed programmatically to attain an automated migration, liberating up human resources from
tedious tasks. It is needed once organizations or people amendment laptop systems or upgrade to new
systems, or
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Compare And Contrast The Two Front War And The Schlieffen...
What was the Two Front War and The Schlieffen Plan, and how did they affect the war? The
Schlieffen Plan was created by General Count Alfred von Schlieffen in December 1905. This plan was
created to prove Germany victorious over France and Russia. General Schlieffen wanted to make a
plan where Germany could fight both France and Russia and still be victorious. Schlieffen saw France
as the biggest threat, and decided that they should be first defeated to secure victory over both armies.
Schlieffen proposed that German forces would advance through Belgium to avoid strong French
troops on the Franco German Border. German troops would then move south and take the French by
surprise. This plan eventually failed and Schlieffen was replaced
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Child Health and Well Being
The purpose of this project is how we can ensure the health and safety of children in a childcare
setting. We have to consider the welfare of every child who will be under our care once we are
working in Childcare. We have to follow some certain guidelines and this project will help me to
outline the requirements necessary to provide for the health and well being of the children, including
their protection and ensuring a safe environment for them. This project will further discuss the Health
and Safety Regulations, some Legislation involved in Childcare and we have to come up with some
policies and procedures.
II. Critical Evaluation of Health and Safety issues in an ECCE setting
Health and Safety Awareness
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Childcare Act 1991
The Child Care Act of 1991 was the first piece of Irish legislation to focus on children. It defines a
child as someone who is under 18 years of age (unless they are married). The Act is an extensive piece
of legislation, and it is not within the remit of this text to discuss all aspects of it. For purposes, we
will focus on Part VII of the Act, which defines a pre school child and pre school service.
Pre school child: a child under six years of age who is not attending a national school or school
providing an educational program similar to national school.
Pre school service: any pre school, playgroup, day nursery, crèche, daycare or other similar service
which caters for preschool children. These include sessional, full time and drop in services.
The Child Care Act of 1991 is very important in relation to the protection of children. The Act puts a
legal responsibility on any person charged with the care of any child to act in the child s best interests
this is the most fundamental requirement of every person who works with children with whatever
situation. It is also the primary legislation regulating the childcare policy.
Childcare (Preschool) Regulations 2006
The Childcare (Pre School Services) (No. 2) Regulations 2006 provides for standard of service,
upkeep and care for any setting defined as pre school. The regulations define a pre school child to be
one under the age of six
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Impact Of Globalization On Business Environment
Every now and then disruptive events happen in the business world such a technological change,
industry changes, market changes or even societal changes that greatly impact the continual success of
a business. More so we live in era where these changes are only accelerating increasing uncertainty
and the growing complexity of the business world. Economic power continues to shift eastward and
different markets and trade linkages are emerging causing the boundaries between industry and sectors
to blurring. Discontinuities and megatrends are an inherent part of today s business environment and it
is important the businesses assess the impact of both these concepts on their strategic objectives and
daily operations of the business in order to stay ahead in today s competitive environments. Most
importantly CEO s need to be at the head of the business s strategic objectives to ensure that the
business remain on track and able to quickly adapt to these changes in the environment. Changes that
are described as rapid, abrupt and volatile are often termed as discontinuous changes because they
result in sudden and overwhelming changes in the world (Wilson 1976; Pullen, 1993). Discontinuities
are the product of discontinuous change and create products that are obsolete because they no longer
fit in with the expectation of the world and the consumers that purchase them, or it can create them, as
there is a pragmatic switch to the requirements of society (Deeg, 2007). Discontinuities
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A Public And Private Partnership And A Reciprocal...
Recently the City of Wichita has begun to experience problems providing and maintaining its
transportation services. The City of Wichita has traditionally operated a standard transit system
common in many other cities. This transit system included large busses on fixed routes and smaller
busses for more specialized transportation needs. This system however, does not cover the entire
scope of public transportation needs required by many citizens. Citizens have voiced a need for
change in the city s transit system. In this memo I will propose two alternatives, a public/private
partnership and a reciprocal community transport system, that aim to improve the Wichita transit
Many people see the current transit system as limited in scope. Both in terms of operation hours and
buses route options. According to the Wichita Eagle, the current system operates from 5:45 a.m. to
6:45 p.m. Monday through Friday and 6:45 a.m. to 5:45 p.m. Saturday (Wilson, 2013). This limits the
passenger usage to these specific hours. People needing public transportation before and after these
times are required to seek alternate methods of travel. In addition, not all bus routes run through major
city destinations. Some bus routes are stationed away from major areas of traffic. For many citizens in
order to utilize the public transit system, they must first seek another form of transportation in order to
reach a bus stop location.
In order to determine applicable solutions
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Analysis of Pauline Puyat’s Tracks­Essay
Analysis of Pauline Puyat s Tracks­
One of the most striking characteristics of Pauline Puyat is her devout Catholicism and her desire to be
disconnected from the Ojibwa people. Throughout Tracks, she openly chooses Catholicism over her
native religion and abandons her native ways almost completely. When Pauline tries to help Fleur
prevent a miscarriage, she is literally held back by her conscious separation from the Ojibwa culture.
There are many things that Pauline fails to do to effectively prevent Fleur from miscarrying. The most
obvious is her failure to efficiently put together the herbal steep made of Alder: And I could not
remember the plant s configuration, even though its use was common enough for bleeding ... Show
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Pauline s personification of the plants only continues this idea of confusion and abandonment. Her
prayer to the Catholic God is almost ironic; Pauline is begging her God to help her remember the
practices that she thinks sacrilegious.
Pauline s Catholicism and her duties as an Angel of Death continue to control her for the rest of the
passage. Before giving Fleur the Alder (or whatever herb she actually grabbed) steep, Pauline is
captivated by her face: Fleur s eyes were closed. Her face was drained of color. I k new this look and I
was fascinated, rapt, as at other death and sickbeds (157). Here, Pauline forgets what she is doing for
Fleur and reverts to her duty as the Angel of Death, abandoning her Ojibwa ways for Catholicism.
This seems to create further confusion for Pauline, as Fleur must instruct her on what to do with the
alder plant. When Pauline puts herself to that task, she finds that she is unable to do anything because
the Lord overtook [her] limbs and made them clumsy...it must have been his terrible will (157).
Pauline feels that God does not want her to help Fleur, and is preventing her from doing so by
deadening her limbs. Although she is trying to help Fleur, she simply cannot. Pauline s claims that
clumsiness and forgetfulness of Ojibwa traditions is God s terrible will, are a claim of validity for both
her follies in this passage and her stubborn separations from the Ojibwa.
An interesting
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Compare And Contrast Sleepy Hollow And The Legend Of...
In 1820 Washington Irving wrote the classic short story, The Legend of Sleepy Hollow . In his version
no one knew what happened to Ichabod Crane, however there was some theories. The townsfolk of a
small backwoods town, Sleepy Hollow, just knew the Headless Horseman had come for him. Thus,
making nature win. In 1999 Tim Burton directed a movie that was based on Washington Irving s short
story. In his version everyone knew what happened to Ichabod Crane. He left the little town with
Katrina Van Tassel and Young Masbath after finding out how to stop the Headless Houseman. Which,
is making science win. The film version and the short story version both had the same theme, science
will kill nature or nature will kill science. However, was this ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
Even though Ichabod Crane saw the Headless Horsemen with his own eyes, he still thought science
and logic was superior. When he saw the Headless Horsemen for the first time he was in a state of
panic, did not know what to believe in anymore. Eventually, he got a grip on himself and says there
must be an explanation for everything, and therefore believes there is a perfectly logical explanation
for what is happening in the town of Sleepy hollow. However, once Ichabod Crane, Young Masbath,
and Katrina Van Tassel went into the Western Woods and found the Headless Horseman burial site and
they saw him spring forth from the dead blood tree. This made Ichabod Crane question everything
aging since the tree represents the bringing together of two worlds. (50:00) He came back to logic and
science when he figured out that someone was controlling the Headless Horsemen to kill all these
people. (59:01) He always managed to find his way back to science and logic. When Ichabod Crane
left the town he had won the heart of Katrina Van Tassel and they left with Young Masbath to go back
to the life he had known before going to Sleepy Hollow. If he didn t believed that science and logic
wasn t superior than he wouldn t have left the
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A Review On Virtual Team
Griffith School of Engineering, Griffith University, Gold Coast, QLD4222, Australia
This paper presents a review of virtual team. It defines the virtual team, present opportunities in
virtual team, discusses its managerial and technological issues, lists the advantages disadvantages of
virtual teams and recommends for the future.
1. Introduction
1.1. Overview of virtual team A virtual team whether across the street or across the world is a team
whose members simultaneously work together to a common purpose while physically apart[1].
2. The Literature Review
A virtual team is a team in which its team members work together efficiently more over technology
than face to face.Virtual ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
There is increase in the globalization of trade and commercial activities.
In virtual teams, one can work for longer time instead of the face to face 8hrs.
The use of ICT in the virtual teams could increase the information gathering rate
The variety in team members gives room for brainstorming innovative solutions and fresh
Most workers in virtual team are chosen based on skills and knowledge
4. Issues in virtual Teams In virtual teams, issues can be classified as either management issues or
technological issues[3].
4.1 Managerial issues
Managerial issues have a broad impact on virtual team process. This aspect deals with the managerial
concerns of the virtual team[4]. It includes:
Developing a team VT require initial face to face meeting to develop a sense of team for their
Reinforcing project objectives There is need for frequent reinstatement of goals to team to ensure
every member remains focused on the common objectives and goals of the project.
Visiting remote participants Visiting team individuals during the course of the projects to deliver
evaluation and retain the
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What Role Does Nature Play In Icarus
What is nature s role in the myth of Icarus and Daedalus? In the short story Icarus and Daedalus and
the poem Icarus nature plays a big role when Icarus, Daedalus son, escapes with him by flying but
ends up being careless and dies due to the sun. The short story talks about the story of Icarus and
Daedalus when the poem is about Icarus death and what he must have been thinking while plunging to
his death. In Icarus and Daedalus by Josephine Preston Peabody, and Icarus by Wendy A. Shaffer,
nature exacerbates by having Icarus die in both the short story and poem.
To begin, in In Icarus and Daedalus by Josephine Preston Peabody, Icarus is foolish and nature is not
on his side, and he ends up flying too close to the sun and dies. Daedalus ... Show more content on
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Shaffer, the poem uses nature against Icarus. This poem is about what it would be like to be Icarus
while he was taking his last breath. Was Icarus mad? Was he blaming his father? Was he regretful?
These were all questions that were addressed throughout the poem. The mythical poem states,
Watching white feathers flutter upward, curse the wax as a fair weathered friend... Did he rail at the
sun... he laughed, and admitted that even had he known of the many failings of fathers and feathers, he
would have done it anyway (Shaffer 20). This piece of evidence displays the importance of Icarus
flying to close to the sun and dying. It shows how he killed himself along with the nature. The nature
of the myth and poem plays the role of freedom and death. The feathers signify freedom because of
being able to flutter and fly, while the sun signifies death and misfortune. Even though Icarus died, he
died being the adventurous foolish person he is. With nature not on his side, it shows how when you
do not follow rules, you may end up being in serious trouble even if it was fun. If you get too
senseless, you can end up having a big problem. Overall, in the poem Icarus by Wendy A. Shaffer,
nature is the root of Icarus
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Oklahoma Performing Arts, Inc. Essay
Mission Statement:
Oklahoma Performing Arts, Inc. has the mission that every individual deserves the opportunity to
empower and develop his or her character through classical arts training and community service
programs and presentations.
Please provide a brief overview of your organization (250 words).
Oklahoma Performing Arts, Inc. (OPA) began its nonprofit roots in 1996. OPA has the unique setting
of being a place for all. We provide a positive space for organizations to meet, to create and to share
their mission with the Tulsa community. OPA also offers Dance, Voice, Acting, Music and Yoga
training for all ages, along with an all youth company, Tulsa Youth Ballet. Tulsa Youth Ballet is the
complete multidiscipline program with community service and leadership as its foundation. OPA s
programs and presentations are provided through the following:
T.U.L.S.A. (Talented and Unlimited Leaders Spreading the Arts) established in 1999. TULSA
cultivates the talent of Tulsa Youth Ballet members to present complete works in different disciplines.
These productions are then presented to organizations and communities that would otherwise not
experience the value and joy that live performing arts create.
H.A.P.P.Y. (Hands on Arts Performing Programs for the Youth) established in 1999. HAPPY has
iExperience, Movestory, LUEY (Let Us Entertain You) and Get Sm ART. iExpereince is a program
that presents disciplines, such as tap, ballet and jazz with a brief history and a sampling
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Success Is A True Success
Erykah Badu once quoted I planned success. I just knew it was going to happen. From her statement,
success is all about planning, and working hard to progress towards an ultimate goal. How Ms. Badu
was so confident in attaining success, that is how everyone s determination for success should be. If
someone is willing to accept possible failure, strive, and be their best, by doing their best, success it
theirs. Even though success has as many definitions as there are people, many people measure their
success based primarily on wealth; however, I define success as being that which is attained as one
sets goals and achieves them, and as a fluid thing that changes as our stations in life change. In today s
culture, society, as a whole, brainwashes us into a false perception of success. People with expensive
handbags, cars, or jewelry are automatically deemed as a success. Also, people with corporate jobs
that hold Chief Executive Operation positions, or a field in general that makes an immense amount of
money are considered the successful ones. While a having a great job may be someone s own personal
success, do not let the wealth speak as to why you are successful. Success is not always determined by
one s wealth. As an example, it is already known that celebrities make a vast amount of money. When
we review their success, we look at their accomplishments, and how hard they have worked to get to
their ultimate goal, not how much money they have ascertained.
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Jetblue Is A Low Cost, High Service Airline
JetBlue operates as a low cost, high service airline. JetBlue (JBLU) revenues have increased by at
least 5% every year for the past decade. This continual growth in revenues coupled with a growth in
net income has allowed JBLU stock price to grow rapidly in the last three years. JBLU s operating
margin stands at 7.9%, the highest in the US airline industry. JBLU began offering its Even More
spacious seating arrangements on all flights and MINT service on particular flights in 2014. Revenues
from these services have caused JetBlue to have its highest ever net income in 2014. JBLU stock has
outperformed both the industry average and the S P 500 in the last year with a shocking 185% growth
rate YTD. Legacy airline carriers lag far behind this growth rate in revenue and stock price. JetBlue
has added value through its high profit margins and stellar financial performance in the past decade.
JBLU currently trades around $26 a share. Its market cap stands at $8.2 billion, making it the fifth
largest airline in the US. JBLU has experienced positive growth for the past three years. JBLU also
faces some difficulties because of its rapid growth rate. JBLU holds a P/S ratio of 1.9 against the
industry average of .8. A high P/S suggests the stock may be overvalued. JBLU generated $912
million in free cash in 2014. This increase in cash is allowing JBLU to increase its liquidity. Revenues
are expected to increase by 15% in 2015 and 2016, but net income is projected to increase
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Essay On Spirometry
I am going to presume that if you are reading this article on Jane s website, you have COPD [or other
lung disease]. I am also going to take a big leap and presume that you have all done a breathing test
called spirometry? I ask this because statistics show that a surprising number of people have been
diagnosed with COPD, but have never had spirometry done. That is like diagnosing a patient with
diabetes without ever testing their blood sugar level. Spirometry is done using a piece of equipment
called a spirometer. The term spiro comes from the Latin language and means to breathe, and meter
(derived from either Old English, French or Greek...take your pick) means to measure. The spirometer
is not a new invention. In 1846 an Englishman named John ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
These patients cannot easily exhale all of their air, leaving some air in the lungs at the end of
exhalation. We refer to this as air trapping. Patients with the Little Lung Syndrome can t get air in
because something is restricting the flow of gas into their lungs. Imagine someone putting a wide,
very tight belt around your rib cage...what would happen when you tried to take in a deep breath? You
couldn t! With restrictive disease; pulmonary fibrosis, interstitial lung disease, asbestosis, etc...your
lungs are very stiff, and they do not inflate easily, so it is hard to take in a deep breath. If after doing a
spirometry test, the therapist determines that your lungs are not functioning normally, we give the
results to your doctor and he/she will order more specific tests in a pulmonary function lab to see what
exactly the problem is. You have no doubt heard or read the National Lung Health Education Program
(NLHEP) slogan; Test your lungs, know your numbers . Spirometry gives you the numbers. If you
have high cholesterol, you know your numbers...I know, because I do. I also know that I do not have
diabetes because I know my
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Edward Jenner Is A Hero Of The 18th Century
Since the beginning of time, man has been plagued with diseases that have destroyed hundreds of
thousands of people in a matter of months. Illness surrounding the home and city made it so children
died at the tender age of 4 and made it a miracle to live past 12. If it weren t for innovative people like
Dr. Edward Jenner, Louis Pasteur, and men and women like them, the world would never have
experienced the benefits of modern medicine and the human race would still live in the harsh reality
that is talked about in history books. The innovations in medicine have a vast and crucial history that
has lead to the richness and fullness of life that we know of today.
The earliest medical discoveries were done with very little technology and relied ... Show more
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The practice of variation in China can be documented to the seventeenth century, and be traced back
to the sixteenth century (Plotkin 5). The practice in China carried into Europe in the seventeenth
century and expanded. The seventeenth and eighteenth century were a crucial time in the creation of
vaccines to prevent diseases. The first step of the innovation came from inoculation. Centuries ago, it
had been observed that those who were infected by the smallpox disease and lived were never affected
again. The practice of inoculation, which is defined as artificial introduction of a disease into the body.
In the late seventeenth century, inoculations were being performed in the Turkish empire. The method
of inoculation appeared to work, but was also dangerous. The inoculation started with the collection of
pus from a mildly infected person. The pus was then dripped and rubbed into a scratch made by a
needle in an unaffected person s arm. The Turkish empire is to credit for the spread of the new
medicinal knowledge. Lady Mary, the wife of Britain s ambassador, pushed for the inoculation. She
wrote to her friend that, I am going to tell you a thing that will make you wish yourself here. The
smallpox, so fatal and so general among us, is here entirely harmless... (Marrin 36). Her words
described the breakthrough of preventative disease control. She described it as, ...the old woman
comes with a nutshell
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Sixth Grade Narrative
Sixth grade was possibly the worst year of my life. There were so many fights and I moved for the last
time. I never had any real friends until sixth grade because my mother moved me around so much. I
moved from place to place, got robbed a few times. My life was pretty eventful. I started sixth grade
in another school, before Reeds Brook, and I didn t fit in anywhere in my old school, so I was by
myself a lot of the time. Soon, every summer i came to see my dad, he lived in Hampden and spoiled
me with money because my mother never did. Soon I became Damaged in my mother s eyes and she
didn t seem to care nor want me anymore. At that time, I was in Maine, ready to go back, home. The
thing was that i didn t want to go home,
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Patria By Julia Alvarez Summary
Julia Alvarez uses the interaction between Peña and Patria to express her thoughts that faith is more
powerful than the evil. In the interaction Patria is attempting to convince Peña to release her son
Nelson, she writes:
This devil might seem powerful, but finally I had a power stronger than his. So I used it. Loading up
my heart with prayer, I aimed it at the lost soul before me... Maybe because I was watching him so
closely a funny thing started to happen. See devil I was so used to disappeared. (216 217)
The word prayer is important not only because it tells you what Patria is doing, but it also tells you
religion is a huge part of Patria s life. Patria praying shows that she has lots of faith and is seen as an
angel. She is described as
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Is Facebook Making Us Lonely Stephen Marche
Is Facebook Making Us Lonely? In the article Is Facebook making us lonely? published in May 2012,
Stephen Marche reports that the use of social media has detached people from one another, makes
them lonelier, and makes them encourage solitary living. Marche explains that the high use of social
media has increased the quantity in the intensity of human loneliness which can make the users
miserable, unhappy with their lives, deteriorate their health, decrease their confidant, and eventual
causes untimely death. He states that people now live in an accelerating contradiction: the more
connected they become, the lonelier they are. He reports that Facebook is interfering with our real
friendships, distancing us from each other, making us lonelier; and that social networking might be
spreading the isolation it seemed designed to conquer. In addition, Marche states that the effect of
loneliness has created multiple research and increase professional careers. Facebook and other social
media are interfering with our real ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
According to Stephen Marche, Ronald Dworkin pointed out in a 2010 paper that the country had 77,
000 clinical psychologists, 192,000 clinical social workers, 400,000 nonclinical social workers, 50,000
marriage and therapists, 105,000 mental health counselors, 220,000 substance abuse counselors,
17,000 nurse psychotherapists, and 30,000 life coaches . The need of professional careers has increase
because of the threat of societal collapses. Loneliness can cause bad health: obesity, depression,
inflammation, loss of memory, bad sleep, less exercise, less survival of operation, dementia and
decline cognitive. Moreover, John Cacioppo illustrates in his book, Loneliness, released in 2008, that
loneliness can also penetrate the deepest recesses of the cell to alter the way genes were being
expressed. It can affect the brain and the basic process of DNA
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Baby Face And The Production Code Film Analysis
Baby Face and the Production Code
The censorship conflicts in the 1900s were extremely intriguing and intense. Around the end of the
1920s, individuals possessed immense moral shifts powered by religious groups during the Great
Depression, which resulted in decisions that created a new revolution that dealt particularly with the
regulation of content of films. Consequently, in 1934, at the same time that the Golden Age of
Hollywood began, the Hollywood Production code was formally implemented. The film
(1933) felt the effects of conservative ideas, which later led to the censorship code s introduction. The
analysis of the Pre Code film
can be a valuable tool for the comprehension of the Production Code s direct impact on Hollywood
and the reverberations that can still be distinguished today.
From the beginning of the motion picture industry, several religious and moralistic groups such as
National Council of Catholic Women sought to censor Hollywood films that contained sex, crime or
vamps. In order to regulate any possible censorship conflict, In 1922 the Motion Picture Producers and
Distributors of America Association (MPPDA) was established by movie company presidents and
Postmaster General Will Hays whom was instituted as head of the Association (Gaynor 1). The hoped
plan was for Will Hays to act as an intermediate between Hollywood and those demanding censorship.
Will Hays created some regulations that revealed the public and moral standards that were
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The Monster Dorian Gray Essay
In the Victorian era where vanity was the main attraction, Oscar Wilde s
The Picture of Dorian Gray gave insight into the true horrors that came of this sinful nature. Wilde
was a very controversial figure and he meant to stir the pot when he wrote this disputed story. He
believed that literature was not only meant for the imagination, but for the moral mind as well. In
The Picture of Dorian Gray he depicts the importance of becoming a well rounded individual and also
explains himself. In one of his many letters he states Basil Hallward is what I think I am: Lord Henry
what the world thinks me: Dorian what I would like to be in other ages, perhaps. He was a man before
his time and he exposed the reality that every person is a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In the portrait laid everything anyone would ve wanted to be, but of course, with time, that would all
begin fade away.
Lord Henry is extremely obsessed with youth and instills the idea that
Dorian s portrait will stay young forever, while he sadly would wither as time passed. Lord Henry
makes this very clear when he states There is no doubt that Genius last longer than Beauty. Even Basil
himself acknowledges this in the presence of Lord Henry, We shall all suffer for what the gods have
given us, suffer terribly. These heavyhearted comments lead Dorian to make a pledge, which would
ruin him. (Wilde 7 15)
After listening to Lord Henry s discourse Dorian begins to think about his beauty and he makes a
frighteningly rash wish, which changed everything.
How sad is it! I shall grow old, and horrible, and dreadful. But this picture will remain always young.
It will never be older than this particular day of June. . . . If it were only the other way! If it were I
who was to be always young, and the picture was to grow old! For that for that I would give
everything! Yes, there is nothing in the whole world I would not give! I would give my soul for that!
(Wilde 25 26)
All the while, Dorian does not know his senseless words are what will wreck his life from that point
on. Basil and Lord Henry are floored and laugh at his nonsense, but Basil is
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Volunteering Motivations And Their Well Being
An Integrative Research Paper On:
Summer 2015 Practicum at the American Red Cross
University of North Florida
Dr. Jody Nicholson
July 31, 2015
With considerable amounts of psychological research focused on volunteers, this paper will attempt to
indicate and reiterate the motivations of volunteers in non profit organizations through an integrative
style of thinking. A lot of research is based on the well being of a person in regards to their motivation,
so this research paper will target the potentially important aspects a volunteer associates themselves
with, with respect of their motivations and their well being. No real research has been done, but
through an internship at the American Red Cross, this will assist the integrative style of writing to
produce helpful information for volunteers and their motivations.
INTRODUCTION For many years, millions of people have engaged in some kind of volunteering act
that has contributed to a number of unimaginable hours of work. Of these people though, 49% have
represented the adult population with a quarter of them having devoted their time to 5 or more hours
per week for volunteering (the motivations to volunteer). These figures for volunteering have been
inspiring for psychologists to seek and understand the instrumental factors that lead people to
volunteer. Several arguments have been stirred throughout the years, but importantly,
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Nordstrom Essay
Planning a better inventory
Question 1 Nordstrom has famously been known for its lean retail prices and its tight inventory.
Nordstrom uses demand forecasting to minimize leftover inventory. Nordstrom s total corporate
management is based on two main goals. One is to associate purchasing with demand to keep
inventory as lean as possible. Second is to present customers and sales associates with a wide ranging
view of Nordstrom s entire inventory, including all stores and warehouses. Nordstrom relates
purchasing with demand to keep inventory lean and show customers and employees Nordstrom s
inventory. Nordstrom keeps its items in stock for an extremely short period of time so that if a
customer wants it, they only have ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Effective communication can increase the common understanding of ethics and ideas among
customers and form a base for relations and future purchases. The happier a customer feels with the
company that they are purchasing from, the more often they will go back to that company and
purchase more products. Groups that should be involved are all employees within the company,
because the more they are involved, the more comfort there will be among the employees and the
customers who will buy the product in the near future.
Question 4 Nordstrom has done a lot to their technology department since 2009 to compete with
competitors in the online market. If there were ideas that I could suggest for them, I would say that in
their search area on the sites, they can still add more functions, such as a rating system where
customers can rank the product on how good it is. Companies such as Macy s and Nike have a
customer rating system for clothing, so buyers know which products are being liked and which ones
aren t. Also, in the online inventory, Nordstrom needs to include which products are new, and which
ones are old because it is not listed on their site. Companies such as Nike, Banana Republic and Macy
s all have a new arrival tab on their website while Nordstrom does not. Those would be the only
inventory management overhaul ideas I would recommend to them. As far as stretch goals are
concerned, I
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Medical Health Promotion And Disease Prevention Plan
NUR 609 : Application of Theory Guidelines
Yi Duan Low
SUNY Upstate Medical University
NURS 609 Family Psychiatric and Mental health Theory
Professor: Prof. Patricia Powers
The nationwide health promotion and disease prevention plan, Healthy People 2020, recognizes that
mental health promotion and mental health reduction as one of the most significant health objectives.
Statistic indicated that mental health disorders are the leading cause of disability in United States and
Canada, while suicide is the 11th leading cause of death that killed approximately 30,000 American
each year ( Mental Health and Mental Disorders , n.d.). The United States Preventive Services Task
Force (USPSTF) has commended series of guideline once patients are identified with mental health
According to the flow chart, the treatment plan for major depressive disorder include provide
pharmacological consult, address psychosocial problems, and afford psychotherapy interventions.
Psychotherapy is one of the major components in mental health treatment. It is noted as talk therapy
that consists of counseling, interpersonal persuasion, psychosocial education, and personal coaching
(Prochaska Norcross, 2010). Psychotherapy also carries the objectives of helping people to make
therapeutic change and also to reach mutually agreed upon goal at the same time.
Part 1 2: Psychotherapy Theories
Theory provides a structured framework, filters relevant data, and assists clinician
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Economic Impact of Sars on the Singapore Economy
Topic: Impact of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) on the economy of Singapore.
1. Introduction to SARS Page 3
2. Impact on Export and Local Consumption Page 4
3. Impact on Employment and Wages Page 8
4. Impact on Government Expenditure Page 10
5. Impact on the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Page 11
6. Conclusion. Page 14
7. References Page 15
Introduction to SARS
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) first surfaced in Guangzhou, China, in November of
2002 and quickly spread throughout China, Asia and eventually to most parts of the world because of
its transmission through close contact with anyone who has SARS. Studies concluded that it was ...
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Although the manufacturing sector which contributes much of our export economy is not adversely
affected, there were some spillover effects, but these effects are not easily measured due to the
complexity of too many variables involved, the spread across a wide variety of industries and the short
period which people were quarantined and some of the productivity lost could have been replaced by
co workers putting in more effort.
Impact on Local Consumption
The drop in consumption is largely contributed by a change in the consumption habits of Singaporeans
during the SARS period. Due to the transmission pattern of SARS, compounded by the fact that the
virus can survive in the environment for up to twelve hours, anyone can be infected simply by
touching an infected surface in public areas, and use their hands to rub their nose or lips. This caused a
panic among the general public and people shunned public places, like shopping malls, restaurants,
food courts and hawker centers.
According to the Economic Survey of Singapore, published in the third quarter of 2003 by the
Ministry for Trade and Industry, businesses in retail shops and food establishments decline by as much
as 50 per cent in the months of March to May 2003. Even taxi companies are not spared, Comfort
Taxi, the largest taxi operator in Singapore reported that daily bookings
... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...

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  • 1. How To Write Good Essays Powerpoint Presentations 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site HelpWriting.net. The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help from HelpWriting.net, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. How To Write Good Essays Powerpoint Presentations How To Write Good Essays Powerpoint Presentations
  • 2. Classical Period Research Paper During the Classical period, it was common for music to be louder, faster and not written for the church like it had been written in the Baroque or Renaissance period. Instead of the music being performed in churches, it was performed in concert halls or in the palace. Some of the most recognizable artists during that time were Mozart, Beethoven, and Hayden. A lesser known artist, Muzio Clementi, an Italian born pianist, who was alive during 1752 to 1832 and lived most of this life in England during the Classical period. Even though, his music was not as successful as some of the other artists of this time such as Mozart, he was considered the the father of the piano. This was because his techniques helped to influence many other pianists ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... We can relate some of Beethoven s symphonies that we learned about in class like symphony number five to Muzio s symphonies because they both consisted of four movements and were both written in an allegro form. The instruments that were used in the two symphonies are similar; they both use string instruments like violins and cellos and percussion instruments. Usually, symphonies consist of string, brass, percussion, and woodwind instruments, but do not have to use every instrument that is in those categorizes they just use a few or none at all for each. They also do not just use one violin or one flute there is usually a couple of each instrument so that there can be variety of sounds. For instance, if the piece calls for a certain instrument to be played multiple ways then they would use more than one of those instruments, so that all the pressure would not be placed on one performer. For the Great National, Clementi used a variety of instruments that would be typically used such as violins, the piano, and trombones. We also learned about absolute music which is music that does not have a written story to it like most modern songs do today that have lyrics to it, but in absolute music its more about the instruments and the music itself. Clementi s symphony is considered to be absolute music because there are no words and does not make up a story, the music itself coveys a power story. It was their intent that the music would be able to be strong by itself to create a sort of story that did not need words to convey a powerful message. That is similar to anyone s symphonies like Hayden s or Mozart s that we studied in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 3. Police Enforcement And Criminal Investigation Essay Law enforcement, in some form, has existed for centuries and since its creation there has been numerous improvements. Improvements have come about because of community changes and the need for more effective ways of policing the people. As crimes became more fierce and complex so did the need for the investigation and solving of these crimes. Criminal investigative techniques were not just born from thin air, some thought and planning had to go into figuring out the proper ways to go about doing things. Pioneers of the criminal justice and criminal investigation field such as August Vollmer, Alphonse Bertillon, Edward Henry, and Edmond Locard have made superior contributions to the development of criminal investigative techniques. These techniques have impacted the way police operate today and set a substantial base for law enforcement to build on. Alphonse Bertillon devised a system simply called, The Bertillon System. This was a first attempt at criminal identification and was thought to be reliable and accurate. Bertillon developed an anthropometric system of physical measurements of body parts, especially components of the head and face. This system was used primarily to determine if a person in custody had committed a previous crime. Archives of these records began to be compiled. A form of this system is still used today, but we now call them mugshots . (Bertillon System of Criminal Identification, 2011). Although mugshots are still used today, anthropometry was ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 4. Armenian Genocide Essay The world becomes a better place when there is humanity. Humanity exists when there are people who have the desire to give, instead of take. When these generous people give without the expectation of taking back, the world automatically offers them the better. There was poverty in all the villages of Armenia. Armenian Christians were continuously under attacks. The attacks against Christian Armenians occurred throughout the year 1915. This is the age that is well known for the Armenian Genocide, which was carried out by the Ottoman Turks. Escaping the Ottoman forces, my grandmother, Sosek Boghosian, found herself as a refuge in Iraq. Horrific acts continued to be committed to my grandmother s descendants. Many people had no place to live or sleep. I have interviewed my grandmother to make myself more educated about the Armenian Genocide. She contributed to the Armenian culture in many different ways. Mrs. Boghosian studied about the genocide from her beloved mother. Following her mother s footsteps, she became more generous day by day. She contributed to the Armenian Culture by teaching her children and grandchildren how to help one another. This was followed by donating food, clothes and shelter for the kids in orphanages. These unfortunate children lost their guardians in the genocide, along with 1.5 million other deaths. The Armenian people lived in a very safe environment until some obstacles beset them. When the Turks were informed that the Armenians were living a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 5. An Analysis Of Suicide Note By Janice Mirikitani The term Asian American refers to an extremely diverse group of people, with varying cultures, histories, views of mental illness, and views of suicide. It has been estimated that almost 50 distinct Asian American ethnic groups speaking 30 different languages reside in the United States alone, (Hapa). Many Asian Americans are very traditional family s Asian Americans are more likely than other Americans to value marriage, parenthood, hard work and career success (Saw) . The poem Suicide Note by Janice Mirikitani, is a poem about a young Asian American who commits suicide by jumping out of her dormitory window in college. Later someone in the poem finds a suicide note that the main character leaves behind explaining why she committed ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A lot of children that come from an Asian culture background a prefer to die then to have a bad grade in school. The thinking of suicide comes from The pressure to succeed and the shame that results from the failure to do so, which are associated with psychological distress and suicide, have been documented among youth in Asian countries, such as Sri Lanka, China and Japan (Saw). Furth more this example shows us that many Asian American culture hate to seea family member bring shame to their family and would rather them to not fail in life but to always succeed. In the poem Suicide Note the main character explains in her Note that she is not smart enough (Kirszner l.3) The main character feels that she is not smart in enough in school. In a summary before the poem the author explains that Her suicide note contained an apology to her parents for having received less than a perfect four point grade average (Kirszner 683). This example shows that the main character had to have a great grade in school if not she would not feel content with herself. Education is one of the most important goals in a life of an Asian American citizen and if not accomplished very well could result in Depression or even Suicide. Janice Mirkikitnia poem Suicide Note, also shows the parental expectations are high for Asian American children. A research conducted concluded that Asian Americans reported that they ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 6. An Exploration of the Malay Kompang AN EXPLORATION OF THE MALAY KOMPANG Name: Chan Tsui Sze Dora Matriculation Number: U1210644K Seminar Group Time: 1330 1530 Seminar Group Instructor: Cikgu Zubir Assignment: Research Paper in Malay Music Date: 10 April 2013 Word Count: 2245 Contents Chapter 1: An Introduction to the Kompang 3 1.1 Features of the Kompang 4 1.2 Features of Kompang Music 4 1.3 Performance Context 6 Chapter 2: Influences on the Malay Kompang 7 2.1 Arabic Influences 7 2.2 Portuguese Influences 9 2.3 Thai Influences 11 2.4 African Influences 12 Chapter 3: Future Changes in the Malay Kompang 14 3.1 Pop and Media Influences 14 3.2 Western Influences 15 Chapter 4: Conclusion ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Additionally, there are even more types of Pukulan found in various forms of dance music (Abdullah, 2005). A summary of the different Pukulan specific to the Kompang Ezhar community is shown in Figure 1 below: Figure 1: A summary of the various types of Pukulan found in the Kompang Ezhar (Abdullah, 2005) In Kompang, rhythm is mainly characterized by the interlocking of different parts divided within the Kompang ensemble. Interlocking is basically done with two or more Kompangs playing simultaneously, with one part playing the Basic beat which is usually the downbeats; another part playing the Rhythm beat which is usually the off beats; and an additional part(s) playing the Leading beat which is usually characterized by triplets or a syncopated rhythm that creates a unique interlocking texture specific to the Malay Kompang musical genre (Hahril, 2010). In addition, instrumentation is a musical element that is relatively fixed in Kompang; there is usually a group of Kompangs playing together, and occasionally, accompanying voice. 1.3 Performance Context In the Singaporean context, the Malay Kompang is usually seen performed at weddings and celebratory ceremonies, or at traditional showcases. As the Kompang is usually performed in large, open spaces, it
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  • 8. Karl Polanyi 1944 Karl Polanyi s (1944/1957) Societies and Economic Systems, The Great Transformation, provides a historical background to the structure of markets before the modern era. It is important to first differentiate between markets and the market economy in order to understand the factors that make up economies. The market economy is a self regulating system of markets that is directed by market prices and nothing but market prices (p. 43). Polanyi argues that having an economy of some form is essential to the survival of a society, however, he notices that pervious societies successfully existed with no evidence of market control (p. 43). Markets have existed since the Stone Age, but their role was no more than incidental to economic life because it did ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 44). Max Weber was one of the first contemporary historians to reject the idea that primeval economies provide no significance to modern economy, he emphasizes the changelessness of man as a social being (Polanyi, 1944, p. 46). Polanyi (1944) explains that man s economy, as a rule, is submerged in his social relationships meaning that individuals place their social standings, social claims, and social assets at higher value, rather than economic motives/material goods (p. 46). In primitive economies, production and distribution is enforced through the principles of reciprocity and redistribution. Reciprocity is observed in families and kinship; this is explained through an example of Trobriand Islanders of Western Melanesia culture (Polanyi, 1944, p. 47). This civilization uses a matrilineal system; the male in the family is recognized for his good behaviour if he offers the best crops to his sister and her family; however, if he fails, his reputation (which is extremely valuable) is at risk and he will not earn material benefits in exchange (Polanyi, 1944, p. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. Coffee Grounds The Ways You Can Use Coffee Grounds to Fertilize Lawns, Repel Insects and Perform Other Chores around the House Every single year, thousands of pounds of already used coffee grounds are being thrown away in the garbage and then shipped to a landfill where it will add more garbage to the growing amounts of waste all over the world. The next time you finish with your coffee, instead of throwing the coffee grounds away, try using them and test if they are effective in the following cases: Compost Used coffee grounds are an amazing addition to the compost pile in your hose. The reason why coffee grounds are excellent compost addition is their high content of nitrogen. Nitrogen gives energy to the bacteria in your compost that they need to break ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This same substance makes the used coffee grounds an excellent fertilizer. If you mix used coffee ground with the soil you are going to use for planting, you will speed up the growth of the microbes in the soil. The nitrogen will provide the plant with nutrients as well. People believe that used coffee grounds are acidic. However, this is not correct, because these acids are water soluble and get washed away in the coffee. Your soil will be free of acids. Wood staining To stain your wood by yourself and give it a nice tone you can use coffee grounds. Place the coffee grounds in a French press or a coffee pot, add boiling water and leave them to rest for 2 hours or during the night. In the morning, filter out the grounds and pour the liquid in a container. Soak a paintbrush in the liquid and apply it on the wood. Leave it to dry for 10 minutes and repeat until you get the right color. You can even rub used coffee grounds on the wood if you want a darker shade of brown. Bug repellent Coffee ground can be an effective mosquito repellent because these bugs don t like the strong scent of coffee. Studies showed that used grounds can even serve as an insecticide because they kill ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. Franklin D. Roosevelt And The New Deal Born on January 30, 1882, in Hyde Park, New York, Franklin D. Roosevelt was stricken with polio in 1921. He became the 32nd US president in 1933, and was the only president to be elected four times. Roosevelt led the United States through the Great Depression and World War II, and greatly expanded the powers of the federal government through a series of programs and reforms known as the New Deal. Roosevelt died in Georgia in 1945. President Roosevelt s parents made a living both on real estate and trade. Roosevelt was schooled by tutors until age 14 because they didn t believe in sending him to school. His household revolved around him, even with his mother being his dominant figure into adulthood. Franklin Roosevelt attended the Groton ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... They were married for 40 years. Eleanor Roosevelt is known for 10 quotes and she is rumored to have run his presidency. At 28 Franklin Roosevelt was invited to run for New York State Senate. He campaigned to the fullest and was able win the election. Assuming the governorship at the onset of the Great Depression, Roosevelt devoted himself to relieving the burden on New Yorkers. He advocated for a federal old age pension, and created the Temporary Relief Administration to provide assistance to the unemployed. He soon formed an alliance with Louis Howe, which would help shape his political career for the next 25 years. Franklin Roosevelt found personal as well as professional success, in Politics. Franklin D. Roosevelt accepted the nomination for vice president, as James M. Cox s running mate. On August 10, 1921, Roosevelt was on vacation at Campobello Island, New Brunswick, Canada, and he was diagnosed with polio. He tried numerous things to cure the terminal illness and even bought the Warm Springs resort in Georgia in an effort to find a cure. Franklin Roosevelt believed that having polio would effect his political career and everything would be over. But His wife Eleanor Roosevelt and Louis Howe encouraged him to continue his career despite his illness. He didn t believe he was terminally ill although he never regained mobility in his legs. Roosevelt taught himself to walk short distances with his brace, and was ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Air Campaign Waged by Germany in The Battle of Britain Essay The Battle of Britain is the name given to the World War II air campaign waged by the German Air Force against the United Kingdom during the summer and autumn of 1940. The Luftwaffe or German Air Force was trying to pave the way for a sea and airborne invasion of Britain as an extension of Hitler s Blitzkrieg campaign in Western Europe. The Battle of Britain is significant because it was the only battle throughout World War II which was fought only in the air. The Battle of Britain also marked the turning point in the war. The Luftwaffe was overconfident in their ability to gain complete air superiority over the British Channel and the invasion area. The Luftwaffe intended to prevent both the RAF from striking against their attack but ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Germans would make small advancements throughout the length of the battle, but they could never make a large enough dent in the RAF to change the outcome of the battle. Britain had its hand in every major component of the battle which what caused them to win the Battle of Britain and defeat the Germans in the first major campaign fought entirely by air forces. The courageous pilots of the RAF were the heroes that helped safeguard Britain which gave way to Churchill s speech about the few men who risked their lives for so many others. The popular saying is, Never...was so much owed by so many to so few. Leadership Goering and Hitler The commander in chief Reichsmarschall Hermann W. Goering was an unstable leader for the Luftwaffe. Although Goering was a pilot in WWI he had not kept up with the changes in air power since his time in WWI and had little knowledge of strategy. Goering was prone to make impulsive and erratic decisions which made it difficult for the Luftwaffe to get a jump on the RAF. Because of Goering s erratic decision making, Hitler would intervene when he thought necessary which would make the results even worse. Hitler had no clue about aerial strategies or tactics which Churchill picked up on and realized that it would give the RAF a great advantage. Goering and Hitler were never on the same page with one another and Goering would only tell Hitler what he wanted to hear. As Hitler was preparing to move along with Operation Sea ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Disadvantages Of A Broadway Strike Any negotiator considering items to included in contract cannot afford to overlook the impact of the united states entertainment industry throughout the world Wilson, J. (1991). Artist often need to deal with low compensation compared to the one, who have been with the industry for a long time, hence, it was quite essential to have a couple of union for providing a fair value for the artists. The strike is often considered as a last remedy to provide benefits for the labors and workers. It would be disadvantage for both producers and the artists, as we have seen writers guide of America organized the longest strike, which cost the industry so much money. It is always considered to negotiate face to face with the concerned person to provide a fair value, which the union is demanding, Labor staged a Broadway strike harsh working conditions. It would take lawsuits strikes, and hardliner negotiations for Hollywood artists to receive more rights. This often required artists to take risks, such as suspensions or firing in the hope of better treatment (O.C.,Ferrell, G.A. Hirt, L. Ferrell, 2014). .Striking carries out normal operations of business at it s best and impossible at its worse. Strike can cause low wages and poor condition (O.C.,Ferrell, G.A. Hirt, L. Ferrell, 2014). So many problem can arrive because of a strike,. When striking it may involve law suits which is a cumbersome process and it greatly and dearly impacts the entire industry and losses can be in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Drug Trafficking Papers Drug Trafficking Drug trafficking is the production of drugs done illegally that violate the drug prohibition laws. Throughout the years, drug trafficking has been progressing and expanding to the point to where it is now worldwide. Organizations involved in drug trafficking have been improving their networks, constantly upgrading their transportation and equipment, having new methods to transport the drugs and communication throughout the system, and finding information on their employees to use against them which makes it harder for law enforcement to keep up and take action to reduce the problem of drug trafficking. The illegal transportation of drugs started to become serious whenever the Medellin Cartel began to dominate the cocaine business. The Medellin Cartel was ran by the Ochoa Vazquez brothers Jorge Luis, Juan David, and Fabio; Pablo Escobar, Carlos Lehder, George Jung, and Jose Gonzalo Rodriguez Gacha. In 1975, the Colombian police found 600 kilos of cocaine stashed in a plane. Drug traffickers responded to the police by killing 40 people in one weekend which is known as the Medellin Massacre. The massacre led to the uprising of various killings, assassinations, kidnappings, and the discovery of a hit list that contained U.S. businessmen, embassy members, and their families. It was then when violence was beginning to grow in Miami and drug traffickers were involved, that the Vice President of the United States, George H.W. Bush, and government officials ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. The Photographer I Chose William Henry Jackson The photographer I chose is William Henry Jackson. This photographer stood out to me because his photography was outstanding especially of the great outdoors. After going through the pain staking process of choosing a photographer he really stood out the most because of his photos of the outdoors. Even though he is an amazing artist he did marvelous work in the American West. He was more than just a photographer he also did some work as a painter in his early and later parts of his career. William Henry Jackson was also a publisher like most artists are. But, he was always a lover of art. Early in his career at the age of 19 in 1862 he joined as a private in Company K of the 12th Vermont Infantry of the Union Army. He served during the American Civil War for about nine months and during his time he fought in a major battle, which was the Battle of Gettysburg. He spent most of his time sketching during his time in the army. He was assigned to guarding a supply train. In 1863 his regiment was dismissed. William Henry Jackson was well known for his photography of the American West. The reason he did photography about the American West was because in 1866 his brother and William took a Union Pacific Railroad train to the last stop which was near Nebraska. He then got a job as a bullwhacker on a wagon train. This company traveled along the Oregon Trail. In Omaha he open up a photography business with his brother in 1867. He did many long excursions in the Omaha region to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Technology And Analytical Method Support Communications At... Does this technology and analytical method support communications at all levels of the organizations you selected? General Motors is a large automotive manufacturing company that utilizes material requirements planning and linear regression models. General Motors has a very large and complex logistics system that incorporates hundreds of other companies into its processes. From distributors to suppliers, General Motors must be able to communicate throughout the process in order to achieve a successful operation. The MRP system that GM uses allows for better communication, but it wasn t always this way. In fact, when General Motor s executive director of global logistics, Mr. Edgard Pezzo, took over GM s logistics division, he noted that MRP systems needed to be improved to eliminate excess inventory and improve the efficiency of item routing (Ludwig, 2014). Pezzo also worked diligently to improve communication at all levels. He made it easier for internal stakeholders, such as purchasers, manufacturers, finance, and more, to communicate with external stakeholders, like suppliers, so that they could collaborate and participate in planning models to prepare for any scenario that might come along (Ludwig, 2014). Apple, the infamous manufacturer of popular products like the iPhone and iPad, is another corporation that utilizes smart material requirements planning systems and analytical models like linear regression. Apple has over 200 suppliers that provide the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. The Main Features of the Reforms Passed by the Government... The Main Features of the Reforms Passed by the Government in the 19th Century that Affected Prisons As we can see from question one prisons needed serious reform. This is because the purpose of prison was to hold people until they were hung or transported therefore no one cared about reforming them. So the purpose of prisons has to change for the conditions to change. This is because if the purpose changes from holding prisoners till death to holding prisoners until there sentence is up people will put more effort into reforming them so the conditions will get better and the way to do this is for people like Elizabeth Fry to implement the changes needed. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He gave good food, clothing and bedding to prisoners although they received good treatment they were still tret like prisoners. They did not pay for any of these items and the jailer was not to charge the prisoners as he was getting a salary. There were no irons or chains and there main punishments consisted of no visitors at all, and hard labour and probably the worst punishment of all solitary confinement. Each prisoner had their own cell and the chaplain and doctor visited regularly to check on the prisoners and try to reform them through God. The warden had to visit at least once a day to check on the prisoners and exercise them. Sir George Paul although he only reformed one prison set the way for others to follow in his footsteps and reform other prisons. Elizabeth Fry was the next reformer who formed an association called the Association for the improvement of female prisons at Newgate. This was an association that fought for the rights of women in prisons. She wanted the opportunity while women and children were in prison to try to teach them. She also wanted to try to bring the faith of Christianity into their lives in order to try to reform and turn them into better people. She also believed in segregation and women s rights along with female jailors. She wanted this because she wanted to stop disease and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Ardennes Offensive Advantages And Disadvantages The Allies faced various disadvantages during the Ardennes Offensive:  Since the Allies had reached the German border after the Normandy landings by this time, they faced an important intelligence disadvantage. The Germans used only telephones and tele printers within the German borders. Radios were not used as the Allies had cracked Enigma by then.  The Allied aircraft reconnaissance suffered due to the autumn fog and withheld them from making optimum use of air power especially the tank busting Typhoons of the RAF or Mustang fighters from the USAAF which would have been used against German tanks. Though the weather was typical for the Ardennes in winter, the ground was hard enough for military vehicles to cross and this suited the armored attack Hitler envisaged.  Germans used charcoal instead of wood to reduce smoke detection. The Battle of Bulge Military Situation maps: 16th December 1944 On the morning of 16th December, the Germans launched an attack on the Allied forces through the Ardennes. The plan for Dietrich s 6th Army was for the three infantry divisions to punch a hole on either side of Udenbrath, and then swing north west to form a hard shoulder facing north while the four armored divisions drove through the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Lack of fuel and manpower on the western front made it inevitable had the German offensive would fall through unless Allied supplies could be captured intact and that was a long shot in any case. Hitler had been defeated by Allied air superiority, by the defenders of Bastogne, by poor coordination among his own forces (especially between the Fifth and Sixth Panzer Divisions) and by a new weapon, the proximity fuse which could make a shell go off at a distance from its target through the use of radars. However, in the end it was his extreme military belief that attack is the best defense , that proved fatal to the German ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Elucidate The Potential Of 5-Ala Case Study Therefore, we are aiming to elucidate the potential of 5 ALA/PDT to target the genetic materials of MCF 7 and HepG2 cancer cell lines effectively after inducing cytotoxicity and genotoxicity by two cytogenetic parameters; micronucleus test and alkaline comet assay. In this experimental study, we will elucidate the potential of 5 ALA/PDT to target DNA and induce DNA damage to the genetic materials of MCF 7 and HepG2 cancer cells and record cytotoxicity and genotoxicity by micronucleus test and alkaline comet assay. 2. Materials and Methods All chemicals, including 5 ALA, were purchased from (Sigma/Aldrich, VA, USA), unless mentioned. Stock solution of 5 ALA (100mM) was prepared in phosphate buffer saline (PBS) and kept in dark at 20ºC. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... after application of 5 ALA/PDT treatments, MCF 7 and HepG2 cells were incubated for 24h before harvesting. 2.3. Cytotoxicity Cytotoxicity was carried out using the trypan blue staining/ exclusion method (5×105 cells/well). 20µl of cell suspension was added to 20µl of 0.4% trypan blue and then viable and dead cells were counted by Bio Rad TC20™ Cell Automated Counter. The percentage of viability was determined by the following equation and data were represented as the mean ± SD. % of viability = (number of viable cells/ total cell number) x 100 2.4. Evaluation of DNA Damage Assessment of DNA damage was evaluated by micronucleus test and comet assay after treating cells with 5 ALA and/or laser irradiation as PDT. 2.5. Micronucleus Test The micronucleus (MN) test was carried out according to Fenech [17] with some modifications. MCF 7 and HepG2 cells were treated with cytochalasin B (5µg/ml), 44h before the end of treatments, to block cytokinesis and stop cell division at the metaphase/anaphase transition of mitosis. After applying different treatments with 5 ALA/PDT, cells suspensions were centrifuged at 1000 rpm for 10 min and the supernatant were discarded. Small drops of the resuspended cells pellets were spread upon clean ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Levi s Changing Position Of Levi Strauss 1 LEVI S BRANDING POSITIONING STATEMENT Content Product Description Formulation Value Proposition Credibility Packaging Description Price Distribution Strategy Core Extended Identity Promotion Strategy 3 4 5 6 7 8 BRANDING POSITIONING STATEMENT LEVI S 2 Levi Strauss, the inventor of the quintessential American garment, was born in Buttenheim, Bavaria on February 26, 1829 to Hirsch Strauss and his second wife, Rebecca Haas Strauss; Levi had three older brothers and three older sisters. Two years after his father succumbed to tuberculosis in 1846, Levi and his sisters emigrated to New York, where they were met by his two older brothers who owned a NYC based wholesale dry goods business called J. Strauss Brother Co. Levi soon began ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Health Education in Finland In Finland, Parliament decides on the legislation on education, funding and education policies. The Government and the Ministry of Education responsible for educational policy planning and implementation. Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Culture to determine education policy guidelines and strategic policies. The Ministry of Education oversees the entire state budget tied to educational opportunities and training in preparing legislation and government decisions. A key player in the national education policy implementation and development of education is the National Board of Education. (Opetushallitus 2013a.) Secondary education and vocational training may be arranged municipalities, joint municipal authorities, registered in the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Cultural and ethnic are challenges for the future. For all the people, age or cultural difference without looking, is guaranteed the opportunity to participate in society and to promote health. The nurses encounter different cultures of people in their work. This makes it important to study the multi cultural nursing in health care programs. (Mäntyharju, E. Siili, T. 2010.) Nurse students participate constructively in the activities and decision making. They work with their rights and obligations in accordance with the work and in everyday life. They are pursuing gender equality and non discrimination laws. They act fairly and in accordance with the requirements of working in different cultural backgrounds of the people at home country and in international operations. (Opetushallitus 2010.) In 2011, the Finnish nurses was abroad totaled 3 580. In Sweden were 1 345 Finnish nurse, Norway 535, in England 350, in Switzerland 285, in USA 205 and in Germany 175. It must be remembered that, for example Finnish nurses qualification can work abroad. (Ailasmaa 2013.) 2 EDUCATION IN ETHIOPIA Ethiopia is one of the world s poorest countries. To tackle poverty to improve education is of great importance, and Ethiopia has committed itself to ambitious expansion of education for all. The basic number of schools has doubled over the past ten years, as well the number of teachers. (Ulkoasiainministeriö 2010.) Compulsory education of 6 14 years of age who attend ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. A Brief Note On High Performance Computing ) Frameworks... HPC (high performance computing) frameworks are based on both software and hardware platforms. The mechanism called fault tolerance is nothing but process which allows system (frequently software based) to continue working properly in case of failure of its components (one or more faults) on MPI (message passing interface). In HPC systems like grid computing, cloud computing etc. fault tolerance method highly applicable in order to ensure that long operating applications are finished their tasks according to time. Therefore, there are different types of fault tolerance methods introduced in literature. The goal of this section is to present the study on various fault tolerance methods with its working and issues associated for HPC systems on MPI computations. Fault tolerance methods are basically divided into five main research points listed below: Migration methods Redundancy methods Failure masking methods Failure semantic methods Recovery methods Paste your text here and click on Next to look at this text redact do it s factor. don t have any text to check? don t have any text to check? Click Select Samples .Data migration is the method of transferring data between storage types, formats, or computer systems. Data migration is typically performed programmatically to attain an automated migration, liberating up human resources from tedious tasks. It is needed once organizations or people amendment laptop systems or upgrade to new systems, or ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Compare And Contrast The Two Front War And The Schlieffen... What was the Two Front War and The Schlieffen Plan, and how did they affect the war? The Schlieffen Plan was created by General Count Alfred von Schlieffen in December 1905. This plan was created to prove Germany victorious over France and Russia. General Schlieffen wanted to make a plan where Germany could fight both France and Russia and still be victorious. Schlieffen saw France as the biggest threat, and decided that they should be first defeated to secure victory over both armies. Schlieffen proposed that German forces would advance through Belgium to avoid strong French troops on the Franco German Border. German troops would then move south and take the French by surprise. This plan eventually failed and Schlieffen was replaced ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Child Health and Well Being Introduction The purpose of this project is how we can ensure the health and safety of children in a childcare setting. We have to consider the welfare of every child who will be under our care once we are working in Childcare. We have to follow some certain guidelines and this project will help me to outline the requirements necessary to provide for the health and well being of the children, including their protection and ensuring a safe environment for them. This project will further discuss the Health and Safety Regulations, some Legislation involved in Childcare and we have to come up with some policies and procedures. II. Critical Evaluation of Health and Safety issues in an ECCE setting Health and Safety Awareness As a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Childcare Act 1991 The Child Care Act of 1991 was the first piece of Irish legislation to focus on children. It defines a child as someone who is under 18 years of age (unless they are married). The Act is an extensive piece of legislation, and it is not within the remit of this text to discuss all aspects of it. For purposes, we will focus on Part VII of the Act, which defines a pre school child and pre school service. Pre school child: a child under six years of age who is not attending a national school or school providing an educational program similar to national school. Pre school service: any pre school, playgroup, day nursery, crèche, daycare or other similar service which caters for preschool children. These include sessional, full time and drop in services. The Child Care Act of 1991 is very important in relation to the protection of children. The Act puts a legal responsibility on any person charged with the care of any child to act in the child s best interests this is the most fundamental requirement of every person who works with children with whatever situation. It is also the primary legislation regulating the childcare policy. Childcare (Preschool) Regulations 2006 The Childcare (Pre School Services) (No. 2) Regulations 2006 provides for standard of service, upkeep and care for any setting defined as pre school. The regulations define a pre school child to be one under the age of six ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Impact Of Globalization On Business Environment Every now and then disruptive events happen in the business world such a technological change, industry changes, market changes or even societal changes that greatly impact the continual success of a business. More so we live in era where these changes are only accelerating increasing uncertainty and the growing complexity of the business world. Economic power continues to shift eastward and different markets and trade linkages are emerging causing the boundaries between industry and sectors to blurring. Discontinuities and megatrends are an inherent part of today s business environment and it is important the businesses assess the impact of both these concepts on their strategic objectives and daily operations of the business in order to stay ahead in today s competitive environments. Most importantly CEO s need to be at the head of the business s strategic objectives to ensure that the business remain on track and able to quickly adapt to these changes in the environment. Changes that are described as rapid, abrupt and volatile are often termed as discontinuous changes because they result in sudden and overwhelming changes in the world (Wilson 1976; Pullen, 1993). Discontinuities are the product of discontinuous change and create products that are obsolete because they no longer fit in with the expectation of the world and the consumers that purchase them, or it can create them, as there is a pragmatic switch to the requirements of society (Deeg, 2007). Discontinuities ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. A Public And Private Partnership And A Reciprocal... Summary Recently the City of Wichita has begun to experience problems providing and maintaining its transportation services. The City of Wichita has traditionally operated a standard transit system common in many other cities. This transit system included large busses on fixed routes and smaller busses for more specialized transportation needs. This system however, does not cover the entire scope of public transportation needs required by many citizens. Citizens have voiced a need for change in the city s transit system. In this memo I will propose two alternatives, a public/private partnership and a reciprocal community transport system, that aim to improve the Wichita transit system. Background Many people see the current transit system as limited in scope. Both in terms of operation hours and buses route options. According to the Wichita Eagle, the current system operates from 5:45 a.m. to 6:45 p.m. Monday through Friday and 6:45 a.m. to 5:45 p.m. Saturday (Wilson, 2013). This limits the passenger usage to these specific hours. People needing public transportation before and after these times are required to seek alternate methods of travel. In addition, not all bus routes run through major city destinations. Some bus routes are stationed away from major areas of traffic. For many citizens in order to utilize the public transit system, they must first seek another form of transportation in order to reach a bus stop location. In order to determine applicable solutions ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Analysis of Pauline Puyat’s Tracks­Essay Analysis of Pauline Puyat s Tracks­ One of the most striking characteristics of Pauline Puyat is her devout Catholicism and her desire to be disconnected from the Ojibwa people. Throughout Tracks, she openly chooses Catholicism over her native religion and abandons her native ways almost completely. When Pauline tries to help Fleur prevent a miscarriage, she is literally held back by her conscious separation from the Ojibwa culture. There are many things that Pauline fails to do to effectively prevent Fleur from miscarrying. The most obvious is her failure to efficiently put together the herbal steep made of Alder: And I could not remember the plant s configuration, even though its use was common enough for bleeding ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Pauline s personification of the plants only continues this idea of confusion and abandonment. Her prayer to the Catholic God is almost ironic; Pauline is begging her God to help her remember the practices that she thinks sacrilegious. Pauline s Catholicism and her duties as an Angel of Death continue to control her for the rest of the passage. Before giving Fleur the Alder (or whatever herb she actually grabbed) steep, Pauline is captivated by her face: Fleur s eyes were closed. Her face was drained of color. I k new this look and I was fascinated, rapt, as at other death and sickbeds (157). Here, Pauline forgets what she is doing for Fleur and reverts to her duty as the Angel of Death, abandoning her Ojibwa ways for Catholicism. This seems to create further confusion for Pauline, as Fleur must instruct her on what to do with the alder plant. When Pauline puts herself to that task, she finds that she is unable to do anything because the Lord overtook [her] limbs and made them clumsy...it must have been his terrible will (157). Pauline feels that God does not want her to help Fleur, and is preventing her from doing so by deadening her limbs. Although she is trying to help Fleur, she simply cannot. Pauline s claims that clumsiness and forgetfulness of Ojibwa traditions is God s terrible will, are a claim of validity for both her follies in this passage and her stubborn separations from the Ojibwa. An interesting ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Compare And Contrast Sleepy Hollow And The Legend Of... In 1820 Washington Irving wrote the classic short story, The Legend of Sleepy Hollow . In his version no one knew what happened to Ichabod Crane, however there was some theories. The townsfolk of a small backwoods town, Sleepy Hollow, just knew the Headless Horseman had come for him. Thus, making nature win. In 1999 Tim Burton directed a movie that was based on Washington Irving s short story. In his version everyone knew what happened to Ichabod Crane. He left the little town with Katrina Van Tassel and Young Masbath after finding out how to stop the Headless Houseman. Which, is making science win. The film version and the short story version both had the same theme, science will kill nature or nature will kill science. However, was this ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Even though Ichabod Crane saw the Headless Horsemen with his own eyes, he still thought science and logic was superior. When he saw the Headless Horsemen for the first time he was in a state of panic, did not know what to believe in anymore. Eventually, he got a grip on himself and says there must be an explanation for everything, and therefore believes there is a perfectly logical explanation for what is happening in the town of Sleepy hollow. However, once Ichabod Crane, Young Masbath, and Katrina Van Tassel went into the Western Woods and found the Headless Horseman burial site and they saw him spring forth from the dead blood tree. This made Ichabod Crane question everything aging since the tree represents the bringing together of two worlds. (50:00) He came back to logic and science when he figured out that someone was controlling the Headless Horsemen to kill all these people. (59:01) He always managed to find his way back to science and logic. When Ichabod Crane left the town he had won the heart of Katrina Van Tassel and they left with Young Masbath to go back to the life he had known before going to Sleepy Hollow. If he didn t believed that science and logic wasn t superior than he wouldn t have left the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. A Review On Virtual Team REVIEW OF VIRTUAL TEAM AJAYI IBITOLA TOMISIN Griffith School of Engineering, Griffith University, Gold Coast, QLD4222, Australia This paper presents a review of virtual team. It defines the virtual team, present opportunities in virtual team, discusses its managerial and technological issues, lists the advantages disadvantages of virtual teams and recommends for the future. 1. Introduction 1.1. Overview of virtual team A virtual team whether across the street or across the world is a team whose members simultaneously work together to a common purpose while physically apart[1]. 2. The Literature Review A virtual team is a team in which its team members work together efficiently more over technology than face to face.Virtual ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There is increase in the globalization of trade and commercial activities. In virtual teams, one can work for longer time instead of the face to face 8hrs. The use of ICT in the virtual teams could increase the information gathering rate The variety in team members gives room for brainstorming innovative solutions and fresh conversations Most workers in virtual team are chosen based on skills and knowledge 4. Issues in virtual Teams In virtual teams, issues can be classified as either management issues or technological issues[3]. 4.1 Managerial issues Managerial issues have a broad impact on virtual team process. This aspect deals with the managerial concerns of the virtual team[4]. It includes: Developing a team VT require initial face to face meeting to develop a sense of team for their members. Reinforcing project objectives There is need for frequent reinstatement of goals to team to ensure every member remains focused on the common objectives and goals of the project. Visiting remote participants Visiting team individuals during the course of the projects to deliver evaluation and retain the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. What Role Does Nature Play In Icarus What is nature s role in the myth of Icarus and Daedalus? In the short story Icarus and Daedalus and the poem Icarus nature plays a big role when Icarus, Daedalus son, escapes with him by flying but ends up being careless and dies due to the sun. The short story talks about the story of Icarus and Daedalus when the poem is about Icarus death and what he must have been thinking while plunging to his death. In Icarus and Daedalus by Josephine Preston Peabody, and Icarus by Wendy A. Shaffer, nature exacerbates by having Icarus die in both the short story and poem. To begin, in In Icarus and Daedalus by Josephine Preston Peabody, Icarus is foolish and nature is not on his side, and he ends up flying too close to the sun and dies. Daedalus ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Shaffer, the poem uses nature against Icarus. This poem is about what it would be like to be Icarus while he was taking his last breath. Was Icarus mad? Was he blaming his father? Was he regretful? These were all questions that were addressed throughout the poem. The mythical poem states, Watching white feathers flutter upward, curse the wax as a fair weathered friend... Did he rail at the sun... he laughed, and admitted that even had he known of the many failings of fathers and feathers, he would have done it anyway (Shaffer 20). This piece of evidence displays the importance of Icarus flying to close to the sun and dying. It shows how he killed himself along with the nature. The nature of the myth and poem plays the role of freedom and death. The feathers signify freedom because of being able to flutter and fly, while the sun signifies death and misfortune. Even though Icarus died, he died being the adventurous foolish person he is. With nature not on his side, it shows how when you do not follow rules, you may end up being in serious trouble even if it was fun. If you get too senseless, you can end up having a big problem. Overall, in the poem Icarus by Wendy A. Shaffer, nature is the root of Icarus ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Oklahoma Performing Arts, Inc. Essay Mission Statement: Oklahoma Performing Arts, Inc. has the mission that every individual deserves the opportunity to empower and develop his or her character through classical arts training and community service programs and presentations. Please provide a brief overview of your organization (250 words). Oklahoma Performing Arts, Inc. (OPA) began its nonprofit roots in 1996. OPA has the unique setting of being a place for all. We provide a positive space for organizations to meet, to create and to share their mission with the Tulsa community. OPA also offers Dance, Voice, Acting, Music and Yoga training for all ages, along with an all youth company, Tulsa Youth Ballet. Tulsa Youth Ballet is the complete multidiscipline program with community service and leadership as its foundation. OPA s programs and presentations are provided through the following: T.U.L.S.A. (Talented and Unlimited Leaders Spreading the Arts) established in 1999. TULSA cultivates the talent of Tulsa Youth Ballet members to present complete works in different disciplines. These productions are then presented to organizations and communities that would otherwise not experience the value and joy that live performing arts create. H.A.P.P.Y. (Hands on Arts Performing Programs for the Youth) established in 1999. HAPPY has iExperience, Movestory, LUEY (Let Us Entertain You) and Get Sm ART. iExpereince is a program that presents disciplines, such as tap, ballet and jazz with a brief history and a sampling ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Success Is A True Success Erykah Badu once quoted I planned success. I just knew it was going to happen. From her statement, success is all about planning, and working hard to progress towards an ultimate goal. How Ms. Badu was so confident in attaining success, that is how everyone s determination for success should be. If someone is willing to accept possible failure, strive, and be their best, by doing their best, success it theirs. Even though success has as many definitions as there are people, many people measure their success based primarily on wealth; however, I define success as being that which is attained as one sets goals and achieves them, and as a fluid thing that changes as our stations in life change. In today s culture, society, as a whole, brainwashes us into a false perception of success. People with expensive handbags, cars, or jewelry are automatically deemed as a success. Also, people with corporate jobs that hold Chief Executive Operation positions, or a field in general that makes an immense amount of money are considered the successful ones. While a having a great job may be someone s own personal success, do not let the wealth speak as to why you are successful. Success is not always determined by one s wealth. As an example, it is already known that celebrities make a vast amount of money. When we review their success, we look at their accomplishments, and how hard they have worked to get to their ultimate goal, not how much money they have ascertained. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Jetblue Is A Low Cost, High Service Airline JetBlue operates as a low cost, high service airline. JetBlue (JBLU) revenues have increased by at least 5% every year for the past decade. This continual growth in revenues coupled with a growth in net income has allowed JBLU stock price to grow rapidly in the last three years. JBLU s operating margin stands at 7.9%, the highest in the US airline industry. JBLU began offering its Even More spacious seating arrangements on all flights and MINT service on particular flights in 2014. Revenues from these services have caused JetBlue to have its highest ever net income in 2014. JBLU stock has outperformed both the industry average and the S P 500 in the last year with a shocking 185% growth rate YTD. Legacy airline carriers lag far behind this growth rate in revenue and stock price. JetBlue has added value through its high profit margins and stellar financial performance in the past decade. JBLU currently trades around $26 a share. Its market cap stands at $8.2 billion, making it the fifth largest airline in the US. JBLU has experienced positive growth for the past three years. JBLU also faces some difficulties because of its rapid growth rate. JBLU holds a P/S ratio of 1.9 against the industry average of .8. A high P/S suggests the stock may be overvalued. JBLU generated $912 million in free cash in 2014. This increase in cash is allowing JBLU to increase its liquidity. Revenues are expected to increase by 15% in 2015 and 2016, but net income is projected to increase ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Essay On Spirometry I am going to presume that if you are reading this article on Jane s website, you have COPD [or other lung disease]. I am also going to take a big leap and presume that you have all done a breathing test called spirometry? I ask this because statistics show that a surprising number of people have been diagnosed with COPD, but have never had spirometry done. That is like diagnosing a patient with diabetes without ever testing their blood sugar level. Spirometry is done using a piece of equipment called a spirometer. The term spiro comes from the Latin language and means to breathe, and meter (derived from either Old English, French or Greek...take your pick) means to measure. The spirometer is not a new invention. In 1846 an Englishman named John ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... These patients cannot easily exhale all of their air, leaving some air in the lungs at the end of exhalation. We refer to this as air trapping. Patients with the Little Lung Syndrome can t get air in because something is restricting the flow of gas into their lungs. Imagine someone putting a wide, very tight belt around your rib cage...what would happen when you tried to take in a deep breath? You couldn t! With restrictive disease; pulmonary fibrosis, interstitial lung disease, asbestosis, etc...your lungs are very stiff, and they do not inflate easily, so it is hard to take in a deep breath. If after doing a spirometry test, the therapist determines that your lungs are not functioning normally, we give the results to your doctor and he/she will order more specific tests in a pulmonary function lab to see what exactly the problem is. You have no doubt heard or read the National Lung Health Education Program (NLHEP) slogan; Test your lungs, know your numbers . Spirometry gives you the numbers. If you have high cholesterol, you know your numbers...I know, because I do. I also know that I do not have diabetes because I know my ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Edward Jenner Is A Hero Of The 18th Century Since the beginning of time, man has been plagued with diseases that have destroyed hundreds of thousands of people in a matter of months. Illness surrounding the home and city made it so children died at the tender age of 4 and made it a miracle to live past 12. If it weren t for innovative people like Dr. Edward Jenner, Louis Pasteur, and men and women like them, the world would never have experienced the benefits of modern medicine and the human race would still live in the harsh reality that is talked about in history books. The innovations in medicine have a vast and crucial history that has lead to the richness and fullness of life that we know of today. The earliest medical discoveries were done with very little technology and relied ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The practice of variation in China can be documented to the seventeenth century, and be traced back to the sixteenth century (Plotkin 5). The practice in China carried into Europe in the seventeenth century and expanded. The seventeenth and eighteenth century were a crucial time in the creation of vaccines to prevent diseases. The first step of the innovation came from inoculation. Centuries ago, it had been observed that those who were infected by the smallpox disease and lived were never affected again. The practice of inoculation, which is defined as artificial introduction of a disease into the body. In the late seventeenth century, inoculations were being performed in the Turkish empire. The method of inoculation appeared to work, but was also dangerous. The inoculation started with the collection of pus from a mildly infected person. The pus was then dripped and rubbed into a scratch made by a needle in an unaffected person s arm. The Turkish empire is to credit for the spread of the new medicinal knowledge. Lady Mary, the wife of Britain s ambassador, pushed for the inoculation. She wrote to her friend that, I am going to tell you a thing that will make you wish yourself here. The smallpox, so fatal and so general among us, is here entirely harmless... (Marrin 36). Her words described the breakthrough of preventative disease control. She described it as, ...the old woman comes with a nutshell ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Sixth Grade Narrative Sixth grade was possibly the worst year of my life. There were so many fights and I moved for the last time. I never had any real friends until sixth grade because my mother moved me around so much. I moved from place to place, got robbed a few times. My life was pretty eventful. I started sixth grade in another school, before Reeds Brook, and I didn t fit in anywhere in my old school, so I was by myself a lot of the time. Soon, every summer i came to see my dad, he lived in Hampden and spoiled me with money because my mother never did. Soon I became Damaged in my mother s eyes and she didn t seem to care nor want me anymore. At that time, I was in Maine, ready to go back, home. The thing was that i didn t want to go home, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Patria By Julia Alvarez Summary Julia Alvarez uses the interaction between Peña and Patria to express her thoughts that faith is more powerful than the evil. In the interaction Patria is attempting to convince Peña to release her son Nelson, she writes: This devil might seem powerful, but finally I had a power stronger than his. So I used it. Loading up my heart with prayer, I aimed it at the lost soul before me... Maybe because I was watching him so closely a funny thing started to happen. See devil I was so used to disappeared. (216 217) The word prayer is important not only because it tells you what Patria is doing, but it also tells you religion is a huge part of Patria s life. Patria praying shows that she has lots of faith and is seen as an angel. She is described as ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Is Facebook Making Us Lonely Stephen Marche Is Facebook Making Us Lonely? In the article Is Facebook making us lonely? published in May 2012, Stephen Marche reports that the use of social media has detached people from one another, makes them lonelier, and makes them encourage solitary living. Marche explains that the high use of social media has increased the quantity in the intensity of human loneliness which can make the users miserable, unhappy with their lives, deteriorate their health, decrease their confidant, and eventual causes untimely death. He states that people now live in an accelerating contradiction: the more connected they become, the lonelier they are. He reports that Facebook is interfering with our real friendships, distancing us from each other, making us lonelier; and that social networking might be spreading the isolation it seemed designed to conquer. In addition, Marche states that the effect of loneliness has created multiple research and increase professional careers. Facebook and other social media are interfering with our real ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... According to Stephen Marche, Ronald Dworkin pointed out in a 2010 paper that the country had 77, 000 clinical psychologists, 192,000 clinical social workers, 400,000 nonclinical social workers, 50,000 marriage and therapists, 105,000 mental health counselors, 220,000 substance abuse counselors, 17,000 nurse psychotherapists, and 30,000 life coaches . The need of professional careers has increase because of the threat of societal collapses. Loneliness can cause bad health: obesity, depression, inflammation, loss of memory, bad sleep, less exercise, less survival of operation, dementia and decline cognitive. Moreover, John Cacioppo illustrates in his book, Loneliness, released in 2008, that loneliness can also penetrate the deepest recesses of the cell to alter the way genes were being expressed. It can affect the brain and the basic process of DNA ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Baby Face And The Production Code Film Analysis Baby Face and the Production Code The censorship conflicts in the 1900s were extremely intriguing and intense. Around the end of the 1920s, individuals possessed immense moral shifts powered by religious groups during the Great Depression, which resulted in decisions that created a new revolution that dealt particularly with the regulation of content of films. Consequently, in 1934, at the same time that the Golden Age of Hollywood began, the Hollywood Production code was formally implemented. The film (1933) felt the effects of conservative ideas, which later led to the censorship code s introduction. The analysis of the Pre Code film can be a valuable tool for the comprehension of the Production Code s direct impact on Hollywood and the reverberations that can still be distinguished today. From the beginning of the motion picture industry, several religious and moralistic groups such as National Council of Catholic Women sought to censor Hollywood films that contained sex, crime or vamps. In order to regulate any possible censorship conflict, In 1922 the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America Association (MPPDA) was established by movie company presidents and Postmaster General Will Hays whom was instituted as head of the Association (Gaynor 1). The hoped plan was for Will Hays to act as an intermediate between Hollywood and those demanding censorship. Will Hays created some regulations that revealed the public and moral standards that were ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. The Monster Dorian Gray Essay In the Victorian era where vanity was the main attraction, Oscar Wilde s The Picture of Dorian Gray gave insight into the true horrors that came of this sinful nature. Wilde was a very controversial figure and he meant to stir the pot when he wrote this disputed story. He believed that literature was not only meant for the imagination, but for the moral mind as well. In The Picture of Dorian Gray he depicts the importance of becoming a well rounded individual and also explains himself. In one of his many letters he states Basil Hallward is what I think I am: Lord Henry what the world thinks me: Dorian what I would like to be in other ages, perhaps. He was a man before his time and he exposed the reality that every person is a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In the portrait laid everything anyone would ve wanted to be, but of course, with time, that would all begin fade away. Lord Henry is extremely obsessed with youth and instills the idea that Dorian s portrait will stay young forever, while he sadly would wither as time passed. Lord Henry makes this very clear when he states There is no doubt that Genius last longer than Beauty. Even Basil himself acknowledges this in the presence of Lord Henry, We shall all suffer for what the gods have given us, suffer terribly. These heavyhearted comments lead Dorian to make a pledge, which would ruin him. (Wilde 7 15) After listening to Lord Henry s discourse Dorian begins to think about his beauty and he makes a frighteningly rash wish, which changed everything. How sad is it! I shall grow old, and horrible, and dreadful. But this picture will remain always young. It will never be older than this particular day of June. . . . If it were only the other way! If it were I who was to be always young, and the picture was to grow old! For that for that I would give everything! Yes, there is nothing in the whole world I would not give! I would give my soul for that! (Wilde 25 26) All the while, Dorian does not know his senseless words are what will wreck his life from that point on. Basil and Lord Henry are floored and laugh at his nonsense, but Basil is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Volunteering Motivations And Their Well Being An Integrative Research Paper On: VOLUNTEERING MOTIVATIONS AND THEIR WELL BEING by Joseph A. Sagadraca Summer 2015 Practicum at the American Red Cross University of North Florida Dr. Jody Nicholson July 31, 2015 ABSTRACT With considerable amounts of psychological research focused on volunteers, this paper will attempt to indicate and reiterate the motivations of volunteers in non profit organizations through an integrative style of thinking. A lot of research is based on the well being of a person in regards to their motivation, so this research paper will target the potentially important aspects a volunteer associates themselves with, with respect of their motivations and their well being. No real research has been done, but through an internship at the American Red Cross, this will assist the integrative style of writing to produce helpful information for volunteers and their motivations. INTRODUCTION For many years, millions of people have engaged in some kind of volunteering act that has contributed to a number of unimaginable hours of work. Of these people though, 49% have represented the adult population with a quarter of them having devoted their time to 5 or more hours per week for volunteering (the motivations to volunteer). These figures for volunteering have been inspiring for psychologists to seek and understand the instrumental factors that lead people to volunteer. Several arguments have been stirred throughout the years, but importantly, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Nordstrom Essay Nordstrom: Planning a better inventory Question 1 Nordstrom has famously been known for its lean retail prices and its tight inventory. Nordstrom uses demand forecasting to minimize leftover inventory. Nordstrom s total corporate management is based on two main goals. One is to associate purchasing with demand to keep inventory as lean as possible. Second is to present customers and sales associates with a wide ranging view of Nordstrom s entire inventory, including all stores and warehouses. Nordstrom relates purchasing with demand to keep inventory lean and show customers and employees Nordstrom s inventory. Nordstrom keeps its items in stock for an extremely short period of time so that if a customer wants it, they only have ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Effective communication can increase the common understanding of ethics and ideas among customers and form a base for relations and future purchases. The happier a customer feels with the company that they are purchasing from, the more often they will go back to that company and purchase more products. Groups that should be involved are all employees within the company, because the more they are involved, the more comfort there will be among the employees and the customers who will buy the product in the near future. Question 4 Nordstrom has done a lot to their technology department since 2009 to compete with competitors in the online market. If there were ideas that I could suggest for them, I would say that in their search area on the sites, they can still add more functions, such as a rating system where customers can rank the product on how good it is. Companies such as Macy s and Nike have a customer rating system for clothing, so buyers know which products are being liked and which ones aren t. Also, in the online inventory, Nordstrom needs to include which products are new, and which ones are old because it is not listed on their site. Companies such as Nike, Banana Republic and Macy s all have a new arrival tab on their website while Nordstrom does not. Those would be the only inventory management overhaul ideas I would recommend to them. As far as stretch goals are concerned, I ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. Medical Health Promotion And Disease Prevention Plan NUR 609 : Application of Theory Guidelines Yi Duan Low SUNY Upstate Medical University NURS 609 Family Psychiatric and Mental health Theory Professor: Prof. Patricia Powers Introduction The nationwide health promotion and disease prevention plan, Healthy People 2020, recognizes that mental health promotion and mental health reduction as one of the most significant health objectives. Statistic indicated that mental health disorders are the leading cause of disability in United States and Canada, while suicide is the 11th leading cause of death that killed approximately 30,000 American each year ( Mental Health and Mental Disorders , n.d.). The United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) has commended series of guideline once patients are identified with mental health disorder. According to the flow chart, the treatment plan for major depressive disorder include provide pharmacological consult, address psychosocial problems, and afford psychotherapy interventions. Psychotherapy is one of the major components in mental health treatment. It is noted as talk therapy that consists of counseling, interpersonal persuasion, psychosocial education, and personal coaching (Prochaska Norcross, 2010). Psychotherapy also carries the objectives of helping people to make therapeutic change and also to reach mutually agreed upon goal at the same time. Part 1 2: Psychotherapy Theories Theory provides a structured framework, filters relevant data, and assists clinician ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. Economic Impact of Sars on the Singapore Economy Topic: Impact of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) on the economy of Singapore. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction to SARS Page 3 2. Impact on Export and Local Consumption Page 4 3. Impact on Employment and Wages Page 8 4. Impact on Government Expenditure Page 10 5. Impact on the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Page 11 6. Conclusion. Page 14 7. References Page 15 Introduction to SARS Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) first surfaced in Guangzhou, China, in November of 2002 and quickly spread throughout China, Asia and eventually to most parts of the world because of its transmission through close contact with anyone who has SARS. Studies concluded that it was ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Although the manufacturing sector which contributes much of our export economy is not adversely affected, there were some spillover effects, but these effects are not easily measured due to the complexity of too many variables involved, the spread across a wide variety of industries and the short period which people were quarantined and some of the productivity lost could have been replaced by co workers putting in more effort. Impact on Local Consumption The drop in consumption is largely contributed by a change in the consumption habits of Singaporeans during the SARS period. Due to the transmission pattern of SARS, compounded by the fact that the virus can survive in the environment for up to twelve hours, anyone can be infected simply by touching an infected surface in public areas, and use their hands to rub their nose or lips. This caused a panic among the general public and people shunned public places, like shopping malls, restaurants, food courts and hawker centers.
  • 44. According to the Economic Survey of Singapore, published in the third quarter of 2003 by the Ministry for Trade and Industry, businesses in retail shops and food establishments decline by as much as 50 per cent in the months of March to May 2003. Even taxi companies are not spared, Comfort Taxi, the largest taxi operator in Singapore reported that daily bookings ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...