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Radical Product: The global movement that’s building vision-driven products
Radical Product: The global movement that’s building vision-driven productsRadical Product: The global movement that’s building vision-driven products
Radical Product: The global movement that’s building vision-driven products

UX Fest 2018 Radhika Dutt, Co-Founder at Radical Product Building vision-driven products means having a clear vision, a compelling product strategy to achieve that vision, and translating the vision and strategy into an execution plan. While this is easily said, it is incredibly hard to do. What is a “good” vision? What does product strategy really mean? What is Enlightenment? Wait, that a different talk. Radical Product is a movement that provides a methodology for strategic product thinking, in a similar way that Lean and Agile provided a methodology for feedback-driven execution. We’ll use the free and open-source Radical Product toolkit to talk about how you can create a powerful, far-reaching vision for your product, make smarter decisions, and build products with purpose.

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Design Sprint - Day 1
Design Sprint - Day 1 Design Sprint - Day 1
Design Sprint - Day 1

This 3 Day Design Sprint was delivered to teenagers between the ages of 13 -18 to teach them how to quickly test ideas without writing a line of code. It has been adapted from Tom Lombardo's course from Fresh Tiled Soil.

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Onboarding through persuasion
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Onboarding through persuasion

We used principles of persuasion and tried to design an amazing onboarding experience. Here are some learnings from the process.

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Product Design is the process of creating a new
product to be sold by a business to its customers.
A very broad concept, it is essentially the efficient
and effective generation and development of ideas
through a process that leads to new products.
Product Design is the process of creating a new
product to be sold by a business to its customers.
A very broad concept, it is essentially the efficient
and effective generation and development of ideas
through a process that leads to new products.
? ??

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Roadmaps - the good, the bad and the ugly!
Roadmaps - the good, the bad and the ugly!Roadmaps - the good, the bad and the ugly!
Roadmaps - the good, the bad and the ugly!

The document discusses challenges and best practices for product roadmaps. It notes that roadmaps have not worked well when used as a timeline promise, provided too much low-level detail, or lost focus on customer needs. Roadmaps are more effective for major platform initiatives when kept to a 90-day view and accompanied by a product vision and opportunity backlog. The document also addresses stakeholder management and alignment across delivery teams as ongoing challenges.

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The Full Stack Deisgner Manifesto
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The document discusses the role of a designer in a startup. It defines a designer as a visual problem solver who uses design thinking processes like defining problems, researching, ideating, prototyping, and learning. It states that startup problems related to products, funding, traffic, sales, conversions, retention, and growth can be solved through user experience/user interface design, storytelling, branding, marketing assets, video, images, ads, public relations, pitch decks, and copywriting. It then describes a "full stack designer" as someone who takes on diverse design roles from pre-launch to growth, including creating investor decks, mockups, marketing assets, campaigns, videos, and growth hacking strategies.

designfull stack
How to run a pop-up lab : Innovation through rapid R&D (Emerce Retail, Holland)
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How to run a pop-up lab : Innovation through rapid R&D (Emerce Retail, Holland)

This document outlines a seven step approach for running a pop-up lab to drive innovation through rapid research and development. The seven steps are: 1) focus research and build a team, 2) access relevant data, 3) engage stakeholders, 4) recruit real customers, 5) check findings with operations staff, 6) design and test prototypes, 7) share learnings and win support. Key aspects of the approach include maintaining a skeptical and agile mindset, prioritizing just enough work to build momentum, and truly listening to users rather than leading them. The overall goal is to establish a permissive culture where the value of research and development is understood.


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Songkick Product Discovery FOWA (Michelle You)Songkick Product Discovery FOWA (Michelle You)
Songkick Product Discovery FOWA (Michelle You)

The document discusses product discovery methods at Songkick, a company that helps concert fans find shows. It outlines three "golden rules" of product discovery: 1. Prioritize speed and quantity of learning through testing many ideas quickly. 2. Frame questions at different levels, from customer problems to product features, to guide discovery. 3. Find the cheapest, fastest ways to answer questions, such as mockups, surveys, and user research, rather than always coding. Product managers, designers, and engineers collaborate daily using methods like analytics, tests, and remote user research to rapidly validate hypotheses about customer needs and product solutions.

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Demystifying the Design Sprint
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Demystifying the Design Sprint

A Design Sprint is a five-day framework that uses design thinking principles to identify the right problem to solve, generate ideas to solve that problem, and test solutions. The five days consist of understand, diverge, converge, build, and test phases to discover answers fast through prototyping and user feedback. This process aims to increase the chances of creating something people want by gathering evidence-based insights rather than opinions.

design thinkingdesign sprints
Rethinking Concept Testing to Innovate With Customers
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Rethinking Concept Testing to Innovate With Customers

The document discusses rethinking concept testing to innovate with customers. It proposes a solutions development process that incorporates iterative customer input and feedback. This process includes ideation of potential solutions, validation of ideas through quantitative concept testing to filter the most promising concepts, and collaborative optimization of ideas through qualitative research and prototyping with customers. The goal is to develop customer solutions more efficiently by leveraging customer insights at multiple stages of the innovation process.

market researchcustomer insightconcept testing

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Nicolle Richard is a lead product designer at Fullscreen who discusses their design process. She explains that Fullscreen believes design should be included throughout the entire product process. Their process includes research, ideation, prototyping, testing, and building with iteration. They spend most of their time on research and prototyping before testing assumptions and building the final product.

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Have Dreams Bigger Than The Universe? If Yes then come and Join #SDNx an Open Learning Platform That Is Designed To Provide Space Awareness Activities, Educational Programs, Research & Development Of Space Exploration Technologies And Major Space Industry Events To Serve The Global Space Community.

Product Design - Rui Barroca
THE DESIGN SPRINTGoogle Ventures Design Team

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Presentation from putitout event at Decoded London. Outlines the change to product development process to test ideas early through Lean and UX methods.

Game Product Discovery: Validation & Iteration
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Slides & notes from a recent Product Tank presentation. I talk through Product Management and how I think it relates to Game Design, in particular how to apply the Discovery process

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Intro to design sprint
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Intro to design sprint

The 5-day Design Sprint process provides teams a structured approach to answering critical business questions. In the first day, teams map out the challenge by defining a long-term goal and target audience. On the second day, teams sketch rapid ideas and variations. The third day has teams vote on the best ideas to prototype. A prototype is created on the fourth day for user testing on the fifth day. This process gives teams a fast way to learn from users without fully building and launching a product.

google design sprint
process for answering critical business
questions through design, prototyping,
and testing ideas with customers.
MONDAY: UNPACKOn the first day of the sprint, your team will “unpack”
everything they know. Expertise and knowledge on
most teams is asymmetrical: Sales knows things
engineering doesn’t, customer support knows things
design doesn’t, and so on.
TUESDAY: SKETCHDuring Sketch day, your team will work individually to
draw detailed solutions on paper. As you sketch,
everyone works separately to ensure maximum
detail and depth with minimum groupthink.
WEDNESDAY: DECIDENow you’ll have over a dozen solutions to choose
from. That’s great, but it’s also a problem, because
you can’t prototype and test a dozen solutions. You’ll
have to narrow down and make tough decisions.

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Design thinking lean startup and agile pradeep

Should you follow what others are doing ,just becuase it works for them? Instead ,choose from Innovative models and Practices best suited to your business model. #innovation #gartner #leanstartup #designthinking #agileleadership #leadershipexcellence #innovationstrategy #innovationleadership

Design Sprint
Design SprintDesign Sprint
Design Sprint

This document outlines the steps of a Design Sprint process to boost creativity and manage a design project. It includes: 1) Understanding the problem through stakeholder presentations on goals, technology, and user needs. Mapping the project scope and outcomes. 2) Defining the focus by identifying the business opportunity, customer, problem, and value proposition. Researching through user data collection. 3) Diverging through individual idea sketching to generate solutions regardless of feasibility. Translating learnings into opportunities. 4) Prototyping key moments like screens, interactions, and use cases to test ideas without large investments. 5) Validating ideas through feedback from showing prototypes and discussing different design

googledesigndesign thinking
The New School Incubator for Design Innovation
The New School Incubator for Design InnovationThe New School Incubator for Design Innovation
The New School Incubator for Design Innovation

Parsons The New School for Design, Design + Management BBA Program, Senior Thesis, Spring 2009. James Burr, Hannes Steen Thornhammar, Giancarlo Bozza. Parsons Faculty: Associate Professor, Robert Rabinovitz.

design educationincubator programsparsons
THURSDAY: PROTOTYPEYou’ll spend Thursday in the flow, being ridiculously
productive, building an entire realistic-looking
prototype in just eight hours.
On Friday, you’ll show your prototype to real customers
in 1-on-1 interviews. By the end of the day, your ideas
have all been exposed to oxygen — some will be
smash hits, while others will meet an early end.
PEN & PAPERPost it notes and Moleskin are your best friends

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PR & Communication - Sandra Sick
PR & Communication - Sandra SickPR & Communication - Sandra Sick
PR & Communication - Sandra Sick

This document provides an overview and summary of Sandra Sick's presentation on strategic marketing and PR for startups. The presentation covers various topics including inbound marketing, content marketing, blogging, email marketing, social media, video marketing, SEO, analytics, and marketing automation. Sandra Sick has over 20 years of experience in startup marketing and PR and has advised hundreds of companies. The presentation aims to help startups develop effective marketing strategies.

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Ravi Belani - Unlocking The Value of Accelerators - Startup AddVenture Easter...

Ravi Belani is Fenwick & West Lecturer of Entrepreneurship at Stanford University, and Managing Director of the Alchemist Accelerator, an enterprise seed accelerator backed by Cisco, DFJ, KhoslaVentures, Salesforce, SAP Ventures, and USVP. Alchemist also operates an Enterprise IoT Accelerator Program. Ravi formerly spent six years as part of the investment team at Draper Fisher Jurvetson’s Menlo Park global headquarters, where he led investments and served on the boards as the first institutional investor in companies such as Vizu (acquired by Nielsen), Yield Software (acquired byAutonomy), Justin.TV/Socialcam, Pubmatic, and Komli. Ravi formerly worked in product management at two Kleiner Perkins enterprise startups, and as a consultant in McKinsey and Company’s San Francisco office. Ravi is a Phi Beta Kappa and Tau Beta Pi graduate of Stanford University, holding a BS with Distinction and MS in Industrial Engineering. Ravi also holds an MBA from Harvard Business School.

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Growth Hacking - André Jordão
Growth Hacking - André JordãoGrowth Hacking - André Jordão
Growth Hacking - André Jordão

This document discusses various tactics for startup growth, including growth hacking, models, metrics, email marketing, acquisition, and retention. It provides examples of key metrics like CPA, retention rates, and lifetime value. Tactics covered include testing different subject lines and copy in emails, segmenting lists, optimizing funnels in Mixpanel, and focusing on retention over time through simple engagement processes. The document emphasizes testing ideas and optimizing for goals and metrics on a weekly basis.

growth hacking
WIREFRAME SOFTWAREOnline or offline - you pick. From Omnigraffle, Axure to Balsamiq or Hotgloo
USER TESTINGInVison, Marvel etc…..
Stop CodingTest first
TIP 01
The Lean Startup by Eric Ries
TIP 02

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Eveline Buchatskiy (Director at TechStars Boston) at Digital Media Day 2016

Eveline Buchatskiy, Director at TechStars Boston, speaks about what digital media is, how to fundraise for your startup, and what TechStars experience is in this space at Digital Media Day 2016 within the framework of the 7th Odessa International Film Festival. https://www.linkedin.com/in/eveline-buchatskiy-873a416 http://www.techstars.com/ https://oiff.com.ua/en/index.htm https://www.facebook.com/odessaiff/ https://www.facebook.com/TAVentures2010/

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Startup Braga Hacks Pokémon Go!
Startup Braga Hacks Pokémon Go!Startup Braga Hacks Pokémon Go!
Startup Braga Hacks Pokémon Go!

1. Pokémon GO uses augmented reality and geolocation to allow players to catch virtual Pokémon in real-world locations. Landmarks become gyms or Pokéstops where players can find rare items. The game has had a huge impact with more active users than WhatsApp and Instagram. 2. To create viral products like Pokémon GO, companies should consider gamification, connecting to established brands, and blending the online and offline experience. 3. Local businesses can benefit from Pokémon GO players by offering social WiFi to attract customers, creating Facebook groups, optimizing the in-store experience for players, and remarketing to the players who visit. Having a location that is a Pokéstop or

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(Pre) Accelerate towards the future!
(Pre) Accelerate towards the future!(Pre) Accelerate towards the future!
(Pre) Accelerate towards the future!

Pre-accelerators are emerging organizations that provide support to very early-stage startups and entrepreneurs. This document summarizes the outcomes of the first European Pre-Accelerator Summit, which brought together 11 prominent pre-accelerators from across Europe. The Summit discussed definitions of pre-acceleration, key metrics used to measure impact, different business models, and the future outlook. While pre-accelerators are still evolving, the Summit provided insight into current best practices and aims to spur wider discussion around supporting early-stage entrepreneurship in Europe.

ITERATE, ITERATE, ITERATEWe live in dynamic times
TIP 03
Release early, Release oftenUpdate cycles, fresh product
TIP 04
VISIBILTY = DISCOVERSocial Media, Angel List, Product Hunt, StartUp List
TIP 05
FOCUS FOCUS FOCUSIgnore the noise, believe in yourself
TIP 06

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Accellerators in US and Europe
Accellerators in US and EuropeAccellerators in US and Europe
Accellerators in US and Europe

The document summarizes a study that ranked over 200 seed accelerators and incubators in the US and Europe based on metrics like the percentage of portfolio companies receiving qualified financing, exits, venture capital perception, stipend values, and equity stakes. The top programs in the US were found to be TechStars Boulder, Y Combinator, and Excelerate Labs based on these metrics. In Europe, SeedCamp was found to be the top program, while StartupBootcamp followed the Techstars model. The study aimed to provide entrepreneurs guidance on accelerator selection and understand the scalability and profitability of the accelerator model.

Launch your own: Corporate innovation accelerator
Launch your own: Corporate innovation acceleratorLaunch your own: Corporate innovation accelerator
Launch your own: Corporate innovation accelerator

By Board of Innovation (www.boardofinnovation.com) Full program & tools available. A step by step approach to create an innovation platform in your company.

How to Design in a Multiscreen World ?
How to Design in a Multiscreen World ?How to Design in a Multiscreen World ?
How to Design in a Multiscreen World ?

The document discusses design best practices for a multiscreen world, including Material Design, rapid prototyping, and design sprints. Material Design aims to provide consistency across platforms through tangible surfaces and meaningful motion. Design sprints are time-boxed periods used to rethink products or features, typically following a process of unpacking existing knowledge, sketching solutions, deciding on an approach, prototyping, and user testing. Rapid prototyping allows testing designs quickly before implementation. The document emphasizes the importance of consistency, reducing learning curves for users, and engaging in a two-way conversation around design advocacy.

One more thing…
It's all about people

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POSSIBLE product design sprint
POSSIBLE product design sprintPOSSIBLE product design sprint
POSSIBLE product design sprint

The document describes a Product Design Sprint, which is a 5-phase exercise that uses design thinking to reduce risks in bringing products to market. The 5 phases are: Day 1) understand the design problem through research; Day 2) diverge and develop solutions; Day 3) decide on the best ideas; Day 4) prototype a quick solution; Day 5) validate the prototype with users outside the company. The goal of the Sprint is to quickly build something when a lot is unknown in order to find product/market fit and reduce risks before fully developing or releasing a product.

Uxpin guide to_mvps
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Uxpin guide to_mvps

This document provides expert perspectives on what constitutes a minimum viable product (MVP). It defines an MVP as the version of a new product that allows for the most learning about customers with the least effort. Experts emphasize that an MVP should focus on testing assumptions about customer needs rather than rapid delivery. Ash Maurya notes the importance of capturing customer value in an MVP by solving a real problem. Marcin Treder shares his experience transitioning from a paper prototyping product to a web-based MVP to test assumptions about their next product. The document explores various experts' views on properly defining an MVP's scope and priorities.

Google Design sprint
Google Design sprintGoogle Design sprint
Google Design sprint

The Design Sprints are a 2-5 days process for answering critical business questions through design, prototyping, and testing ideas with customers. In this keynote I present you the Google Venture Design Sprints Methodology.


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Creating Design Driven Products
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Creating Design Driven Products
Innovation and Product management
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Introduction to Design Thinking
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Operational Excellence Consulting
Design Thinking: A Common Sense Process
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Design Thinking: A Common Sense Process
Michael Zarro, Ph.D.
Design for Start-Ups
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Design for Start-Ups
Andy Budd
APIA2018 - Zahra Tashakorinia - Design Hacks & Paper Prototyping
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European Innovation Academy
UX South Africa 2014 - Keynote
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UX South Africa 2014 - Keynote
Phil Barrett
Design studio: A team alignment secret weapon - Modev MVP Conference
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Design studio: A team alignment secret weapon - Modev MVP Conference
John Whalen
Everybody Wins: How to Collaborate with Engineers and Product Managers
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Getting it Built
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Getting it Built
Andrew Gassen
Agile UX
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Agile UX

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Uxpin guide to_mvps
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Google Design sprint
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UX Prototyping (UXiD) - Handout by Anton Chandra and Bahni Mahariasha
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EIA2019HK - Prototyping and Design Hacks - Alar Kolk
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Design Driven Products
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The Minimum Loveable Product: Go Beyond the Minimum Viable Product
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Creating Design Driven Products
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Innovation and Product management
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Introduction to Design Thinking
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Introduction to Design Thinking
Design Thinking: A Common Sense Process
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Design Thinking: A Common Sense Process
Design for Start-Ups
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Design for Start-Ups
APIA2018 - Zahra Tashakorinia - Design Hacks & Paper Prototyping
APIA2018 - Zahra Tashakorinia - Design Hacks & Paper PrototypingAPIA2018 - Zahra Tashakorinia - Design Hacks & Paper Prototyping
APIA2018 - Zahra Tashakorinia - Design Hacks & Paper Prototyping
UX South Africa 2014 - Keynote
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UX South Africa 2014 - Keynote
Design studio: A team alignment secret weapon - Modev MVP Conference
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Everybody Wins: How to Collaborate with Engineers and Product Managers
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Getting it Built
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Getting it Built
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