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The digitally literate learner and the appropriation of new technologies and media for education   Inaugural Lecture   by John Cook Learning Technology Research Institute,  London Metropolitan University, 3 February 2009 Download slides: http://www.slideshare.net/johnnigelcook
Structure Traditional opening jokes   Key processes for education and learning  Digitally ‘literate’ learners  Open research questions  Outside-in/inside-out challenge Appropriation Mobile learning  Road-map Please turn your mobile phones …
… on!   My mobile number:  XXXXXXXXXXX It is ‘tradition’ not to have questions at an inaugural!  But text me questions & your name Then at the reception I’ll come and talk  or txt u bk
Traditional opening jokes   Professor of  Technology Enhanced Learning   Researching the meaning for this title in the UK context!

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Engaging Generation Y with Technology in the Language Classroom
Engaging Generation Y with Technology in the Language ClassroomEngaging Generation Y with Technology in the Language Classroom
Engaging Generation Y with Technology in the Language Classroom

This document discusses engaging Generation Y students in the language classroom through the use of technology. It begins by noting that simply throwing technology at students does not guarantee effective teaching. It then outlines key learner characteristics of Generation Y, including being tech savvy but lacking information literacy skills, relying on search engines, loving multimedia, multitasking, communicating visually, being open learners who prefer teamwork and collaboration, preferring to type rather than handwrite, creating internet content, and craving instant feedback. Ten "commandments" of teaching Generation Y are provided that match these characteristics, such as using video clips, handling multitasking carefully, using visuals, encouraging interaction and opinion sharing, and giving opportunities for students to create their own

Lecture 7: Mobile & Ubiquitous Learning
Lecture 7: Mobile & Ubiquitous LearningLecture 7: Mobile & Ubiquitous Learning
Lecture 7: Mobile & Ubiquitous Learning

The document discusses mobile and ubiquitous learning. It begins by reviewing the early concepts of mobile learning from the 1970s, including the idea of a portable personal computer. It then provides definitions of mobile learning that emphasize learning across contexts using personal devices. The document also discusses how mobile learning enables situated, authentic, and personalized learning opportunities. It reviews examples of mobile apps being used in developing countries for education. Finally, it defines ubiquitous learning as learning that can happen anywhere and anytime through embedded contextual information, and discusses how it builds on many of the same principles as mobile learning.

future of learningjames stanfieldmobile learning
One to one netbooks presentation2012
One to one netbooks presentation2012One to one netbooks presentation2012
One to one netbooks presentation2012

This document discusses introducing a 1:1 laptop program at a school. It addresses common concerns about the program, such as costs and device usage. Research evidence is presented showing benefits for students, such as increased engagement, collaboration, and skills. The program will provide netbooks to families through a three-year rental agreement. Financial assistance is available for families experiencing hardship. Responsibilities of families include signing agreements, making payments, charging and bringing the netbook to school daily. An information session is scheduled for interested parents to learn more and sign up for the program.

information technologyonline teaching and learningeducation
Why is Technology Enhanced Learning better than Sex?   You don’t usually get divorced if your spouse interrupts you in the middle of it. If you get tired, you can stop, save your place and pick up where you left off. You can finish early without feeling guilty.  You can get rid of any viruses you catch with a £30 program from McAfee And if you're not sure what you are doing, you can always ask your tutor. With a little coffee you can do it all night.
On with the ‘serious’ lecture now!
Key processes for education and learning
Democracy can be viewed as the possibility for equity of access to essential conceptual, cultural, social resources (Kress, 2008). Interaction, criticality and meta-cognitive thinking are  key processes for education and learning

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What matters ?
What matters ?What matters ?
What matters ?

This document discusses academic literacy and how to engage the digital generation in academic literacy. It provides definitions of academic literacy and explains why it is important. It then discusses the characteristics of the digital generation and how they differ from previous generations in how they learn, communicate, and search for information using technologies like Google. Some research studies are summarized that explore how the digital generation searches for information online and what challenges those with low literacy may face. The document advocates for rethinking how universities teach to better engage the digital generation.

Introduction to Online Sexual Exploitation Curriculum
Introduction to Online Sexual Exploitation CurriculumIntroduction to Online Sexual Exploitation Curriculum
Introduction to Online Sexual Exploitation Curriculum

The document provides an overview of the history and evolution of the Internet, as well as the different online environments that exist. It discusses how the Internet was originally created by the US Defense Department in the 1960s to share information over computer networks. The development of hypertext and hyperlinks in the early 1990s allowed for interlinked web pages and the modern World Wide Web. By the late 1990s and early 2000s, hundreds of millions of people worldwide gained access to the Internet. The document describes online environments as either static (such as email and message boards) or dynamic (such as chat rooms and video conferencing), and provides examples of how youth and pedophiles utilize different technologies. It frames the Internet as a new "

online video conferencing web video conferencing
Designing the Digital Future Slides
Designing the Digital Future SlidesDesigning the Digital Future Slides
Designing the Digital Future Slides

During two days and with participants from across the University of Iowa and surrounding community, keynote speakers, local panelists, and the symposium organizers explored how - -to encourage more departments to participate in the informatics initiative -to assess campus resources for joint programming, courses, and research groups that engage not only science and technology, but also the arts, humanities, and social sciences -to clarify the opportunities, challenges, and obstacles faced by researchers in HCI and informatics, including funding; tenure and promotion; research and publication; curriculum, disciplinary differences, and institutional barriers

The ‘magic’ triangle  Cook, J. (2002).  The Role of Dialogue in Computer-Based Learning and Observing Learning: An Evolutionary Approach to Theory.   Journal of Interactive Media in Education, 2002 (5). ISSN:1365-893X [ www-jime.open.ac.uk/2002/5 ]
Designing Learning Environments “ … in a learning environment, we get a complex set of relationships between how a learner thinks, i.e. cognition, how the learner interacts with teachers and peers, and the various media and resources that are available to support learning. The institution and society in which the learning takes place will also exert an influence on learning in more subtle ways.”  Cook, J. (2002). The Role of Dialogue in Computer-Based Learning and Observing Learning: An Evolutionary Approach to Theory . Journal of Interactive Media in Education , 5. Paper online: www-jime.open.ac.uk/2002/5
RLO-CETL Designing multimedia learning resources and learning objects  (RLO-CETL) For web and mobile phones: any time any place learning For example for Study Skills, Business Studies and Sports Science
How to reference Avoids plagiarism Used extensively London Met & TVU etc Demo

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The mouse is dead padla 2013
The mouse is dead padla 2013The mouse is dead padla 2013
The mouse is dead padla 2013

1. The document discusses the shift to a "Post-PC Era" where mobile devices are becoming the primary computing tools used in education. 2. It argues that mobile devices expand access to technology while still allowing personal computers to be used for more intensive tasks. 3. The key benefits of mobile devices are described as convenience, engagement through new learning opportunities, collaboration both inside and outside the classroom, and enabling more student content creation. 4. The presentation concludes that while personal computers are still needed, mobile devices will become the dominant education technology going forward.

ipad tablet postpc padla wcu wcupa
ppt presentation...Using technology of today to the classroom of today
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ppt presentation...Using technology of today to the classroom of today

This document discusses how new technologies can be used in the classroom to improve learning. It argues that technologies allow for collaborative project-based learning, connecting students globally, and immersive experiences that develop higher-order thinking. Examples of technologies highlighted are digital gaming, social networking, and simulations. The document advocates for using these technologies because learning is social and collaborative, and technologies support situated, collaborative learning through modeling and peer interaction, leading to deep understanding.

Etl523 ass1nm
Etl523 ass1nmEtl523 ass1nm
Etl523 ass1nm

This document discusses digital plagiarism in primary schools. It defines plagiarism and copyright, and explains why students plagiarize using digital means. It emphasizes the need to explicitly teach students about being responsible and ethical users of digital information. The document provides guidance for students, teachers, and parents on how to address plagiarism, including teaching note-taking strategies, using online resources ethically, and monitoring students' digital usage. It recommends working collaboratively between home and school to build students' digital citizenship skills.

“ For example, in the case of Hanna, the learning objects are very helpful as they give guidance and provide extra help if she doesn’t understand something.  She likes online, anytime access, as she can access them when she wants, and in the comfort and privacy of her own home.  She likes reading from textbooks, but likes the animations in the learning objects, as they break up the learning material and keep you interested.   ”   “ the second cohort appeared to have a  deeper and more coherent learning experience  as a result of the introduction of the RLOs. ”
[Play clip]
Digitally ‘literate’ learners
Digitally literate learners “ …   include the ability to understand the power of images and sounds, to recognize and use that power, to manipulate and transform digital media, to distribute them pervasively, and to easily adapt them to new forms.”  (New Media Consortium, 2005,  p. 2,   original was in italics)

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Philadelphia council 4 9-11
Philadelphia council 4 9-11Philadelphia council 4 9-11
Philadelphia council 4 9-11

A presentation to the Philadelphia Reading Council, a local council of the Keystone State Reading Association and the International Reading Association.

Talk on May 20, 2011 Hudson Valley
Talk on May 20, 2011 Hudson ValleyTalk on May 20, 2011 Hudson Valley
Talk on May 20, 2011 Hudson Valley

This document discusses the need to better align public policy, assessment, and instruction with the new literacies of online reading comprehension. It notes that online reading is different than offline reading and requires additional skills like evaluating online information. However, most states do not assess online reading skills and common standards do not fully recognize changes to reading. The author concludes that better standards, assessments, and professional development are needed to prepare students for an Internet-defined world and prevent inequities. Research from the New Literacies Research Lab aims to address these issues.


This document discusses gifted education in the 21st century. It emphasizes that education should focus on developing critical thinking and problem solving skills through learning experiences that involve solving real-world problems. It also stresses the importance of technology integration and using technology as a tool to teach thinking rather than just teaching the tools themselves. The future of education is predicted to involve more personalized and collaborative learning models that leverage tools like gaming, open resources, learning analytics and personal learning environments.

Digitally literate learners Kress (2003) has observed that young people use  new forms of communication  which appear to include  layers of meaning  not accessible by ‘traditional’ language skills alone.
David Livingstone (2009) Education involves the presence of a teacher … Mentors and informal learning. Intentional self-directed or collective informal learning All of the above terms are of course contested!
David Livingstone (2009) Findings to date intentional informal learning  it far exceeds rates of participation in further education courses not very closely related to either levels of formal education or participation in further education  unlike participation in further education does not diminish greatly with age.”
Parent Rugby union  fan Kids E-Learning  project leader Research Self taught bass player PhD  students John Play 5 aside  football Formal and/or informal learning HE LIFE

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Ch4 Social interaction in a paper vs. computer- based activity begonapino.com
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Ch4 Social interaction in a paper vs. computer- based activity begonapino.com

Social interaction in a paper vs. computer- based activity - Research study - Pino, B. (2006) "Computers as an environment for facilitating social interaction in children with autistic spectrum disorders". PhD Thesis, University of Edinburgh, UK

social interactiontechnologyautism

1. The document discusses the impact of technological change on education and culture. It explores how concepts like space, time, and perception have been altered by technology and the implications for schools. 2. Managing change effectively requires generating new ideas through creativity, asking questions, focusing on people rather than systems, and understanding value and timing over time. 3. Technology can help educators manage change by supporting higher-order thinking, providing depth and basics to support learner presentation, and acting as a "third hand". However, its impact on society and culture must be understood by schools.

Permission to Tell Stories: Digital storytelling, Glogs, and More Fate 09
Permission to Tell Stories: Digital storytelling, Glogs, and More Fate 09Permission to Tell Stories: Digital storytelling, Glogs, and More Fate 09
Permission to Tell Stories: Digital storytelling, Glogs, and More Fate 09

The document discusses how digital storytelling can be used to engage students and invigorate learning. It provides examples of how teachers have used digital storytelling to teach vocabulary words and literary elements. Resources for digital storytelling like software, tutorials and example student projects are shared. The benefits of digital storytelling for students include improving writing, speaking, technical and personal skills through an authentic and collaborative process.

glogsdigital storytelling
Warning Formal learning did this to me!
7 years later & informal learning!
7 years later & informal learning! 2 years ago!!
5 months ago

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Urrea el silencio
Urrea el silencioUrrea el silencio
Urrea el silencio

This document summarizes a study conducted in a rural Costa Rican school that provided students with laptop computers. Key findings include: 1) Students gained technological fluency using the laptops to learn about various topics, rather than through separate technology classes. 2) "Whole project learning" engaged students in rich, collaborative projects integrating concepts from different subjects. 3) Some students created original media projects at home, showing the ability to independently learn and express ideas through technology.

Social media: opportunities and challenges for nonprofits
Social media: opportunities and challenges for nonprofitsSocial media: opportunities and challenges for nonprofits
Social media: opportunities and challenges for nonprofits

Presentation by David Wilcox at the UK ICT Hub national conference 2007. http://www.designingforcivilsociety.org

Ubiquitous Learning: Revolutionizing Education System
Ubiquitous Learning: Revolutionizing Education SystemUbiquitous Learning: Revolutionizing Education System
Ubiquitous Learning: Revolutionizing Education System

SCELE memfasilitasi dua buah course page untuk tiga perguruan tinggi dengan total enam sks. Course page tersebut menyediakan berbagai fitur pembelajaran secara daring seperti forum diskusi, bahan ajar, tugas, ujian, dan pelacakan keaktifan mahasiswa. Tujuan penerapan pembelajaran merata ini adalah meningkatkan aksesibilitas pendidikan berkualitas dan interaksi antara dosen dan mahasiswa.

ocwc 2013ocwcglobal
Open research questions
Do the digitally literate engage in the educational processes as defined above? Is there anxiety because educational practitioners, managers of intuitions and policy makers feel the need to respond to rapid technological change?
Children’s bedrooms become media labs UK  children aged 12-15 have an average of six media devices in their bedrooms  and children aged 8-11 have an average of four such devices (Ofcom 2008a, p. 6).

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Current trends and future evolution of new media
Current trends and future evolution of new mediaCurrent trends and future evolution of new media
Current trends and future evolution of new media

This document discusses the evolution of media from traditional radio to digital and internet-based formats. It describes the rise of technologies like smartphones, tablets, ebooks, and social media that have enabled new forms of interactive media consumption. The document also predicts that internet radio listenership will continue growing substantially while terrestrial radio listeners will decline somewhat, and that advertising spending will continue shifting to digital and mobile formats. Overall it outlines the ongoing convergence of traditional and new digital media.

People Media ( Media and Information Literacy for Grade 11)
People Media ( Media and Information Literacy for Grade 11)People Media ( Media and Information Literacy for Grade 11)
People Media ( Media and Information Literacy for Grade 11)

A lesson about Media and Information Literacy that talks about people as the main source of communication. It is comprises with Print media, Radio media, TV media, Web media, and Instructional media. This PowerPoint could help the students to understand the lesson briefly.

Media and Information Literacy (MIL) 7. Legal, Ethical, and Societal Issues i...
Media and Information Literacy (MIL) 7. Legal, Ethical, and Societal Issues i...Media and Information Literacy (MIL) 7. Legal, Ethical, and Societal Issues i...
Media and Information Literacy (MIL) 7. Legal, Ethical, and Societal Issues i...

Erratum.Page 23 0f 29. Formative Assessment Question no. 1 is ''Why is plagiarism?''. The correct question is ''What is plagiarism?''. Thank you very much. Legal, Ethical, and Societal Issues in Media and Information (Part 3) Topic: Plagiarism: Learning Competencies a. define plagiarism; b.identify and explain the different types of plagiarism; c. value the importance of understanding the different types of plagiarism; and d. practice academic honesty and integrity by not committing plagiarism.

types of plagiarismplagiarismcases of plagiarism in the philippines
“ …  students are driving the changes. Can UK institutions keep up?   ”   Harriet Swain   : Dawn of the cyberstudent “ …  research shows that two years ago, people aged 16-18 spent four to five hours a week on the net. Now it's the same amount each day."  Victoria Neumark: Choose your weapon University Challenge  in Guardian 20.01.01
“…  a world without barriers. Where learners expect their own technology to interface with yours”.
The Google Generation provide a warning here “… young people demonstrate an ease and familiarity with computers, they rely on the most basic search tools and  do not possess the critical and analytical skills to assess the information that they find on the web .”
Web 2.0 and learning? “ …  only a few embryonic signs of criticality, self-management and meta-cognitive reflection … There is a disparity between home and school use of IT …) Becta (2008).

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Media and Information Literacy (MIL) - Digital Citizenship, Netiquette, Digit...
Media and Information Literacy (MIL) - Digital Citizenship, Netiquette, Digit...Media and Information Literacy (MIL) - Digital Citizenship, Netiquette, Digit...
Media and Information Literacy (MIL) - Digital Citizenship, Netiquette, Digit...

Media and Information Literacy (MIL) - Digital Citizenship, Netiquette, Digital Footprints, and Digital Issues Topic: Legal, Ethical, and Societal Issues in Media and Information (Part 2) Learning Competencies 1. explain digital citizenship, netiquette, and digital footprints (SSHS); 2. demonstrate proper conduct and behavior online (netiquette, virtual self) (MIL11/12LESI-IIIg18); 3. Identify some of the digital issues in the Philippines (SSHS); 4. put into action personal resolve to combat digital divide, addiction, and bullying (MIL11/12LESI-IIIg19) 5. explain actions to promote ethical use of media and information (MIL11/12LESI-IIIg22) 6. enumerate opportunities and challenges in media and information (MIL12LESI-IIIg-23)

digital citizenshipnetiquettecore rules of netiquette
Media and Information Literacy (MIL) - 8. Opportunities ,Challenges, and Powe...
Media and Information Literacy (MIL) - 8. Opportunities ,Challenges, and Powe...Media and Information Literacy (MIL) - 8. Opportunities ,Challenges, and Powe...
Media and Information Literacy (MIL) - 8. Opportunities ,Challenges, and Powe...

This document outlines a lesson plan on media and information literacy. It discusses opportunities and challenges of media and information in economic, educational, social and political contexts. Learners will identify opportunities and challenges of media, discuss how media affects change, and research examples of media influencing change. The lesson will include analyzing cartoons on media truth, discussing challenges and opportunities of new media, defining cybercrime, and examining news reports of cybercrime in the Philippines. Learners will create infographics on opportunities and challenges of media and write a research paper on media influencing societal change.

opportunities and challenges in mediacybercrimes in the philippines
Digital Natives - Counterpoint
Digital Natives - CounterpointDigital Natives - Counterpoint
Digital Natives - Counterpoint

While it is commonly believed that digital natives require new teaching strategies, the author argues that this assumption lacks evidence. The author acknowledges that digital natives are immersed in technology but asserts that multitasking may hinder learning. Lectures and discussions, when implemented engagingly, can still effectively teach digital natives traditional content while allowing for different learning styles. More research is needed before concluding that new strategies are necessary for digital natives to learn.

How can we reconceptualise the ways in which learning spaces are designed?  How can we conduct research into digital literacy and Technology Enhanced Learning when these momentous changes are largely taking place out there ‘in the wild’?
Outside-in/inside-out challenge
As we can see from the forgoing debate there has been a see-sawing between vertical to horizontal structurings of power from hierarchical to participatory  Is this about to change?
Cook, Pachler, Bachmair and Adami (2009) Cultural practices involving new digital media can be brought into the educational institutions feed back into the digital world at large

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Technology in the Classroom
Technology in the ClassroomTechnology in the Classroom
Technology in the Classroom

The document discusses the importance of incorporating technology into classroom teaching and learning. It summarizes three articles about how today's students are immersed in technology in their daily lives and process information differently compared to previous generations. The document argues that for education to be relevant, teachers need to understand how students use technology and integrate it into curriculum and lesson plans to better engage students and prepare them for future success in a technology-driven world.

Technology in the Classroom
Technology in the ClassroomTechnology in the Classroom
Technology in the Classroom

The document summarizes three articles about incorporating technology into classroom learning. It discusses how today's students are dependent on technology and process information differently as "digital natives." The articles argue that educators must understand how students use technology outside of class and integrate those technologies into lessons to make learning more relevant and prepare students for a future that relies heavily on technology. The document concludes teachers should observe student technology use and incorporate it into classroom practices and curriculum.

The networked teacher mitch champagne
The networked teacher   mitch champagneThe networked teacher   mitch champagne
The networked teacher mitch champagne

The document provides a history of skepticism toward new technologies in education. It presents quotes from 1703 to 2006 questioning the dependence of students on various writing and communication technologies as they were introduced, from slates to ballpoint pens to the Internet. The document advocates that technology should be integrated into classrooms as it is the "pen and paper of our time." It discusses how Web 2.0 tools can support higher-order thinking skills. Specific tools mentioned include blogs, wikis, Google Docs, Voicethread, and RSS feeds. The document provides examples of how these tools can be used for student learning and assessment.

Health warnings! NOT talking about misappropriation
Can texting damage your health? As always there is more to it than meets the eye …
NOT about criminal appropriation, as in ‘you’re nicked’!

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Reaching For The Stars
Reaching For The StarsReaching For The Stars
Reaching For The Stars

Keynote presentation provided to a variety of audiences in early 2009, challenging educators to think more broadly about the massive impact of technology in the world and the way we need to be thinking about how we educate students for this future.

Vision of the Future
Vision of the FutureVision of the Future
Vision of the Future

The document discusses how digital technologies are changing the way we learn and interact. It argues that classrooms need to shift from passive learning to active, collaborative learning where students play, connect, create and engage using technology. Key points include: students are already using technology in their personal lives and it needs to be incorporated into classrooms; teaching must change to develop skills like digital literacy, collective intelligence, and learning across media; the future of learning will emphasize discovery, meaning-making and creativity over memorization of facts.

The Fickle and Fad of eLearning
The Fickle and Fad of eLearningThe Fickle and Fad of eLearning
The Fickle and Fad of eLearning

1. The document discusses the cycle of hype and disappointment with new educational technologies. It notes how technologies are initially talked up but then fail to live up to expectations. 2. It addresses challenges with the gap between formal and informal learning, the abundance of digital content, developing teaching skills and quality assurance for online learning. 3. The author argues for a cautious approach to new technologies rather than rushing headlong into changes, and emphasizes the need to confront challenges facing higher education.

higher educationdistance learningprofessional development
Appropriation is the processes related to the development of personal practices with digital technology and media (Cook and Pachler, 2009). But this can lead to problems:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TDtFrD-Ol4  @ 2 min 10 secs
Key components of a  socio-cultural ecological approach to mobile learning Patchler, N.,  Bachmair, B., Cook, J. and Kress, G.  (in preparation).  M-Learning . Springer. Due Autumn 2009.
Stages of appropriation are  interaction assimilation accommodation change.   They are based on the work of Piaget (1955) and Dourish (2004).

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Literacy - Hindsight, Insight and Foresight
Literacy - Hindsight, Insight and ForesightLiteracy - Hindsight, Insight and Foresight
Literacy - Hindsight, Insight and Foresight

Literacy session: Hindsight, Insight and Foresight John Cook. Workshop 'Technology-enhanced learning in the context of technological, societal and cultural transformations' Alpine Rendez-Vous, within the framework of the STELLAR Network of Excellence. December 3-4, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Bavaria, Germany. #telc09 #stellar2009,

vygotskyzone of proximal developmentaugmented context for development
Digital Storytelling and More: Ideas to Invigorate Literacy Instruction
Digital Storytelling and More: Ideas to Invigorate Literacy InstructionDigital Storytelling and More: Ideas to Invigorate Literacy Instruction
Digital Storytelling and More: Ideas to Invigorate Literacy Instruction

This is a presentation for the Florida Reading Association's Annual Conference, 2011 in Orlando, FL.

technologydigital storytelling
Learning at the Speed of Mobile
Learning at the Speed of MobileLearning at the Speed of Mobile
Learning at the Speed of Mobile

Presentation to be given at Mobilize This Event in Darwin (30/10/09) http://mobilizethis.wikispaces.com/Program

mobile learning mobilizethis darwin
( Cook, J., Pachler, N. and Bachmair, B. (under review). Appropriation of Mobile Phones and Learning.  )
Mobile learning
Learner story “ Well we were walking around and observing the theatres of the event and trying to get the most images [that] we could get, and videos, and even sounds. We tried first to observe with our own eyes a little, to pick up what we thought was important for our presentation, and for our observation of the event.” [Play quote 2 clip]

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Literacy john
Literacy johnLiteracy john
Literacy john

The document discusses literacy and technology enhanced learning from three perspectives: hindsight, insight, and foresight. It provides context on the BRILLE research center and discusses how Vygotsky's work on tools as mediators and the Zone of Proximal Development can provide insight into augmented contexts for development using mobile technologies. Future research questions are proposed around issues like balancing traditional assessment with collaborative learning supported by new technologies.

digital literacy; mobile learning

In early days the main emphases were on the cognitive aspects of learning and traditional instructions of teaching in the classroom using outdated and conventional techniques. But today in this world of constant innovations and discoveries, scientists and gadget-experts are continuously searching for one or the two technological devices a day. Nodoubt technology has made our life much easier and better in many aspects. In developed countries, technology facilitates and helps students and teacher to learn things in more effective ways. But in the country like India, the development in technology is not upto that mark. We still are moving towards the path of progress. Thus, this paper will best describes about the conceptual framework regarding futuristic studies related to future technologies such as M-Learning, E-Learning, , iPod, I-Pad self-efficacy learning, Virtual Learning Environment (VLE ) etc. In this paper investigator highlighted some of the studies related to trends in futurology and innovations that could prove an important aspect of education technology.

technological revolutionsfuturistic studiesinnovations
Avatars & The Young Conference
Avatars & The Young ConferenceAvatars & The Young Conference
Avatars & The Young Conference

This document discusses how technology is changing the way students learn and identifies gaps between formal education and students' online learning experiences. It notes that students are parallel processors accustomed to random access of information and prefer visuals, gaming, and teaching themselves. The document calls for education systems to shift focus from content delivery to context, participation, co-creation, and developing skills like collaboration, creativity, and problem-solving to prepare students for future careers. It advocates experimenting with new pedagogical approaches centered on themes like improvisation, imagination, and interaction to better engage today's students.

[play Elli clip] (Cook, Pachler and Bradley, 2008)

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John cook research profile as of may 2013
John cook research profile as of may 2013John cook research profile as of may 2013
John cook research profile as of may 2013

John Cook Research Profile For D4DL SIG visit to & talks with the DCRC/REACT hub @ Pervasive Media Studio, Watershed, May 22nd 2013: http://cloudworks.ac.uk/cloud/view/8427

Yolonda alston research paper
Yolonda alston research paperYolonda alston research paper
Yolonda alston research paper

This document discusses the role of technology in modern education. It argues that technology should be embraced and incorporated into classrooms rather than feared or rejected. Today's students, known as "digital natives," have grown up with technology and rely on it for learning and entertainment. Incorporating technology into lessons can help engage students and improve educational outcomes. While some argue that traditional literature and learning styles should take priority, the document asserts that education must adapt to how current students live and learn to be effective.

Educational Technology 2 Ed8
Educational Technology 2 Ed8Educational Technology 2 Ed8
Educational Technology 2 Ed8

It is all about what we have learned and what we can learn more in considering Educational Technology. You'll learn things about Educational Technology that knowing little things what we already knew can make us understand what is Technology really is.

“ The information given was underlined by the 'experience' of the area and therefore  given context in both past and present. ”
“ “ it was triggering my own thoughts and I was getting to  think for myself  about the area and the buildings. ”
A clear example of the interactive construction and maintenance of context in action was cited when one student in group 1 who felt that the tasks helped to encourage active learning, and also helped to give context to what they were learning, “there was the task, there was the whole going back to, oh you know take a picture, video that, try and get the whole area … you're actually physically getting into the whole context of what it is that you're learning, your mind is open to what it is you're supposed to be doing. ” One student said in the interview afterwards about using the Nokia phones for the tasks, “It was good because we were  capturing the evidence  that we needed when  we could video and reflect on things that we'd done,  so we were seeing things and  reflecting straight away , so that if we came back to the classroom and we had to write up on it, write like a blog, we could easily relay what we've recorded already, so it saved a lot of time, and it  captured the thought at the moment, there and then. ”

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Learning with Technology - week 2 lecture-social media
Learning with Technology - week 2 lecture-social mediaLearning with Technology - week 2 lecture-social media
Learning with Technology - week 2 lecture-social media

Network literacy: the foundation for networked learning; the role of social media; augmented social learning

networked learninglwt7840education
I Learning
I LearningI Learning
I Learning

The document discusses three articles about using interactive internet and emerging interactive media as educational tools. The first article explores the iKnow social learning platform which allows users to share knowledge and learn online. The second article by Chris Dede discusses what interactive media is and how it benefits education. It addresses educators' fears around losing control when using interactive media. The third article discusses a program where students can video conference with scientists in Antarctica and engineers at NASA to learn from their experiences.

The Virtual School.2
The Virtual School.2The Virtual School.2
The Virtual School.2

The document discusses the concept of a virtual school, which uses technology to reach more students in the 21st century. A virtual school is not limited by physical classrooms and allows students to learn in more authentic environments. It also allows students' progress to be monitored from anywhere. However, traditional classrooms often bore students by only involving lecturing and copying from boards. To better prepare students, educators need to integrate new technologies, understand popular culture like video games, and help students develop skills beyond superficial computer use. The virtual school allows for collaborative, self-directed learning to build knowledge in engaging ways.

Predicting the future can be problematic, lets hear from a guru of communication on this …  [clip] "I would not say that the future is necessarily less predictable than the past. I think the past was not predictable when it started." The then Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld
Personal Learning and Personalised Learning Environments I would argue that we need Personalised Learning Environments (PLEs) A loosely coupled set of tools and resources that are learner defined, i.e. where the learner creates their own context for learning This is what I and LTRI colleagues are involved in building in the EC (FP7) MATURE project  http://mature-ip.eu/en/start Lots of design studies and ethnographic work with users Plan to create ‘mashups’ with mobile work
Personal Learning and Personalised Learning Environments A PLE provides support for the learning journey as learners: Set their own learning goals Manage their learning (by managing both content and process) Communicate with others across multiple contexts in the process of learning (i.e. support student experience of e-learning as they move between work/life/learning contexts) Appropriate digital tools and media And thereby achieve learning goals
Personal Learning and Personalised Learning Environments Surfaces the thorny issues of : Interoperability Scalability Sustainability Not expensive if want 24/7 democratic and participatory access to learning! But PLEs are also about imposing the personal on the technical

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The document discusses learner-generated contexts, which are contexts created by learners interacting together with a common, self-defined learning goal, rather than being consumers of contexts created for them. It proposes a research agenda to develop context-based models, realign informal and formal learning, and challenge consumption and creation relationships in learning. Key questions are raised about how technology and pedagogies have changed and could further change to better support learner-generated contexts.

by lgc
Invited talk to Bristol UWE, UK
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Invited talk 1 Dec 2020, UWE Bristol, UK. Title: Covid-19 lock-down: hybrid learning cases using the lens of the Zone of Possibility

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Cook edmedia 2016
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Cook edmedia 2016

Using the Participatory Patterns Design (PPD) Methodology to Co-Design Groupware: Confer a Tool for Workplace Informal Learning Edmedia 2016, June, Vancouver, Canada: https://www.academicexperts.org/conf/edmedia/2016/papers/48568/ John Cook, CMIR, UWE Bristol & Learning Layers team

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Call for Global Learning Initiative   The mobile clouds are here already PLEs can be built if we make creative use of existing and emerging infrastructures and innovations and an understanding of appropriation The following is a ‘mashup’ of Horizon 2008/9 reports from both Australasia and USA We need to share the task globally! next generation mobile devices mobile broadband cloud computing to provide mobile PLE virtual worlds immersive environments collaborative webs Geo-everything and context aware learning deep tagging tools social operating systems/ personal web semantic-aware applications smart objects
Thank you
References Bachmair, B. (1991).  From the Motor Car to the Television. Cultural-Historical Arguments on the Meaning of Mobility for Communication.  Media, Culture and Society,  13, 521-533. Becta (2008). Web 2.0 technologies for learning at KS3 and KS4: Learners' use of Web 2.0 technologies in and out of school. June). Available from: http://partners.becta.org.uk/index.php?section=rh&&catcode=_re_rp_02&rid=15879, accessed 11th September 2008 Cook, J. (2002). The Role of Dialogue in Computer-Based Learning and Observing Learning: An Evolutionary Approach to Theory.  Journal of Interactive Media in Education,  5. Paper online: www-jime.open.ac.uk/2002/5 Cook, J. and Bradley, C. (2007).  ‘If I had a phone like that yes! I would use it, obviously, for my assignments’: A Grounded Study of Mobile Device Appropriation for Learning.  Mobile Learning, 5-7 July 2007, Lisbon, Portugal. Cook, J. and Patchler, N. (2009). Appropriation of Mobile Phones in and Across Formal and Informal Learning. In R. Land and S. Bayne (Eds.),  Digital Difference.  Rotterdam: Sense Publishers. Cook, J., Pachler, N. and Bradley, C. (2008). Bridging the Gap? Mobile Phones at the Interface between Informal and Formal Learning.  Journal of the Research Center for Educational Technology,  Spring. Available at:  http://www.rcetj.org/?type=art&id=87827& Cook, J., Pachler, N., Bachmair, B. and Adami, E. (2009). Symposium  Outside in, inside out? Digital Media as Cultural Resources for Learning  (Convenor: Cook), CAL 09, Brighton UK. Dourish, P. (2004). What We Talk About When We Talk About Context. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 8(1), 19-30 Available at: http://www.ics.uci.edu/~jpd/publications/2004/PUC2004-context.pdf, accessed 10 June 2007.
References Giddens, A. (1984).  The Constitution of Society: Outline of the Theory of Structuration.  University of California Press. Reprint edition (January 1, 1986). Hall, S. (1997) (ed.).  Representation. Cultural Representations and Signifying Practices.  London: Sage. Holley, D., Bradley, C., Greaves, L. and Cook, J. (2009). “You Can Take Out of it What you Want” – How Learning Objects Within Blended Learning Designs Encourage Personalised Learning. In J. O’Donoghue (Ed.)  Technology Supported Environment for Personalised Learning: Methods and Case Studies.  IGI Global. Johnson, L., Levine, A. and Smith, R. (2008).  The Horizon Report: 2008 Australia–New Zealand Edition , Austin, Texas: The New Media Consortium. Johnson, L., Levine, A. and Smith, R. (2009).  The 2009 Horizon Report.  Austin, Texas: The New Media Consortium. Knell, G. E. (2009).  Pockets of Potential: Using Mobile Technologies to Promote Children’s Learning,  Joan Ganz Cooney Center. Available: http://joanganzcooneycenter.org/publications/index.html, accessed 10th Jan 09 Kress (2008)  New Literacies, New Democracies.  Beyond Current Horizons challenge paper. Available from http://www.beyondcurrenthorizons.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/bch_challenge_paper_democracies_gunther_kress.pdf, accessed 23rd November 2008.

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Citizen interactions in Smart cities: The Zone of Possibility. iCity Conference keynote, Malta 2016

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Informal learning in the workplace: Opportunities for educators

- The document discusses informal learning in the workplace and opportunities for educators. - It introduces the concept of a "Zone of Possibility" (ZoP) which uses social web technologies to support readiness for digitally mediated work-based practice and entrepreneurship for city regeneration. - A ZoP app and Confer tool are presented which were developed to support situated conversations and working groups across different locations through features like video capture, annotation, and discussion.

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Designing for Lifelong Learning - Cook Budapest keynote
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Designing for Lifelong Learning (LLL). Keynote at EDUWORKS Winter Meeting Budapest, 29th January, 2016

groupwaredesign based researchlifelong learning
References Kress, G. (2003).  Literacy in a New Media Age.  London: Routledge. Livingstone, D. (2009)  Basic Research on Lifelong Learning: Recent Survey Findings and Reflections on ‘Capturing’ Informal Learning.  In G. Vavoula, N. Pachler and A. Kukulska-Hulme (Eds.)  Researching Mobile Learning. Frameworks, Methods and Research Designs.  Peter Lang (Oxford). New Media Consortium (2005).  A Global Imperative – the report of the 21st century literacy summit.   (p. 2,   original was in italics) .  Available at http://www.adobe.com/education/pdf/globalimperative.pdf, accessed 10th January, 2009. Ofcom (2008a) Media Literacy Audit - Report on UK children’s media literacy.  http://www.ofcom.org.uk/advice/media_literacy/medlitpub/medlitpubrss/ml_childrens08/ , accessed 5th September 2008. Ofcom (2008b) Mobile citizens, mobile consumers.  http://www.ofcom.org.uk/consult/condocs/msa08 , accessed 5th September 2008. Patchler, N.,  Bachmair, B., Cook, J. and Kress, G.  (in preparation).  M-learning .  Springer. Due Autumn 2009. Piaget, J. (1955).  The Construction of Reality in the Child.  London: Routledge and Kegan Paul. Sharples, M., Taylor, J. and Vavoula, G.N. (2005). A Theory of Learning for the Mobile Age. In R. Andrews & C. Haythornthwaite (Eds.),  The SAGE Handbook of E-Learning Research  (pp. 221-247). London: Sage. Smith, C., Cook, J. and Pratt-Adams, S. (2009).  Context Sensitive Mobile Learning: Designing a ‘Technoscape’ for Urban Planners.  Mobile Learning, Barcelona, 26-28 February. Wood, D., Bruner, J. S. and Ross, G. (1976). The Role of Tutoring in Problem Solving.  Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry,  17(2), 89-100.
The digitally literate learner and the appropriation of new technologies and media for education

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The digitally literate learner and the appropriation of new technologies and media for education

  • 1. The digitally literate learner and the appropriation of new technologies and media for education Inaugural Lecture by John Cook Learning Technology Research Institute, London Metropolitan University, 3 February 2009 Download slides: http://www.slideshare.net/johnnigelcook
  • 2. Structure Traditional opening jokes Key processes for education and learning Digitally ‘literate’ learners Open research questions Outside-in/inside-out challenge Appropriation Mobile learning Road-map Please turn your mobile phones …
  • 3. … on! My mobile number: XXXXXXXXXXX It is ‘tradition’ not to have questions at an inaugural! But text me questions & your name Then at the reception I’ll come and talk or txt u bk
  • 4. Traditional opening jokes Professor of Technology Enhanced Learning Researching the meaning for this title in the UK context!
  • 5. Why is Technology Enhanced Learning better than Sex? You don’t usually get divorced if your spouse interrupts you in the middle of it. If you get tired, you can stop, save your place and pick up where you left off. You can finish early without feeling guilty. You can get rid of any viruses you catch with a £30 program from McAfee And if you're not sure what you are doing, you can always ask your tutor. With a little coffee you can do it all night.
  • 6. On with the ‘serious’ lecture now!
  • 7. Key processes for education and learning
  • 8. Democracy can be viewed as the possibility for equity of access to essential conceptual, cultural, social resources (Kress, 2008). Interaction, criticality and meta-cognitive thinking are key processes for education and learning
  • 9. The ‘magic’ triangle Cook, J. (2002). The Role of Dialogue in Computer-Based Learning and Observing Learning: An Evolutionary Approach to Theory. Journal of Interactive Media in Education, 2002 (5). ISSN:1365-893X [ www-jime.open.ac.uk/2002/5 ]
  • 10. Designing Learning Environments “ … in a learning environment, we get a complex set of relationships between how a learner thinks, i.e. cognition, how the learner interacts with teachers and peers, and the various media and resources that are available to support learning. The institution and society in which the learning takes place will also exert an influence on learning in more subtle ways.” Cook, J. (2002). The Role of Dialogue in Computer-Based Learning and Observing Learning: An Evolutionary Approach to Theory . Journal of Interactive Media in Education , 5. Paper online: www-jime.open.ac.uk/2002/5
  • 11. RLO-CETL Designing multimedia learning resources and learning objects (RLO-CETL) For web and mobile phones: any time any place learning For example for Study Skills, Business Studies and Sports Science
  • 12. How to reference Avoids plagiarism Used extensively London Met & TVU etc Demo
  • 13. “ For example, in the case of Hanna, the learning objects are very helpful as they give guidance and provide extra help if she doesn’t understand something. She likes online, anytime access, as she can access them when she wants, and in the comfort and privacy of her own home. She likes reading from textbooks, but likes the animations in the learning objects, as they break up the learning material and keep you interested. ” “ the second cohort appeared to have a deeper and more coherent learning experience as a result of the introduction of the RLOs. ”
  • 16. Digitally literate learners “ … include the ability to understand the power of images and sounds, to recognize and use that power, to manipulate and transform digital media, to distribute them pervasively, and to easily adapt them to new forms.” (New Media Consortium, 2005, p. 2, original was in italics)
  • 17. Digitally literate learners Kress (2003) has observed that young people use new forms of communication which appear to include layers of meaning not accessible by ‘traditional’ language skills alone.
  • 18. David Livingstone (2009) Education involves the presence of a teacher … Mentors and informal learning. Intentional self-directed or collective informal learning All of the above terms are of course contested!
  • 19. David Livingstone (2009) Findings to date intentional informal learning it far exceeds rates of participation in further education courses not very closely related to either levels of formal education or participation in further education unlike participation in further education does not diminish greatly with age.”
  • 20. Parent Rugby union fan Kids E-Learning project leader Research Self taught bass player PhD students John Play 5 aside football Formal and/or informal learning HE LIFE
  • 21. Warning Formal learning did this to me!
  • 22. 7 years later & informal learning!
  • 23. 7 years later & informal learning! 2 years ago!!
  • 26. Do the digitally literate engage in the educational processes as defined above? Is there anxiety because educational practitioners, managers of intuitions and policy makers feel the need to respond to rapid technological change?
  • 27.  
  • 28. Children’s bedrooms become media labs UK children aged 12-15 have an average of six media devices in their bedrooms and children aged 8-11 have an average of four such devices (Ofcom 2008a, p. 6).
  • 29. “ … students are driving the changes. Can UK institutions keep up? ” Harriet Swain : Dawn of the cyberstudent “ … research shows that two years ago, people aged 16-18 spent four to five hours a week on the net. Now it's the same amount each day." Victoria Neumark: Choose your weapon University Challenge in Guardian 20.01.01
  • 30. “… a world without barriers. Where learners expect their own technology to interface with yours”.
  • 31. The Google Generation provide a warning here “… young people demonstrate an ease and familiarity with computers, they rely on the most basic search tools and do not possess the critical and analytical skills to assess the information that they find on the web .”
  • 32. Web 2.0 and learning? “ … only a few embryonic signs of criticality, self-management and meta-cognitive reflection … There is a disparity between home and school use of IT …) Becta (2008).
  • 33. How can we reconceptualise the ways in which learning spaces are designed? How can we conduct research into digital literacy and Technology Enhanced Learning when these momentous changes are largely taking place out there ‘in the wild’?
  • 35. As we can see from the forgoing debate there has been a see-sawing between vertical to horizontal structurings of power from hierarchical to participatory Is this about to change?
  • 36. Cook, Pachler, Bachmair and Adami (2009) Cultural practices involving new digital media can be brought into the educational institutions feed back into the digital world at large
  • 38. Health warnings! NOT talking about misappropriation
  • 39. Can texting damage your health? As always there is more to it than meets the eye …
  • 40. NOT about criminal appropriation, as in ‘you’re nicked’!
  • 41. Appropriation is the processes related to the development of personal practices with digital technology and media (Cook and Pachler, 2009). But this can lead to problems: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TDtFrD-Ol4 @ 2 min 10 secs
  • 42. Key components of a socio-cultural ecological approach to mobile learning Patchler, N., Bachmair, B., Cook, J. and Kress, G. (in preparation). M-Learning . Springer. Due Autumn 2009.
  • 43.  
  • 44. Stages of appropriation are interaction assimilation accommodation change. They are based on the work of Piaget (1955) and Dourish (2004).
  • 45. ( Cook, J., Pachler, N. and Bachmair, B. (under review). Appropriation of Mobile Phones and Learning. )
  • 47.  
  • 48. Learner story “ Well we were walking around and observing the theatres of the event and trying to get the most images [that] we could get, and videos, and even sounds. We tried first to observe with our own eyes a little, to pick up what we thought was important for our presentation, and for our observation of the event.” [Play quote 2 clip]
  • 49. [play Elli clip] (Cook, Pachler and Bradley, 2008)
  • 51.  
  • 52.  
  • 53. “ The information given was underlined by the 'experience' of the area and therefore given context in both past and present. ”
  • 54. “ “ it was triggering my own thoughts and I was getting to think for myself about the area and the buildings. ”
  • 55. A clear example of the interactive construction and maintenance of context in action was cited when one student in group 1 who felt that the tasks helped to encourage active learning, and also helped to give context to what they were learning, “there was the task, there was the whole going back to, oh you know take a picture, video that, try and get the whole area … you're actually physically getting into the whole context of what it is that you're learning, your mind is open to what it is you're supposed to be doing. ” One student said in the interview afterwards about using the Nokia phones for the tasks, “It was good because we were capturing the evidence that we needed when we could video and reflect on things that we'd done, so we were seeing things and reflecting straight away , so that if we came back to the classroom and we had to write up on it, write like a blog, we could easily relay what we've recorded already, so it saved a lot of time, and it captured the thought at the moment, there and then. ”
  • 57. Predicting the future can be problematic, lets hear from a guru of communication on this … [clip] "I would not say that the future is necessarily less predictable than the past. I think the past was not predictable when it started." The then Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld
  • 58. Personal Learning and Personalised Learning Environments I would argue that we need Personalised Learning Environments (PLEs) A loosely coupled set of tools and resources that are learner defined, i.e. where the learner creates their own context for learning This is what I and LTRI colleagues are involved in building in the EC (FP7) MATURE project http://mature-ip.eu/en/start Lots of design studies and ethnographic work with users Plan to create ‘mashups’ with mobile work
  • 59. Personal Learning and Personalised Learning Environments A PLE provides support for the learning journey as learners: Set their own learning goals Manage their learning (by managing both content and process) Communicate with others across multiple contexts in the process of learning (i.e. support student experience of e-learning as they move between work/life/learning contexts) Appropriate digital tools and media And thereby achieve learning goals
  • 60. Personal Learning and Personalised Learning Environments Surfaces the thorny issues of : Interoperability Scalability Sustainability Not expensive if want 24/7 democratic and participatory access to learning! But PLEs are also about imposing the personal on the technical
  • 61. Call for Global Learning Initiative The mobile clouds are here already PLEs can be built if we make creative use of existing and emerging infrastructures and innovations and an understanding of appropriation The following is a ‘mashup’ of Horizon 2008/9 reports from both Australasia and USA We need to share the task globally! next generation mobile devices mobile broadband cloud computing to provide mobile PLE virtual worlds immersive environments collaborative webs Geo-everything and context aware learning deep tagging tools social operating systems/ personal web semantic-aware applications smart objects
  • 63. References Bachmair, B. (1991). From the Motor Car to the Television. Cultural-Historical Arguments on the Meaning of Mobility for Communication. Media, Culture and Society, 13, 521-533. Becta (2008). Web 2.0 technologies for learning at KS3 and KS4: Learners' use of Web 2.0 technologies in and out of school. June). Available from: http://partners.becta.org.uk/index.php?section=rh&&catcode=_re_rp_02&rid=15879, accessed 11th September 2008 Cook, J. (2002). The Role of Dialogue in Computer-Based Learning and Observing Learning: An Evolutionary Approach to Theory. Journal of Interactive Media in Education, 5. Paper online: www-jime.open.ac.uk/2002/5 Cook, J. and Bradley, C. (2007). ‘If I had a phone like that yes! I would use it, obviously, for my assignments’: A Grounded Study of Mobile Device Appropriation for Learning. Mobile Learning, 5-7 July 2007, Lisbon, Portugal. Cook, J. and Patchler, N. (2009). Appropriation of Mobile Phones in and Across Formal and Informal Learning. In R. Land and S. Bayne (Eds.), Digital Difference. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers. Cook, J., Pachler, N. and Bradley, C. (2008). Bridging the Gap? Mobile Phones at the Interface between Informal and Formal Learning. Journal of the Research Center for Educational Technology, Spring. Available at: http://www.rcetj.org/?type=art&id=87827& Cook, J., Pachler, N., Bachmair, B. and Adami, E. (2009). Symposium Outside in, inside out? Digital Media as Cultural Resources for Learning (Convenor: Cook), CAL 09, Brighton UK. Dourish, P. (2004). What We Talk About When We Talk About Context. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 8(1), 19-30 Available at: http://www.ics.uci.edu/~jpd/publications/2004/PUC2004-context.pdf, accessed 10 June 2007.
  • 64. References Giddens, A. (1984). The Constitution of Society: Outline of the Theory of Structuration. University of California Press. Reprint edition (January 1, 1986). Hall, S. (1997) (ed.). Representation. Cultural Representations and Signifying Practices. London: Sage. Holley, D., Bradley, C., Greaves, L. and Cook, J. (2009). “You Can Take Out of it What you Want” – How Learning Objects Within Blended Learning Designs Encourage Personalised Learning. In J. O’Donoghue (Ed.) Technology Supported Environment for Personalised Learning: Methods and Case Studies. IGI Global. Johnson, L., Levine, A. and Smith, R. (2008). The Horizon Report: 2008 Australia–New Zealand Edition , Austin, Texas: The New Media Consortium. Johnson, L., Levine, A. and Smith, R. (2009). The 2009 Horizon Report. Austin, Texas: The New Media Consortium. Knell, G. E. (2009). Pockets of Potential: Using Mobile Technologies to Promote Children’s Learning, Joan Ganz Cooney Center. Available: http://joanganzcooneycenter.org/publications/index.html, accessed 10th Jan 09 Kress (2008) New Literacies, New Democracies. Beyond Current Horizons challenge paper. Available from http://www.beyondcurrenthorizons.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/bch_challenge_paper_democracies_gunther_kress.pdf, accessed 23rd November 2008.
  • 65. References Kress, G. (2003). Literacy in a New Media Age. London: Routledge. Livingstone, D. (2009) Basic Research on Lifelong Learning: Recent Survey Findings and Reflections on ‘Capturing’ Informal Learning. In G. Vavoula, N. Pachler and A. Kukulska-Hulme (Eds.) Researching Mobile Learning. Frameworks, Methods and Research Designs. Peter Lang (Oxford). New Media Consortium (2005). A Global Imperative – the report of the 21st century literacy summit. (p. 2, original was in italics) . Available at http://www.adobe.com/education/pdf/globalimperative.pdf, accessed 10th January, 2009. Ofcom (2008a) Media Literacy Audit - Report on UK children’s media literacy. http://www.ofcom.org.uk/advice/media_literacy/medlitpub/medlitpubrss/ml_childrens08/ , accessed 5th September 2008. Ofcom (2008b) Mobile citizens, mobile consumers. http://www.ofcom.org.uk/consult/condocs/msa08 , accessed 5th September 2008. Patchler, N., Bachmair, B., Cook, J. and Kress, G. (in preparation). M-learning . Springer. Due Autumn 2009. Piaget, J. (1955). The Construction of Reality in the Child. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul. Sharples, M., Taylor, J. and Vavoula, G.N. (2005). A Theory of Learning for the Mobile Age. In R. Andrews & C. Haythornthwaite (Eds.), The SAGE Handbook of E-Learning Research (pp. 221-247). London: Sage. Smith, C., Cook, J. and Pratt-Adams, S. (2009). Context Sensitive Mobile Learning: Designing a ‘Technoscape’ for Urban Planners. Mobile Learning, Barcelona, 26-28 February. Wood, D., Bruner, J. S. and Ross, G. (1976). The Role of Tutoring in Problem Solving. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 17(2), 89-100.

Editor's Notes

  1. These slides are available to download from slideshare (31MB): http://www.slideshare.net/johnnigelcook Contact details: Professor John Cook, T10-01 Tower Building, North Campus, London Metropolitan University, 166-220 Holloway Road, London, N7 8DB Direct: +44 (0)20 7133 4341 john.cook@londonmet.ac.uk http://homepages.north.londonmet.ac.uk/~cookj/ http://www.facebook.com/home.php#/home.php?ref=home http://www.linkedin.com/myprofile?trk=hb_side_pro