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Creating products that
     people love

          Steve Ballard
     Director of User Experience

     Steve Ballard
Director of User Experience
What makes a successful
Why not just make products
people don’t love? It’s easier


                           • Makes users feel stupid
                           • Causes users to make big mistakes
                           • Requires too much effort
                           • Is not engaging or enjoyable

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UX Design Essential Theories
UX Design Essential TheoriesUX Design Essential Theories
UX Design Essential Theories

Explore this presentation to comprehend the essential design theories, popular concepts, methodologies, and ideologies of UX Design. To explore more about UX, you can visit our UX/UI Design courses page - https://www.admecindia.co.in/ui-and-ux-courses

ux designinguxdesignux design theories
Wireframe and prototyping google Campus talk by Zoe Guiraudon
Wireframe and prototyping google Campus talk by Zoe GuiraudonWireframe and prototyping google Campus talk by Zoe Guiraudon
Wireframe and prototyping google Campus talk by Zoe Guiraudon

Zoe Guiraudon gave an introductory presentation on user experience design, wireframing, and prototyping. She discussed what user experience is, why it's important, and how designers use techniques like wireframing and prototyping to design for the user experience. Zoe explained the process from sketching initial ideas on paper to creating higher fidelity digital prototypes. She emphasized testing prototypes with users to evaluate things like usability and the overall user experience. Zoe also shared some of the tools she uses for wireframing and prototyping like Sketch, Marvel, and InVision.

A Developer’s Guide to Interaction and Interface Design
A Developer’s Guide to Interaction and Interface DesignA Developer’s Guide to Interaction and Interface Design
A Developer’s Guide to Interaction and Interface Design

This document provides an agenda for a developer's guide on interaction and interface design. The agenda includes 3 sections that will cover principles of understanding the audience, visual design, forms and input, constraints, and getting designs right. Between each section, there will be exercises for participants to apply the principles. The goal is to expose developers to new ideas around user experience design in order to build better software.

uxinteraction designdesign
In a mature industry, design
   innovation is essential
Believe it or not, product features
     become less important

                           happy user peak
    user happiness

                     “I Rule!”                      “Guess I better look
                                                      at the manual.”

                                                               “Where the heck
                                 “Cool!”                         did they put that?”

                             “I’m so glad they                         “Now I can’t even do the
                             added this.”                                one simple thing
                                                                          I bought this for...”
                         “Nice, but I
                         wish I could do more...”                                 “ I Suck!”

                                 number of features
Enter User Experience Design
I must stop now and address this...

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How design decisions affect user performance
How design decisions affect user performanceHow design decisions affect user performance
How design decisions affect user performance

The document discusses how user experience design decisions should be user-centric rather than designer-centric. It outlines several metrics for measuring user performance, such as time to complete tasks and error rates. The document emphasizes understanding the audience and their needs, for example through focus groups. Effective design decisions involve positioning key elements for users and testing across browsers to ensure usability.

usabilityuser experienceuser interface
Apdf Spontaneous Invention
Apdf Spontaneous InventionApdf Spontaneous Invention
Apdf Spontaneous Invention

Jon Mann and I conducted kinetic brainstorming workshop at APDF. We were asked to combine our view with five other design leaders representing four design firms; Gavin Kelly, Rob Girling, Steve Portigal and Scott MacInnes.

kinetic brainstormingprarthana johnsonjon mann
Dynamic Design (magazine/issue 1/fall 2015)
Dynamic Design (magazine/issue 1/fall 2015)Dynamic Design (magazine/issue 1/fall 2015)
Dynamic Design (magazine/issue 1/fall 2015)

First issue (Fall 2015) of my magazine Dynamic Design. It is a collection of articles about the new revolution in digital design. It is guiding my workshops all over the world.

                  (is a big word)

“Design is to design a design to produce a design”
                    – John Heskett
We design things people use
“Design is the conscious and intuitive effort to impose
 meaningful order.”
 - Victor Papanek

• Gooddesign ensures usefulness, usability and emotional

• Design   is about planning what to build before you build it

• Design   allows permission to explore

• Design   requires collaboration with the builders

      What is design?

     How does design
happen in your organization?
What is User Experience Design?
“The user experience development process is all about
ensuring that no aspect of the user’s experience with
your site [product] happens without your conscious
explicit intent. This means taking into account every
possibility and every action the user is likely to take and
understanding the user’s expectations at every step of
the way through that process”
      – Jesse James Garrett
       The Elements of User Experience

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User Experience Design: A Primer for Marketers
User Experience Design: A Primer for MarketersUser Experience Design: A Primer for Marketers
User Experience Design: A Primer for Marketers

This document provides an overview of user experience design for marketers. It discusses how design has evolved from focusing on advertising, branding, and product design to also encompass digital experiences through websites, apps, and other interfaces. The value of companies like Uber and Airbnb that don't own assets but provide digital experiences is highlighted. User experience design is explained as an interdisciplinary practice that includes human-computer interaction, information architecture, visual design, and other areas. The design process of empathizing with users, exploring solutions, and executing prototypes is outlined. The importance of user research, prototyping, testing, and iteration is emphasized to create user-centered experiences.

design thinkinguxuser research
Think you know your user? Think Again (Agile 2013)
Think you know your user? Think Again (Agile 2013)Think you know your user? Think Again (Agile 2013)
Think you know your user? Think Again (Agile 2013)

Experience UX methods to determine the right minimal amount of functionality that you can ship (Minimal Viable Product) that is what your users need/want the most. In this fast-paced highly collaborative session, participants will experience the power of lean (quick and lightweight) UX methods first hand by applying fast and effective techniques that will force teams to focus and gain insights and, most importantly, to validate their assumptions about users and usability very early in the design and development stages.

lean uxuxagile
Defeating Babel: 4 Strategies for Better Design Communication in Agile
Defeating Babel: 4 Strategies for Better Design Communication in AgileDefeating Babel: 4 Strategies for Better Design Communication in Agile
Defeating Babel: 4 Strategies for Better Design Communication in Agile

User experience can make or break new products, and revitalize or kill existing products. Having skilled designers and developers is a start, but they don't naturally speak the same language, which can impede your team's value delivery. Using examples from research and industry, as well as experiences from my own and others’ work with Agile teams, this session delivers strategies and specific techniques that designers, developers, and product owners can apply to build more powerful design communication across disciplines. This presentation is organized around four proven strategies: - Drive priority discussions around value - Speak a shared language of Agile development - Show possibilities, don’t debate principles - Tailor artifacts to meet your teams’ needs

What is User Experience Design?


Meet the UXD Cast?
              (more on this later)

Interaction          Designer         Visual
 Designer                            Designer

Meet the UXD Cast?
              (more on this later)

Interaction                   Designer                    Visual
 Designer                                                Designer
    Designs product                      Designs products’
       behavior                          visual appearance
     (usefulness usability)              (clarity, emotion brand)
IxD      VD
                Interaction Design
“Every moment of every day millions of people send
e-mail, talk on mobile phones, instant message each
other, record TV shows with TiVo, and listen to their
iPods. All of these things are made possible by good
engineering. But it’s interaction design that makes
them usable, useful, and fun.”
       – Dan Saffer
        Designing for Interaction

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Design Thinking
Design ThinkingDesign Thinking
Design Thinking

The document discusses several challenges or problems with traditional approaches to design and development: 1. The "designer divorce" problem, where the designer is separated from the implementer and user, leading to miscommunications. 2. The "linear thinking" problem, where design, development, and implementation are treated as sequential phases rather than iterative processes. 3. The "single owner" problem, where having an individual rather than a collaborative team handle the entire design process can limit perspectives and ideas.

Quest for Aesthetics in a Metrics-driven Business
Quest for Aesthetics in a Metrics-driven BusinessQuest for Aesthetics in a Metrics-driven Business
Quest for Aesthetics in a Metrics-driven Business

This document discusses balancing metrics and aesthetics in social game design. It begins by establishing the context of social games as existing within both social and service design paradigms. Social games are defined as online games that leverage a player's social networks for gameplay while accommodating daily routines. The document then positions social games as metrics-driven products but questions what defines aesthetics in this context. It contrasts two perspectives - one focused solely on metrics for business objectives, and the other emphasizing visionary design. Finally, it argues that the best approach is a metrics-conscious yet aesthetics-driven iterative process. Key business metrics around acquisition, activation, retention and monetization should inform design solutions, but quantitative data

cgosocial gamesmetrics
User Experience Architecture in a Cross-Channel World
User Experience Architecture in a Cross-Channel WorldUser Experience Architecture in a Cross-Channel World
User Experience Architecture in a Cross-Channel World

One of the dirty secrets about cross-channel user experience is that we've always worked cross-channel. What's changed is how much—and how well—we can impact the experience across these channels. In this presentation, we’ll examine three guiding principles for working cross-channel. With those principles in mind, we’ll look at four tools you can use to help guide and improve cross-channel user experiences at your organization.

information architectureuser experienceux
What Interaction Designers Do?
User Centered Design
• User   research
• Personas                                  Design

• User   Flows & Scenarios

• Brainstorm, Ideation    Sketching

• Wireframes      Prototypes

• Usability   testing design validation
User Centered Design
 User Research
• Contextual    Inquiry (Ethnographic Interviews)

• Be    an Anthropologist

• Let   them teach you, have a beginners mind

• Go    to them, let them do the talking, take notes and photos

• Looking    for patterns in goals, behavior, environment, etc.

• Good  Designers will be suspect of surveys and focus groups
 to gather information about peoples behaviors and desires
“Any attempt to reduce human behavior to statistics is
  likely to overlook important nuances, which make an
        enormous difference to the design of products”
                                        - Alan Cooper
Our Customer Visit Photos

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IBM design thinking @LeanUXNYC
IBM design thinking @LeanUXNYCIBM design thinking @LeanUXNYC
IBM design thinking @LeanUXNYC

The document discusses IBM's adoption of design thinking. It outlines key building blocks for consistently great design outcomes at IBM, including sponsoring clients and users, release hills, playbacks, and design thinking metrics. Design thinking defines IBM's approach to creating compelling experiences. The methodology focuses on continuous engagement with users and relentless focus on user value throughout development.

lean uxibmdesign thinking
Rapid User Research - a talk from Agile 2013 by Aviva Rosenstein
Rapid User Research - a talk from Agile 2013 by Aviva RosensteinRapid User Research - a talk from Agile 2013 by Aviva Rosenstein
Rapid User Research - a talk from Agile 2013 by Aviva Rosenstein

Doing user research before and during development helps inform your choices about strategy (what to build) as well as tactics (how to build it)-- and it doesn't have to slow down your development process . In fact some rapidly executed research can speed up your time to market by reducing the need to refactor late in a project. This presentation includes practical information to help product owners and developers quickly get inside the heads of their users, validate product ideas and improve the usability of their software at warp speed. The talk included tips and techniques for recruiting research participants, shadowing and interviewing users effectively, getting valuable feedback on product concepts and information architecture, and rapidly iterating on the user interface to improve usability. They discussed remote testing tools that help teams evaluate if users can successfully achieve their goals with their designs, and reviewed best practices collecting feedback from users after launch.

usabilityagile uxuser research
PxS'12 - week 1 - Introduction
PxS'12 - week 1 - IntroductionPxS'12 - week 1 - Introduction
PxS'12 - week 1 - Introduction

This document provides information about a spring 2012 course on personal interaction design. It introduces the course team members and structure. The course will focus on mobile devices as the platform and interaction design through a studio format. Students will complete one design brief, have four design reviews, and assessments will be based on submissions for each review. Topics covered in the class will include design thinking, interaction design, and user experience.

User Centered Design
•A precisely defined fictional user based on the
 patterns we observed (goals being the most important)
• Provides a precise unambiguous definition     of the
  “user” (avoids the “elastic user” problem)
• Helpavoid designing for one’s self or
 designing for needs that don’t really exist
• We can more effectively design for just one
 person than for a group
•A communication tool to build commitment
 around a design
User Centered Design
“If you try to design an
automobile that pleases every
possible driver, you end up with a
car with every possible feature,
but that pleases nobody.”
- Alan Cooper
Our Personas
User Centered Design
 User Flows & Scenarios
• Clearer picture if activities are getting your persona closer to
 their actual goals or not

• Betterunderstand users’ mental (how does the user actually
 think about they way something works)

•Aprototype of words that describes what your persona’s day
 would be like using the product you imagine

• Helps stakeholders envision   what the product may be like.
  (great for getting buy-in)

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Why User Experience Matters
Why User Experience MattersWhy User Experience Matters
Why User Experience Matters

Slide deck from my talk on Why User Experience Matters, delivered at Honeywell Bangalore, Orion Campus

design evangelismuser experienceux
Building the User Experience Community at SDL
Building the User Experience Community at SDLBuilding the User Experience Community at SDL
Building the User Experience Community at SDL

This presentation describes how we built an in-house user experience community at SDL. We started small, with the literal UX team of one, but grew and expanded the team and the discipline over the last 6 years. In this presentation, we summarize what worked for us and share experiences and best practices. Not only to inspire other user experience teams, but any discipline in a large scale software development organization that intends to grow from a handful of disconnected experts into a strong internal community.

How Do I UX?
How Do I UX?How Do I UX?
How Do I UX?

This document provides tips and advice for navigating a career in user experience (UX) design. It discusses key aspects of UX like defining UX versus UI, conducting user research, creating wireframes and prototypes, and effective project planning and workflow. Specific tips include talking to clients to understand needs, using agile methods, conducting card sorting and user interviews, and the importance of sketching, wireframing and iteration. Recommended books and tools are also provided.

Our User Flows
User Centered Design
Brainstorm, Ideation Sketching
IDEO’s 7 Rules
• Be Visual

• Defer    judgment
• Encourage Wild      Ideas
• Build   on the Ideas of Others
• Go   for Quantity
• One     Conversation at a Time
• Stay   Focused on the Topic
User Centered Design
Brainstorm, Ideation Sketching
User Centered Design
Wireframes Prototypes
Wireframing is at the heart of Interaction Design, and it’s important
          that it is done independently of Visual Design
                        and UI Development

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How Do I UX by Quick Left
How Do I UX by Quick LeftHow Do I UX by Quick Left
How Do I UX by Quick Left

User Experience Design, or UX Design, is often a mystifying term thrown around in sales pitches, conferences, client engagements, and the like, but what does it really entail? Any successful application is always built, at its core, around problem solving. Take a look through the presentation to see how we approach UX Design here at Quick Left. We’ll help navigate through all the buzz words, and get down to real world examples of successful user experience design. This is part one of a two part series. Part two coming soon.

24 Hours of UX - Agile + UX: Good, Bad, Ugly
24 Hours of UX - Agile + UX: Good, Bad, Ugly24 Hours of UX - Agile + UX: Good, Bad, Ugly
24 Hours of UX - Agile + UX: Good, Bad, Ugly

Agile and UX both put user's needs at their center, but their foundational beliefs have set them at odds over the years. Presented at part of "24 Hours of UX" 2022.

uxagileuser experience
Design Thinking Dallas by Chris Bernard
Design Thinking Dallas by Chris BernardDesign Thinking Dallas by Chris Bernard
Design Thinking Dallas by Chris Bernard

The document discusses design thinking and its importance for meaningful innovation. It defines design thinking as focusing on what is desirable to users, going beyond usability to create desirable experiences. It emphasizes that design thinking is needed for all roles and organizations to stay competitive. It outlines how organizations can develop design thinking capabilities through people, awareness/understanding, and execution of user experience principles and processes.

Our Clickable Wireframes
User Centered Design
Usability Testing Validation
What Visual Designers Do?
• Design    research (brand emotion)

• Visual   Language Studies            Visual Interface
• Final   High-Res Screen Design

• Icon    Information Design

• Visual   Style Guide
Visual Language Studies

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Intro to User Experience
Intro to User ExperienceIntro to User Experience
Intro to User Experience

A short introductory presentation on User Experience and it's importance to Consumers. Briefly touching the different aspects of User Experience, from general Rule of Thumbs in User Experience Design to more in-depth concepts such as Lean UX and Holistic Design.

lean uxuxholistic design
PxS’12 - week 4 - UX design techniques
PxS’12 - week 4 - UX design techniquesPxS’12 - week 4 - UX design techniques
PxS’12 - week 4 - UX design techniques

This document provides an overview of UX design techniques taught in a course at EPFL in spring 2012. It discusses conducting interviews to gather initial feedback, creating personas to represent user segments, developing scenarios to illustrate how personas would interact with a system, and using concepts, storyboards and prototypes at varying levels of detail to visualize and validate ideas early in the design process. The goal of concepting is to help manage risks by discovering if an idea is not viable before significant resources are invested in development.

Discount User Experience Design
Discount User Experience DesignDiscount User Experience Design
Discount User Experience Design

This document provides an introduction to user experience design (UXD) and UX methodologies on a budget. It discusses what UX is and how experience design focuses on the quality of the user experience. It then outlines a modified waterfall process for UX projects with limited time and resources. This involves defining the problem through stakeholder interviews, personas, and other techniques. It recommends sketching wireframes and interactive prototypes to design and test solutions early. The goal is to create remarkable user experiences through understanding user needs and removing barriers in a simple way.

High-Res Screen Design
Meet the UXD Cast?
(I told you we’d come back to this)

Interaction   Designer        Visual
 Designer                    Designer
How to hire a real UX Designer
• Many designers with no UX or IxD experience are calling
  themselves UX or IxD Designers - don’t get fooled

• Great print designers often make very poor Visual Interface

• Reach  out to them where they the real ones congregate
  (IxDA, UPA, UIE, Adaptive Path, Conferences)

• If
   they are any good they will already be employed and be
  making good money.
What to look for
• Portfolio, portfolio, portfolio
                             - that contains good examples of
 research, personas, flows and wireframes.

• Askthem to describe why they made the design decisions
 they did. Have them explain their wireframes.

• Give them a written design problem and have them sketch a
 solution - design test to uncover design thinking skills

• Ask   references specifically about IxD skills.

• Did   I mention portfolio.

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Decrap Your Application
Decrap Your ApplicationDecrap Your Application
Decrap Your Application

The document discusses strategies for improving application design, including decrapifying applications by fixing design issues. It covers information architecture, interaction design, user experience design, and emphasizes designing with empathy for users. The document also discusses Flex application development improvements like Flex 4 skinning, using CSS for styling, constraint-based layouts, and creating custom skinnable components. Key aspects of design like contrast, repetition, alignment and proximity are also explained.

flex 4iaux
A New Toolbox: Artifact Providence 2013
A New Toolbox: Artifact Providence 2013A New Toolbox: Artifact Providence 2013
A New Toolbox: Artifact Providence 2013

Kevin and Sophie reveal Happy Cog’s design process through their experience building a responsive site from beginning to end, including: kicking off the project, the collaborative design process, and the tools they tweaked along the way. Find out what worked and what they learned. In the end, it should be clear that this is a time for experimentation and finding new approaches for new tasks.

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Why Product Management and UX Design are Key to Success
Why Product Management and UX Design are Key to SuccessWhy Product Management and UX Design are Key to Success
Why Product Management and UX Design are Key to Success

The core relationship between Product Management and UX Design & why it’s key to product & business success. Watch the video here: https://youtu.be/vj6ykho6nc0

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Working with Product Managers

 How do you currently work
      with designers?

   Challenges, Suggestions?
If you want to learn more
If you want to learn more

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Utah PMA Quarterly Meeting, June, 2010

  • 1. Creating products that people love Steve Ballard Director of User Experience
  • 2. Introductions Steve Ballard Director of User Experience
  • 3. What makes a successful product?
  • 4. Why not just make products people don’t love? It’s easier Capability Desirability Product Viability • Makes users feel stupid • Causes users to make big mistakes • Requires too much effort • Is not engaging or enjoyable
  • 5. In a mature industry, design innovation is essential
  • 6. Believe it or not, product features become less important happy user peak user happiness “I Rule!” “Guess I better look at the manual.” “Where the heck “Cool!” did they put that?” “I’m so glad they “Now I can’t even do the added this.” one simple thing I bought this for...” “Nice, but I wish I could do more...” “ I Suck!” number of features
  • 8. I must stop now and address this...
  • 9. DESIGN (is a big word) “Design is to design a design to produce a design” – John Heskett
  • 10. We design things people use “Design is the conscious and intuitive effort to impose meaningful order.” - Victor Papanek • Gooddesign ensures usefulness, usability and emotional connection • Design is about planning what to build before you build it • Design allows permission to explore • Design requires collaboration with the builders
  • 11. Discussion What is design? How does design happen in your organization?
  • 12. What is User Experience Design? “The user experience development process is all about ensuring that no aspect of the user’s experience with your site [product] happens without your conscious explicit intent. This means taking into account every possibility and every action the user is likely to take and understanding the user’s expectations at every step of the way through that process” – Jesse James Garrett The Elements of User Experience
  • 13. What is User Experience Design? Visual Interaction Interface Design Design Industrial Design
  • 14. Meet the UXD Cast? (more on this later) UX Interaction Designer Visual Designer Designer Industrial Designer
  • 15. Meet the UXD Cast? (more on this later) UX Interaction Designer Visual Designer Designer Both (rare) Designs product Designs products’ behavior visual appearance (usefulness usability) (clarity, emotion brand)
  • 16. IxD VD Interaction Design “Every moment of every day millions of people send e-mail, talk on mobile phones, instant message each other, record TV shows with TiVo, and listen to their iPods. All of these things are made possible by good engineering. But it’s interaction design that makes them usable, useful, and fun.” – Dan Saffer Designing for Interaction
  • 17. What Interaction Designers Do? User Centered Design • User research Interaction • Personas Design • User Flows & Scenarios • Brainstorm, Ideation Sketching • Wireframes Prototypes • Usability testing design validation
  • 18. User Centered Design User Research • Contextual Inquiry (Ethnographic Interviews) • Be an Anthropologist • Let them teach you, have a beginners mind • Go to them, let them do the talking, take notes and photos • Looking for patterns in goals, behavior, environment, etc. • Good Designers will be suspect of surveys and focus groups to gather information about peoples behaviors and desires
  • 19. “Any attempt to reduce human behavior to statistics is likely to overlook important nuances, which make an enormous difference to the design of products” - Alan Cooper
  • 21. User Centered Design Personas •A precisely defined fictional user based on the patterns we observed (goals being the most important) • Provides a precise unambiguous definition of the “user” (avoids the “elastic user” problem) • Helpavoid designing for one’s self or designing for needs that don’t really exist • We can more effectively design for just one person than for a group •A communication tool to build commitment around a design
  • 22. User Centered Design Personas “If you try to design an automobile that pleases every possible driver, you end up with a car with every possible feature, but that pleases nobody.” - Alan Cooper
  • 24. User Centered Design User Flows & Scenarios • Clearer picture if activities are getting your persona closer to their actual goals or not • Betterunderstand users’ mental (how does the user actually think about they way something works) •Aprototype of words that describes what your persona’s day would be like using the product you imagine • Helps stakeholders envision what the product may be like. (great for getting buy-in)
  • 26. User Centered Design Brainstorm, Ideation Sketching IDEO’s 7 Rules • Be Visual • Defer judgment • Encourage Wild Ideas • Build on the Ideas of Others • Go for Quantity • One Conversation at a Time • Stay Focused on the Topic
  • 27. User Centered Design Brainstorm, Ideation Sketching
  • 28. User Centered Design Wireframes Prototypes Wireframing is at the heart of Interaction Design, and it’s important that it is done independently of Visual Design and UI Development
  • 30. User Centered Design Usability Testing Validation
  • 31. What Visual Designers Do? • Design research (brand emotion) • Visual Language Studies Visual Interface Design • Final High-Res Screen Design • Icon Information Design • Visual Style Guide
  • 34. Meet the UXD Cast? (I told you we’d come back to this) UX Interaction Designer Visual Designer Designer
  • 35. How to hire a real UX Designer • Many designers with no UX or IxD experience are calling themselves UX or IxD Designers - don’t get fooled • Great print designers often make very poor Visual Interface Designers • Reach out to them where they the real ones congregate (IxDA, UPA, UIE, Adaptive Path, Conferences) • If they are any good they will already be employed and be making good money.
  • 36. What to look for • Portfolio, portfolio, portfolio - that contains good examples of research, personas, flows and wireframes. • Askthem to describe why they made the design decisions they did. Have them explain their wireframes. • Give them a written design problem and have them sketch a solution - design test to uncover design thinking skills • Ask references specifically about IxD skills. • Did I mention portfolio.
  • 37. Discussion Working with Product Managers How do you currently work with designers? Challenges, Suggestions?
  • 38. If you want to learn more
  • 39. If you want to learn more