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voxxeddays.com/luxembourg/ #voxxeddaysLU
When Docker Engine 1.12 features
unleashes software architecture
[Update of Dockercon EU’ 15 presentartion initially built w/ L. Grangeau]
Adrien Blind
voxxeddays.com/luxembourg/ #voxxeddaysLU
Back on Docker paradigms
‘’A universal, self-sufficient and standard artifact embedding an app module,
and its subsequent infrastructure configuration’’
 It’s mainly focused on enclosing computing
aspects of the app: what about persistence? communication? Topologies?
voxxeddays.com/luxembourg/ #voxxeddaysLU
1 - Starters
architecture shifts
3 - Dessert
2 - Main course
Docker networking,
service & volume
features discovered
voxxeddays.com/luxembourg/ #voxxeddaysLU
Application architecture shifts
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Security paradigms shifts
voxxeddays.com/luxembourg/ #voxxeddaysLU
Security paradigms shifts
Your IT opens up
• Externalization (housing, hosting)
• Cloud (IaaS/PaaS/SaaS)
Open up your IS
• B2B, services exposition
• Multi tenancy
More & more breaches appears in your Great Wall of China!
voxxeddays.com/luxembourg/ #voxxeddaysLU
Security paradigms shifts
The necessary porosity of your IS requires to stick security closer to each application:
sandbox your apps and expose protected interfaces (ciphered/auth/authz)!
• Network is now part of application topology
• Security is an app topic, not just infra. Concern
• Onboard security in feature teamSecDevOps
voxxeddays.com/luxembourg/ #voxxeddaysLU
Fine-grained, highly decoupled and
atomic purpose centric services
Micro services
voxxeddays.com/luxembourg/ #voxxeddaysLU
From Enterprise Services buses to full-mesh topologies
Service Service Service
Service Service
Micro services
voxxeddays.com/luxembourg/ #voxxeddaysLU
2. Find 1. Publish
3. Bind
Leverage on a Service registry to discover
where services are located
Micro services
voxxeddays.com/luxembourg/ #voxxeddaysLU
Resilience & scalability: apps problem now!
Vertical > horizontal
• Apps designed for failure & scalability
• Data to be externalized
• Dumber infrastructure
 Structured: MongoDB, Hadoop, Cassandra, Elastic Search...
 Binaries: object storage with Ceph, OpenStack Swift...
 Helpful patterns: stateless, multi-versioning, loose coupling...
 Infrastructure rationalization
 Low-cost, poor-SLA commodity
voxxeddays.com/luxembourg/ #voxxeddaysLU
« Organizations which design systems... are constrained to
produce designs which are copies of the communication structures
of these organizations ». - M. Conway, 1968
Consider shifting your organization if you
wish to shift your architecture!
• Forget about the central architects myth of
organizing, integrating everything
• Promote feature teams
voxxeddays.com/luxembourg/ #voxxeddaysLU
Networking, Service & Volume
features discovered
voxxeddays.com/luxembourg/ #voxxeddaysLU
Docker networking
The Container Network Model (CNM)
A docker container
A docker container
A docker container
Network sandbox Network sandbox Network sandbox
Front network Back network
voxxeddays.com/luxembourg/ #voxxeddaysLU
Docker networking
Host Host Host Host
SDN 1 / App 1
SDN 2 / App 2
SDN 3 / App 3
voxxeddays.com/luxembourg/ #voxxeddaysLU
Docker networking
$docker network create --driver overlay app
$docker network ls
bo51qvm381rr app overlay swarm
voxxeddays.com/luxembourg/ #voxxeddaysLU
Docker networking
$ dockerdocker network inspect app
"Name": "app",
"Id": "bo51qvm381rrf6obchh6uw4w7",
"Scope": "swarm",
"Driver": "overlay",
"EnableIPv6": false,
"IPAM": {
"Driver": "default",
"Options": null,
"Config": []
"Internal": false,
"Containers": null,
"Options": {
"com.docker.network.driver.overlay.vxlanid_list": "258"
"Labels": null
voxxeddays.com/luxembourg/ #voxxeddaysLU
docker-compose evolved to embrace new networking features:
version: '2'
image: wordpress: latest
- wordpressnet
image: mysql:latest
- wordpressnet
driver: overlay
Docker networking
voxxeddays.com/luxembourg/ #voxxeddaysLU
Networking, Service & Volume
features discovered
voxxeddays.com/luxembourg/ #voxxeddaysLU
Docker service, tasks, stack
Docker engine 1.12 introduces a complete new swarm orchestration
• Built in the engine
• Decentralized
• More secured
• More resilient
$docker node ls
0cdxzmgi1a[...] m1 Accepted Ready Active Leader
4wz1zlur5c[...] * m3 Accepted Ready Active Reachable
a4v6da1yre[...] m2 Accepted Ready Active Reachable
voxxeddays.com/luxembourg/ #voxxeddaysLU
Docker service
Depicts the desired runtime behavior of a given image : networking, resiliency, quotas...
 shift to state-machine paradigms
$docker service create --name front -–network app –replicas 3 -p 80:80/tcp nginx:latest
$docker service ls
9gxxdqpauq08 front 3/3 nginx:latest
$docker service scale front=10
Front scaled to 10
Attach the containers to a given network
Define the desired amount of instances for this service (named « tasks »)
Attach each instance to a transversal L4 loadbalancer instance, reachable on each node of the cluster
voxxeddays.com/luxembourg/ #voxxeddaysLU
Docker tasks
The Swarm cluster schedules creation/deletion of tasks (aka
containers) to meet the desired state described in the service
$docker service tasks front
7yu4rgc23[...] front.1 front nginx:latest Running 8 hours Running m3
dj4trimu4[...] front.2 front nginx:latest Running 8 hours Running m2
7rdiv2r2e[...] front.3 front nginx:latest Running 7 hours Running m1
Should a task or a cluster node fails, swarm will fire new tasks to meet
the desired state
voxxeddays.com/luxembourg/ #voxxeddaysLU
Docker stack
docker-compose enabled to trigger a complete containerized
app topology and its network conf., piloted from the client side
docker-compose bundle enables to create an artifact
depicting this topology, which can be consumed server-side
docker stack deploy enables to pop up the desired
topology at runtime. The state-machine behavior of swarm then
ensures this topology to be maintained
voxxeddays.com/luxembourg/ #voxxeddaysLU
Networking, Service & volume
features discovered
voxxeddays.com/luxembourg/ #voxxeddaysLU
Docker volumes
Host file system Host file system
‘’Former data management locked in a host’’
• No persistent data inside app containers
• Object storage: OpenStack Swift, Ceph, Amazon
• Consider use of Docker Volumes if you need to
manage binaries on app container filesystem
• Handle configuration at run time
voxxeddays.com/luxembourg/ #voxxeddaysLU
Docker volumes
Host file system
‘’Containers mount a volume which may be backed externally’’
voxxeddays.com/luxembourg/ #voxxeddaysLU
Docker volumes
$ docker volume create –d volplugin --name
$ docker run –d –p 8080:8080 –v
pool/name:/var/jenkins_home jenkins
voxxeddays.com/luxembourg/ #voxxeddaysLU
Docker volumes
$ docker volume ls
local cf872ca21d27843f6b6319ac1a34390…
local f19f50251f48c64a6b33a5c637c2330…
$ docker volume inspect cf872ca21d27843f6b6319ac1a34390dd38d94…
"Name": "cf872ca21d27843f6b6319ac1a34390dd38d94…",
"Driver": "local",
"Mountpoint": "/mnt/sda1/var/lib/docker/volumes/[…]/_data"
voxxeddays.com/luxembourg/ #voxxeddaysLU
Networking, Service & Volume
features discovered
From infrastructure containers to a complete object-oriented app
voxxeddays.com/luxembourg/ #voxxeddaysLU
Distributed application
Compute (service/task)
Storage (volume) Transport (network)
(compose, bundle,
deploy, stack)
 Docker shifted from container infra. to object-oriented app. topologies
CaaS platform
Clustering (swarm)
Image mgmt
Hosting (node)
Provisioning (machine)
... relying on an CaaS platform 
voxxeddays.com/luxembourg/ #voxxeddaysLU
voxxeddays.com/luxembourg/ #voxxeddaysLU
• The NGINX reverse proxy forward app. requests on one of the python instance registered in Consul
Application design in nov’ 15
Registrator agents makes Consul aware of popped up containers
voxxeddays.com/luxembourg/ #voxxeddaysLU
Application design with Engine 1.12
Routing layer
Any swarm
node IP
to all WP
• Load balancing is now directly achieved at engine/swarm level
voxxeddays.com/luxembourg/ #voxxeddaysLU
3 command lines to heaven
docker network create --driver overlay wordpressnet
docker service create --env MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=plop --
env MYSQL_DATABASE=wordpress --network wordpressnet --
replicas 1 --name wordpressdb mysql:latest
docker service create --env
WORDPRESS_DB_HOST=wordpressdb --env
WORDPRESS_DB_PASSWORD=plop --network wordpressnet --
replicas 4 --name wordpressapp --publish 80:80/tcp
... Or even, even better: use docker-compose bundle & deploy through CI
voxxeddays.com/luxembourg/ #voxxeddaysLU
Between apps, consumers may asks a service discovery where a
desired micro-service is located
Docker now exposes multi-instanciated services, leveraging on
IPVS load balancing and internal service discovery
The app. may use internally its own service service discovery to get
more higher control (Java ex.: Spring Cloud stack with Zuul/Eureka)
At infrastructure level, an internal service discovery is used by swarm
Noticed the different usages of a service discovery & name resolution mechanism?
Zoom on various service discovery usages
voxxeddays.com/luxembourg/ #voxxeddaysLU
voxxeddays.com/luxembourg/ #voxxeddaysLU
• Software is eating the world: application architecture is the
key, infrastructure is commodity
• Security is an app concern
• Docker shifted from universal containers to object-
oriented app. architecture

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