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Marco Livesu (cino)

Email: marco.livesu@gmail.com
Skype: cino.83

Istituto di Matematica Applicata e Tecnologie Informatiche (IMATI)
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR)
Via de Marini, 6
16149 Genoa (Italy)

Google Scholar, Scopus, Research Gate, GitHub, CV


from Jan 2023
Senior Researcher at CNR IMATI

from Nov 2016 to Dec 2022
Researcher at CNR IMATI

from Oct 2015 to Oct 2016
Postdoctoral Fellow at CNR IMATI

from Mar 2015 to Sep 2015
Researcher at University of Cagliari

from Feb 2015 to Aug 2015
Visiting Researcher at University of Genoa

from Jun 2014 to Jan 2015
Postdoctoral Fellow at University of British Columbia

from Sep 2012 to Apr 2013
Visiting PhD at University of British Columbia

from Jan 2011 to May 2014
PhD at University of Cagliari


  • 27-06-2024 Honored to receive the SGP Software Award for CinoLib!
  • 27-06-2024 Happy to join the papers committee for Eurographics 2025
  • 16-01-2024 I am honored to join the papers committee for SIGGRAPH 2024
  • 16-01-2024 I am honored to join the papers committee for SPM 2024
  • 14-01-2024 I am honored to join the papers committee for SGP 2024
  • 04-01-2024 My work on advancing front surface mapping has been accepted for publication at Eurographics 2024
  • 05-06-2023 I am happy to announce that I will give a course and present 3 papers (2SGP, 1SMI) at the upcoming Geometry Summit
  • 03-08-2022 Our work on robust interactive mesh Booleans is conditionally accepted at SIGGRAPH Asia 2022!
  • 27-07-2022 I am honored to serve on the technical papers committee for SIGGRAPH 2023
  • 17-03-2022 On Mar 31st I will be talking about Fabrication-Aware Shape Decomposition at the Computational Fabrication Seminar
  • 10-02-2022 Peng Song, Ziqi Wang and I will be giving a tutorial on Computational Assemblies at EG2022. Stay tuned!
  • 03-12-2021 On Dec 6th I will be giving a presentation on Grid-based Hexmeshing at the FRAMES 2021 workshop
  • 21-10-2021 Our work on optimal dual schemes for adaptive hexahedral meshing has been accepted at TOG!
  • 16-07-2021 I have one paper conditionally accepted at SIGGRAPH Asia 2021!
  • 16-07-2021 We are honored to receive the SGP Dataset Award for our HexaLab project!
  • 25-06-2021 Our work on the comptutation of the Cut Locus for discrete surfaces has been accepted for publication at SGP!
  • 28-03-2021 Our work on deterministic linear time constrained triangulation has been accepted for publication at IEEE TVCG!
  • 14-03-2021 I will serve on the papers committee for SGP 2021
  • 13-11-2020 Hey, my paper on robust 2D mappings has received a honorable mention at STAG 2020!
  • 21-10-2020 New paper accepted at STAG 2020
  • 25-10-2020 I will serve on the short papers committee for Eurographics 2021
  • 01-08-2020 I have one paper conditionally accepted at SIGGRAPH Asia 2020!
  • 28-05-2020 I will serve on the program committee for STAG 2020
  • 28-05-2020 I will serve on the program committee for GRAPP 2021
  • 14-04-2020 I have one paper conditionally accepted at SIGGRAPH 2020! Details soon...
  • 14-04-2020 My work on mesh refinement for generating a canonical polygonal schema is conditionally accepted at IEEE TVCG!
  • 16-01-2020 I've also received the habilitation as Associate Professor in Information Elaboration Systems (09/H1)
  • 14-01-2020 I just received the habilitation as Associate Professor in Computer Science (01/B1)
  • 09-01-2020 Our work on real-time deformation with coupled cages and skeletons has been accepted for publication at CGF
  • 04-11-2019 Our work on shape optimization for combined additive/subtractive manufacturing has been published at JOM
  • 25-10-2019 I will be serving on the short papers committee for Eurographics 2020
  • 27-09-2019 Today I am giving a talk about hexahedral mesh generation and visualization at INRIA, hosted by Evelyne Hubert
  • 25-03-2019 The paper based upon CinoLib has been accepted for publication in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science
  • 25-03-2019 Our work on assemblable volumetric partitioning for fabrication is conditionally accepted at SIGGRAPH 2019!
  • 25-03-2019 Our work on cage generation has been conditionally accepted for publication at Computers & Graphics
  • 21-03-2019 Our extended study on gradient fields has been accepted for publication at Computers & Graphics
  • 01-03-2019 Our extended work on slice2mesh has been accepted for publication at Computers & Graphics
  • 08-02-2019 From Feb 10 to Mar 02 I will be visiting Prof. Daniele Panozzo and his group at NYU
  • 14-12-2018 The paper based upon our hexmesh visualization tool, HexaLab, has been officially accepted for publication at CAD
  • 15-11-2018 Tomorrow I'll be talking about process planning for 3D printing at University of Verona, hosted by Prof. A.Giachetti
  • 12-09-2018 Our work on height field decomposition will be presented at SIGGRAPH Asia 2018, Tokyo (Japan)
  • 29-08-2018 I have three papers accepted for presentation at STAG 2018
  • 16-07-2018 The submission deadline for STAG 2018 is approaching. We are looking forward to receiving your submissions :-)
  • 16-07-2018 Our paper on topology driven shape chartification has been accepted for publication at CAGD
  • 26-06-2018 Our book on Design and Process Planning for Additive Manufacturing has been released
  • 18-06-2018 We publicly released HexaLab! A visualization tool for hexahedral meshes
  • 04-05-2018 Our paper on height field block decomposition has been accepted for publication at ACM TOG
  • 04-05-2018 I will serve on the program committee for GRAPP 2019
  • 04-04-2018 I am happy to announce that I joined the editorial board of the PLOS One journal
  • 04-04-2018 Our paper on topology driven shape chartification has been conditionally accepted for publication at CAGD
  • 25-03-2018 Next June I will be talking about shape decomposition for manufacturing in Arcachon, at Curves and Surfaces
  • 23-03-2018 Next October B.Bickel, F.Pellacini, L.Malomo, J.Martìnez and I will be teaching AM at the EGIT PhD School 2018
  • 23-03-2018 STAG 2018 website is up and running. We are looking forward to receiving many submissions!
  • 25-01-2018 My joint work with IMATI Pavia on FETI-DP preconditioners for VEM has been conditionally accepted for publication
  • 09-01-2018 My extended work on discrete hyper surfaces relaxation has been accepted at the Computers & Graphics journal
  • 04-01-2018 I will serve as program chair for STAG 2018
  • 20-10-2017 My work on discrete hyper surfaces relaxation has been shortlisted for a journal extended version
  • 22-08-2017 My C++ library for processing polygonal and polyhedral meshes (CinoLib) is now publicly available on GitHub
  • 22-08-2017 My paper on relaxing n dimensional discrete hyper surfaces has been accepted at STAG 2017
  • 18-05-2017 I will serve on the program committee for STAG 2017. Call for papers is now open.
  • 28-04-2017 Our paper on solid cylindrical maps for tubular shapes has been accepted at SPM 2017
  • 25-04-2017 I served as Guest Academic Editor for the PLOS One journal
  • 28-03-2017 I will serve on the program committee for GRAPP 2018
  • 28-03-2017 I will serve on the program committee for SIBGRAPI 2017
  • 23-12-2016 Our survey on Process Planning for Additive Manufacturing has been conditionally accepted at EUROGRAPHICS 2017


A generic programming header only C++ library
for processing polygonal and polyhedral meshes

[ GitHub ]
 SGP Software Award 2024 

HexaLab.net: an Online Viewer for Hexahedral Meshes
[ WebPage, GitHub ]
 SGP Dataset Award 2021 


Design, Representations, and Processing for Additive Manufacturing
Marco Attene, Marco Livesu, Sylvain Lefebvre, Thomas Funkhouser,
Szymon Rusinkiewicz, Stefano Ellero, Jonàs Martínez, Amit Haim Bermano
Morgan & Claypool Publishers - Synthesis Lectures on Visual Computing (2018)
[ WebPage ]


Stripe Embedding: Efficient Maps with Exact Numeric Computation
Marco Livesu
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia 2024, Tokyo, Japan)
[ PDF, Code, BibTex ]

To What Extent Are Existing Volume Mapping Algorithms Practically Useful?
Federico Meloni, Gianmarco Cherchi, Riccardo Scateni, Marco Livesu
Smart Tools and Applications in Graphics (STAG 2024, Verona, Italy)
[ PDF, BibTex ]

Advancing Front Surface Mapping
Marco Livesu
Computer Graphics Forum (Eurographics 2024, Limassol, Cyprus)
[ PDF, Code, BibTex ]

Interactive Box Modeling of Hexahedral Meshes

Francesco Zoccheddu, Enrico Gobbetti, Marco Livesu, Nico Pietroni, Gianmarco Cherchi
Computer Graphics Forum (SGP 2023, Genoa, Italy)
[ PDF, Project Page, BibTex ]

a Large Scale Benchmark for Volume Mappings to Simple Base Domains

Gianmarco Cherchi, Marco Livesu
Computer Graphics Forum (SGP 2023, Genoa, Italy)
[ PDF, Project Page, BibTex ]

Exploration of 3D Motorcycle Complexes from Hexahedral Meshes
Erkan Gunpinar, Marco Livesu, Marco Attene
Computers & Graphics (SMI 2023, Genoa, Italy)
[ PDF, BibTex ]

Towards a Robust and Portable Pipeline for Quad Meshing:
Topological Initialization of Injective Integer Grid Maps

Marco Livesu
Computers & Graphics (2023)
* extends "Topological Initialization of Injective Integer Grid Maps"
[ PDF, Code, BibTex ]

Hex-Mesh Generation and Processing: A Survey
Nico Pietroni, Marcel Campen, Alla Sheffer, Gianmarco Cherchi, David Bommes,
Xifeng Gao, Franck Ledoux, Riccardo Scateni, Jean-Francois Remacle, Marco Livesu
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG, 2023)
[ PDF, BibTex ]

Topological Initialization of Injective Integer Grid Maps
Marco Livesu
Smart Tools and Applications in Graphics (STAG 2022, Cagliari, Italy)
[ PDF, Code, BibTex ]
 Best Paper Award! 

ProMED: Production Optimization for Additive Manufacturing of Medical Devices
Marco Attene, Tiziano Berti, Daniela Cabiddu, Antonio Garosi, Marco Livesu, Zsolt Pásztor, Dániel Petrovszki, Andrea Ranieri
Smart Tools and Applications in Graphics (STAG 2022, Poster, Cagliari, Italy)
[ PDF, BibTex ]

Interactive and Robust Mesh Booleans
Gianmarco Cherchi, Fabio Pellacini, Marco Attene, Marco Livesu
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia 2022, Daegu, South Korea)
[ PDF, Video, Code, BibTex ]  Replicability Stamp 

Optimal Dual Schemes for Adaptive Grid Based Hexmeshing
Marco Livesu, Luca Pitzalis, Gianmarco Cherchi
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG, 2022)
* presented at SIGGRAPH 2022, Vancouver, Canada
[ PDF Code, Online Demo, BibTex ]

A Course on Hex-Mesh Generation and Processing
Nico Pietroni, Marcel Campen, Alla Sheffer, Gianmarco Cherchi, David Bommes,
Xifeng Gao, Franck Ledoux, Riccardo Scateni, Jean-Francois Remacle, Marco Livesu
Course (SIGGRAPH Asia 2022, Daegu, South Korea)

Computational Assemblies:
Analysis, Design and Fabrication

Peng Song, Ziqi Wang, Marco Livesu
Tutorial (Eurographics 2022, Reims, France)
[ Homepage, Paper ]

Generalized Adaptive Refinement for
Grid-based Hexahedral Meshing

Luca Pitzalis, Marco Livesu, Gianmarco Cherchi, Enrico Gobbetti, Riccardo Scateni
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia 2021, Tokyo, Japan)
[ PDF, Code, Online Demo, BibTex ]

Practical Computation of the Cut Locus on Discrete Surfaces
Claudio Mancinelli, Marco Livesu, Enrico Puppo
Computer Graphics Forum (SGP 2021, Toronto, Canada)
[ PDF, Project Page, Code, Video, BibTex ]

Benchmarking the Geometrical Robustness of a
Virtual Element Poisson Solver

Marco Attene, Silvia Biasotti, Silvia Bertoluzza, Daniela Cabiddu, Marco Livesu,
Giuseppe Patanè, Micol Pennacchio, Daniele Prada, Michela Spagnuolo
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation (2021)
[ PDF, ArXiv draft, BibTex ]

Deterministic Linear Time Constrained Triangulation using Simplified Earcut
Marco Livesu, Gianmarco Cherchi, Riccardo Scateni, Marco Attene
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG, 2021)
[ PDF, Code, BitTex ]

Mapping Surfaces with Earcut
Marco Livesu
* extends "A Mesh Generation Perspective on Robust Mappings"
[ PDF, Code ]

A Survey of Algorithms for Geodesic Paths and Distances
Keenan Crane, Marco Livesu, Enrico Puppo, Ypeng Qin
[ PDF ]

A Mesh Generation Perspective on Robust Mappings
Marco Livesu
Smart Tools and Applications in Graphics (STAG 2020, Florence, Italy)
[ PDF, PPT, Code, BibTex ]
 Honorable Mention! 

Fast and Robust Mesh Arrangements using Floating-point Arithmetic
Gianmarco Cherchi, Marco Livesu, Riccardo Scateni, Marco Attene
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia 2020, Daegu, South Korea)
[ PDF, Code, BibTex ]

LoopyCuts: Practical Feature-Preserving Block Decomposition
for Strongly Hex-Dominant Meshing

Marco Livesu*, Nico Pietroni*, Enrico Puppo, Alla Sheffer, Paolo Cignoni
* joint first authors
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2020, Washington DC, USA)
[ PDF, Code & Data, BibTex ]

Scalable Mesh Refinement for Canonical Polygonal
Schemas of Extremely High Genus Shapes
Marco Livesu
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and computer Graphics (TVCG, 2020)
[ PDF, Code, BibTex ]  Replicability Stamp 

Real-time Deformation with Coupled Cages and Skeletons
Fabrizio Corda, Jean Marc Thiery, Marco Livesu, Enrico Puppo,
Tamy Boubekeur, Riccardo Scateni
Computer Graphics Forum (2020)
[ PDF, Code, Talk@SCA2020, Project Page, BibTex ]

Parametric Shape Optimization for Combined
Additive-Subtractive Manufacturing

Lorenzo Tamellini, Michele Chiumenti, Christian Altenhofen, Marco Attene, Oliver Barrowclough, Marco Livesu, Federico Marini, Massimiliano Martinelli, Vibeke Skytt,
JOM - The Journal of The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (2020)
[ PDF, BibTex ]

Surface2Volume: Surface Segmentation Conforming
Assemblable Volumetric Partition

Chrystiano Araújo*, Daniela Cabiddu*, Marco Attene, Marco Livesu,
Nicholas Vining, Alla Sheffer
* joint first authors
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2019, Los Angeles, USA)
[ PDF, Data, Project page, YouTube, BibTex ]

Skeleton Based Cage Generation Guided by Harmonic Fields
Sara Casti, Marco Livesu, Nicolas Mellado, Nadine Abu Rumman, Riccardo Scateni,
Loïc Barthe, Enrico Puppo
Computers & Graphics (2019)
[ PDF, Code, BibTex ]

CinoLib: A generic programming header only C++ library
for processing polygonal and polyhedral meshes
Marco Livesu
Transactions on Computational Science (2019)
[ PDF, GitHub, BibTex ]  SGP Software Award! 

A Comparison of Methods for
Gradient Field Estimation on Simplicial Meshes

Claudio Mancinelli, Marco Livesu, Enrico Puppo
Computers & Graphics (2019)
* extends "Gradient Field Estimation on Triangle Meshes"
[ PDF, Errata Corrige, Code, BibTex ]

slice2mesh: a Meshing Tool for the Simulation
of Additive Manufacturing Processes

Marco Livesu, Daniela Cabiddu, Marco Attene
Computers & Graphics (2019)
* extends "slice2mesh: meshing sliced data for the simulation of AM Processes"
[ PDF, PPT, Code, BibTex ]

HexaLab.net: an Online Viewer for Hexahedral Meshes
Matteo Bracci*, Marco Tarini*, Nico Pietroni, Marco Livesu, Paolo Cignoni
* joint first authors
Computer Aided Design (2019)
[ PDF, WebPage, Code, BibTex ]
 SGP Dataset Award! 

FETI-DP Preconditioners for the Virtual Element Method
on General 2D Meshes

Daniele Prada, Silvia Bertoluzza, Micol Pennacchio, Marco Livesu
Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering (2019)
Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications - ENUMATH 2017
[ PDF, BibTex ]

Axis-Aligned Height-Field
Block Decomposition of 3D Shapes

Alessandro Muntoni, Marco Livesu, Riccardo Scateni, Alla Sheffer, Daniele Panozzo
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG, 2018)
* presented at SIGGRAPH Asia 2018, Tokyo, Japan
[ PDF, Project Page, Data, Code, BibTex ]

A Heat Flow Based Relaxation Scheme
for n Dimensional Discrete Hyper Surfaces

Marco Livesu
Computers & Graphics (2018)
* extends "Heat Flow Based Relaxation of n Dimensional Discrete Hyper Surfaces"
[ PDF, Project Page, PPT, Code, BibTex ]

CageLab: an Interactive Tool for Cage-Based Deformations
Sara Casti, Fabrizio Corda, Marco Livesu, Riccardo Scateni
Smart Tools and Applications in Graphics (STAG 2018, Brescia, Italy)
[ PDF, Code, BibTex ]

slice2mesh: meshing sliced data
for the simulation of AM Processes

Marco Livesu, Daniela Cabiddu, Marco Attene
Smart Tools and Applications in Graphics (STAG 2018, Brescia, Italy)
[ Journal version, PDF, PPT, Code, BibTex ]
 Top Conference Paper (shortlisted for journal extension) 

Gradient Field Estimation on Triangle Meshes
Claudio Mancinelli, Marco Livesu, Enrico Puppo
Smart Tools and Applications in Graphics (STAG 2018, Brescia, Italy)
[ Journal version, PDF, BibTex ]
 Top Conference Paper (shortlisted for journal extension) 

Topology-Driven Shape Chartification
Tommaso Sorgente, Silvia Biasotti, Marco Livesu Michela Spagnuolo
Computer Aided Geometric Design (2018)
[ PDF, BibTex ]

Heat Flow Based Relaxation of n
Dimensional Discrete Hyper Surfaces

Marco Livesu
Smart Tools and Applications in Graphics (STAG 2017, Catania, Italy)
[ Journal version, PDF, Project Page, PPT, Code, BibTex ]
 Top Conference Paper (shortlisted for journal extension) 

Explicit Cylindrical Maps for General Tubular Shapes
Marco Livesu, Marco Attene, Giuseppe Patanè, Michela Spagnuolo
Computer Aided Design (SPM 2017, Berkeley, USA)
[ PDF, PPT, Data, BibTex ]

From 3D Models to 3D Prints:
an Overview of the Processing Pipeline

Marco Livesu, Stefano Ellero, Jonàs Martínez, Sylvain Lefebvre, Marco Attene
Computer Graphics Forum (Eurographics STAR 2017, Lyon, France)
[ PDF, BibTex ]

Skeleton-driven Adaptive Hexahedral Meshing
of Tubular Shapes

Marco Livesu, Alessandro Muntoni, Enrico Puppo, Riccardo Scateni
Computer Graphics Forum (Pacific Graphics 2016, Okinawa, Japan)
[ PDF, Data, Project Page, BibTex ]

Polycube Simplification for Coarse Layouts
of Surfaces and Volumes

Gianmarco Cherchi, Marco Livesu, Riccardo Scateni
Computer Graphics Forum (SGP 2016, Berlin, Germany)
[ PDF, Data, Project Page, BibTex ]

Extraction of the Quad Layout of a Triangle Mesh
Guided by its Curve-Skeleton

Francesco Usai, Marco Livesu, Enrico Puppo, Marco Tarini, Riccardo Scateni
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG, 2015)
* presented at SIGGRAPH Asia 2015, Kobe, Japan
[ PDF, Data, PPT, FF, YouTube, Project Page, BibTex ]

Practical Hex-Mesh Optimization via
Edge-Cone Rectification

Marco Livesu, Alla Sheffer, Nicholas Vining, Marco Tarini
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2015, Los Angeles, USA)
[ PDF, PPT, FF, Data, YouTube, Project Page, BibTex ]

Practical Medial Axis Filtering for
Occlusion-Aware Contours

Marco Livesu, Riccardo Scateni
Smart Tools and Applications in Graphics (STAG 2015, Verona, Italy)
[ PDF, Data, PPT, Project Page, BibTex ]

Understanding The Structure of 3D Shapes:
Poycubes and Curve-Skeletons

Marco Livesu
PhD Thesis (University of Cagliari, 2014, Italy)
[ PDF, PPT, BibTex ]

PolyCut: Monotone Graph-Cuts for PolyCube
Base-Complex Construction

Marco Livesu, Nicholas Vining, Alla Sheffer, James Gregson, Riccardo Scateni
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia 2013, Hong Kong)
[ PDF, PPT, PPT(FF), DATA SRF VOL, YouTube, Project Page, Patent, BibTex ]

Rigid Registration of Different Poses of Animated Shapes
Marco Livesu, Riccardo Scateni
Journal of WSCG (WSCG 2013, Plzen, Czech Republic)
[ PDF, Code, PPT, BibTex ]

Extracting Curve-Skeletons from Digital Shapes Using
Occluding Contours

Marco Livesu, Riccardo Scateni
The Visual Computer (CGI 2013, Hannover, Germany)
[ PDF, Data, PPT, Project Page, BibTex ]

Reconstructing the Curve-Skeleton of 3D Shapes
Using the Visual Hull

Marco Livesu, Fabio Guggeri, Riccardo Scateni
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG, 2012)
[ PDF, Data, PPT, YouTube 1 2 3, Project Page, BibTex ]

Gestural Interaction for Robot Motion Control
Giuseppe Broccia, Marco Livesu, Riccardo Scateni
Proceedings of Eurographics Italian Chapter 2011 (Salerno, Italy)
[ PDF, YouTube, Project Page, BibTex ]

Tools and Applications for Teaching
and Research in Computer Graphics

Fabio Guggeri, Marco Livesu, Riccardo Scateni
Proceedings of Eurographics Italian Chapter 2010 (Genoa, Italy)
[ PDF, BibTex ]