Financial worries lower thinking ability
By Nick Collins, Science Correspondent
Telegraph: 7:00PM BST 29 Aug 2013
Financial worries lower thinking ability
By Nick Collins, Science Correspondent
Telegraph: 7:00PM BST 29 Aug 2013
Financial worries can reduce your ability to think about other things and effectively reduce your IQ by 13 points, according to a new study.
Fretting about financial issues uses up valuable brainpower and limits your decision-making ability, raising the risk of mistakes which lead to more debt.
In contrast those with fewer concerns about money have more "mental bandwith" available to focus on getting matters like education, training and time management right.
The "cognitive deficit" suffered by someone with financial problems can be the equivalent of a 13-point loss in IQ or the loss of an entire night's sleep, researchers claimed.
Studies had previously found that people with more finanial problems tended to be worse at some cognitive tasks, wuch as making decisions about money, but the cause and effect of the link were unclear.
Researchers from Harvard University conducted two studies in the USA and India to examine what effect poverty had on people's thinking ability. They published their results in the Science journal.
研究結果はScience Journalに掲載されました。
In New Jersey, 400 shoppers were asked to solve a set of financial problems, such as how to pay for a car repair, while carrying out computer tests of IQ and mental performance.
Wealthier and poorer participants performed equally well when the problems were relatively easy to solve, but for more expensive tests, such as how to fund a $1,500 car repair, people with lower incomes scored significantly worse.
Thinking about a financial problem led to a 13-point dip in IQ scores among those who were concerned about money, researchers reported.
The second study was carried out in rural India, among a group of sugar cane farmers who gain 60 per cent of their income from a single annual harvest.
The farmers took the same tests as the New Jersey shoppers, and performed significantly better after the harvest, when they were relavitely rich, than beforehand when money was scarce.
Sendhil Mullainathan, an economics professor who led the study, said: "Our results suggest that when you're poor, money is not the only thing in short supply. Cognitive capacity is also stretched thin.
この実験を率いた経済学教授、Sendhil Mullainathan教授は次のように述べています。
"That's not to say that poor people are less intelligent than others. What we show is that the same person experiencing poverty suffers a cognitive deficit, as opposed to when they're not experiencing poverty.
"What happens is that your effective capacity gets smaller because you have all these other things on your mind. You have less mind to give to everything else."