Cited By
View all- Zhao CGao WNie FZhou H(2022)A Survey of GPU Multitasking Methods Supported by Hardware ArchitectureIEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems10.1109/TPDS.2021.311563033:6(1451-1463)Online publication date: 1-Jun-2022
Process variability from a range of sources is growing as technology scales below 65nm, resulting in increasingly nonuniform transistor delay and leakage power both within a die and across dies. As a result, the negative impact of process variations on ...
Graphics processing units (GPUs) are becoming increasingly popular for compute workloads, mainly because of their large number of processing elements and high-bandwidth to off-chip memory. The roofline model captures the ratio between the two (the ...
Energy efficiency is a major concern in modern high-performance-computing. Still, few studies provide a deep insight into the power consumption of scientific applications. Especially for algorithms running on hybrid platforms equipped with hardware ...
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