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10.1145/3078072.3079725acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesidcConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Child as Protagonist: Expanding the Role of Children in Participatory Design

Published: 27 June 2017 Publication History


We suggest that a commitment to political participatory design defines a new role for children in participatory practices--the role of protagonist. The objective here transcends the goal of giving children a voice in design, and addresses more broadly how children can be empowered to shape technological development and critically reflect on the role of technology in their practices. This re-accentuation of political participatory design to formulate the protagonist role is important, because it deepens our understanding of how children may be empowered through design. It is also timely in view of current societal challenges pertaining to training children in twenty-first century skills. Based on a case study, we illustrate how the protagonist role, based on political participatory design, can change the objective, process, and outcome measures of the design process.


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    IDC '17: Proceedings of the 2017 Conference on Interaction Design and Children
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    Published: 27 June 2017


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    1. design competence
    2. participatory design
    3. political participatory design
    4. protagonist
    5. twenty-first century skills


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