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Ravi R. Mazumdar
Professor and University Research Chair

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Waterloo
200 University Ave. West
Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1

Email: mazum AT uwaterloo.ca
Ph: +1-519-888 4567 Ext. 37444
Fax: 1-519-746 3077

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Ravi Mazumdar was born in Bangalore, India. He obtained the B.Tech. in Electrical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, India in 1977, the M.Sc. DIC in Control Systems from Imperial College, London, U.K. in 1978 and the Ph.D. in Systems Science from the University of California, Los Angeles, USA in 1983.


In 1978-79 he was employed with GEC Electrical Projects Ltd., Rugby, U.K. From April 1983-Oct. 1983 he was a Member of Technical Staff, AT&T Bell Laboratories, Holmdel, N.J. He has held visiting appointments at UCLA (1983-84),University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands (Fall 1984), Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore (Fall 1994) and the Ecole Nationale Superieure des Telecommunications, Paris (1995). From 1985-1988 he was an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering, Columbia University, New York where he was also a member of the Center for Telecommunications Research. From 1988-96 he was a Professor at INRS-Telecommunications, Montreal- a graduate research institute affiliated to the Universite du Quebec as well as held an invited appointment in the Department of Electrical Engineering, McGill University, Montreal. In September 1996 he joined the Department of Mathematics, University of Essex, Colchester, U.K. as Professor of Stochastic Systems and Operational Research. From 1999-2004 he was Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA.  In the Fall of 2004 he joined the University of Waterloo as Professor and holder of a University Research Chair.

He is a D.J. Gandhi Distinguished Visiting Professor at the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay since 2012 and was appointed as Adjunct Professor, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, India since May 2019.

He has been a consultant ("expert scientifique") to CNET (France-Telecom) from January 1994 to September 1996. He has been and is involved in many conferences including IEEE INFOCOM, International Teletraffic Congress (ITC) and IFIP Broadband Communication.

He was elected  IEEE Fellow  for "contributions to modeling, control, and performance analysis of networks". He is also a Fellow of the Royal Statistical Society and member of the working groups WG6.3 and 7.1 of IFIP. He has received Best Paper Awards at Performance 2015 (Sydney), the International Teletraffic Congress 2015 (ITC27-Ghent), the IEEE INFOCOM2006 (Barcelona) and received the Runner-up award at INFOCOM 1998 (San Francisco).

 Research Interests
     Application areas:


Editorial Positions


Performance Modeling, Loss Networks, and Statistical Multiplexing
, Morgan and Claypool, San Francisco (2010).

The second edition was entitled Performance Modeling, Stochastic Networks, and Statistical Multiplexing (2013) to reflect the expanded scope. The monograph can be downloaded for free if your university subscribes to the series. It is available in two formats. As an e-book or in paperback that can be ordered from Amazon.com. It is suitable for a graduate course on performance analysis and modeling of communication networks.

List of Publications (2000-)( here is a complete list)

Refereed Journals

  1. T. Vasantam and R. R. Mazumdar, Sensitivity of Mean-field Fluctuations in Erlang Loss Models with Randomized Routing, Journal of Applied Probability, 58 (2), June 2021, to appear.
  2. A. Mukhopadhyay, R.. R. Mazumdar, and R. Roy; Voter and Majority Dynamics with Biased and Stubborn Agents, J. of Stat. Phy. 181, 2020, pp. 1239-1265. doi: 10.1007/s10955-020-02625-w
  3. E. Tillberg, P. Marbach, and R. Mazumdar, Optimal Bidding Strategies for Online Ad Auctions with Overlapping Targeting Criteria, POMACS (Proceedings of the ACM on Measurement and Analysis of Computer Systems), Vol 4 (2), June 2020. 54 pages. Presented at Sigmetrics 2020. Available from ArXiv:  arXiv:2004.07190
  4. T. Vasantam, A. Mukhopadhyay, and R.R. Mazumdar,Insensitivity of the mean-field limit of loss systems under SQ(d) routing, Advances in Applied Probability, Vol. 51.4, Dec 2019, pp.1-40.
  5. T. Vasantam, A. Mukhopadhyay, and R.R. Mazumdar; The Mean-field Behavior of Processor Sharing Systems with General Job Lengths Under the SQ(d) Policy.  Performance Evaluation (PEVA) , Volumes 127-128, 2018, pp. 120-153
  6. A. Karthik, A. Mukhopadhyay, and R. R. Mazumdar, Choosing among heterogeneous server clouds, Queueing Systems,Vol. 85 (1-2), 2017, pp. 1-29. DOI 10.1007/s11134-016-9488-8
  7. A. Mukhopadhyay, A. Karthik, and R. R. Mazumdar; Randomized Assignment of Jobs to Servers in Heterogeneous Clusters of Shared Servers for Low Delay, Stochastic Systems, Vol 6 (1), 2016, pp.90-131.  Available from arXiv:1502.05786v1
  8. S. Birmiwal, R. R. Mazumdar, and S. Sundaram, Pricing in Processor Sharing Systems, Telecommunication Systems, Vol. 63 (3), 2016, pp. 421-435.
  9. J. Etminan, H. Keshavarz, and R. R. Mazumdar, Effects of Shadowing on the Number of Active  Users in Random Multi-User Channels, Wireless Networks, Vol 22 (8), 2016, pp.2501-2509.
  10. A. Mukhopadhyay, A. Karthik, R. R. Mazumdar and F. Guillemin: Mean field and propagation of chaos in multi-class heterogeneous loss models, Performance Evaluation (PEVA), Vol. 91, (2015) pp. 117-131. Performance 2015 Best Paper Award.  Corrected Version.
  11. A. Mukhopadhyay and R. R. Mazumdar, Analysis of Load Balancing in Large Heterogeneous Processor Sharing Systems, IEEE Trans on Control of Networked Systems (TCNS), Vol. 3 (2), 2016, pp. 116-126. DOI 10.1109/TCNS.2015.2428331,
  12. F.M. Guillemin and R. R. Mazumdar; Conditional sojourn times and applications to volatility of payment schemes in bandwidth sharing networks, J. of Applied Probability, Volume 52, Issue 4, 2015 , pp. 962-980
  13. S. Kamath, D. Manjunath, and R. R. Mazumdar; On Distributed Function Computation in Structure-Free Random Wireless Networks, IEEE Trans. on Information Theory, Vol 60 (1), 2014, pp. 432-442
  14. S. Datta Gupta, R. R. Mazumdar, and P. W. Glynn; On the Convergence of the Spectrum of Finite Order Approximations of Stationary Time Series, J of Multivariate Analysis, 121 (2013), pp. 1-21.
  15. S. Kompalli and R. R. Mazumdar;  On the Stability Slotted-Aloha Protocolwith Finite Number of Queues, IEEE Trans. on Information Theory,  Vol. 59 (10), 2013, pp. 6357-6366.
  16. J-P. Haddad and R. R. Mazumdar, Congestion in large balanced fair systems, Queueing Systems (QUESTA) Special Issue on Network Asymptotics, Vol. 74 (2), 2013, pp.  333-368
  17. J-P. Haddad and R. R. Mazumdar; Stationary distributions in networks with Levy inputs in heavy traffic,  QUESTA, Vol 70(1), 2012, pp. 3-21.
  18. A. V. Balakrishnan and R. R. Mazumdar, On Powers of Gaussian White Noise, IEEE Trans. on Information Theory, Vol 57 (11), 2011, pp. 7629-7634.
  19. J.P. Haddad, R. R. Mazumdar, and F. J. Piera, Pathwise comparison theorems for stochastic fluid networks, Queueing Systems (QUESTA), Vol. 66, 2010, pp. 155-168
  20. G. Sharma, C. Joo, N. Shroff, and R.R. Mazumdar;  On the Complexity of Scheduling in Wireless Networks,  Special Issue on "Adaptive Cross-Layer Strategies for Fourth Generation Wireless Communications", EURASIP J. of Wireless Communications and Networking, 2010, doi:10.1155/2010/418934.
  21. G. Sharma, C. Joo, N. B. Shroff, and R. R. Mazumdar, Joint Congestion Control and Distributed Scheduling for Throughput Guarantees in Wireless Networks, Special Issue on Cross-layer Modeling and Simulation, ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation, Vol. 21, No. 1, Dec. 2010, pp. 5.1-5.25.
  22. L. Le and R. R. Mazumdar; Control of Wireless Networks with Flow Level Dynamics under Constant Time Scheduling, ACM Wireless Networks, 2009, Vol. 16 (5), 2010, pp. 1355-1372.
  23. H. Keshavarz, R. R. Mazumdar, and L.L Xie; User Capacity Scaling Laws for Fading Multiple-Access Channels, IEEE Trans. on Wireless, 2009, Vol. 8 (9), 2009, pp. 4498-4507.
  24. V. P. Mhatre, C. P. Rosenberg, and R. R. Mazumdar; On the capacity of ad hoc networks under random packet losses, IEEE Trans. on Information Theory, Vol 55 (6), 2009, pp 2494-2498.
  25. H. Nurdin, R. R. Mazumdar, and A. Bagchi; Reduced-Dimension Linear Transform Coding of Distributed Correlated Signals with Incomplete Observations, IEEE Trans. on Information Theory, Vol. 55 (6), 2009, pp. 2848-2859.
  26. F. Piera and R. R. Mazumdar; Comparison Results for Reflected Jump-diffusions in the Orthant with Variable Reflection Directions and Stability Applications, Electronic Journal of Probability (EJP), Vol 13, October 2008, paper 61, pp1886-1908.
  27. F. Piera, R. R. Mazumdar and F. Guillemin, Boundary behavior and product-form stationary distributions of jump-diffusions in the orthant with state dependent reflections, Advances in Applied Probability, Vol. 40(2), 2008, pp. 529-547.
  28. H. Keshavarz, L.L. Xie, and R. Mazumdar; On the optimal number of active receivers in fading broadcast channels; IEEE Trans. on Info. Th, Vol. 54, No 3, 2008, pp. 1323-1327.
  29. F. Piera, R. R. Mazumdar, and F. M. Guillemin;  Existence and characterization of product-form distributions for state-dependent stochastic networks in the heavy-traffic diffusion limit, Queueing Systems (QUESTA), Vol. 58 (1), 2008, pp 3-27.
  30. Y. Ying, F. Guillemin, R. Mazumdar, and C. Rosenberg; Buffer overflow asymptotics for multiplexed regulated traffic, Performance Evaluation, Vol. 65 (8), 2008, pp. 555-572.
  31. G. Sharma and R. R. Mazumdar;  A Case for Hybrid Sensor Networks, IEEE/ACM Trans. on Networking, Vol 16 (8), 2008 , pp. 1121-1132
  32. G. Sharma, R. R. Mazumdar, and N.B. Shroff; Delay and Capacity Trade-offs in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks: A Global Perspective, IEEE/ACM Trans. on Networking, 2007, Vol. 15 (1), 2007, pp.981-992.
  33. F. Guillemin, R. Mazumdar, C. Rosenberg, and Y. Ying; Stochastic ordering property for leaky bucket regulated flows in packet networks, J. of Applied Probability, Vol. 44 (2), 2007, pp 331-347
  34. J.-W. Lee, R. R. Mazumdar, and N. B. Shroff, Joint opportunistic power scheduling and rate control for wireless ad-hoc networks, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol. 56, No. 2, 2007, pp.277-2784
  35. Piera, F., Mazumdar, R. R., and Guillemin, F.M.; On local times and boundary properties of reflected diffusions with jumps in the positive orthant,  Markov Processes and Related Fields, 12(3), 2006, pp. 561-582.
  36. X. Lin, G. Sharma, R. Mazumdar, and N. Shroff; Degenerate delay/capacity tradeoffs in ad hoc networks with Brownian mobility, IEEE Trans. on Information Theory, Special Issue on Networking and Information Theory, 52 (6), 2006, pp. 2777-2784.
  37. Likhanov, N. B., Mazumdar, R., and M. N. Nakarykov; Overflow asymptotics for continuous time models, Information Processes (in Russian), 2005, vol.5, no.3, pp.227-235.
  38. Lee, J-W, Mazumdar, R. R., and Shroff, N.B; Opportunistic power scheduling in wireless systems, IEEE Trans. on Wireless Networks, Vol 5 (6), 2006, pp. 1506-1515
  39. Lee, J-W, Mazumdar, R. R., and Shroff, N.B.; Joint resource allocation and base-station assignment for the downlink in CDMA networks, IEEE/ACM Trans on Networking, 14 (1), 2006, pp. 4-15
  40. Piera, F., Mazumdar, R. R. , and Guillemin, F. M.; On product-form stationary distributions for reflected diffusions with jumps in the positive orthant, Adv. Applied Prob., Vol 37 (1), 2005, pp. 212-228.
  41. Lee, J-W., Mazumdar, R. R., and Shroff, N. B.; Non-convex Optimization and Rate Control for Multi-class Services in the Internet, IEEE/ACM Trans. on Networking, Vol. 13 (4), 2005, pp. 841-853
  42. Lee, J-W, Mazumdar, R.R., and Shroff, N.B.; Downlink power allocation for multi-class wireless systems, IEEE/ACM Trans. on Networking, Vol 13 (4), 2005, pp. 854-867
  43. Dube, P. Guillemin, F., and Mazumdar, R.R.; Scale functions of Levy Processes and Busy Periods of Finite Capacity M/GI/1 queues, J. of Applied Prob., 41(4), 2004, pp 1145--1156
  44. Mhatre, V., Rosenberg, C., Kofman, D., Mazumdar, R., and Shroff, N. B.; A Minimum Cost Heterogeneous Sensor
    Network with a Lifetime Constraint, IEEE Trans. on Mobile Computing,
    2005, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp 4-15
  45. Guillemin, F. and Mazumdar, R.; Rate conservation laws for multidimensional processes of bounded variation with applications to priority queueing systems, Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability, Vol. 6, 2004, pp. 136-159.
  46. Ozturk, O., Mazumdar, R. R., and Likhanov, N.; Many sources asymptotics in networks with small buffers, Queueing Systems (QUESTA), Vol. 46, Nos. 1-2, 2004, pp.129-147
  47. Likhanov, N., Mazumdar, R. and Ozturk, O.;  Large buffer asymptotics for fluid queues with heterogeneous M/G/infty Weibullian inputs, QUESTA,  Vol. 45, 2003, pp. 333-356.
  48.  Guillemin, F.,  Mazumdar, R., Dupuis, A. and Boyer, J.;  Analysis of the fluid weighted fair queueing system, Journal of Applied Probability 40 (2003), no. 1, pp. 180-199
  49. Delas, S., Mazumdar, R. R., and Rosenberg, C.; Tail asymptotics for HOL priority queues handling a large number of independent stationary sources,  Queueing Systems (QUESTA),  Vol. 40,  2002, pp. 205-226.
  50. Likhanov, N. and Mazumdar, R.; Loss in large buffers fed by a heterogeneous long-tailed sources, Advances in Applied Probability, Vol. 32, No. 4, Dec. 2000,  pp. 1168-1189
  51. Yaiche, H., Mazumdar, R. R. and Rosenberg, C.; A game-theoretic framework for bandwidth allocation and pricing in broadband networks, IEEE/ACM Trans. on Networking,  Vol. 8, No. 5, Oct. 2000, pp. 667-678.
Papers in Edited Volumes
  1. J-P. Haddad and R. R. Mazumdar, On the validity of heavy traffic stationary distributions in stochastic networks with Levy inputs, ValueTools 2009, Pisa, Oct. 2009.
  2. S. Kompalli and R. R. Mazumdar, On a positive recurrence criterion for multidimensional Markov chains with application to the stability of slotted-Aloha with a finite number of queues, Proceedings of the International Teletraffic Congress, ITC-21, Paris, Sept. 2009.
  3. Likhanov, N. , Mazumdar, R. R. and Theberge, F.; Providing QoS in Large Networks: Statistical multiplexing and admission control, in Analysis, Control and Optimization of Complex Dynamic Systems , E.K. Boukas, R. Malhame eds., Kluwer, 2005.
  4. Guillemin, F.M., Likhanov, N., Mazumdar, R.R., Rosenberg, C. P., and Ying, Y.; Buffer overflow bounds for multiplexed regulated traffic streams, in  Providing  QoS in Heterogeneous Environments, International Teletraffic Congress 18, Elsevier science, July 2003 (pdf).
  5. Yaiche, H., Mazumdar, R. and Rosenberg, C.; A game theoretic framework for bandwidth allocation and pricing of ABR services in ATM networks,in Broadband'98, P. Kuehn, R. Ulrich eds.; Chapman and Hall, 1998.
  6. Theberge, F., Guillemin, F. and Mazumdar, R.; Modelling and performance of ATM ABT with delayed transmission, in Teletraffic contributions for the information age, 15th ITC ,Washington, D.C., V. Ramaswami and P. E. Wirth eds., Elsevier Science, 1997,pp.435-444.
Other Papers (Submitted or in Preparation)

  1. T. Vasantam and R. R. Mazumdar, On critically loaded multi-server loss systems with randomized load balancing, submitted July 2019.
  2. H. Keshavarz, R.R. Mazumdar, R. Roy, and F. Zoghalchi, On the number of active links in random wireless networks, IEEE Trans. on Communications, submitted Dec 2014. Available from arxiv http://arxiv.org/abs/1412.3098
  3. S. Datta Gupta and R. R. Mazumdar, Determining the Granger-causality Graph among Time Series via Filtering Techniques, in preparation.
  4. O. Ozturk, R. R. Mazumdar, and N. B. Likhanov, Buffer occupancy asymptotics in rate proportional sharing networks with heterogeneous long-tailed inputs, Stochastic Systems, submitted Nov. 2014. Available from: http://arxiv.org/abs/1411.2867
Unpublished papers
  1. O. Ozturk and R. R. Mazumdar, End-to-end estimates for loss in large networks of GPS servers with small buffers, unpublished. (pdf)
  2. Sharma, G. and Mazumdar, R. R.; Delay and capacity tradeoffs for wireless ad hoc networks with random mobility, unpublished 2004..
  3. Dube, P. and Mazumdar, R.; A framework for the quickest detection of traffic anomalies in networks, unpublished, 2001 (pdf)
  4. Kotopoulos, C. and Mazumdar, R.; Buffer occupancy and delay asymptotics in multi-buffered systems with GPS handling a large number of independent traffic streams, unpublished, March 2002 (pdf).
  1. E.Tillberg, P. Marbach, and R. Mazumdar, Optimal Bidding Strategies for Online Ad Auctions with Overlapping
    Targeting Criteria, Sigmetrics 2020, Cambridge (MA), June 2020.See journal version in POMACS.

  2. T. Vasantam and R.R. Mazumdar, Fluctuations around the mean-field for a large scale Erlang Loss system under SQ(d) load balancing, ITC-31, Budapest, August 2019. Available from IEEE Explore.
  3. F. M. Guillemin, R. R. Mazumdar, C. Rosenberg, and Y. Ying, Network Calculus for Mean Delay Analysis through a Network, Workshop on Network Calculus NetCal, Vienna, September, 2018.
  4. T. Vasantam, A. Mukhopadhyay, and R. R. Mazumdar, The Mean-field Behavior of Processor Sharing Systems with General Job Lengths Under the SQ(d) Policy, Performance 2018, Toulouse, Dec 2018.
  5. T. Vasantam and R. R. Mazumdar; On occupancy based randomized routing schemes in large systems of shared servers, Proceedings ITC 30, Vienna, Sept. 2018.
  6. R. Kinnear and R.R. Mazumdar, Sparse Granger-Causal Network Learning via the Depth Wise Group LASSO -- An Application of ADMM for Large Vector Autoregressions, in Contributions to Statistics, Proceedings of the Conference on Time Series, Granada, Spain, Sept. 2017.
  7. T. Vasantam,  A. Mukhopadhyay, R. R. Mazumdar, ``Mean Field Analysis of Loss Models with Mixed-Erlang Distributions under Power-of-d Routing", 29th International Teletraffic Congress (ITC 29), 2017, Genoa, Italy.
  8. A. Mukhopadhyay, R. R. Mazumdar, and R. Roy, Binary Opinion Dynamics with Biased Agents and Agents with Different Degrees of Stubbornness, International Teletraffic Congress ITC-28, Wurzburg, Germany, September 2016.
  9.  T. Vasantam, R.R. Mazumdar and A. Mukhopadhyay, Insensitivity of the mean field in power of d routing in loss systems with phase type distributions, European Conference on Queueing Theory, Toulouse, July 16-18, 2016.
  10. A. Mukhopadhyay, R. Mazumdar, and R. Roy, Majority Rule Based Opinion Dynamics with Biased and Stubborn Agents, Sigmetrics/Performance 2016, Juan-les-Pins, June 2016.
  11. A. Mukhopadhyay, A. Karthik, R.R. Mazumdar and F. Guillemin, Mean field and propagation of chaos in multiclass heterogeneous loss models, IFIP WG 7.3 Performance 2015, Oct. 19-21, 2015, Sydney. Best Paper Award
  12. A. Mukhopadhyay, R.R. Mazumdar and F. Guillemin: The power of randomized routing in heterogeneous loss systems, International Teletraffic Congress (ITC 27), Ghent. Sept. 8-10, 2015. Best Paper Award.
  13. A. Mukhopadhyay and R. Mazumdar, Randomized Routing Schemes for Large Processor SharingSystems with Multiple Service Rates, ACM Sigmetrics, Austin, TX, June 17-19, 2014
  14. A. Mukhopadhyay and R. Mazumdar, Rate-Based Randomized Routing in Large Heterogeneous Processor Sharing Systems, Proceedings of the International Tletraffic Congress, ITC 26, Karlskrona, Sweden, September 9-11, 2014.
  15. S. Datta Gupta and R. R. Mazumdar, Granger-Causality Among Cyclostationary Time Series Through Time-invariant Estimators, International work-conference on Time Series-ITISE 2014 .June, 25-27, 2014. Granada (SPAIN)
  16. S. Datta Gupta and R. R. Mazumdar, A Frequency-domain Lasso approach for Detecting Interdependence Relations amongTime Series, International work-conference on Time Series-ITISE 2014 .June, 25-27, 2014. Granada (SPAIN)
  17. S. Datta Gupta and R. R. Mazumdar, Inferring Causality in Networks of WSS Time Series by Pairwise Estimation Methods, Proceedings of ITA 2013, San Diego, Jan. 2013.
  18. S. Birmiwal, R. R. Mazumdar, and S. Sundaram, Processor Sharing and Pricing Implications, Proceedings of the ITC 24, Cracow, Poland, Sept. 2012.
  19. S. Birmiwal, U. Nair, D. Manjunath, and R. R. Mazumdar, Delay Minimization in Multihop Wireless Networks: Static Scheduling Does It, Proceedings of WiOpt 2012, June 2012.
  20. S. Birmiwal, R. R. Mazumdar, and S. Sundaram; Insensitive Resource Allocation and Pricing, submitted proceedings of CISS, Princeton, March 2012.
  21. S. Datta Gupta, R. R. Mazumdar, and P.W. Glynn; On the Asymptotic Behavior of the Spectral Density of Autoregressive Estimates, Proceedings of the 2011 Allerton Conference, Sept. 2011.
  22. T. Bonald, J-P. Haddad, and R.R. Mazumdar, Congestion in Large Balanced Multirate Links, ITC 2011, San Francisco, Sept 2011, to appear.
  23. L. Le and R. R. Mazumdar; Appropriate Control of Wireless Networks with Flow Level Dynamics, CISS08, Princeton, N.J., March 2008.
  24. H. Keshavarz, R. R. Mazumdar, and L-L.Xie; Maximum Number of Active Links in Wireless Networks with Fading Channels, Information Theory and Applications (ITA08), San Diego, Jan 2008.
  25. H. Keshavarz, L-L. Xie, and R. R. Mazumdar;  User Capacity of Fading Multi-User Channels with a Minimum Rate Constraint. Proc. ICC08, Beijing, May 2008.
  26. K. Ma, R. R. Mazumdar, and J. Luo; On the performance of primal/dual schemes for congestion control in networks with dynamic flows, INFOCOM 2008.
  27. Sharma, G., Mazumdar, R., and Shroff, N.; Joint Congestion Control and Distributed Scheduling for Throughput Guarantees inWireless Networks, IEEE INFOCOM 2007.
  28. Sharma, G., Mazumdar, R., and Shroff, N.; On the complexity of scheduling in multihop wireless systems, Mobicom 2006, Los Angeles, Sept. 2006
  29. Sharma, G., Mazumdar, R. and Shroff, N.; Delay and Capacity Trade-offs in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks: A Global Perspective, IEEE INFOCOM 2006, Barcelona, April 2006. Best Paper Award
  30. Karnik, A., Mazumdar, R. and Rosenberg, C.;  Rate control and dynamic dimensioning of multihop wireless networks, to be presented at the Conference of Information Sciences and Systems, Princeton, March 2006.
  31. Sharma, G. and Mazumdar, R.; Hybrid sensor networks- A small world, Mobihoc 2005, Urbana, June 2005.
  32. Y. Ying, R. Mazumdar, C. Rosenberg, and F. Guillemin;  The burstiness behavior of regulated flows in networks, Networking 2005, May 2005, to appear.
  33. Lee, J-W., Mazumdar, R. R., and Shroff, N.B.; Opportunistic scheduling for wireless ad-hoc networks, BroadWise 2004, San Jose, Oct. 2004
  34. Nurdin, H., Mazumdar, R. R., and Bagchi, A.; On estimation and compression of distributed correlated signals with incomplete observations, Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS 2004), Leuven, Belgium, July 2004.
  35. Sharma, G. and Mazumdar, R. R.; Scaling laws for capacity and delay in ad hoc wireless networks with random mobility, ICC 2004, Paris, June 2004.
  36. Sharma, G. and Mazumdar, R.; On Achievable Delay/Capacity Trade-offs in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, WiOpt 2004, Conference on Wireless Networks and Optimization, Cambridge, UK, March 2004.
  37. Lee, J-W, Mazumdar, R., and Shroff, N.; Opportunistic power scheduling for multi-server wireless systems with minimum performance constraints, Infocom 2004, Hong Kong.
  38. Lee, J-W,  Mazumdar, R., and Shroff, N.; Non-convexity Issues for Internet Rate Control with Multi-class Services: Stability and Optimality,  Infocom 2004, Hong Kong.
  39. V. Mhatre, C. Rosenberg, D. Kofman, R. Mazumdar, and N. Shroff, Design of Surveillance Sensor Grids with a Lifetime Constraints, 1st European Workshop on Wireless Sensor Networks (EWSN), Berlin, Jan 2004. (a pdf version of the paper can be found at: http://dynamo.ecn.purdue.edu/~cath/publications.html)
  40. Dube, P., Guillemin, F. and Mazumdar, R.; Scale functions of Levy processes and busy period distributions of finite dam M/G/1 queues, invited paper Allerton Conference, Illinois, Oct. 2003.
  41. Ozturk, O., Mazumdar, R. and Likhanov, N.;  Many sources asymptotics for a feedforward network with small buffers, Proceedings of the Allerton Conference 2002, Montecello, Ill. , Oct. 2002 (pdf)
  42. Lee, J-W., Mazumdar, R. and Shroff, N.B.;  Downlink power allocation for multi-class CDMA wireless networks, Proceedings of the INFOCOM'2002, N.Y.,  June 2002 (pdf).
  43. Guillemin, F., Likhanov, N., Mazumdar, R. and Rosenberg, C.; Extremal traffic and bounds on the mean delay of multiplexed regulated traffic streams,  Proceedings of the INFOCOM '2002, N.Y.,  June 2002 (pdf)
  44. Guillemin, F. and Mazumdar, R.; Extremal traffic and bounds on the loss probability in buffers fed with regulated traffic, Proceedings of the Allerton Conference (Invited paper), Allerton, Montecello, Ill, Oct. 2001
  45. Kotopoulos, C., Likhanov, N. and Mazumdar, R.; Overflow asymptotics in GPS systems with heterogeneous longtailed inputs, Proceedings of the IEEE INFOCOM'2001, Anchorage, April 2001
  46. Likhanov, N. and Mazumdar, R.; Loss in large buffers with heterogeneous longtailed sources, Proceedings of the IEEE INFOCOM'2000, Tel Aviv.
  47. Yaiche, H., Mazumdar, R. and Rosenberg, C.; Distributed algorithms for fair bandwidth allocation in broadband networks, Proceedings of the IEEE INFOCOM'2000, Tel Aviv.
  48. Delas, S., Mazumdar, R. and Rosenberg; Cell loss asymptotics in large buffers with HOL service, Proceedings of the IEEE INFOCOM'99, N.Y.
  49. Likhanov, N. and Mazumdar, R.; Cell loss characteristics in buffers handling a large number of stationary sources, IEEE INFOCOM'98, San Francisco, March1998. Runner-up Best Paper Award.

Grants and Contracts

Past Grants and Contracts (since 2000): .