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    Miroslav Premrov

    This paper provides an experimental analysis of timber-framed walls, coated with single fibre–plaster coating boards fastened to a timber frame. As the walls under a horizontal load actually behave like a deep composite beam [Faherty KF,... more
    This paper provides an experimental analysis of timber-framed walls, coated with single fibre–plaster coating boards fastened to a timber frame. As the walls under a horizontal load actually behave like a deep composite beam [Faherty KF, Williamson TG, Wood engineering and construction handbook, McGraw-Hill Publishing Company; 1989; Premrov M, Dobrila P. Modelling of fastener flexibility in CFRP strengthened timber-framed walls
    Abstract In recent years, interest in the construction of multi-storey timber buildings in the urban context has increased. The stability of any timber building depends on the structural connections that transfer and anchor the loads... more
    Abstract In recent years, interest in the construction of multi-storey timber buildings in the urban context has increased. The stability of any timber building depends on the structural connections that transfer and anchor the loads acting on the building, such as horizontal forces (wind, earthquake), which increase significantly with the building height. However, they are generally neglected in studies assessing their environmental performance. For this reason, the present study investigates the embodied energy and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of a residential multi-storey timber building with an increase in height by performing a life cycle assessment (LCA) with an integrated approach that considers structural behaviour and includes connectors and fasteners. The results presented as relative and absolute contributions of different building elements show that the embodied impacts per floor decrease as the building height increases, However, relative and absolute contributions of different building elements change with the variation in the number of storeys. While the building envelope is recognised as a critical element when considering GHG emissions, the load-bearing timber structure is a critical element when considering cumulative energy demand (CED). The results further revealed the importance of connectors and fasteners, as they account for up to 4.80% of the non-renewable CED at the building level, and up to 25.66% when assessing the load-bearing timber structure. Considering a significant contribution, it is suggested that their impact should be evaluated in the environmental impact assessments of timber buildings. In addition, the study highlights the relevance of certain design parameters regarding the embodied impact to achieve a more environmentally efficient building design.
    Prispevek prikazuje numericno parametricno analizo vpliva povecanega deleža zasteklitev na energetsko ucinkovitost montažnih lesenih enodružinskih his z osnovnim ciljem prikaza vpliva zasteklitve na južni strani, tako na novih... more
    Prispevek prikazuje numericno parametricno analizo vpliva povecanega deleža zasteklitev na energetsko ucinkovitost montažnih lesenih enodružinskih his z osnovnim ciljem prikaza vpliva zasteklitve na južni strani, tako na novih velikopanelnih stenskih sistemih z razlicno toplotno prehodnostjo kakor tudi na starih malopanelnih sistemih, pri katerih predstavlja ustrezna izbira velikosti zasteklitve enega od mogocih nacinov ucinkovite energijske sanacije.Pri tem so parametricno na primeru dvoetažne stanovanjske hise analizirani vplivi povecanega deleža steklenih povrsin ob upostevanju klimatskih pogojev za Ljubljano. Kot rezultat studije je podana funkcijska odvisnost letnih energijskih potreb za ogrevanje in ohlajevanje v odvisnosti od deleža steklenih povrsin južne fasade objekta ob predpostavki, da se vplivi aktivnih sistemov ne spreminjajo. Rezultati so po eni strani potrdili nekatera že poznana dejstva izvedenih parametricnih analiz razlicnih avtorjev, po drugi strani pa dodatno privedli do nekaterih povsem novih ugotovitev, predvsem glede optimalnih vrednosti deleža zasteklitve na južni fasadi v odvisnosti od stopnje toplotne prehodnosti zunanjih lesenih stenskih elementov ob upostevanju klimatskih pogojev za Ljubljano.
    V prispevku so prikazani rezultati analize natancnosti razlicnih metod s katerimi smo izmerili vertikalne pomike na armirano betonski plosci PVP5. Meritve smo izvedli tako z geodetskimi kakor tudi z negeodetskimi metodami. Dobljene... more
    V prispevku so prikazani rezultati analize natancnosti razlicnih metod s katerimi smo izmerili vertikalne pomike na armirano betonski plosci PVP5. Meritve smo izvedli tako z geodetskimi kakor tudi z negeodetskimi metodami. Dobljene rezultate smo primerjali s teoreticnimi, izracunanimi po Eurocode 2.
    Usmerjanje arhitekturne in gradbene stroke v energetsko varcno nacrtovanje in gradnjo je v slovenskem prostoru prisotno že dalj casa. Uspesnost pri iskanju novih resitev je pogojena z združevanjem strokovnega znanja, industrije,... more
    Usmerjanje arhitekturne in gradbene stroke v energetsko varcno nacrtovanje in gradnjo je v slovenskem prostoru prisotno že dalj casa. Uspesnost pri iskanju novih resitev je pogojena z združevanjem strokovnega znanja, industrije, prakticnih izkusenj in inovativnih idej. Vse navedeno skusamo na Univerzi v Mariboru, Fakulteti za gradbenistvo (UM FG) združevati v okviru studijskih delavnic, ki so se do sedaj izkazale kot izjemno zanimive za studente in mentorje ter tudi za partnerje iz gospodarstva. Na ta nacin želimo z omenjeno problematiko ozavestiti bodoce arhitekte in gradbenike. Tako smo že v letu 2010 izvedli prvo tovrstno studijsko delavnico na primeru enodružinskih montažnih okvirnih lesenih his, kjer smo uporabi povecanega deleža steklenih povrsin posvetili posebno pozornost. Letosnja delavnica je pomenila nekaksen preskok in logicno nadgradnjo lanske, saj smo tematiko usmerili v izdelavo idejnih zasnov montažnih lesenih javnih objektov. Glede na predstavljene lastnosti ima namrec gradnja z lesom v kombinaciji z uporabo ustrezno orientiranih steklenih povrsin velik razvojni potencial tudi v gradnji javnih objektov, cemur se v Sloveniji zaenkrat žal se premalo posvecamo.
    Clanek obravnava staticno analizo in dimenzioniranje mostu za pesce in kolesarje. Posebnost mostu je v stropu in tleh, sestavljenih iz KLP (križno lepljenih plosc), in stirih lepljenih nosilcev, ki so bili projektirani po standardih ONORM... more
    Clanek obravnava staticno analizo in dimenzioniranje mostu za pesce in kolesarje. Posebnost mostu je v stropu in tleh, sestavljenih iz KLP (križno lepljenih plosc), in stirih lepljenih nosilcev, ki so bili projektirani po standardih ONORM B 4002. Obstojeci most smo hoteli prilagoditi slovenskim standardom SIST EN 1995-1 in s tem narediti primernega za gradnjo v Sloveniji. Pri tem uporabimo razlicne staticne modele, ki dajejo razlicne rezultate. Most ima razpon 35 m in visi na dveh vrveh z detajli, ki so posebnost oblikovanja taksnih mostov.
    Istraživanja u ovome radu temelje se na određivanju vertikalnih mikropomaka razlicitim geodetskim i negeodetskim instrumentima te analizi rezultata mjerenja tih pomaka. mjerenja su provedena u laboratoriju Građevinskog fakulteta... more
    Istraživanja u ovome radu temelje se na određivanju vertikalnih mikropomaka razlicitim geodetskim i negeodetskim instrumentima te analizi rezultata mjerenja tih pomaka. mjerenja su provedena u laboratoriju Građevinskog fakulteta Sveucilista u Mariboru, pri cemu je upotrebljena posebno izgrađena armiranobetonska ploca. Prije postupnog opterecivanje ploce izracunane su teorijske vrijednosti vertikalnih pomaka, a stvarni su pomaci određivani razlicitim instrumentima. Na kraju daje se ocjena preciznosti određivanja pomaka.
    ... In addition, the flexibility of mechanical fasteners provides a high damping capacity between ... of timber trusses has frequently been noted in all aspects of building construction. ... trusses have become known for their pleasing... more
    ... In addition, the flexibility of mechanical fasteners provides a high damping capacity between ... of timber trusses has frequently been noted in all aspects of building construction. ... trusses have become known for their pleasing architectural appearance, lightweight design and easy ...
    Research Interests:
    ABSTRACT Energy-Efficient Timber-Glass Houses
    The use of a double-skin façade (DSF) is a quite new approach in the building renovation process, complementing conventional renovation strategies. A double-skin façade is an envelope wall construction that consists of two transparent... more
    The use of a double-skin façade (DSF) is a quite new approach in the building renovation process, complementing conventional renovation strategies. A double-skin façade is an envelope wall construction that consists of two transparent surfaces separated by a cavity and can essentially improve the thermal and acoustic resistance of the building envelope. The main double-skin wall components are usually composed of a hardened external single glazing pane and a double or triple thermal insulating internal glass pane, which are connected to the frame structure. Recently, many studies have analysed the thermal and acoustic performance of DSF elements, but almost none in terms of structural behaviour, especially in terms of determining the racking resistance of such wall elements. Moreover, with a view to reduce the global warming potential, an eco-friendly timber frame instead of a commonly used steel, aluminium or plastic frame is studied in this analysis. However, structurally combinin...
    The paper presents results of shear-bending experiments performed on panel shear walls used as load-carrying capacity walls in the construction of prefabricated timber structures. The aim of research is to determine the difference in... more
    The paper presents results of shear-bending experiments performed on panel shear walls used as load-carrying capacity walls in the construction of prefabricated timber structures. The aim of research is to determine the difference in resistance and ductility between panel shear walls, reinforced with two different methods. While the first, reinforcing with additional fiberboard, was not improve resistance and especially ductility in the contended sense, we tried to find a solution by inserting diagonal steel strips, which were fixed to the timber frame. Additionally, analytical solutions of those by mathematical modeling with the fictive thickness and height of fiber-plaster boards are proposed. Presented design models are simple and show a good coincidence with the measured results.
    The paper presents the reasonability of using an increased proportion of glazing surfaces in prefabricated timberframe structural systems with a special focus on the energy certification of the building. The research is based on a case... more
    The paper presents the reasonability of using an increased proportion of glazing surfaces in prefabricated timberframe structural systems with a special focus on the energy certification of the building. The research is based on a case study of a two-storey house with a prefabricated timber-frame as well as with cross-laminated structural system with a parametric analysis of an increased-proportion-of-the-glazing-surfaces impact on south side of thebuilding, taking the climate data for Ljubljana into consideration. The analysis was carried out on different exterior wall elements having different thermal properties, while the rest of the parameters, such as the ground plan of the model as well as the active systems, roof and floor slab assemblies remain constant. The graphical presentation includes a function curve showing the annual energy demand for heating and cooling depending on the proportion of the glazing area in relation to the total surface area of the south facade of the b...
    A new iterative finite element method for solving elastodynamic problems of a halfspace is presented in this paper. The halfspace is first truncated by introducing an fictive finite boundary on which some fictive boundary conditions must... more
    A new iterative finite element method for solving elastodynamic problems of a halfspace is presented in this paper. The halfspace is first truncated by introducing an fictive finite boundary on which some fictive boundary conditions must be imposed. A finite computational domain is in each iteration subjected to actual boundary conditions on real boundary and to fictive Dirichlet or Neumann boundary conditions on the fictive boundary. The solution of this internal problem is then projected on the DtN operator, which represents a halfspace outside of the fictive boundary. So new fictive Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions for the next iteration are obtained. A convergence of the method is good and it depends on the location of the fictive boundary and on the selected DtN operator. In this paper the method is presented on simple non-symmetric problems.
    Currently, the world is undergoing the biggest wave of urban growth in history. To accommodate this unprecedented growth, adding more than 230 billion m2 of new floor area to the global building stock by 2060 is expected. As embodied... more
    Currently, the world is undergoing the biggest wave of urban growth in history. To accommodate this unprecedented growth, adding more than 230 billion m2 of new floor area to the global building stock by 2060 is expected. As embodied emissions are responsible for 11% of annual greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions globally, an increase in embodied emissions from new construction will put tremendous additional pressure on the natural environment. To investigate the environmental impact of timber and potential of mitigating the increase in embodied GHG emissions from new residential constructions, a life cycle assessment (LCA) is performed for the production stage of three low-energy modular buildings. The results suggested that by substituting reinforced concrete (RC) and masonry (M) with cross-laminated timber (CLT) in the building structure, 14.62% and 12.94% of emissions could be avoided on a building level, respectively. However, the substitution leads to a significant increase in land ...
    ABSTRACT This paper provides an experimental analysis of timber-framed walls, coated with carbon fibre-reinforced polymers (CFRP) strengthened fibre-plaster boards, usually used as main bearing capacity elements in the construction of... more
    ABSTRACT This paper provides an experimental analysis of timber-framed walls, coated with carbon fibre-reinforced polymers (CFRP) strengthened fibre-plaster boards, usually used as main bearing capacity elements in the construction of prefabricated timber structures. The tensile strength of the fibre-plaster boards is lower than the strength of timber frame, therefore it is convenient to strengthen boards with high-strength materials in order to gain a higher capacity. It has been shown that the inclusion of CFRP diagonal strip reinforcement on the load-carrying capacity can be quite high and that it is maximized when the carbon strips are connected to the timber frame. On the other hand, the ductility itself was not significantly improved. The test samples proved an important distinction in behaviour in timber frame-fibreboard connecting area, dependant on the boundary conditions between inserted CFRP strips and timber frame. It has been shown that proposed simplified Eurocode 5 methods, applicable for wood-based sheathing boards, could be unsuitable for the problems presented.

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