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La connessione tra scienza e società è oggi sempre più un fattore cruciale per lo sviluppo democratico: è importante che i cittadini comprendano e condividano il senso della ricerca scientifica soprattutto se applicata al contesto locale... more
La connessione tra scienza e società è oggi sempre più un fattore cruciale per lo sviluppo democratico: è importante che i cittadini comprendano e condividano il senso della ricerca scientifica soprattutto se
applicata al contesto locale in cui vivono. Un modo innovativo per favorire questa integrazione è la partecipazione dei cittadini a vere e proprie attività di ricerca attraverso progetti di Citizen Science. La Citizen Science o “scienza fatta dai cittadini” consiste in una serie di attività svolte volontariamente dalle persone all’interno di uno specifico progetto scientifico.
Memes have become one of the most insidious tools for spreading online misinformation. Their power stems from their ability to create strong emotions using images accompanied by ironic or humorous jokes on a particular topic. Very often,... more
Memes have become one of the most insidious tools for spreading online misinformation. Their power stems from their ability to create strong emotions using images accompanied by ironic or humorous jokes on a particular topic. Very often, they are based on stereotypes or cultural, social, or political biases that can hinder critical evaluation of content and credibility of the source. This article presents the results of an innovative laboratory model that uses memes as a teaching and educational
tool. In particular, the research focused on exploring the potential of memes themselves as a tool for developing critical thinking and Information/Media Literacy skills among university students in a Second-level degree program in Educational Sciences. To support this educational process, a specific
rubric for meme analysis was developed, which includes multiple dimensions that students effectively used during the laboratory. This activity helped them deconstruct and construct memes consciously and critically, highlighting persuasive strategies and various dimensions on which their effectiveness
in visual/textual communication is based. At the end of the laboratory experience, a questionnaire was proposed to highlight their perceptions of the effectiveness of this approach: the responses were very positive, both specifically regarding the development of critical thinking and the use of memes in educational contexts in general.
Memes have now become a constant presence on social media to connote important social, political and cultural events. Thanks to their communicative power that with an image and a few lines of text summarizes a concept in an ironic way,... more
Memes have now become a constant presence on social media to connote important social, political and
cultural events. Thanks to their communicative power that with an image and a few lines of text summarizes
a concept in an ironic way, their use has also spread in school and university didactic contexts as innovative
mediator in teaching/learning processes. The structure of the meme conveys a concentration of meaning
and to be decoded correctly requires a considerable cognitive effort which involves the knowledge of a
set of "encyclopedic" elements on a specific disciplinary domain, for example math or literature. Precisely
this semiotic characteristic reveals its potential in teaching as a tool for cognitive activation and support
for formative evaluation: the teacher can in fact propose memes himself or have them made by students.
In both cases he will have to verify their correct interpretation by providing immediate feedback about
the meanings associated with the meme. However, memes must be used with care since they can also ge-
nerate cognitive overload and convey cognitive or cultural stereotypes and are to be considered not subs-
titutes but a useful complement to traditional active teaching strategies.
The exploratory research describes a teaching experience in a Course in Educational Sciences where, in order to stimulate reflection on students' future professional skills, a method involving the use of Activity Theory and Digital... more
The exploratory research describes a teaching experience in a Course in Educational Sciences where, in
order to stimulate reflection on students' future professional skills, a method involving the use of Activity
Theory and Digital Storytelling was experimented. Following the narration of professionale real-life
episodes (storytelling), the problem-solving methods adopted by a Community of Practice were analysed
through the Activity Theory Model. Subsequently, the analysis were used for the creation of Digital Story-
telling while also highlighting the emotional aspects related to the problem solving processes adopted by
the Community of Practice. This balancing act between “reason” and “emotion” has stimulated students
to objectively recognize the possible best professional practices in systemic critical situations in educa-
tional and social contexts. We report some results that emerged from the qualitative-quantitative survey
that involved the students at the end of the activities.
The article presents a research carried out on 93 university students of a master degree in education on the problem of attention deficit during online lessons in the period of the pandemic, the smartphone being the main distractor. The... more
The article presents a research carried out on 93 university students of a master degree in education on
the problem of attention deficit during online lessons in the period of the pandemic, the smartphone
being the main distractor. The results of the questionnaire show that most of the students have the per-
ception of being affected by smartphone addiction, and more than the half say they use it during the les-
sons to consult Social Networks or surf the Web. The results also confirm that the age is a significant
predictor of the problematic use of the smartphone, especially in the younger age group spanning from16
to 25 years old. Finally, the article proposes possible pedagogical interventions to curb the effects of ex-
cessive use of smartphones during the online and face-to-face lessons.
The paper presents a study carried out at an Italian Local Health Unit in a professional training course for Multidisciplinary Day Surgery Nurses, based on the Digital Storytelling method. Through focus groups, participants told stories... more
The paper presents a study carried out at an Italian Local Health Unit in a professional training course for Multidisciplinary Day Surgery Nurses, based on the Digital Storytelling method. Through focus groups, participants told stories drawn from their real professional experiences where they found themselves facing a particularly critical problem. After discussing the problem and the skills needed to solve it, they transformed the stories into digital narratives. Digital Storytelling through role-playing in real work settings brought out the emotional, participatory and collaborative dimensions. The development of the script and the storyboard with the use of photos and videos made it possible to focus on the specific settings where the narrated problems unfolded, foregrounding a great deal of tacit knowledge. The videos were then published online as training materials for continuing professional development among peers or for novice nurses in other Health Units in the local area.
The academic world initially regarded Wikipedia with misgivings for a number of reasons, including the uncertainty concerning the reliability of its content, its anonymous authorship and the fact that students often use it as an easy way... more
The academic world initially regarded Wikipedia with misgivings for a number of reasons, including the uncertainty concerning the reliability of its content, its anonymous authorship and the fact that students often use it as an easy way to cut and paste material for their coursework. In recent years, however, university instructors’ perception of Wikipedia has changed significantly: it is seen as a useful teaching resource, as well as a promising environment for learning and collaborative knowledge building. It can be used for teaching purposes by assigning students to create and edit encyclopaedia articles. Such assignments can have many benefits: in addition to improving students’ understanding of content, the assignments have been shown to increase their intrinsic motivation to learn, develop digital competences and build cross-cutting skills in online communication and interaction. Lastly, in connection with universities’ institutional role, editing Wikipedia can be an interest...
Students now have information processing behaviors characterized by rapid shifts in attention, less reflection and failure to deploy metacognitive processes, preferring activities that bring immediate rewards for their information needs,... more
Students now have information processing behaviors characterized by rapid shifts in attention, less reflection and failure to deploy metacognitive processes, preferring activities that bring immediate rewards for their information needs, even if the quality of the information they obtain is low. Consequently, they run into significant difficulties in the selection and critical evaluation of the information they find during university learning activities. This article presents two information literacy training initiatives addressing these issues at the University of Padova (Italy): one in a course in educational technologies offered as part of a second-cycle degree program, and the other in two of the university library system's training facilities. The training workshops sought to be complementary, covering both the search engine and the library OPAC approach to information seeking.
This article proposes the use of a conceptual framework for developing digital skills at school using Service Learning and Project-Based learning approaches. In this context, an important role is played by “digital citizenship” understood... more
This article proposes the use of a conceptual framework for developing digital skills at school using Service Learning and Project-Based learning approaches. In this context, an important role is played by “digital citizenship” understood as a stimulus for participation in the community also through social software. The author also presents the results of a project carried out by students in technical high school on a very sensitive local issue: the installation of new antennas for mobile phones and the dangers of radiation. The students measured cell phone emissions and created videos that were distributed in a blog, accessed by both the local community and the general online community. The project results were positive on various levels, both at school, evidenced by an improvement in student performance and the motivation to learn, and socially, by satisfying the knowledge needs of the community.
Abstract The Web is going to produce a revolution in learning and teaching: the debate on the role of ICT in educational processes leads to a reconsideration of how we deal with information and knowledge. The widespread use in educational... more
Abstract The Web is going to produce a revolution in learning and teaching: the debate on the role of ICT in educational processes leads to a reconsideration of how we deal with information and knowledge. The widespread use in educational contexts is also due to the ease with which learning resources can be retrieved and shared: for example, the recent introduction of learning objects means that the contents which reside in different e-learning platforms is easy to find and access. But knowledge is also deeply embedded in millions ...
Il Digital Storytelling nasce nella prima metà degli anni Novanta a San Francisco in California ad opera di Dana Atchley e Joe Lambert. Essi lo descrivono come un breve racconto che viene realizzato con degli strumenti digitali; i... more
Il Digital Storytelling nasce nella prima metà degli anni Novanta a San Francisco in California ad opera di Dana Atchley e Joe Lambert. Essi lo descrivono come un breve racconto che viene realizzato con degli strumenti digitali; i racconti vengono presentati ...
While students use social software outside school in informal contexts, it is still very rare that this type of software becomes part of educational media during specific curricular activities. This project on digital competence,... more
While students use social software outside school in informal contexts, it is still very rare that this type of software becomes part of educational media during specific curricular activities. This project on digital competence, undertaken in collaboration with IPRASE, attempts to investigate learning processes in informal and non-formal situations mediated by new web 2.0 technologies and examines their possible integration within the formal school curriculum. The research involves creating and testing active learning environments using ...
LA FORMAZIONE E LA RETE attività collaborativa se non altro perché se c'è chi racconta deve esserci anche chi ascolta e che prende parte attiva e genera dei feed-back importanti per consolidare la comunicazione reciproca della... more
LA FORMAZIONE E LA RETE attività collaborativa se non altro perché se c'è chi racconta deve esserci anche chi ascolta e che prende parte attiva e genera dei feed-back importanti per consolidare la comunicazione reciproca della conoscenza. Ciò avviene con più facilità se nelle organizzazioni vi è un alto grado di condivisione di norme e di valori, con il relativo corollario di fiducia, impegno e senso di identità. Secondo Fontana (2004), le organizzazioni infatti tendono ad essere viste non più come sistemi rigidi e fortemente strutturati in cui ...
Participation and knowledge sharing on-line takes place today in any context of life and is a particularly critical point because it is undermining the strict separation between the formal learning context and informal ones of everyday... more
Participation and knowledge sharing on-line takes place today in any context
of life and is a particularly critical point because it is undermining the
strict separation between the formal learning context and informal ones of
everyday life. New technologies – especially those of mobile- favored widespread
and spontaneous participation to Community of Practice.
Although new interfaces have simplified the construction of collaborative
knowledge, many research show that the human factor, i.e. the intrinsic motivation,
is still essential to support any learning process. School and educational
institutions can take advantage of the opportunities of social networks
and mobile device in informal settings, reconfiguring their curriculum
together with social, businesses and local communities, through activities
that provide a shared understanding.
La partecipazione e condivisione della conoscenza negli apprendimenti online
avviene oggi in ogni contesto di vita ed è un fattore particolarmente
critico proprio perché sta mettendo in crisi la rigida suddivisione tra gli ambiti
formali della scuola e della formazione e quelli informali della vita quotidiana.
In particolare, le nuove tecnologie – soprattutto quelle del mobilehanno
favorito la partecipazione diffusa e spontanea a vere e proprie Comunità
di Pratica. Sebbene nuove interfacce abbiano semplificato la
costruzione di conoscenza collaborativa, da molte analisi emerge che il fattore
umano, nella dimensione della motivazione intrinseca, sia ancora fondamentale
per supportare ogni processo di apprendimento. Le istituzioni
educative e formative possono sfruttare le opportunità dei social network e
del mobile in ambito informale, riconfigurando la propria progettualità
assieme ad enti sul territorio, aziende e comunità locali, attraverso attività
che forniscano una cornice di senso condivisa.
Research Interests:
Research Interests:
Research Interests:
This paper describe a simple but innovative project about the use of Digital Storytelling in a group of food safety professionals: physicians, veterinarians, biologists, chemists, nutritionists and prevention technicians, of the Veneto... more
This paper describe a simple but innovative project about the use of Digital Storytelling in a group of food safety professionals: physicians, veterinarians, biologists, chemists, nutritionists and prevention technicians, of the Veneto regional health system (Italy). During a training course, participants learned to use simple software tools to create small narrative videos about their professional everyday practice. They worked in small groups telling "war stories" each others, taken from their work experience and choosing which one to realize. In a second step, they wrote together the storyboards and created the videos. In such a process, they promoted reflective practices and become a real "community of practice", collaborating in a productive environment negotiating shared meanings: this contributed to take a new perspective on their job and helped to reach a higher level of awareness about their specific professional competencies about critical work issues. ...
This paper is a report on some findings of a study about the use of Digital Storytelling conducted as part of a University course on Educational Technologies in the Degree in Training in Organizations. The aim was to stimulate students to... more
This paper is a report on some findings of a study about the use of Digital Storytelling conducted as part of a University course on Educational Technologies in the Degree in Training in Organizations. The aim was to stimulate students to tell digital stories about workplace problems and propose their possible solutions. The process required to master narrative skills, technical competences, as well as knowledge of topics related to training. Finding indicate that the use of Digital Storytelling shows effectiveness in terms of ‘recall’ of content, in terms of acquisition of digital competences, and as stimulus to reflect and take action to solve problems in the workplace context.
Il Digital Storytelling può essere una metodologia efficace per comunicare contenuti disciplinari considerati difficili e di scarso appeal per gli studenti, come la matematica e le materie scientifiche in genere. In questa sperimentazione... more
Il Digital Storytelling può essere una metodologia efficace per comunicare contenuti disciplinari considerati difficili e di scarso appeal per gli studenti, come la matematica e le materie scientifiche in genere. In questa sperimentazione sì è verificato come in una prima classe di scuola secondaria siano migliorate le performance matematiche degli studenti riguardo al concetto di "potenza", dopo la visione di alcuni digital narrativi sull'argomento.
Research Interests:
ABSTRACT Being a digital citizen has transformed from a process of familiarizing ones’ self with terminology and techniques to a full-time responsibility in the hands of any who want to stay abreast of the latest technological change in... more
ABSTRACT Being a digital citizen has transformed from a process of familiarizing ones’ self with terminology and techniques to a full-time responsibility in the hands of any who want to stay abreast of the latest technological change in their respective field. Current Trends and Future Practices for Digital Literacy and Competence offers a look at the latest research within digital literacy and competence, setting the bar for the digital citizen of today and tomorrow. Presented in the form of case studies, frameworks, methodologies, architectures, and research, this compendium offers a vital resource for practitioners and academics in any field looking to stay up-to-date on their digital literacy. Chapters range from technically fundamental to the layman to complex, from experts around the world in a variety of jobs and countries.
É indubbio che la conoscenza oggi è sempre più costruita e condivisa dalle persone attraverso una complessa rete di interrelazioni sociali supportate da software con specifiche funzionalità come i Blog, i Wiki e altri “social software”.... more
É indubbio che la conoscenza oggi è sempre più costruita e condivisa dalle persone attraverso una complessa rete di interrelazioni sociali supportate da software con specifiche funzionalità come i Blog, i Wiki e altri “social software”. Un ruolo particolare e per alcuni aspetti controverso, lo ricopre però Wikipedia, l'ormai famosa “enciclopedia libera”: infatti la peculiare caratteristica di permettere a chiunque di creare ed editare le sue voci è anche considerata il suo punto critico. Da un punto di vista epistemologico [Fallis, 2008] essa ...
Abstract It seems improbable that Wikipedia could be considered a valid resource for educational institutions like schools and universities because of the risk of incurring mistakes, inaccuracies, and plagiarism. The bad reputation of the... more
Abstract It seems improbable that Wikipedia could be considered a valid resource for educational institutions like schools and universities because of the risk of incurring mistakes, inaccuracies, and plagiarism. The bad reputation of the free encyclopedia is false, Wikipedia is reliable and can be used in the curriculum as a new approach for social and collaborative construction of knowledge. It can enter fully into educational contexts, which will represent an opportunity to reflect on the verification of information, the ethical use of ...
LA FORMAZIONE E LA RETE attività collaborativa se non altro perché se c'è chi racconta deve esserci anche chi ascolta e che prende parte attiva e genera dei feed-back importanti per consolidare la comunicazione reciproca... more
LA FORMAZIONE E LA RETE attività collaborativa se non altro perché se c'è chi racconta deve esserci anche chi ascolta e che prende parte attiva e genera dei feed-back importanti per consolidare la comunicazione reciproca della conoscenza. Ciò avviene con più facilità se nelle organizzazioni vi è un alto grado di condivisione di norme e di valori, con il relativo corollario di fiducia, impegno e senso di identità. Secondo Fontana (2004), le organizzazioni infatti tendono ad essere viste non più come sistemi rigidi e fortemente strutturati in cui ...
Abstract This chapter describes how the social software tools that characterize Web 2.0, such as wikis and blogs, can be used as a valid substitute for more traditional Learning Management Systems in the context of e-learning and blended... more
Abstract This chapter describes how the social software tools that characterize Web 2.0, such as wikis and blogs, can be used as a valid substitute for more traditional Learning Management Systems in the context of e-learning and blended learning language courses. First, we will give a brief overview of how the educational arena is changing and the role social software can play in promoting these changes. Then we will describe two experimental courses carried out at the University of Padova using social software. The ...
Abstract It seems improbable that Wikipedia could be considered a valid resource for educational institutions like schools and universities because of the risk of incurring mistakes, inaccuracies, and plagiarism. The bad reputation of the... more
Abstract It seems improbable that Wikipedia could be considered a valid resource for educational institutions like schools and universities because of the risk of incurring mistakes, inaccuracies, and plagiarism. The bad reputation of the free encyclopedia is false, Wikipedia is reliable and can be used in the curriculum as a new approach for social and collaborative construction of knowledge. It can enter fully into educational contexts, which will represent an opportunity to reflect on the verification of information, the ethical use of ...
LA FORMAZIONE E LA RETE attività collaborativa se non altro perché se c'è chi racconta deve esserci anche chi ascolta e che prende parte attiva e genera dei feed-back importanti per consolidare la comunicazione reciproca... more
LA FORMAZIONE E LA RETE attività collaborativa se non altro perché se c'è chi racconta deve esserci anche chi ascolta e che prende parte attiva e genera dei feed-back importanti per consolidare la comunicazione reciproca della conoscenza. Ciò avviene con più facilità se nelle organizzazioni vi è un alto grado di condivisione di norme e di valori, con il relativo corollario di fiducia, impegno e senso di identità. Secondo Fontana (2004), le organizzazioni infatti tendono ad essere viste non più come sistemi rigidi e fortemente strutturati in cui ...

And 8 more

In the current chapter the role of creative and innovative processes in communities of practice (Wenger, 1998) are discussed. Communities of practice require trust among their mem-bers, the use of a shared repertoire of meanings and... more
In the current chapter the role of creative and innovative processes in communities of practice (Wenger, 1998) are discussed. Communities of practice require trust among their mem-bers, the use of a shared repertoire of meanings and finally a common goal. Creative process- es and knowledge sharing are social phenomena among members of each community: new ideas or artifacts arises from the synergy of many sources and not only from the mind of a single person. The communities of practice are the ideal environment for the development of original and valuable ideas. The application of technologies could be a useful support for promoting the interaction and for facilitating what is called “tacit knowledge”, knowledge that is easily make in common through the narration of practices and experiences. Moreover, it is important to consider the conditions because very often creativity emerges spontaneously if the members of the community perceive that their proposals are listened to. The perception of a friendly and supportive environment where they can freely talk about of their feelings and life stories, thus stimulating motivation and the pleasure to share are core aspects and conditions. Linking the subjects of community of practices and creativity could be considered valuable also for a wide context inducing outcomes that are generalizable.
In recent years, thanks to the rapid advance of mobile technologies which lend portable devices great computing power, making them affordable at the same time, the development of applications and tools for augmented reality has found new... more
In recent years, thanks to the rapid advance of mobile technologies which lend portable devices great computing power, making them affordable at the same time, the development of applications and tools for augmented reality has found new life. The proposal is a reflection on current best practices in the field of augmented reality learning as a branch of mobile learning1 and on the technologies and methodologies that will build its future. Each of the major players in the global scene of the technology field has already produced or is preparing to produce powerful and economical solutions, following different philosophies. Variety, availability and affordability are three elements that give this technology a chance to be adopted in educational settings, not only in adult education, but also in cultural heritage education and even in the classroom. Many have employed these tools in such contexts, with analyses of the results obtained, often conducted by computer science or engineering faculties, but it is rare to find studies based and conducted on sound pedagogical and didactical foundations, and we will focus on these. We will analyse the technologies and methodologies used and we will reflect on the strengths and the issues that they present. As a natural conclusion of this work, we will finally share and discuss a proposed theoretical and methodological framework that can guide future experiences of augmented reality learning.
Research Interests: