Danielle Denny
Danielle has carried out research on sustainability assessment since her masters when she analyzed possibilities of green washing in an empirical study case. Her PhD was also on social and environmental sustainability assessment, and the focal point was a private voluntary sustainability standard regarding renewable energy. She published many chapters and papers about her findings. Danielle started her teaching career in 2011, and assumed a full position in 2018. She lectures Latin America Social Environmental Sustainability, Media Entertainment and Tech Law, Environmental Law, International Law and Global Governance. In one of the universities she worked she used to be the leader of International Environmental Law on the e-learning platform, having to develop the teaching material, film classes and interact with the students online on a mass scale. She is part of the peer-review board of three academic journals and part of the editor council of one legal publication. She is member of the Brazilian Bar (OAB) and of the Media Entertainment expert’s commission of the lawyer’s institute of the state of São Paulo (IASP). Previously to her academic career she was a corporate lawyer at big companies and important legal firms in Brazil. Her academic background was first in Law (Bachelor 2001), then Politics (postgraduate study 2002), Taxation (LLM 2004), Economic Diplomacy (Diploma 2005), International Relations (postgraduate study 2009), Communication in the contemporaneity (MPhil 2012) and International Environmental Law (PhD 2018). All these experiences were in top ten best Brazilian universities with excellent results in grades and academic production. Apart from that, she is a CopyrightX alumnae. CopyrightX is a Harvard Law networked course offered annually since 2013 under the auspices of the Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society’s distance-learning initiative at Harvard University, USA. And most recently she attended the Brazil Faap Business Confucius Institute Chinese Cultural Summer Camp organized by the Institute of International Business Chinese Education and Resources Development at the University of International Business and Economics at Beijing, China. During her PhD she received a fellowship funded by the Brazilian government (Capes/CNPQ) which criteria was merit. In that selection she took the first place, being considered the best student of the 2015 post graduation program of Universidade Católica de Santos. She also received a grant to go from Brazil, to the University of Oslo, take part on the Colloquium on Frontiers in International Environmental Law. And at the end of her PhD program, she was accepted as a visiting scholar at the Whitney and Betty MacMillan Center for International and Area Studies, at Yale University, USA and once more received a grant from the Brazilian government (Capes/CNPQ) to cover her expenses.
Phone: +4407543575521
Address: London
Phone: +4407543575521
Address: London
InterestsView All (8)
Videos by Danielle Denny
Biodiversity and their genetic resources have specific characteristics that need to be considered when designing institutional, legal or governance tools to mitigate their degradation. In the case of access and benefit sharing relating to genetic resources that are used as input for research and development in different industrial sectors, the discussion cannot be limited to the compatibility of ecosystems and institutions established to manage the impact that humans have on ecosystems, but it has to take into consideration the specific characteristics genetic resources reveal when they enter the production process as well as the traditional knowledge gained through generations that enabled such benefits.
Teaching Documents by Danielle Denny
Biodiversity and their genetic resources have specific characteristics that need to be considered when designing institutional, legal or governance tools to mitigate their degradation. In the case of access and benefit sharing relating to genetic resources that are used as input for research and development in different industrial sectors, the discussion cannot be limited to the compatibility of ecosystems and institutions established to manage the impact that humans have on ecosystems, but it has to take into consideration the specific characteristics genetic resources reveal when they enter the production process as well as the traditional knowledge gained through generations that enabled such benefits.
Estate? by Jo Bronckers and Jan Veuger et al., (6) Start up ‘Get a Brick’ in Real Estate by Wendel Hulsebos and Jan Veuger, (7) Blockchain: An Efficiency Solution For Housing Associations? by Michel Vonk, (8) Blockchain Applications in Support of the Energy Transition by Mieke Oostra and Jelle Rijpma, and (9) Many Keys of Blockchain for Real Estate by Esther Dekker.
Novas Tecnologias, Sustentabilidade e Meio Ambiente Sadio e Equilibrado: Um Desafio para os Dias Atuais
Maria Cláudia da Silva Antunes de Souza
Kamilla Pavan ............................... 8O
Agronegócio da Soja e as Violações do Direito à Cidadania e ao Desenvolvi-mento Rural: Um Estudo de Caso das Comunidades Locais de Santarém-PA, Brasil
Jonismar Alves Barbosa
Gabriel Real Ferrer
................................................. 34
O Caminho para o Conceito de Sustentabilidade
Marcos Leite Garcia
Dirajaia Esse Pruner
..................................................... 54
O Compromisso com a Paisagem nas Cidades: Desafios e Estratégias da Resi-liência e da Sustentabilidade numa Perspectiva de Garantia de Direitos
Gabriela Fauth e Lucia Maria Sá Antunes Costa
.............................................. 79
O Direito de Superfície na Promoção da Reforma Agrária Brasileira (Possibili-dades e Vantagens)
Roberto Wagner Marques
Ana Cláudia Corrêa Zuin Mattos do Amaral
......... 93
O Direito Fundamental ao Meio Ambiente no Contexto Ibero-Americano: Brasil e Espanha
Émilien Vilas Boas Reis
Mariza Rios
............................................................ 113
O Direito Fundamental da Liberdade de Imprensa como Mecanismo de Cons- trução do Desenvolvimento Sustentável
Gabriela Soldano Garcez
Constança Gonzaga Junqueira de Mesquita
.......... 135
O Percurso Teórico do Princípio da Boa-Fé e sua Recepção Jurisprudencial no Direito Civil Brasileiro
Rosalice Fidalgo Pinheiro
............................................................................... 153
O Tráfico de Órgãos no Brasil: Direito Civil-Constitucional Versus Mercantiliza-ção da Pessoa
Mara Conceição Vieira de Oliveira
Polyana Vidal Duarte
............................... 182
Os Povos Tradicionais e o Mito do Crescimento Econômico em Harmonia com Desenvolvimento Sustentável: Uma Crítica à Luz da Doutrina Protecionista do Meio Ambiente
Carla Vladiane Alves Leite
José Querino Tavares Neto
.................................. 203
Qual o Alcance da Humanização do Direito Civil no Âmbito das Relações Fa-miliares? Breve Análise de Relacionamentos Afetivos Não Tradicionais, sob as Perspectivas da Liberdade e da Cidadania
Robson Antão de Medeiros
Duina Porto
...................................................... 218
Reflexões Jurídicas sobre Custos Ambientais no Incremento da Exploração dos Hidrocarbonetos Não Convencionais
Danielle Mendes Thame Denny e Maria Luiza Machado Granziera
................... 241
Rotulagem de Alimentos Transgênicos: Um Mecanismo Eficaz para a Cidada-nia Participativa
Bruno Valverde Chahaira
Valmir César Pozzetti
............................................ 263Socioambientalismo e Direitos da Natureza na Integração Latino-Americana para o Bem Viver
William Paiva Marques Júnior
........................................................................ 291
Testamento Vital: Uma Análise a partir do Direito Estrangeiro e de um Leading Case Brasileiro
Carlos Eduardo Silva e Souza
Vladia Maria de Moura Soares Sanches
......... 313
Tratamento Jurídico Dado ao Vazamento do Petróleo no Campo de Frade. Estu-do de Caso: (I) Responsabilidade Civil e a Assinatura do Termo de Ajustamento de Conduta
Alexandre Ricardo Machado
Edson Ricardo Saleme
.................................... 335
Una Contribución al Desarrollo Sostenible: La Fiscalidad como Instrumento Económico de Protección Ambiental
Ana Paula Basso
Fernanda Holanda de Vasconcelos Brandão
...................... 358
What is different?
What are the new challenges?
How to deal with this new scenario?
What are the pitfalls on the existing regimes?
Can we point out examples of new rules, policies, regulations?
Por traz dessa temática está a constatação de que a função da empresa não é simplesmente maximizar os lucros. Elas geram externalidades positivas e negativas que correspondem a um custo social que precisa ser contabilizado , há bens de uso comum que não podem ser explorados predatoriamente e existem diversas outras falhas de mercados que precisam ser corrigidas pois caso sejam deixadas desreguladas levam ao pior resultado para sociedade e para as próprias empresas no longo prazo. Precisa então haver regulação pública ou privada e as métricas ESG são formas de governança privada pela adoção de diretrizes e padrões, elaboração de relatórios, contratação de auditorias externas e certificações.