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En años recientes, los migrantes quechuas provenientes de los Andes peruanos, hoy residentes en la ciudad capital de Lima, vienen apropiándose de los discursos de desarrollo y consumo. Esta apropiación local ha reorientado su... more
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      Peasant StudiesIdentity (Culture)IdentidadTerritory
En el distrito de Marcapata se realiza, cada cuatro años, el "wasi chakuy" de la iglesia local. Este ritual, de una convocatoria inusitada y cuya duración se prolonga a lo largo de toda una semana, tuvo lugar por última vez en agosto del... more
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      AnthropologyAndean ArchaeologyRitual (Anthropology)ANDEAN ANTHROPOLOGY
Beginning with observations of the photographic material of the Čipaya of Carangas, published by Alfred Métraux, this paper is concerned with the temporal dimension conveyed in one of the first ethnographies of this indigenous population... more
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      AnthropologyHistory of AnthropologyANDEAN ANTHROPOLOGYHistory of Archaeology and Anthropology
ISBN: 978-9942-36-370-1 In this chapter, we review aspects of the participation of Andean women in the centres of mothers in the inland villages of northern Chile, period 1960-1970. In this parameter, we established as a working... more
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      Social AnthropologyApplied, engaged, and public anthropologyANDEAN ANTHROPOLOGY
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      Latin American StudiesIndigenous StudiesIndigenous PoliticsIndigeneity
This article explores how viscera, bodies, and forces emerge in resemblance to one another. In the connections between the animals' butcher, the treatment of body parts, and the rituals of herd marking in the Argentinean highlands, folds... more
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      Foodways (Anthropology)Animal StudiesAnthropology of FoodHuman-Animal Relationships
Accepter ou refuser de boire un verre d’alcool est un dilemme auquel les ethnographes sont régulièrement confrontés sur le terrain. Cette invitation est bien plus lourde de sens que le simple partage d’un breuvage : il s’agit... more
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      Jewish StudiesAnthropology of FoodLaos (Lao PDR)Alcohol Studies
In this paper, through an ethnographic case, we describe and discuss the role that currently plays the descendent principles in the access to land ownership among the Aymara farmers in the highland region of Arica-Parinacota region at the... more
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      Social AnthropologyAnthropology of KinshipANDEAN ANTHROPOLOGYNorthern Chile
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      Indigenous StudiesActivismDecolonizationAymara
Se presentan los resultados de una investigación sobre complementariedad ecológica en una comunidad aymara localizada en la sierra de Huaylillas, región de Arica-Parinacota. A partir de un análisis histórico e información etnográfica, se... more
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      Human EcologyPastoralism (Social Anthropology)AndesAndean studies
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      Anthropology of KnowledgeCosmology (Anthropology)EtnographyEtnografia
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      Colonial Latin American HistoryAndean studiesANDEAN ANTHROPOLOGYEtnohistoria Andina
La práctica historiográfica pone énfasis en las fuentes que componen a los archivos y repositorios. Estos últimos en la región de Arica y Parinacota (extremo norte de Chile), suponen un sistemático reto, donde el oficio de “historiar” se... more
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      Historical AnthropologyANDEAN ANTHROPOLOGYNorthern Chile
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      AnthropologyCultural AnthropologyAndean studiesAntropología
En este trabajo se presenta y describe un altar ("ofrenda") confeccionado por los pobladores campesino-indígenas y quechua hablantes del distrito de Marcapata (provincia de Quispicanchi, Cuzco), en ocasión del deceso de uno de sus... more
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      Andean ArchaeologyAnthropology of DeathArqueología AndinaAntrhopology
Ferreira, F. (2016) 'Introduction: Community Ethnographies and the Study of Andean Culture,' in F. Ferreira with B.J. Isbell (eds.) A Return to the Village: Community Ethnographies and the Study of Andean Culture in Retrospective. London:... more
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      Indigenous StudiesAndean studiesANDEAN ANTHROPOLOGYCommunity ethnographies
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n the spirit of justice Blas Valera broke all the rules—and paid with his life. Hundreds of years later, his ghost has returned to haunt the official account. But is it the truth, and will it set the record straight? This is the story of... more
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      Latin American and Caribbean HistoryAndesPeruvian HistorySpanish Colonial Peru
La migración interna y la movilidad poblacional de los sujetos andinos en el extremo norte de Chile, se inscribe en la trayectoria que ha seguido la inserción de estos contingentes respecto de los modelos de desarrollo y modernización... more
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      SociologySocial AnthropologyANDEAN ANTHROPOLOGYNorthern Chile
The research in the field of history puts accent on the documentary sources of the archives and repositories to understand the stories and subjects of the past; however, still have little tune with the reflexivity around the cultural... more
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      Andean HistoryAndean CommunityANDEAN ANTHROPOLOGYNorthern Chile
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      BoliviaDecolonizationAymaraANDEAN ANTHROPOLOGY
Originally, written as a sequel to "Ceramic Theory and Cultural Process," the book is really a statement of environmental, historical and archaeological context of pottery production in Quinua, Peru with broader implications for those... more
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      EthnoarchaeologyAndean ArchaeologyEthnographyPottery (Archaeology)
El artículo presenta el caso de una estancia altiplánica en la comuna de General Lagos, cuyos habitantes desarrollan la actividad pastoril como medio de subsistencia familiar, iterando entre la ciudad y el campo, para abordar el ámbito de... more
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      ANDEAN ANTHROPOLOGYSouthern AndesPastoralismo
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      Andean ArchaeologyLatin American HistoryColonial Latin American HistoryAndean studies
‘John Victor Murra y el siglo XX’ es la primera de cuatro partes de la traducción castellana por Luis Arana Bustamante de una presentación en inglés dado a la tercera ‘Histories of Archaeology Research Network International Conference’... more
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      EthnohistoryAndean ArchaeologyAndean Prehistory (Archaeology)Peruvian History
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      Consumption StudiesAndesFood StudiesANDEAN ANTHROPOLOGY