Southern Andes
Recent papers in Southern Andes
Revista de Dialectología y Tradiciones Populares 71-1, 2016, pp. 303-312.
Sabemos que a lo largo del Período Arcaico los cazadores establecieron las primeras rutas de tránsito interregional del sur andino. Este sistema vial inicial, con sus sendas, lugares de descanso y marcas en el paisaje, fue creciendo... more
Engager une anthropologie de l’ivresse rituelle et collective dans un contexte festif – notamment funéraire - andin s’avère un champ de recherche fécond et fascinant tant la chicha, cette boisson épaisse de maïs fermenté, contient tout un... more
Los Andes centro-sur constituyeron un ámbito de interjuego complejo de factores polfticos, sociales y econ6micos durante la época de hegemonía del estado Tiwanaku, entre los siglos V Y XI dC. Se propone ampliar la discusión, mediante la... more
Si se entiende al paisaje como el conjunto de relaciones entre la gente y los lugares que brindan la estructura espacial a la experiencia y la acción (Thomas 2012: 182), y a la práctica como su locus de reproducción, cabe pensar que los... more
This research analyzes the articulation of peasantry in the Southern Bolivian high plateau into global capitalism, it centers on quinoa as a commodity. For this purpose, my data analysis and theoretical discussions revolve within the... more
En los Andes tropicales, el límite altitudinal de los bosques corresponde a una compleja zona de transición entre el bosque paramero y el páramo andino. En el límite inferior de esta zona ocurre a su vez una transición gradual entre el... more
This work introduces an archaeological collection from the Province of Jujuy, currently housed in the National Museum of the American Indian, discussing its origin and revealing its research potential. Most materials have been classified... more
In recent decades, global and regional pastoralist development initiatives have articulated their project goals within the broader objective of climate change adaptation. Development programs in the high Andes have sought to diminish... more
Once colonial domination was settled in viceregal Peru during the government of Viceroy Don Francisco de Toledo (1569–1581), the evangelization of the native population took new directions. The canon of the Third Council of Lima granted a... more
Este artículo tiene dos objetivos: el primero, intentar dirimir la flagrante equivocación histórica que se comete en el ámbito del sentido común con llamar a la gente de extracción indígena de la región de Tarabuco por el mal apodo de... more
The notion of standardization in pottery production has been used as an indicator of ceramic specialization. Yet, this notion and the assumptions behind it are still largely untested ethnographically. This paper attempts to identify some... more
This work concerns the study of colors and dyes identified on archaeological textiles from the Atacama Desert. The different garments and ornaments come from the excavation of two important pre-Columbian cemeteries of the Tarapacá region:... more
It has long been recognized that the Inka incorporated diverse peoples into their empire, but how these ethnic groups developed historically during the political upheaval of the preceding Late Intermediate Period (LIP; AD 1100–1450) is... more
proyecto de investigación en curso trata acerca de la explotación, producción y consumo de pigmentos minerales durante tiempos prehispánicos tardíos en el desierto de Atacama (ANID-FONDECYT 1190263). Cómo citar este artículo (APA)... more
This paper presents an analysis of plant resource procurement by prehistoric hunters-gatherers of northern Neuquén (Argentine Patagonia). Using the Cueva Yagui archaeological site as a case study, we assess regional strategies of... more
El objetivo de este artículo es analizar la estructura económica que se configuró luego de la fundación, por Luis de Fuentes y Vargas, de San Bernardo de la Frontera de Tarija en 1574. Esta fundación formó parte del proyecto del virrey... more
Las implicancias simbólicas del personaje "Arquero" en la iconografía de Tiwanaku durante el Horizonte Medio (500 d.C.-1150 d.C.). El presente trabajo constituye una de las primeras investigaciones a profundidad del tema del arquero del... more
The chronology of the Inca conquest of Northwest Argentina has been questioned in recent years since the obtaining of new radiocarbon dates. In the Quebrada de Humahuaca is suggested that the Inca occupation started within the time span... more
"The Inka Empire adopted several means to create, demonstrate and legitimize the power in its conquests over a vast territory. This paper focuses on one of those means: the production and restructuring of socially constructed space. We... more
It has been stated that societies that occupied the Argentinean Norwest during the Late Period were entities socially stratified. A specialized craft production serving an elite and the controlled exchange of luxury goods were their most... more
Se presenta una síntesis crítica de las aproximaciones del pasado en la región sur de la actual Bolivia. Los nuevos datos provenientes de diversas investigaciones- son contrastados con aquellos observados en trabajos de arqueología... more
This paper ilustrate what coM have been the prehispanic occupation of the southeastern area of Potosi since the Preceramic period unfil the Spanish Conquest. After descnbing some of the previws worhs dedicated to this area by ofher... more
We present isotopic and morphometric evidence suggesting the migration of farmers in the southern Andes in the period AD 1270–1420, leading up to the Inka conquest occurring ~ AD 1400. This is based on the interdisciplinary study of human... more
"The opening and closing of spaces has been extensively documented at an ethnographic level in the Andes. At the archaeological level however, we have numerous examples of the first type and not many testimonies of abandon of a particular... more
The Andes are the world's most biodiverse mountain chain, encompassing a complex array of ecosystems from tropical rainforests to alpine habitats. We provide a synthesis of Andean vascular plant diversity by estimating a list of all... more
Building on the analysis of settlement data from two environmentally contrasting regions of the Southern Andes, Quebrada de Humahuaca (Jujuy, Argentina) and Northern Lípez (Potosí, Bolivia), I argue for two working hypotheses regarding... more
This paper search to review critically the contemporary analytical production on indigenous history in the Andes, and its strong ideas, specially at so called Southern Andes. It intends also to introduce new analytical concerns suggested... more
"In this paper it is argued that in the thirteenth century, during the Regional Development Period, new social groups emerged from the aggregation of people from smaller scattered communities into new spaces. In the Quebrada de... more
Primary questions regarding the foraging behaviour of the first hunter–gatherers who colonized the New World are how they found, procured and utilized high-quality raw materials for manufacturing stone tools. In this paper, we present... more