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The Inka Empire, or Tawantinsuyu, was the largest ancient empire in the Americas. During the fifteenth century and the first decades of the sixteenth century, the Inkas managed to conquer vast regions of the South American Andes, subduing... more
The Inka Empire, or Tawantinsuyu, was the largest ancient empire in the Americas. During the
fifteenth century and the first decades of the sixteenth century, the Inkas managed to conquer
vast regions of the South American Andes, subduing a variety of groups and polities. But the
Inkas did not expand their realm for the sole purpose of extracting resources and accumulating
wealth. To various degrees, they developed a colonial project that aimed at reshaping the
political, economic, cultural and religious institutions and practices of the colonized. There is no
doubt that Inka colonialism involved, among other things, corvée labour, the strategic relocation
of people(s) and the exploitation and production of staple crops and luxury goods. Nevertheless,
we argue in this paper that, above all, the Inkas expanded into the Andean region to
meet and relate to the Sacred. Inka expansionism was a sort of religious quest through which
the Inkas built up their authority and legitimized their rule.
This paper describes an astronomical and landscape analysis at four Inca sites located in the Nevados de Cachi, North Calchaquí Valley, in the Province of Salta, Argentina. In particular, we considered existing ushnu platforms and their... more
This paper describes an astronomical and landscape analysis at four Inca sites located in the Nevados de Cachi, North Calchaquí Valley, in the Province of Salta, Argentina. In particular, we considered existing ushnu platforms and their associated architectural elements, such as gnomons, and a petroglyph in Guitian, Cortaderas, El Apunao, and Uña Tambo. These results show the location, spatial layout, and arrangement of particular structures within Inca settlements based on astronomical orientations involving solstices, equinoxes, and lunar standstills.
Numerosos trabajos refieren sitios inkas en cumbres, precumbres y laderas de altura, pero hay poca evidencia de copresencia de representantes imperiales y locales allí, y menos de la existencia de sitios preinkaicos. Se discuten aquí los... more
Numerosos trabajos refieren sitios inkas en cumbres, precumbres
y laderas de altura, pero hay poca evidencia de copresencia
de representantes imperiales y locales allí, y menos de la
existencia de sitios preinkaicos. Se discuten aquí los resultados
de investigaciones en el sitio de Uña Tambo (X = 4707 msnm),
incluyendo análisis de la arquitectura, de la cerámica y fechados
radiocarbónicos sobre carbones vegetales recuperados en las
excavaciones. Argumentamos que Uña Tambo es el resultado de
una larga historia iniciada al comienzo del Período Intermedio
Tardío y continuada durante la ocupación inka.
The esteem, predilection and veneration of the Inkas towards the color red is a subject that has been widely treated in archaeology and ethnohistory. For example, the geoforms of this color have been chosen as places of worship or wakas... more
The esteem, predilection and veneration of the Inkas towards the color red is a subject that has been widely treated in archaeology and ethnohistory. For example, the geoforms of this color have been chosen as places of worship or wakas and have influenced when choosing certain spaces to build their settlements. The objective of this work is to provide an explanation for this phenomenon and to unravel what aspects underlie the Inka conceptions of Andean spaces and places. Thus, the idea is not to simply repeat that the Inkas had a particular appreciation for the color red, but that, based on different types of archaeological evidence from different parts of the Tawantinsuyu, the aim is to construct a story that gives some kind of answer plausible to this phenomenon.
Este trabajo aborda el estudio de los paisajes celestes andinos a partir de la arqueoastronomía virtual. Específicamente, se centra en uno de los espacios públicos del sitio Las Pailas -SSalCac 18 (1)-. Se considera la existencia de... more
Este trabajo aborda el estudio de los paisajes celestes andinos a partir de la arqueoastronomía virtual. Específicamente, se centra en uno de los espacios públicos del sitio Las Pailas -SSalCac 18 (1)-. Se considera la existencia de horizontes de observación astronómica y la ocurrencia de ciertos fenómenos lumínicos durante la salida del Sol en fechas específicas a través del uso del programa de seguimiento estelar Stellarium. A lo largo de este artículo se desarrollan los procedimientos y programas empleados para llevar a cabo el estudio. Los análisis realizados permitieron dar cuenta sobre las posibles propiedades astronómicas del espacio público considerado. Se destaca la importancia de un fenómeno lumínico que se produce al amanecer y que involucra a una de las rocas presentes en el espacio público y al cerro Meléndez -cumbre visible más importante del Nevado de Cachi y de gran importancia regional.  
This work presents new results of archaeological research carried out in a mountain massif known as Nevado de Cachi (Salta, Argentina). We will focus on an Inka ceremonial platform located near the summit of Cerro Meléndez (6020 masl),... more
This work presents new results of archaeological research carried out in a mountain massif known as Nevado de Cachi
(Salta, Argentina). We will focus on an Inka ceremonial platform located near the summit of Cerro Meléndez (6020
masl), which is one of its most prominent peaks, and integrate this information with data collected on two archaeological
settlements located on its hillsides to the east. We will argue that a complex system of archaeological settlements
and sacred places which included local and Inka enclosures, was designed not only for mountain worship but also as the
manifestation of the Inka conquest of the North Calchaquí Valley. Thus, the existence of a complex system of settlements
and sacred Inka sites in the Nevado de Cachi is highlighted.
En este trabajo se presentan nuevas investigaciones arqueológicas realizadas en el Nevado de Cachi, Salta Argentina. Se
tratarán fundamentalmente los datos obtenidos en la plataforma ceremonial Inka ubicado en del Cerro Meléndez
(6020 msnm). Esta información se integra con la recabada en ese mismo cordón montañoso en los sitios Uña
Tambo y El Apunao ubicados en sus faldeos orientales. Así, se destaca la existencia de un complejo sistema de asentamientos
y lugares sagrados Inkas en el Nevado de Cachi. Una significativa infraestructura vinculada al culto y al peregrinaje
que articuló la conquista del Valle Calchaquí Norte por parte del Tawantinsuyu.
Indigenous peoples of the Andes have shared their territories with a variety of animated and sacred non-human entities, with whom they have maintained complex interactions. Because these entities are providers of the vital elements that... more
Indigenous peoples of the Andes have shared their territories with a variety of animated and sacred non-human entities, with whom they have maintained complex interactions. Because these entities are providers of the vital elements that human communities need to guarantee their survival and reproduction, people must treat them with respect and affection. This entails reattributing with rituals, offerings, and attention, the goods and materials these entities supply them. Denial and neglect make these entities sad and angry, and willing to harm people in different ways. In this paper, we discuss how Diaguita-Kallchakí communities from the North Calchaquí Valley (Argentina) interacted with the sacred high-altitude territory of Nevado de Cachi during pre-Hispanic times, with the wak'as that dwelled in it, and how this interaction was completely transformed once the Inkas conquered and settled in the region around CE 1400/1450. We show that the Inkas not only reorganized pilgrimage and ritual activities in this area, but they also intentionally marked their presence in order to represent themselves as superior entities capable of dealing, without risk, with non-human forces.
This chapter discusses Inca rule over Northern Argentina from a landscape perspective, analyzing the politics of space of Inca imperialism. For the indigenous peoples of this rather large region of the South Andes, this process of... more
This chapter discusses Inca rule over Northern Argentina from a landscape perspective,
analyzing the politics of space of Inca imperialism. For the indigenous peoples of this
rather large region of the South Andes, this process of colonial encounter entailed their
forced relocation, the imposition of an Inca landscape overlapping the native one, the
intrusion and remodeling of some of their towns and villages, and the seizure of their
sacred places and shrines. Through this strategic intervention and reshaping of the native
landscape, the Incas sought to construct a new socio-spatial order that served them to set
the relationships with their subjects, to spread their ideology, and to redefine the
interaction with supernatural entities.
In this paper, we present results of astronomical and landscape analysis at four Inca sites located in the Nevados de Cachi area, North Calchaquí Valley, Salta Province, Argentina. Selection criteria took into consideration the existence... more
In this paper, we present results of astronomical and landscape analysis at four Inca sites located in the Nevados de Cachi area, North Calchaquí Valley, Salta Province, Argentina. Selection criteria took into consideration the existence of certain traits of paramount importance amongst Inca architecture, such as ushnu platforms, gnomons and a particularly interesting petroglyph located in a high-altitude sanctuary. Results show that the location and spatial layout of certain Inca settlements, as well as certain structures within, were designed and located based on astronomical observation patterns centred on solstices, equinoxes and lunar standstills.
En este trabajo se presentan los resultados de los análisis efectuados por medio de SEM-EDAX (Dispersión de Energía de Rayos X), con un equipo Jeol JSM - 6460 LV, a dos objetos metálicos, un tumi y una lámina, hallados en contextos... more
En este trabajo se presentan los resultados de los análisis efectuados por medio de SEM-EDAX (Dispersión de Energía de Rayos X), con un equipo Jeol JSM - 6460 LV, a dos objetos metálicos, un tumi y una lámina, hallados en contextos inkaicos en el sitio La Huerta, Quebrada de Humahuaca, Jujuy, Argentina. Este estudio posibilitó conocer la composición química elemental de los objetos. Por un lado, el tumi fue confeccionado en bronce estannífero, mientras que la lámina fue producto de una aleación de oro y plata. Esta lámina, en la que predomina la  presencia de oro, representaría, de acuerdo a los antecedentes regionales, el primer elemento confeccionado en este metal conocido para tiempos inkas en la Quebrada de Humahuaca.
In this paper I intend to discuss how a direct experiential approach, based on a oriented fieldwork, can become a fundamental tool to approach the archaeological record and obtain data that would usually be left out. Without assuming a... more
In this paper I intend to discuss how a direct experiential approach, based on a oriented fieldwork, can become a fundamental tool to approach the archaeological record and obtain data that would usually be left out. Without assuming a unity of human subjectivity, or denying our social constitution and our corporeity as a product of postmodernity, this approach seeks to problematize and highlight the experience, stimulating different ways of seeing and recording both objects and past landscapes and thus broaden our interpretive capacities. In this way, the information collected, combined with other types of evidence, as well as more established and accepted archaeological criteria can help to reach more complete and ingenious understandings of the past. It is proposed to overcome the limits imposed by positivist methods to the archaeological fieldwork and leave behind the neutrality at the moment of recording the material evidence. The mere fact of having more and different lines of evidence about a site and / or region will give more variables, generate more ideas and reach wider interpretations.
The opening and closing of spaces have been extensively documented at an ethnographic level in the Andes. In an archaeological context, though I have numerous examples, there are not many examples that testify to the abandonment of a... more
The opening and closing of spaces have been extensively documented at an ethnographic level in the Andes. In an archaeological context, though I have numerous examples, there are not many examples that testify to the abandonment of a particular enclosure or settlement. However, with research and fieldwork undertaken in Juella, Quebrada de Humahuaca, Jujuy Province, I have made a significant archaeological discovery – that of Enclosure 94 (R94), which includes a door closure, the interment of a foetus in the occupation floor, and the intentional burial of some goods. I consider this activity as part of an occupation that is restricted to the Late Intermediate Period (ad 1250–1450), that the material found and analyzed here is related to ritual and ceremonial activity of the closure and also the symbolic ‘death’ of this space. Based on radiocarbon dates obtained from this particular enclosure and its relationship to the overall site, I believe that this deposition is not only associated with the abandonment of the structure, but it is closely linked to the site at a time of the Inca conquest of the region.
La caracterización dominante de las sociedades del Período de Desarrollos Regionales del Noroeste Argentino ha sido la de entidades fuertemente estratificadas a nivel social, con una producción artesanal especializada al servicio de una... more
La caracterización dominante de las sociedades del Período de Desarrollos Regionales del Noroeste Argentino ha sido la de entidades fuertemente estratificadas a nivel social, con una producción artesanal especializada al servicio de una elite, la cual controlaba el intercambio de bienes suntuarios, y situaciones de competencia por liderazgos y bienes de subsistencia. En este trabajo se intenta no quedarse solo en una postura negativa, sino analizar este fenómeno desde ciertas materialidades que nos permitan indagar sobre esta situación y generar explicaciones alternativas desde la presencia de cierta evidencia y no solo desde la falta de ella. Así, se propone que dentro de sociedades cuya materialidad es a grandes rasgos homogénea, existen particularidades que puedan estar dando cuenta de la existencia de personajes que debido a su condición o habilidad especial, mas no sea ésta temporal, hayan gozado de alguna clase de prerrogativa.
Research Interests:
Consideramos que en el siglo XIII, durante el Período de Desarrollos Regionales, se comenzaron a conformar nuevas sociedades que surgieron de la agregación en nuevos espacios de comunidades menores que vivían dispersas. En la Quebrada... more
Consideramos que en el siglo XIII, durante el Período de Desarrollos Regionales, se comenzaron a conformar
nuevas sociedades que surgieron de la agregación en nuevos espacios de comunidades menores que vivían dispersas.
En la Quebrada de Humahuaca, Jujuy, Argentina, este proceso de conformación de identidades, involucró
multitud de prácticas sociales que permitieron el desarrollo y la permanencia en el tiempo de estas sociedades.
Creemos entonces que las celebraciones y rituales fueron fundamentales a la hora de estimular y mantener los
vínculos sociales que afirmaban la cohesión de la comunidad. Con estas ideas en mente nos acercaremos a un
excepcional hallazgo realizado en el sitio Juella, donde se encontraron, enterradas en el piso de ocupación, 17
vasijas completas o semicompletas, algunas de las cuales contenían en su interior los restos de escarabajos de
la especie Scotobius sp. Intentando desentrañar las prácticas y relaciones sociales involucradas en este contexto,
proponemos la existencia de un espacio supradoméstico de producción, consumo y almacenaje de chicha.
Un contexto de reunión y celebración donde se llevarían a cabo diversas actividades, propiciando relaciones
de comunalidad, donde las experiencias de la vida se comparten, formando una identidad comunal, antes que
generar o promover diferencias sociales.
This work presents new results of archaeological research carried out in a mountain massif known as Nevado de Cachi (Salta, Argentina). We will focus on an Inka ceremonial platform located near the summit of Cerro Meléndez (6020 masl),... more
This work presents new results of archaeological research carried out in a mountain massif known as Nevado de Cachi
(Salta, Argentina). We will focus on an Inka ceremonial platform located near the summit of Cerro Meléndez (6020
masl), which is one of its most prominent peaks, and integrate this information with data collected on two archaeological
settlements located on its hillsides to the east. We will argue that a complex system of archaeological settlements
and sacred places which included local and Inka enclosures, was designed not only for mountain worship but also as the
manifestation of the Inka conquest of the North Calchaquí Valley. Thus, the existence of a complex system of settlements
and sacred Inka sites in the Nevado de Cachi is highlighted.

En este trabajo se presentan nuevas investigaciones arqueológicas realizadas en el Nevado de Cachi, Salta Argentina. Se
tratarán fundamentalmente los datos obtenidos en la plataforma ceremonial Inka ubicada en el Cerro Meléndez
(6020 msnm). Esta información se integra con la recabada en ese mismo cordón montañoso en los sitios Uña
Tambo y El Apunao ubicados en sus faldeos orientales. Así, se destaca la existencia de un complejo sistema de asentamientos
y lugares sagrados Inkas en el Nevado de Cachi. Una significativa infraestructura vinculada al culto y al peregrinaje
que articuló la conquista del Valle Calchaquí Norte por parte del Tawantinsuyu.
Este artículo presenta nuevos datos e interpretaciones respecto del modo en que los Inkas utilizaron la arquitectura para manipular las experiencias somáticas de las comunidades que habitaban el valle Calchaquí Norte (Salta, Argentina) a... more
Este artículo presenta nuevos datos e interpretaciones respecto del modo en que los Inkas utilizaron la arquitectura para manipular las experiencias somáticas de las comunidades que habitaban el valle Calchaquí Norte (Salta, Argentina) a partir del control de su participación en espacios ritualizados. En esta línea, nos focalizaremos en las experiencias disímiles que estos espacios promovieron, ya sea a partir del estímulo de ciertas modalidades sensoriales sobre otras o mediante la secuenciación e intensidad con las que ellas intervinieron. Recientemente, y en respuesta al ocularcentrismo predominante en esta clase de investigaciones, se ha planteado la necesidad de integrar sentidos adicionales a la vista y avanzar hacia paisajes sonoros. Este trabajo expone la permeabilidad visual y las propiedades acústicas de la plaza de un pequeño asentamiento predominantemente Inka a partir de ensayos experimentales in situ y el modelado tridimensional de la arquitectura y de la dispersión de vectores de sonido. Propondremos que una cuidadosa planificación destinada a espacializar grupos y prácticas no se circunscribió a habilitar e inhibir selectivamente la accesibilidad visual a la plaza, sino que además utilizó la accesibilidad auditiva para crear diferentes experiencias entre sus visitantes. Palabras claves: conquista Inka, espacialidad, arquitectura, paisajes sonoros. This article presents new data and interpretations on how Inka representatives utilized the architecture of ritualized spaces to manipulate local communities' somatic experiences. In an attempt to overcome the prevailing ocularcentrism among this line of inquiry, it has been suggested that additional senses should be considered, and some scholars have begun to advance towards the study of ancient soundscapes. This article will focus on the plaza of an Inka settlement located in the North Calchaquí Valley (Salta, Argentina) paying specific attention to how it privileged certain sensorial modalities and managed their sequential stimulus and intensity. It article presents an analysis that combines on-field visual and acoustical permeability data generation, with three-dimensional models of architecture, terrain, and sound propagation. Results indicate that a careful layout design not only spatialized groups and practices, but also created different experiences by promoting disparate visual and acoustic stimulations upon approaching and entering the plaza.
Throughout history, empires have deployed a vast array of strategies to promote their worldview and to control the colonized. Amongst non-violent ones, hosting public ceremonies to show off an empire’s capabilities and to enact and... more
Throughout history, empires have deployed a vast array of
strategies to promote their worldview and to control the
colonized. Amongst non-violent ones, hosting public ceremonies
to show off an empire’s capabilities and to enact
and reinforce new desired relations and identities, seemed
to be especially effective. This article presents new data and
interpretations on how the Inkas employed ritual architecture
to manipulate the somatic experiences of the colonized.
Specifically, we analyze the public space of an Inka
settlement located in the North Calchaquí Valley (Argentina)
in order to show how the Inkas used architecture and spatial
design to impose certain sensorial modalities and to manage
their sequential stimulus and intensity. In an attempt to
overcome a reigning visual paradigm among this line of
inquiry, we present an analysis that combines visual and
acoustical data collected on site, with three-dimensional
modeling of terrain, architecture, and sound propagation.
Results indicate that through a careful layout design that
involved the management of visual and acoustic permeability,
the Inkas not only organized groups and practices, but
also created different experiences for different people.
In this paper, we present results of astronomical and landscape analysis at four Inca sites located in the Nevados de Cachi area, North Calchaquí Valley, Salta Province, Argentina. Selection criteria took into consideration the existence... more
In this paper, we present results of astronomical and landscape analysis at four Inca sites located in the Nevados de Cachi area, North Calchaquí Valley, Salta Province, Argentina. Selection criteria took into consideration the existence of certain traits of paramount importance amongst Inca architecture, such as ushnu platforms, gnomons and a particularly interesting petroglyph located in a high-altitude sanctuary. Results show that the location and spatial layout of certain Inca settlements, as well as certain structures within, were designed and located based on astronomical observation patterns centred on solstices, equinoxes and lunar standstills.
In this paper, we present results of astronomical and landscape analysis at four Inca sites located in the Nevados de Cachi area, North Calchaquí Valley, Salta Province, Argentina. Selection criteria took into consideration the existence... more
In this paper, we present results of astronomical and landscape analysis at four Inca sites located in the Nevados de Cachi area, North Calchaquí Valley, Salta Province, Argentina. Selection criteria took into consideration the existence of certain traits of paramount importance amongst Inca architecture, such as ushnu platforms, gnomons and a particularly interesting petroglyph located in a high-altitude sanctuary. Results show that the location and spatial layout of certain Inca settlements, as well as certain structures within, were designed and located based on astronomical observation patterns centred on solstices, equinoxes and lunar standstills.
En este trabajo daremos cuenta de las nuevas investigaciones realizadas en los Nevados de Cachi, Salta, Argentina focalizándonos en el sitio que hemos denominado Uña Tambo, y cuál fue su integración dentro de la red de sitios inkaicos de... more
En este trabajo daremos cuenta de las nuevas investigaciones realizadas en los Nevados de Cachi, Salta, Argentina focalizándonos en el sitio que hemos denominado Uña Tambo, y cuál fue su integración dentro de la red de sitios inkaicos de la región. En esta ocasión haremos hincapié en algunos aspectos arqueoastronómicos del asentamiento, sin dejar de lado la importancia visual y simbólica que tuvo la ubicación de esta clase de sitios así como también la relevancia de los mismos dentro de los rituales inkaicos relacionados con el agua, la agricultura y con el culto a los Apus.
Se analizarán algunas de las relaciones y prácticas sociales que se generaban y promovían al habitar los grandes poblados conglomerados de la Quebrada de Humahuaca, noroeste de Argentina, durante el Período Intermedio Tardío, PIT, (ca.... more
Se analizarán algunas de las relaciones y prácticas sociales que se generaban y promovían al habitar los grandes poblados conglomerados de la Quebrada de Humahuaca, noroeste de Argentina, durante el Período Intermedio Tardío, PIT, (ca. 1250-1450 dC). Desde los trabajos realizados en el sitio Juella, se observarán características como ubicación, tamaño, visibilidad, accesibilidad y capacidad de grandes recintos o espacios libres de estructuras que pudieran haber funcionado como lugares de reunión o posibles plazas. Esto cobra relevancia a sabiendas de la importancia que tienen las plazas dentro de la concepción espacial andina, como lugares donde se producían y reproducían ideologías, relaciones sociales y de poder. Se discutirán las propiedades de esta diversidad de posibles espacios públicos registrados tanto en Juella como en otros sitios del PIT. Ante este panorama de poblados compuestos por distintos barrios o sectores, los cuales contaban con sus propios espacios abiertos donde se realizaban tareas comunales, rituales o ceremonias, se concluye que la organización espacial de los poblados tardíos en Humahuaca propiciaba, al tiempo que producía y reproducía, relaciones de integración comunal por sobre algún tipo de distinción o jerarquización de personas o grupos.
Research Interests:
Archaeology, Spatial Analysis, Andean Archaeology, Landscape Archaeology, Cultural Landscapes, and 32 more
In this paper we present a first approach to the archaeological site known as Rincón de las Llamas (RDL1) located in the North Calchaquí valley, Salta province, Argentina. The site, situated on top of a hillock near the Cortaderas Inka... more
In this paper we present a first approach to the archaeological site known as Rincón de las Llamas (RDL1) located in the North
Calchaquí valley, Salta province, Argentina. The site, situated on top of a hillock near the Cortaderas Inka complex, is a rocky outcrop
where we found 40 engraved rocks depicting figurative and abstract motifs. We surveyed the outcrop and analyzed the arrangement of
the motifs from a compositional, representational, and spatial point of view in order to suggest their chronology and cultural identity.
Research Interests:
Archaeology, Prehistoric Archaeology, Andean Archaeology, Landscape Archaeology, Space and Place, and 60 more
Las ceremonias de apertura y cierre de espacios han sido ampliamente documentados a nivel etnografico en el mundo andino. Sin embargo, no contamos con muchos ejemplos arqueologicos que testimonien el abandono de un determinado recinto o... more
Las ceremonias de apertura y cierre de espacios han sido ampliamente documentados a nivel etnografico en el mundo andino. Sin embargo, no contamos con muchos ejemplos arqueologicos que testimonien el abandono de un determinado recinto o asentamiento. En el sitio Juella, Quebrada de Humahuaca, Noroeste de Argentina, se hallo un singular contexto que incluye la inhumacion sobre el piso de ocupacion de un nonato de entre 6 y 7 meses de gestacion, la clausura de un acceso, y el entierro intencional de diversos objetos. Se considera que la materialidad aqui analizada, se encuentra relacionada con rituales y ceremonias ligadas al cierre y a la muerte simbolica de este espacio. Finalmente se reflexionara sobre la importancia que pudo tener esta clase de ofrenda y en que clase de ritual pudo verse involucrado este tipo de deposito ABSTRACT The opening and closing of spaces has been extensively documented at an ethnographic level in the Andes. At the archaeological level however, we have num...
In this paper we will reflect on a curious ceramic vessel that combines morphological and stylistic properties from different time periods in a fashion previously undocumented. It was found during excavations in the archaeological site... more
In this paper we will reflect on a curious ceramic vessel that combines morphological and stylistic properties from different time periods in a fashion previously undocumented. It was found during excavations in the archaeological site known as Juella, located in the Quebrada de Humahuaca, Jujuy, Argentina, and belongs to the time period known as Regional Developments II (PDR II) or Late Intermediate Period (PIT); ca. 1250 – 1450 d.C. The vessel depicts antropomorphous motifs which are usually attributed to an earlier style known as Isla. However, the vessel`s shape and volume is typical of the Regional Developments Period and there is no account of such a distinctive combination in the archaeological record of the Isla style. Those features led us to reflect on the social dynamics and practices involving the production and usage of such recipient. Its analysis and archaeological context suggests its participation in ritual ceremonies that created and recreated a sense of community while representing a connection to a recent past in a broader social context involving the conformation of a new society.
Research Interests:
In this paper we’ll analyze the location of some of the most important Late Intermediate Period sites in the quebrada de Humahuaca (Jujuy, Argentina), trying to fathom if the same is related to significant landscape features, like... more
In this paper we’ll analyze the location of some of the most important Late Intermediate Period sites in the quebrada de Humahuaca (Jujuy, Argentina), trying to fathom if the same is related to significant landscape features, like brightly colored geological formations, as we’ll realize about the changes that Inkas introduced to this space conception. We have to consider that in contrast to occidental conceptions, in Andes men are part of the natural universe, living in an animated world, where all creatures are part of the same substance and all matter is alive someway. Because of that, we’re convinced that the location of these villages didn’t answer to economical or political decisions, but men’s ideas about their environment and the folk worldview were deeply involved in this process.
Research Interests:
Geomorphology, Perception, Andean Archaeology, Landscape Archaeology, Space and Place, and 32 more
El impacto de las políticas expansivas incaicas en el noroeste argentino ha sido tradicionalmente evaluado atendiendo al potencial de explotación económica de las zonas anexadas al imperio. En consonancia con esta perspectiva, la... more
El impacto de las políticas expansivas incaicas en el noroeste argentino ha sido tradicionalmente
evaluado atendiendo al potencial de explotación económica de las zonas anexadas al imperio. En
consonancia con esta perspectiva, la aplicación y testeo de modelos de desarrollo y expansión
imperial resultaron una guía útil para predecir y explicar el correlato material de una expansión
de carácter político y económico. Sin embargo, los aspectos ideológicos y simbólicos fueron
históricamente menospreciados. En este artículo tomaremos en consideración las crónicas coloniales
para exponer aspectos de la cosmovisión andina y destacar la importancia de su integración a las
investigaciones arqueológicas.
Aimed at unveiling some of the perceptions and experiences that people may have had when dwelling in different towns and villages in the past, possibilities are being discussed with a view to adopting a phenomenological approach to... more
Aimed at unveiling some of the perceptions and experiences that people may have had
when dwelling in different towns and villages in the past, possibilities are being discussed with a
view to adopting a phenomenological approach to archaeological records. Therefore, the pertinence
of certain concepts and precepts from phenomenology being used as analytical and methodological
tools will be taken into account, in preference to a rigid theoretical outline. Accordingly, I aim
to demonstrate the potential of what I refer to as “experiential studies,” and how this idea may
work in collaboration with independent lines of research so as to achieve a deeper understanding
of past societies.
In this paper we will realize the new research in the Nevados de Cachi, Salta, Argentina by focusing on the site that we called Uña Tambo, and what was its integration within the network of Inka sites in the region. We’ll concentrate on... more
In this paper we will realize the new research in the Nevados de Cachi, Salta, Argentina by focusing on the
site that we called Uña Tambo, and what was its integration within the network of Inka sites in the region.
We’ll concentrate on some aspects of the settlement archaeoastronomical, without neglecting the visual
and symbolic importance of the location in that kind of sites as well as their relevance within Inka rituals
related to water, agriculture and the cult of Apus.
The impact of expansive incaic policies in northwestern of Argentina have traditionally been evaluated focussing on the potential for economic exploitation in the regions incorporated in to the empire. Thus, the application and testing... more
The impact of expansive incaic policies in northwestern of Argentina have traditionally been
evaluated focussing on the potential for economic exploitation in the regions incorporated in to
the empire. Thus, the application and testing of theoretical models of imperial development and
expansion have been a useful guidance to predict and explain the material correlation of an
economic and political expansion. Ideological aspects, on the other hand, have historically been
less appreciated. In this article, colonial chronicles have been taken into account to picture certain
aspects of the Andean world view and to underline the importance of their inclusion and use in
archaeological investigations.
"The opening and closing of spaces has been extensively documented at an ethnographic level in the Andes. At the archaeological level however, we have numerous examples of the first type and not many testimonies of abandon of a particular... more
"The opening and closing of spaces has been extensively documented at an ethnographic level in the Andes. At the archaeological level however, we have numerous examples of the first type and not many testimonies of abandon of a particular enclosure or settlement. In Juella, Quebrada de Humahuaca, Jujuy, we have a unique context that includes the closure of a door, a burial of an unborn in the occupation floor, and the intentional burial of some objects. In the context of an occupation restricted to the Regional Developments Period, we consider that the material found and analyzed here is related to rituals and ceremonies of the closure and symbolic death of this space. From radiocarbon dates obtained from this particular event and its relationship to the overall site context, we believe that this event not only had to do with the abandonment of the structure, but is closely related to the site as a whole, and to the time of the Inca conquest of the region as well.
Las ceremonias de apertura y cierre de espacios han sido ampliamente documentados a nivel etnográfico en el mundo andino. A nivel arqueológico sin embargo, contamos con numerosos ejemplos del primer tipo y no tantos que testimonien el abandono de un determinado recinto o asentamiento. En trabajos realizados en Juella, Quebrada de Humahuaca, Jujuy, nos encontramos ante un singular contexto que incluye el tapiado de una puerta, la inhumación sobre el piso de ocupación de un nonato y el entierro intencional de algunos objetos. Consideramos, en el marco de una ocupación restringida al Período de Desarrollos Regionales, que la materialidad hallada, y aquí analizada, se encuentra relacionada con rituales y ceremonias ligadas al cierre y a la muerte simbólica de este espacio. A partir de la obtención de diversos fechados radiocarbónicos, que incluyen uno de este evento particular, y su relación con el contexto general del sitio, pensamos que este acontecimiento no solo tuvo que ver con el abandono del recinto, sino que se encuentra íntimamente ligado con el del sitio en su totalidad, al tiempo que este último se relaciona con la conquista inkaica de la región."
Resumen: En el intento por comprender algunas de las percepciones y experiencias que los seres humanos pudieron tener al habitar distintos lugares o poblados preteritos, se discuten las posibilidades de realizar acercamientos... more
Resumen: En el intento por comprender algunas de las percepciones y experiencias que los seres humanos pudieron tener al habitar distintos lugares o poblados preteritos, se discuten las posibilidades de realizar acercamientos fenomenologicos al registro arqueologico. Para ello se tomaran en cuenta ciertos conceptos y preceptos propios de la fenomenologia, y se analizara la pertinencia de utilizarlos como herramientas analiticas y metodologicas antes que como un rigido marco teorico a seguir. Asi intentare demostrar la potencialidad de este tipo de estudios, a los que he decidido denominar experienciales, y como los mismos colaboran, junto con otras lineas de evidencia, a un entendimiento mas profundo de las sociedades pasadas. PalabRas clave: experiencia, fenomenologia, percepciones, paisajes, arqueologia.
It has been stated that societies that occupied the Argentinean Norwest during the Late Period were entities socially stratified. A specialized craft production serving an elite and the controlled exchange of luxury goods were their most... more
It has been stated that societies that occupied the Argentinean Norwest during the Late Period were entities socially stratified. A specialized craft production serving an elite and the controlled exchange of luxury goods were their most remarkable characteristics. In sum, these were societies ruled by elites in competition for leadership and livelihood assets. The aim of this paper is to go beyond a negative position and to analyze this phenomenon from materialities that allow us to investigate this situation and generate alternative explanations from the presence of some evidence and not only from the lack of it.Thus, we propose that in societies whose material culture is roughly homogeneous, there are peculiarities that may be suggesting the existence of certain individuals who, because of their status or special abilities, have enjoyed some kind of prerogative, even if this was only temporal.
Presentaremos aqui el resultado de investigaciones realizadas en el sitio El Apunao, ubicado a 4800 msnm en los Nevados de Cachi, Salta, Argentina. Reutilizando estructuras de epocas inkaicas se instalo alli un campamento minero que... more
Presentaremos aqui el resultado de investigaciones realizadas en el sitio El Apunao, ubicado a 4800 msnm en los Nevados de Cachi, Salta, Argentina. Reutilizando estructuras de epocas inkaicas se instalo alli un campamento minero que habria funcionado brevemente durante la decada de 1940. Analizaremos entonces los materiales alli encontrados y como esta ocupacion se relaciona con un contexto mas amplio como el de la actividad minera en la Argentina de aquellos tiempos, donde durante, y en los anos previos a la Segunda Guerra Mundial, se desarrollaron explotaciones o exploraciones destinadas a responder a la demanda de minerales de las potencias participantes en la contienda. Abstract We present results of research carried out in the Apunao, located at 4800 masl in the Nevados de Cachi, Salta Province, Argentina. In this place, historical miners reusing Incan architecture to install a mining camp briefly during the 1940s. Our goal is analyze the archaeological data from the Apunao, in...
"In this paper it is argued that in the thirteenth century, during the Regional Development Period, new social groups emerged from the aggregation of people from smaller scattered communities into new spaces. In the Quebrada de... more
"In this
paper it is argued that in the thirteenth century, during the Regional Development Period, new social groups
emerged from the aggregation of people from smaller scattered communities into new spaces. In the Quebrada
de Humahuaca, Jujuy, Argentina, during this process of identity formation social practices led these communities
to develop and establish permanence through time. Celebrations and rituals were fundamental in stimulating and
maintaining social ties and cohesion in the community. An extraordinary find from the Juella site is particularly
relevant: 17 complete and semi complete pots found buried in the occupation floor. To understand the social
practices and relations involved in this context a supra-domestic space of production, consumption and storage
of chichi is postulated. This would have been a context of sharing and celebration where various activities took
place, promoting relationships of commonality and shared life experiences, and so forming a communal identity
rather than generating or promoting social differences."
This chapter discusses Inca rule over Northern Argentina from a landscape perspective, analyzing the politics of space of Inca imperialism. For the indigenous peoples of this rather large region of the South Andes, this process of... more
This chapter discusses Inca rule over Northern Argentina from a landscape perspective, analyzing the politics of space of Inca imperialism. For the indigenous peoples of this rather large region of the South Andes, this process of colonial encounter entailed their forced relocation, the imposition of an Inca landscape overlapping the native one, the intrusion and remodeling of some of their towns and villages, and the seizure of their sacred places and shrines. Through this strategic intervention and reshaping of the native landscape, the Incas sought to construct a new socio-spatial order that served them to set the relationships with their subjects, to spread their ideology, and to redefine the interaction with supernatural entities.
Research Interests:
Este artículo presenta nuevos datos e interpretaciones respecto del modo en que los Inkas utilizaron la arquitectura para manipular las experiencias somáticas de las comunidades que habitaban el valle Calchaquí Norte (Salta, Argentina) a... more
Este artículo presenta nuevos datos e interpretaciones respecto del modo en que los Inkas utilizaron la arquitectura para manipular las experiencias somáticas de las comunidades que habitaban el valle Calchaquí Norte (Salta, Argentina) a partir del control de su participación en espacios ritualizados. En esta línea, nos focalizaremos en las experiencias disímiles que estos espacios promovieron, ya sea a partir del estímulo de ciertas modalidades sensoriales sobre otras o mediante la secuenciación e intensidad con las que ellas intervinieron. Recientemente, y en respuesta al ocularcentrismo predominante en esta clase de investigaciones, se ha planteado la necesidad de integrar sentidos adicionales a la vista y avanzar hacia paisajes sonoros. Este trabajo expone la permeabilidad visual y las propiedades acústicas de la plaza de un pequeño asentamiento predominantemente Inka a partir de ensayos experimentales in situ y el modelado tridimensional de la arquitectura y de la dispersión de vectores de sonido. Propondremos que una cuidadosa planificación destinada a espacializar grupos y prácticas no se circunscribió a habilitar e inhibir selectivamente la accesibilidad visual a la plaza, sino que además utilizó la accesibilidad auditiva para crear diferentes experiencias entre sus visitantes. Palabras claves: conquista Inka, espacialidad, arquitectura, paisajes sonoros. This article presents new data and interpretations on how Inka representatives utilized the architecture of ritualized spaces to manipulate local communities' somatic experiences. In an attempt to overcome the prevailing ocularcentrism among this line of inquiry, it has been suggested that additional senses should be considered, and some scholars have begun to advance towards the study of ancient soundscapes. This article will focus on the plaza of an Inka settlement located in the North Calchaquí Valley (Salta, Argentina) paying specific attention to how it privileged certain sensorial modalities and managed their sequential stimulus and intensity. It article presents an analysis that combines on-field visual and acoustical permeability data generation, with three-dimensional models of architecture, terrain, and sound propagation. Results indicate that a careful layout design not only spatialized groups and practices, but also created different experiences by promoting disparate visual and acoustic stimulations upon approaching and entering the plaza.
Research Interests:
In this paper, we present results of astronomical and landscape analysis at four Inca sites located in the Nevados de Cachi area, North Calchaqui Valley, Salta Province, Argentina. Selection criteria took into consideration the existence... more
In this paper, we present results of astronomical and landscape analysis at four Inca sites located in the Nevados de Cachi area, North Calchaqui Valley, Salta Province, Argentina. Selection criteria took into consideration the existence of certain traits of paramount importance amongst Inca architecture, such as ushnu platforms, gnomons and a particularly interesting petroglyph located in a high-altitude sanctuary. Results show that the location and spatial layout of certain Inca settlements, as well as certain structures within, were designed and located based on astronomical observation patterns centred on solstices, equinoxes and lunar standstills.
Research Interests:
Research Interests:
"The Inka Empire adopted several means to create, demonstrate and legitimize the power in its conquests over a vast territory. This paper focuses on one of those means: the production and restructuring of socially constructed space. We... more
"The Inka Empire adopted several means to create, demonstrate and legitimize the power in its conquests over a vast territory. This paper focuses on one of those means: the production and
restructuring of socially constructed space. We believe that through this process of domination, the Inka Empire imposed its ideology and its worldview over the conquered societies. Although we do not ignore or reject the explanations usually given to this process, this position evaluates the Inka expansionism as a process guided not only by economic or logistic motivations. Therefore, we believe that ideology and the use of space are both key components when analyzing any social process, and in this specific case: the Inka domination in Northwest Argentina, particularly in the area of the Quebrada de Humahuaca. In subsequent lines we aim to explore some aspects of the relationship between ideology and space as theoretical concepts with the social production of space in the Tawantinsuyu, the Inka conquest of Humahuaca and the specific case of La Huerta archaeological site."
Este trabajo intenta transitar nuevos senderos en la investigación arqueológica de montaña. Si bien los adoratorios inkaicos de altura han sido ampliamente tratados, en los últimos años, el estudio de otros sitios ubicados a menores... more
Este trabajo intenta transitar nuevos senderos en la investigación arqueológica de montaña. Si
bien los adoratorios inkaicos de altura han sido ampliamente tratados, en los últimos años, el
estudio de otros sitios ubicados a menores alturas también vinculados a este tipo de rituales
se ha visto notoriamente relegado. Este artículo constituye una aproximación al estudio de
este tipo de asentamientos a partir del caso del sitio El Apunao (4,760 m) situado en el cordón
montañoso del Nevado de Cachi (Salta, Argentina), del cual presentaremos aquí sus primeras
investigaciones sistemáticas.
Es nuestro propósito humanizar
Fil: Leibowicz, Ivan Federico. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas. Oficina de Coordinacion Administrativa Saavedra 15. Instituto Multidisciplinario de Historia y Ciencias Humanas; Argentina
The chronology of the Inca conquest of Northwest Argentina has been questioned in recent years since the obtaining of new radiocarbon dates. In the Quebrada de Humahuaca is suggested that the Inca occupation started within the time span... more
The chronology of the Inca conquest of Northwest Argentina has been questioned in
recent years since the obtaining of new radiocarbon dates. In the Quebrada de Humahuaca is
suggested that the Inca occupation started within the time span ranging from 1410 to 1430
AD. From new radiocarbon dates obtained at Juella archaeological site, within a context that
brings us to the Regional Developments Period (1250-1450 AD), we meditate about how this
process of conquest could have been. A process that involved the complete emptying of the
settlement and the partial abandonment of others. Also will present the spatial changes
imposed by the Incas in the region, which included the remodeling of local villages, the
construction of a new production landscape and the relocation of populations.
""The building and resignification of space was a conquest strategy of the Inca Empire deployed throughout its territory. This paper aims to examine the problem by considering the archaeological site of La Huerta (quebrada of... more
""The building and resignification of space was a conquest
strategy of the Inca Empire deployed throughout its territory.
This paper aims to examine the problem by considering the
archaeological site of La Huerta (quebrada of Humahuaca,
Jujuy, Argentina) We seek to understand how imperial power
imposed its spatiality on conquered population, by re-building
and re-signifying the socially-built landscape, and how the
ideological representation of this spatiality, both produced and
reproduced the empire’s power relationships of domination.
For this purpose, we humanize the landscape by thinking
about it with people, analyzing how its inhabitants would
have behaved in that tridimensional space, experiencing
and perceiveing it.""
This chapter discusses Inca rule over Northern Argentina from a landscape perspective, analyzing the politics of space of Inca imperialism. For the indigenous peoples of this rather large region of the South Andes, this process of... more
This chapter discusses Inca rule over Northern Argentina from a landscape perspective, analyzing the politics of space of Inca imperialism. For the indigenous peoples of this rather large region of the South Andes, this process of colonial encounter entailed their forced relocation, the imposition of an Inca landscape overlapping the native one, the intrusion and remodeling of some of their towns and villages, and the seizure of their sacred places and shrines. Through this strategic intervention and reshaping of the native landscape, the Incas sought to construct a new socio-spatial order that served them to set the relationships with their subjects, to spread their ideology, and to redefine the interaction with supernatural entities.
""The article reflects, from previous studies by the author in La Huerta (Quebrada de Humahuaca, Jujuy Province), on the role of the archaeologist’s experiences in the analysis of particular ways of organizing and perceiving space, and... more
""The article reflects, from previous studies by the author in La Huerta (Quebrada de Humahuaca, Jujuy Province),
on the role of the archaeologist’s experiences in the analysis of particular ways of organizing and perceiving
space, and in fieldwork as a fundamental instance in generating interpretations about the past. It stands up
for the importance of strengthen an experiential approach to the archaeological record as a procedure to extend
knowledge in new ways and to deepen critically in existing ones.""

And 12 more

Research Interests:
En este trabajo me propongo discutir como un abordaje experiencial directo, basado en un trabajo decampo orientado, puede convertirse en una herramienta fundamental a la hora de acercarse al registroarqueologico y obtener datos que... more
En este trabajo me propongo discutir como un abordaje experiencial directo, basado en un trabajo decampo orientado, puede convertirse en una herramienta fundamental a la hora de acercarse al registroarqueologico y obtener datos que habitualmente serian dejados de lado. Sin asumir una unidad de lasubjetividad humana, ni negar nuestra constitucion social y nuestra corporeidad, como un producto dela posmodernidad, este acercamiento pretende problematizar y poner en relieve a la experiencia, estimulandodiferentes maneras de ver y registrar tanto los objetos como los paisajes preteritos y de este modoampliar nuestras capacidades interpretativas. De esta manera, la informacion recolectada, combinadacon otros tipos de evidencia, asi como con criterios mas establecidos y aceptados dentro de la disciplinaarqueologica, deberia permitirnos alcanzar comprensiones mas acabadas e ingeniosas del pasado. Asi,se propone la superacion de los limites que imponen los metodos positivistas al trabajo de ...
The opening and closing of spaces has been extensively documented at an ethnographic level in the Andes. At the archaeological level however, we have numerous examples of the first type and not many testimonies of abandon of a particular... more
The opening and closing of spaces has been extensively documented at an ethnographic level in the Andes. At the archaeological level however, we have numerous examples of the first type and not many testimonies of abandon of a particular enclosure or settlement. In Juella, Quebrada de Humahuaca, Jujuy, we have a unique context that includes the closure of a door, a burial of an unborn in the occupation floor, and the intentional burial of some objects. In the context of an occupation restricted to the Regional Developments Period, we consider that the material found and analyzed here is related to rituals and ce-remonies of the closure and symbolic death of this space. From radiocarbon dates obtained from this particular event and its relationship to the overall site context, we believe that this event not only had to do with the abandonment of the structure, but is closely related to the site as a whole, and to the time of the Inca conquest of the region as well.
Das Inka-Reich (Tawantinsuyu) war das groste Reich in den Amerikas vor Ankunft der Europaer. Wahrend des 15. und der ersten Jahrzehnte des 16. Jahrhunderts gelang es den Inkas, weite Regionen der sudamerikanischen Anden zu erobern und... more
Das Inka-Reich (Tawantinsuyu) war das groste Reich in den Amerikas vor Ankunft der Europaer. Wahrend des 15. und der ersten Jahrzehnte des 16. Jahrhunderts gelang es den Inkas, weite Regionen der sudamerikanischen Anden zu erobern und eine Vielzahl von Gruppen und Gemeinwesen zu unterwerfen. Die Inkas dehnten ihr Reich jedoch nicht aus dem alleinigen Grund aus, Ressourcen abzuschopfen und Reichtum anzuhaufen. Sie entwickelten zudem, wenn auch in unterschiedlichem Mase, ein koloniales Projekt, das darauf abzielte, die politischen, wirtschaftlichen, kulturellen und religiosen Institutionen und Praktiken der Kolonisierten umzugestalten. Ohne Frage war der Inka-Kolonialismus unter anderem gepragt von Zwangsarbeit, der gezielten Umsiedlung von Menschen sowie der Abschopfung und Produktion von Grundnahrungsmitteln und Luxusgutern. Dennoch vertreten wir in diesem Aufsatz die These, dass die Expansion in die Andenregion den Inkas vor allem dazu diente, dem Heiligen zu begegnen und sich mit ...
Fil: Jacob, Cristian. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Filosofia y Letras; Argentina
Abstract Indigenous peoples of the Andes have shared their territories with a variety of animated and sacred non-human entities, with whom they have maintained complex interactions. Because these entities are providers of the vital... more
Abstract Indigenous peoples of the Andes have shared their territories with a variety of animated and sacred non-human entities, with whom they have maintained complex interactions. Because these entities are providers of the vital elements that human communities need to guarantee their survival and reproduction, people must treat them with respect and affection. This entails reattributing with rituals, offerings, and attention, the goods and materials these entities supply them. Denial and neglect make these entities sad and angry, and willing to harm people in different ways. In this paper, we discuss how Diaguita-Kallchaki communities from the North Calchaqui Valley (Argentina) interacted with the sacred high-altitude territory of Nevado de Cachi during pre-Hispanic times, with the wak’as that dwelled in it, and how this interaction was completely transformed once the Inkas conquered and settled in the region around CE 1400/1450. We show that the Inkas not only reorganized pilgrimage and ritual activities in this area, but they also intentionally marked their presence in order to represent themselves as superior entities capable of dealing, without risk, with non-human forces.
En este trabajo daremos cuenta de las nuevas investigaciones realizadas en los Nevados de Cachi, Salta, Argentina focalizándonos en el sitio que hemos denominado Uña Tambo, y cuál fue su integración dentro de la red de sitios inkaicos de... more
En este trabajo daremos cuenta de las nuevas investigaciones realizadas en los Nevados de Cachi, Salta, Argentina focalizándonos en el sitio que hemos denominado Uña Tambo, y cuál fue su integración dentro de la red de sitios inkaicos de la región. En esta ocasión haremos hincapié en algunos aspectos arqueoastronómicos del asentamiento, sin dejar de lado la importancia visual y simbólica que tuvo la ubicación de esta clase de sitios así como también la relevancia de los mismos dentro de los rituales inkaicos relacionados con el agua, la agricultura y con el culto a los Apus.
Se analizarán algunas de las relaciones y prácticas sociales que se generaban y promovían al habitar los grandes poblados conglomerados de la Quebrada de Humahuaca, noroeste de Argentina, durante el Período Intermedio Tardío, PIT, (ca.... more
Se analizarán algunas de las relaciones y prácticas sociales que se generaban y promovían al habitar los grandes poblados conglomerados de la Quebrada de Humahuaca, noroeste de Argentina, durante el Período Intermedio Tardío, PIT, (ca. 1250-1450 dC). Desde los trabajos realizados en el sitio Juella, se observarán características como ubicación, tamaño, visibilidad, accesibilidad y capacidad de grandes recintos o espacios libres de estructuras que pudieran haber funcionado como lugares de reunión o posibles plazas. Esto cobra relevancia a sabiendas de la importancia que tienen las plazas dentro de la concepción espacial andina, como lugares donde se producían y reproducían ideologías, relaciones sociales y de poder. Se discutirán las propiedades de esta diversidad de posibles espacios públicos registrados tanto en Juella como en otros sitios del PIT. Ante este panorama de poblados compuestos por distintos barrios o sectores, los cuales contaban con sus propios espacios abiertos donde...