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Comprendre les tensions et les conflits qui traversent le monde, dans les relations entre les peuples et les États, entre les gouvernants et les gouvernés, mais aussi dans l’émergence de nouvelles formes de pouvoir et de mobilisation ;... more
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      Political SociologyAnthropologyIndigenous StudiesIndigenous or Aboriginal Studies
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      Structuralism/Post-StructuralismAnthropology of KinshipClaude Lévi-StraussMarcel Mauss
En la obra que analizaremos, el autor estudió las relaciones políticas y de género en una sociedad sin Estado. Definió que entre los baruya, las relaciones de poder vienen dadas por el dominio (masculino) del cuerpo como una... more
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      Antropología de la sexualidadMaurice Godelier
Marcel Mauss’s discussion of the gift relies on a paradox: although gift-giving is the foundational act of building a society, in order for a gift to be circulated, society must be always-already presupposed so that the gift can reach and... more
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      Gift ExchangeJacques LacanJacques DerridaGift Giving (Economic Anthropology)
Trabajo sobre de la lectura estructuralista de El capital (Althusser, Godelier, Balibar), sus aciertos, limitaciones e insuficiencias. Crítica de la epistemologización del marxismo y apuesta por la unidad de teoría y praxis.
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      MarxismLouis AlthusserEtienne BalibarAnalisis Estructural
A República Democrática do Congo tem sofrido, nos último 20 anos, os momentos mais trágicos de sua história. O país foi palco da Primeira e da Segunda Guerra do Congo – esta também chamada de "Guerra Mundial Africana", conflito armado que... more
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      International RelationsAfricaPolitics in Sub-Saharan AfricaSouthern Africa
Myth and ideology Nildo Viana-UFG RESUMO O artigo apresenta quatro das principais concepções ideológicas do mito e realiza sua crítica, visando mostrar a necessidade de uma nova conceituação e abordagem do mito. As concepções de Mircea... more
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      Claude Lévi-StraussErnst CassirerMitologyMircea Eliade
Su propuesta parte de un hecho y de una hipótesis. Considerado que el hecho es, que los seres humanos a diferencia de otras especies animales, no se limitan a vivir en sociedad, si no por el contrario, estos producen la sociedad para... more
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    • Maurice Godelier
AVERTISSEMENT Ce texte, rédigé en 2015, est une première contribution de Jérôme Maucourant, dans le cadre d’une délégation CNRS pour le laboratoire HISOMA. Il s’agit d’un projet d’introduction - qui sera réalisé en commun avec Michele... more
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      Institutional EconomicsMarxismEconomic AnthropologyKarl Polanyi
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      AnthropologyAntropología económicaMaurice Godelier
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      DemocracyMaurice GodelierÉLectionsDRC
First version delivered in Leiden, 3 December 2020. Then at ENMI, Paris, 22 December 2020.
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      AnthropologyPhilosophyEconomic AnthropologyContinental Philosophy
O objetivo desse artigo é estabelecer os fundamentos para uma crítica com viés marxista à razão antropológica. Para isso, se buscará investigar sobre quais determinações se fundamenta a razão de ser da Antropologia, ou seja, a sua... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyAnthropologyMarxismMarxist Economics
This volume on the relationships between decadent literature and anthropology in late 19th- and early 20th-century Europe studies the unnoticed connection between, on the one hand, a purposeless and ephemeral beauty, and, on the other... more
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      Critical TheoryPhilologyIntellectual HistoryCultural History
Tradicionalmente el “discurso oficial” venezolano sobre la economía alude a esta disciplina como un ente fuera del mundo, algo metasocial. Por otro lado, el discurso intelectual del materialismo histórico ortodoxo, somete lo económico... more
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      Social AnthropologyEconomic AnthropologyMarxist theoryVenezuela
"The Inka Empire adopted several means to create, demonstrate and legitimize the power in its conquests over a vast territory. This paper focuses on one of those means: the production and restructuring of socially constructed space. We... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyIdeology (Anthropology)Spatial Analysis
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      History of AnthropologyPierre BourdieuClaude Lévi-StraussEmile Durkheim
Este libro recoge siete años de trabajo de campo en la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. A través de un problema sociológico clásico, el de la organización y el cambio social, Cacicazgos desvanecientes es una etnografía que reconstruye el... more
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      Ika/Arhuaco (Anthropology)Ritual (Anthropology)EtnografíaMarshall Sahlins
Myriam Achour a lu pour Prologues le livre d'entretiens dans lequel Maurice Godelier évoque sa formation à l'anthropologie, ses observations et expériences de terrain, les outils théoriques qu'il a forgés au fil de ses enquêtes, et les... more
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      AnthropologyMaurice Godelier
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      Political EconomyEthicsInterpersonal CommunicationPolitical Theory
In predominantly service and information-based economies, the pivotal role food plays in the maintenance of life has arguably become neglected as an object of ethical and political contemplation. We often fail to realize that the... more
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      Political EconomyEthicsEpistemologyPerception
Tradução de: GODELIER vs. CLASTRES: Polêmica na Antropologia - ser maxista en antropología. In: Zona Erógena: Buenos Aires: 1993, nº16, p. 1-10.

Tradutor: Lucas Parreira Álvares
Revisor da tradução: Aníbal Carvalho de Godoy
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      Claude Lévi-StraussAntropologíaPierre ClastresEstruturalismo
Odeljenje za Etnologiju i antropologiju Srodstvo kao distinktivna odlika ljudskih društava ili subverzija diskursa o primatima i ljudima kao odvojenim društvenim grupama U ovom radu ću kroz pokušaj da odgovorim na pitanje srodstva kao... more
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      Kinship (Anthropology)Gilles DeleuzeAnthropology of KinshipJacques Derrida & Deconstruction
Zur Anthropologie artifizieller Umwelt In: Kurt W. Alt, Natascha Rauschenberger (Hrsg.): Ökohistorische Reflexionen. Mensch und Umwelt zwischen Steinzeit und Silicon Valley. Freiburg: Rombach-Verlag, 2001 S. 171-195
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      SociologySociology of CultureCultural SociologySocial and Cultural Anthropology
Cette communication de synthèse a été proposée en conclusion du colloque du GEO UR-1340, "Isolement : individus, groupes, genres et formes."
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      Japanese StudiesComparative LiteratureFrench LiteratureGender Studies
The mode of production (MoP) was an important term in the Marxist anthropology of the 1970s. Its origins can be traced to the diverse uses of the words by Marx himself, to elaborations on this by Louis Althusser and Étienne Balibar (for... more
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      HistoryAnthropologyMarxismSocial and Cultural Anthropology
Resenha do livro de Maurice Godelier, O Enigma da Dádiva. O Enigma é a crítica que Godelier faz ao estruturalismo e a Lévi-Strauss, a partir da interpretação que este último faz do Ensaio sobre a Dádiva. O texto argumenta que as críticas... more
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      Gift ExchangeLanguageClaude Lévi-StraussMarcel Mauss
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      Social and Cultural AnthropologyTribal and Nomadic SocietyMaurice Godelier
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      Anthropology of FoodAnarchismGift ExchangePhenomenology
The article tries to describe various theories of symbolic and impossible exchanges, which constitute projects alternative to the classical political economy. The first part of the text is devoted to categories such as impossible... more
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      Critical TheoryAnthropologyPolitical EconomyGift Exchange
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      Gift Giving (Economic Anthropology)Marcel MaussGift economyMaurice Godelier
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      Work and LabourKarl MarxPhilippe DescolaPsychodynamics of work and organisations
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      AnthropologyEthnographyQualitative Research MethodsMaurice Godelier
The Baruya of the Eastern Highlands of Papua New Guinea became famous in anthropology for “Great Men” model that Godelier forged (1986), enriching previous paradigms of leadership (Sahlins 1963). The Great man has already created much... more
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      Papua New GuineaMelanesia (Anthropology)Big-menMaurice Godelier
"La obra colectiva Leer El capital, de la que presentamos aquí una nueva edición, se encontraba hacía muchos años agotada e inhallable. No por ello ella había dejado de funcionar como un hito y de servir de referencia en los debates e... more
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      MarxismRanciereGeorges CanguilhemLouis Althusser
Le primat de l'imaginaire sur le symbolique. dans l'anthropologie de Maurice Godelier *. Anne Mélice. Depuis quelques années, le concept d'imaginaire a pris une place accrue dans les travaux des anthropologues.... more
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      LacanClaude Lévi-StraussCornelius CastoriadisRite