Archaeological excavations
Recent papers in Archaeological excavations
Ésta investigación gira en torno a la pregunta inicial: ¿cuántos sitios arqueológicos existen en la Ciudad de México y qué porcentaje de ellos puede ser estudiado mediante nuevas tecnologías? Se intenta responder dicha pregunta partiendo... more
Loten H. Stanley, Miscellaneous investigations in Central Tikal: Great Temples III, IV, V, and VI. Tikal Report 23B, University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology (University Museum monograph, 146), Philadelphia, 2017,... more
Θα παρουσιαστεί η επιτελεστική (performative) διαδρομή που πραγματοποίησε η Αγγελική Σβορώνου στον Αρχαιολογικό Χώρο της Αρχαίας Αγοράς της Αθήνας την Άνοιξη του 2018. Η έμπνευση για τη δράση αυτή προήλθε από την έρευνα της Σβορώνου στο... more
GÖMÖRI János könyvei, szakcikkei, az általa szerkesztett konferenciakötetek és a fontosabb régészeti ismeretterjesztő, kiadványok, írások). SSz = Soproni Szemle.
Comacchio (FE), Italy, archaeological excavations
Pred okvirno 70 leti je v drugi oziroma tretji številki Zgodovinskega časopisa potekala vroča diskusija, ki še danes ni razrešena. Gre za eno najbolj perečih vprašanj arheologije v Sloveniji, to je problem staroslovanskega svetišča na... more
The identification of deviant burials as those of ‘vampires’ is a feature of excavated skeletons from sites across Eastern, Central and Southern Europe as well as the Balkans. Based on a close reading of historic and folkloric sources... more
JELIČIĆ RADONIĆ, Jasna – Hermine GÖRICKE-LUKIĆ, Ivan MIRNIK. Faros III. Grčki, grčko-ilirski i rimski novac. Suradnici/Collaborators: DORAČIĆ, Damir – Ivana ZAMBONI i Maja BONAČIĆ-MANDINIĆ. Split, 2017: 253-272.
The book gives an example of how to use GIS software in digitally documenting archaeological excavations, based on the case study of excavations on the Neolithic site of Belo Brdo in Vinča.
A museum functions in many ways and dimensions, but foremost it is a place of groundbreaking research and knowledge to be shared. Τhe central unit (New Museum) of the Polycentric Museum of Aigai is in the final phase of its completion and... more
Il Santuario e la Tomba dell'apostolo Filippo a Hierapolis di Frigia. Con appendici di T. Ritti, L. Calcagnile e S. Ahrens
A major landscaping project by York Museums Trust (YMT) intends to reclaim unused land between the York Art Gallery and Kings’ Manor area and develop the North-West corner of the precinct of St. Mary’s Abbey as part of a wider scheme of... more
The celebrated umbilical centre of Ireland in early tradition, the Hill of Uisneach (County Westmeath) has long been recognised as an important pre-Christian cult centre and as a major royal site, yet its archaeological components have... more
2016 yılında Türkiye’de müzeler başkanlığında 278 arkeolojik kazı gerçekleşmiştir. Ne var ki bunlardan yalnızca 27’si Müze Kurtarma Kazıları Sempozyumu’nda tanıtılıp yayınlanmıştır. Benzer bir tablo her yıl tekrarlanmakta, müze... more
Κωνσταντίνα Γραβάνη, Χρυσηίδα Σούλη, Αμαλία Βλαχοπούλου
Throughout the summer of 2001 archaeological investigations were carried out along the South West Water Pipeline between Mitchell and St Newlyn East. In the Metha area a number of pits of probable Neolithic/Early Bronze Age date were... more
This paper, based on already published, but unnoticed material, presents the first systematic excavation of Dodona.
From 1994 to 1998, the 9th Ephorate of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities undertook a rescue excavation of the ancient cemetery at Akraiphia alongside the Athens-Lamia National Road. Excavators unearthed 698 burials (499 inhumations... more
In mining operations carried out below the water table, mine area could potentially affect the surrounding. With further deepening of the mine and quarry, the drawdown can impact on water supply wells and base flow. The variation in... more
The excavation of the Whitehorse Hill cist took place in the late summer of 2011. It had been assumed that the most significant aspect of the project would be the environmental recording and that the cist itself would be empty. In the... more
Zusammenfassung: Die römische Stadt auf dem Magdalensberg, von 1948 bis 2011 alljährlich in systematischen Grabungen untersucht, erbrachte beträchtliche Mengen an Funden, die Aufschlüsse über Nahrung und Ernährungsgewohnheiten geben:... more
This report presents the results of nine seasons of excavations at Tel Malhata located in the Arad-Beer-sheba valley, Israel. Six Strata were exposed, ranging from the Middle Bronze Age to the Byzantine period. The flourishing settlement... more