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This chapter defines the fundamentals of criminal law with regard to business contexts. It describes the characteristics of criminal law (role of strict legality, role of criminal intent) in contrast to other fields of law, and proposes... more
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      Attorney-Client PrivilegeBusiness CrimeIntention in Criminal LawRight to Remain Silent
En el derecho argentino, lamentablemente, los estándares de prueba objetivos –que no tiene porqué ser uno solo; y ni siquiera el mismo para todos los delitos– no se encuentran regulados. Ello dificulta saber cómo se distribuyen en nuestro... more
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      PruebaProceso PenalPresunción De InocenciaBeyond Reasonable Doubt
The law is axiomatic. In order to convict a person of a crime, every element of the crime with which he is charged must be proven beyond a reasonable doubt. This Article argues that this fundamental proposition of American criminal law is... more
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      JuriesJury trialReasonable DoubtJuries, Criminal Jury, Jury Instructions
Là một phần trong nghiên cứu về chứng minh trong tố tụng dân sự của tác giả, bài viết làm rõ khái niệm chứng minh từ chủ thể, cấp độ đến giới hạn chứng minh từ góc độ tổng quát nhất. Trên cơ sở đó, tác giả bình luật và đề xuất những nội... more
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      Beyond Reasonable DoubtBurden of ProofNghĩa Vụ Chứng MinhBeweislastumkehr
Este artigo pretende analisar o standard probatório para condenação no processo penal brasileiro e as possíveis contribuições da categoria "além da dúvida razoá-vel" em caso de incorporação ao sistema nacional. Trata-se de temática... more
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      Law of evidenceDireito PenalProcesso PenalDERECHO PENAL
A review of Dan Barker's tome, godless, how an evangelical pastor abandoned fundamentalist faith and embraced so-called New Atheism. Mr. Barker is now codirector of Freedom From Religion Foundation. Barker's justifiable excoriation of his... more
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      AtheismEvolution of ReligionChristian MysticismHistory of Atheism
Comentario al fallo "MPF s/investigación" de la CSJN (año 2017) donde la minoría decide que en el caso hubo una aplicación incorrecta de la duda en favor del imputado. Se recorre el camino transitado por los fallos de la Corte en busca... more
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      Derecho penal y procesal penalAnálisis de jurisprudenciaPresunción De InocenciaBeyond Reasonable Doubt
Introductory overview of New Zealand artists who began working in film and video between 1970 and 1985, following their work up to 2010 and beyond. This piece was originally titled A Place Near Here and published in Illusions #35. It... more
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      Visual MusicVideo GamesManga and Anime StudiesVideo Art
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      Philosophy of PunishmentCriminalizationPresumption of InnocenceTheory of Criminalization
In criminal trials the state must establish, to a particular standard of proof, the defendant's guilt. The most widely-used and important standard of proof for criminal conviction is the " beyond a reasonable doubt " standard. But what... more
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      Legal EpistemologyCrime StatisticsBeyond Reasonable DoubtLarry Laudan
Lo scritto esamina i cinque problemi principali posti da Giovanni Tuzet nella recensione del mio libro su libero convincimento e ragionevole dubbio nel processo penale. Replicando alle obiezioni della recensione, esso mira a chiarire il... more
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      Proof TheoryLaw of evidenceLegal TheoryCriminal Law Criminal Procedure Law
The article is devoted to the research of standards of proof, especially beyond reasonable doubt. Based on the analysis of the scientific literature and legislation United Kingdom, the United States and the European Court of Human Rights... more
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      Standard of proofBeyond Reasonable DoubtBurden of Proofстандарт доказування
A good account of the agnostic attitude of Suspending Judgement should explain how it can be rendered more or less rational/justified according to the state of one's evidence-and one's relation to that evidence. I argue that the attitude... more
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy of MindEpistemologyEpistemic Justification
Authors dealing with the problem of lack of stabile material evidence in the practice of criminal procedure in Republic of Serbia. Assumption is that the lack of stabile material evidence in the criminal procedural practice in the... more
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      Law of evidenceEvidenceCriminal Procedural LawCriminal Procedural Laws
Proof beyond a reasonable doubt (BARD) is one of the most fundamental requirements of American criminal law and other legal systems. Professor Larry Laudan has criticized this requirement for several reasons. His main contention is that... more
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      Legal EpistemologyJudicial ErrorsBeyond Reasonable DoubtLarry Laudan
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      Reasonable DoubtBeyond Reasonable Doubtvoluntarismo judicial
Was the sexual act consensual? Did the defendant have a reasonable belief that he was in imminent danger of death by an attacker? Did the police use excessive force? Did the defendant act in a heinous or cruel manner? Did the defendant... more
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      Criminal LawPolitical RepresentationJury trialCriminal Law Theory
Стаття присвячена дослідженню теорії та практиці застосування стандарту доказування «поза розумним сумнівом» судами в кримінальному провадженні Канади. У статті здійснено аналіз судових рішень Верховного Суду Канади й апеляційних судів... more
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      Criminal ProcedureStandard of proofКанада и СШАуголовный процесс
The law is axiomatic. In order to convict a person of a crime, every element of the crime with which he is charged must be proven beyond a reasonable doubt. This Article argues that this fundamental proposition of American criminal law is... more
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      PsychologyJuriesJury trialSocial Science Research Network
آنچه به عنوان عقايد اماميه شناخته ميشود عمدتاً برآمده از آثار كلامي متكلمان قرن چهارم و پنجم- مثل شيخ مفيد و سيدمرتضي - است گواينكه در سده هاي بعدي امثال خواجه نصيرالدين طوسي بيانهاي متفاوتي از بعضي امور ارائه كردند. عمده چالشها در اين... more
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      Mathematical ModellingOccultTheologianImamiyah
Guilt beyond a reasonable doubt (BARD) has generated much criticism, especially that BARD does not lend itself easily to mathematical precision; it is notoriously difficult to specify the probability threshold, if any, that constitutes... more
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      JurisprudenceEpistemologyBayesianLaw of evidence
This essay considers the doubt and its relation to desire as explored in William Godwin’s Caleb Williams (1794). It argues that the novel’s interest in doubt, and particularly its interest in how doubt organizes legal inquiry, should be... more
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      RomanticismWilliam GodwinMoral SkepticismReasonable Doubt
Стаття присвячена аналізу процесів формування та розвитку стандарту доказування «поза розумним сумнівом», з'ясуванню його особливостей та природи в історичному розвитку. На основі аналізу наукової літератури було виділено два основних... more
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      Criminal ProcedureLaw of evidenceJury trialуголовный процесс