Biface Technology
Recent papers in Biface Technology
Actualistic studies have contributed greatly to our understanding of the past. In this paper, we analyze six stone bifaces used to butcher a 23 year-old African Elephant. Detailed records from this study allow us to illustrate how stone... more
La fonction des bifaces, dont la présence est récurrente au Paléolithique moyen récent, a jusqu'à présent fait l'objet de rares études tracéologiques, dont les résultats ne permettent pas de se prononcer quant-à leur rôle précis en tant... more
Les Néandertaliens ont occupé la totalité du territoire belge, ce qui se traduit aujourd’hui par 441 points de découvertes d’éléments lithiques. Les instruments bifaciaux y abondent, puisque 184 de ces sites en ont livré, et permettent... more
The 2013 to 2016 archaeological recovery of the Bowser Road mastodon (Mammut americanum), Orange County, New York, (R.M. Gramly, 2017*) advances PaleoAmerican and Clovis studies (+/- 11,000 to 13,000 years before present).______ A case... more
The Campignan lithic tool and the flint mining activities in prehitoric Sicily (Neolithic to Early Bronze Age)
Cleavers were identified as a component of Levantine Lower Paleolithic sites as early as the 1930s. This morphotype occurs both in Early Acheulian assemblages like Gesher Benot Ya‘aqov (OIS 18–20) and in Late Acheulian and... more
Over the 1.5 million year duration of the Acheulean there is considerable variation in biface finesse. It is not clear however, if there is an improvement in biface knapping ability over time, or if variation between sites is largely... more
In definition of the prehistoric migration routes of the earliest human beings, determination of the sites plays an crucial role. There is no doubt that in these first migrations from Africa, Anatolia had an important place. Evidence of... more
My analysis of a Paleoindian ovate biface surface found on private land in Oregon in the 1960s.
Poster presented at the Quenstedt-Feier 2008, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen Geowissenschaftliche Fakultät. Based upon my Master's research on the Lower Paleolithic of Morocco.
Discussion of the chronological relevance of tektite presence in the biface-bearing sediments of Bose (Baise), southern China. Including taphonomical issues, and the correct interpretation of the causes of tektite morphology.
The Campignan, the bifacial Holocene tools and the flint mining in prehistoric Sicily (Middle Neolithic to Early Bronze Age)
Prometheus stahl den Göttern das Feuer und brachte es auf die Erde. Doch wem gab er es? Die Untersuchungen des Autors belegen: Der Neandertaler war in der Lage, mit seinen Werkzeugen Feuer zu entfachen.
Between the Levant and the Indian sub-continent only a few Acheulean sites have been documented, hampering models of hominin dispersals. Here we describe the first Acheulean sites to be discovered in the Nefud Desert of northern Arabia.... more
FR : Le modèle « Out of Africa » est profondément ancré dans les réflexions portant sur les peuplements paléolithiques. Pour le Pléistocène inférieur et moyen ancien, plusieurs vagues de dispersion des premiers hominidés à partir de... more
A unique Pottery Neolithic context corresponding to the Wadi Rabah culture was found at the multi-layered site of Ein Zippori, Israel. Given the significant amount of flakes, cortical flakes, thinning flakes, and bifacial tool rejects, it... more