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      Jesuit historyForgery, Fakery, FraudSpanish Colonial PeruHoax Literature
Estudio preliminar acerca del capacquipu disenado por Raimondo di Sangro y de las relaciones entre su diseño y el archivo Miccinelli. Discusión acerca del archivo Miccinelli y de las publicaciones de Laura Laurencich y otros autores, y de... more
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      Guaman PomaBlas ValeraLos Comentarios RealesNueva Coronica Y Buen Gobierno
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      IncasBlas ValeraDocumenti MiccinelliTocapu Llave Inca
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      History of Colonial PeruBlas Valera
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      HistoriographyAndean CultureCalendarsIncas
This work tries to fill a gap in the Inca memory, showing a connection between two archaeological findings: tocapu llave inca and table-yupana, at the present considered unconnected, and their possible association with the... more
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      IncasBlas ValeraYupanaDocumenti Miccinelli
In the spirit of justice Blas Valera broke all the rules -- and paid with his life. Hundreds of years later, his ghost has returned to haunt the official record. But is it the truth, and will it set the record straight? This is the... more
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      Latin American and Caribbean HistoryPeruvian HistoryQuechuaJesuits
This review of Domenici and Domenici's Il nodi segreti degli incas and El silencio protagonista edited by Laurencich-Minelli and Numhauser Bar-Magen discusses possible interrelationships between Peruvian colonial chroniclers Guaman Poma... more
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      Peruvian HistoryIncasBlas ValeraFelipe Guaman Poma de Ayala
Exsul Immeritus Blas Valera Populo Suo is one of the two Jesuit documents that make up the so-called "Miccinelli documents" which, like many other documents of the Spanish conquest, were "discovered" in archives or private collections... more
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      MagicBook ArtIncasInkas
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      South American HistoryBlas ValeraPeru colonialHistory of Jesuits
Among the many extraordinary claims of the Miccinelli manuscripts kept in a private collection in Naples and published in 1989 and later, one of those most urgently in need of being closely investigated has concerned the authorship of one... more
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      Guaman PomaBlas ValeraDocumenti MiccinelliNueva Coronica Y Buen Gobierno
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      IncasBlas ValeraPeriodo ColonialeNueva Coronica
El maestro Luís López Ballesteros formó parte del primer grupo de jesuitas que llegó al virreinato del Perú el año 1568. La importancia de su obra, en la formación de nuevos miembros de la Compañía y en los pasos iniciales de esta en... more
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      The Spanish InquisitionJesuitsBlas ValeraJesuitas
This book review article discusses the the work of early Spanish colonial writers Felipe Guaman Poma de Ayala, Martin de Murua, Blas Valera, and Don Juan de Mendoza y Luna. It mentions the Residencia of Juan Manuel de Anaya, Corregidor of... more
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      Peruvian HistoryIncasBlas ValeraFelipe Guaman Poma de Ayala
Page 1. Gods of the Andes An EarlyJesuit Account ofInca Religion and Andean Christianity Sabine Hyland latin american originals Page 2. Gods of the Andes Page 3. Page 4. Gods of the Andes An Early Jesuit Account of Inca ...
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      Native American ReligionsEthnohistoryLatin American StudiesAnthropology
Summary: The paper argues that the "Contract" is a modern fake (late 1990s) : its central piece, a drawing representing Pizarro a.o. conquistadors sailing to the Indies, allegedly by Guaman Poma, is merely a tracing based on the -... more
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      Image Forgery DetectionLiterary ForgeriesGuaman PomaBlas Valera
El cronista jesuito, el autor de varias investigaciones históricas sobre la historia de los incas. Tenía un hermano teólogo Jerónimo Valera. También compiló un diccionario de signos tocapu, supuestamente la criptografía de los Incas. Fue... more
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      Bolivian studiesPeruvian HistorySpanish Colonial PeruAndean studies
basado en los libros Exsul immeritus blas valera populo suo, Historia et rudimenta linguae piruanorum y Lettera Apologetica
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      Bolivian studiesPeruvian HistoryEcuadorian historyQuechua
This article seeks to highlight key aspects of the controversy over the authorship of the work of Inca Garcilaso de la Vega. It refers to the controversy toward the nature or scope of the appropriations made by the Cuzqueño historian of... more
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      Garcilaso De La VegaBlas ValeraHistoriografíaInca Garcilaso Pauperismo Comentarios reales
n the spirit of justice Blas Valera broke all the rules—and paid with his life. Hundreds of years later, his ghost has returned to haunt the official account. But is it the truth, and will it set the record straight? This is the story of... more
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      Latin American and Caribbean HistoryAndesPeruvian HistorySpanish Colonial Peru
Page 1. Gods of the Andes An EarlyJesuit Account ofInca Religion and Andean Christianity Sabine Hyland latin american originals Page 2. Gods of the Andes Page 3. Page 4. Gods of the Andes An Early Jesuit Account of Inca ...
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      Native American ReligionsEthnohistoryLatin American StudiesAnthropology