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Guida ai rifugi antiaerei della Capitale d'Italia, con un primo censimento delle strutture più importanti: dai Bunker di Mussolini a Villa Torlonia e Palazzo Venezia a quello della famiglia reale nel parco di Villa Ada. E ancora: da... more
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      War StudiesReinforced Concrete StructuresBunkersFascist Architecture Rome
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      Military HistoryMilitary ArchitectureSecond World WarBats (Mammalogy)
In the city of Civitavecchia, close to the Poggio Paradiso hill, you can admire forty WWII bunker. It is a complex of structures built for the training school "Guastatori of Genio", which was established 29 July 1940. Sent to Africa, they... more
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      Second World WarBunkersMILITARY HISTORY WW2Civitavecchia
German underground war factories in Dutch quarries during WW2
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      Nazi GermanyWW2 archaeologyMILITARY HISTORY WW2Bunker Architecture
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesHeritage StudiesAdaptive Reuse
Unable to afford advanced technological deterrents, Albania’s communist regime built 500 000 military bunkers as a defence against a possible invasion. These monoliths that dominate the landscape were thankfully never used for their... more
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      Military HistoryAlbanian StudiesBalkan StudiesBalkan History
Catálogo de las posiciones y arquitecturas militares construidas por la administración española en el norte de Marruecos (Rif) entre 1908 y 1956. Se abordan diferentes tipologías que van desde la posición militar, al fuerte, campamento... more
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      ColonialismMilitary ArchitectureMilitary ArchitechtureMorocco
La Organización Defensiva del Pirineo fue una línea de fortificación diseñada por el Estado Mayor franquista contra una posible invasión Aliada o incluso del Eje. El proyecto surge durante la Guerra Civil, inspirándose en las grandes... more
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryHistory of WarHistoria
Scomparire è ancora meglio che tuffarsi sott'acqua: al costume dei ranocchi, preferisco quello dei topi. Non penso, però, a quelli neri e grigi delle case e dei giardini, ma al topo giallo-rosso della foresta tropicale, che somiglia ad un... more
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      ZoologyNuclear WeaponsErnst BlochHistory of Zoology
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      BunkersGUERRA CIVIL ESPAÑOLABunker ArchitectureLinear Defence
After the armistice, the threat of an Allied landing on the Italian coasts of Romagna, north of the Gothic Line, spread among the German Army. This danger led to a real arms race, as it would have offered free access to the heart of the... more
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      ConservationWorld War IIRestorationItaly
This article presents a ‘pathology’ of the Cold War bunker via an analysis of the decay, entropy and post-human fecundity to be found within the closed system of these now abandoned man-made protective cavities. Opening with a contextual... more
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      Cold War and CultureConflictCyberneticsNuclear Weapons
Active à peine plus d’un an pendant l’Occupation, la base sous-marine de Bordeaux cristallise encore les souvenirs douloureux des heures sombres du Port de la Lune. Le bunker attire pourtant depuis les années 1960 des artistes, cinéastes,... more
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En este artículo se ofrece un acercamiento a la interpretación antropológica de una serie de enclaves defensivos que salpican el Valle de Roncal, la denominada Línea P. En su estudio se analiza la reformulación del mensaje... more
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      World War II historyMemoria HistóricaBunker ArchitecturePirineos
Blockhouses represent a type of small-span aboveground bunkers, originally built in England but later also in other parts of the world. These specific forms of military heritage, which were largely built during the WWII in Balkan, are... more
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      Military ArchitectureSustainable ArchitectureRevitalizationBunker Architecture
Cold War Space and Culture in the 1960s and 1980s: The Bunkered Decades studies the two periods in which Americans were actively encouraged to excavate their own backyards while governments the world over exhausted their budgets on... more
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      Popular CultureCold War and CultureCold WarScience Fiction
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      Italy (History)Second World WarArchaeology of the Contemporary PastFortifications
El presente libro estudia, inventaría, cataloga y restituye gráficamente todos los elementos de la arquitectura para la defensa de la costa existentes en el litoral de la provincia de Alicante, levantados durante la guerra civil española... more
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      ArquitecturaHistoria de la ArquitecturaBunkersCold War Bunkers
A B S T R A C T Recently many methods for reducing the risk of human extinction have been suggested, including building refuges underground and in space. Here we will discuss the perspective of using military nuclear submarines or their... more
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      Future StudiesEthicsDisaster StudiesWar Studies
(ES): Las fortificaciones militares europeas del siglo XX son hoy una ruina ambigua que activa el paisaje. Pueden entenderse como una marca que se convierte en un impacto estético en el territorio. Aunque Paul Virilio, hace... more
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      Historia de la ArquitecturaBunkersCold War BunkersSEGUNDA GUERRA MUNDIAL
The Mediterranean wall, which is a collection of defensive constructions along the coast, was built during the Spanish War (1936-39) to prevent enemy attacks. Its called this way like the Atlantic Wall, which was built after the Second... more
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      Cold War BunkersGUERRA CIVIL ESPAÑOLAPatrimónio ArquitectónicoArqueología de la Guerra Civil Española
Was shelters in Matera
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      Second World WarBunker Architecture
Koruganlar, en az görünürlükle en fazla alanı görebilme ve kontrol edebilme stratejisiyle stratejik noktalarda inşa edilmiş, duvar kalınlıkları 1 ila 2 metre arasında değişen masif betonarme kütlelerdir. Genellikle toprağa ya da... more
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      ArchitectureArchitectural HistoryArchitectural Preservation & RestorationBrutalism
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      Cold War BunkersGeographies of embodiment, practice, affect and materiality.Bunker Architecture
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      History of Science and TechnologyCultural HistoryHistory of SwitzerlandCold War Bunkers
Abstract The Mediterranean wall, which is a collection of defensive constructions along the coast, was built during the Spanish War (1936-39) to prevent enemy attacks. It´s called this way like the Atlantic Wall, which was built after the... more
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      Cold War BunkersGUERRA CIVIL ESPAÑOLAPatrimónio ArquitectónicoArqueología de la Guerra Civil Española
Army strategists and military engineers always opt for the more direct, more effective way in the project of buildings and machines. Contrary to the inertia which appears in the designs and architectures in the civil field, where common... more
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      Design Process (Architecture)BunkersArchitectural DesignCold War Bunkers
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      EngineeringMilitary ArchitectureSustainable ArchitectureRevitalization
Programme / Program Fortifications, defence systems, structures and features in the past Fortifikacije, obrambeni sustavi i strukture u prošlosti Institute of archaeology / Institut za arheologiju Zagreb, 7 th-9 th June 2017 Zagreb, 7.-9.... more
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      ArchitectureSocial and Cultural AnthropologyMaurice Merleau-PontyFreud and Lacan
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      Paul VirilioExhibition DesignBunker ArchitectureBunker Archeology
The images and text presented here are the early impressions of a remote military outpost in southern Norway, of military space as a ‘cyclothymic animal’ hibernating during peacetimes and awakening for conflict (Virilio 1994, 21), as it... more
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      Military HistoryLandscape ArchaeologyLandscape ArchitectureCultural Landscapes
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      BusinessFuture StudiesEthicsDisaster Studies
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      Military HistoryGeographyLandscape ArchaeologyLandscape Architecture
“Paisaje de paz en el espacio militarizado – La Línea P en el Valle de Roncal / Militargunean bake paisaia – Erronkariko Ibaxan P Lerroa”. Visitas guíadas con charlas interpretativas desarrolladas en el marco de las Jornadas Europeas de... more
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      Cultural Heritage ConservationBunkersPatrimonio CulturalBunker Architecture
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      Cultural HeritageContemporary ArtCultural LandscapesBunker Architecture