Ceramica etrusca
Recent papers in Ceramica etrusca
The present text provides an example of “metadisciplinary” approach. Approach to what? Here’s an important point: we don’t know. It depends on the observer, like in a daydream quantum vision of fluctuating reality. Are we trying to keep... more
Thanks to the increasing multidisciplinary approach to the analysis of votive contexts, a meaningful amount of information about both archaeological finds and associated faunal remains is available, giving way to interpretations about... more
This paper presents an unpublished clay plate with painted decoration found during field surveys conducted in 1994 inside the area of a new Etruscan settlement discovered in the district of “Acquatraversa”, nearby the ancient route of via... more
In this paper, we intend to examine some modern huts, in order to help us to understand better and to interpret the archaeological remains of huts. The tradition of building huts in the countryside has today been replaced by that of... more
The collaboration with the Department of Sciences of Antiquities, Sapienza Università di Roma, made possible the analysis of an extremely rich context discovered in 1998 in the western sector of the Civita Castellana plateau. This... more
Etruscan cities facing the sea-Caere, Tarquinia, Vulci, Populonia, and Pisa-as well as those located farther inland, such as Roselle, Vetulonia, and Volterra, rose, except for Populonia, on raised mounds or spurs at a certain distance... more
The stamped pottery of Caere, a regional production of pithoi and braziers, has been widely published and is generally familiar to Etruscologists. In this article, I present, however, some previously unpublished vessels, raising new... more
This is a study on the processing techniques of mystical mirrors and on the collaboration between blacksmiths and ceramists in the manufacture of colored and silvered vases.