Chinese Stock Market
Recent papers in Chinese Stock Market
В середине 2019 года КНР открыла новую биржу, а именно "Биржа научных и технологичных инновацией под Шанхайской фондовой биржей" с символичным англоязычным названием STAR Market. В процессе создания данной биржи были обнародованы... more
We provide a novel lens on to the presence and impact of qualified foreign institutional investors (QFII) in the top shareholdings of the non-financial domestically listed Chinese ‘A’ share firms. Unlike prior cross sectional studies... more
This paper studies the profitability of applying technical analysis that signals the entry and exit from the stock market in three Chinese stock markets - the Shanghai, Hong Kong and Taiwan Stock Exchanges. The Simple Moving Average (MA)... more
China’s stock markets are barely 25 years old however, they already boast more members than China’s communist party, “90 million individual investors, compared with 87.8 million members of the Communist Party” (Faux 2015). First, this... more
We investigate the relation between daily order imbalance and return in the Chinese stock markets of Shenzhen and Shanghai. Prior studies have found that daily order imbalance is predictive of subsequent returns. On the two Chinese... more
Volatility is an important component in risk return analysis of financial assets. It imparts liquidity to the financial system and also serves as an information source for rational decision making. Since the latter half of the 20th... more
This paper examines whether there is evidence of spillovers of volatility from the Chinese stock market to its neighbours and trading partners, including Australia, Hong Kong, Singapore, Japan and USA. China's increasing integration into... more
The aim of the paper is to evaluate the effects of the intervention of the Chinese government undertaken during the 2015–2016 crisis on the Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSI). The following research hypothesis was set up: in the long run, both... more
This paper implements empirical tests of the recently proposed float-adjusted return model by using Chinese stock-market data. The results show that variation in free float can explain cross-sectional variation in asset returns by about... more
Volatility is an important component in risk return analysis of financial assets. It imparts liquidity to the financial system and also serves as an information source for rational decision making. Since the latter half of the 20th... more
We investigate the behavior of the Shanghai Stock Exchange Composite (SSEC) index for the period from 1990:12 to 2007:06 using an unconstrained two-regime threshold autoregressive (TAR) model with an unit root developed by Caner and... more
This paper adopts a non-parametric stochastic dominance (SD) approach to examine the day-of-the-week effects in Chinese stock markets. In contrast to the extensive evidence of day-of-the-week effects disclosed by a parametric... more
The aim of the paper is to evaluate the effects of the intervention of the Chinese government undertaken during the 2015–2016 crisis on the Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSI). The following research hypothesis was set up: in the long run, both... more
We study the determinants of capital structure for 650 Chinese publicly listed companies over the period from 1999 to 2004. We posit that a firm's decision on capital structure is inherently dynamic, and estimate the resulting dynamic... more
This paper studies the relation between firm-level return dispersions and correlations among Chinese stocks during periods of unusually large upward and downward swings. We analyze individual stock returns across 18 sectors and test if... more
This paper examines the impact of the prevailing state ownership in the Chinese stock market on corporate governance and the financial regulatory system respectively as the internal and external monitoring mechanisms to deter corporate... more
We examine the wealth effects of three regulatory changes designed to improve minority-shareholder protection in the Chinese stock markets. Using the value of a firm's related-party transactions as an inverse proxy for the quality of... more
This paper shows that Bayesian estimation and comparison of multivariate generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity (MGARCH) and multivariate stochastic volatility (MSV) models with Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods could be... more
Our paper examines calendar effects in Chinese stock market, particularly monthly and daily effects. Using individual stock returns, we observe the change of the calendar effect over time. In Shanghai and Shenzhen, the year-end effect was... more
This study adopts the Markov-switching ARCH (hereafter SWARCH) model to examine the volatility nature and volatility linkages of four segmented Chinese stock indices (SHA, SZA, SHB, and SZB). Our empirical findings are consistent with the... more
We study the evolution of the correlation-based clusters of stocks, which usually accord with business groups. By segmenting the whole time series into several overlapping segments, we trace the dynamical evolution of each business... more
Volatility is an important component in risk return analysis of financial assets. It imparts liquidity to the financial system and also serves as an information source for rational decision making. Since the latter half of the 20th... more
Using a new statistical procedure suitable to test efficient market hypothesis in presence of volatility clustering, we find significant evidence against the weak form of efficient market hypothesis for both Shanghai and Shenzhen stock... more
We explain the price discount and high returns for B shares relative to their A-share counterparts in Chinese stock markets. We report evidence that the higher the dispersion of domestic analysts' forecasts, the lower are A-share returns,... more
This paper examines the speed of price adjustment in Chinese A-and B-share stock markets. We use a VAR model to show that Ashares, which are owned primarily by domestic individual investors, adjust to information faster than do B-shares,... more
This article explores the dynamics of the dependence between ‘A’ and ‘B’ share indices on the Shanghai and Shenzhen securities exchanges. While the marginal behaviour of each stock index is modelled by an asymmetric Student-t... more
This paper provides a synthetic view of the capital account liberalization, capital control and currency convertibility issues in China. A quantitative analysis following Henry's study 1 fails to provide clear links between... more
This paper provides a synthetic view of the capital account liberalization, capital control and currency convertibility issues in China. A quantitative analysis following Henry's study 1 fails to provide clear links between... more
The recent Split Share Structure Reform launched by the government in the Chinese stock market terminates trading constraints on restricted shares. In exchange for the consent of freely-traded shareholders, restricted shareholders offer... more
In the Chinese stock markets, there are A-shares and B-shares. Both share-types have identical cash flow rights but different ownership structures (i.e., A-shares are owned by local Chinese citizens and B-shares are owned primarily by... more
Our paper examines calendar effects in Chinese stock market, particularly monthly and daily effects. Using individual stock returns, we observe the change of the calendar effect over time. In Shanghai and Shenzhen, the year-end effect was... more
We examine the patterns of information flows within and across sectors of the two Chinese stock exchanges in Shanghai and Shenzhen during 1994-2001. Using the generalized forecast error variance decomposition, we find a high degree of... more
This paper examines whether there is evidence of spillovers of volatility from the Chinese stock market to its neighbours and trading partners, including Australia, Hong Kong, Singapore, Japan and USA. China's increasing integration into... more
We estimate a dynamic model under Anderson's Modified Mixture of Distribution Hypothesis (MMDH) to explore the underlying causes of the volatility differences between China's domestic A shares and foreign B shares. We find evidence that... more
This paper examines the presence of herd formation in Chinese markets using both individual firm-and sector-level data. We analyze the behavior of return dispersions during periods of unusually large upward and downward changes in the... more
This paper examines corporate governance and foreign equity home bias in Chinese companies. Free float measures are employed to account for bias introduced by insider control. It is found that foreign ownership relative to free float is... more
The distribution of trade sizes and trading volumes are investigated based on the limit order book data of 22 liquid Chinese stocks listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange in the whole year 2003. We observe that the size distribution of... more