Cities and climate change
Recent papers in Cities and climate change
The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) provides the protocol by which investors from developed countries can invest in greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction projects in developing countries under the Clean Development... more
RESUMEN En las últimas décadas, olas de calor urbano, sequías extremas e incendios forestales se han reportado cada vez con mayor frecuencia, perturbando la dinámica ambiental y la calidad de vida de los habitantes localizados en las... more
Asian cities are home to 2.1 billion people, or 53% of the world's urban population. With such large demographic base, Asian cities are growing rapidly. While they contribute significantly to economic growth in the region, their planning... more
Inter-urban competition has become a defining feature of city governance. More recently, cities have also become important centres for sustainable action, with the title of ‘green capital’ now a prestigious, sought-after honour. Through... more
The urban-themed exhibits at Expo 2010 in Shanghai show clear recognition of the opportunities that exist to help turn around climate change through innovations in urban development. Alexander E. Kalamaros, "A Window into the Future."... more