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The Center for Bioterrorism and All-Hazards Preparedness (CBAP) at Nova Southeastern University College of Osteopathic Medicine is part of the National Education Strategy Team supported by the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and... more
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      HumansCivil DefensePublic health systems and services researchConsumer Participation
Communities will rely on open points of dispensing (PODs) for mass dispensing of medical countermeasures following a bioterrorism attack or a pandemic. US Cities Readiness Initiative (CRI) open POD preparedness is assessed using the... more
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      Program EvaluationPerceptionCitiesHumans
This paper aims essentially to demonstrate the magnitude of the bureaucratic bottlenecks that hinder the development of processes efficient and effective service actions to assist victims of disasters caused by extreme water events. Even... more
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    • Civil Defense
Social media can be a force multiplier used by terrorists to panic millions of Americans. This article describes how to make sure that does not happen.
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      TerrorismInternational TerrorismPolitical Violence and TerrorismCyber Terrorism
Šajā Civilās aizsardzības plānā aprakstīti iekšējo un ārējo iespējamo avāriju teorētiskie aspekti un sniegtas vadlīnijas avāriju izcelšanās un iespējamo seku mazināšanai, ievērojot Latvijas likumos un Ministru kabineta noteikumos... more
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      Civil DefenseFire safety
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      LawCivil RightsCapitalismPublic Health
The Republic of China on the island of Taiwan has experienced at least 20 terrorist events since 1979, including 13 aircraft hijackings and five bombings. Factors responsible for the relatively small burden of terrorism on Taiwan in the... more
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      TerrorismRisk assessmentEmergency Medical ServicesHumans
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      Information SecurityCivil DefenseOccupational SafetyLife Safety
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      Decision MakingRiskPublic HealthHospitals
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      Biological WeaponsCivil DefenseChemical Biological WeaponsBiological weapons policy and biophysical chemistry
As the time past, the man was trying to tone down the sufferings of war, by providing care to the injured soldiers and gathering of the dead soldiers in order to reward them with the credit they deserved. Almost in the end of the 19th... more
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      Civil DefenseCivil and Environmental EngineeringProtection and Civil Defense and International Strategy for Disaster Reduction
Obrona cywilna (civil defence) to pojęcie zdefiniowane m.in. w dokumentach międzynarodowego prawa humanitarnego, tj. w I Protokole dodatkowym z 1977 roku do konwencji genewskich z 12 sierpnia 1949 roku. Celem jest ochrona przede wszystkim... more
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      Armed ConflictCivil-military relationsArmed ForcesCivil Protection
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      Risk assessmentMultidisciplinaryAnimalsCivil Defense
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      Public HealthResearchAerosolsDisease Outbreaks
MARTINS, L. B. . As Cinco Faces de Apophis: sobre males compartilhados, paradigmas de segurança e defesa planetária. Insight Inteligência (Rio de Janeiro), v.95, p.38 a 50, 2021. Para o acesso à edição completa, faça o download pelo link... more
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      Planetary ScienceOccupational Health & Safetypesquisa relacionada a Defesa Civil ou Proteção CivilSaúde e Segurança no Trabalho
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      ResearchAerosolsDisease OutbreaksInfection Control
Obrona cywilna to jedno z podstawowych zadań współczesnego państwa. Jednym z państw dysponujących dobrze rozwiniętym systemem obrony cywilnej jest Izrael. Jest to jednocześnie jedno z nielicznych państw wysoko rozwiniętych, które... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesIsraelEarly WarningCivil Defense
This article paper was one of the “Most Read Article with 620+ views published via LinkedIn Publishing Network page last January 20, 2018. The document has been prepared to provide a course background with the requirement of the Authority... more
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      Risk Management and InsuranceEconomicsDesignFire and Emergency Services
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      NursingAviationLow back painHumans
This manuscript summarizes the best available scholarly evidence related to anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS) as a reference for health care professionals, including athletic trainers, educators, and interested others. Health care... more
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      Sports MedicineSportsHumansUnited States
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      CommunicationEmergency ShelterBiological SciencesHumans
This dissertation is conceived to be a contribution to the understanding of the Italian “Civil Peace Corps” Concept, as a tool delivering non-violent conflict transformation actions of positive peace, contributing to Human Security... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesHuman RightsPost-conflict Reconstruction and DevelopmentCrisis Management
Vulnerability and resilience are concepts, which help to better understand emergencies, crises and disasters. But what has already been found out where, how and from whom? The pilot version of “Atlas of Vulnerability and Resilience” takes... more
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      Community ResilienceResilienceDisaster risk managementHomeland Security
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    •   6  
      American HistoryHistory of Science and TechnologyNuclear WeaponsCold War Culture
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      MicrobiologyMedical MicrobiologyDisease OutbreaksHumans
Bruce Curley article in the Journal of Civil Defense of the American Civil Defense Association about the use of social media in the Joplin, Missouri tornado and how it saved many lives.
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      Cell PhonesSocial MediaFacebookTwitter
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      Sports MedicineSportsFacultyHumans
International law does not directly address intelligent defense systems (IDSs), of which Israel’s Iron Dome embodies the most successful implementation to date. This Article argues that international law should encourage the development... more
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      Constitutional LawInternational RelationsInternational LawInternational Security
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      Cold WarHistory Of EmotionsSwiss HistoryAnticommunism (History)
Biological weapons achieve their intended target effects through the infectivity of disease-causing infectious agents. The ability to use biological agents in warfare is prohibited by the Biological and Toxin Weapon Convention.... more
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The European Union's policy in the scope of internal security: Determinants - implementation - challenges in the second decade of the XXIst century Tematyka książki dotyczy polityki Unii Europejskiej w zakresie bezpieczeństwa... more
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      ResilienceDisaster risk managementEuropean UnionDisaster Management
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      Social MovementsContemporary HistoryCold War and CultureCultural Cold War
Este trabalho descreve o desenvolvimento de um sistema de informação focado na gestão de compras e estoques da Defesa Civil de SP. Esta organização é responsável pela aquisição, armazenagem e distribuição de materiais de assistência... more
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      Information SystemsCase Study ResearchKnowledge Discovery in DatabasesHumanitarian Logistics
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      MicrobiologyImmunologyMedical MicrobiologyCommunicable Diseases
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends using open points of dispensing (PODs) and alternative modalities, such as closed PODs, for mass dispensing of medical countermeasures. However, closed POD existence has not been... more
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      Public HealthBiological SciencesHumansUnited States
Artiklen undersøger produktionen af fremtid(er) i Hvis krigen kommer, udgivet af Statsministeriet og husstandsomdelt i januar 1962. Vores naerlaesning af pjecen tager udgangspunkt i begrebet "socio-tekniske forestillinger", der søger at... more
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      Welfare StateNuclear WeaponsCold WarModernity
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      pesquisa relacionada a Defesa Civil ou Proteção CivilCivil DefenseSegurança PúblicaBarry Buzan
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      Climate ChangeEnvironmental policyGlobal HealthHealth Information Systems
Streszczenie: Organizacje międzynarodowe, w tym organizacje rządowe i pozarządowe, są jednym z podmiotów stosunków międzynarodowych. Ochrona cywilów przed katastrofami naturalnymi, konfliktami zbrojnymi oraz pomoc humanitarna wpisuje się... more
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      International SecurityHuman SecurityCivil DefenseOrganizacje Międzynarodowe
The currently reactor wreckage in Fukushima raised the following important questions: Is our knowledge of the possible dangers of ionizing radiation sufficient to warrant special action? What is the role of the medical community in... more
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      CommunicationEmergency Medical ServicesHumansCivil Defense
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      MicrobiologyImmunologyMedical MicrobiologyCommunicable Diseases
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      Saudi ArabiaHumansFemaleMale
Following the severe flood events of 1998 and 2000, the United Kingdom's Environment Agency prioritised the need to increase public flood risk awareness. Drawing on data collected during research undertaken for the Environment Agency,... more
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      Public OpinionRiskRisk ManagementMultidisciplinary
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      ManagementTurkeyDisaster ManagementMedicine
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      Biological SciencesHumansInfectious DiseaseAnimals
Resilience has become a dominant paradigm in a wide range of risk and security agendas. In this article we describe the modes in which resilience approaches in the domain of civil protection responsibilize social actors and citizens to... more
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      ResilienceCold WarDisaster ManagementHistory of Switzerland
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      Nuclear WeaponsHealthEmergency Medical ServicesTriage
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      ViolencePublic HealthVirulenceHumans