Colonial Hispanic American culture
Recent papers in Colonial Hispanic American culture
La primera parte de este libro traza un amplio estudio que reflexiona sobre los relatos de conquista desde un espacio enunciativo particular: el barco. Examina así el lugar tangencial del navegante en relación con la conquista y la... more
An extensive study, part of a trilogy about Cuban immigration to the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent by the Spaniards to the present. The book extends on the sources, motivations and contradictions of the... more
Laberinto de tiempos por el que avanzan en incesante desfile imágenes fragmentarias, La tragedia del generalísimo (1984) de Denzil Romero es la puesta en discurso de la proliferación del sentido. El pacto de lectura que esta novela... more
The Rhetoric of Authority in New Spain: The Casa de Montejo in Mérida, Yucatán.
Material in this article was updated in my book: Architectural Rhetoric and the Iconography of Authority in Colonial Mexico: The Casa de Montejo
Material in this article was updated in my book: Architectural Rhetoric and the Iconography of Authority in Colonial Mexico: The Casa de Montejo
The early modern notion of "naturaleza" expressed the rights, obligations, privileges and exclusions that would later congeal around the modern concept of "citizenship". This article examines the notion of "natural" at the close of the... more
El reinado de Carlos I verá la mayor mutación jamás habida en la historia de la concepción del espacio humano. En sesenta años, se exploran las costas, rutas, islas y vientos de toda América, parte de Oceanía y el Sudeste Asiático. Se... more
Em 1688, foi publicada a Historia general de las conquistas del Nuevo Reino de Granada, escrita pelo clérigo neogranadino Lucas Fernández de Piedrahita. Esta obra não foi bem avaliada pela crítica historiográfica colombiana que a... more
Il tema dell’assistenza è tornato da qualche tempo all’attenzione della storiografia con un respiro di lunga durata interessato al recupero delle radici storiche di quell’insieme di istituti giuridici, di politiche, di strutture operative... more
Legal Analysis of the main ideas that were alleged in the process of independence of Latin America by Latin American jurists
Citation: Elio Vélez Marquina (2017) Classic and Modern Agricultural Treaties: its Reception in the Hispanic World. J Food Nutr 3: 1-10.
The aim of this article is concerned to the analysis of the La Plata Audience procedures obtained from the research of the Acuerdos de la Real Audiencia de la Plata de los Charcas. Based on the analytical perspective of the juridical and... more