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Concordato preventivo con cessione dei beni: il liquidatore giudiziale, in oltre otto mesi, non si è mai attivato per organizzare l'asta per la vendita degli immobili facenti parte del concordato e si è, infine, dimesso. Può il debitore... more
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      Civil LawCommercial LawBankruptcyDiritto Processuale Civile
O texto apresentado nesta edição do Catálogo das Testemunhas é o mesmo presente na Concordia Triglotta de Bente, edição de 1921. Mas foi consultado também o The Book of Concord-Readers Edition de 2006, editado pela CPH. O texto dos "Pais"... more
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      LutheranismTeologiaLutheran TheologyLutheran Orthodoxy
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      LiviaRoman WomenRoman Imperial WomenConcordia
The history of concord as a political concept registers its progressive fading. As a central element in the foundation of the political community, as it was in Greek thought, concord becomes the goal to be reached and it is confused with... more
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      Public DeliberationJusticeThomas HobbesJohn Locke
Collver, Albert B. “Satis Est: AC VII as the Hermenutical Key to the Augsburg Confession.” Concordia Theological Quarterly 80, no. 3–4 (2016): 217–29.
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      HermeneuticsLutheranismLutheran TheologyConcordia
In light of new textual evidence in a manuscript from Toledo (BCT, MS 19, 26), the present work intends to determine the scope of Nicholas de Cusa’s influence on Giovanni Pico della Mirandola around the problem of the unity of truth and... more
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      Intellectual HistoryPhilosophyReception StudiesRenaissance Studies
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      Roman ReligionCivil WarCassius DioGreek and Roman Imperial Literature
Este ensayo cierra la trilogía Existencias al unísono. Se erige en una apología de la experiencia discursiva asociada a la bondad y a la racionalidad para poder entendernos en nuestra irrevocable condición de existencias anudadas a otras... more
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      Estudios sobre Violencia y ConflictoÉticaInteligenciaCultura De Paz
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      New TestamentEarly ChristianityPauline LiteratureSecond Temple Judaism
This dissertation explores the idea of Parallelism within Livy's presentation of the Life of Romulus, focusing on three liminal stages : The death of Remus, the rape of the Sabine women, and the death of Romulus. Focus is placed on a... more
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      Latin LiteratureLate Roman RepublicLivyDionysius of Halicarnassus
Las relaciones de vecindad entre Ciudad Rodrigo y las villas de Ribacôa, cimentadas en la concordia de 1510, se resentían en ocasiones por la corta de leña furtiva en el pinar de Azaba, un espacio forestal de la tierra mirobrigense en la... more
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      PortugalSiglo XVICiudad RodrigoConcordia
Les recherches archéologiques menées à Sidi Khlifa, l’antique Pheradi Maius, ont abouti au dégagement entier du forum. Parmi les monuments mis au jour le long de cette place, figure la curia ordinis, identifiée grâce à une inscription... more
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      Late AntiquityLatin EpigraphyRoman North AfricaRoman municipal life
Transcripción, estudio lingüístico y edición de la Concordia original del año 1624, acta notarial redactada en 1624, pero firmada por el rey Felipe IV en 1629, y otorgada por la villa de Alcañiz a los entonces barrios de Valdealgorfa,... more
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      Medieval Crown of AragonHistoria de la lengua españolaBajo Aragónprosa de los Siglos de Oro
Through an examination of the pope's own church, the Cathedral of Rome, this study redefines a critical moment in the history of art between the Renaissance and the baroque. The first basilica built by Constantine the Great, San Giovanni... more
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      EucharistRenaissance RomeCounter-ReformationGesamtkunstwerk
This paper explores a distinctive feature of Roman religion: for each relevant area of Roman life, there are peculiar gods with matched powers. In particular, I focus on nine divinities known to scholarship as "abstract divinities" or... more
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      ClassicsRepresentation TheoryPersonificationsVictoria
This paper examines the relation between Pythagorean and Heraclitean political views. I argue that for Pythagoras, Heraclitus, and Archytas the cosmological and musical notions of harmony (ἁρμονία) and the related notion of concord... more
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      HeraclitusPythagorasTheory of HarmonyArchytas of Tarentum
The reverse figures on two coin types of Julia Domna (RIC 380 and 381) have been identified as either the empress herself or a personification of Pax. This article offers a third possibility. By examining numismatic evidence pertaining to... more
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      Ancient HistoryRoman HistoryNumismaticsAncient numismatics (Archaeology)
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      PlatoAristotleRenaissance PhilosophyRenaissance Platonism
This book examines ancient Roman statues and their bases, tombs, dedicatory altars, and panels commemorating gifts of civic beneficence made by the Augustales, civic groups composed primarily of wealthy ex-slaves. Margaret L. Laird... more
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      Roman HistoryUrban HistoryPompeii (Archaeology)Latin Epigraphy
A very fine-grained white marble “historical” relief, featuring three figures and part of a Latin inscription, is said to be from Southern Spain. This privately owned relief, presently on loan to the J. Paul Getty Museum, represents the... more
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      Archaeology of Roman HispaniaRoman IconographyRoman SpainRoman Art
BABATUNDE, SAMUEL A This study is a comparative examination of English concord use between English as a first language (EFL) and English as second language (ESL) speakers in Ibeju Lekki Local Government Area, Lagos, Nigeria. Linguists are... more
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    • Concordia
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      Manuscript StudiesCritical Edition (Medieval History)CisterciansTrinitarian Theology
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      Practical theologyPreachingJudgmentWitnessing
Le huitième soir, deuxième roman d’Arnaud de la Grange, Prix Roger Nimier 2019, a pour thèmes la volonté, le courage et la loyauté. L'histoire se déroule pendant la bataille de Diên Biên Phu. L'auteur nous livre une rayonnante analyse des... more
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      HeroesHeroismCourageFrench Indochina
After offering a short survey of the history of the concept of Concord/Eintracht in the german area and in the modern age (ca. 1550-1800), the article focuses on the political models proposed, respectively, in the early romanticism by... more
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      Friedrich von Hardenberg (Novalis)K. W. Friedrich SchlegelNovalisMittelalter
Dans certaines sources datant de la fin de la République, la famille est considérée comme la cellule primordiale de la cité. Dans ce cadre, le terme concordia est utilisé pour caractériser la relation idéale entre certains parents, à... more
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      Roman HistoryRoman familyRoman MarriageConcordia
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    • Concordia
Concordia is doubtless one of the most important words which can be found in Cassiodorus' or Ennodius' works. It is used to refer to the correspondence with famous men, to condemn the clashes between different senatorial factions, to... more
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      Late Antique and Byzantine HistoryLate AntiquityLate Antique LiteratureCassiodorus
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      ReligionPhilosophy Of ReligionHumanitiesHistory of Religion
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a short guide of Rufinus of Concordia
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      ConcordiaRufinus of Aquileja
Libro correspondiente al Protocolo y Discursos de la Ceremonia de Doctor Honoris Causa del Premio Nobel de la Paz 2016, Juan Manuel Santos. Padrino de Honor, Felipe González Márquez, Padrino académico, Joaquín González Ibáñez.
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      Políticas PúblicasDerechos HumanosEstado De DerechoNegociación Política
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      Cognitive ScienceMathematicsComputer ScienceArtificial Intelligence
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      PhilosophyLiviaRoman WomenRoman Imperial Women
L’articolo cerca di mostrare come Livio, nella prima decade, usi il termine concordia mutuandone il significato prevalente (allineamento parziale fra patrizi e plebei) da una terminologia politica formatasi in gran parte in età sillana, e... more
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      Latin LiteratureRoman HistoryRoman HistoriographyRoman Republic
- Az intézményesített konfliktus-kezelés Kolozsváron
- A concordia „ideológiája” a cicerói hagyományban: konfliktusból dialógus
- Politikai realizmus és konfliktus: Machiavelli kihívása
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      Political PhilosophyPolitical TheoryEarly Modern HistoryUrban Politics
Ages, Ageing and Old Age in the Greco-Roman World, 8th Arachne conference, 25-27 October 2017
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      Gender StudiesLatin LiteratureRoman HistoryRoman Life course
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      MetricsLatin EpigraphyAltinumCarmina Latina Epigraphica