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Aşağıda İngilizceden yapılmış tercümesi verilen konferansın sahibi, Fransız tarihçi, filozof ve araştırmacı Ernest Renan'ın (1823-1892), 28/29 Mart 1883 tarihinde Sorbonne Üniversitesi'nde verdiği "İslam ve Bilim" adlı söylevi Doğu'da ve... more
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      Ernest RenanBilim TarihiDüşünce Tarihi
Cet article paru dans la revue Page 19 reprend les éléments d'une communication donnée dans le cadre des "Doctoriales 2019" du Centre d'histoire du XIXe siècle de l'Université Paris 1/Sorbonne. L'ouvrage de Jules Michelet paru en 1864,... more
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      RomanticismPerennial PhilosophyErnest RenanEsotericism
ISBN: 978-84-123468-6-2
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      ReligionErnest Renan19th Century religious paintingSIMBOLISMO
Diese Schrift möchte zeigen, daß sich der Nationalismus nur dann wirklich überwinden läßt, wenn sich genug Menschen entscheiden, radikal im Sinne einer sozialen Dreigliederung umzudenken.
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      Rudolf SteinerJohann Gottlieb FichteErnest RenanJohann Gottfried Herder
For the last 2,500 years literature has been attacked, booed, and condemned, often for the wrong reasons and occasionally for very good ones. ‘The Hatred of Literature’ examines the evolving idea of literature as seen through the eyes of... more
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      American LiteratureReligionChristianityHistory
The impression which Athens made upon me was the strongest which I have ever felt. There is one and only one place in which perfection exists, and that is Athens, which outdid anything I had ever imagined. I had before my eyes the ideal... more
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      Greek TragedyPresocratic PhilosophyUrban HistoryTraditional and subsistence agriculture
En 1843, Charles Jourdain volvió a editar las investigaciones de su padre, Amable Jourdain, que habían sido publicadas en 1819, después de la muerte de su autor y con involuntarios errores. El capítulo III (donde aparece la primera... more
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      Ernest RenanMarcelino Menéndez PelayoAmérico CastroTraducciones Medievales
Alors que de nombreux travaux proposent de délimiter les contours de Jésus tel que le voyait Renan, cet article tente de définir la conception qu’avait Renan des apôtres. Il montre que ce sont ses préjugés qui modèlent les portraits qu’en... more
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      New TestamentEarly ChristianityHistory of Biblical InterpretationNew Testament and Christian Origins
Sventurati senza scampo, sentiamo di esserci cacciati, volenti o nolenti, nel labirinto dell'assurdo, da cui non usciremo che morti, giacché il nostro destino è di continuare a moltiplicarci, unicamente per morire innumerevoli. (A.... more
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      Arthur SchopenhauerFrench philosophyErnest RenanHistoire de la philosophie
The diagnosis of the psychological type of the Redeemer, classified through the terminus "idiot", become more clear when view as a counterpoint of the concepts "hero" and "genius" used by Renan in his historic explanation of the Jesus... more
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      Philosophy Of ReligionHistory of ReligionFriedrich NietzscheNietzsche
La han atacado, denunciado, condenado, con todos los pretextos, bajo todos los regímenes, con las mejores o las peores intenciones, por malas razones y a veces inclusos por buenas. Exiliaron a los poetas, quemaron sus libros -o... more
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      American LiteratureReligionChristianityHistory
Digital edition of Renan’s book, in order to facilitate its access to a larger audience; enhanced with hyperlinks to digitized sources. Cette édition numérique de l’ouvrage d'Ernest Renan paru en 1864, vise à permettre son accès à un plus... more
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      Lebanese HistoryErnest RenanPhoenician Punic ArchaeologyPhoenician & Punic Epigraphy
Joseph Jurt Deux conceptions de la nation : le débat franco-allemand entre David Friedrich Strauss, Mommsen et Renan et Fustel de Coulanges en 1870/71 Le contexte historique de l'annexion de l'Alsace-Lorraine Pendant la guerre... more
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      National IdentityErnest RenanTheodor E. MommsenDavid Friedrich Strauss
Due to a bug with Academia uploads, up-to-date version is stored on https://www.academia.edu/43273403/Mission_de_Ph%C3%A9nicie Digital edition of Renan’s book, in order to facilitate its access to a larger audience; enhanced with... more
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      Lebanese HistoryErnest RenanLebanon, Syria, Israel and Palestine (History and Archaeology)Phoenician & Punic Epigraphy
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      French HistoryNationalismColonialismJewish History
Cette édition numérique de l’ouvrage d'Ernest Renan paru en 1864, vise à permettre son accès à un plus large public. L'exploitation de la richesse du livre, en particulier ses nombreuses annotations de bas de page, est facilitée par les... more
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      Ernest RenanLebanon, Syria, Israel and Palestine (History and Archaeology)Phoenician & Punic EpigraphyPhoenician and Punic Studies
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      Ernest RenanBiblical criticismAlfred LoisyKatolik Kilisesi
Los monstruos del latinoamericanismo arielista: variaciones del apetito en la periferia (neo)colonial ¡Oh Ariel, amable genio del aire! ¿Cuál es tu lengua materna, en resumidas cuentas? ¿Hablas efectivamente en español, como nosotros? Y... more
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      Latin American StudiesCuban StudiesLatin American literatureOccidentalism
Lors du grand débat autour de l’Alsace-Lorraine en 1870/71 s’affrontèrent deux conceptions de la nationalité qui étaient incompatibles. L’argument de la langue a joué un rôle central notamment du côté des savants allemands (David... more
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      National IdentityErnest RenanTheodor E. MommsenDavid Friedrich Strauss
Among subjects of Islamic theology, the cosmology of al-Ghazali has received much attention in the West. Scholars in the Renaissance were familiar with al-Ghazali’s critique of philosophical theories of causality in the 17th discussion of... more
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      Islamic PhilosophyKalam (Islamic Theology)Arabic PhilosophyErnest Renan
Tout au long du 19e siècle, la naissance de ce qu'on peut appeler philologia orientalis, et la découverte des affinités entre le Sanskrit et les langues européennes transformèrent de façon radicale la perception de l'Orient. Le cas... more
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      Early Modern FranceErnest Renan
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      Gender StudiesPostcolonial StudiesMentoringHistory of Science
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      LebanonNorthwest Semitic EpigraphyErnest RenanPhoenician & Punic Epigraphy
Distribution électronique Cairn.info pour P.U.F.. © P.U.F.. Tous droits réservés pour tous pays.
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      French LiteratureErnest RenanCharles PéguyPascal
Today, ‘‘scientism‘‘ is a concept with a negative connotation in every language. Although many definitions arecirculating, they have the assessment in common that scientism implicates a blind faith in science, which is wrong,simple-minded... more
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      Philosophy of ScienceFrench HistoryTheodor AdornoHistory of Science
This paper offers a discussion of the modernist approaches to the nation and the critique of it. First, I will offer brief accounts of the scholars who argue that the nation is a modern construction. Later on, I will turn to the... more
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      Race and EthnicityNationalismNational IdentityModernism
Après avoir donné quelques repères dans l’histoire de l’exégèse du texte biblique, l’article montre comment se pose aujourd’hui la question de l’objectivité en exégèse. Interpréter le texte biblique, c’est-à-dire rendre compte de la «... more
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      New TestamentTheological HermeneuticsErnest RenanBiblical Exegesis
La figura de Jesucristo es recurrente en la obra de Borges y de una importante productividad estética. No sólo da origen a varios poemas sino que funciona como matriz de personajes y relatos (Baltasar Espinosa, de “El evangelio según... more
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      Jorge Luis BorgesErnest RenanJesus
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      Abrahamic ReligionsPostcolonial StudiesRace and RacismRace and Ethnicity
Milliyetçilik Araştırmaları Dergisi (MAD), bilimsel olan Milliyetçilik ve Milliyetçilik Teorileri hakkında disiplinler arası yaklaşımlar ve sosyal bilimlere ait tüm alanlarda yapılan araştırma, inceleme, kritik ve çeviri makalelere yer... more
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      NationalismTurkish HistoryTurkeyModern Turkey
How Propaganda Became Public Relations pulls back the curtain on propaganda: how it was born, how it works, and how it has masked the bulk of its operations by rebranding itself as public relations. Cory Wimberly uses archival materials... more
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      Corporate Social ResponsibilityGovernmentalityPropagandaLiberalism
This Dissertation aims to present the diagnosis of the psychological type of Jesus given by Nietzsche in The Antichrist. According to Nietzsche, one of the theses for the solution of the problem about the genesis of Christianity is in... more
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      Cognitive SciencePhilosophy Of ReligionNew TestamentRitual
Nietzsche ends the section 30 of The Antichrist with the following statement, which reinforces the thesis that the evangel of Jesus is the result of a morbid hyperexcitability and a will to pleasure proper of weakness: “– The fear of... more
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      Comparative ReligionPhilosophy Of ReligionHistory of ReligionHistory of Psychiatry
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      Study of ReligionsHistory of ReligionsMethod and Theory in the Study of ReligionErnest Renan
Conférence dans le cadre du colloque organisé par le musée d'art et d'histoire du Judaïsme et la Nouvelle Gallia Judaica, intitulé "Le judaïsme français: tâche aveugle du récit national?", les 18 et 19 janvier 2019
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      Archival StudiesJewish HistoryJewish historiographyErnest Renan
Ils l’ont attaquée, conspuée, condamnée, sous tous les prétextes, sous tous les régimes, avec les meilleures ou les pires intentions, pour de mauvaises raisons et parfois même pour de bonnes. Ils ont exilé les poètes, brûlé leurs livres –... more
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      American LiteratureReligionHistorySociology
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    • Ernest Renan
Buddhism in D's day was not widely considered a "religion" -- at least according to the definitions of "religion" current in D's day. So, why did D say it was, a fortiori, that it was atheistic as well? But having done so, D stumbles into... more
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      ReligionBuddhismRitualErnest Renan
This article reconstructs French readings and debates of German approaches to Völkerpsychologie. Irrespective of its academic credentials, Völkerpsychologie was a symptomatic approach during a transformative period in German, and... more
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      French HistoryHistory of Social SciencesHistory of AnthropologyHistory of Sociology
La légende du philhellénisme, sentiment né à la fin du XVIIIe siècle, mais qui s'épanouit véritablement à partir de la guerre d'Indépendance grecque (1821-1827), a occulté les manifestations hostiles à la Grèce moderne dès lors que la... more
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      European HistoryEuropean StudiesFrench LiteratureTravel Writing
L’idea di nazione ha costituito materia di importante riflessione per studiosi e uomini d’azione, che ne hanno preso in considerazione i suoi molteplici aspetti: l’originale strumento di lotta politica, il potente fattore di mobilitazione... more
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      HistoryPolitical PhilosophyIdeologyNationalism
Les Etats-nations se ditinguent par une dimension politique universelle et une dimension culturelle particulière, cett dernioère servant à se distinguer des autres nations. La France de l'Ancien Régime, se définissant comme héritière de... more
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      Frederic II.Johann Wolfgang von GoetheNational IdentityErnest Renan
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      William Butler YeatsThe SublimeErnest RenanCelticism
This study of the recent "history" of hysteria, from Charcot to Freud, shows how Freud took up Charcot's crucial distinction between epilepsy and epileptoid hysteria, effectively creating a disorder with a distinct symptomatology. The... more
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      Trauma StudiesHysteriaMale HysteriaSigmund Freud
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      ReligionShakespeareErnest RenanPhilosophie
In numerous works, Djamel Kouloughli defended a conception resolutely anti-essentialist. In his research on Ernest Renan, particularly in his contribution to the volume Les Grecs, les Arabes et nous, Enquête sur l’islamophobie... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsIslamophobiaErnest Renan
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      Ernest RenanPhilosophie Française ContemporaineRationalisme
19. yüzyılın ikinci yarısının en önemli Fransız Şarkiyatçıları arasında yer alan Ernest Renan, aynı zamanda bir antropolog ve filolog olarak, çalışmalarının büyük bir kısmını “Sâmî aklı” adını verdiği fenomeni açıklamaya adamıştır.... more
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      PhoeniciansLebanonErnest RenanOrientalism