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www.hplsa2018.com On behalf of the Organizing Committee, we extend a warm and cordial welcome to you to be part of 22th Symposium on High Power Laser Systems and Applications, held conjointly with eminent researchers and scholars from... more
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      Laser SpectroscopyLaser PhysicsFree Electron LasersLaser
إعلان عن محاضرة للدكتور أحمد العبادي(الأمين العام للرابطة المحمدية للعلماء) بتطوان
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    • Conferences and Seminars
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    • Conferences and Seminars
The paper was written in occasion of the XVII Congress organised by Gruppo Nazionale Nidi e Infanzia (http://www.grupponidiinfanzia.it) in 2010 and presents the project and the structure of one part of the work sessions in which... more
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      Teacher EducationEarly Childhood EducationInfant Toddler CareTeacher Training
Cloud computing is a highly scalable and cost-effective infrastructure for running Web applications. E-learning or e-Learning is one of such Web application has increasingly gained popularity in the recent years, as a comprehensive medium... more
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      Electrical EngineeringComputer ScienceInformation TechnologyCommunication
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      Avant-Garde CinemaFilm StudiesFilm TheoryFilm Analysis
World conference alerts, is basically an online platform where you can get the details about the conferences, seminars, workshops and other related events. These are the events where the best minds can share knowledge and their research... more
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      EngineeringConference InterpretingConferencesConferences and Seminars
The international conference "European Integration between Tradition and Modernity" reaches its 6th edition in 2015. Derived from the will to analyse long-term cultural, political, economic and social processes that led to European... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryCommunicationHumanities
The premise of this book is simple: if the chapter writers could go back in time and talk with themselves when they began their studies, what advice would they give? Isn’t hindsight a bonus? Each chapter will offer this hindsight. The... more
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      EducationAcademic DevelopmentHigher EducationGraduate Education
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      Conferences and SeminarsConferenceSeminarProposal
La question est partout. Pas de conférences, de réunions ou même de rendez-vous galants sans que l’on ne soit moralement contraint de poser une question, voire plusieurs. Peu importe la souffrance que cette prise de parole entraîne... more
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      Fear Of Being Laughed At (Gelotophobia)MeetingsUmberto EcoQuestions and Answers
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      Medical StudentsConferences and SeminarsPoster PresentationPoster
Cloud computing is a highly scalable and cost-effective infrastructure for running Web applications. E-learning or e-Learning is one of such Web application has increasingly gained popularity in the recent years, as a comprehensive medium... more
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      Electrical EngineeringComputer ScienceInformation TechnologyCommunication
2nd National Conference on Fundamental and Applied Chemistry (NACFAC 2016) is organized by the journal Chemical Science Review and Letters. This national conference include lectures from eminent scientists as well as oral and poster... more
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      Materials EngineeringChemical EngineeringPharmacologyBiochemistry
Second International Conference on Computer Networks
and Communication Technologies ICCNCT 2019
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      Information SystemsResearch MethodologyWireless CommunicationsIntelligent Systems
FOREWORD English studies have flourished like rhizome involving a wide range of theoretical framework from different disciplines like education, linguistics, psychology, sociology, folklore and anthropology, translation studies, cultural... more
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      American LiteratureCultural StudiesComparative LiteratureEnglish Literature
Il testo contiene alcune considerazioni sulla figura di Spartaco e, in generale, sulla condizione degli schiavi nelle campagne e nelle città romane, scaturite in particolare dalla lettura dell'epistola 47 di Seneca a Lucilio.
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      HistoryAncient HistoryCultural HistorySociology
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      HumanitiesDesignPublishingSocial Sciences
Problem Based Learning digunakan untuk merangsang berpikir tingkat tinggi dalam situasi yang berorientasi masalah, termasuk di dalamnya belajar bagaimana belajar. Sesuai dengan tujuan Problem Based Learning yaitu membantu siswa... more
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      Conferences and SeminarsAdministrasi Perkantoran
Citra sangat mempengaruhi kredibilitas sebuah perusahaan. Citra perusahaan harus bernilai positif karena citra merupakan jati diri dan aset sebuah perusahaan. Public Relation (PR) mempunyai peran yang sangat penting sebagai pembangun... more
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    • Conferences and Seminars
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Kebumian ke-6 Menyambut 30 Tahun Kampus Lapangan Bayat, "Penguatan Pendidikan dan Riset Geologi dalam rangka Optimalisasi Eksplorasi dan Pemanfaatan Sumberdaya Geologi untuk Kemajuan Bangsa". Jurusan Teknik... more
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      GeologyApplied GeologyEngineering GeologyConferences and Seminars
5th ONLINE SEMINAR OF H.I.E. Presentation of the forthcoming Seminar of Egyptology for juniors by: 1. The DASTA Office of the Demokriteian University of Thrace; 2. Mrs Vasiliki Tzevelekou, esteemed Journalist, in Ephemerida Syntakton... more
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      EgyptologyConferences and Seminars
Studenti u susret nauci 2017 Banja Luka
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    • Conferences and Seminars
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      HistoryCultural HistoryArt HistoryWomen's Studies
In the Ancient Greek unity of metre, word and music, as in advance of the Renaissance and Baroque madrigal, some identical metrical collocations of words contribute to the overall meaning of an ode. These are called homometric occurrences... more
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      SemanticsClassical philologyGreek and Latin prosody and metricsConferences and Seminars
Membangun sumber daya alam manusia Indonesia unggul untuk menghadapi society 5.0 dan menyongsong era revolusi 5.0 dalam bidang pendidikan
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      Conferences and SeminarsPresentation of Paper in a SeminarSEMINAR MATEMATIKA
A novel Microstrip patch antenna with hash shaped slotted ground plane and Π + U slotted patch is presented. Hash shaped slot in ground plane provides the multiple resonances. Proposed antenna provides wide bandwidth and reduced return... more
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      Electrical EngineeringComputer ScienceInformation TechnologyCommunication
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      Vertebrate PaleontologyConferences and SeminarsEuropean Association of Vertebrate Palaeontologists
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      GeomorphologyConferences and SeminarsGeographic Information Systems (GIS)
La laringe y la ejecución de instrumentos de viento " Rutinas de calentamiento y enfriamiento laríngeo " Se evaluó la función laríngea de oboístas, saxofonistas y trompetistas antes e inmedia-tamente después de la ejecución del... more
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    • Conferences and Seminars
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      Critical TheoryDiscourse AnalysisSemioticsReligion
第一次来兰州调研,并参加中国管理本土研究国际学术会议,好客的主人(兰州大学管理学院)展示了兰州。古人云:不到黄河心不死。来兰州就一定要去看黄河。兰州是一个让我意外发现的中国西北都市,不愧为“黄河之都”:滚滚的黄河从城市穿过,看上去,其流速比长江还急,其气势让浦江逊色,真可谓:黄河之水天上来,奔流到海不复还。兰州比我想象的要秀气得多,摩登得多,思想解放得多。如果不是深圳后来居上,兰州可能是中国最有魅力的高智商的移民城市,从某种意义上说,这要感谢毛主席50-60年代将中国的大批精... more
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      ChinaConferences and SeminarsLanzhouIndigenous management
L'obiettivo della ricerca è quello di ricostruire, attraverso l'epigrafia e l'iconografia funeraria, l'identità sociale di alcune donne e bambine mutinensi vissute tra l'età augustea e il IV secolo d.C.
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      HistoryAncient HistoryCultural HistoryCultural Studies
I will present a paper in the conference...
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      Democratic TheoryPolitical ScienceDemocracyAlevism and Sunnism in Turkey
نظَّم مركز دراسة المخطوطات الإسلامية بمؤسسة الفرقان للتراث الإسلامي مؤتمراً دولياً بعنوان (القرآن الكريم من التنزيل إلى التدوين) يومي 25 و26 نوفمبر 2017 بالعاصمة إسطنبول، بحضور حفنة من الباحثين في الدراسات القرآنية والكوديكولوجيا العربية.... more
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      Qur'anic StudiesConferences and SeminarsQur'an manuscriptsQur'anic Manuscripts
Indonesia Public Communication SUMMIT 2014 | Powered by MARCOMM INSTITUTE
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      Public relations, Corporate Communication, Social media, online communicationConferences and SeminarsMarketing CommunicationsSeminar
Conference report Conference "Envisioning Limits: Outer Space and the End of Utopia" (19.04.2012–21.04.2012, Berlin) Organisers: Alexander C.T. Geppert / William R. Macauley / Daniel Brandau, Emmy Noether Research Group "The Future in the... more
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      Cultural HistoryHistory of TechnologyHistory of ScienceConferences and Seminars
Organizado no âmbito do «Fundo de Apoio a Iniciativas Científicas e Culturais das/os Estudantes» da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Coimbra, e com apoio do Centro de História da Sociedade e da Cultura, o Colóquio Peculiar, tem como... more
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      Gender StudiesLiteratureAlchemyMysticism
Freedom of speech. Immigration status. Families separated across continents and cultures. Racial misunderstanding. Lying military officials. Corrupt political administration. These topics call to mind current headlines on travel bans and... more
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      Creative WritingCreative NonfictionFiction WritingBritish Literature
ASCA International Workshop: Reader 2010 Migratory Aesthetics
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      Cultural AnalysisConferences and SeminarsMigratory Aesthetics
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      EducationComposition and RhetoricEnglish for Academic PurposesReflective Practice
Penerapan Lesson Study untuk meningkatkan mutu pendidikan tingkat SMA merupakan program supporting pada dinas pendidikan Kabupaten Pamekasan yang tercakup dalam program pembinaan rutin untuk meningkatkan mutu pendidikan di tingkat SMA.... more
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    • Conferences and Seminars
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      HistoryAncient HistoryCultural HistorySocial Psychology
Die Hauptreferenten Robert Deutsch: promovierte 2009 an der Universität Tel Aviv. Er ist Experte auf dem Gebiet der althebräischen Epigraphik und verfasste mehrere Werke über Siegel und Inschriften aus dem alten Israel. David Hendin ist... more
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      Biblical ArchaeologyConferences and SeminarsBiblische Archäologie
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      ConferencesConferences and Seminars
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      History of IndiaIndo-Iranian LinguisticsIndo-Iranian Languages (Languages And Linguistics)Conferences and Seminars
Another year, another incredibly important, tantalisingly timely, deliciously designed survey on the salient sentiments of sociolinguists, brought to you by the crack team of moderators at the Sociolinguistic Events Calendar. We hope... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsSociolinguisticsAugmented RealityApplied Linguistics
About "First International Conference on Uyghur Studies – History, Culture, and Society", organised in Washington DC by George Washington University, 25-27 September 2014
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      Central Asian StudiesXinjiangCentral AsiaArchaeology of Central Asia
Organizado no âmbito do «Fundo de Apoio a Iniciativas Científicas e Culturais das/os Estudantes» da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Coimbra, o Colóquio Peculiar, tem como objetivo explícito a apresentação de estudos estritamente... more
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      LiteratureMagicWestern Esotericism (History)Esotericism