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Politicians across Western democracies are increasingly adopting and experimenting with Twitter, particularly during election time. The purpose of this article is to investigate how candidates are using it during an election campaign. The... more
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      CampaigningCommunicationMedia StudiesNew Media
The Iranian presidential election of 2009 and its tumultuous aftermath was an important starting point for a new wave of visual artists and their artwork in Iran and the rest of the MENA countries. During these democratic movements, the... more
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      Visual CultureIranian StudiesPolitical aestheticsIntellectual and cultural history
In this third instalment of the E Pluribus Unus Mundus series of papers, I argue that an amendment installing the equation Psyche = Singularity as a Preface to the Preamble of our Constitution would not violate the First Amendment, which... more
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      Constitutional LawJungian psychologyMandalasAmerican Civil War
Principales argumentos de los grupos conservadores de la época de la Revolución francesa, autores como Edmund Burke y Joseph de Maistre, contrastándolo con Nicolás de Condorcet, filósofo francés partidario de los ideales liberales y de... more
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      Political TheoryFrench RevolutionEdmund BurkeRationalism
Introductory courses dealing with sex, gender and sexuality are usually quite biased, going as far as to deny the reality of biology. Drawing on the Catholic tradition (Aquinas), this article presents an accessible argument aimed at... more
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      Discourse AnalysisReligionComparative ReligionHistory
At the beginning of the 21st century, many countries until the 1990s implemented multicultural policies that have backtracked. This article examines how multiculturalism as an idea and normative framework of immigrant integration evolved... more
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      MulticulturalismCanadaManaging DiversityConservatives
The aim of this PhD thesis is to review and re-envisage the foundation and development of the European People’s Party (EPP). This Thesis is based on primary research data aiming to inspire the academic discussion on the Europarties within... more
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      European integrationChristian DemocracyEuropean Integration HistoryEuropeanisation of political parties
The domestic political scene of Iran has been turbulent during the past year as the country entered an election cycle ahead of the parliamentary elections on 2 March 2012. A power struggle has surfaced amongst the conservative... more
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      ConservativesPresidencyAhmadinejadIranian Politics
The American Culture Wars of the later 20th century unleashed a series of contentious disputes waged between two factions, artistic liberals and artistic conservatives, whose respective convictions about what art should be and should... more
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      British PoliticsNeoliberalismLabourConservatives
At the beginning of the 21st century, many countries until the 1990s implemented multicultural policies that have backtracked. This article examines how multiculturalism as an idea and normative framework of immigrant integration evolved... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceMulticulturalismCanada
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      FamilyCivil CodeCatholic ChurchConservatives
When he died in January 2011, Daniel Bell (b. 1919) was one of the most famous social scientists of his time. Remarkably, he was a conservative sociologist. Conservatives are those who have a disposition to conserve. They have a respect... more
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      ReligionSociologySocial SciencesCultural Theory
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      HistoryModern HistoryBritish HistoryModern British History
Daniel Bell was one of the leading American sociologists in the 20th century, widely read both inside and outside the universities. He produced influential theses about the rise of post-industrial society and about the cultural... more
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      Social TheoryPolitical TheoryPublic Policy AnalysisConservatives
The Conservatives are allied members of the European People's Party–European Democrats (EPP–ED) group in the European Parliament. But the link with the pro-European EPP has been a contentious issue within the Conservative Party. In... more
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      European ParliamentEuroscepticismConservativesParty groups
This chapter traces how the “human rights revolution” of the 1940s became a vehicle for rehabilitating and rearticulating discredited conservative political agendas in Western Europe. Drawing on the British and French cases, it argues... more
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      Human Rights LawBritish HistoryInternational LawHuman Rights
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A recenzeált kötet: A konzervatív kortárs. Tanulmányok Angyal Dávidról. Szerk. Császtvay Tünde – Halász Ferenc – Ujváry Gábor, Budapest, Argumentum, 2009, 252 oldal, 2900 Ft. A kötet szerzői: Habsburg Ottó, Halász Ferenc, Fenyő István,... more
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      Jewish StudiesHungarianHistoriographyHistory of Hungary
In the run-up to the 2015 UK General Election, social media (Web 2.0) like blogs, Facebook and Twitter seem to have become widely accepted and established modes of civic engagement. However, in the run-up to 2010, these media were newer,... more
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      Political SociologyCommunicationNew MediaEthnography
The financial crisis of 2007–2008 severely disrupted the hegemony of neoliberalism. This article argues that since the establishment of the Coalition Government in 2010, a trend has become discernible within public opinion towards a new... more
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      British PoliticsPolitical ScienceNeoliberalismLabour
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      Discourse AnalysisCritical Discourse AnalysisAsylum seekersPolitical Speech Analysis
El presente artículo estudia la movilización legal de los activistas conservadores en contra del aborto en Colombia en el periodo comprendido entre 2006 y 2020. Para tal propósito, en primer lugar, analiza a profundidad las nulidades... more
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      Social MovementsAbortionConservatives
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      CommunicationDigital MediaBritish PoliticsContent Analysis
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      Iranian StudiesRevolutionConservativesIranian political system
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      Philosophy Of ReligionHuman RightsGender and SexualityTruth
Published in The Conversation Available at https://theconversation.com/how-conservatives-and-liberals-watch-i-am-cait-44877 Recommended citation: Vierra, Andrew, Jared Riggs, and Neil Van Leeuwen. August 2 2015. 'How Conservatives and... more
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      SociologyPhilosophyMoral PsychologySocial Sciences
The internet is changing the way many of us interact and communicate. But how is it impacting on more historically traditional institutions like the British Conservative Party? As more web-applications spring up as part of our... more
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      Information TechnologyTechnologyMedia StudiesNew Media
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      BusinessEconomicsPolitical EconomyGovernment
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      Democratic TheoryRepublicanismU.S. Progressive EraNatural Law
How would America look if divided along what I will call Liboo, representing the liberals and Ernesto representing the conservatives? Some who have considered this question have talked about how Liboo would survive, since "Ernesto" has a... more
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      HistoryModern HistorySociologyCriminology
The theme of the paper is the tension in the inter-relations between national culture and life as led in the municipalities. This issue is examined, taking the presentation of the city Cracow at the General Provincial Exhibition of 1894... more
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      Cultural MemoryPolitical ElitesCommemoration and MemoryCompetition
This short essay, posted as a blog on Huffington Post, argues that in his climate encyclical and other writings and speeches Pope Francis had developed an unprecedented challenge to pervasive patterns of technocratic power in contemporary... more
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      Power SystemDemocracyProgressive PoliticsConservatives
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      International RelationsMulticulturalismInternational LawHuman Rights
El presente artículo estudia la movilización legal de los activistas conservadores en contra del aborto en Colombia en el periodo comprendido entre 2006 y 2020. Para tal propósito, en primer lugar, analiza a profundidad las nulidades... more
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      Social MovementsAbortionConservatives
The financial crisis of 2007–2008 severely disrupted the hegemony of neoliberalism. This article argues that since the establishment of the Coalition Government in 2010, a trend has become discernible within public opinion towards a new... more
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      British PoliticsPolitical ScienceNeoliberalismLabour
The internet is changing the way we interact and communicate. But how is it impacting on more historically traditional institutions like the British Conservative Party? This book examines the role of specific internet technologies like... more
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      Information TechnologyMedia StudiesNew MediaMedia and Cultural Studies
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      MachiavelliConservativesMoralsNational government
The election of Hassan Rouhani in 2013 as the President was hailed as a ‘victory of moderation’ in Iran, signaling the fact that Iran would embrace moderation after the ‘fierce rule’ of Ahmadinejad, former Iranian President. However, a... more
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      ConservativesIran and Middle EastUS Sanctions Against IranIranian Elections
1979 Devrimi sonrasında İran’a hâkim olan İslami ideoloji ülkenin siyasal sistemini de bütünüyle dönüştürdü. 2500 yıllık monarşi rejiminin lağvedilen kurumlarının yerine şeriata dayalı yeni kurumlar getirildi. Geçici hükümet döneminde... more
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      ConservativesModeratesReformistsPolitical Structure of Iran
Progressive RINOs & Russian Communist Democratic Process #WrightCountyMN #GOPWright #GOP #2020Election #BernieSanders #JoeBiden #2A @VoteMpls @MNSecofState #Military @realDonaldTrump #Republican #Democrat #YellowVest #YellowVests... more
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      MarxismU.S. Progressive EraCommunismPolitical Corruption
RINO progresivos y proceso democrático comunista ruso #WrightCountyMN #GOPWright #GOP #2020Election #BernieSanders #JoeBiden #2A @VoteMpls @MNSecofState #Military @realDonaldTrump #Republican #Democrat #YellowVest #YellowVests... more
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      MarxismRepublicanismCommunismPolitical Corruption
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      Discourse AnalysisCritical Discourse AnalysisCommunityAsylum seekers
In the run-up to the 2015 UK General Election, social media (Web 2.0) like blogs, Facebook and Twitter seem to have become widely accepted and established modes of civic engagement. However, in the run-up to 2010, these media were newer,... more
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      Political SociologyCommunicationNew MediaSocial Sciences
Through 2011 and 2012 the Australian Labor Party has slouched its way towards electoral oblivion. The lack of legitimacy of its leader, Julia Gillard, is a factor in this lemming-like stagger to the abyss. She was elected on a lie, and... more
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      Social ChangePoliticsAustraliaAustralian Politics
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      Academic FreedomConservativesLiberal BiasDavid Firester