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"(From the Executive Summary...) Introduction This report presents the findings of an evidence review designed to summarise what is known about good practice concerning the content of, and access to, the school curriculum for students... more
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      Special EducationCurriculum DesignEducational TransitionsSpecial Educational Needs and Transitions
DIFFERENTIATION IS THE way in which the learning needs of all pupils in a class are catered for. The National Curriculum enshrines this when it says: 'Schools have a responsibility to provide a broad and balanced curriculum for all... more
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      ClassicsInitial teacher educationCurriculum DifferentiationLatin language pedagogy
In this study, I first look at the place of differentiation in the debate surrounding raising standards in the UK education system. I then critique the effectiveness of proposed methods of differentiation alongside my own attempts at such... more
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      Chinese StudiesTeaching of Foreign LanguagesSecondary EducationCurriculum Differentiation
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      Special EducationCurriculum DesignPolitical ScienceEducational Transitions
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      Student Motivation And EngagementMeta-Analysis and Systematic ReviewSchool effectiveness and school improvementCurriculum Differentiation
The author interviewed Dr. Carolyn Callahan, an eminent scholar in gifted education. The interview focused on Dr. Callahan's work on implementing gifted program in rural areas, and illustrated her suggestions for teachers, researchers,... more
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      Gifted EducationRural educationGifted and Talented EducationCommon Core State Standards
Este artigo discute a escolarização de pessoas com deficiências, tomando como referência os conceitos de diferenciação curricular e o desenho universal na aprendizagem como fundamentos epistemológicos para efetivar a inclusão escolar. Em... more
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      Universal Design for LearningInclusive EducationCurriculumEducação
Differentiation can be a difficult concept for teachers to grasp. The research involved to write this paper outlines What, How and Why we need to differentiate to meet the diverse needs of all students we teach. The lesson plans utilise... more
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      Teaching and LearningTeaching English as a Second LanguageDisability Studies in EducationCurriculum Differentiation
In de software DIMS is onder meer informatie opgenomen over de competentie- ofwel ontwikkelings- en leergebieden die belangrijk zijn in de voorschoolse fase en in het PO en VO. Per competentiegebied (taal, algemeen cognitief,... more
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      Information TechnologyTeaching and LearningEducational TechnologyCurriculum Design
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      CurriculumProgramme for International Students Assessment (PISA)PISA and TIMSS ResultCurriculum Differentiation
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      EducationGifted EducationGifted and Talented EducationCurriculum Differentiation
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      Gifted education (Gifted Education)Gifted EducationGiftednessPsychology of Intelligence and Giftedness, Creativity Development, Cross-Cultural Psychology, Cross-Cultural Education
Teaching mathematics through problem solving is central to contemporary approaches to mathematics instruction, whilst augmenting problem-solving tasks through enabling and extending prompts ensures that a diverse community of learners are... more
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      Mathematics EducationSelf-Determination TheoryProblem solving (Education)Mathematics Education at Primary Schools
This eBook contains the intellectual outputs of the European Erasmus+ project called TABLIO (2016-1-BE02-KA201-017311). The Tablio-project aims to strengthen teachers and school in realising classroom differentiation and inclusion by the... more
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      EducationMobile LearningEdtechCurriculum Differentiation
This chapter excerpt describes what critical and creative thinking skills are and demonstrates how to embed them within a curriculum.  Mini-lectures are included.
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      Teaching and LearningEducationTeaching English as a Second LanguageSpecial Education
Son yıllarda bilim eğitiminde, “Herkes İçin Bilim” paradigmasına doğru bir kayma olmuştur (American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) 1993; Bybee, 1997; Rutherford & Ahlgren, 1989; Shamos, 1995; UNESCO, 2012). Bu paradigma... more
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      Science EducationGifted EducationNature of ScienceHolistic Approaches
In this study, mentorship as a strategy of differentiating a curriculum was investigated in meeting the educational needs of the gifted students continuing their education in elementary school classes consisting of students at the level... more
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      Curriculum DifferentiationGiftedMentorMentee
This chapter excerpt describes the salient elements of problem-solving and problem-based learning.  Video mini-lectures are included at the end.
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      Teaching and LearningEducationTeacher EducationCurriculum Design
This paper was completed as a part of a university course following a great deal of research about Enrichment and Acceleration for gifted and talented students in high schools in NSW. It contains a power point that was used to present the... more
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      CollaborationGifted and Talented EducationCurriculum Differentiation
In de periode van november 2015 tot februari 2016 hebben vier docenten van het Almere College in Dronten een interventie uitgevoerd op het gebied van formatief toetsen. Daarmee werd onder-zocht wat docenten van moderne vreemde talen leren... more
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageLanguages and LinguisticsEducational ResearchSecond Language Writing
Providing differentiated instruction in the regular classroom has become more and more common as a key component for school teacher in regular classroom teaching. However, how much and how often teachers differentiate instruction in their... more
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      Artistic ResearchCurriculum DifferentiationArtistically Gifted and Talented
Since September 2014, the Ministry of Education and Culture in Cyprus by implementing the suggestions of the Scientific Committee for the assessment of Detailed Plans, it proceeded to the preparation of Attainment Targets and Adequacy... more
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      Music EducationInformal LearningCurriculum DifferentiationDifferentiation
The aim is to identify impacts of the differentiated instruction implemented in the primary school fourth grade science course in attitudes of the students towards the course. The mixed method-designed and carried out research was... more
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      Science EducationIndividual Differencesdifferentiated InstructionAcademic achievement
The purpose of this study to examine the effect of a science course focused on curriculum differentiation with holistic approach on gifted students’ understandings about atomic structure. The case study approach was used in this research.... more
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      Science EducationGifted EducationHolistic ApproachesCurriculum Differentiation
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      Sociology of KnowledgeKnowledgeCurriculum DifferentiationHigher Education Curriculum
This short film introduces and illustrates Writers Workshop, a pedagogical technique that positions students as authors building their practice within a community of writers. Key components such as mini-lessons, independent writing,... more
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      LiteracyTeaching and LearningTeacher EducationLearning and Teaching
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      Sociology of KnowledgeKnowledgeCurriculum DifferentiationHigher Education Curriculum
In deze keynote voor professionals uit onderwijs en jeugdzorg wordt aandacht besteed aan de volgende punten: 1. Voorbeelden: cognitief hoogbegaafde leerlingen 2. Begrip hoogbegaafd; leerpsychologische kenmerken 3. Leerlingverschillen... more
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      Curriculum DesignCurriculum TheoryOptimization techniquesGifted Education
Intelligence testing is the process of measuring cognitive ability using standardized measures and scales. The use of intelligence testing for education purposes, including curriculum differentiation, is controversial. This entry... more
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      Curriculum StudiesHistory of ScienceHistory Of PsychologyCurriculum Differentiation
ABSTRACT The words “curriculum differentiation” are frequently used when discussing the educational needs of gifted and talented children, but what does it actually mean when educating the gifted? Differentiation means modifications to... more
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      EducationPolitical ScienceGifted EducationGifted and Talented Education
The categorization of theories according the theorists.
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      PsychologyPersonality PsychologySocial PsychologyEvolutionary Educational Psychology
Moving education systems from industrialized (compete) to knowledge (inspire) through the integration of self-assessment and multiple intelligence's creating national identity and culture providing knowledge application or “Networked... more
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      Organizational CultureGlobal educationLaw of AttractionCurriculum Differentiation
V prispevku se lotevamo vprašanja konceptualnih pojmovanj in sistemske umeščenosti učne diferenciacije in individualizacije v osnovni šoli na Slovenskem, kar je tematika, s katero se je v Sloveniji najbolj intenzivno ukvarjal France... more
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      IndividualizationCurriculum Differentiation
The flipped classroom is a pedagogical method in which the typical “teaching” and “homework” elements are reversed. Kate will share with you how flipping her middle school math classroom was an effective method for differentiating for all... more
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      Mathematics Education at Middle SchoolsCurriculum DifferentiationDifferentiationFlipped Classroom
DIFFERENTIATION IS NOT doing different things; it is doing the same thing differently. There has been a great deal written about differentiation. Sometimes what has been written has been rather theoretical and it has been difficult to see... more
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      Teaching and LearningCurriculum DifferentiationPedagogy of Greek, Latin, and ClassicsLatin and Greek teaching
This mixed methods case study examined the implementation of a 1:1 iPad initiative in a suburban, co-educational, independent, preK–4th grade elementary school in the United States. This article focuses on how teachers used iPads to... more
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      Computer ScienceSocial SciencesMathematics EducationTelecommunications
Teaching mathematics through problem solving is central to contemporary approaches to mathematics instruction, whilst augmenting problem-solving tasks through enabling and extending prompts ensures that a diverse community of learners are... more
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      Mathematics EducationMathematics Education at Primary SchoolsStudent Attitudes and PerceptionsPrimary Education
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      PsychologyGifted EducationAlternative AssessmentGifted and Talented Education
Within the pressures of a crowded curriculum and in an increasingly diversified classroom, one of our major challenges is to satisfactorily respond to the learning needs of every student in a fair and equitable manner. This becomes even... more
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      Indonesian StudiesSocial JusticeIndonesiaTeaching EFL