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This document critically reviews the theories of the avant-garde of both the Left and the Right put forward between the 1920s – the time of the vigorous assertion of the avant-garde – and the late 1970s – the beginning of the conservative... more
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      Critical TheoryArtArt TheoryHerbert Marcuse
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      Gay And Lesbian StudiesKarl MarxMaterialismo HistóricoDaniel Bell
Soziologische Zeitdiagnosen sind ein zwischen akademischem Diskurs und öffentlicher Debatte angesiedeltes Genre, in dem die Gegenwart als Epochenbruch dargestellt wird. In diesem Beitrag wird erstens das Verhältnis zwischen Zeitdiagnosen... more
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      SociologyHistory of SociologySociological TheorySociology of Science
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      SociologyPolitical PhilosophyHistory of Political ThoughtSocial and Political Sciences
A critique of the theories of the information society (and related theories) through the work of Douglas Rushkoff.
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      New MediaInformation SocietyThe InternetZygmunt Bauman
Este trabajo pretende hacer un acercamiento sociológico precisamente a los “objetos” culturales como elemento de una identificación colectiva y a su vez como elementos que construyen la identidad, misma que es de carácter fútil debido a... more
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      Herbert MarcuseTheodor AdornoCultural TheoryMax Horkheimer
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      Information SocietyDaniel BellPost-Industrial SocietySanayi-Sonrası Toplum
This paper investigates how key social issues related to American culture, social character, and politics are addressed in the work of two of America’s leading liberal sociologists, David Riesman and Daniel Bell. It maps out the... more
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      Critical TheoryIntellectual HistoryCultural HistorySociology
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      SociologyPost-modernismDaniel BellPost-Industrial Society
Reflections on contemporary art in the wake of Jodi Dean's criticism of art in her THE COMMUNIST HORIZON (2012).
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      Contemporary ArtCommunismSusan SontagModern and Contemporary Art History and Theory, Contemporary Asian Art, Art and Globalization, Post-Colonialism
Il saggio punta a leggere nell'opera di Daniel Bell la parabola nascente del neoconservatorismo sullo sfondo della Great Society e della radicalizzazione del movimento afroamericano, la crisi del Welfare State e la rinnovata centralità... more
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      Welfare StateLiberalismPopulismNeoliberalism
This paper argues that "intellectual property" and "information" represent the alienated form of labor in a high-tech economy. It looks at the cultural, economic, and intellectual history of the information economy, using a variety of... more
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      Intellectual HistoryEconomic HistoryInformation TechnologyEpistemology
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      Intellectual HistoryFrench HistoryMarxismHistory of Sociology
Las contradicciones culturales del capitalismo, publicado por Daniel Bell en 1976, ejerció una visible influencia en los debates intelectuales de esos años y ha mantenido una presencia relativamente constante en la literatura sociológica.... more
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      CapitalismoTeoria SocialDaniel Bell
This study critically explores education to work transitions among young working class individuals in the city of Glasgow during the period of relative economic decline that followed the 2008 financial crisis. It seeks to understand how... more
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      SociologyEducationWork and LabourUrban Sociology
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      Race and EthnicityFeminismFinancializationDaniel Bell
Tarihteki her gelişme ve destekleyici fikirler karşıt fikirleri doğurduğu gibi sanayi devrimi de kısa sürede karşıtlarını var etti. İngiltere'de 1811 yılından itibaren örgütlenmeye başlayan işçiler yeni makinalarla donatılan atölyelerin... more
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      RoboticsTranshumanism/PosthumanismSiyaset BilimiYapay Zeka
Memulai sebuah presentasi ide-ide melalui sebuah teks (tulisan) yang mengalir bebas tanpa ikatan yang jelas dan tanpa batasan yang pasti, merupakan sebuah kebebasan bereksperesi yang nyata (menurut penulis). Kiranya begitulah tulisan ini... more
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      PlatoIdeologyDaniel BellFrancis Fukuyama
Until the disruption of the sociological orthodoxy in the 1960s and 1970s, most of the American sociological works shared a “logic of segregation” that scientifically shaped and legitimized the boundaries of distinction in American... more
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      American HistorySociologyPolitical TheoryWelfare State
Within the field of art theory, “precarity” and “transience” call to mind the debates around dematerialization initiated in the 1960s. Lucy Lippard famously argued that, as an “escape attempt” from the market, conceptual artists developed... more
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      Art HistoryArt TheoryContemporary ArtContemporary History
Punktem wyjścia jest zaniepokojenie związane z zanikaniem fundamentów kultury europejskiej. W paradygmacie klasycznym artysta pracował na bazie idealnego obrazu w swej duszy. Ta wizja została odrzucona. Nowożytność zaproponowała ludzkości... more
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      Popular CultureConservatismCount Giovanni Pico della MirandolaAvant-Garde
Based on a discussion of the literature on the Christian Right and the tea party movement, the paper starts with a critique of the common notion of a fundamental divide between right-wing evangelicals and libertarians," i.e. "value" and... more
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      Critical TheoryIndustrial And Labor RelationsReligionChristianity
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      Marshall McLuhanManuel CastellsDaniel BellKapitalizm
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      Political EconomyPolitical PhilosophyPostmodernismRegionalism
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      SociologySocial TheoryDaniel Bell
Abstract: This article critically discusses the intellectual and conceptual shifts that have occurred in information society theories (and also policies) in the previous four decades. We will examine the topic by focusing on the work of... more
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      EntrepreneurshipInformation SocietyIdeologyManuel Castells
Kısaca-Tarihsel Süreç İçerisinde Klasik Marksist/Materyalist Diyalektik ve Eleştirisi Klasik Marksizm ve Klasik Marksizm'in Eleştirisi Özgürcan Şenbayrak @Manikamoral @Mavi Artemis https://anadolu.academia.edu/ÖzgürcanŞenbayrak... more
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¿Qué papel juega la comunidad a la que pertenecemos a la hora de fijar la autoridad normativa de nuestras acciones? Con ayuda de la filosofía de Wittgenstein, se trata de defender aquí que no es la comunidad propia la autoridad última en... more
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      WittgensteinLater WittgensteinGianni VattimoWill Kymlicka
כיצד מומצאת מחדש זהותה התרבותית של אירופה לאחר שואה וחורבן חסרי תקדים? כיצד המשיגו הוגים את החויה הניהיליסטית והגיבו אליה, ובאיזה אופן הם התמודדו עם האחר הלא-אירופי? ומהו היחס שבין פילוסופיה לפוליטיקה בעידן בו אירופה מאבדת את מרכזיותה... more
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      Theodor AdornoTotalitarianismJacques LacanMartin Heidegger
The article discusses Daniel Bell’s reflections on the American State between World War II and the political, economic and social crisis of the 1970s. The A. rejects the traditional image of US as a stateless society and shows how Bell’s... more
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      Political SociologyPolitical TheoryState TheoryHistory of Political Thought
En este texto presentamos la traducción del primer capítulo de la obra The radical right. The New American Right Expanded and Updated, publicada en 1962. Dicho capítulo lleva por título “The dispossessed”. El libro, en el que participan... more
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      BacklashRadical RightDispossessionDaniel Bell
This chapter explores possible clues to the nature of “Cold War liberalism” by comparing how different Western European and American sociologists interacted with the politics of the Cold War in the 1950s and the student movements of the... more
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      SociologyLiberalismCold WarTotalitarianism
En este ensayo se reflexiona en torno a algunos recorridos genealógicos del término "revolución", su anclaje en el socialismo y los movimientos emancipatorios del Tercer Mundo en el siglo XX y su derrota a fines de la década de 1980, y... more
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      SocialismoSemiologíaSemioticaAnálisis Crítico Del Discurso
J.D. Salinger’s _Franny and Zooey_ opens with “Franny,” in which a generic narrator constructs a leading lady in accordance with various McLuhanian cultural clichés; while the longer narrative, “Zooey,” closes the text with a critical... more
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      Popular CultureFeminismJ.D. SalingerNarrative Theory
As the economic malaise lingers on and mainstream active managers increasingly fail to deliver on “over-performance” expectations, institutional asset owners are switching to passive in droves. World Pension Council (WPC) experts estimate... more
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      Pensions and retirement incomeFinancial ServicesRandom WalksIndexing
This paper addresses the shift in Allan Kaprow’s practice from the late 1960s toward a focus on organised labour, group dynamics and individual social relations. Termed Activities, the aim of these works differed from Kaprow’s earlier... more
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      Critical TheoryAmerican LiteratureAmerican HistoryPolitical Ecology