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This Bachelor Thesis in composition explores an alternative compositional process for creating improvised music through the approach of sound design. The questions addressed in the thesis are concerned with how the soundscape can be... more
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      Musical CompositionImprovisationElectroacoustic MusicElectronic Music
Our culture has learned its lessons only too well. We listen to the voice of authority—be that authority a medical or legal practitioner, a manager, an officer of the law, or a religious leader. Listening has, consequently, come to be... more
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      Deep ListeningWhy Listening, Introduction to ListeningProfessional ListenerListening personal
It had nothing to do with trying to find new sounds... Concerned with the control of “musical time,” and the realization that we could hear so much more. A sentiment that would culminate serial composer, Milton Babbitt influenced a... more
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      Art CriticismExperimental MusicDeep ListeningMilton Babbitt
身体変容技法研究会での研究報告内容にもとづく。上智大学グリーフケア研究所では、米国の臨床牧会教育(Clinical Pastoral... more
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      Training and DevelopmentDeep ListeningSpiritual careSpirituality and Multifaith Chaplaincy
Pauline Oliveros no necesita presentación. Es sin duda una de las figuras más importantes que dio la música en la segunda parte del siglo XX y en la primera del XXI. Una compositora con mayúsculas, que impuso su obra con todo lo que... more
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      MusicArgentinaListening (Music)Deep Listening
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      Feminist TheoryFeminist PhilosophyElectronic MusicLatin American Music
Esta investigación consistió en programar una serie de herramientas computacionales capaces de generar modelos descriptivos que dan cuenta de las formas arquetípicas en que algunos improvisadores libres nos acercamos a dicha práctica.... more
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      Machine LearningData MiningAudio Signal ProcessingSound studies
This paper focuses on the pieces that are gathered together under the name of Sonic Meditations, published in 1971. My work begins with a short biography about Oliveros, then I present the social and historical context in which the Sonic... more
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      Deep ListeningPauline OliverosSonic MeditationsCollective Musical Composition
This thesis examines the performance of people–place relationships on the Lurujarri Dreaming Trail, an ancestral dreaming track in north-western Western Australia. Storytelling and ethnographic practices are employed to explore the agency... more
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      OntologyIndigenous StudiesIndigenous or Aboriginal StudiesEthnography
Eseistyczna relacja ze spaceru dźwiękowego po cmentarzach Elbląga. Fragment publikacji towarzyszącej Międzynarodowemu Festiwalowi Sztuki Dźwiękowej Wydźwięki/Resonances (17–19 września 2021, Centrum Sztuki Galeria EL w Elblągu).
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      Soundscape StudiesSound studiesSoundscape DesignSound Design
The essence and inspiration of Music for Brainwaves came from Alvin Lucier’s iconic piece Music for Solo Performer. Neurofeedback and physiological data (EEG) are explored as components in the relationship among sound, space, and the body... more
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      ArchitectureSpace and PlaceBrain-computer interfacesEmbodiment
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      Experimental MusicDeep ListeningPauline OliverosKokeellinen musiikki
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      Soundscape StudiesAcoustic EcologyDeep ListeningSound Installation
Traducción de Ear Piece, pieza de escucha de Pauline Oliveros
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      ImprovisationDeep ListeningEscucha Activa
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      Auditory PerceptionJean-Luc NancyAuditory CulturePhenomenology
In the context of corporate research, questions of foresight and oversight are always present. But there are different ways to address them. From a theoretical point of view, many of the issues are clear. From a practical point of... more
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      Industrial EcologyManagement of InnovationDeep ListeningDisruptive Innovation
Dissociative experiences involving music have received little research attention outside the field of ethnomusicology. This paper examines the psychological characteristics of normative dissociation (detachment) across musical and... more
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      NeuroscienceCognitive ScienceSocial PsychologyMusic Education
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      PsychologyArchitectureSpace and PlaceEmbodiment
Short piece on deep listening as part of socially engaged art. Ed. Jeanne van Heeswijk, Maria Hlavajova, and Rachael Rakes.
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      Community OrganizingDeep ListeningSocial Practice
Can there be a border that divides sound? What is the significance of the soundscape of the Tijuana-San Diego border? Which sound is the voice of this society? In this study, our aim is to analyze how sound defines society in a place... more
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      Sound AnthropologyBorder StudiesSoundscape StudiesSound studies
This paper articulates the design for the first stage of INTIMAL: a physical/virtual embodied interactive system for relational listening in the context of human migration, set within the artistic practice of improvisatory telematic sonic... more
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      ImprovisationTelematic ArtCollective MemoryMigration (Anthropology)
The project is a site-specific electroacoustic composition. The performance space and its architectural resonating and spatial characteristics are included. The main idea focuses on the body of a dancer as the main sonic source. The... more
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      Sensors and SensingDance StudiesSoundscape StudiesPerformance
The following thesis paper accompanies the body of artwork that I have been creating throughout the past two years of the Master of Visual Studies program (2012-14). To a large extent, the form and content of this paper are derived... more
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      Installation ArtArt Practice as ResearchPoetryInclusion
Interview with Pauline Oliveros at the Deep-Listening Retreat in the Alps at Murren, Switzerland July 4 - 11, 1999 (German short version, English version on demand: lutz@felbick.de) Pauline speaks about the word harmony she uses and... more
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      Deep ListeningJohn Cage
Excerpt: "Grounded. Cross-legged, in dust. We sit amongst murga. They fringe our camp, sheltering us from the south-easterly winds that blow across this country during Barrgana time. Returning to the same buru each year. Ground... more
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      Environmental PhilosophyIndigenous or Aboriginal StudiesTraditional Ecological KnowledgeIndigenous Knowledge
This study examines an untested research assumption that a key component of supportive communication is active listening. Participants (N = 383) viewed a five-minute conversation featuring a person who disclosed an emotionally upsetting... more
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      ConstructivismEmotional Support (Social Support)StressSocial Support
Hola! Por favor, si te interesa comprar la impresión de este artículo, te invitamos a visitar la página de la revista: https://radicalsoundslatinamerica.com/2020/11/24/border-listening-escucha-liminal-vol-1-2020/ Quizás las pequeñas... more
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      Deep ListeningManejo del dolor y cuidados paliativosArteterapiaCáncer
'The ocean is a sensorium: it records the transformations of the earth in its complex dynamics, and it inscribes back into the forms of life its own cycles… 'John Palmesino and Ann-Sofi... more
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      OceanographyMusical CompositionPoetryOceania (Anthropology)
In Ästhetiken des Atmosphärischen spielt das Hören oft eine zentrale Rolle. Wie sind Zuhören und atmosphärische Aufmerksamkeit miteinander verknüpft? (In memoriam Pauline Oliveros)
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      Listening (Music)Deep ListeningPsychoanalytic TheoryPresence
INTIMAL is an interactive system for relational listening, which integrates physical-virtual interfaces for people to sonically improvise between distant locations. The aim is to embrace two key aspects in the context of human migration:... more
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      Sense of PlaceTelepresenceDeep ListeningNew media art (Telepresence)
This paper weaves together our responses, as three visitors and one Indigenous owner of this land, to the impending end of life, at least human life, on this planet. What we make of this almost impossible theme and what it makes of us are... more
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      Indigenous KnowledgeDeep ListeningArts-based methodologiesArts-Based Research
The construct of absorption (effortless engagement) has been the subject of a small number of discipline-specific studies of involvement, including music. This paper reports the results of an empirical project that compared psychological... more
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      Popular MusicEthnomusicologyConsciousness (Psychology)Psychology of Music
This paper articulates the design for the first stage of INTIMAL: a physical/virtual embodied interactive system for relational listening in the context of human migration, set within the artistic practice of improvisatory telematic sonic... more
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      SociologyImprovisationTelematic ArtCollective Memory
Building on Pratt and Haraway’s ideas of the contact zone, we examine the soundscape in two maritime boundaries: the Bali Strait and the Strait of Georgia. Both places, imbued with colonial histories, are rich in ecological diversity and... more
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      Deep ListeningListeningContact ZoneArt and the Anthropocene
Can KAZAZ " Akşamleyin, ormanın ötesinden gelen bir inek böğürtüsü çok melodik ve tatlı geldi kulağıma. Önce tepe ve vadilerde dolanan ozanlardan birinin zaman zaman duyduğum serenatlarından biri sandım ama ses uzayarak ineğin doğal ve... more
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      EcologyAcoustic EcologyDeep ListeningListening
Listening requires attention, engagement toward an environment, and relies on subjectivity and (self) consciousness. The paper explores mechanisms of listening in the sonic arts through an ongoing research based on art process informed by... more
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      PerceptionSpace and PlaceSoundscape StudiesSound studies
A short appreciation for the composer and accordionist Pauline Oliveros, who died in November 2016. Part of the series "Found Properties", on the EMC Blog (Experimental Music Catalogue, www.experimentalmusic.co.uk ).
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      Experimental MusicDeep ListeningPauline OliverosSonic Meditations
This study examines an untested research assumption that a key component of supportive communication is active listening. Participants (N = 383) viewed a 5-minute conversation featuring a person who disclosed an emotionally upsetting... more
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      ConstructivismEmotional Support (Social Support)StressSocial Support
[English below] Współcześnie można zauważyć rosnące zainteresowanie radiem internetowym w Polsce. Stanowi ono alternatywę dla rozgłośni publicznych i komercyjnych. Przeniesienie radia do Internetu ma również duże znaczenie dla wolności... more
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      Critical TheoryEthicsInternet StudiesWireless Communications
This chapter weaves together provocations "from artists, activists, academics, radical walkers and psychogeographers" at the Walking's New Movements conference (Hind et al 2020) with a particular research practice of ‘sign walks’. My... more
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Article about American composer Pauline Oliveros and her collaboration with Argentine group Reynols, published on The Wire magazine's website.
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      MusicMusic HistoryMusicologyDeep Listening
Read online: http://journal.sonicstudies.org/vol02/nr01/a03 or https://www.researchcatalogue.net/profile/show-exposition?exposition=261722 This essay probes the nature of listening by refusing to pin it down to a single essence. The... more
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      Composition StudiesCultural StudiesPsychologyMusic
Through an analysis of the sonic performance artwork GRETA//A PLASTIC POEM (2020), this paper analyzes why and when participatory art practices can intra-sect and converge with ecologies to imagine posthuman futures and challenge... more
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      PoetryPerformance ArtArt and Climate ChangeAcoustic Ecology
Through an analysis of the sonic performance artwork GRETA//A PLASTIC POEM (2020), this paper analyzes why and when participatory art practices can intra-sect and converge with ecologies to imagine posthuman futures and challenge... more
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      Performance ArtArt and Climate ChangeAcoustic EcologyDeep Listening
Visible Evidence Conference XVII - Istanbul (2010)
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      Memory StudiesCommemoration and MemoryDeep ListeningVideo Installation
In 'PAN' 13 John Bradley responded to a rhetorical question put to him by Dinah Norman a-Marrngawi, a mentor of his in the Yanyuwa language and ways of North East Arnhem Land, which I have not been able to forget since: can her Country... more
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Lessons As Art, Intro Note - Editor: a meditation on Palle Nielsen's A Model artwork and the role of pedagogy in contemporary art. On The Breakdown Break Down - interview with Brett Bloom taisha pagget : A Movement Of Technicolor People... more
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      Black/African DiasporaContemporary ArtEcological ArtDeep Listening
Guest blog at Master Teaching on learning about integrating relational listening skills with linguistic-functional listening skills.
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      TESOLDeep ListeningEffective ListeningTeaching Listening
¿Cuál es la música más avanzada de nuestro tiempo? ¿Qué la hace ser avanzada? ¿Es la música electrónica música avanzada per se? ¿De dónde viene esta idea? ¿Acaso de las ficciones de la historia de la música occidental, de sus obsesiones... more
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      Electronic Dance Music Culture (EDMC)Experimental MusicDeep ListeningMinimalism in Music Production
Essay in 'Vs. Interpretation: An Anthology on Improvisation' Vol.1, Edited by David Rothenberg, published by Agosto Foundation: Prague, June 2015
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      Telematic ArtInternational MigrationDeep ListeningFree Improvisation