Recent papers in Digitizing
SUMMARY In the last 15-20 years when technology has entered into our lives, as in the other areas of engineering, it has become a necessity to utilize the conveniences and facilities provided by technology also in the area of cartography.... more
Palestra: A digitalização de documentos arquivísticos correntes, intermediários e permanentes como estratégia de preservação digital e constituição de lugares de memória digital e transparência ativa Mediador: Sérgio Diniz FLORES, Daniel.... more
The report focuses on the linguistic heritage of K.-F. Rafe (1792-1872), French-speaking Swiss, who lived in Russia for more than twenty years. It consists of a number of Russian grammar, he compiled; many two- and many-speaking... more
We describe a project to create a three dimensional digital model of Michelangelo’s Florentine Pietà. In particular, we examine how to edit and interactively view the model that consists of millions of tri angles and hundreds of color and... more
Garantir a preservacao da memoria da arquitetura e urbanismo brasileiro e expandir o acesso pelos pesquisadores e publico em geral, por meio da rede Internet, a conteudos de significativa importância tem sido objeto de atividades e... more
After short introduction to carte-á-figure genre of maps discussed are three maps of Poland belonging to this category: the first state of Hondius’ Nova POLONIAE delineatio”, Visscher’s “Haec Tabula nova POLONIAE et SILESIAE, and Speed’s... more
In this paper we describe a 3D scanning software suite which gives support to most of the processing phases of a complex 3D scanning project. In particular, our tools support: range maps alignment, range maps merge, mesh editing and mesh... more
The dichotomy between detail representation and data management is still a big issue in the context of the acquisition and visualization of 3D objects, especially in the field of Cultural Heritage. New technologies give the possibility to... more
The constant evolution of technological tools and the benefit of the introduction of new technologies in the teaching and learning process in schools, suggests that the possibilities of using digital technology in the practices of the... more
Digitizing industry has become competitive and it can be hard to find a company that actually listens to your aspirations. At 360 digitizing, we understand the importance of listening and adhering to your needs and aspirations. Few don’t... more
Summary This paper explains the basic concepts and tools available for the comparison of early maps with modern counterparts. This comparison, which can be done using best fitting techniques through proper transformations of sets of... more
This work starts from the observation that today cartographic globes, present in almost every museum and art collection, are deprived of part of their value. They are actually considered as art objects, meant to decorate the halls of... more
This work is part of a research branch that studies how to acquire metric, semantic and symbolic information from historical maps without damaging the physical support. The technological growth regarding both mechanical instruments and... more
SUMMARY In the last 15-20 years when technology has entered into our lives, as in the other areas of engineering, it has become a necessity to utilize the conveniences and facilities provided by technology also in the area of cartography.... more
У конспектi лекцiй наведенi основнi ввiднi вiдомостi до предмету з рiзального iнструменту. Для глибокого вивчення дисциплiни необхiдно користуватися спецiальною лiтературою, перелiк якої наводиться в кiнцi кожного роздiлу.The lecture... more
Nowadays, digital technology has affected to the design attitude and methods for product success in this competitive market. In particular, it is critical point to keep the product quality matching product criteria for the safe and health... more
In this paper we describe the virtual reconstruction of a dismantled and dispersed piece of art: the Funerary Complex of Arrigo VII. To faithfully reconstruct the monument, all of the statues and elements of the mausoleum have been... more
У статтi розглянуто практичнi аспекти вивчення субпiксельної технологiї, якi можуть бути використанi в навчальному процесi. Суть методики полягає в отриманнi цифрового знiмка i наступної обробцi матрицi значень пiкселiв у градацiях сiрого... more
The article carries out the theoretical basis, the usefulness, and validation of the computational program geonetDigitizer (licensed as an open-source code as BSD-2) in order to apply as a toolbox for the programming language MATLAB©. The... more
Abstract: The deployment of 3D optical scanning technologies for measuring three-dimensional shapes of sculptures of high morphological complexity, have seen recently a development so noticeable that it emerges as one of the most... more
This paper presents an improved method for spatially accurate extraction of detailed features from historical cartographic sources for use in time series analysis in GIS. This method uses Adobe Photoshop to extract features from a series... more
Recently a collection of ancient maps was found in the Institute of Marine Sciences of CNR in Venice. The collection includes maps, perspective views, pilot books and ancient manuscripts: this work took into account a selection of maps... more
In a 3D acquisition project range maps collected around the object to be modeled, need to be integrated. With portable range cameras these range maps are taken from unknown positions and their coordinate systems are local to the sensor.... more
This work is part of a research branch that studies how to acquire metric, semantic and symbolic information from historical maps without damaging the physical support. The technological growth regarding both mechanical instruments and... more
The article describes the effect of the replacement of the used reference coordinate system in the georeferencing of an old map of Europe. The map was georeferenced into three types of projection – the equal-area conic (original... more
Generally, maps are subject to spatial changes due to several factors. Some of these are older land surveying and mapmaking techniques, human endeavor (unwitting errors, misrepresentation, bias, or outright fraud), switching to newer and... more
Summary In cartographic heritage we suddenly find maps of the same mapmaker and of the same area, published in different years, or new editions due to integration of cartographic, such us in national cartographic series. These maps have... more