Discourse Intonation
Recent papers in Discourse Intonation
The paper advances typical prosodic models of the accentuated personalities’ English public speeches. The inaugural and convention speeches delivered by the American presidents and British prime ministers within the second half of the... more
From "The Handbook of English Pronunciation" (2015). Marnie Reed and John Levis, Eds. Wiley Blackwell.
From the Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics
These are notes on English stress, rhythm and intonation. Part A is for students and Part B is for teachers. The treatment here is “technical”, as by a linguist, but in very plain language. Even with poor formal English, L2 speakers... more
The purpose of this work is primarily informative; handle related studies of spontaneous speech prosody that seem a little known in the world of Hispanic linguistics. We offer a kind of "general state of the art"; we tried thus exposing... more
Диссертационное исследование посвящено анализу того, как в устной речи реализуются сложные синтаксические структуры, привычные лингвистам по изучению нормативного письменного языка, прежде всего — сложноподчиненные конструкции. В центре... more
These proceedings of the 7th Pronunciation in Second Language Learning and Teaching Conference include a front piece, 15 full length papers, 8 teaching tips and 10 reviews,
In this essay, I compare and contrast grammatical model of intonation with discourse intonation model. I have selected the former model first because grammar and intonation historically have been considered close and inter-related... more
In this article we try to justify the interest which in recent years has been raising the investigation of the role of intonation in discourse oral spontaneous, particularly within the spontaneous colloquial conversation; so, assume a... more
Prosody is one aspect of pronunciation that contributes to the naturalness and intelligibility of speech. Regarding the importance of these features, teachers and programmers have tried to use computer software such as Praat to teach to... more
Los hablantes de una misma lengua, dependiendo de su familiaridad con otras variantes dialectales de su misma lengua, perciben intuitivamente similitudes y diferencias a nivel fónico, léxico y morfosintáctico, pero también son capaces de... more
Three discourse functions of intonation are identified, and related to the components of the eight nuclear tones recognised by Ladd. As in the Discourse Intonation tradition initiated by Brazil it is recognised that rises and falls... more
This research describes some melodic peculiarities of emotional speech based on a conversational corpus in which different emotional values are expressed. As a landmark, we start with 8 basic emotions (joy, confidence, fear, surprise,... more
The prosodic realization of English question tags (QTs) has received some interest in the literature; yet corpus studies on the factors affecting their phrasing and intonational realization are very rare or limited to a certain aspect.... more
El objetivo de este estudio es analizar la percepción del acento tonal final H* L- H%1 2 en un grupo de hablantes de español rioplatense. En particular, se investigaron errores en la percepción del tono de frontera alto H% como bajo L%... more
Se muestran las ventajas de vincular el modelo interactivo de análisis entonativo fonético-funcional (Hidalgo 2011; 2014) con el denominado modelo de Análisis Melódico del Habla (Cantero 2002; Font 2007; Cantero y Font 2007; Cantero y... more
Discourse intonation is claimed to be the central component of communicative competence. Marking information status is a key function of discourse intonation, which contributes to generating coherent discourse, and as such is an important... more
Lin, P. M. S. (2010). The phonology of formulaic sequences: A review. In D. Wood (Ed.), Perspectives on formulaic language: Acquisition and communication (pp. 174-193). London: Continuum. A review of this paper by Professor Alison Wray... more
Topic – focus articulation in Russian has been mainly studied against isolated utterances. In a categorical sentence, this communicative opposition is reflected in the linear-accentual structure. For a simple declarative sentence, that... more
"Lin, P. M. S. (2010). The phonology of formulaic sequences: A review. In D. Wood (Ed.), Perspectives on formulaic language: Acquisition and communication (pp. 174-193). London:... more
With the ever increasing number of studies on formulaic language, we are beginning to learn more about the processing of formulaic language (e.g. Ellis et al. 2008; Siyanova et al. 2011), its use in speech (e.g. Aijmer 1996; Wood 2012)... more
La presente investigación estudia las relaciones entre la codificación fónica de un texto leído en voz alta y la comprensión que se establece, en seis aprendientes de ELE iniciando el nivel de usuario independiente. Se registraron las... more
Книга посвящена интонации русских предложений, компонентов предложений, связных монологических текстов и диалогических реплик. Интонация рассматривается как средство выражения значений, формирующих предложение и текст, и композиций таких... more
ABSTRACT With the ever increasing number of studies on formulaic language, we are beginning to learn more about the processing of formulaic language (e.g. Ellis et al. 2008; Siyanova et al. 2011), its use in speech (e.g. Aijmer 1996;... more
Доклад на Международной конференции «Диалог-2008». Бекасово, 6 июня 2008 г.
The notion of syllable describes not only the essential minimal unit of spoken continuum but also the smallest “linguistic entity” able to make sense, namely to mean a particular sense which, at a deeper glance, is a negative entity in... more
Intonation plays an important role in understanding the intended meaning of speech since neglecting the study of intonation in the discourse leads to a misunderstanding of some pragmatic meaning. This study attempts to answer these two... more
Анализируются основные стратегии интонационного оформления сложноподчиненных конструкций с постпозицией зависимой части. Движения тона в центральных акцентах главной и постпозитивной зависимой клауз могут (1) совпадать, (2) быть... more
The paper addresses the issue of spoken discourse segmentation. Using the corpus “Stories of presents and skiing”, I explore the concept of Elementary Discourse Unit (EDU) – a chunk of speech flow defined on both prosodic and syntactic... more
This paper investigates the features of intonation used by Japanese English as a Foreign Language Learners (JEFLLs) in terms of their realisation of illocutionary forces. Recordings of JEFLLs reading dialogues with instructed intentions... more
ОБ ИНТОНЕМАХ И ФРАЗЕМАХ В книге Аспекты изучения звучащей речи. Сборник научных статей к юбилею Елены Андреевны БРЫЗГУНОВОЙ. Москва : Изд. Московского университета, Вопросы русского языкознания, выпуск 11, 2004,.ст. 122-129 Благодаря... more
La voz humana es la música del lenguaje: se modela en las cavidades supraglóticas y se transforma en articulación fonética, onda sonora que atraviesa el aire llegando hasta los oídos de un oyente y permite la comunicación verbal entre... more