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Although the long-standing debate about the meaning of hilastērion in Rom. 3.25 has led to no consensus, readings are nearly always either (1) metaphorical (hilastērion as place of atonement/expiation) or (2) metonymic (hilastērion as a... more
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      ChristologySeptuagintRomansApostle Paul and the Pauline Letters
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      Hebrew LiteratureHistory Of The Bible/Biblical CanonRevelationHistory of Biblical Interpretation
In 1 Pet. 4:11a, those who exercise χαρίσματα involving speech acts are instructed to carry out their tasks ὡς λόγια θεοῦ. Two interpretations of this phrase have gained prominence within Petrine scholarship. Some claim that Scripture is... more
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      TheologyNew TestamentEarly ChristianityBiblical Studies
In His goodness and wisdom, God chose to reveal Himself and to make known to us the purpose of His will: that man may come to share in the divine nature (cf. DV 2). In the Old Testament, a central theme of this revelation is God’s desire... more
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      TheologyCatholic StudiesOld Testament TheologyBiblical Studies
The article seeks to demonstrate how the theological notion of ‘divine promises’ runs through the whole of the theological thought of Romans. The concept is identified as typological allegory whose theological content consists in... more
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      Rhetorical CriticismSoteriologyDivine RevelationEpistle to the Romans
Chapter from "Ascendant" (Neos Alexandrina, 2019)
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      TheologyDivine RevelationWicca
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      Theological EthicsRevelationKarl BarthEschatology
This presentation has been used in the Quran circle for Surah Al-Ikhlas organized by iCAN in December 2019

Lecture video: https://archive.org/details/tafseersurahikhlas
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      Quranic StudiesRevelationIslamic StudiesTafsir
The Oxford Handbook of Philosophical Theology is a collection of twenty-six essays or articles edited by Thomas Flint, professor of philosophy at the University of Notre Dame, and Michael Rea, also a professor of philosophy at the same... more
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      TheodicyDoctrine of GodChristian PhilosophyDoctrine of Creation
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      NarratologyPoeticsWritingReligious Studies
Embora não façam parte do dogma, as revelações privadas são muito relevantes para os ensinamentos e para a própria história da Igreja Católica, pois através delas nasceram algumas das mais importantes devoções populares. Além disso,... more
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      MillenarianismDivine RevelationCatholic Church History
The various interpretations of the number 666 which in the Book of Revelation identifies the Beast that rises from the sea.
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      Emperor NeroRoman coinsDivine RevelationJesus Christ
Özet Bu makale Protestan düşüncenin ve ilahiyatının şekillenmesinde büyük etkisi olan John Calvin'in vahiy anlayışını ele almaktadır. Onun vahiyden ne anladığı incelenmekte, vahiy anlayışı Kitab-ı Mukaddes hakkındaki düşünceleri ile... more
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      John CalvinReformationDivine RevelationDin Felsefesi
During the last decade or two, there has been only a small number of theological texts published in the Czech milieu dealing explicitly with the notion of Christian revelation. Therefore, this text aims to stimulate the domestic debate on... more
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      ChristianityTheologyRevelationDivine Revelation
The Biblical definition of "faith" is analyzed, where it is found that there is quite surprising confusion among both Christians and atheists as to what faith is, in Biblical terms. It will be claimed that Biblical faith is a sort of... more
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      AtheismFaithEvidenceProof of God
the Gnostic Christian monks of AD 70-170 wrote a number of books concerned with the revelation of this or that person or idea featured within the book of Revelations. There even appears to be corresponding themes of each chapter of the... more
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      RevelationThe Apocalypse of JohnBook of RevelationDivine Revelation
Studies of divine revelation in the Old Testament rightly focus on Israel’s encounter with God at Mount Sinai recorded in Exodus 19-24 (and interpreted in Deuteronomy 4). But theologians often neglect the earlier expressions of divine... more
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      Old Testament TheologyRevelationBiblical TheologyBook of Genesis
This paper will look at the role of revelation in humanity coming to know God. This will be an examination of general revelation in nature and special revelation provided in the Bible. There will also be an examination of the role of... more
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      TheologyNew TestamentHistorical TheologySystematic Theology
מאמרה של רות שטיין הוצג לראשונה במכון הפסיכואנליטי בירושלים בשנת 1995 והוא מהווה מקור לסדרת מחקרים שכתבה בסוגיית חידת המיניות, העודפות והפיתוי. (המאמר פורסם בנוסח שונה באנגלית, לצד מאמריה על הexcess וחריפותה של החוויה המינית, 1988). רות... more
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      PsychoanalysisSexualityMysticismSigmund Freud
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      MetaphysicsOntologyLandscape ArchaeologyBiblical Studies
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In light of the selected theme of the forthcoming meeting of the society, this paper examines one central element of the kingdom, that is, revelation. The paper shall explore general and special revelation through the traditional... more
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      Reformed theologyDivine RevelationGeneral RevelationPrincipia
A Dei Verbum dogmatikai konstitúció sok szempontból mérföldkő az egyház kinyilatkoztatásról, közelebbről a Szentírásról szóló tanításában. A dokumentum tükrözi az előző évtizedek biblikus megújulást, és kiemeli a Szentírás központi helyét... more
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      Divine RevelationInspirationDei Verbum
The history of ancient Israelite views of divine revelation developed in two phases: a first phase of the prophetic revelation – that of “experienced revelation” – eventually gave way to a second phase of Mosaic or “invented revelation”.... more
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      Old Testament ProphecyRevelationBiblical TheologyDivine Revelation
At the start of Plato's 'Minos' an anonymous comrade argues that the variability of law according to time and place undermines the claim that it conveys moral truth. But by the end he has accepted Minos as the greatest of lawgivers... more
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      PlatoNatural LawLeo StraussNatural Law Theory
Leadership in the biblical context is sounding a new trumpet in a world of confusion where the concept of “all about us” feeling, personality and practice has invaded as well the secular world as the church, deteriorating the spiritual... more
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      Transformational LeadershipDivine RevelationBiblical LeadershipLeadership Theories and Models
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      Russian StudiesTheologyRevelationRussian Orthodoxy
As duas grandes guerras são de certo modo um ponto de inflexão para determinados modelos de teologia que até então se faziam presentes não só nas comunidades eclesiásticas, mas também na esfera pública. O poeta israelense Yehuda Amichai... more
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      TheologyReason and RevelationDivine RevelationHerman Bavinck
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      Afterlife studiesAfterlife of the classical traditionDivine RevelationAfterlife
In light of the selected theme of the upcoming meeting of the society, this paper examines the Apostle Paul’s understanding of one central element of the kingdom, that is, revelation. By tracing some of Paul’s pertinent arguments... more
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      Apostle Paul and the Pauline LettersDivine RevelationApostle Paul
The Holy Spirit worked in the revelation-inspiration process in the experience of biblical writers and in that of Ellen White. Her concept of the dynamic influence of the Holy Spirit in the inspiration process does not conflict with the... more
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      RevelationSeventh-day Adventist historyEllen G. WhiteDivine Revelation
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      TheologyRevelationDivine Revelation
The incarnation of Jesus Christ is truly the greatest message that God could give. The message was not given through any medium but it was communicated through His only begotten Son. The messenger is the message Himself! The act of... more
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      TheologySystematic TheologySacramental TheologyDivine Revelation
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      History Of The Bible/Biblical CanonDivine RevelationBiblical HermeneuticsInspiration
The starting question was: What is the historical and theological concept that is covered by the term Scripture? The answer I tried to develop: In accordance with early Jewish tradition (which is reflected also in the writings that later... more
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      Reformation HistoryTheological Interpretation of Christian ScriptureBible TranslationsReception of the Bible
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      RevelationDivine Revelation
La doctrina de la inspiración ha sido fuente de innumerables investigaciones y debates dentro del cristianismo. La teología adventista no se ha visto exenta de estas discusiones, especialmente debido a que, al reconocer a una profeta... more
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      Divine RevelationSeventh-day adventist theologyVerbal Plenary InspirationTeología Adventista
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      Book of RevelationTeologíaDivine RevelationVerdad
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      Italian LiteratureAfterlife studiesCognitive aspects of afterlife beliefsDivine Revelation
La comprensión del concepto de "teología natural" , a lo largo de su multisecular historia, ha sufrido variaciones sustanciales que afectan, sobre todo, a la importante cuestión del denominado "conocimiento natural de Dios" y su... more
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      AquinasThomas AquinasRevelationThomism
Prix Renaudot 2019, La panthère des neiges est paru dans la collection Blanche de Gallimard. "Simple en apparence, majestueux dans sa poétique de l’incommunicable, c’est un livre blanc sur l’usure et la souillure du monde, un requiem... more
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      Animal BehaviorSilenceTibetRevelation
The article looks at the influences on Gregory of Nyssa's apophatic theology, and shows how the polemics with the neo-Arian Eunomius and later also with Origen influenced his notions of God's infinity and the infinity of human spiritual... more
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      TheologyPatristicsPhilosophical TheologySpirituality
Kant makes two points clear about his stance on divine revelation. First, one must never deny the possibility of divine revelation. Yet, Kant makes equally clear that were such revelation to occur, it could never be recognized as such.... more
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      ReligionPhilosophyEpistemologyPhilosophy Of Religion
Contrariamente a lo que podría parecer, en la reflexión filosófica y teológica actual se encuentran aún ejemplos vivos de tendencias fuertemente influenciadas por un característico extrinsecismo de raíz nominalista que pretende presentar... more
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      TheologyPhilosophical TheologyAquinasCatholic Theology
במאמר זה אני מגיש למעיין את היסטוריית הפירושים למאמרו של ר' עקיבא במסכת אבות המציג לכאורה סתירה פנימית.
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      Jewish StudiesEthics and ReligionJewish PhilosophyMaimonides
'"להשכיל את רצון ה' מן המציאות" - הפולמוס על מקומה של ההיסטוריה בקביעת דרכה של היהדות', אבי שגיא ודוב שוורץ (עורכים), מאה שנות ציונות דתית, כרך ג: היבטים רעיוניים, הוצאת אוניברסיטת בר-אילן, רמת גן תשס"ג, עמ' 105-77.
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      Jewish StudiesJewish ThoughtReligious EpistemologyJudaism
It is the purpose of this paper to interact with and evaluate Alvin Plantinga’s criticism of the doctrine of divine simplicity.
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      OntologyAnalytic PhilosophyEpistemologyTruth
When reading through certain areas of Kierkegaard’s writings, there is room to misinterpret his vision of Christianity as being grounded solely in a person’s subjective commitment to her own idea of what Christianity is. In large part,... more
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Первая монография Анны Резниченко посвящена реконструкции и анализу историко-философского процесса в России и Русском Зарубежье; преимущественно в период первой половины ХХ столетия. Среди героев книги — свящ. П. А. Флоренский и С. Н.... more
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      Russian StudiesPhilosophyTheologyRussian intelligentsia
In the theological task of seeking to understand God theologians look to both general and special revelation. This paper will examine the intertwining role of both general and special revelation in understanding God’s work in the world... more
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      TheologyNew TestamentSystematic TheologyOld Testament