Recent papers in Donor
Because, globally, HIV is transmitted mainly by sexual practices and intravenous drug use and because of a long asymptomatic period, healthcare-associated HIV transmission receives little attention even though an estimated 5.4% of global... more
Chronic twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS) is a complication of monochorionic twin gestations and is associated with high perinatal mortality and increased neurological, cardiovascular and renal morbidity. To report the risk of... more
During the last few years, some donor countries (especially the US and the UK) have been increasingly outsourcing services in post-conflict operations to international non-governmental organisations (INGOs) and private military and... more
Republika Hrvatska spada u jednu od vodećih zemalja po broju transplantacija organa usprkos brojnim preprekama na koje je transplantacijska medicinanaišla tijekom svog razvoja. Kako ovo područje spada u izuzetno osjetljivo,posebice po... more
Setiap pasangan suami istri pasti akan mendamba-dambakan sosok keturunan yang dipercaya sebagai pelengkap kebahagiaan dalam berumah tangga. Hal tersebut merupakan suatu kewajaran karena anak dipercaya sebagai cahaya di dalam keluarga.... more
"Can an object be defined as votive solely based upon the presence of an inscription? Does relying upon such a definition restrict a more multivalent analyses of objects thus identified as votive? In this thesis, I examine the most... more
This paper presents a high-end system to bridge the gap between the blood donors and the people in need for blood. Application for Blood Bank Management System is a way to synchronize Blood banks and Hospitals with the help of Internet.... more
Since joining the DAC in 2010, Korea has made a great deal of effort to enhance its role in international development cooperation. This paper reviews the evolution of Korea’s ODA policy by discussing how the Korea’s development experience... more
Because, globally, HIV is transmitted mainly by sexual practices and intravenous drug use and be-cause of a long asymptomatic period, healthcare-associated HIV transmission receives little attention even though an estimated 5.4% of global... more
73 У раду се указује на везу између сакралног просто-ра манастира Трескавца на планини и урбаног просто ра средњовековног Прилепа, као и његове аристократије, у подножју на основу поновног ишчитавања трескавачких повеља краља Душана.... more
An availability of blood is major issue in today’s life. In case of emergency needs, blood is a saver of all existing lives. The reason behind that is number of accidents as well as major diseases. The possibility of finding the... more
- by IJSRD Journal
- GPS, Blood Bank, Donor, BTS
The article deals principally with the royal donor images, their interpretation and context, in the Romanesque church of Vä in southern Sweden (Scania). The donor images in the nearby Gualöv Church are also taken into consideration, since... more
In this paper the author introduces an iconographic parallel to the donor portraits of a royal couple in Vä Church, Sweden, dated to 1121 and presented by the author in a previous issue of ICO, Nordic Review of Iconography: “Donor... more
In this paper, we examine the key factors inhibiting effective delivery of international donor-aided interventions in the Niger Delta rural communities from the beneficiaries. We review current intervention issues and challenges with a... more
Cyclosporin A (CsA) is a substrate for cytochrome P450 3A and the efflux transporter P-glycoprotein (P-gp; ABCB1), both abundantly expressed in the kidney. In a long-term follow-up of a cohort of patients who had received kidney... more
Background Most tissue banks recover and irradiate tibialis tendon allografts from donors aged up to 65 years. It is unknown whether donor age and low-dose gamma irradiation affect the initial biomechanical properties of tibialis... more
Smallholder commercialization is central to international development policy and practice. As a result, several arrangements to foster market linkages are being implemented. Especially popular are farmers’ organizations, which are... more
The life span of donor red blood cells (RBCs) is reduced in the fetus with Rh hemolytic disease. This may have resulted from donor or recipient factors. Studied in vitro was the effect of gamma irradiation on hemolysis, methemo-globin... more
Mobility is an important factor to determine the speed of an electronic device. Devices composed of electronic materials with higher mobility are able to achieve higher speed. It is therefore favourable to maximize the mobility. In this... more
Livers with moderate (30-60%) macrovesicular steatosis have been associated with poor outcome after transplantation. Aim of this study was to examine the outcome after transplantation of livers with moderate macrovesicular steatosis when... more