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We use a dynamical systems approach to model the origin of bargaining conventions and report the results of a symmetric bargaining game experiment. Our experiment also provides evidence on the psychological salience of symmetry and... more
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      Applied MathematicsGame TheoryStatisticsDynamical Systems
1] In the present contribution we focus our attention on the long-term behavior of meandering rivers, a very common pattern in nature. This class of dynamical systems is driven by the coexistence of various intrinsically nonlinear... more
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      Principal Component AnalysisMathematical ModelingMultidisciplinaryModels
In a world faced with accelerating climate change, economic instability and resource limits, it is urgent to find better indicators of progress towards sustainability. The available indicators mostly succeed at measuring unsustainable... more
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      Climate ChangeBiological SciencesEnvironmental SciencesResource Limitation
In this paper we present a new method to generate interpretable fuzzy systems from training data. A fuzzy system is developed for nonlinear systems modeling and for system state forecasting. The antecedent partition uses triangular sets... more
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      Time SeriesGenetic AlgorithmsFuzzy set theoryNeural Networks
We study the integrability of polynomial vector fields using Galois theory of linear differential equations when the associated foliations is reduced to a Riccati type foliation. In particular we obtain integrability results for some... more
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      MathematicsApplied MathematicsPure MathematicsGalois Theory
This paper is devoted to a discussion of the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) representation of a chaotic finite-duration sequence. This representation has the advantage that is itself a finite-duration sequence corresponding to samples... more
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      Time SeriesChaotic DynamicsNonlinear systemFast Fourier Transform
Assigning to the equivalent gravitational parameter of a two-body dynamic system, a periodic change of a small amplitude B and arbitrary frequency and phase, the behaviour of an elliptic-type orbit is studied. The first order (in B)... more
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      Celestial MechanicsOscillationsFirst-Order LogicDynamic System
We show that states of a dynamical system can be usefully represented by multi-step, action-conditional predictions of future observations. State representations that are grounded in data in this way may be easier to learn, generalize... more
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      State EstimationLINEAR PREDICTIVE CODINGDynamic Model of WSNDynamic System
This paper explores the self-organising principles of horizontally-integrated innovation networks. It is shown that such networks can self-organising in environments where the co-ordination and production of new knowledge is itself a... more
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      ThermodynamicsScientificResearch and DevelopmentPublication
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      PhysicsEnergyHigh FrequencyElectromagnetic Radiation
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      PsychologyDevelopmental PsychologyMathematicsVisualization
We address scaling of the "dynamic systems" approach for robot planning to multi-agent cooperation. To accommodate this extension it is necessary to carefully consider how individual behaviors contribute to the vector field. To avoid... more
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      EngineeringComputer ScienceComputational GeometryIntelligent Control
Providing technology support for older people offers distinct challenges for social and IT systems delivery. The definition and integration of services, the diversity of supply, variance in structures, and the lack of centralised control,... more
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      Software DevelopmentOlder peopleBest practiceUnified Modelling Language
A consistent description of a shear flow, the accompanied viscous heating, and the associated entropy balance is given in the framework of a deterministic dynamical system, where a multibaker dynamics drives two fields: the velocity and... more
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      Mathematical SciencesPhysical sciencesEPLShear Flow
We address scaling of the "dynamic systems" approach for robot planning to multi-agent cooperation. To accommodate this extension it is necessary to carefully consider how individual behaviors contribute to the vector field. To avoid... more
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      Computational GeometryIntelligent ControlStabilityControl Systems
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      Pattern RecognitionFluidMathematical SciencesPhysical sciences
It has been veri"ed that a controllable series capacitor with a suitable control scheme can improve transient stability and help to damp electromechanical oscillations. A question of great importance is the selection of the input signals... more
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      EngineeringPower SystemLyapunov Stability TheoryMathematical Sciences
and sharing with colleagues.
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      GeologyGeomorphologyClimate ChangeGround Penetrating Radar
The Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD) as introduced by Lumley and the Linear Stochastic Estimation (LSE) as introduced by Adrian are used to identify structure in the axisymmetric jet shear layer and the 2-D mixing layer. In this... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringAerospace EngineeringRoot-Mean Square ErrorExperiments
Software architecture is a technique which aids the development of complex and dynamic systems. Architecture Description Languages (ADLs) describe software architectures using a textual syntax or a graphical notation. However, not many... more
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      Software ArchitectureDistributed SystemDistributed SystemsMiddleware
Recently, a framework for controller design of sampled-data nonlinear systems via their approximate discrete-time models has been proposed in the literature. In this paper, we develop novel tools that can be used within this framework and... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringMathematicsApplied MathematicsComputer Science
A well-known problem in complex cognition is the so-called dynamic stocks and flows task (DSF). The challenge in this task is to control different flows, e.g. the inflows and outflows of water to a tank, towards a specified goal... more
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      PsychologyCognitive SciencePhilosophyComplex System
This paper covers stochastic particle methods for the numerical solution of the nonlinear filtering equations based on the simulation of interacting particle systems. The main contribution of this paper is to prove convergence of such... more
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      Pure MathematicsGenetic AlgorithmNonlinear FilterOptimal Filtering
A method was proposed in [3] for constructing the equivalent Lagrangian of a non~nservative dynamic system. The method differs from the heuristic method of f'mding a Lagrangian that depends explicitly on time. The goal of the present... more
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      Materials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringApplied MathematicsApplied Mechanics
We show that certain extended dissipative dynamical systems naturally evolve into a critical state, with no characteristic time or length scales. The temporal "fingerprint" of the self-organized critical state is the presence of flicker... more
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      Mathematical PhysicsQuantum PhysicsMathematical SciencesPhysical sciences
Let f : M → R be a Morse-Bott function on a compact smooth finite dimensional manifold M . The polynomial Morse inequalities and an explicit perturbation of f defined using Morse functions f j on the critical submanifolds
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      Pure MathematicsDynamic System
How have connectionist models informed the study of development? This paper considers three contributions from specific models. First, connectionist models have proven useful for exploring nonlinear dynamics and emergent properties, and... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceLinguisticsDevelopmental Coordination Disorder
The spline-based differential quadrature method (SDQM) is applied to the solution of nonlinear initial-value problems. Explicit expressions of weighting coefficients for approximation of derivatives are presented. Dynamic systems with... more
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      EngineeringPhysical sciencesSound and VibrationDynamic System
Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) is an architectural style that is widely used in distributed and dynamic systems. The Service oriented architecture Modeling Language (SoaML) is an OMG standard for modelling SOA independent of a... more
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      Service Oriented ArchitectureGraphic DesignModelingModeling Language
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      MathematicsApplied MathematicsNonlinear dynamicsChaos Theory
In this paper, we propose a multi-alarm misuse correlation component based on the chronicles formalism. Chronicles provide a high level declarative language and a recognition system that is used in other areas where dynamic systems are... more
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      Intrusion Detection SystemsCorrelationDynamical SystemDynamic System
Insider attacks have the potential to inflict severe damage to an organizations reputation, intellectual property and financial assets. The primary difference between the external intrusions and the insider intrusions is that an insider... more
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      Time series analysisEntropyOrganizationsAuthorisation
Remark Al. The map @ x H @.X depends on the isotopy but. by changing the isotopy, we get a new map CD' which differs from CD by an integer. Remark A2. Because of the symmetry Qf;(r)[ -M] = -~f;(x)[u], the map 0: -IdR is 1 ,-periodic.
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      TopologyPure MathematicsDynamic System
We present some examples of detailed analysis of intrinsic localized modes in lattices, using the accurate numerical methods derived from the proof of existence of MacKay-Aubry. We report on some improvements on the methods, which are... more
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      Applied MathematicsNumerical MethodLinear StabilityDynamic System
In discrete dynamical systems topological entropy is a topological invariant and a measurement of the complexity of a system. In continuous dynamical systems, in general, topological entropy defined as usual by the time one map does not... more
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      Dynamic SystemTopological Entropy
This paper revisits the use of trend forecasting to determine ordering policy in supply chains by viewing it as a part of the control process for making the supply responsive to demand. Trend forecasting is often used to assess demand—a... more
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      BusinessDynamical SystemsControl TheoryOperations Management
In this paper, a fractional partial differential equation (FPDE) describing subdiffusion is considered. An implicit difference approximation scheme (IDAS) for solving a FPDE is presented. We propose a Fourier method for analyzing the... more
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      EngineeringComputational PhysicsMathematical SciencesPhysical sciences
We will further develop the study of the dissipation for a Hamilton-Poisson system introduced in \cite{2}. We will give a tensorial form of this dissipation and show that it preserves the Hamiltonian function but not the Poisson geometry... more
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      Dynamic SystemAsymptotic Stability
Dynamic systems theories, such as complexity and nonlinear dynamic systems theories, provide increased flexibility in approaching psychological phenomena with a less rigid, more fluid sensibility. They provide us with process language... more
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      PsychologySystems ThinkingSystem TheoryDynamic Systems Theory
The prediction of chaotic time series with neural networks is a traditional practical problem of dynamic systems. This paper is not intended for proposing a new model or a new methodology, but to study carefully and thoroughly several... more
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      Time SeriesMoving averageChaotic Time SeriesDynamic System
In this paper, we study the stability problem of nonlinear dynamical control systems. We consider continuous-time dynamical systems whose nominal part is stable and whose perturbed part (uncertainties) is norm-bounded by a positive... more
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      MathematicsApplied MathematicsDynamical SystemsNonlinear dynamics
In this paper our aim is to show the viability of preserving the hyperbolicity of a master/ salve pair of chaotic systems under different types of nonlinear modifications to its Jacobian matrix. Furthermore, we shall provide evidence to... more
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      Applied MathematicsChaotic SystemJacobian MatrixOutput feedback
Short description: matcont is a graphical Matlab software package for the interactive numerical study of dynamical systems. It allows to compute curves of equilibria, limit points, Hopf points, limit cycles, period doubling bifurcation... more
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      Information SystemsBifurcationDynamical SystemInteractive Learning Environment
Three experiments elicited phonological speech errors using the SLIP procedure to investigate whether there is a tendency for speech errors on specific words to reoccur, and whether this effect can be attributed to implicit learning of an... more
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      PhonologyCognitionLanguageEvidence-Based Practice (Psychology)
Kalman filters are often used to estimate the state variables of a dynamic system. However, in the application of Kalman filters some known signal information is often either ignored or dealt with heuristically. For instance,... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringApplied MathematicsMathematical StatisticsAlgorithms
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      PsychologyNonverbal CommunicationSocial DevelopmentDynamic systems
The use of dynamical system techniques, optimization methods and statistical algorithms to estimate the characteristics of brain electrical activity are explored. A system approach for characterizing EEG (electroencephalogram) signals,... more
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      EconometricsStatisticsPattern RecognitionModeling
We study the orbit equivalence relation R s for dynamical systems (I, s) arising from piecewise linear maps s: I ! I on the interval I = [0, 1]. Under regularity conditions, we prove that the crossed product von Neumann algebra L 1 (I) ·... more
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      EngineeringMathematical SciencesPiecewise LinearLebesgue measure
Decades of research on social conflict have contributed to our understanding of a wide variety of psychological, social, and community-based aspects of conflict escalation and intractability.
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceDynamical SystemsSocial Conflict
A A 7. -7-Ee NASA Nalional Aeronautics and Spa;e Adm ginisl alion Lnngley Research Center I fa" q)on, Virginia 23665 -5225 O 11. 9 012
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      Applied MathematicsFluid MechanicsNonlinear dynamicsHeat Transfer