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The subject is divided into three phases: the alimentary institution created by Nerva and Trajan, which seems to concern all of Italy, the provision of Constantine in CTh 11.27.1, which seems to concern only the annonary diocese and the... more
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      PovertyEarly ChurchLate AntiquityAncient economy
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    • Philosophy
Este artículo examina en profundidad los principios fundamentales del movimiento bautista, que incluyen la autoridad de las Escrituras, el bautismo de creyentes por inmersión, la autonomía de la iglesia local, la libertad religiosa y la... more
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      CristianismoTeologia biblicaProtestantismoHistoria De La Iglesia Cristiana
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      PapyrologyEarly ChurchEarly ChristianityGreek Papyrology
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      HistoryArtEarly Modern Europe
On Juvenal 3.1-16 and Bavli, Sanhedrin 98 a, the story of Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi meeting the messiah at the gate of Rome.
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      Friedrich NietzscheNietzsche19th-century German philosophy
En raison de son peu d'intérêt pour les systèmes philosophiques et des influences monastiques sur sa pensée, Athanase d'Alexandrie n'a guère été étudié sur les questions des rapports entre la raison et la foi. L'objet de cet article est... more
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      Doctrine of CreationDivine ProvidenceAthanasiusIncarnation of Christ
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      New TestamentEarly ChurchBiblical StudiesBiblical Theology
Статья посвящена анализу текста 11 главы «Послания к филиппийцам» Поликарпа Смирнского, где упоминается о некоем грехе пресвитера Валента, связанном со «сребролюбием». Этот пассаж рассмотрен в контексте как истории христианской общины в... more
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      Early ChurchEarly ChristianityApostasyApostolic Fathers
LES RECHERCHES CANADIENNES DANS LE QUARTIER DE LA "ROTONDE DE L'ODÉON" À CARTHAGE : un ensemble paléochrétien des IV e-V e siècles ou une phase d'occupation et de construction du VIII e siècle ? * BEAUDOIN CARON ET CARL LAVOIE The... more
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Thomas Kempis, Imitatio Christi, De imitatie van Christus, jubileumeditie 600 jaar
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The goals of this special issue of Gnosis: Journal of Gnostic Studies are (1) to attempt to set the study of Manichaeism with respect to Judaism, Jews, and Jewish sources of late antiquity on firmer ground, given the great changes that... more
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      GnosticismBiblical StudiesRabbinic LiteratureJudaism
The question of whether the church has a mission or the mission has a church is, in the first place, confusing. In fact, initially, it leads me to the problem of subordination. Then it seems that the question, "Which comes first, the... more
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      TheologyMissiologyPractical theologySystematic Theology
Zulüm Hristiyanlık tarihi boyunca Hristiyanlığın değişmez bir gerçeği olmuştur. 2023 yılında Pakistan’da Hristiyanların evleri ve kiliseler yakılıp yıkıldı, Nijerya’da hala daha bazı gruplar kiliselere saldırıp Hristiyanları öldürüyor.... more
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      Early ChurchEarly ChristianityPassio PerpetuaePersecution
Nikaia Konsili ülkemiz toprakları içinde gerçekleşmiş üç büyük olguyu; Doğu Roma, Hristiyanlık ve Akdeniz Bölgesi’ni etkilemiş büyük bir olay olarak tarihte yerini almaktadır. Bu bağlamda öncelikle bu çalışmada Erken Doğu Roma ve... more
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      Early ChurchEarly ChristianityAriusConstantinus, Konstantin, Büyük Konstantin
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      Roman legal and administrative historyTacitusSuetoniusAgrippina Minor
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    • Pauline Theology
The Acts of the Apostles tells us that Syrian Antioch is the first place at which members of the early Jesus movement were called "Christians." The Christians of ancient Antioch constitute a significant socio-cultural group with a massive... more
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      Ancient HistoryNew TestamentEarly ChristianityBiblical Studies
In Gal 2:10, Paul tells us that at the apostles’ meeting in Jerusalem it was agreed that he would take up a collection in his churches for “the poor” in Jerusalem. He continued to take up the collection even after the incident at Antioch... more
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      Apostle Paul and the Pauline LettersPauline TheologyGalatiansEpistle to the Romans
Antony Perrot, ss dir. Redécouvrir la sagesse biblique, Charols et Vaux-sur-Seine, Edifac, Juin 2024, pp.277-287 (Actes du colloque 2023 de la FLTE sur le thème "Une sagesse biblique perdue?" - L'article est une conclusion et une... more
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      DogmaticsHebrew Bible/Old TestamentThéologie évangélique
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      Canon LawPapacy (Medieval Church History)Church HistoryMedieval Canon & Roman Law
The article examines St. Basil the Great’s work “On Faith” (Περὶ Πίστεως; PG 31, 676–692; CPG 2886). The author classifies it as one of the early works of the saint, suggesting that it was written around 365 AD. It is argued that “On... more
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      AsceticismEarly ChurchOrthodox TheologyChurch History
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      Egyptian ArchaeologyGraeco-Roman EgyptByzantine monasticismRoman Syria (Archaeology)
El objetivo del presente artículo se centra en trazar una línea correlativa referente al origen del término “sinagoga”, así como la evolución funcional de dicho término atendiendo desde un necesario ayuntamiento religioso para desarrollar... more
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The article briefly reviews some aspects of the literary structure and source-critical questions of the Didache, comments on its genre, and discusses in detail the two selected topics of fasting and prayer in Did. 8.1–3, with a view to... more
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      Early ChristianityBiblical StudiesPrayerSecond Temple Judaism
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    • Early Christianity
This paper explores whether the New Testament represents a deconstruction of the Old Testament, focusing on the transformative roles of Jesus and Paul in their reinterpretation of the Law, prophecy, and covenantal traditions. By employing... more
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy Of ReligionTheologyReformation Studies
교회가 무엇인가 하는 질문이 많이 쏟아지지만 그 누구도 제대로 된 답변을 주기 힘든 시대에 우리는 살고 있습니다. 교회론은 기독교의 수많은 교리들이 함께 엮여서 나타나는 최종 결과물입니다. 그렇기에 기독교의 본질에 대한 이해가 흔들리는 시대에 교회론이 갈피를 잡지 못하는 것은 어쩌면 당연한 일일지도 모릅니다. 후켄다이크(J. C. Hoekendijk)는 “역사 속에서 교회론에 대한 예리한 관심은 거의 예외 없이 영적인... more
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      Early ChurchMedieval Church HistoryEcclesiologyChurch History
book review
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      History of ChristianityLatin and Greek Literature of Early ChristianityHistory of Christian AsceticismRoman Martyrology / Martyrologium Romanum
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      Disability StudiesHistory of Disability
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      ChristianityPatristicsHistorical TheologyHistory of Christianity
L’assenza di fonti letterarie e archeologiche riguardanti il territorio di Tropea ha sempre costituito un ostacolo per una ricostruzione scientifica delle origini dell’abitato, finché gli scavi occasionali della fine del XVIII secolo,... more
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      Early ChurchEarly ChristianityChristian StudiesLatin Inscriptions
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      Classical ArchaeologyClassicsPaintingFunerary Archaeology
Press release Thomas Kempis, De imitatie van Christus, Jubileumeditie 600 jaar
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      ReligionMedieval HistorySpirituality & MysticismChristian Spirituality
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      Early ChurchChurch HistoryEarly Church HistoryEarly Church Fathers
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      Early ChurchEarly Church HistoryEarly Church FathersCreeds and Confessions
On the heels of the last apostle’s death, Ignatius of Antioch journeys across Asia Minor toward his own death in the Roman colosseum. On his way he writes seven letters to the Asiatic churches that are of extraordinary interest because of... more
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      Liturgical StudiesPatristicsSacramental TheologyEucharistic Theology
Parmi les membres d’un collège religieux révélé par une inscription latine monumentale récemment mise au jour dans la médina de Sousse (Hadrumetum, en Afrique proconsulaire), on distingue un membre ayant la charge de MOCTOR. Il s’agit là... more
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      Cultural HistoryPatristicsClassical philology
An introduction to the Special Issue on "Approaching the Early Medieval Iberian Economy from the ground up" whose overall aim is to demonstrate how ordinary people lived through and helped transform the late-Roman into the early medieval... more
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      Economic HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesIberian StudiesMedieval Iberian History
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      Early ChurchPapal HistoryDamasus Pope
The paper presents a new approach towards the study of production of ancient mosaics. Application procedures and recurring inlay-patterns are applied as the main tool for understanding the organization of the ancient mosaic workshop.... more
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      Graeco-Roman Mosaics and Wall PaintingsByzantine MosaicsByzantine artFloor Mosaics
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      Byzantine-Period GlassUmayyad-period glass
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      Ancient GlassByzantine-Period GlassUmayyad-period glass
Explore the linguistic roots of early Christianity with Al Garza's new book, "The Search for the Language of the New Testament." Based on over ten years of detailed research, this insightful work examines the roles of Hebrew, Aramaic, and... more
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      New TestamentNew Testament and Christian OriginsNew Testament Textual CriticismNew testament exegesis
Continued from "vom Satan zum Vater im Himmel"

About the criminal energies of Peter, the great saint and leader of the early Christian church (Acts 1-5)
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    • New Testament
Archaeological insights into Biblical events have proved to be of great significance in our understanding of the Bible. This paper confronts the challenges associated with the miracle of the swine as recorded in the Bible as it tries to... more
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    • Archaeology
Discussions of John’s relationship to the Synoptics Gospels have often focused on parallel wording and parallel traditions, to the neglect of the basic conceptual agreement between the evangelists’ projects. While any case for John’s... more
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      Synoptic GospelsSynoptic ProblemJohn's GospelMark's Gospel
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      GalatiansApostolic FathersActs of the ApostlesDidache